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Bachelor Maxim and Masha - how did the share of heroes develop after the project? We didn’t check the wedding: how to live the finalists of all seasons of “The Bachelor Maxim Chernyaev and Maria Drigola”

Maria Drigola and Maksim Chernyavsky after the show The Bachelor continues to splurge and navit plan to rule the fun with the nearest future. It would have been better for the lads to have an idyllic life and nothing could її zіpsuvati, but one of the favorites of the show, Polina Subotina, got in the way of the girl, until the song hour was the highest priority for Maxim Chernyavsky. The girl told that she had sex with her partner. Nagadayemo, the Bachelor season 2 can be seen online on rich Internet portals.

Maria Drigola, who, for the sake of another season of the show "The Bachelor", robbed Maxim Chernyavsky, is already happy at once, even if she knows not just a kohan person, but also a successful person, who can secure your future. If the show ended, the girl went to Turechchini, de її mother lives together with her brother, and Max is near Los Angeles. Ale tse zovsіm does not mean that the children have grown up.

Maxim Chernyavsky told the press that the stinks of Masha come one to one to visit, and if they don’t change the order, then they call obov’yazkovo on a kilka once. In addition, Vіn vydkrito declares that she is the same girl, for which a young person is ready to show her life, even if she is not only beautiful, but even more so, she has a good character, kindness and honesty, which may be of great importance to the girls with a girl.

Prote miraculous picture idilії zіpsuwa one of the participants of the show, yak until the singing moment was the main favorite and was sung that Max vibere її. Polina Subotina shared the knowledge of Starhit, that she had an intimate relationship with the main character of "The Bachelor", after which Max, for unreasonable reasons, took the girl.

Polina doesn’t know and doesn’t know the meaning of what happened, even if, as the participant of the show declares, she was lucky enough to have sex with a bachelor, not to try yoga, but simply to what at that moment she wanted so much. Tim was unaware for an hour, as if he reacted to the statement of Mary Drigola. The maiden sees her vulnerability and, perhaps, the door to Maxim's door.

Although it is not excluded that Masha will take Polina's words as a provocation. Aje about intimacy with Maxim Chernyavsky also said Alona, ​​as she became Mariya Drigola's supergirl at the rest of the show.

For an hour, Max's squad, the partner of Hann Sedokov, rozpovidaє that they are already satisfied with the choice of Chernyavsky. More than that, out with the children of obov'yazkovo, they came to the party of the lads, to welcome them from the heart of the miracle. I Hanna zovsіm not against the fact that Max and yogonova maiden liaised with Donka Sedokova and Chernyavsky.

Let's guess, the bachelor has already got to know the fathers of Mary Drigol for another hour of the show, moreover, he came to them with a guest to Turechchini after the project. Prote is still unknown, chi introducing Max to his relatives Masha. It is possible, if you look at it, you can recognize it from the post-show "The Bachelor", as it will be in a week, 1 black, on TNT TV channel.

Instagram photos of Maxim Chernyavsky and Mary Drigol

Maxim Chernyavsky, the main hero of another season of the TV project "The Bachelor" on TNT, gave an interview to TOPBEAUTY at once with his image of Mary Drigola.


Maxime, how did you get involved in such a project, what was your idea for an initiative?

Otzhe, you were preached to, and you waited.

I've thought about it for a long time, first give it a go. I didn’t have the ability to deprive me of a job for three months and look like a daughter, yak, like me, I live near Los Angeles. I once said to him that I cannot take the fate of all the displacements that have been carried out by the project. We had been negotiating for a long time, until the TV channel decided to tell me about half of the plots from Los Angeles.

I live permanently in the States, where the channel is not surprised, I don’t see it at once, and after the completion of the project, I can hardly see a surge in my popularity. I arrived at Moscow exactly for the day and I don’t cringe with my glory.

Are you an adventurer in life? The fate of this project is entirely adventurous.

Yes, it's a convenience. There, the whole hour, there are unvarying pods, in a normal life, you don’t need to go to the whole extreme. Ale, for the sake of knowing your best half ...

Did you really want to sharpen your kohannya?

Zvichayno. I have a daughter, and I want her to grow up with a full-fledged family.

Have you tried other dating institutions? Lovely dumbfounded, professional matchmaker-psychologist...

Since I’ve been separated from my head, I’ve gone to work, to business, and I don’t have time to take up such a joke.

Aje, the fate of the show is the same joke.

I didn't think about it. The proposition in the form of TNT has come, I have called and accepted.

