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Ways and methods to search for the cable line

If the cable line is damaged, then it can lead to economical costs during transmissions. electric struma, you can blame it for a short flicker, which will cause the accessories or the substation to break down. When damaged insulation material You may be harmed by the impact of an electric jet.

Poshuk Poshkodzhen cable line

Poshkodzhennya lines can cause the inclusion of electric power to living houses, government facilities, control systems and control of workshops and enterprises, transport facilities. Significant damage to the robotic cable line may be of primary importance.

Yakі buvayut ushkodzhennya

Underground and overhead transmission lines of an electric stream can be shut down for a variety of reasons. The most widespread such situations:

  1. Zamikannya odnієї chi more alive on earth;
  2. Zamikannya kіlkoh lived at the same time among themselves;
  3. The damaged integrity is alive and the grounding is like a broken one;
  4. Shaving is alive without being grounded;
  5. Viniknennya short flickering in the event of an insignificant increase in the voltage (flooding breakdown), which disappear when the voltage is normalized;
  6. Damage to the integrity of the insulating material.

For the installation of a true type of damage to the transmission of electricity, they are cored with a special device - a megaohmmeter.


The transmission of the poshkodzheniya cable is out of the dzherel zhivlennya and the working attachment. In both kintsy, the following displays are wreaking havoc:

  • Phase insulation;
  • Line insulation
  • Vіdsutnіst vіdsutnіst vіdsutnіst vіlіsnostі veins, yakі conduct elektrichny jet.

Stages of designation of cable lines

Investigation of problematic areas near the cable includes three main stages, which is how to get rid of a non-working lot:

The first stage is based on the selection of special owners. For this reason, I use transformers, kenotrons, or attach building high-frequency generators. When weeding for 20 - 30 seconds, the indicator of the support significantly drops. As in the conductor of the volog, it is necessary to carry out the probing procedure more richly and the maximum opir, which can be reached to become 2-3 thousand ohms.

AIP-70 installation for cable weeding

More often, this process is carried out at the couplings, with which the ostentatious support can change weakly, then move up, then fall. Proceedings should be carried out until the hour when the docks will be able to linearly lower the support.

The complexity of the designation of the cable space for the fact that the length of the cable line can become a few tens of kilometers. Therefore, at another stage, the next step is to designate a zone of poshkodzhennya. In order to get involved in setting goals, victorious effective methods:

  • Methodology of vimіru єmnostі conductor;
  • Probing impulse technique;
  • creation of loops between veins;
  • Creation at the conductor of the kolivalny discharge.

The choice of methods is to lay down in the type of ushkodzhen.

Єmnіsny method

On the basis of the capacity of the explorer, they calculate the length of the free time of the explorer up to the zone of expansion.

Scheme of designation using the simple method

Zastosovuyuchi zminny that post_yny strum vimiryuyut єmnіst lived, scho poshkodzhena. Vіdstan vymіryuyut, basing on the fact that it is possible for a conductor to lie down in the middle of his life.

с1/lx = c2/l - lx,

de, c1 and c2 – capacity of the cable for both ends, l – longevity of the last conductor, lх – shukane of the length of the space for the clean shave.

From the presented formulas, it is not important to assign a length of cable to the shaved zone, which is more expensive:

lх = l * c1/(c1 + c2).

Impulse method

The technique is zastosovna practically in all situations of the conductor's mischief, for the sake of breakdowns, what to flood, the reason for them increased water content. Oskіlki in such cases, the conductor needs over 150 ohms, which is unacceptable for the pulsed method. Vіn ґruntuєtsya on the supply, for the help of a zminny stream, an impulse-probe to the poshkodzhenny area and catching a viable signal.

Timchasovy rasgorka probing vіdbityh sіnkovіv іn іpulse methodі iznáchennja mіst's ushkodzhennya: 1, 2, ..., m - singly processes, which are repeated from a frequency of 500 - 1000 Hz.

This procedure is carried out for the help of a special facility. Oscilki speed of transmission to the impulse is constant and becomes 160 meters per microsecond, it is easy to spread up to the zone of shock.

