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How to start a baby clothes shop from scratch: a reversal of a way to create a successful business Business plan for a baby clothes shop with roses

Looking for a speech business? Remember, how to open a store for a child's clothes, even if sales of clothes for children are more likely to succeed, lower for grown-ups.

♦ Capital investments - 750-800,000 rubles
♦ The term of recoupment - in 1 year

Trade in clothing can become more of a bootleg business, or it can easily ruin a businessman’s naughty business, who has not thought through all the nuances of launching a startup.

Trohi is another situation in the sector of trade in children's clothes.

Here it’s much easier to know your niche and create a profitable business.

If you want to become a boutique manager, if you sell ready-made cloth, then you need to study the topic in detail, yak vіdkriti baby clothes shop, Because sales of clothing for children may have more chances for success, lower for adults.

Today, we will tell you about those, how to open a trade business, the main direct work of such a thing - sales of speeches for children, relying on the information of businessmen.

What is a shop for a child's clothes and yoga?

With success, they grow like markets that sell new cloth, so is a commission shop, where you can dress your child cheaply.

Zrozumіlo, scho main trade directly your ї maybutnої kramnicі - odyag, but it is not necessary to straddle the assortment of your goods with it.

You can add from sales, accessories and find toys.

All lay in the area of ​​the trading floor: skilki won can be accommodated.

If the area permits, then you can open a wide-profile store of children's clothes, where the buyer can know everything: they don't fit into stylish baby clothes.

If you see a small commercial undertaking, then it’s a sensation to sound directly, for example, to trade only with a garment for:

  • nemovlyat (from 0 to 3 years);
  • pіdlіtkіv (11-15 years);
  • boys;
  • girls;
  • sports;
  • special vipadkіv (ballroom cloth, carnival costumes);
  • seeing the school too.

How to open a baby clothes shop: why launch a startup

Regardless of the fact that you are choosing to develop a trade business, you need to develop a theoretical nutritional base and carry out a little research, in order to understand how to develop your right more quickly.

It is especially important to think over all the nuances, if you come across such a business, like a ready-made cloth store, such a list of the oldest startups.

If you want to open a store for a child’s clothes, it’s guaranteed to bring a surplus, it’s necessary to pick it up, which is the same market for finding the best:

  • a small store or a great store, which is more like a supermarket;
  • abo trading in new speeches;
  • expensive brands targeting the middle class;
  • sell the products of foreign vineyards only.

How to open a baby clothes shop: the previous stage

Cicavia fact:
Until the end of the 18th century, it was not customary to think about those who would dress a child. Having grown up, a childish robe was made up of less than a changed look.

Crimium of the last doslіdzhennya savoring the comforts you also need:

  1. Razіbratisya z usіma details razdribnogo biznesu, especially since you can't know about the prippієmnitskoi іyalnostі but earlier they were engaged in other things: virobnitstvom, wholesale.
    The business is to blame for the memory that the store of the child's clothes is open - not the ones that open the wholesale base.
  2. Search for an idea.
    It’s not enough just to help the trade enterprise, as you are engaged in the sale of a child’s clothes.
    It is necessary to know your chip, stand out, as a vigilante in the face of competitors, etc.
  3. Written business plan with specific rozrahunka, scho influencing the policy of your region.
  4. Name the name, design the logo.
    It is necessary to seriously think about how to name the store of a child's clothes.
    Studies have shown that the fathers trust stores with foreign names more.
  5. Poperednіy search postachalnikіv, from which you can buy cheaply yakіsny odyag, and realіzovuvati yogo is expensive, layout of the trading floor, molding of the assortment of goods, such vie realіzovuvatimete і etc.

More than that, as you really think through everything, you can start a real launch of a startup, moreover, it’s no less important to have a commission shop or a shop that sells new clothes.

If you have set your sights on a new self on the right, then you singly need to know more about your colleagues.
  1. The most viable store with goods of the middle price category.
    Batkiv, if you are ready to pay great pennies for a child’s clothes, not so much richer, but it’s impossible to see a commission shop, being able to spare.
  2. If you have a modest start-up capital, rather open a small store, or take out a loan and launch a great startup. Great commercial undertaking, pay for someone else's pennies, you can ruin you.
  3. Think about those who open a franchise child clothing store, for example, Kachenya or RIKKI-TIKKI.
  4. If you have seen the store of small rosemіrіv, then you can better encircle the assortment of goods.
    Buyers are guilty mothers can normally look at it, and not rush into the purchase of junk.
    A heap of speeches is permissible, it’s less likely that you’ve broken a commissary shop.
  5. If you want once a season (vzimku, navesnі, vlіtku і autumn) refresh the assortment of goods, take them on realіzacіyu novі modelі, and put the goods that have been lying around for sale.
    Respectfully cherish the tastes of your companions, so that they sell those that suit them, and not especially for you.

How to open a baby clothes shop: advertising campaign

It is even more important for the future business (not important for the commission, but for another store, which you choose to open) to advertise yoga.

In order to win over the respect of clients from the first days of work, it is necessary:

  1. Cover advertising products: business cards, brochures, etc.
  2. Razvіsity ogoloshennya according to the place.
  3. Save advertising materials in the media.
  4. Win social networks by creating a group for your child store.
  5. Zrobiti grandiosity, asking not only for potential clients, but also for journalists.

Believe me, the clients will quickly pull up to you, so you will:

  • sell yakіsny goods for a pleasant varіstyu;
  • wines for the purchases of late customers;
  • regularly organize sales;
  • roztashovuvatsya as much as possible zruchno for pokuptsіv.

How to open a baby clothes shop: calendar plan

At the launch of any startup, you have a lot of time to prepare ahead, carry out follow-up, study all the nuances.

The implementation of the business plan (registration, rent, commercial property, personnel, etc.) is not responsible for taking more than 4-5 months, as you will prepare a good theoretical background.

Renting an office and repair work
Purchase of property
Recruiting a team
Work with postal workers, purchasing goods

The main stages of submitting a child's clothing to a store

Novice businessmen know the difficulties, as it is right to get to the point of starting a child's clothing store from scratch.

Each supply has so many nuances that if you let one in, you can stock up the entire startup.

