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How to attract psychology to people. How to get a person out of his life of the people? How to screw up the respect of a person

A rich woman asks her girlfriends food, how to turn on the respect of a lad who has been honored. To get around other chances and kindle the interest of a person, the stench of zastosovuyt different means and ways, go to all the powers.

5 methods to screw up the respect of the lad, who suits you

Skin girl is individual. Whether you want to show them to your partner, what is best, best. However, with some special charms, the beautiful woman is not small, she should learn how to cory with universal rules and tricks, before which a man cannot stand.

5 speeches that are not necessary to make:

  1. People are not befitting of intrusive and vulgar girls.
  2. Don't succumb to rubbish and stinginess.
  3. Don't swear by the words of swearing in the presence of a strong state.
  4. Unravel the riddles about the many lads.
  5. Do not varto tie a person with your scargs for life.

Method number 1. Zovnishnist

It is strong to become, first for everything, I appreciate the life of the eye. For important people:

  • figure that postava;
  • the smell of hair and body;
  • move and make-up;
  • clothes and swagger.

People will always respect you in a pleasant way, as you can:

  • white laughter;
  • clean hair;
  • with glancing hands with a natural manicure that doesn’t call out;
  • a woman's robe, which supports a figure;
  • polished clothes, which is ideal for picking up;
  • light natural make-up, which can be diluted with bright lipstick;
  • twisted and rozkutimi rukhs.

Unique over this cloak, let the protilezhnoy state grow up fantasy. A little too short notices can tell you about you.

Method #2. glance

Buti baiduzhim - means WITHOUT emotions.

  • Take care of your calm and good-naturedness, leaning against your sleeping acquaintances.
  • Don't guess about the past.
  • Do not show naughty yoga with a new passion. It'll be great if you pick up this compliment, or you'll pay more attention to your choice of accessories.

Such an atypical behavior to piss off a lad, who still suits you, I’ll be glad to say that someone who loves you, thinks about your life and can change your mind.

If it’s more than a little bit, you can attract a kokhan: without a trace of jealousy. The new lad instructed you to mitigate a flurry of emotions from the big one to awaken the bajannya take it from the superman.

Don't overexaggerate: talk about a new friend in public without hugging and acquiring a new friend. Such a behavior is more vicious than the anger of that other individual.

How to screw up the respect of the lad at the school

School rock is the best. I don’t know anything simple, like taking on the interest of the boy that you are worthy of.

As a strong lad, be it any object, you just need to ask Yogo for help. Respect Rozmov, know the sleeping points of the Dotik. You can talk about groups, like you see, about the people you know, or try to know the topic for discussion.

Proponuy pіdlіtku, scho dignified, at once go somewhere, for example, at the cafe or organize a walk in the park.

It's nothing terrible that you got into trouble on the rіshuchi diї. Let go of your rubbish, and just take what suits you.

How to turn the respect of the lad from listing, on the Internet

To call for sympathy for the lads, richly folded, lower good contact with him. It is important to understand: you are like you you chi for the time being.

It’s necessary to start talking about the first step! Vaughn say a lot about what: emotional state, hoary.

  1. Watch yoga video
  2. listen to audio recordings
  3. dig into the comments
  4. Give respect to status.
  1. Give you a presentable look.
  2. Vistav photographs, yakі yogo zatsіkavlyat.
  3. Now you can open listings on the Internet.

Unify template phrases from your references, bring out originality and smartness. Prote, give yourself a "botanist" tezh not varto. Take logical thoughts and erudition, start a heated discussion, if you rewrite.

Talk about yourself a little. It will be shorter, if you put food on Vee herself. Chi hi vin think, who is this anonymous, what kind of you write? Better for everything, the lads will begin to find out about you, and the young man of the coming day will be the first to remind you.

You can show sympathy for obsyagom podomlen, naskіlki povnimi that parts will be in vіdpovіdі. Zatsіkavlenі lad write richly and burnt.