Cable rewiring is carried out on IKL-5 or IKL-4 attachments.

Attachment IKL-5

The scanner screen displays pulses of various shapes. From the form, you can approximately determine the type of ushkodzhennya. Also, the impulse method makes it possible to know the place, de viniclo damage in the transmission of an electric jet. The good method is practiced, as if one or the sprat was cut off, and the filthy result comes out with a short flicker.

Loop method

In this method, there is a special place for changing the struma, which allows you to change the support. The creation of a loop is possible for obviousness, although one working person lived in a cable. As a result, the situation was blamed for shaving all the veins, following the wires of the cable, which are spread in parallel. At the time of the slaughter, they lived with a worker, from one side of the conductor a noose was established. To the opposite side there lived a place, which could regulate the operation.

Scheme for designing a cable by the loop method

Poshkodzhennya power cable for the help of this technique may be low, but for itself:

  • Trival hour of preparation and vimiryuvan;
  • Otrimani vimiri do not know exactly.
  • Necessary presence of short circuits.

For these reasons, the method is rarely blocked.

Kolival Discharge Method

Vykoristovuyut method, as the cause of failure served as a flooding sample. The method is based on the use of a victorian kenotron installation, as a voltage is applied along a sloping vein. As the process of robots blames cable breaks, there a discharge is formed from a stable frequency of coliving.

Vrahovyuchi the fact that the electromagnetic scourge can be permanent, you can easily determine the place of the fault on the line. It is possible to work, having established the periodicity of colivannya and swidkity.

Scheme for the purpose of poshkodzhen by the method of kolival discharge

Having installed the zone of error, in the zone of change, direct the operator, who knows the point of error of the power cable. For this vicorist, there are already other methods, such as:

  • Acoustic penetration of a spark discharge;
  • induction method;
  • Frame method, what to wrap.

acoustic method

This variant of the search for a better vikoristovuetsya for underground lines. With this operator, it is necessary to create a spark, to take care of the damaged robotic cable in the ground. The method is practical, yakscho at the point of error, the possibility of creating an opir is greater than 40 ohms. The power of sound wind, as it can create sparks, lie in the depths, displace the cable, and wind up in the structure of the ground.

Scheme of the appointment of ushkodzhen by the acoustic method

As a device for building the necessary impulse to generate a vicorous kenotron, in the circuit of such a device, it is necessary to include a cassette arrester and a high-voltage capacitor. In the role of an acoustic primach, an electromagnetic sensor or a sensor-p'ezo is used. Dodatkovo vikoristovuyut pіdsilyuvach zvukovoї khvili.

Induction method

This is a universal method for searching for all possible types of damage to a robotic cable, which allows you to designate a poor cable line and a depth on which it lies under the ground. Vicorist reveals the couplings that connect the cable.

Scheme of designation of the cable by the method of induction

The basis of this method is the ability to catch changes in the electromagnetic field, which is blamed in Russia on the electrical lines. For which one to pass the strum, which can have a frequency of 850 - 1250 Hz. The strength of the struma with chyoma can be changed between several ampere chasms up to 25 A.

It is not important to know the place of damage to the integrity of the cable knowing how to change the existing electromagnetic field. In order to accurately determine the location, you can speed up the cable and transfer the single-phase signal to two or three phases.

In this vipadka it is necessary to create a lance "vein-vein". The advantage of such a lancet is those that the stream is straight behind the parallel lines (on one vein forward, on the other - back). In this way, the concentration of the field is signifi- cantly increased and it is much easier to see the place.

frame method

Scheme of designing a cable for a cable using the frame method

Tse garniy way for the search for non-working areas on the surface of power transmission lines. The principle of injection is similar to the method of induction. A generator is connected up to two wires, or up to one wire lived and shells. Let's put a frame on the cable, which wraps around the axis.

Before the moment of damage to the fault, two signals are clearly visible - a minimum and a maximum. Behind the transfer zone, the signal does not waver without giving peaks (monotonous signal).