In order not to waste anything, follow a clearly defined plan: registration, search for an ideal location, repair work, purchase of property, formation of a team, work with post-employees and first purchase, uninterrupted advertising campaign.


The most visible form for opening a baby clothing store is IP.

The procedure itself is simple and does not affect the great paper pressure.

You can also pay a single tax on time income (UTII).

And besides, if you are a registered trade enterprise, you will have to bring your store to the trade register and take it off at the Chamber of Commerce of your place and abide by the rules, with which you should be aware.

Prior to the registration procedure, you can also see the modifications of the Fire Service and Rosspozhivnaglyad, as they allow the operation of your property.


If you want to improve your customer base, then seriously approach the choice of accommodation for your child's clothing store.

The best accommodation is on the market, in the shopping center, nearby child mortgages: gardens, schools, parks, clinics, libraries, creativity centers.

If you don’t have a great start-up capital, you can settle down with a minimum area: 25–30 sq. m.

Well, if you know that at the store of a child's clothes there was no less than a trading floor with a primirnim and a working place of sellers, and a sanitary vuzol, a service office and a warehouse, then you might have to rent 50 squares or more.

Scattered by your clients - children, try to create bright and fluffy interiors of the trading floor, to make them look at your store.

More sleepy colors: yellow, orange, red, green, black skinny.

You can win in inter'єrі image of Kazkovih chi cartoon characters.


For the appearance of a child's clothing store, you don't need a bottle of wine.

Enough to bring a cash apparatus, hangers and racks, fasteners, curtains and a mirror for the conciliation, a couple of mannequins, a shelving unit for the police.

Statya vitratSuma (in rubles)
Together:155000 rub.
Shelves and police
30 000
Showcase for accessories
7 000
Racks and hangers
20 000
Fastening and curtains for conciliation
10 000
Mirror at the reconciliation
5 000
mannequins10 000
Kasovy apparatus
10 000
Computer chi laptop
20 000
a printer
10 000
otherwise33 000

And you also need to have:

Statya vitratSuma (in rubles)
Together:85000 rub.
Trade place of the seller
20 000
Service sanvuzol
15 000
Service room (clothes for changing clothes, style, style toshcho)
50 000


The store of a child's clothes can be practiced without holidays. The only thing you can do is take the maximum profit.

You need to formulate two changes (the seller + the tidyer), which will be processed 2/2 or 3/3 days.

If you want to open a store with a total area of ​​at least 50 square meters, then it’s better to take two sellers for a change, otherwise it will be important to join a great flow of customers alone. Hire people who are good with children.

Your spіvrobіtniki can be not just sellers, but also animators, psychologists, good fairies.

If you are ready to take care of accounting and administrative matters yourself, then you can not hire anyone else.

Otherwise, ask the administrator (who is wise), who knows how to keep accounts.

Vrahuyte, what to pay such a universal fakhivtsyu happened to be chimal.

Otherwise, you can trust the accounting of an outsourcing company.

The minimum cost for staff salaries will be as follows:


You can practice both with vicinities, and with foreign (for example, “Vesely Malya”), and with foreign (Chinese, Turkish, German, Polish) virobniks.

Golovne, that the goods that are purchased from them are not too expensive after the markup you have set and resurrect with a hot quality.

Work with the post-commanders, they can give you a certificate of tenacity.

If your business is selling clothes to children, then whether the father wants to, so that he bought a river that was safe for the child and did not spare the materials, so that they can make a healthy little belongings.

Children's goods may be very popular. Batko bazhaє to give his child all the best. Vіn put the baby on the first meal. Mothers are ready to stain large sums of pennies for their child. Goods for children are necessary for all families, irrespective of their social status and station in the household. Drink the people's proposition. To the very same, more and more pіdpriєmtsіv zamylyatsya over tim, like opening a store of children's goods?

How do you open a children's goods store?

Mortgages are paid by children's stores, in which goods for children are sold from 0 to 15 years. Virishivshi vіdkriti children's tovarіv store, pіdpriєmets pochatku may vary іz format. There are shops that specialize in selling:

  • clothes for children, be it ever;
  • accessories for children;
  • clothes for the least;
  • clothes for children of the young school age;
  • fittings and accessories for the school;
  • forms for the introduction of the school;
  • clothes for pidlіtkіv;
  • sports equipment and costumes for children;
  • clothes for holy and carnival costumes;
  • clothes for girls;
  • clothes for boys

The store can be engaged in the sale of one product for children directly, or it can be a maidanchik for the sale of a number of types of products.

Having chosen the format of the store, you can conduct an analysis of the market. Following the rise of competitors. It is necessary to know how many such shops are already functioning in the neighborhood. In addition, the applicant is guilty of thinking about how you can get potential customers to your mortgage. Help with the virishennі tsgogo nutriment dopomogі vіdvіduvannya mіstsevih _internet forums for fathers. Stink allow bezpomeredno posplkuvatisya with potential customers, put them food, which is not available in the area, and goods for children stench from satisfaction would b for their children. Here you can also find out about the material situation of potential customers and formulate a statement about the cost price.

In order to evaluate the business in the middle, to understand all the nuances of that underwater stone, you can choose the seller or administrator at the competitor's mortgage, which specializes in the sale of a child's clothing.

Select the form of power and submission

Virishivshi vіdkriti child store, pіdpriєmets maє turn the form of authority. Pіdіyde registration іk іndivіdualny pіdpriєmets. The form of power is subject to a smaller amount of taxes, but it does not affect the amount of folding.

Let's wait and see how you can get a loan. Here pіdіyde ENVS. Kіlkіst koshtіv, yakі to be paid by the powers, not to lie in the amount of money taken from the process of torgіvlі profit and kіlkostі realіzovannogo goods. Rozmіr alms are paid for depending on the physical characteristics of the store for the sale of a child's clothes. Before them one can see:

  • the area of ​​the territory, where the sale of products is to be carried out;
  • number of spivrobitnikiv;
  • kіlkіst obladnannya store.

Portfolio of documents

  • allowed to enter CES;
  • allowed in the fire protection;
  • let me know Rosspozhivnaglyadu.

At the discretion, if rented in a future shopping center, and if it is not registered as a trading area, I will allow the sale of goods in the Trade Department of the city to be dealt with by the administration center.