How to turn the respect of the lad on the vіdstanі

Hundreds of kilometers appear between you. But there are not many such people, like they would make girls, move like a lad, which one should be. What is it necessary to work in order to save the interest of a young person, for whom you have already been talking or only think about it?

  • write one to one today;
  • tsіkavtesya life of your obrantsya;
  • share experiences;
  • choke on yoga successes;
  • wiggle until the clapping schiru povaga;
  • take care of the new one and at the same time with him yogo reach.

Chat with video calls. Tse to give your conversations an emotional character. Increase the voice of the reminder. Play, intrigue, think about the sound at once.

How to screw up the respect of the lad on the robot

Seen by a colleague on the job, but on the right you didn’t go far for the work process? Everything can be corrected by speeding up with clumsy recommendations.

  • see at the door;
  • know the sleeping quarters;
  • show respect for the interests of a colleague;
  • fill the speaker with compliments;
  • look at all 100;
  • wear obliging clothes, not forgetting, obviously, about the dress code;
  • prepare the object of burning.

Vykoristovyte unimpressed atmosphere of the corporate party to reach your goal, even if someone knows how much more to get drunk.

Horoscope - screw the boy's respect by recognizing the sign of the zodiac

  • Show ram his guilt, and it’s unlikely that I’ll let you in again for a long time. Which sign is appropriate for those bold women.
  • Taurus important is friendship and kindness. Become a part of yoga close otchennya.
  • Twins I want to follow the order of the initiative girls. Courageously work the croc nazustrich.
  • How do you propagate cancer marvel at the film on this territory, and gladly accept the proposition. People whose sign is not to like galaslivyh companies.
  • Levy volіyut zhіnok - lіderіv, yakі lyubimut і pіdtrimuvatimut yоgo zahoplennya. However, you can’t tolerate the commission of a woman, as if trying to show that she’s rich in what’s best for him.
  • divam fit fashionable, neat and organized girls. Tighten the respect of such a person with stylish details and sophisticated accessories.
  • Before Teresa follow through love to nature. The presence of shared interests brought additional balls.
  • For scorpio importantly, to instruct them to make that independent pannochka independent. Even the same women add people to Scorpios. Behave like this, nibi Vi will not require podtrimki tsієї people.
  • Striltsі dear comrades. You can drink with a merry smile and with warm fires.
  • Capricorn love intelligent women. To reveal your intellect, to think of it, to make it brighter and to turn your thoughts to your person.
  • Aquarius ruhaє we sampered tsіkavist. Do not open your cards in front of him, support him to learn more about you.
  • Ribi love the realm of art. Sleep like concerts, theaters, art museums will help you get closer.

Skin woman dreams about special happiness. I want to be notified about something new in all ages, but maybe everything can be reduced to one thing: the order may be the best person, with which it is comfortable in any situation. One to be happy once - stink to know your soul mate. On others, there are rich zustres and rozcharuvan. What are the ways to lure a guide person? How to look at Yogo in NATO and understand that you yourself are your share?

From the above stats you know:

  • Why, in order to turn a good person, the woman needs to start with herself
  • What are the ways of visualization to help you get a good person
  • Why else, the cream of sexuality, you can get a good person

How to tune in to the jokes of a good person

A rich woman, as if they were enchanted in the kohanna after nearby stosunkiv, upevneni, that it is simply not given to them to know their soul mate. Mental attitudes are important in matters of special happiness, and in rich other aspects of life. To that, first of all, you can win ways to get a good person, you need to learn your mind from the border.

Krok 1. Change settings

Having survived the devil's separation, you mimicantly wonder why you don't know how to vibrate the harmonies. What does it take to enjoy oneself alone? Maybe not those people are in order? Chi is the reason for rich glibsha? Psychologists say that all our problems come from childhood. Possibly, the scandals in the family and the bad behavior of the father were caught in your mind and had a negative impact on self-esteem.