Have a good time, friends.

Today we continue a series of articles on repairing a power cable. Let's take a look at the procedure for insulating the insulation of a special installation

For an effective selection of the main methods of designating the space for cable lines, it is necessary that the transitional support for isolation from the space of the power supply is one to ten rooms.

It is necessary for the most vipadkіv for this purpose to insulate the insulation of cable couplings, to insulate the insulation of the cable cores at once, and to destroy the metal joint (zvaryuvannya) of the cable cores and sheaths at single-phase faults.

After lowering the support in the mist, the victorious victorious one of themselves effective methods- Acoustic.

In times of impossibility of designating a single-phase fault on the cable line route using the acoustic method (strong acoustic transitions, a large depth of cable laying, lack of documentation for cable laying, etc.) poshkodzhennya in the interphase. (two-phase).

Appointment of the month of ushkodzhennya in times of induction method.

A description of the methods for designating the space for cable lines is given in the previous articles.

Weeping vibrates for the energy flow, which is seen in the breakdown channel. At the same time, there is an obstruction of the insulation at the mist, and a decrease in the transitional support.

It should be noted that the soaking also allows one to simply show up in the ends and on the heating cables, the smoke and the smell of the garou appear. Follow the memory that it is not possible to effectively propagate until that hour, until the significance of the support of the misery can be the same order, like the internal operation of an incinerator installation.

It is practically impossible to create a marnuval installation that will ensure sufficient high voltage and small internal opir. To this, the only additional method of propelling is the step-by-step method

The sustenance of yoga polags at the change of the life of life in the world, a decrease in the voltage of the breakdown, that support at the mist of misery. Dzherelo live more low voltage easier to construct with a smaller internal support. During this time, the propeller installations may be in 3 to 6 stages of propellant.

Propalyuvannya can be carried out both on a fast, and on streak. The upper steps of the weeding are vibrated on a straightened pressure, and the remaining steps are on a changeable pressure.

Let's take a look at three main pitfalls in power cables.

1. Wetting the insulation of cable boxes.

Cable couplings are blamed for damage caused by a defect in installation, as well as the influx of climatic factors (caused by cracks and empty mastic). This type of ushkodzhen is shown during prophylactic tests.

For the help of a high-voltage test installation, a voltage is applied to a flexible core of the cable until breakdown.

In case of this, even after a number of breakdowns, the breakdown voltage does not decrease, or when the voltage decreases, the electrical power increases again, such a nature of the process is indicated for the failure of successful (and rarely end) couplings.

In successful couplings, cracks often appear, empty, which play the role of dischargers in the gas medium. Gases are installed after the laying of the cable mass under the inflow of the arc.

At the moment of breakdown in such empty spaces, the vice sharply increases, quickly extinguishing the arc. In addition, the discharge in the couplings is more subdued, lower at the cable, when it is melted cable mass flooding the channel with a fresh mass. Such breakdowns are called “filling the breakdown”.

Even after 5-10 minutes of continuous repetition of breakdowns, the discharge voltage does not decrease, the following is fixed. In order to designate a place for a cable line in which case, it is necessary to choose one of the methods, which is the most significant for the achieved transitional support.

2. Wetting the insulation of the cable.

With prophylactic testing, damage may be detected at the cable. If so, as if the insulation is well leaked with oil, the breakdown can be repeated three times up to 5-10 minutes, and sometimes even longer.

After a multiple repetition of discharges, the voltage breakdown begins to decrease, which allows (at the maximum value of the test setting) the mother to increase the frequency of breakdowns.

As soon as the breakdown voltage drops to the lower values, turn on the installation of the weeding on the upper stage of the weeding.

After that, as soon as the insulation is dried out, the process of uninterrupted charging and discharge in the cable passes at the piercing struma through the place of shock with stepwise lowering of the transitional support.

