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Everything about cancer is a human mind. The sum of the sign of cancer in Kohanna and love. Summistence from the representatives of the elements of the Earth

Zhіnka-Rak and cholovik-Rak, bezperechno, rozumіyut one of one. Their intuition and a little bit roamed so kindly that they don't have to make their own voices sound: the partner recognizes them at the same moment. The marriage of a Cancer woman and a Cancer man is ideal: candles, wine, seashore. So the stench itself manifests itself, like everything described above - on the screen of a cinema or a home TV. At any time, they can’t dream of romance. Only a man-Rak understands a woman-Rak with love to the pillows, warmth, even that one-hour turbo, even if he himself will require the same. The minus of these stosunkivs can be the fact that both the woman-Cancer, and the man-Cancer are offended by sentimental and unruly, they don’t hang out at the reach of meti. And as for a woman, such a set of characteristics is not a burden, for a person, the figure is sued and the woman-Cancer herself is the first to sue them.

Crayfish - lower, affectionate. I love sex stench soft and sentimental, wanting to be different, obviously, it is necessary for me to be zhorstkish. Have a kind of vipadku, sex between a woman-Cancer and a man-Cancer will be povіlnym and little initiative. On the right, in the fact that in the nature of Cancer to accept someone else's activity, but we know - and in an intimate life tezh. To that two Cancers at the lie there is no pressure, strength, not to be cursing anyone, it seems simpler. I want one to one stench in whom they don’t know, insults suffer in the face of the presence of a zhorstkoy hand.

Sim'ya ta slub

Oskіlki Cancer is a sign of the family (the least), then two Cancers can quickly win, that they can start a family. They will have the same plans, the same look at those who can have a hat. They really want children, but die - not once in one day. Problems can be in the fact that the practical side of life is worth it: the stench themselves can rarely provide all the benefits, on how to resell. And again, I will be the injured side, better for everything, man-Cancer: in the case of a new one, check for initiatives and manifest the right "human" qualities, as well as the middle of the wines of the lower, inconsistent and impractical.

Two Cancers can become wise, they will make wonderful friends. The stench will always understand and think one by one, pidbadioryat, if necessary, give obedience (otherwise I’m not obedient - rationalism is not strong enough for rice) to please, calm down and calm down. At once, the stench can not speak: the man-Cancer will read everything in the guise of his girlfriend, the woman-Cancer, and she will feel the zoom in, if you say “Hello”. Such friendship, without exception, dear vartuє - and the stink of the lower cherish її.

Work and business

The woman-Rak and the man-Rak can be persuaded to complete a successful tandem, working together. Better for everything, stink to be creative - financial resources and trade do not even add to them. Music, cinema, the sphere of rozva that services - the axis of those, scho zatsіkavit їх. In order to bring income from the right, it is necessary for two Cancers to get more earthly and practical people, representatives of the fiery and especially earthly elements become their partners.

Someone who cares about us for better will be together, relying on the horoscope. For this reason, an explanation: even before the founding of us, the signs of the zodiac were created by you as stars. Literally, you mentioned more than once that, it would seem, at first glance, a person sympathizes with you, even if you have a new vision.

So-so, the stars themselves try to convey that wine is not suitable for you as a partner for mutual relations, be it of any kind.

In this publication, we can see the summation of a person with other signs of the zodiacal light.

General characteristics of a person

The first lower recognition, s kim mist Cancer is a person, we will analyze some features of your temperament.

Among the two signs of the zodiac, Cancers are especially sensitive (especially as their horoscope Kin, Snake, Goat and Dog), even they are patronized by M_syats. Such people can easily be hurt and portrayed by harsh criticism. The stench is easily attached to people, and they will show it to show it. The stench is miraculously broken by intuition, with the help of which it is possible for us to get involved in stressful situations.

People, whose zodiac is Cancer, can be seen to the signs of the water element, which, in the light, is mindful of their sensitivity. Similar individuals with great satisfaction help the needy and try not to create conflict situations.

Representatives of this zodiac sign do not accept swidkoline solutions (because of the vine it is quiet, who according to the horoscope is Dragon, Mavpa, Shchur and Piven). It is necessary for us to carefully consider everything, call everything for and against, if only then the verdict will be brought down.

If you marvel at the person who is behind the horoscope Cancer, on the side, then you can see that calm and self-singing look. But it’s a mask of its own kind, which helps to cover up your vulnerability and sensitivity.

The person, whose zodiac is Cancer, takes everything close to the heart and for whatever troubles, hovaetsya at his own “armor”. From such an emotional state of yoga, one can win only by kindness, kindness and loving attitudes.

Like stinks, crayfish people

Cancers are soft-hearted; Vin with ease throws himself to the aid of the needy. And if you are a stranger, if you are a small person, then you don’t need to add a watermark, and try everything to accept that other food. It is not uncommon for you to not go to melancholy for you, even if you always meet a lot of people, as if obov'yazkovo want to win over the softness of your friend.

Crayfish already love their own houses and stand up to the new with great honor (especially it is quiet, who, according to the horoscope of the Pig (Boar), Rabbit, Tiger and Bik). Budinok for them is like a little lintel, where the stench is hovayutsya in the presence of strong negativity and worldly fuss. Itself here the stink is stolen, it is calmly inspired.

Crayfish may move the Batkiv instinct. The stench is more tied to their children, and it costs not only a representative of a beautiful state, but also a person. The stench dbaily upset their relatives and loved ones with warmth, turbo and respect. In pairs with other signs of the zodiacal world, the lad-Cancer is overly emotional. However, there is a need for wine-speak food. If you are going to talk about professional activity, then here you will be led self-indulgently, unsupervised.

People, whose zodiac is Cancer, rarely trust unknown people. And if you want to find out about something in a fair way, then you will have to spend at least an hour. Such people are secretive and do not open up to their close friends for an hour.

The wisdom of a man of Cancer with a woman in love will be on a wide scale. Ale, with this wine, does not waste the ability to flirt with the opposite statue, especially as the girl is beautiful and warm at the same time.

Behind the great rahunok, the summation of the man of Cancer in the cohanna with the other zodiac representatives is rich in what to lay down as a woman, as if instructed by him.