First of all, you can find ways to get a good person, try to work out all the quiet ones, who, if you have given you pain: dad, a great person, a cochance, no matter what. Mustaches have given you a lifetime of dosvіd. Give them thoughts for the price and let them go at once with more and more images. To raise the heart in the form of undesirable experiences, in order to remind one with positive and lower. Don’t let yourself get too many pardons, check ahead of time what you think about.

Krok 2 We create an image

Saying goodbye to the past, you hopefully marvel at the future. Don't be afraid of warto. It is best to show, as you yourself bachite your dress.

Paint a portrait near your head. What kind of wickedness is the mother guilty of obov'yazkovo? For example: strong, strimany, reasonable, cheerful, generous, thin. If you don’t want to go out of your mind, all your thoughts will immediately evaporate, then we take a pen and papier and write down everything that I wanted to please my man. You don't need to worry about describing your image in more detail, it's better for you. Try not to show anything and show the image as clearly as possible. Find different ways to get a worthy person, only one of them. The more you see in your head the ideal companion of life, the more you see the truth.

Krok 3 Visualize the perfect stounki

Whether the thought is material, but it is easier to think with the one who bachish. Let's take care of the creations of the vlasnoy card of the kokhannya. Try to be self-confident, make sure you correct your thoughts and put a part of your soul into it. To grow from the great shmatka of a smart paper heart. Choose bright little ones that illustrate your future romantic blues, and stick them on your heart at the look of a bright collage. This simple way is not only to help you get a good person, but also to allow you to understand, like you know, you need a long-term union, otherwise you might be swayed by the virus of passion.

Having come out of it, like a stone to bring you happiness, try to look at the broken collage, paint at the head a scene of a happy future life, so that with bright thoughts you can bring the visionary of the world near.

Krok 4 Nalashtovuєmos

Tell me about your dream to the All-World. At first glance, a bad and useless ritual. Ale is less for the first glance. Really, maybe your mother’s guilt is even harder, pouring into your life. The most common people are those who are supposed to beg from life. Why not win the tse as a way to get a good person? Write a sheet, reportly describe your ideal soul mate: your character, sounds, hoarseness, manners, soundness, and so on. Put a sheet at the top of the bowl. Be sure that a person will not be afraid to lean on the damage of your booth.

Krok 5. Engaged in self-development

Think about those, how the woman was worthy of your ideal dress. What does it show you її image? If not, then what to do. Pragnennya self-doskonalennya is commendable and gives visible results. Clean up from the beauty salon, change the image and update the wardrobe. If it is necessary, then put a couple of kilograms of zayvoi vaga for a meta. Dopomozhe swimming pool or fitness club. Expand your horizons, read more, communicate with other philanthropists, get creative, learn something new.

Krok 6. We make a plan for

Have you figured out that you should work, but so you are deprived of food, de shukati a good person? This is especially relevant, as your life is surrounded by a booth and a robot. Sitting in the armchair, they don’t shy away, the prince doesn’t check. Reveal, de vie could have caught a good person. A red-haired athlete can check you at the gym or at a ranking event, show off beauty at a museum or at exhibitions, and a sensible and ambitious person will watch a meeting of a discussion club.

It will be easier for unsmiling and inconsiderate ladies to talk to a good person on the Internet or in the company of sleeping friends.

Corisne video about the signs of a guide person:

Try it the other way...

At the same time, it is fashionable to be charismatic, bright, zhartuvat and be bright. And try not to practice something in singing situations on the side of a man. Try it, shobi navpaki, cholov_ki appeared right next to you. If you want to appear brightly, you can work on acting courses, you can work with your girlfriends. Try not to work with people and marvel at the reaction. І remaining recommendation. Try not to criticize, try not to tease a person, try to be nice to him. Try їm tsіkavitsya.

Such a metaphor, as if to diverge from the bulk of music. Try your sound to be quieter. Try to be calm and quiet. I wonder at the reaction of a person. Try ce robiti with a stretch of tizhnya. Marvel at the reaction of people, marvel at the reaction of a person, like you have in hundreds of years. Look at the reaction of the people who care for you. I guarantee you that you will work, that you will be richer than others. And so, how is it that you are so classy, ​​do you bring such people to us in front of you? Quiet people, like whispering stars. But why are these people special? If you feel like a star, I feel bored, I’ll come to see a star. Ale ti yogo turned up to the role of a star. Try again.