A store that specializes in the sale of children's goods, may be entered into the Unified Trade Register. I can see evidence that confirms it, as if it will be effective for 3 years.

Choose a place for the store

At the choice of a future store, to deposit a rіven pributka

Application for a children's goods store is not guilty, but less than 20 m. An area of ​​50 to 100 m per square meter is considered to be the optimal size. without arranging the expansion of warehouse space. Store next to place near children's mortgages. Tse to move the number of incoming points. Placement near the shopping center. The street, on which the bud_vlya is stashed, may be a passable one. Vіd roztashuvannya near the sleeping area is more likely to look.

Slid to choose a destination, roztashovane on a stand among competitors. Since there is no such possibility, you can organize a store with the sale of children's goods in the order of a similar mortgage. And in every case, the business manager will have to propagate to those who are not available from a competitor. It is possible for me to get to know a leader who sells products at low prices. Ce allow pіdpriєmtsyu zmenshiti vartіst goods, without spending money on it. A great assortment, which outweighs the transfer of goods of a competitor, it can also become a potential customer as a virish official when choosing a store for the sale of children's goods.

Vybravshi primіshchennya, pіdpriєmtsyu happen to carry out repairs at the new one. The design may override bright colors. Stink to screw up the respect of young guests. Inter'єr can be original. You can place images of the most popular cartoon characters.

Let's add an interior design to the interior, for the design of the store, we should hire a professional designer. Vіn you can organically contribute to the life of all the minds of the master of the business how to implement the children's goods and propagate his ideas.

Necessary possession

A child store does not require special equipment. For yoga normal functioning you need:

  • racks for clothes;
  • shelving;
  • cash machine;
  • windows for the distribution of goods.

The possession can fit into the wild interior of the store and match its design. The racks may be ugly.

Irrespective of a small change, possessing can be rich. Often purchases due to spontaneous nature. For this reason, the goods may be presented in a wide assortment, and for which you will need a sufficient amount of shelving and showcases. For a year, you can own a child's play area and place televisions at the reconciliation, which allow you to spend an hour in the glasses. It is important to increase the rating of the store in the eyes of buyers.

store staff

For normal functioning, a child's clothing store needs:

  • accountant;
  • ferrous;
  • 1-2 sellers;
  • tidy up.

All staff may have issued health books. For її vіdsutnostі do not get involved in the implementation of the child's meal, even so. Sellers may take care of it later. All personnel are responsible for interfering with the children, but we are respectful and kind.

The administrator is responsible for coordinating the work of the store. Yogo posad can be hugged by the master of business himself.

Store assortment

The range of products can be found in the area of ​​the outlet. As in a grown-up shop, it is necessary to wear close to 4 clothes of one style, for a child they may be close to 14. The average child store may have a representation:

  • strollers;
  • childish toys;
  • make sure to look after the children;
  • car seats;
  • childish clothes and vzutya.

In order for the store to be popular, it may have at least 30 different types of one group of goods. For reasons of admission, there is a large number of post-employees.

A children's shop can specialize in Chomus 1st. So it is much easier to show a wide range of products.

Point of sale employees

The most popular post-employees, who are engaged in the sale of products on the Russian market of children's goods, are:

  • Russia;
  • Turechchina;
  • China;
  • Poland.

The products of Russian virobniks are of high quality. Vaughn v_dpovidaє GOSTs. The post-warrants from Russia may have a necessary package of documents that confirms the safety of children. When spіvpratsi z them vynikne less problems with delivery. They sell products at a cost that is acceptable to those living in the current social versions of the vartost. Russian virobniks cry out for more dovira from the fathers.

The prices of the Chinese clothes are lower, but the quality will be low. When spіvpratsi z іnozemnymi postal'nikami may blame the problem of delivery of products. Prote їхній goods will help urіznomanіtniti assortment and get dodatkovih clients.

With postal leaders from other countries, you can get help through the Internet.


The store of children's goods is guilty of mother pomitnu zovn_shnyu vivіsku. May be a showcase, in which the best pieces of products are exhibited. For regular customers, there is a system of discounts and bonuses.

One of the popular innovations is a discount that buyers hope for on Children's Day.

  • TV advertising;
  • goloshennya at the other seers;
  • voiceover on the radio;
  • distribution of advertising booklets;
  • creation of the site and the store side of the social networks.

Vitrati that recoupment to business

Rozmіr deposit to lay down in the planned equal mortgage that month of roztashuvannya. The store of children's goods will need about 1.5 million rubles for the purchase.

Showcase for children's goods store (middle shows):

table. capital investments

Average shomіsyachna net surplus to become close to 250 yew. ruble For such an equal income, the building business will pay off in 6 months.

When accepting discount cards, in order to accumulate bonuses or a reduction, you should ask the replies to complete the questionnaire. Buyers are responsible for sending an e-mail to that address of residence. Allow to form a client base. By e-mail you can pov_domlyati about new goods to the store. Possibly, you can click on the purchase. However, it is not necessary to carry out the resurfacing often. Permanent spam calls out less scamming from the side of customers.

The market of children's goods is always a profitable sector for trade for rich goods, but they say it's more profitable at the same time, and it becomes more profitable to find it in times of crisis. Everything should go out of the principles of the mentality of our people, and not save on children. So it’s out and є, and as if, for example, grown-ups can make themselves at the purchase like a speech, then for a child the stench is trying to buy everything the best. The very factor is to rob the sphere of trade in children's clothes with a competitive business, and at the same time a large number of vacancies allow wealthy enterprises to work and borrow their "space in the sun" from whom they directly work.

In this article, we’ll talk about those who open a small store for the sale of a child’s clothes and what is necessary for the growth. We will go through all the main steps to launching a business and see how you can work in your future.

Business format

Before that, how to start shukati and accept that kupuvati obladnannya, you need to be clearly identified with the format, for which you should practice. Really, the business idea for the store of a child's clothes was to be placed in the kilka of the subcategory, but we were able to make a bigger glance in one article. Also, the most popular options are:

- Purchase of a ready-made business for the sale of a child's clothes. This is not a bad decision, especially since the point has been promoted and already there is a list of regular clients. It’s a good start for newcomers, but it’s really hard to know a good option for a ready-made business in this sphere. True, buttkovі trade points are rarely sold.