Positive characteristic of Rakiv:

  • garnet a little humor;
  • rationality;
  • practicality;
  • warmness;
  • fantastic memory;
  • tolerance;
  • gallantry;
  • high rose zdibnosti;
  • kindness.

In case of such a call, trustworthiness, pity often wins people over to Cancer to achieve success in a different plan.

Wisdom with signs of the Water element

Tandem Rakiv

At first glance, two people of this sign have a lot of sleep. The stinks are alright one with one, they have common interests and life goals. Entering at the mutual blue, Cancers on the cob are widely choked with a display of heart warmth in due course one to one, such a behavior becomes less necessary to control the behavior of one's behavior.

Sumіsnіst Cancer of a man and Cancer of a woman in friendly women show a garne. And if you can’t stink, you can’t often run around, then it’s enough for him to have a telephone call, to encourage and give an obedient joy.

Kokhannya among these representatives of the zodiacal world is folded in a regular way, ale exalted. The stinks give an effort to support their companions, which is even more important among the brethren between a man and a woman.

Behind the great rahunok, the summation of the Cancer man and the Cancer woman is rich in what to lie in the breadth, the strength of the partners. If they trust one to one, do not marvel at all sides, then they check on them more beautifully and happily ever after.

Scorpio woman and cancer man

In this dawning couple, everything is rooted in the natural rosy mood swings of the partner. The head and, so be moving, the dvigun of such vіdnosinah є Cancer-cholovіk.

The madness of sex in such a bet is based on the synchronizing passion of both. This love to the point of intimacy can be continued to the point of insincerity. So intimate zustrіchі may have a greater emotional temperament, lower in front.

If it’s a mova to come in about close quarters, then a kohannya is like for Scorpio, so for Cancer - it’s worth it after the earth. And if you fight on the side of a person, they will be incredibly comfortable one with one.

What checks for Ribi

At vіdnosinakh tsієї zodiac wager everything is in order. The stink of bacheling with a partner is less positive than positive. They feel best in the home environment, de no one can shake their feelings, which allows them to open up the whole world in front of their sample.

Such a bet can live at once for a long happy life. However, even though Ribi's wife is still unable to achieve a complete dressing of her dress, she is more likely to shuffle respect and affection on the side.

Element Fire and man Cancer

With signs of tsієї vіrshi stosunki at the person of Cancer will be this rank:

  1. With a woman Aries (patron - Mars) on a new check, baking sex, which you can’t say about wide stosunki, even if you want to stumble once, as a representative of a strong state, let yourself go at all hard times. If you want to give him a lot of respect, affection and heartfelt love, then you will win with your coin.
  2. The sum of the cancer of a man with a woman Leo is good. Vіn opіkuvatimetsya її, but yakraz tsgogo will require, as well as business partners from them, mildly seeming, nasty.
  3. The woman of the Strilet does not start the sovereign person of the water element with her self-destruction. But it is not uncommon for them to make unrelenting clunkers by appointment one to one.

Summistence from the representatives of the elements of the Earth

If you talk about summancy with the signs of the earth element, then do the rest otherwise. With Divou, everything is following the principle of such a thing, reaching out to such a thing. Representatives of these zodiac signs of power have a cheerful temperament and a dbaylive setting to overwhelming, stink to love safety and comfort.

With the woman Taurus, the madness of love on the right is ideal, even if she doesn’t need to power for a new romantic lull at the booth, which wine is so required.

In tandem w and Capricorn, the representative of the water element will be more comfortable. It's easier to secure yourself a distant leg in the face of difficult difficulties, so, well, roar the people of Cancer in the presence of such a representative of the zodiacal light.

Element Show that person Cancer

Vіdnosinah with Teresa will be smooth. The water fills up the reservoirs, but again it does not know the boundary. Good, like the stink of going alone on deeds, you can flatten your eyes on the deaks of your partner's windings.

Happy Crayfish-people and fun Aquarius-women - to finish the cicada tandem. If insults perebuvayut in a good mood, the stench of the building zhartuvat so that no one can be caught up in the laughter. Kokhannya can only indulge in that mood, like a skin from partners in the mind of the special nature of his dress.

The summation of the man of Cancer with the woman of Gemini is based on physical cravings. Prote varto designate, scho, cream sex, nothing more than that. Later, if the offences of the partners show that they have absolutely different life positions and goals, on which the wisdom of the Twins of the woman and the Cancer of the person will be pinned.

Remember that your horoscope is like a bib, and you can always make changes in a new act. And let you live for good luck!

The initiators of new stosunki with a man, a lot of girls are aware of the innocence of those who are good. To the very same, having been born under a certain sign of the zodiac, the woman is trying to find out about her wisdom from the women. The wisdom of a person to cancer with other signs is the axis of which it is necessary to know, joining the stars from the representative of this sign.

Yaky vin, man-cancer

The sense of a man's cancer in the kohanna lies uninterruptedly in the way that his mother and mother were formed, even the representatives of this sign are the most sensitive and infuriating in the emotional plan. How do you do well in yoga, your mother is a calm woman, how she gave sufficient time to this domestic state, such a mother of a mother, loving and strange. If a mother is a zhorstka, noisy, lordly woman, or a single mother, who exaltedly opposes her son, then the partner often becomes neurotic, jealously jealous, who lives in the face of her life is negligible and difficult under her mother's wing. The love of such mothers is built to deadly drown out in sensitive children all the natural strangeness, the lowerness of that pragnennia until the creation of the air of sim'ї. The best companion in life is the lad-cancer, which is a zoom in his own way to solve all the problematic moments of family stoks.

If a woman enters into an alliance with a man of this water sign, it is the fault of the memory that the confusion in sex may not be the same as the confusion in the kohanna. Based on the peculiarity of the formation of the character of a person's cancer, wine can be put before sex, as far as insignificant. Shards of young cancer are romantic, vin chilny to fantasies and confessions, yak seldom be true, even if you have stoks of vins to make love, I’m not more likely to be addicted, but d iz pidtrimkoy, rozuminnyam, romantic vchinki. Roses in the first vіdnosinah can overcome the siege, a kind of support for all life, even before such a person is aware of choosing self-esteem or becoming a companion for a good mother.

Well, the first death of cancer was mutual and it was true that it was cleared up, such a person is the best choice of a woman - the lower one, that chuyny kokhanets, the smart and respectful Sim'yanin.