How can you see a good person

Nobody knows de know de spend. Zustriti guiding person can skrіz.

    • Robot

Most of our life is spent on robots. There is nothing marvelous about those who collide, get closer, start service romances. However, you are to blame for understanding that in times of separation you happen to either change the work, or even more generously.

    • Navchannya

Tse practically the same robot. Without a doubt, your group has nice lads, ready to help with the training. The splendor of interests, especially those of recognition, constantly moved people. It's easy to see how many couples have made their money at universities and colleges. Spilna preparatory to the halls and іspitіv vchit zavzhd podtremuvati one of one, help, svіvchuvati that worry about your soul mate.

    • Gym

If you like sports people, then feel free to sign up at the fitness club. A good reason to meet a nice trainer or just to see a gym and a wonderful way to get a good person, even if the interests of each other are closer.

    • walk around

Tse those who can help you see the shoulder of the other person, get to know him closer, understand what the fault of the building is in a non-standard situation. A plus will be a great atmosphere: romantic evenings of fire, miraculous nature, sleepy activities and conversations. In such a situation, it is easy to get close.

Dive ways to get a good person from your life

As if you are being followed in the distance by novels, do not call to anyone's share. Try to get better sooner, zavdyaks like your yakosts entrusted to the very same people. What to beckon? Even more often than not, women are not inspired by themselves, by their own strengths, by their own sensibility. The stinks broadcast their thoughts to the lonely people, attracting themselves to the call not quiet, whom they would like.

In order to attract a good person, it’s not enough to be a good speaker. You need more hearing. It is even more important for you, as you marvel at the new hour of your love. At the moment, the person evaluates how many faults you have. Be natural, don't overdo it. You do not need to follow a skin gesture and hear, opening your mouth. Just show your zatsіkavlenіst that coquettishly look. Something will be enough, so that the very charm will become for the new one.

Treat yourself to the coming joys, and a man, who has been honored, obov'yazkovo zatsіkavitsya you:

    • try to be generous, but don’t open your soul again. Get rid of the riddle for the new one;
    • work wisely, don’t wait to be accessible and more accommodating. Tse mozhe shvidko nabridnuti;
  • people respect sensitivity as the first sign of womanhood. Do not disparage your own, but hatefully demonstrate;
  • be independent, take care of your individuality, think of your own thoughts;
  • learn to be foldable, thin, and even more important science - to calm down. With help, you will easily know the way to get a good person;
  • And remember - the harmonies are rooted in love and trust. They have a lot of jealousy, total control and drinking. The skin of you is absolutely free and may have the right to live in such a way as to be tempted by you.

Psychologists stverdzhuyut, if a person remembers that a woman is overstuffed to the last, they miraculously begin to pay respect to her.

Video about those, how to gain respect for a person on yourself:

    • smile

Shira friendly smile of the building to work miracles. She instantly wins the respect of the people, vigilantly seeing you from the gray, turbulent with all sorts of problems on the way of the people. Do not hesitate, your partner will also be the first to come and begin with you. Your warm smile in front of all unhandedness, showing what you want to know. Tse spratsovuє richly effective, nizh as foreseen the technique of calmness.

    • Don't waste your talents

Without a doubt, this is the region, de you have no peers. Reveal yourself. Vіdkryto and vpevneno demonstrate your talent. Charismatic, civic women have a well-honed human respect. You can perform at the Moscow festival, take part in the exhibition, organize a flash mob just like that. Golovne, so that you feel comfortable that simple.

    • Ask me to give you a service

To the skin of a man, he sees himself, as he grants him a woman. Iomu befits you to be strong, arrogant, all-powerful and knowledgeable. Let me talk about you, ask me to give a servant, or help me in some way. Sob not to take away the opposite effect, ask about those with whom the wines are definitely easily affected. Energize your joy in your room, de vin with an expert. Shchiro podjakuyte that vіdznachte, naskіlki ce Bulo is important for you.