- Opening a retail outlet for the sale of children's clothing from scratch. In this format, you will need to go through all the steps, starting with the selection of the application and finishing with the customer base. A foldable and rather expensive path, but often the first option and new ones start, launching a small store of children's clothes and accessories in their own city, because of which they often grow up through the years to buy large boutiques.

- Komіsіyny store of a child's clothes. Vіdkrivati ​​such a variant for business is especially vigіdno during the hour of the economic crisis. This sphere has a number of moments, and the robot itself with live speeches, but on the other side, the price tag of such a store is significantly lower and you can know your customers.

- Selling baby clothes for a franchise. The best option for starting a business, especially in small places. Є a lot of rіznih variantіv franchises with a child's clothes, but for such a format you will have a low margin, tse і the range of goods and the robot tіlki with singing chokers, so you can not take advantage of sales promotion.

Like bachite, the format is rich, and all the stinks make up their own nuances. Vybіr stand behind you.

Pidbir appropriation and possession

For the first time, you need to designate for yourself a list of the most important places, where you can find a baby clothes shop. First, tse trade centers. Young mothers love to go shopping with their children, and the stench often comes from the mall itself. Renting a good place near a shopping center is already half the success of any business, especially if it means saving on the advertising budget.

In another way, tse okremi shops. At such stores, call to sell some specific goods and give customers their own uniqueness. For example, I’ll give you a dress like a child’s clothes at low prices, or else I’ll open programs for lowering that one.

Thirdly, church markets. For now, this format seems to work in small places. Prices sound at such outlets are not high, and customers will always be there.

Fourthly, you can open an online store of a child's clothes and know only warehouse space for cheap and sell all products for help on the Internet and advertisements at the merchant. With the emergence of social networks, such an option has taken a significant share of sales in this segment.

Rosemary can be used for a small shop itself from 30 sq. m. and more. You need to vrahovuvati, what a large part of the goods - ce nabіr all rozmіrіv, that the whole assortment is needed here zberіgati.

Now let's take a look at how you need possession for trading in child clothes:

  • shelving with police;
  • showcases on wheels, for demonstrating jackets, outerwear, suits and others.
  • trade cats, in which sound they put scarves, panties and other rubbish.
  • racks with gachkas, on which, for help, hangers place a large amount of outer clothing.
  • pedestals for choosing a different assortment.

Also, do not forget about the working place for the seller and transfer a small play area for children with a small number of toys. Tse help them, while mom chooses clothes for her little one.

Rules for the sale of baby clothes

One of the most frequently asked meals on the Internet are those documents that are required for the sale of children's clothing? Vіn tіlkom logical, i mаgatimosya vіdpovіsti nіgo.

  • choose the organizational and legal form, see the validity of the taxation system
  • place a contract for renting an accommodation
  • if the landlord did not provide you with the necessary documents for the accommodation, you will need to go through all the verifications of the CES and the security of your own
  • placement of a trade patent, licenses valid until established by law
  • presence with you, as with the seller of certificates of quality for the goods
  • organization of a small purchase from you

After the victory of all those who could, you could take it off, he allowed me to trade in children's clothing. When starting a business, it is best to consult with a lawyer, because the rules of work in Russia and Ukraine are three times different and all the time you need a lawyer to inform you.

Assortment and postal workers

Let's step on the way to the vіdkrittya vіddіl sale of a child's clothes, like in any business, є pіdbіr assortment. We seem to be less than the main categories of goods, which may be represented by such a store.

Podіl by podlozі:

  • for boys
  • for girls

By vіku:

  • for newlyweds
  • for 1 year
  • in 3 years, etc.

For product groups:

  • outerwear: jackets, coats, vests
  • hats, scarves, mittens
  • overalls, envelopes
  • jeans, pants, pants
  • jackets, shirts, blouses
  • tracksuits
  • bodysuits, puffs, sheds, tights, scarves, whiteness and a lot more.

Your assortment will be deposited with the start-up capital and maybe a little bit, when you start a small business with the sale of a child's clothing, you will choose a larger, narrower segment of goods with a further expansion of the assortment.

For a search for post-workers products, you can either contact sellers at wholesale speech markets, or you can search for virobniki backwaters in your country and order goods without intermediary.

At the same time, there is a great number of representatives of various pickers of a child's clothes, as they are ready to spivpratsyuvat navit with small shops. Choose the most important and necessary to choose the most profitable and most profitable product. Well, obviously, include to the assortment not a yakіsny childish clothes from China not varto, hіba scho the seller will give you a usі certificates for the entire product.


In our hour, with great competition in the market of childish speeches, it is not enough to say that I want to open a shop of childish clothes in my city. For yoga promotion, you need an advertising investment.

Axis list of main gerel clients:

  • voicing at ZMI
  • distribution of leaflets with promotions and discounts on goods
  • discount program at your store
  • advertising on the Internet, and contextual advertising itself on your Internet store and in the same way, passing through different product categories
  • advertising at social networks. Really developed groups in social networks can bring the left part of customers, and often on the way of goods there are cherry blossoms.

Do not forget about the name for your store and the name for your store.

How many koshtuє vіdkriti the store of a child's clothes?

The investment of which business in the skin-smooth vapadka will be different. Everything depends on the price range of goods, assortment, store location and other factors. We will direct the main change of vitrat.

  • Accommodation rent – ​​$250 – $300
  • Handouts - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $220
  • Pochatkova purchase of goods - $15000 - $20000
  • Purchase of possession - $1500 - $2500
  • Advertising - $550 (+ Internet advertising).

Can you earn skils?

You can make a lot of money, especially as a way to connect social services, but for the promotion of a business, the sale of childish speeches will take an hour and a penny until we need to cook.

The average markup for a child's clothes is from 50% to 110%. Ale water hours є low commodity groups, de nationality can reach 130%.

Depending on these numbers, you can estimate the amount of necessary sales to pay back the business.

How to organize a business on children's goods?

The sale of children's goods is a business that needs to be developed. Regardless of the political and economic situation in the country, the fathers are always engaged in the care of children, putting in a lot of strength at that hour. In order for a child to grow up in a comfortable environment, it needs a large number of different goods.
The very same will drink on the child the goods, and then, it will be smart to engage in their sale.