Typical nedolіki cancer man

Representatives of all signs of the zodiac have a number of typical shortcomings. Axis scho varto memory, bind yourself with cancer:

  • crayfish are indolent and passive, navіt near the lizhku;
  • the stench is up to nostalgia;
  • stench is not good enough to take criticism to your address;
  • how to recognize the power of pardon;
  • periodically the stinks flicker at one's own, enclosing in the presence of the navkolishny world;
  • in public, the stench is smeared with zhorstky and suvorim, but the whole thing is less than a mask;
  • chi not є n_zhnist that stability in sex tedious;
  • the moon pours into the water, which is due to tides and tides, in times of cancer, it’s possible to pour that emotion into your mood.

Choosing Cancer as a partner in life, you can boldly appreciate that your partner will be indestructible and faithful. Such a person will become a famous sim'yanin, a loving person and a father, prote varto uniquely quiet, who is not smart enough to be assigned to life's goals. Such people are called walkers; Tse people come, as if they do not care about themselves and those who are dismayed by their insignificance.

Yak according to the horoscope Cancer summіsny with other signs

Wanting the summation of a cancer of a human cancer with a female representative of any zodiac sign є to reach high, find a sum of a man of cancer with other representatives of water signs - crayfish, scorpions, ribs.

Oskіlki cancer people are distrustful, it's easier for them to make contact with representatives of their own nature. Scorpios give them oversexuality and hoot with their inhuman intuition. With dreamy romantic ribs, you can always feel nostalgic and think about the expensive ones, like you love those others so much.

At the vіdnosinakh of two crayfish everything will be perfect, but only at the start of their sleeping path. Given the inertia and infantilism of the partners, they show no good prospects.

The summation of such people with representatives of other water signs is rooted in their own emotionality, which allows them to get together in the face of all negativity of the navkolishny world in their own enclosed space. Only at the vіdnosinakh zі scorpion vіn zdatny take the initiative from your own hand, from the union with the fish become a right guardian of the family vault. Ale, it is ideal to combine two crayfish on the cob of their vodnosin zdatna to turn such vodnosin on torturi. The skin of such a couple is post-emotional colivanya, and while they seem to be swaying in unison, the couple is all good, but it’s tedious, even if there is dissonance in emotional co-living, avoiding full-blown scandals, hysterics and tears, you can’t rob A man and a woman crayfish will sooner understand what is best for them to be friends, at such a time they reach absolute understanding.

Like a cancer of the summіsny іz earthly signs

The wisdom of a man’s cancer with a woman, who represents the elements of the earth, to reach the temple, in such vipadkas it’s ideal. Representatives of such a union are the most complementary to each other, and even to the very emotions of the hour, they marry the things of callous calves, capricorns and div.

Cancer and calf become one for one partners, like raising jealousy among women, fighting for the financial well-being of the family. In the union with the wife, the cancer is becoming a special psychoanalyst, who can listen carefully and respectfully, as well as analyze and sort out all the mental anguish of the cancer. It is pragmatic diva to build up the mind of yoga activity, which will positively signify on the material aspect of your union.

It is better for cancer to know the balance in marriage with Capricorn. Representatives of these signs are opposite one another in the zodiacal stake. The maximum that a hundred years of young representatives of these signs, satisfied with bodily passions, can bring, but for a mature person, the stink of the building knows one in the same thing that everyone was joking about life.

Like cancer of the summous with signs of fire and fire

The main characteristic of a crayfish with representatives of the fire and the fire elements is antagonism. In times of fiery lions, archers, and rams, the roots of feuds lie at the absurdity of the elements themselves, and in times of ignorant waters, twins, and vag, they have absolutely different views on life and life, and retail approaches to їх virishennia.

Whoever thinks for a moment that cancer is caused by water and water people will not think about it, it’s so. Aquarius is invariably vvazhatime cancer amorphous nevdahoyu, and inspire boisterous enchanting sex between these people do not lie to them. The person is invariably dratuvatime balakuchi and uїdlivіst ladies-aquarius.

Irrespective of those that the ram and the scorpion intercede with Mars, having poured into this planet itself, to create all possible prospects for the ram and the cancer. In such a couple, the representative of the fiery element is to bring the warlike and shy to various adventures, and the representative of the element of the water is a soft, non-conflict conservative romantic. For such a union, one person will inevitably fight more often.

To the great short-lived twins in the eyes of cancer, love to freedom and independence. In such bottles, the watermark is not indicative of the stability and reliability of the partner, which I will invariably bring to completion.

In the ventricles with the left crayfish, know your support, but you don’t show the constant pressure, like in the ventricles with the archer.

With intellectuals-vags, crayfish speak absolutely different language, and they simply don’t understand what a partner wants to see them.

Zhoden from the representatives of the elements of fire that fire is not built to give cancer a sense of arrogance and protection, the stench of it is superb, ambitious, selfish, sly and cunning, in that hour, like you, you need a sporidne soul.

Sum_snіst cholіkіv-rakіv fоr a skhіdniy calendar

For the quiet, who cares for the nobility, z kim is a crazy cancer person, є zmiv and respect not only for the classic zodiac horoscope, but also for the shidny.

Looking at the signs of a similar horoscope, such as 12, like the signs of the zodiac, you need to respect the people of your partners, because on 12 signs of a similar horoscope, 7 planets give respect to two representatives of the same sign.

The good fortune of a person with cancer with other signs is rich in what it means in that, as it pours in, the Month of Skin Partners.

Away bet for raku-bika

Like a person behind a similar horoscope beak, for you it’s ideal for a woman to be squinting or a snake. Such a union of foundations will be born, look at the family life, the state of the state and the development of children.

Away wager for the cancer-horse

Even more collapsible partner will be a man of cancer, people on the river of a horse, even such a man is just a ball of rubbish. Closure, dominating the zodiac sign, is embarrassed by the day of sticking to the rectilinearity and recognition of a similar sign. Good sum_snіst will be in pairs:

  • kіn-tiger;
  • king-dragon;
  • kіn-piven;
  • kіn-mavpa;
  • kіn-dog.