Did your relatives take the fate of the praised decision?

Who was trying to test the girls: are you psychologists?

I am both psychologists and producers. Buli, for example, testing, in which the girl is small to overcome her fears. At such a moment, I take її by the hand and marvel at what helps my presence. Trust me. It’s too much to talk about the appointment of a girl before me.

Maxim, you don’t have a wonderful situation, if 25 names are fighting for you, like for a valuable prize?

So, even though that wondrous situation is unimaginable - like for me, so for the girls, so we need an hour for us to follow it. In one of the recent interviews, I have already said and I will repeat at once: this is the very fall, if a person feels like a head on the earth, women can fight for him.

The project "The Bachelor" has a great element of grit and supernativity. The girl, framed in such a context, can she be taken in by your right image, become the other half?

You have a walkie-talkie, you were girls, as if you were seriously adopted by the spirit of sports magic and tried to win at any price. Ale tse dosit shvidko vyyavlyalosya, and pіd hour project stench v_ds_yuvalis. They were deprived of those who really had a little before me.

The finalists were Alona, ​​Kristina, Masha and Polina. The stench is more different, and the language is not so about the names of the people, as about the recruitment of internal yakos. It’s worth asking for a string of typing - and vin does not allow you to tell what type of woman you are attracted to.

On the right, in the fact that in the skin of the maiden me the songs of rice were like. The skin was in its own way less cicava and the skin had a small chance. But the essence of the project was supposed to be that I chose one, with which I am ready to spend not a month, not a day, but all my life. In one of the remaining series, Christina appeared. I could spend the next day with her, but then do this - no: we are offended by even stronger people.

You can only guess why Pauline went.

With Polina there was one of the most complicated situations, perhaps, the most complicated ... She is a calm, stable, positive person.

We felt good at the same time, but I still didn’t zoom in and fall in love. It was important for me to separate from her, but I was shy, I didn’t want to torment him.

You parted after acquaintance with Polina's fathers. Did your mami's dislike spill over into your decision?

I wouldn't say so. Polina is more kind, with honor to be placed before her fathers. It’s important for me: as a girl, I value those that my relatives gave me, I don’t appreciate those that I give, and those that are between us.

And why did Deer move?

She became more like me, and I like her. I showed my specialness before her at the first evening, if it was the first “trojan of the first enemy”. With her in the project, there were a lot of fuss, a lot of situations, in some of them she showed herself differently, but it was obvious that she could feel up to me. Wow, a wonderful person! However, if there is food, how can we be at once and how we can live, I just realize that I love not її, but Masha.

Did your acquaintance with її fathers overwhelm you at the correctness of the adopted decision? Judging by the series of Chergov's project, they shuddered in the same direction.

Don't flinch, it's hard. I understand, the stars of Deer are such a number of complexes. Їх - navmisne chi nі - pinned їy father. It's hard to fight today. I don't want to speak negatively about її sіm'yu, but let's say my widm's vipity bula was accepted in bagneti. I didn’t want to bring anything to them, I just don’t drink, that year.

But why Masha? Vaughn didn’t show herself at the project, looking closed.

On the right, in the fact that they didn’t show everything within the framework of the project, it was necessary to save the intrigue until the end. The Yakby peeps looked at everything that happened there, then from the tenth series they would realize that Masha was playing. She's just different in me, if it's in order, - it's visible with an indefatigable eye.

Well, I’m with Masha’s lyublyach, ґruntovna, nadіyna.

So, Masha has a pretty good family.

And for whom did the members of your homeland "sick"?

Kristina was like me: she looks like my grandmother. My grandmother is a fighter, she was previously engaged in business. With Alyona, my relatives had a conflict, but not vplinuv on my setting before her - and Olena stumbled at the finale. And Masha was worthy of everyone, everyone believed that she was suitable for family life.

Did you get what you wanted?

So, I am a happy and generous share for those who see Masha.


Masho, how did you get involved in the project, why did it all start?

Chi were difficult, didn’t you score on yak?

I didn’t think that it would be so smooth. It was necessary to be angry at the head: on people, on pochutty, on bastards ... But through a constant lack of sleep, I was unable to concentrate. In one of the rest of the series, if we were in Austria with Max, I was so strong that my appearance was not taken away from the camera. Do you know why? I was sleeping! Taka has accumulated in volume. Emotions tezh were between.

You don’t cope with the hostility of the maiden, rather you have the image of a calm, peaceful home person, and in the project you didn’t try to bring respect to yourself. What allowed you to pass qi testing?