Features of the business for the sale of children's goods

The market for children's goods is one of the most dynamically developing today. Celebrations of this company, which work absolutely in a different format. There can be hypermarkets, large shopping malls, shops in residential areas, lesser points, fairs and shops that can only be accessed via the Internet. As a rule, the type of leather may have its own clients.

Merezhev shops and hypermarkets are oriented towards the needs of buyers with average and high incomes. Small shops and specialty fairs are economic outlets.
It is also possible to see universal trade points and shops that specialize in certain groups of goods (i grashki, goods for non-movers, clothes, shops for possible mothers).

Vidkrivaemo child store

In order to open a children's goods store, it is necessary to analyze the market and choose the type of outlet - whether it is a department store or a higher education institution. Dalі registruyutsya documents. This process can be delayed for a few months, at the same time you can see the arrival of the store.

Ideally, you can either be okrema budіlya or primіschennya z okremy entrance from the street. You can look at renting space in the shopping center. Oskіlki to the store partly comes to the father with the children, varto transfers the opportunity to come to the trading floor of the child's visa. It’s important to increase the number of bidders and, therefore, buyers.

Another important factor is transport accessibility. You can easily arrive to the store by public transport (here an important factor is presence near the tooth) or park the car at the handy place.

If necessary, the owner should carry out repairs. Colors should be chosen more beautifully than bright colors, which will scare children and try them in the store more. In addition, the store can be divided into zones for additional color. What more zones, then cіkavіshe. In addition, as you allow the area, you can see a small playing area, the little ones can spend an hour, the father's docks can shop for purchases.

The staff followed closely, looking at the specifics of the store. Even more important is the quality for the seller - in the meantime, that bazhannya talks with children.

No less important stage is the opening hour of a child's visit to the store - advertising policy. Nasampered, the store is to blame for having a clear viviska, which is remembered. At the entrance, you can place a spear of pillars, if possible, regularly change the information there. For children's shops, advertising on the Internet, on television, as well as in specialized installations, is wonderful. Don’t forget that the best advertising was and is being overwhelmed by “word of mouth”.

Putting together the work mode of the store, we should convey the fact that a lot of inquiries will make purchases at the evening hour or at the weekend. The optimal hour of work is before the ninth evening of a weekday. At the weekend, you can curl up a little earlier. The more the store works, the more potential buyers you can get there.

What is the best way to sell goods to the same child?

Even though it is impossible to open a hypermarket, you can be surrounded by a small assortment of children's goods. In order to determine the specifics of the point of sale, follow the assortment of stores that work in the vicinity. So, near the sleeping area, there is no other store that is engaged in the sale of goods of such a self-directedness in the same price range. And next to the hypermarket, there is no trace of a small shop - the surplus will be significantly less for occupants.

For example, not far from the canopy booth, there are the best stores with goods for new people. They can sell beds, strollers, walkers, pelushkas, clothes for the smallest, as well as toys, cosmetics and hygienic accessories and other miscellaneous goods - dishes, buns, nipples. Even if you allow the area, you can see the place for water, juices and child eating. Such a zone is dotsilna at the frontal store, independently from the roztashuvannya.

At the shops near the sleeping areas you can find a great assortment of clothes and toys. Also, stationery and sets for creativity are well sold there.

Shops are becoming very popular, where everything is sold for future mothers. There may not be more clothes for the relatives, and th goods, which will be needed in the first river of life of the little one.

Specialized shops for creativity to get the fathers of drunken children, and shops with active games fall to the soul of the fathers, the children of whom lead a rickety way of life.

How to organize sales of children's goods?

It's no secret that the rest of the time the Internet takes up most of our lives. Even though earlier the purchase of goods through the global network was accepted as risky, then today there is nothing unusual in it. Over the Internet, you can buy clothes, furniture, household appliances, clothes, sports goods. Child goods are not blame.

The main part of the buyers- young fathers of the age of 25 to 40 with an average income. Napevno, richly someone from them vіlno volodіє kom'yuter і mozhe arrange delivery of the necessary goods.

The sale of children's goods through the Internet shop will significantly speed up the sale of the seller. No need to rent an area, hire a great staff of spivrobitnikiv. Until then, it’s important to spend money on picking up goods.

At the same time, for the promotion of the Internet site, it is necessary to invest a small part of the pennies, so that the site is visible from competitors. It will be necessary to provide food with payment and delivery. In times of self-sufficiency, it is necessary to rent a small office space. If the client arranges the delivery of the package, the additional assistance of the courier will be required.

Ideally, you can have sales at a stationary point through an online store. In this manner, you can significantly increase the number of potential customers.

Rental of baby goods

A strikingly new service, which has already become demanded, is the rental of goods.

To this type of fialnosti fit like comrades, like koristuyutsya seasonal drink, і commodities, attached to nothing more than singing.

Finishing the butt business - renting new and Christmas costumes. As a rule, the little one can wear yoga only once, so the richness is lost in a good state. For the organization of services for hire, it is necessary to purchase costumes for a different age. A special place for the search for potential clients is schools, as well as laying additional lighting, where New Year's Eve and Christmas Days are held. As a rule, the clients of such companies become permanent and recommend the firm to their acquaintances.

The second product that can be used as a drink for rental is car seats. Such an accessory will come in handy for a trip for a few days. In addition, some models of car seats are suitable for a shorter period of time (month - two). To that їх dotsіlnіshe take a rental, lower buy a new one.

In addition, you can rent sports goods, toys, clothes and books at the rental.

In order to correctly fold the assortment of the possible rental point, follow the assortment of adjacent stores. Ideally, they should come as a buyer and say what the great man can drink, what the target audience does not see.

Even more important is the service, like the next to give to your clients - the ability to win. Like a child, a toy was already worthy, the fathers may have the opportunity to buy it. Tse bring more part of the profit to the business.

One more cicava servant- Possibility of clients to give their speeches. Possibly, while the service does not bring a great profit, it is possible to significantly increase the loyalty of the buyers.