Away wager for a raku-cat (rabbit)

An ambiguous partner will be a man-cancer, people on the river of a rabbit (or a cat). Such a lad of his mystical, dexterous, roaring. Vіn skhilny to introspection and often feels pity for himself. We don’t accept situations, we can’t get in on the yak, and we respect for better trimming in them. The love of such a person is between vlasnym, his partner constantly sticks with turbulent scenes of jealousy, most of all falsehoods. A good union is a pair of rabbit-shur and rabbit-mavpa.

Away wager for cancer pig

Through the peculiarity of the character of a person, a person can become a person, a nation on a river pig. Cancer-pig (in some species of wild boar) is inconsistent, ale, unimpressed by emotions, firmly on its feet. Such a man of the building becomes a successful entrepreneur, otherwise he will achieve great success in his chosen profession. Such a person can be called boring, because vіn vmіє yak pratsyuvati, and y rozvazhatisya, scho vigidno vіdrіznyaє yogo z іnshih rakіv. A shortfall of such a person can become transcendental marnotism. For a pig, let’s make a farther alliance with a tiger, a mavpo chi other pig, a dragon, a snake, a rabbit, that kin in the doorway not far away vibir.

Union, far away for cancer, dragon, tiger, goat and dog native to the river

The most peaceful and calm of all dragons is a dragon-cancer, even more peaceful to mrіy, emotional, romantic and lower. However, in opposition to the evils, which are connected with the zodiacal sign, dominance, hardness, ardor, shyness to the point of anger and intolerance stand out. Similar people are often super-chlivi - the stink of the stench of the lords of life, and in the middle - the softness and conflicting nature, which is subtly discerning.

Mіtsniy union among dragons is powerful with a squint, a tiger and a pig. Unicati varto throw that dog.

Away wager for the tiger crayfish

Cholovik, native to the river tiger, folded for himself, and for the restless. Regardless of those that nature endowed him with intelligence, strength, cunning and energy, she deprived him of stability. Vіn nevіvnoveny and for an hour he himself does not know what he wants. Through the power, the instability of the wines can become aggressive and ardent, but it is most often swayed by internal experiences and almost unsettled. For such a person, it is even more important to have family and houses, and to build a mustache in order to save them.

Definitely prosperous will be the union of the tiger with the dragon, rich in more prospects in the near future. It is not possible for a tiger to enter at a stounka with a beak, a snake, a goat. sing, mavsing with that other tiger.

Away bet for a cancer-goat (vіvtsі)

Mustache, who was born on the goat river, are nice people, shy to the point of self-sacrifice. The stench itself realizes itself like volunteers, it is important for them to feel a part of the suspense for themselves and to consider their own mischief for that suspense. Shards of crayfish, people in the river goat to achieve altruistic nature, the stink cannot be reached in union with a squint, a beat, a horse and a dog. Such people will be happy if they match up to themselves - with a goat, a rabbit or a pig.

Away bet for a raku-dog

Cancer-person, people born on the river of a dog, get excited. Vіn vіtrachaє svoї svoіshnі forces on pіdtrimku balance mіzh work that sіm'єyu, scho zavdavat yoma chimalih suffering. The fault of all the vices is the innocence of oneself. For such a person, it’s not a good idea to work an unsustainable amount of money and go for broke, otherwise you can spend everything.

We will be friendly to the couple of a dog with a rabbit, a horse and a pig. Nothing good can be seen with a pivnem, a dragon, a tiger or a goat.

Union, away for the cancer-serpent, pivnya, squint and mavpi

Cancer-serpent is already a kind of person. Vіn can be like an independent one, so a bright sim'yanin. Prote, wielding the family snake, do not let yourself relax - as a partner, you check for activity, trust, understanding. It is the fault of the nobility that this woman believes in the light and security of the future.

A good union checks two snakes, as well as a snake and a scurry, a pig and a tiger. Don't get lost in a couple with a horse, a dog, a pivne tobacco.

Away bet for a raku-pivnya

Cancers that were born on the river of pivnya are aggressive and straightforward, the stench is simply unbearable to compromises, which often psue life as an otochuychim, so it is for themselves. The stench is to exercise respect and love to shine with the soul. All їhnє zhittya nagatuє kolyvannya kolyvannya pendulum vіd svіhu until failure.

The union of pivnya and snake chi bika will be positive. It’s even worse to put everything together with a smaller pivnem, a horse, a rabbit and a scour.

Away bet for raku-shur

If a human cancer is born in the river of shura, we can become the best of human beings. Tse domosid, people, building work with their own hands. Vіn not to love great and stupid companies. The number of acquaintances of such a person is picked up with a very serious approach, even if this person jokes with friends, partners of that woman on the wicket, but be it inconsistency, that change will lakayut and vibivayut іz kolії.

Be wary and mistrustful of new people, you need to deserve it, which you can’t say about the business sphere. On the right, the shura-cancer is just zviryache chuttya.

In the distance, a snake, a piven, a beak, a dog or a tiger will become a partner of life for a cancer-shura. Unikati stosunkiv varto with a cat (rabbit), which can “stand” the scura or with a horse, building this schur “trample”.

Away bet for raku mavpi

Cancer, which has appeared in the world at the river mavpi, at first glance can be too vulnerable, but it is fundamentally wrong. Such people prihovoyut nature mavpoyu under the mask of cancer, scho allows them to get rid of the vigrashi practically in any situation. However, you should carry singing folds in special stoks. Few people are able to grow up, which are right with the help of raku-mavpi, and which is just a mask.

The best way to understand mavpu is a dog, kіn chi tiger. It will be difficult to know the mutual understanding of the vision with the squint and the snake.

Now you know about the summation of a human cancer with other signs of the zodiac.

Children of the Moon, sensitive and irritable, who emotionally react to the most urgent and fearful in splintering, all about Cancers. The cream of the rehabilitated yakosity of the mysterious month has given them a marvelous intuition, as if pouring into the wisdom of Rakiv - the stench of suitable partners on the pidsudomy equal. Element Rakiv water, but whoever said that it’s calm, the water can be unkempt and energetic. At one time, water is the soul of the world, it is closely connected with emotions and feelings. Months from the water in a marvelous order will gather at Cancers, their roamers are a mystery to the restless.

The stinks stole their talents and got lost in the shade, the stinks of the flooring are hidden, like you are a patroness.