If so, as it is only possible to reduce the pressure of the weeding, it is necessary to switch the weeding unit to the lower stage of the weeding. In the process of propelling the opir at the mist, it may be more difficult and in this direction it is necessary to turn to a higher profusion step, in order to achieve a lower support in the mist of the posture and tension. On low slabs weeding at great strums at the channel of the ushkodzhennya, pieces of molten metal are used, as if they lived, and sheaths of the cable, which called for a significant reduction in support at the ushkodzhennya. With the adoption of a strong metal channel, the transitional opir is reduced to Om.

In times, if it is necessary to transfer single-phase power between phases, the scheme is reversed, shown in Fig.11.

Behind the help of the probing installation, there is a probing of the insulated layer of the L3 cable. The test installation of a post-strumu was switched on on two non-shock-jeweled ones, and through the discharger to the po-shkodzhennoy lived L3.

The capacity of two wires of the cable is charged for an additional test installation to a voltage breakdown of the arrester, as it is installed equal to 5 - 10 kV, and the pulse of the stream is discharged by the current stream, which is used to stop the discharge of the propal installation, so to carry out women.

Periodically created for a rahunok streum and ruynuvannya after a strum in the order of the capacity of two ill-witted veins of a wired place zbіshuє obsjag ruynuvannya іzolyatsії.

The presence of the voltage in the case of a test installation on non-shocked cores of the cable in the transitional mode is more stable with a breakdown of the cores on the wire. At times of breakdown, it becomes impossible to increase the voltage in the test installation, after which you stop using the arrester.

Next designate what you don’t need to change single-phase flicker between phases, and the increase in the voltage of the test installation and the voltage of the arrester can lead to a breakdown of the insulation of the cable core in another area.

Rice. 11. Scheme of connection of the possession of the hourly transfer of single-phase power in the interphase (two-phase):

1 - testing installation of a standing strum; 2 - marnuval installation; 3 - arrester; 4 - secure cable

At a vapadku, if the probing is seen for a long time at fast stream in the case of a propal installation, but the opir in the field does not decrease and become close to 1000 - 5000 ohms, sluices should be pinned, shards of the place with a hole in the cable sheath can be used in the water core.

It is not possible to change the opir in the case of a defect in such cases.

3. Ruinuvannya metal junction (zvaryuvannya) with single-phase ushkodzhennyah.

Yakshcho through a wire core of a cable for a long time passed a single-phase strum short hum on the shell, then in a place where it was possible to get a strum-guide, they lived with the shell, which is screened.

Zruynuvaty place zvaryuvannya prolyuvannya often do not go in, without which you can not find the place of trouble on the route of the cable line.

For switching the junction, it is possible to use a battery of capacitors, the capacity of which changes in the fallowness in the case of both circuits (in parallel, afterward) in the range of 5 to 200 microfarads at a charge voltage of 30 and 5 kV in current.

At the same time, the capacitance of the non-shocked conductors of the cable of the cladding is done.

Capacitors, connected to the poshkodzhenoy lived that sheath cable through kerirovanie surge arrester, charged in high-voltage testing installation.

In the case of a pulsed discharge of capacitors, there is a disruption of the wire solder for shock electrodynamic surges, which accompanies the interruption of the discharge stream.

When finishing the junctions, if you don’t know how to grind them in a similar way, vicorist “flying” installations, which are the regulation of the direct additions between the boundaries of the winding struma from zero to 1000 A.

At this moment of ruin, I’m soldering for the rahunok of this melting for an hour of passage through a new struma of great magnitude.

Damage to electrical insulation occurs due to various reasons. The main ones are: mechanical or corrosive shrinkage of the casings (lead, aluminium, plastic), which lead to damage to the tightness and penetration of water into the insulation; factory defects (open cracks in stale shells); defects in the installation of good and end sleeves of cables (not soldering the collars of the sleeves, breaking the insulation, filling it with mastic poorly); dehumidification of insulation in case of mechanical overheating of the cable; old insulation.

Single-phase outlets - the widest type of outlets for power cable lines with a voltage of 1-10 kV. When you look at it, one of the wires of the cable flickers onto the outer shell, which is on the screen. Single-phase power can be divided into three groups according to the value of the transitional support at the misc. Up to the first group, one can see the poshkodzhennya with a transitional support, equal to tens and hundreds of megaohms (flooding samples). To the other group, one can see a step with a transitional support of a few to hundreds of kilos, and to the third group - a step with a support close to zero.