One more idea for a business on baby products

For the availability of pedagogical education, or by hiring such practitioners, you can organize a children's wellness center. Tse can be a small place with a play area, de buyers can deprive a child under the sight of a swindler for a year. You can serve in service regularly, or out of necessity. Golovnya, so that they grew up in vpevnіnіst in tsomu center, they could calmly overwhelm the little ones there.

1. I open a store for children's toys, post-employees scoured the Internet. You can also look at the markets, there are small wholesale shops (used in St. Petersburg), but in half of them there are no certificates for products, and for children's goods, you know, it's bad .. you won't pass all sorts of checks and confiscate. It is better for him to have a mother on the right with great wholesale stores, which have good advertising and everything is in order with documentation. To speech, as if at home, children's goods, but at the know, you can visit the store, you can marvel at the labels of the goods at the address of the shopkeeper's website, but as a rule of the shop, the goods are sold only in large wholesale.
For all sorts of promotional campaigns .. you can buy in great bulk some kind of cheap ones, (for example, a bryazkalce, like goods in a store for small children) and vouching: "when buying goods for N-a bag, a bryazkalce as a gift." Goloshennya rozkleїti like an advertisement.

2.- the main postal manager was the Children's wholesale center, after a few months the robots began to give goods with a first line payment for 30 days. The stench of the whole range of children's goods, certificates, mozhliv_st zamovlennya through іn-t. Ale price for the average group of the middle class, that is, to be competitive in the needs of other post-employees. I traveled with inexpensive visas to other companies. Golovna, that everything needed was in the presence in the store. I’ll send a request to the post-employees. I do not recommend a postal worker and a picker of inexpensive goods in foreign markets. The best dzherelo - "Goods and prices". It is necessary to telephone all telephones from the required distribution.
- Staff. I have previously naїvno vvazhiv, scho correctly razrahuvat% bonuses, then the staff pratsyuvatime himself. Forget it. 1. Official salary for a minimum amount of 2-3 tons. 2. The premium is valid before turnover - until reaching the threshold of bit-freeness - 0%, after - fixing % in turnover (you need to figure it out yourself). 3. For example, the skin month of the back of the revision of the excess, then for її the results of the premium increase. 4. Vlasnik, at a normal turnover, is sometimes guilty of asking the practitioners of the Crimea for the main premium, but it’s obov’yazkovo for shchos, if you don’t want 100 rubles. - An important fact.
- certificates can be applied to all child goods. Better than shukati post-employees in normal ones, with certificates. Ale, there are always possible options ...
- A medical book for sellers is better than a mother.

3. subject to your request

1) What positions are the best moves, you don’t want to talk with a dresser - I think to trade in toys, diapers, all sorts of little things for new people, etc.

It is written about the product about what is the main one :-) pributkovy іgrashki.
everything else is contingent.
Pampers is not visible - a small trade allowance - the price was formed on the market - more for others, you can buy and supply, or you can hang.
a baby doll and a nipple for a child of the people may need 2 to 4 pieces for the whole hour.

And you don’t want to take care of clothes for such small marnos.
a child from birth to rock grows by about 30 cm and it is necessary for him to bathe in new clothes. We gave more growth, but we needed to wear pantyhose.

Rіven natsіnki in rozdrib - not a chain store
clothes with 50% call 70 and more
toys vіd 100%
diapers - I don’t know, I didn’t get busy, I didn’t see it, but it’s approximately in the region of 20-30%

Try the child theme in jewelry and hair accessories.
hairpin rubber bands and others.
the markup is 300% and higher.

2) What is the best place in a grocery store, in a manufactured goods shopping center, or a better place?
I declare OFFICIALLY - you don’t guess.
and deposit in the form of advertising, assortment and more.

3) What do you need special licenses and allow for trading in goods?
certificates yakі nіhto nіkoli not marvel at for іgrashok, plyashechok and pampersіv.
All these documents are taken from the post-employees.

4. Play with toys at the chest.
your choice of assortment (igry) is not in season - wine is for sale whole river. to make money for an online store, with minimal investments.

That's the first time for those who want to build their own online store successfully - don't linger, and learn as much information as possible on their own. I don’t need to sweat already with those іz nutrition.

One of the most important displays is the service. Najchastіshe vіn navіt vazhlivіshiy, nіzh yakіst goods. To provide good service does not mean a lot of material costs, but the axis of profits rises from a lot of times.
More than once I have watched over competitors and bachila, like great stinks they invest in advertising and promotion. І with any service just at zero level.

What is such a disgraceful service?

1. Registration for the online store:
What is shorter is simpler.
Obov'yazkovo maє buti report description of the skin product.
Distributed "FAK" and "How to make a prayer?" even more important. Please take as much information as possible about your company on the site.

2. Pidtrimka.
Promptly confirm the food supply, icq and in. Tse is not so important. And the food, which is left without food, is unlikely to bother the purchase.
Obov'yazkovo call purchases. As practice shows, e-mail can be spelled with pardon or re-recording, otherwise the coristuvach vzagali cannot be corrupted by them. Call for more clarification that everything is correct at the request, and the client will be calm, that it has been accepted. (Just don't forget about retail at the hour with regions!)

3. Delivery.
Vote less of these terms of delivery, if you can vikonati. The frames may be clear, not “within 2 days”.
Describe all the terms of delivery as clearly as possible, so that after reading this section, the coristuvachiv did not run out of more food.
It is better to visually show deakі speech - for example, delivery zones, marked on the map. Not everyone knows what the zone "From Sadovoe to the Third Ring Road" is.

4. Spiral situations.
Clients will sooner or later be dissatisfied. Situations are different. But if you realize that having given up to the client, you will spend your money not richly, then it is better to give up.
Tse mozhe buti shlyub chi zamіna goods, for example.
A dissatisfied client, whose “whims” were satisfied, will become a reward for any kind of steady client.

5. Help in case of any situation.
You are responsible for helping your clients in any situation. For example, you should call and ask for the availability of the goods at the warehouse, and vіn vіdsutnіy. Obtain contact details from the client and get in touch with him, as only the position of the warehouse. Tse will tell fortunes about you, and the client will remember your store, remember that at that moment you will not consume the goods.
At my own discretion, I can tell you what customers really love, if they call and tell you about the goods, send me an order for this. I accept your respect, and as a rule, stink to make a new appointment, or come to the store (as it is, obviously) in a few days after the call.