Girl, navit fear, you can show yourself in a different way. There are situations, if it is necessary to defend one's family, and it is obvious to oneself - it is laid down by nature. In extreme situations, the project develops from a new side, previously unknown to you. I’m going to give up, be it once in a while an inner haircut can be, woman’s wisdom and intuition.

One man and 25 women. Weird, to put it bluntly, the situation. Did you see yourself as a concubine in a harem as an athlete in pursuit of a prize?

Now, analyzing the podії, I will understand what for some of us it was worth for a pure looking magic, retracing the prize. As if the maiden suffocated and suffocated, but write this to another person - it’s marvelous. I didn't want to fight with such supergirls. I said to myself: "If you choose such a viber, then let it go and get away!"

Golovna - do not think that you are "one s". Yakby on the project, I was worried: "Ah, we kiss others! Oh, we choose more!" - I haven't seen it for a long time. And yet, on the first day with Maxim, I noticed that I had blizzards fluttering around my stomach, my head was confused and my legs were twitching.

I no longer considered myself a harem concubine, for I thought about nothing more. And yet, in such a "team race" there is an important psychological moment: we and the girls spent a lot of time together - also the supergirls became friends.

At Las Vegas, I realized that it is still necessary to be appointed by choice: I came here for love, not for friendship.

Come out, didn’t you bring your friends to the project?


With Paul, Oksana and Olena, I made friends. Having got to know Juliana, I was glad to see her, I became like sisters to me.

To the richness of other girls, I have lost even warmer feelings, especially quiet, with whom I had a chance to live for an hour. It was good to find out what good people would say about me.

Did you really want to know your soul mate, did popularity attract you more?

For me, everything that is due to popularity and recognition is an unacceptable side effect of the project. I made a wish in front of him how to go to the casting: "If it's my share, then I'll spend it there."

Ale did not think what we would do next, if it was shown on TV, it would be so hard for me.

I physically watch shonedils, if they show a chergovy series, like boiling addictions in peeping people. And then we stink, write, write ... I couldn’t talk about it and thought: “God, I got lost!”.

How did the fathers take your fate in which project?

If I was told that I was taking my fate, I thought to give back: the fate of the reality show was good for me. Once again I talked to my mother, that brother, the stench in the house encouraged me. I axis here the time has come to talk about everything tata ... See my tata bachili! (In a series about acquaintance with fathers; father Masha - rear admiral. - Ed.). For the new one, the argument "I'll grind my kohannya there" sounded inconsistent. I was too shameful. Ale, as if they were home.

Ale potim vin having accepted Maxim good.

So! If I came with Maxim to know, then there would be more less preparations. I called them from America, told them that the person for the project is such a class. Father, bachachi my zakohanist, zrozumіv, that this person is important to me. In addition, I often said to my mother that if I didn’t fall in love, then I would turn around with the project, and my fathers repeated it many times, so that if I turned around, check on me.

Was it scary to get to know Maxim's relatives? Especially for my grandmother, how did she rule you with suvoriy іspit?

Really, zustrich went even better. Grandma just tried to find out more about me. Asked, I want children. I guessed that there were three: a twin - a boy and a girl, and then a boy. On the supply, I was born with my breasts, I said that they gave me a brother, and I will be the same - stiles, stilks are necessary. She fed me more, like I’m talking about my grandmother, like I have women with fathers, which is why I opined in the project ...

What did you say?

Who really wanted to squirm. And Maxim's relatives said to each other: "We still want to squirm!"

From what episode did you see yourself as a zakokhanoy?

If we were all beaten up by Maxim, then I was just a garrison and a kind lad. Then I still doubted what I needed to be in this show. And the axis after the first special zustrіchі (we were talking about fifteen hvilin) ​​became aware that it could be richly sleepy. The bula was not yet dying, but it became.

And with skin at once, slowly, offal, my sympathy grew to a new level. I bachila, as if to marvel at other girls, as if I were asking for food, as if I spoke - it was important for me, as if I were guilty not only of me, but of others. And at some point, I angered myself at the fact that I was able to sum it up and check for zustrіch. At Las Vegas, I realized that my feeling is bigger, lower sympathy and suffocation. Feels unreal! God forbid skin recognition, what is it, not obov'yazkovo mutually!

At the final you lost four. Did you think about those who can take part in the project?

Hi, starting from Las Vegas, I didn’t think about it.

Ale, three of you are missing the show. Haven't your thoughts played out this situation?