Interfacial cable lines make up about 20% of all types of cable lines. You can divide them into two groups. Up to the first one, there is a difference with a transitional support for a defect close to zero, and to another group - with a support of one kilo-ohm to hundreds of mega-ohms. At the first stage, all three often lived zvaryuyutsya among themselves and with the shell that the screen. At the time of the great struma of a short circuit, the cable can burn out into two parts. In case of interfacial earplugs, which can be seen to another group, ring between the cores and the sheath of the cable - the transitional support and the sound between two cores will be seen through the screen sheath. The zamikannya two lived among themselves without zamikannya on the shell is rarely seen.

The Danish type of fluctuation is settled through the movement of the balls of the ground in the areas of the expansion of the couplings, after which the cable is twisted, and in the couplings, as a rule, the cores are opened (stretching). Rozriv veins of cable lines can be statis and in the whole area through different mechanical divisions or factory slub.

At the plastic ovnіshnіy zakhisnіy shell power cables can be blamed for damage caused by mechanical inflows during the laying of the cable or moving the ground. Vologa, which is used through the crackle on the sheath of the cable, which screen, vibrates corrosion and breaks the cable in harmony, which can be under the working voltage. For this reason, it is necessary to show a little bit of plastic casing to important tasks. Slid vrahuvaty, scho to signify poshkodzhennya of this type can be less in that case, as all muffs on the cable route are insulated from the ground.

At this time, for the purpose of the appointment of power cable lines, there are resupplying victorious laboratories with a set of permanently placed equipment and portable devices. The change of possession and fittings, necessary for the designation of the power cables, was installed in the rozd. five.

After vikonannya all the safety calls for an hour of work on cable lines (div. addendum) proceed to the point of failure. For the help of an ohmmeter and a megaohmmeter on a grounded cable, carry out a vimiryuvannya support of the insulation between the cores; leather jacket and sheath cable. These accessories show single-phase and interphase ushkodzhennia with support from the defect from zero to hundreds of kilos. With a great support, it is often not possible to determine the type of use of the assigned accessories, even if the high-voltage installation is tested. Pochergovo, vіdchuvayuchi all three lived cable lines with a straightened elastic constant stream along the cable sheath, showing a defect in the cable. In this way, you can see the difference in mind: "flooding probes", single-phase and interphase, open (stretch) the cable, stop in the ends.

The main indications for the elimination of defective insulation are the reduction of the transitional support in the area of ​​the defect, which allows you to stop using different methods, as the appointment of a cable to the point of damage, so the place of damage without interruption on the route of cable lines. For an effective appointment between the months of the month and the month of the month itself, it is necessary, so that a transitional support for the defect at the borders of dozens of up to one kiloom.

After lowering the support of the mischief, one of the most efficient methods is acoustic. In times of impossibility of designating a single-phase fault on the cable line route using the acoustic method (strong acoustic transitions, a large depth of cable laying, lack of documentation for cable laying, etc.) poshkodzhennya in the interphase. (two-phase). Appointment of the month of ushkodzhennya in times of induction method (clause 4.3).

Weeping vibrates for the energy flow, which is seen in the breakdown channel. At the same time, there is an obstruction of the insulation in the area, and the lowering of the transitional support. It should be noted that weeding also allows you to indiscriminately and simply show signs of damage in the ends and on loose cables from heating, the appearance of a smoke and the smell of garou. Follow the memory that it is not possible to effectively propagate until that hour, until the significance of the support of the misery can be the same order, like the internal operation of an incinerator installation. It is practically impossible to create a marnuval installation that will ensure high voltage and minimal internal support. To this, the only docile method of propelling is the steps of the method. The sustenance of yoga polags at the change of the life of life in the world, a decrease in the voltage of the breakdown, that support at the mist of misery. Dzherelo zhivlennya nizhchoї nagruzki easily konstruyuvat with a smaller internal support. During this time, the propeller installations may be in 3 to 6 stages of propellant.