Characteristic sign

The best partners for Rakіv will be representatives of the їхної elements. Tі, whose element is earth, can make an ideal union with Cancer, the earth is a wonderful container for water, water at its edge to live the earth. Scorpios and Ribi will be poozumіyutsya with Cancers, ale, as if in any waters, they will be able to report the trochs of zusil.

Two Cancers? Possibly, but not at once, they happen to earn on their own happiness. Capricorns, Striltsі and Divi are a more practical people, stink to lay down a miraculous party for Cancers, so that they can understand one alone. Preservation is necessary to show with Aries, Striltsy and Leo, half-moon signs can simply hang Rakiv. With repeated signs, everything is even more individual, children can be tried by the method of trying and pardoning. Just need to remember that the Twins, Teresa and Aquarius are not especially patient, and therefore, do not check on Cancer, as if we think too long.

Getting to Rakiv is not so easy, from the short side of them only those who stinks are widely sympathetic can be recognized, others can respect them gloomy and closed. Pіdopіchnі Mіsyatsya not tolerate deceit in whatever manifestations, їх dratuє stoshchi and dvoosoblivіst v stosunki, stench intuitively vіdchuvayut falsity svіvrozmovnika. You can get away, scho stinks to read thoughts. It can be so out of the blue.

The summation of cancer with other zodiac signs

Cancer and Aries

Aries strimki and nevgamovnі. Aries simply helps to subdue Cancer. Patience Rakiv allow them to get along with Aries for this hour, but not all of life, no one will accept lamati for love. This union is good for romantic stosunkivs, easy flirting and biased pranks. If we add Mars and Moon, we’ll sooner be deprived of friends and take a walk around the registry office, there’s nothing to do there.

Cancer and Taurus

Such a split is possible, if you want a couple. Cancers are calm, Taurus are good-natured and patient. Venus and the Moon are joking about the mother's hats for their children. Let the two of you live a long sleepy life without a burden of addictions. Rivnі, smooth stosunki, without zavoї emotsіynostі and predilection, everything, like and wanted tsі lads. Here it is, it’s really boring, turn it around, you’ll always know what to do.

Cancer and Twins

The twins are impulsive and restless, Cancers simply can’t catch up with them, that one started the union of the other, that the water will be collapsible. The twins can easily pick up sensitive crayfish and remember not to remember their images. It is necessary to behave delicately with representatives of the water element, the stench is even more sensitive and sensitive, only the twins cannot reach these rules. Then the bet has an intimate sense of wonder, they check the lower romance, which will give both a mass of hostility. And the axis from this should not hurry up, as if you already want to go to the registry office, change the wart, that you are the same kohannya.

Cancer and Cancer

Two Cancers - the controversy of souls and mutual heaviness. This couple knows how to spend an hour, it is great to think that they have similar likenesses and interests. Ale, for the creation of a militant union, should happen to improve and stop being hisists. Pіdopіchnі Mіsyatsa without slіv razumіtim one one, їhnya іntuїtsіya mezhuє z mіstikoyu, tsikh vіdnosinakh it's impossible to prihovat. Mabut, Cancers know better for astrologers, like the future checks on them. Tse bude tsіkavyi and mysterious union, їhnya sumіsnіst nehay і not ideal, but її suffice for mіtsnogo shlyub.

Cancer and Leo

Syaivo Leva can cheer up anyone, from a mile of Crayfish to drink up tsyu charivnist. Only a few different elements make it as easy as possible for the blue of each union. Schoden battles from different drives simply make good on calm Cancer. That Levi did not call to explain what the stinks are the best, the stinks are the best, which is so obvious to the otochyuyuchy. Pojdnati qi two signs will be foldable. All the opposites are attracted, and the right kohannya can work miracles.

Cancer and Diva

Divy for the old zvichkoy try to know the shortfalls of Rakiv. A bunch of stench will come to them secretive and overly mysterious. If they come to know that there are no tricks. Earthly Divi believe that with Cancer you can induce harmonies, and you can correct others step by step. Axis only Cancers do not think so, until their plans do not enter in support of the defendants. The stench called to spiral on its own intuition, and not clearly plan, as if Diva were folding. But hello to everyone, and love can be evil.

Rak ta Terezi

The positive quality of Tereziv and the charіvnіst obov'yazkovo add Rakіv to them, as it will be the root of the breadth and comradeship of Terezіv. Month and Venus can help to settle down with your children, such a summation is possible. Golovnya, that the Crayfish suddenly realized that they had scammed their people, Terezi do not pick up checks forever. Tse shlyub not obіtsyaє buti smooth, there will be weldings, scandals are possible, but making friends easily go through tse and pide far plich-o-plich.

Cancer and Scorpio

Scorpios love to establish their own rules and lead in pairs, Cancers allow them, obviously, as if in a right way they love their soul mate. Irrespective of those that Scorpions and Cancers are strongly annoyed, the wild elements of the water will help them to get closer to that understanding alone. In the midst of the blue moons of the moon and Pluto, they are declared to be uneasy, ale tim tsikavishimi. Scorpions more than once fight for Rakiv, the most trustworthy companion and trustworthy person is difficult to know. And in the intimate sphere, everything is miraculous in the bet.

Cancer and Sagittarius

Yaskravy character of Striltsiv, honesty and good nature to support Rakiv. The stars are ahead, which is more unique to the union, the fire and the water are not the same. Shvidshe for everything, the death of Jupiter, the rose of the heart of Cancer. Vіn vteche zі stosunkіv, yak tіlki vyrіshit, scho scooped themselves. Cancers can more emotionally experience the growth, recognizing yoga as a hospital. Cancers varto kindly think, persh nizh pirnati at the cі stosunki.

Cancer and Capricorn

Whose union will be on trust. Capricorns are grounded and practical, and thoughtful lads are clearly suitable for modest Cancers. On them, there is a calm future and a peaceful life, where everything is planned ahead of time, about Capricorns. Navkolishnim can be given away by stoks and dreary ones, though Capricorn with Cancer does not know anyone else’s thoughts, it’s good, but it’s smut.