Before the situation, I was ready. I figured out that as Maxim chooses more, it means that he succumbed to it, and he himself is happy to kill him. Well, I tried on our bats and turned it over to the width: maybe the wines are just less bad? I remember that when Yuliana left the project, she cried so much, confessed that she was guilty ... It turned out that the actor was guilty. And I thought: "Raptom and true actor?" - I virishila did not know my feelings.

Has your legal knowledge brought you some trouble with the project?

None! Natomіst dosvіd robo in derzhstruktіv vyyavivsya korisnym: I zvikla dotremuvatsya regime, get up early, vikonuvat robot, independent of that, want you chi nі.

Your popularity has not yet turned sideways to you? Do not bother the project with shanuvalnik-bolts?

I recently turned around and still didn’t feel special respect for myself. De-no-de, however, they know: at a litaku, hotel, on the beach (I recently spent time in Turkey). "Masha!" - say. "Ni, - I confirm, - not Masha." - "That's right, you! And the axis is your mother!" When I flew back, the stewardess seemed to think a lot about me, and then she said: "Masha, I cheered the whole project on for you!"

Sheepskin kostuval vicinki? Did you get what you wanted?

So, zvichano, I poohala.

If it's fun, de svyatkuvatimet?

What? Wesilla? It’s still so far away, we still need to learn how to vibudovuvat stosunki ...

Maria Drigola is a supporter of the 2nd season of the show "The Bachelor". The maiden reproached the peeps at the naїvnistyu and broadness. Possibly, tse bought the main character of the project. From the very beginning, it was clear that Masha came to the program for a few hundred dollars, and not for PR. Ignoring the attacks of competitors, the girl went to the finals and took off the obligatory hoop from Maxim's hands.

Childhood and youth

Maria Volodimirivna Drigola was born near St. Petersburg on February 27, 1990. Batko Volodymyr Kirilovich Drigola - rear admiral at the post office. After the completion of the military career, having taken up business, he became the general director of the company, which specializes in the repair and sale of the domestic property. Mati Olena Volodimirivna Drigola is the intercessor of the director and staff of the company. Maria mother of a young brother Volodymyr.

The maiden succumbed to suvorost and prosperity. She studied at the emperor's gymnasium, and then entered St. Petersburg University of the DPS of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia at the Faculty of Economics and Law. I got a diploma of a specialist for direct "jurisprudence". The last time I worked as a lawyer for my father. Maria is closer to her family. May be more trustworthy with fathers.

Following the project, the girl spent an hour with Maxim near Los Angeles. Navit planned to continue studying jurisprudence there, chose between the right ship and transport. But there is no information about those who got enlightened in America, unfortunately.


On the TV project "The Bachelor" Maria ate a friend for herself. On the television, she played an advertisement about casting and thought that, perhaps, she would get her share there. Plus, to everything, on whom did your mother and brother come down, arguing against the fact that the girls needed to grow up. At the casting, Maria fired and told the producers of the show that she didn’t have a camp with a child, and, perhaps, the project “The Bachelor” would become a camp for her.

The main hero of another season of the show became a businessman and a big man of a dream. Maxim and Ganni had a daughter, Monika. The man is alive in California, this business is connected with everyday life. Win virishiv take part in the project through the river after separation from Sedokova.

Just as soon as the chicks began, the girl understood, everything is in order. Constant lack of sleep and then, impossibility to concentrate on water. Indecently, Maria remembered that the deacons of the participants came to the project for the sake of self-promotion, but she herself was deprived of bread to the end.

Maria Drigola at the show "The Bachelor"

Before the speech, the peeping deacons respected that Drigol was a child, that he was alive at the erysipelas eyepieces. Masha lived on the project, and did not look like deaki girls. Vaughn tried not to conflict and not to tell falsehoods to anyone. It was conducted naturally and in a singing sense naivno. Project participant Natalia Dolgopolova hung

"Masha for the show, like a bag without a handle."

If the hour had come to get to know Maxim's fathers, she would boast and worry. The girl was worthy of Chernyavsky's relatives, the only one who benefited them, those who spend money on themselves for a month. At that time, Maria earned 20 thousand rubles, and she spent all 70 rubles in stained glass.

At the end of the project, Maria Drigola and Olena Pavlova lost. Maksim Chernyavsky, having formed a speech and light Masha, for until the end of the show, the lads, in a right way, succumbed one to one.

Already five seasons of the show "The Bachelor" have passed, and the couple Maxim and Masha are the best of luck.