In case of prophylactic tests, damage can be detected at the cable with a hot spot. If so, if the cable is good for leaks, breakdowns can be repeated three times up to 5-10 hours, if not longer. After the repeated repetition of discharges, the voltage breakdown begins to decrease, which allows (at the maximum value of the average struma with a lower setting) the mother to increase the frequency of breakdowns. As soon as the breakdown voltage drops to the lower values, turn on the propeller installation on the upper propeller stage. In addition, as soon as the insulation becomes dry, the process of uninterrupted charging and discharge in the cable passes at the piercing struma through the space of the shock with stepwise lowering of the transitional support. Whenever it is possible to reduce the pressure of the weeding, it is necessary to switch the weeding unit to the lower stage of the weeding. In the process of propelling the opir at the mist, it may be more difficult and in this direction it is necessary to turn to a higher profusion step, in order to achieve a lower support in the mist of the posture and tension. On the low slabs of weeding, with great streams near the canal of the ushkodzhennya, pieces of molten metal are used as lived, and sheaths of the cable, which call for a significantly lower support at the ushkodzhennya. With the adoption of a strong metal channel, the transitional support is reduced to a frequent ohm. In times, if it is necessary to transfer single-phase power between phases, the scheme is shown in fig. one.

For the completion of the propalyuvalo, the installations of Zolyatsnyyuzhennya здzolyatsії SPEKOZHENIA Lived cable A. Viprobuvalna Installation of post_ynyh stream included on dvі Evaluskomniyi lived і through the society to sickle , and the impulse of the strum to the order of the rush strum, which settles down under the strum of the installation of a wired place near the place of trouble. Periodically created for a rahunok streum and ruynuvannya after a strum in the order of the capacity of two ill-witted veins of a wired place zbіshuє obsjag ruynuvannya іzolyatsії. The presence of the voltage in the case of a test installation on non-shocked cores of the cable in the transitional mode is more stable with a breakdown from the cores on the wires. At times of breakdown, it becomes impossible to increase the voltage in the test installation, after which you stop using the arrester. The next step is not to try to translate single-phase interphase.

At the drop, if the treatment is carried out for a three-hour hour with a constant strum in the case of the treatment installation, and the operation at the mist is not reduced and becomes close to 1000-5000 Ohm, the treatment should be applied, It is not possible to change the opir in the case of a defect in such cases.

As if through a wired conductor of a cable for a long time, having flowed a stream of a single-phase short circuit to the shell, then in a place where it was possible to zvaryuvannya the strum conductor lived with a shell, which is screened. Zruynuvaty place zvaryuvannya prolyuvannya often do not go in, without which you can not find the place of trouble on the route of the cable line. For the destruction of the charging station, it is necessary to choose a scheme for applying a high-voltage wave in the form of a charged capacitor (Fig. 2). Capacitor capacitance is selected to be maximum and at which it is possible to connect to the installation of a non-shocked cable. When a high-voltage whirl is applied to a charged capacitor, the shock dynamic noise is caused by a pulsed discharge, the wired place is destroyed. However, often the place of brewing appears to be mischievous and this method does not give the result by itself. In this way, for ruining the metal joint, you can use the scheme shown in fig. 3. Straightening installation triphasic struma they connect to the power cable for a few seconds, stretching it out through the sky, a great strum (up to 400 A) runs through it, junction, which is played, in the space of power and ruynuє yogo. But for the help of a direct installation, you can not run a metal junction in the field of trouble, especially on AAB cables.

For the purpose of the city, it is necessary to have a small transitional opir at the city of the cable line. Lowering the transitional support to the required level (a few dozen ohms) is necessary to insulate the insulation at the station for the help of special installations.