6. Couriers.
It’s also a folding point, obviously, but all the same, you still need to try to pick up and this moment on the right line.
A corporate company dress is an ideal option, but if only great companies can afford it, it is necessary to introduce an elementary dress code: ohayny odeag, clean and thin hair.
So obov'yazkovo teach the courier to greet with a card. At the same time, do not call the client, explaining how to get to the new one. Be nice and smile
How to zmusiti kur'єra buti with what? Want for the skin a positive feedback from the client.

7. Respect.
Send leaflets to all clients for Novyi Rik, 8 Bereznya, etc. Tilki rob tse okremo vіd usgogo, tobto. ce may be just a leaflet with benefits, without annual promotions and price lists.

8. Don't invest.
Start right now and at the same time to work on improving the service at your online store. Tsya іnformatsіya bude korisnoy, ostensibly її vikoristovuvat, and not just read.

6. Be like a person, like doing business, goiter register with taxpayers yak ІП chi jur. individual. No discussion. No loopholes. You can try to engage in trade without registration, solely at your own risk, notifying that you are violating the law.

Another option: find out a fiduciary IP or a legal entity. person, if it would be good to take a part in your experiment. I'm ahead:
1. Not visible, because people have to pay like taxes, accountants are fooling around with a new kind of activity.
2. Ce risicized, because if you succeed, your business may be out of hire
3. Wrong, because you can’t single-handedly cheat on your business

Registration IP cost 500 rubles.

7. In my opinion, you need to vicorate the theory of "Dovgogo tail" ("Dovgiy Khvist" - the term vinik zavdyaki graph of the demand for goods from the singing niches. Evil tops themselves, as if they were popular, and farther along the fall. Great companies are engaged in the very top positions, working hard from the first stage (for example, less than 1000 purchases per month). Ale had a "tail" for a penny equivalent no less than a top one, wanting an incomparably larger assortment. For example, the top 10 positions for sales volume can add up to hundreds of advances, for hypermarkets they are small (warehouse, logistics, etc.), and that gave "hwist" less zapitіv for goods. ALE TSE DON'T MEAN WHAT YOU NEMA!) . There are a lot of goods, if they are not massive, and they are not sold in vain, but at one time they will drink on them.
Sob not to be unfounded, I will point the butt:
The monument of Russian literature "The Tale of Zosima and Savatia" In 1986, the book was compiled from a new analytical work and a new facsimile. The circulation is less than 2,000 copies, and for historians and philologists, a text is also required.
Don’t joke about Runet’s skilki, I have everything the same.
How much do you need a book, food about the service?

8. You have done more than just a little bit of work, you have created an online store!
Now post the question: “How to tell the world about the foundation of your Internet store?! That's right, you need promotion and optimization of the site in popular search systems such as Google, Yandex, Rambler.
This is one of the most complicated and most expensive operations, which you yourself cannot do without knowledge of SEO, SEM. For whom I recommend that you know good and professional SEOs.
Do not waste pennies on advertising, there will be more advertising on the Internet.

9.While writing here, it is ideal to give an accessory from the logo/phone/company website, business cards, packages. Remain an element of offline advertising.

10. Misto millionaire, how good the Internet is only beginning to be mass, like, for example, near Moscow, 7 volumes. Tariffs are more affordable, providers are multiplying. Immediately I think to start a business of foundations on the Internet.
Some of us know a lot, like mothers tied to their children, like stinks get tired, and like stinks wanted to share their turbots with others. Vlasne sama ideya - online store pіdguzkіv. For now, only diapers. Mami go to the site, call the operator and for 12 years bring diapers (like a lie, bring half from a friend, like in the evening - the next day). Well, I buy pіdguzki (already for ready-made orders) from wholesalers and vіdvodzhu mothers.
According to competitors: I know a couple of online stores for children's goods in the city, but I had a chance to report chimalo zusil, to know them in Yandex. Zagalom, I don’t worry, there’s a lot of competition here.
Gave little business plan. I’ll tell you again, I haven’t contacted wholesalers yet, I didn’t know prices for creating that site promotion. Zvіdsi and inaccurate prices.

Disposable wipes:
1. Creation to the store - 30 tir
2. Registration of a legal entity - 5 tyr
At once 35tir

Constant witrati, 10 sales for 1000 rubles per day:
1. Advertising / promotion. I myself am an advertiser, but, unfortunately, not directly on the Internet. I think either to use the advertising budget for optimization, or to get creative: walk around the sloping booths, dairy kitchens, sit on the forums for moms, etc. So far, taking a budget of 5 tier.
2. Transport. The cost of travel is not more than 100 km / day, the cost of arranging depreciation is 500 rubles per day or 15 rubles per month.
3. Phone 1000 rubles per month.
4. Product. Buy roses every day at wholesalers, tobto. do not trim the warehouse (I have є vin). Allow me not to invest in goods and expand the range. Ale axis pitanya chi wholesalers vіdvantazhuvatimut menі goods for 5tir? I'll go to PN, I know. Vitrati 0 rub.
5. Operator salary. Brother’s team, sit at home with a child, don’t practice, I guess, the next few months will improve on enthusiasm, there’s no more work for the robot. You won't be fooled by mothers for life, which is great for clients. Vitrati 0 rub.
6. The salary of the courier - I will travel back to back. This is also a plus, it will be easier to "see" the business. Vitrati 0 rub.
Together 21 tyr.

Income, from the sale of 10 sales of 1000 rubles per day:
1. Delivery. 100 rubles for delivery. 100 * 10 * 30 = 30 tyr per month.
2. Margin on goods. The cost of buying a cheat from wholesalers is 10%, the cost of delivery is a residual markup of 20%, I think the whole markup is competitive on the market. Prices will be the same as in retail stores. At once income 100 * 10 * 30 \u003d 30 tir.
Together 60 tyr.

From the same time, the difference between post-widths and incomes is 39 tyr. Obviously, this is a ridiculous income, and this project is to allow me to gain knowledge both in business and in the Internet business.