Life Specialist

Before the project “The Bachelor”, the girl was chatting with the lad. These stosunki spent 9 months. Maria did not mention his name, but only showed that the lad was from a foreign homeland, bestowing gifts on Masha. Behind the words of the girl, the lad is convinced that you can buy absolutely everything. A new project has been started in Bulgaria, and having proponued Mary to get out of it at once, and navіt having proponed to go for the new one. Ale at the same time, having asked for his signature on the papers, in which it was written to the mind that Mary was guided in connection with her family. For a girl, this was unacceptable.

Maxim, however, is by no means against such trusted and close friends of Mary and fathers. To that hand, they died on two lands. Ale, the girl often stayed with Maxim near Los Angeles, the lads went to the bedroom at the entrance. Masha immediately thought of Maxim's daughter. And suddenly the couple began to get ready for the wedding.

Then the Merezha began to receive information about the separation of the bet. For a long time, none of the lads confirmed it. At the result of їхні stosunki tripled the second fate. At the leaf fall of 2015, the fate of Maxim rose about the correct causes of separation. Behind yoga words, the distant development of the vіdnosin stale in the first place.

Maria didn't want to make a little connection from her family and move to America until the next. Such a rank, the first reason for the rise, has become a vіdstan. If you want to go to the project, your father said that I’m wise, that I can’t live well as friends, we’ll have more in different lands, and I’m getting ready to move Masha to Los Angeles.

Maria Drigola at once

The girl has a closed profile on Instagram. Vaughn does not marry for the popularity of that number of payers. In other words, upload a photo in

First, why do you praise the chances of the project - how can Masha Drigola live at the same time? Aje at the hour of the series “Getting to know the fathers” the future man clearly gave the understanding of the father Masha, that he wants to create a mitzna with this and vimagatime, so that the squad would be in order from the man.

Now, if Maksim Chernyavsky has robbed himself of his choice (between Olena Pavlova and Masha Drigol), do you have food - in some place of the earth's backwoods to settle down? If you respectfully look at the photographs of the main character, as if you are placing them in Instagram, then you can still create the songs of the visnovka.

The American chanuval was recognized in the photo of Studio City

Donka Maxim Chernyavsky and Ganny Sedokova, little Monika live and wander beyond the cordon. Behind the words of a bachelor, with the choice of a potential squad of wines, in which he is guided by his little one. The girl is rickety in growth and loves sports games.

Having posted this photo on Instagram, Maksim Chernyavsky has taken the photo. "...max_la and I trained here if I lived in Studio City!" - the girl wrote in the name of Marina. Vaughn sent her photo from another court.

Mistechko Studio City is located in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles), where it is entrusted with the mansions of the light show business elite to stand as readers of the cob classes. Studio City is an ideal place for a happy life.

Here there is an anonymous cafe, where they sell natural frost, and for those who want to break nirvana, practice yoga centers, de practice savsana.

Moscow accepted Maxim Chernyavsky as a native

The capital of Russia, in the specialty of the elite beau monde, shot the main character of the show "The Bachelor" with a wide range of shots. From the first days of his life, Maxim Chernyavsky appeared in Moscow, becoming a frequent guest of the TV radio program. Vіn got familiar with the country show business.

Perebuvayuchi at Moscow, the main hero of the show "The Bachelor" took part in the spying of rating programs.

It is not surprising that the social networks have appeared to be allowed, that the not-so-distant future Maxim Chernyavsky will become the leader of his own power program. And vrakhovychi skіlki zrobili for yoga PR social media, Maxim Chernyavsky already zamovy his own warm light with his account in Іnstagramі.

So, Russia is not as hot as Los Angeles. That mansion Maxim Chernyavsky had a chance to build from scratch.

“Virishiv become modest in numerical prohannya! Transferring to "ElectroReno" and the axis in the background, seeing yourself a comfortable cottage near Moscow! - Maksim Chernyavsky signed a new sign on Instagram.

As if the Russian roads did not bark, but the stench was more worthy of Maxim Chernyavsky, who loves rizik and shvidkіst.

“On a speedy 160 km / year on a narrow forest road “Turbo S” one feels even more impressed and for the speed of the full drive to pass all the turns with ease, regardless of the change in the road surface,” Maxim Chernyavsky spoke about his feelings.

The main hero of the show “The Bachelor” has repeatedly wondered before that he wanted to try living in a different way.

“It is not so easy to take satisfaction from absolutely simple speeches! Do you care if you spend your holidays at expensive restaurants and posh clubs in life?” - Putting Maxim Chernyavsky to his readers and us in front of himself in such a way.