    • Enjoy yoga at home

One of the silent ways to get a good person is to indulge him with a savory hedgehog. Privіd especially shukati is not required. Whisk a pie like a gift for nadan I will help them, or prepare a supper. People love homemade food and do not show a woman who is blessed with culinary talents.

Non-traditional ways to get a good person

The best helper for a well-trained guide can be the most recent Taoist practice of Feng Shui. In її osnovі principle rozpodіl open space on the sector and the accumulation of positive energy in them. It helps not only to clean and properly organize the necessary space, but also to straighten the thoughts in the necessary positive direction.

For the sake of a good person, Master of Feng Shui should take care of everything in the bedrooms that super-show family idil, and remind them with elements that attract a soul mate, like a magnet.

  • we pick up all single pictures and portraits;
  • add to the interior objects, filled with human energy. Soft toys are replaced by sports magazines, a poster of an aggressive rock band is hung on the wall;
  • buy couples items: kavovі or tea cups, figurines on the theme of a zakokhanoy bet. A beautiful addition to the camp will be a picture of the images of swans and wolves, even about the kohannya and the fidelity of these creatures walking legends.

Video about those, how to get a person to his life:

Dyakuyu, scho read this article to the end

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in psychology, and for the fates of practice, I have added to over 10,000 girls the wisdom of their halves, to induce harmonies and turn the cohanna and rozuminnya in sim'ї, like buli on the inter-separation.

Most of all in the world, the happy eyes of scientists sigh, as if they are making people see their own dreams, and they are enjoying their fair lives.

My meta is to show women such a path to the development of stoksunkiv, which will help them create synergy of success and happiness!

At this article, I will share with you Tim, what worked in me! A lot of fates in my special life, new stagnation. Well, if I died into a man, then as a result of guilt, I either think it’s not the same, as if giving up on the back, or simply not giving me back: ((.

So, it’s a pity, rich women have that girls, bula chi che є, such a problem - the stench cannot get a good man of their dreams. Abo woman is a smart person, wine is like a cob, but the stench begins to talk closer, cuddles, and wine does not show up, who is needed, or to build it not, as if giving her a hand.

Buvay and so, that a woman has been a girl for a long time, her life has not had a care for a long time, she is a woman, a woman needs to be in a man’s place, a dream to get a man out of her life, a dream about turbota and caress. Axis of won and begin to be surprised, surprised, to know the privilege of drawing in quiet people, for which earlier I would not have lost respect, but even if it did not lead to understanding, that I didn’t feel comfortable, I didn’t know in a right way close, dear, dear, his people.
But how, in this moment, not just get a person, but a person of his own dream, his soul mate? Before the speech, how to understand, what kind of person is suitable for trival stosunkiv, and what kind of deceive you, manipulate you, you can learn from the miraculous book of Rashid Kirranov “23 pardons from people. Pardons on the first chants "- read the obov'yazkovo. In due course, this book became a bed for my rich friends.

Why is the problem of the presence of a person, who has become a woman, blamed on those who have not formulated and not formed a specific image of their person in their head. And how will the law of gravity be applied to your thought, because we don’t know who we want to attract from our life? It’s just that women (and there are not few of them), do not reveal which particular person they wanted to stink in order with themselves? The stench wants to get a person with a “scorch”, be happy like a “scream”. As a result, the stench and sound of a “non-specific” person and, quite naturally, that wine appears “not right”. And how does a person appear at her, how a woman does not know what kind of person she wants to have in her life? How to launch the law of gravity into action, if we don’t know who we want to get?