Cancer and Aquarius

Tse duzhe tsіkava spilka, the basis for it will become a mutual povaga, which is already bad for a slave. You won’t bring a captivating addiction to wine, but Cancers don’t suffer like that. As soon as Aquarius succumbs, then it will be strong until its halves, so it’s simply not possible to break the stosunki. In addition, Aquarius loves everything unimaginably, and it is important to reveal the most mysterious companion of life.

Cancer and Ribi

The sum of the value of the bet is ideal, it can be demonstrated to success as an illustrious family for succession. The stench is not only to understand one alone, it is given to them to recognize the bazhanya of their partner, and turn, stink of them. Your partners will be ideal in all spheres - true friends, perfect partners and ideal partners. Zadroshchi do not cry out from the resting couple, the stench simply does not give her a glimpse and does not put one's happiness on display.

The cold with the lower, vivacious Moon, zavzhd, where it is right to trim the way to the mysterious Cancers, and Levi are the followers of the hot Sun, as if giving them the greatness of that individual specialness, creating a glint around them. Leo and Cancer: madness among kohanni and relatives...

The signs of the driver may be even more awakened by intuition; Cancer and Cancer: the summation of women and women of this sign of the Zodiac would have been ideal, but let's take a look at the report.

Twins - the planet Mercury, the elements of the second; Cancer is the planet Moon, the element is water. Cancer and Twins: the summation of women and close women of both signs of the Zodiac would have been ideal, but let's take a look at the report. Messengers of Mercury...

Tiltsi - the planet Venus, the element Earth, Cancer - the planet Moon, the element Water. Cancer and Taurus: the summation of the couple and the close ones of the people and the women of these two signs of the Zodiac would be possible, but let's take a look at the report. Water can be saved here, but ...

Cancer and Aries are absolutely different features, one is accommodating and takes everything close to the heart, the other is stubborn and stands on its own, it’s easy to get out and forget about it. Cancer and Aries: summіnіstі іn kohannі cholovіkіv і zhіnіk tsikh tvokh zodiac zodiac іn love stosunki - ...

Two signs of the Zodiac of the earth and water elements. Capricorn and Cancer: the summation of the couple and the close ones of the people and the women of these two signs of the Zodiac would be possible, but let's take a look at the report. Children of Saturn miraculously get by with a minimum of emotions and in the end...

5 /5 (21 )

Let's talk about conscience Raku and Raku, how can your union be long and successful? Intercession of Cancers is given by Month - that miraculous and mysterious companion of our planet, which stands for the emotional state of people. The elements of this sign - water - are tied with feelings. In this mood, there is a form of nevgamovnoy bet, a gracious reach, whether it be a place for the energy of your own energy and innocence. Crayfish are inspired by a special intuition, which can be called supranatural, similar to the shost. But only the heavenly luminaries know about this building, even if people, people under the sign of the water, are most often in the shade and reluctant to demonstrate their unique talents.

Cancers are easy to injure, stench, perhaps, the most obvious of all signs. The mood of the pіdopіchny Mіsyatsya pіdnіstі pіdorderovanіy yogo charіvnomu patron, yakіy іdzhe zastryuє sensibility.

People who are people under the sign of Cancer are a summer creation, but those who have a holy day of the people of the red, are more active for their linden brothers: the sun of the first month of scorched pores of rock did not catch them apart in their arms. And the axis of the people in the other decade of the cycle will love to spend time. Water signs miraculously can become mindful among themselves - there are no reasons for them to conflict. Zavdyaki rozvinenіy іntuїtsії, Cancer zavzhdý can signify the correctness of his choice, and the patroness of the month will help formulate the rest of the thought. The only one who can overshadow the union is jealous, even water people, great rulers. Ale, even though the representatives of the sign still dare to create miraculous blues, they will sing-songly please everyone, including the stars.

Wisdom woman Cancer and man Cancer

The strength of that independence is the axis of your strength, as the woman-Cancer develops from the very childhood. Navit only having been born, there, as it were, it’s right to work everything independently. A marvelous beauty, which conceals a riddle, is a water lady, and, as if on those there will be її bazhanya, you can support some kind of person, some kind of leaning order. And the lover of Mіsyatsya is more likely to have a good kohanny, so we don’t want to start short-hour blues.

For the sake of a kohan woman, go for everything, pragnuchi to open up in the object of your bazhanya without excess. Її a person will be forgiven for any fault, one thing, what can be done against himself by the squad of Cancer - zrada.

At the moment, if the water lady finds out about the evil of the kohan, instruct from her better not to interrupt anyone, especially the colossal kokhan - the wind of the immeasurable wrath of the building will rot be anyone who appears in order from the її epicenter.

Man-Rak breathes honesty and order. Vіn vvazhaє for better being your life for the laws that only understand you, but it doesn’t mean that you don’t give a damn about the idea of ​​you. Supervisory lightness at the cross with the water sign is taken away from the city of those who could reach the reach of Cancer. Recently, we know well to achieve the growth of the sweet Moon, if we don’t open our souls like people, alemati in the friends of Cancer means to take away the supremacy and faithful companion.

The sign of the building is to enchant the head of a be-yak_y maiden, who was worthy: representatives of a beautiful state, who drank on yoga a truly hypnotic charm, literally squander the head, past the month-long companion is filled with broken hearts. Ale empty obіtsyanki cholovіk-Rak never gives and zavzhd česní іz chergovoi obrenitse, so taїti image їyy just mute on scho.

Watch the video. Sumіsnіst Cancer and Cancer.

Loved by the other half of a person who happens to be forgotten: you can’t spend more than an hour with your friends, even if you’re talking about a companion of life, we’ll take the whole free hour. And yet I will be compensated for by the pleasures of family life, even though Cancer is just an ideal person and a wonderful fellow.

In love

Rice of all Rakiv is distrustful; Dovіrchі rozmovi mіzh them - rіdkіst, even without them stink to know everything about your partner, secrets between them are not known. The controversy of their souls includes the need to turn thoughts into words. For a long time, a partner of the same sign will not happen to a person, a woman can lose her thoughts about peace - no special signs are needed for the closeness of two hearts. Even if the stink wafts up to be at a place of uninterrupted closeness, then one cannot live alone without one.