Little ones. Installation for weeding cable VUPK-03-25

Call the installations to pick up the pickling for a sprat of slabs, for example, in the installation of VUPK-03-25 there are five such scrabbles. At the first stage, a voltage of ten kilovolts is applied to the cable; After a decal hvilin is repeated by a breakdown of the insulation of the cable - a transitional opir and, as a rule, the voltage of the breakdown changes - the discharge voltage is reduced to a value that allows the inclusion of another stage of weeding and so on to the remaining stage of weeding. In this way, at the world of a decrease in the voltage of the breakdown and the transitional support, the voltage of the installation changes, which allows the maximum strum to pass through the space of the ear. At the rest of the stage, the strum, which has to pass through the space, can reach hundreds of amperes. In an ideal situation, after the spalling, the metal is settled in the area of ​​poor insulation (that is, between the veins or between the residential and the metal shell).

IN current installations the next cycle of weeding is continuously, automatically, tobto. without manual switching over by the operator, which led to the overshooting of the arc, increased the time of weeping and created the possibility for “filling” the breaks.

After probing the isolation of the poor, they lived to reconsider the integrity of the isolation of the decision lived, the shards could be theirs. To show a breakdown, to carry out a new cycle of weeding out these veins, and the place of ushkodzhennia should be assigned to the “vein-vein” scheme.

Even if the insulation is removed, the voltage does not change, but after a few breakdowns with a decrease in voltage, the electrical insulation increases again, and the insulation is applied. This type of poor insulation is called a flooding breakdown, and it is characteristic of successful couplings.

If there is a place for the cable to be near the water, then the weeding is characterized by a steady flow of the struma of a song value (a sprat of amperes, with a pressure of the installation of a kilka of a kilovolt). Moreover, the transitional opir does not decrease less, lower to 2 - 3 kOhm.

When probing the area of ​​cable lines, laying at tunnels, collectors, basements and other places, it is necessary to put up posters to show the area of ​​possible damage to cables.

Additional material:

  1. Installation poshukovo-razpalyuvalna UPP-1510. Operating instructions.
  2. Installation for prolyuvannya cable VUPK-03-25. Technical data.
  3. The high-voltage stand for prolyuvannya defective insulation SVP cable. Operating instructions.

IN stay rocky non-burning methods to search for more energy cables were taken away from Russia, it has become very wide. The pulse-arc method is especially worthy, also Arc Reflection. And yet, the possibility of using such methods in the Russian electric power state is becoming obsolete. Therefore, most of the cable lines are left untraced, but in such cables one cannot use non-burning methods and acoustic noise. The most popular scheme for the search for power cables in Russia is no longer available, and the most popular scheme is “weeding - pulse reflectometry - induction sounding - confirmation by acoustics”.

Fig 1. MPU-3 "Phoenix"

Zaporuka effektivnosti work behind such a scheme - a garne of destruction. From one side, vin is guilty of ensuring the appearance of a superficial metal place at the misery, for which great tension is needed. On the other hand, "pumping" into the cable of great tension in the process of weeping is not guilty of causing the cable to go out of tune in other places.
The last generation of propeller installations, which are victorious in the Russian electric power state, were formed by a significant world under the influx of a small-sized outbuilding, which propelled MPU-3 "Phoenix", which appeared in the 2000s. The very technical solution, previously successfully implemented in this device, sets the tone for today's burners.
First, without interruption, the entire range of operating voltage is lost (for Phoenix - from 20 kV to 0). The previous generation of propelling installations victoriously chimed manually by the operator, which led to the breaking of the mountain arc, increased the propelling hour and created the possibility for “fusing” the breakouts. At “Phoenix” three dzherels (20 kV, 5 kV and 600/300 V) are turned on one hour through a diode line and are not turned on until the procuration process is in progress. The arc of this arc does not break either in case of a drop in voltage, or for its growth (“flooding” by breakdown). Thus, the decision appeared to be possible because the power transistors, on the basis of which the strum/voltage transformation is based on Phoenix, in the short-circuit mode, the power supply may be zero. Oil transformers - the basis of most of the other mobile extensions - can be significantly more energy-saving in the short-circuit mode, and trimming them all by turning on the whole process is unprofitable. If you want to feed the switching of cables without interrupting the arc in such outbuildings, if the voltage increases and “flooded” by the breakdown, the wall behind the voltage can appear before the switching off, and then the arc will break. When working, they “fill in” the samples of “Phoenix” and do not have many equals.
In another way, the synchronization of robots with attachments of high-voltage propelling and ensuring uninterrupted propelling from voltages of 45 - 60 kV to 0. "Phoenix" through a diode line of switching from AID-60P "Vulcan-M", which can almost eliminate from 60 kV. When the voltage drops up to 20 kV, "Phoenix" slows down the process without interrupting the arc. Today, all serious technologists, who are trying to propagate, will make similar decisions.