Through the appearance of a particular image, rich people know that gravity does not work. And a pardon in the offensive - at the woman, maybe, є rozplivchastі vіdchuttya, what do you want in the person, in the form of stosunkіv, what kind of partner do you want, but if you notice that you want to do it in a particular way, not formalized in a specific image. Buvay, in a woman’s head it’s necessary to understand and she’s wondering what is necessary for her, but she’s not there, de bulo would be next. Most often, “generic scenarios” come into play. If a girl, a woman, “b'etsya she b'єtsya”, but there is no result. Even better, the operation of the Batkiv program and images is written by Anastasia Gai in the article.

But the woman wants to, so that the order with her is the Man-Holy, as if it reminded her life of joy, unexpected podіyami, surprises, vchinki. A partner, with which it is easy and fun to go through life. I won’t ascribe to drawing and show people’s creative professions (artist, musician, artist, writer.) The profession, obviously, imposes a bonus on a person and vibir її is not vipadkovy, but buvaє, that people are cheerful in the profession, like to amuse them, influencing them even more important to family life, depressive, disrespectful to loved ones. Every time I don’t call to think with clichés, put labels “great child”, “artist - means windy”. No, obviously, I just want to show how respectfully to understand what the woman herself wants in the stony, what kind of person she wants, and not to impose important “criteria for a joke” that are not (you can talk like that), do not engage in self-deception!

The axis of this, in order to get a person out of your life, we need to understand a specific image of a person, so that you would be comfortable and have a happy life.

Before the speech, recently I read an article in a magazine (a small magazine that can be written without cost for reading in the subway), the article was called “How to know a man of the world. For the sake of psychologists. And it turned out that psychologists are very happy about why those that I worked for. Tse bulo tsikavo that priєmno usvіdomlyuvati! That is why I want to tell you about my good fortune and to spread the word among the statutes of the psychologists.

My history:

It’s just that I didn’t realize that I want to be entrusted to a lot of people by a rich rock, to develop our stature to the fullest. I didn’t feel the fasting and joy in the hour spent by this other person, I didn’t see the need for the new finest, robit surprises, wonder, rejoice. Aje people were not like filthy ones, they didn’t portray me and didn’t hurt me. But I didn’t feel right closeness, calmness, comfort, lightness, openness. She pinned stosunki to Shoraz, for she thought better than any stosunki, lower imperfections. And then, like one day, I told my friend that I don’t understand, why do I think, and why can’t I drill the one I want? And a wise friend fed me, but what do I myself, in the best way, want? I tried the answers to the question and realized that:

1. I don’t know for myself what I want, tobto, I can make an abstract statement about the blessings of happiness “zagali”;

2. Find out about a lot of blatant statements about a buggy man, it’s clear that my children, my number of choloviks don’t just say to my buggers.

And then my wise friend pleased me to calmly formulate, and then write down on paper, the image of a man of my dream (as if he looked like a wine, what a character he has, a manner of behavior, like we have stature from him).

(Psychologists are encouraged to draw a portrait, like a wine will be dressed up and have a suit, or a light and jeans, like a nose shape, a cut of the eyes, a haircut).

And then I wrote off the kіlka arkushіv and realized what I really want! I described what was important and important for me (internal and external), I described our sights. I didn’t forget to tell you that I love yoga, and I love me (even if I did, it’s only one). I suggested some specific examples of yoga behavior, words and vchinkiv, options for our hour.

(Psychologists are happy to prescribe that kind of activity of a person, with whom you will be comfortable).

And from that hour, I became more aware of myself and more like people who are similar to the whole image, and quietly, who really seems far away, my respect began to bypass, so that I don’t have more pardons and don’t deceive myself.

(Psychologists recommend to reveal that the person of the world is already entrusted. In addition, to encourage the creation of minds for the person who will appear in your life, prepare for the new “place”, inspire the literal sensei - to have “guests” captions, more 1 kitchen, a plate, buy a big lizhko and, moreover, a garn of whiteness, a garniy house dressing gown (so check її, be ready before the wine will soon appear).