Dozvіllya a couple vvazha for the best spend in water-reinforced places, de nіhto not destroy the calm zakohanih. Ale їhnє pobachennya nikolay not be able to zіpsuvaty children: relatives іz satisfaction deprive their children under the guardianship of two Rakіv. Povaga to relatives with a water sign in the blood, that stink cannot encourage the members of this family to take a young brother and sister from them for a walk in the park.

Mensch 10% of couples separate

The water signs have no room for conflicts and weldings, even if there are no other reasons for barking. Vіdnosini bet nevdovzі after acquaintances are registered in the registry office, the separation of Rakiv-zakohanih - tse, rather, vinjatok іz rules.


Those about which other bets can be less dreamy, stink to shy away all the time intuitively - to understand a partner from the word.

Mutually, the gravity of Rakiv is equal to the cosmic link of their patron-moon from the Earth.

The heavenly luminaries give Cancers joy: it is obligatory for them to carry out a sleeping ceremony in the volumes of their elements. Go up the road to the sea, to the lake chi river promenade. As a whole, the souls of the souls of the Mіsyatsy virushit in a distant dacha settlement and bring peace and quiet to the authorities like mіstsyam. The evenings of stench will be spent in volumes one by one, and those close to you will often wake up to suffocate, until you sleep well, and pamper Rakiv with all kinds of savory. Such chaklunstvo zmusit water signs to believe in Cupid's foundation, as if taking on a shackle to save your love. And the relatives of the deceased will definitely give a beautiful modern boat for the fun.

At the whistle

Budinoks of friendly Rakiv are the full cup, de panue the world is rozuminnya. The water man of the building will appreciate the culinary talents of his other half and create a quiet home environment. Moreover, for the rest of the household, it is clearly not a burden, even if by such a rank she shows all the depths of her kokhannya. Pobutovі turboti Cancers take on as a matter of course zrozumіli, at the same time dbayuchi about the family's nest.

Financial problems should not be touched by the sim's - to get a cheap penny resources stink rozpodіlyayut nastіlki competently, which can easily reach the next salary. Competently planning helps to keep the mother under the hand of a certain supply of cats "for a black day." The stench of the building should be put close to the same sum in borg, the prote to distant friends and we know the kindness of the family friend to rozrokhovuvat not varto: these problems of Rakiv are absolutely not to chirp. There are few right friends among Rakiv friends, but all the stinks have earned their trust in an hour.

8 of 9 sex needs an active partner

Sexual partners have a lot of sums, to those who, on an intuitive level, guess about the secret of one alone. The truth is, addictions in їhnіh stoksnakh most often do not prevail, moreover, Cancer can open up more and more energetically in a lie. And yet, the fact that a lover in sex is overcompensated by ideal waters, that happiness in a family life of a water friend in a be-like mood.


Cancers hang high up to life, they want to stink, so that everything will be the best with them. Stosuetsya all friends. From the youthful rokіv pіdopіchny Mіsyatsya shows special respect and turbota to otochuyuchih, vіdrіznyayutsya with tact and delicacy. Nation under the sign of Cancer, the girl is richly self-reliant for a water boy, ring out for yourself in the child’s garden, if the future person needs to look after her mother, that’s how strong attachments are.

Vulnerability is attached to this sign, but often one does not guess what is in the soul of the mysterious children of the Moon.

Prote among yourself Crayfish never start a mystery, telling other friends about all the hidden thoughts. And if one of your friends swears important details of the chergovy vitivka, then your friend will know about everything.

At school, little shibeniks become a real nightmare for teachers. There will be no stench at the beginning of the process, but there will always be among the brilliant scholars: some readers suspect that young Cancers of the building literally read their thoughts. Deyakіt can inspire the children of the Moon with modern chacloons, because their interest is greater to the whole mystical arc great.

Crayfish with impatience check the present retirement age: now it is impossible for them to start a battle of light and take away the sea of ​​new enemies in the sight of exotic lands.

Tse tsikavo! Sex from a Cancer Man.


Partners-Cancers are endowed with nature, simply hostile. At the hour of the black-hearted session of love, the stench will again be abstracted from the ethereal world and bathe your cochants with the most beautiful creation in the world. Crayfish are placed one to one with singing humor, and even more strangely react to the needs of your partner. Under the hour of bedtime closeness, the stench vvazhayut, that a small piece of paradise descended into those places, de stink, forgetting about everyone, the crime of a partner. Sex, in Rakiv's thought, may seem like that.

Cancers have only one problem to deal with: an hour of sexual intimacy. The stench often cannot rise up in itself and say, if the stench in the mood is pressed into love. Sound, tsya hardships blame the year, at the beginning stage, you should not stand in front of your partners like food.

The “root of evil” emerges from the psyche of the drunken Moon: the stench is absolutely not cool, and the authorities’ mood is not enough to explain the reasons, through the stench they are happy, confused, embarrassed and doubtful. Guess if the stars are friendly for sexual intimacy Cancers are more folding, lower the weather on the river ahead. And as long as the heavenly luminaries do not rush into the need to stand, the closeness of partners is left under great nourishment.

In robots

In order to earn a penny, a person-Raku does not need to practice, it is enough to rely on his intuition and virushiti to the casino. The life of this sign is completely under the force of vidkriti on the right, like a detective or a fortune-teller. Ale pіdopіchnі Mіsyatsya know that these days are busy even boring, and obviously don’t want to stink from problems with donations.

The craving for creativity is at the sign of water in the blood, and at the first acquaintance, the stench immediately recognizes the controversy of souls. The stinks can easily get home and start doing their own business, having come up with a slogan for the power company.

Supernitstvo with competitors do not lyakaє podopіchnyh Mіsyatsya, and the axis of їхні opponents are more afraid of zv'azuvatis z їhnoyu firm, volіyuchi minimіzuvati zv'yazki that vіdkupitisi razі vyniknennya problems. On the right, Rakіv clashes from the first days: at the restaurant opened by them, the whole color of suspense, even culinary brilliance, is in the blood of the watermark.

As a whole, under the power of Cancers, take up psychology: it’s easy to find a job in this sphere after graduation from the institute. Before them, vibudovuvatimetsya tsіla low bazhayuchih otrimati porada, navіt yakscho rostіnki monthly fahivtsya will be high.

Among celebrities dosit bagato Rakiv. And with skin rock їkhnya kіlkіst zrostaє.