Marvel at the coming week CONTINUATION show "Bachelor". And on Saturday, Anfisa Chekhova asked for her program “The Bachelor. What do people want?”

How did the parties of the participants in the show Bachelor (Maxim and Masha) season 2 end? Find out how real the stakes of the bet were developing and how could the stench save love beyond the borders of the project.

Maxim Chernyavsky and Masha - life after the show

Tim, who keeps up with the news of the popular project Bachelor, it seems that the heroes of Season 1 did not manage to save their lives. Fans believed that Maxim and Masha would still be able to bring a fairy tale into life and inspire a happy homeland after the completion of the reality show.

At the same time, everything was changed, that the heroes of the 2nd season of the popular real reality show were created one for one. Obviously, young people know that after the completion of the dermal hysterectomy, they will need reparations. All through those that a similar project is a strong stress. And oskolki Masha Lyudina is not public, it was not easy to endure all the tension of addictions.

The very same hour after the completion of the zimok, young people rarely appeared in public. A similar behavior, obviously, became the reason for the appearance of many tiles. Evil movi spread information about those who really saw the blues of Masha Maxim - not true, fiction. Ale, zvichano, tse prostovuvalos zakohanimi.

Maxim knows that it was not easy for you, through those that your kohana saw the luck of being left in St. Petersburg at that hour, as he went to Los Angeles. However, I am miraculously wise, that the girl is tied to the family, she forcibly removed her from her relatives.

Ale zakohani did not let us live all the hour well. The stench is small, the plans are great. As you can see, Masha worked for three hours at the company of her father, but she always wanted to start her own business. At whom їy zbiravsya help Maxim.

At their interview, they began to reveal secrets about what will be the reason for this business. Ale Masha pulled on what could be a restaurant. Obviously, Maxim, having learned how to dress up his daughter Monika, was like a woman. Masha decided that Monica has a miraculous mind, that she has a dream with Maxim, but don’t set up a bunny.

Krym tsgogo, Maxim Rozpoviv, for everyday minds you don’t dare to know your squad with Masha, for you know that there may be a distance between them.

Zakohani know that everyday stosunki can not be dogless. stench, like everything, to cook for an hour. The most common cause of variances is the variability of working schedules.

Vesilla Maxima and Masha

In one of her interviews, Mary's friend Oksana Petrenko stated that the partners are right to love one and the same, and it's wonderful that they managed to save such a hundred dollars after the project. As you can see, Maxim having built Masha's proposition, the stench of the faith will become less friendly. Creamy, zakohani wrapped the Cartier Love hoops.

Masha and Maxim were diligently getting ready for the upcoming ceremony. At the urochistost, there are few but are present no more than 30 osib. Honor only your closest relatives and friends. The painting was small in St. Petersburg, and the axis was meant to die down in the Maldives.

There, far ahead of us, a sprinkling of villas was made, okremo for young people, okremo for friends to bet. Especially bula and cloth, as Mary took her own. Selected from the rest of the Vera Wang collection.

Bachelor Maxim and Masha separated?

It's a pity that the Merezha didn't have any confirmation that Maria and Maxim had laid the hat right. Natomist came up with information about those who died more than once. Like Maxim, the stench realized how important it is to stosunki on the stand.

The biggest hero of the show The Bachelor 2 knows that Masha was not fit to sacrifice the respect of her family and the destruction of her life until new to Los Angeles. About those who succumbed to this kind of discord, it became clear even after the fact that photographs from the day of the birth of Maxim appeared at the border.

It's wonderful, even when Chernyavsky celebrated the people's day without his kokhanoy. At that time, Vaughn was resting on the sea with her fathers. Maksim provіv piously in otochenny not only friends, but also a lot of pretty girls, like they showed signs of respect for him.

Krim tsyogo, if you have your own instagram Maxim Cherniavsky having guessed the most significant future of the past fate, having guessed the novel from Mary. More information about those who became the true reason for the growth and how many people are experiencing death, was not announced in the measure.

Bachelor Maxim Chernyavsky and Masha more than once

So, unfortunately, one more fairy tale ended for the Bachelor project. This young people also did not dare to encourage their own business and save a hundred dollars for the project. It’s getting less and less spodіvatisya, that at the oncoming hero, Illi Glinnikova, it’s up to you to know on the project to know that girl, with some guilt to create in a right way the mіtsnі stosunki.

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We didn’t check the wedding: how to live the finalists of all seasons of “The Bachelor Maxim Chernyaev and Maria Drigola”