So I thought about those, what I want to be a woman, to be entrusted with such a person?! And I began to blame the bazhannya, and then I started to change my light-gazer at certain points, I began to change my self-image, setting myself up, I began to frequently change my natural look, I began to develop in the dark cloaks of knowing that mind. And I thought, I wrote for myself, that it’s important not to walk around with your eyes, that they joke, and in the camp of a constant, anxious ochіkuvannya, but to develop yourself, be a cicato, live a cicavo, now and then I will be like Yogo and I will be worthy of it cicava.

Ale, zvichano, it is important to marvel at all sides and mark people around you!

(Psychologists write: “you can be absolutely convinced that you will be smart at that moment if you have the least eyeball”).

If the image of your person is alive and shining in the middle of you, your sound will be easy and unsettled, you just do it and you know, and you will understand, what you are, what you are yourself.

It became so for me. I don’t tell the tim what it was like at first glance. Ale, from the moment of the first sound of wine, sunk into my soul, remembering me and then I was unfamiliar, ale unsearchable, burdened to the new. And in the process of our interviews, talking, I increasingly clearly ascertained that I myself was the same person, the image that I formed, she wore with me. And now we are together, we love one alone, and we are even more happy. Therefore, do not doubt that the law of gravity works. Golovna, concentrating on the image of the skin for a long time, wanting to spend decades of months and obov'yazkovo write down those about what or about whom, you think.

Tse practice. Just understand what kind of wine, your man of the world? Clearly formulate your image and enjoy yourself that you yourself will have such a person. І for a deaky hour you will be obov'yazkovo at once! But it’s also important to lie, as if you’ve been invested in children in the past. And even those that the fathers instilled in you are immediately realized in your life. During my time I was busy with the book of Anastasia Gai and with the articles. What do you recommend. You can find the articles of Anastasia at the section “Visitable Blues Between a Man and a Woman”

With respect O.I.

Vipadok іz life: dear Anya.

Not long ago, the maiden Hanna came to me for a consultation (im changed). Zvichaina, rather modest, sweet girl. Vik 32 rocky. Pratsyuє on firms with a salary of 2500 hryvnia. Three times she was friends, with the fourth person she still has a civilized love, wanting the person to stubbornly ask to issue an official stamp at the passport and the people of the child.
Singingly, they were vibrating, - for our time, the situation is atypical (the behavior of a person). The maiden said that all the people, with whom they were so small, were proclaiming her zamіzh. And, unfortunately, a bunch of good friends moved out of friendship, fearing that she might take away those names of those people.
I, with great zіkavіstyu, watched for Anya, rozumіyuchi, zvіdki such success among people for such a modest appearance and knew all the confirmation of my version.

Vipadok іz life: self-sufficient Yulia.

And now another story.
Julia came to the consultation for a few days after Anna. Її rozpovіd bula povnoy protylezhnistyu.
Yuli (im'ya changed) mayzhe 29 rokiv, you want to create sim'yu, alestosunki from lads do not add up. Ring out as soon as a few juvenile lads emerge from the horizon.
Yulia is an independent person, who works on a side job, obviously making good money. She already has her own apartment, that car, she adds a lot to the hour and contributes to her own soundness.
It is necessary to say that Yulia is already a pretty girl. Dressed with gusto, looking fashionable and stylish.
Von vmіє pіdtremati rozmov, respecting yourself absolutely self-sufficient, її do not cluck, how much you earn a future person, її you do not need to take care of yourself, you can do it yourself. Vzagali, succesfull and vpevnena in sobі maiden. Julia cannot understand why people are being led on by unfortunate, weak women, as they earn little. And let's go.
The axis is two stories. Such girls, like Yulia, I make richer often in my work. So like Anya, bazhan for all people, rіdkіst.

Then what is the secret of charm?