In percents

85% - this number can be used to denote the sum of two Rakiv.

The people are exalted by a high level of sensitivity, and emotions literally splash over the edge. Viruyuchi in the middle is a little bit, the prote navkolyshnim is unlikely to get lost. Little-knowing to the dearest Moon, people, better for everything, we will striman and suvorim to respect this person.

Ale, looking at your other half, is a sign of the water, to take away the sea of ​​affection and tenderness. I yogo companion-Cancer as a whole is created to create my dream. To the very same, Cancers miraculously get along one with one, their couple is fully meritorious for the title of ideal.

Woman-Cancer is distinguished by a special homeliness and wholesomeness of pampering her person with the most beautiful things of the day. They also become wonderful mothers, even if they don’t have strictness. The attraction of Rakiv is expanding only to other people, man knows all the hidden secrets. The maximum, on which the building sign is driven, is to attach the details, be it or not.

Watch the video. Woman-Cancer: who is the person?

Psychological confusion

The Union of the People under one sign of the people will always require special respect. At times, it is necessary to reportly look at the natal charts of friends. It’s impossible to talk about the children of the moon, the stench is funny and at once it’s even more mundane.

90% Cancers love and control

Cancers did not take any bi image in life, for they will always be taman such rice, like pіkluvannya. On the cob of stosunkіv, the warmth of the partner vikliche at the sign of the driver, more than positive emotions. Navіt peresіchnі dії na kshtalt zavaryuvannya zavaryuvannya tea retinue shouting at the soul a storm of feelings. Ale often stink viklikanі taєmnym navіt for themselves podopіchnykh Mіsyatsya bazhannyam trimat all dokkol under control.

Dotrimannya vibudovanih plans, on the thought of Cancers, є guaranty of their safety. Tse mirkuvannya often appear to be virishal at the hour when a decision is made about the creation of the union. In the blue of the two Rakiv, mutual relations with mothers are strongly intertwined, moreover, they stand like love, and hate. That partner, who will get rid of the woman who gave birth to yoga, will become the insane leader of this bet, setting the course for a distant development of the money in all directions.

Zakohani pіdopіchnі Mіsyatsya zdatnі viklikati more zakhoplennya. The stench is sensitive to this storm, as if you can read it in their own guise, often redden and squint your eyes with long winds.

Pluses in the union woman Cancer and man Cancer

Under the hour of the morning at the two cancers of the opposite statute, the blame is mutually reasonable: the stench of the building is home for some kind of nourishment, which is worthy of both the spiritual sphere and the material plan. The stench will definitely be able to quickly choose a place for repair and easily come to a consensus on the hour of laying down the plan for six months.

Cancers often know the partners of their sign of the kohanna of the whole life. The most comfortable stench is felt by itself in the life of a person, giving the impression of a great evening and going to a restaurant a quiet evening in the company of the other half. We invite you to come in soon and call me to come out of a quiet life, who appreciate the calm, sweet Moon.

In the marriage of one woman and one person, people under the sign of Cancer, do not get bored. The stench may be impersonal topics for the development of those common interests, more of which are worthwhile and have a good time. As a result of such a setting before life, it is not uncommon for isolation: there are simply no reasons to leave the quiet family nest of Cancer.

However, a couple of traces of memory: in life, it is necessary to bring a deuce of diversity, otherwise to create an ideal union, foundations on love and trust, to pretend to be a zvichka.

The role of dobuvacha in this world, madly, is introduced to people, and the woman, out of contentment, becomes the keeper of the pit. This is laid down in Cancers by nature itself, and created by this allows you to develop talents, which are in partners, ladies are gaining good womanhood, and її companion becomes a smile like a face from a love affair. The rest was especially spared: with the owner’s partner, he would instantly change into a closed house, but about the honeymoon of the month, you might happen to be a couple.

Make friends with dreams about children, like those of their own family, ring out richly. Wonderful fathers come out of Rakiv. Wanting to stench require tenderness and affection no less, lower їхні children.

TSE QIKAVO! Modern astrology: piquant details of the summation of the Cancer woman.

Cons of such a union

Conflict situations in a harmonic pair are blamed very rarely. Porozuminnya that chuynist to the partner allows you to vanish weldings, rare in other family partnerships. But sometimes the signing of stosunkiv is inevitable, even though astrology is far from everything. The great spitting on the order is given to furnish the life and the spitting of the fathers. Naivazhche for Rakiv - tse reconciliation, the stench does not know how to get to the food.

2/3 Rakіv vindictive

Therefore, most of all, one or a single welding can become the reason for the separation of two children of the Moon. Form a watermark to remember for a long time, it is practically impossible to earn forgiveness for this.

The welders of two Rakiv have deeds of a small side. The stench is gracious at the Movchanka and weeping in the air, with your own hands, smashing the wall that divided them. The conflict can provoke podії, which led to the acquaintance of the dead, even skin of them miraculously remember their past.

Quite often between partners, it becomes a banal boredom. Prote pіdopіchnі Mіsyatsya give the priority of one-manship to post-welds, rozbіzhnosti and scandals. It’s easier to cope with the tedium, lower the image: come to the rescue of various hobbies and hobbies, which are impersonal among the kokhans.

What you need to know about the union of two Rakiv

Dbaylivist that vіddanіst in Cancers in the blood. But accept signs of respect for them, not less than accepting, but look out for your partner. Giving warmth and otochyuyu turbotoy his friend half, podopіchnі Mіsyatsya podіmati і the reaction of the іdpovіd not less force, nizh vlasny pochatkovy posyl.

Also, the sign of the driver can be characterized by such a word as obov'yazkovist. Vіn maє tsіliy list of important rights, yakі vin is guilty of having to grow up to the end of life. Crayfish, who live together, eat their own resemblances and by themselves even more brightly in the blue.

Sometimes problems are blamed on Rakiv because of their emotional breadth. Vin often does not understand the reasons for his nasty mood, and he can no longer explain the reasons for his mood to his partner.

The most important for Rakiv is their own house of power. Skin from partners helps to grow a quiet nest. For the dependents of the Month, life is moving like a temple, where it is possible to develop spiritually and physically. Razvazhatisya stench vvazhayut for better right there, having been inspired by the year in the sight of the galaslivy mist.

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