Fig. 2. Installation of MPU-3 "Phoenix" at the stage of selection.

Thirdly, tse control by the operator of the streum of prolennya. Tsya vomoga especially sutteva when prolyuvanni in cable channels. Uncontrolled growth of the streak of weeding in case of a drop in voltage in such situations often leads to damage and the removal of the harmonics of the aerial cables. At "Phoenix" it's impossible. The skin of the power modules in the new process is like a jet strum and can be seen, respectively, no more than 150 mA, 1.2 A and 20 A. Moreover, a version of the device with manual exchange of the maximum strum is produced: the operator sets the maximum allowable strum, that no matter what the mіstsі ushkodzhennya, strum weeding would not be higher than the established value. Feeding for the fumigation and control over the strum for the treatment of dossi is not done by all the technologists that are used. It is simply unsafe to install cables in cable ducts with such installations!
Fourthly, the efficiency of energy supply is less for the city of poverty. In the process of probing, isolation may need to be carried out in other areas. The place of damage can be so damaged that it would be enough for the repair to put a coupling, and not a cable insert from two couplings. The very task of "Phoenix" is even more effective:

Fig 3. Installation MPU-3 "Phoenix"
wind cables 380 In the case of vinyl insulation, do not throw off the sheath with meters for about a month, but you can clearly localize the opening.
On-p'yate, the current attachment, which is lost, is guilty in full of pratsyuvati in the form of an autonomous dzherel of livelihood obmezhenoї natuzhnosti. Most of the electrical engineering laboratories are being mounted on the chassis of the GAZelle, or both analogues and others of the Sobol. It is simply physically impossible to accommodate in such a situation a new set of possessions and a power plant with a power of over 6 (rarely - 8) kW. In order to ensure the safety of the destruction of such dzherel zhivlennya, retailers go to the building outbuildings in a small tightness. Pay for the price to be brought at a high price - an hour to propagate that yoga efficiency. “Phoenix” has little energy supply, and it allows to conduct robots with a power plant of 6 kW completely gone Navit in the most complicated modes.
As a matter of fact, it’s a three-hour robot without overheating. On folded and non-handled ushkodzhennyah, weeding can take three sprats of years. A high internal energy supply is used to bring it to the point where it overheats, the process is brought to a halt, and the next time I “flood” again. Especially such situations are typical, if you go to the muff. For a small indoor energy supply, the “Phoenix” building, without additional ventilation, can work without interruption for more than a year with a spicy rainy summer, and during the winter near Moscow, an hour of non-circulation. Moreover, dodatkove ventilyuvannya prilada suttєvo pіdvischuє yogo mozhlivoє pіd an hour of work in the heat.
Nareshti, in a way, the propagating attachment is guilty of such a thing, so that it can be built as an autonomous attachment, to be worn, and in the warehouse of the accessory complexes mounted on the chassis, and in the warehouse of electrical engineering laboratories of factory preparation. As it has already been said more, "Phoenix" is broken down on the basis power transistors and all transformations in the new are performed at a frequency of 20 kHz. Tse made it possible not to stagnate oil and create a compact attachment with a 55 kg wagon, having sounded like a military man, sound vigukuyu: “So two soldiers can carry it in their arms!” Regardless of those that the "Phoenix" has been in operation for another dozen years, for the compactness of the wines, as before, it will turn over all the real "puffers".

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