Do you want to know who has the secret to Anna's success? Read more!
Anya has a lower, quiet voice, which shows femininity, securitylessness and calmness. Vaughn awakens a strong pіdsvіdomy potyag in cholovіkіv tim, scho vіdpіdaє zhіnochі іdeal, archetype zhіnіchі mоrі: lower, bezkhisnoy, sweet, wide, kind and nadіynoy. Women, as we do not scream and belittle, rudely impose our thoughts, open our hands, rule scandals, vimagatima the world. Tse does not mean that she will babysit a man, like a child. The man should be aware that after an important day of work, that one rough day of the man, he will come to the warmth, tenderness, and peace of mind. A man with such a woman feels stronger and more masculine, he is unlikely to miss such a prize. І main feature of Anya at the voice. Vin roll, calm and attract.

The voice of a woman can be even more important for inspiring people. Tse that conic, which pratsyuє pіdsvіdomo i pratsyuє zavzhdi. But we do not give any meaning, to that which is not comprehensible to the power of this instrument. The chest voice is already easy to train, there are a lot of techniques on the Internet. Before the speech, Yulia Tymoshenko hurried sweetly before the speech.

Flirt: game for the rules.

1.Tse flirting. The person needs to be irritated. Looks, gestures, postures, smells. Flirt tse gra. You play with a man, tease him today, laugh, you know respect. And tomorrow the game continues and you don’t mark yoga, you hang. The technique of cold and hot showers is described in the book Andre Maurois Leaves of the Know-Nothing.
With an irritating hateful dot, rubbish and stinging and direct glances in the eyes.
Today it’s all over, but tomorrow we’ll turn into the Queen of Snow. Ale not for long! And then the interest to yourself is frozen. No more than 2 days of a cold shower!

If you are not, then the kohannya is not yours.
2. Obov'yazkovo buti tedious. Be different and natural. Tse is important. A woman may, like a diamond, shine with her faces, today you are like that, tomorrow another. The face of the face is easier to give a natural behavior. Be yourself! Aje, if you wear other people's masks, then you can know someone else's kohannya.

Easy sexuality - virna bait!

3. Remember: people have a dominant sexual interest. The first soul of a girl without sexuality is not attached to the respect of a person. The rich girls are merciful, thinking that a man will look at his soul and unshowy soundness, sigh and turn into a beautiful queen. But do not pretend, love and so. Tse Hibna thought.
Sexual potyag axis is a bait, it is necessary to catch the names of those who are interested in the yak. The stink tse spratsovuє pіdsvіdomo i bezgluzdo bulo b cim not rush to us, women!

May be in life as a mystery

4. With you, I can be comfortable and happy. And for whom respect someone else's thought and do not destroy the cordons of someone else's territory, so do not be overly intrusive and do not approach the person even close territorially. Tse create discomfort. Check, if you kill yourself.
Garniy jart, a little bit of humor stimulus to you.
And try to take your stosunki like a light cicava gro. Then in your eyes a riddle will appear, how can you be in a skin woman! And how to call people out of the mind already with a stretch!

Why stink to joke the weak?

5. Be weak. Tobto a woman, yakіy nebhіdno, schob її zahistili, sipped, and let him))) learned. Let the people feel strong that the husband beat you, and you won’t go anywhere. It’s important for the new one, if it’s important to go through for you a person’s identification)) As if a woman’s woman feels like an appendage of the Amazon, or a sinc, then wine is in the flow. I know such a person to identify myself with a right person. The axis of why the stench jokes the weak and the women, who need to be safe and protected.

Not long ago, an experiment was carried out: 8 female volunteers, who considered themselves leaders in the family, for one month played the role of weak and defenseless women. The stench began to turn more often to the people for help and joy. Start to praise your people more often. І axis result: 6 out of 8 people have improved their career and earnings, they have become more kind and good-natured, all the women have said that people have become the best friends for them, on whom you can always swear, they have become a support in individuals cholovikiv and zahist. We were satisfied with the intimate life. Everything fell into place. The system vrivnovazhuєtsya.
So what suits you, or else it doesn’t suit you to be a weak woman, but still try the result in reality. Meni zdaєtsya role is natural and accepted. And the axis of why you don’t want to її grati, it’s necessary to do good deeds. Mozhlivo, cause you.
The author of the article is Inga Voitko

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