11.39 Tyr is more, more good dokhіd. For your mind, it’s practically a stele, you can reach it for a few years of work!
10 zamovlen for the day - vіdminny pokaznik. Today, at least ten buyers were steadily recruited, it is necessary for a mother to take in at least a thousand-repeated thousand people / day. It’s not so easy to spin on the 5th shooting gallery, because if the budget is for the whole hour, then the wine is too small.
In another way, it's Buffett's miracle rule. Literally, it should sound like this: "Do not poke your nose in business, you don't know anyone." Tobto you tsіkava tsya topic, you need b її vivchiti. The main rank is the technical side and everything that is so chi іnakshe pov'yazane with the Internet. Do not forget that the site needs not only to grow, but also to support yoga. For this reason, I already have enough free pennies (more than 100 shooting ranges), I plan to spend a lot of money on the development and technical support of the project (because I am not a programmer myself). By reason of understanding, that everything, in principle, can be mastered by oneself for sufficient perseverance. Studying the literature with PHP, html and int. At the same time, I have a local route (via Denver on my computer) to a future store, a payment system has been implemented, and a lot of other subtleties. I’m unlikely to be tyamiv bi in these meals, yakby entrusting them to someone else, and at the same time spending tens of thousands of rubles on a valuable budget.

12. I can admit that you have decided to take up this type of business, because you have recently had a child, because A similar idea came to me if the little ones were crying for two months.
We celebrated different types of disposable diapers and shared a visnovka, which are the best Japanese disposable diapers. We have stench in the shops of children's goods costing close to 1300 re for a large pack! At the same time, in Novosibirsk, they are sold for 690 re. From i reveal! Like here you don’t want to earn money on diapers! True, Novosib is far away from us - I was surprised that the delivery of one pack of weed was close to 60-70 rubles.

13, as you practice with cooking - then it’s your fault to come, register and win a cash machine, and, obviously, give checks to purchases

14. When you open 10 sales per day, you won’t deliver them yourself))) well, you can’t go there for a whole day - from the client to the wholesaler and back to the client!
try for the sake of lucidity during working hours, travel around the place, turning around to the same place-type warehouse.
Bagato someone starts, rob a pardon by trying to sort out the goods in a special way. "Everything is especially robust" is good, if it's small and the assortment is small, you can put it in the trunk and, moreover, it's already in reality.
Registration of TOV ce not 5tis. and as a minimum 15 tis without legal address
Plus, everything is not safe for you in vitratakh kasa and tied up with her vitrati

15. Read the rule of trading in toys back to back. if documents are required, de may save the goods too. etc. if you want to work officially, then you need to know and mother all the necessary documents

16.1. Toys through the Internet are sold well, decent market
2. Looking at the site, the competition is average. If you still choose to write, write in a personal note - I will roughly tell you the main requests
3. Sales of toys can be stored in the form of photographs and texts. Behind the texts for children's toys, the good worker Aronska (the truth, and the road). For photographs - the services of subject photographers are available at any time

17. Mass of prepared photographs on the Internet.
If you recognize the fact that the choice of ready-made images is not kosher in terms of morality and right (to which Runet has not yet grown in a blaze), then the uniqueness of the image for poshuk systems is lost. Like a photo is an element of usability, it’s not surprising.

And, in fact, the toys are also used by singing companies that make their own "moves" names.
It’s rare to finish when you ask for the koristuvachs’ toys, to give at the request of the picker and mayzhe nikoli - the name of the toys.
Quote([email protected], 22:42)

So hire a super photographer - zave pochatku.

І on others as well. Toys are not an anniversary and not alcohol, a superphotographer is not needed here. You need a person with a mirror, a tripod, a basic studio light, small tools in the field of subject photography and image processing. There were few such infections and cheap stench - for 50 ... 100 dollars, you can find a normal young photographer for a wide range of applications and a replenishment of the portfolio.

18. I’ll tell you honestly, the competition is already great, so lay a budget of 20,000-50,000 rubles per month for advertising consumption and maybe in 2-3 months your store will become self-sufficient.
19. The competition is great. ІM igrashok chi ІM clothes are too rich. And the axis of ІМ іgreshok, clothes, pіdguzkіv and other goods are still few. Bazhano, so the range of buv is great. І tsіni schob were the cheapest nizh in stores. You need to buy goods, they will be yakіsnі, і beautiful, і available. Plus to everything, advertising is good for the cob. Let's turn on the word of mouth already, and you can change the cost of advertising.

20. Wondering if you will have a scheme for spivpratsi with postal workers. Chi you will buy clothes from the postal leader after that, as you take it off on a new appointment from the client, or I’ll work to buy it in advance, not knowing to buy from you.

21.A... analyze competitors there, what are the prices of competitors.
Let's analyze the advertising budgets of competitors... and so on. etc.

All sorts of hostings, engines... everything's wrong... It's all awkward... Navit us cі IP, KKMi... It doesn't matter either...
Golovna, over which you need to fool around - tse postal workers and marketing analysis, and then advertising.

22. You can try the axis for you: _

for 600 rubles for a month you will be given hosting, install it and fix the engine. Save time. Sorry, I can’t think of anything sensible... Everything else is just for the sake of small timchas vitrates to learn how to deal with everything.

23. tributes to pay

but I don’t know it legally, but all the same ... registration of the IP of great vitrates does not mean - 1000-2000 rubles through the company. if you fool around yourself, then 400 rubles per kshtalt mito.
podatkuvannya - 6% of turnover. Turnover is confirmed by KKM. If you don't take checks, then you have no turnover. Pay less for pensions (ruble 300 per month, so you don’t change your memory). If you want to squeeze in the control purchase, scho back, IMHO, from the realm of fantasy, then the fine for not using the KKM for physical education (and IP - ce physical education) becomes close to 2000 rubles - God bless you spend more on official taxes)

well, what, I didn’t tell you anything

24. control purchase- A buyer will come, but rather 3 (controller + 2 concepts), buy a four-thread. To marvel at the correct execution of the purchase - they didn’t cheat, they didn’t cheat, they saw the check ... well, maybe it’s more ... even if it’s damaged, the act is being formed and a distant look is taken

25. Persh lower sell children's clothes and toys necessary mother certificate and VEZ, without the approval of IP chi TOV you will not be given anything. so just can buti application as a compliance with sanitary standards from the choice of speeches.
a child’s clothes are not for us, for a new one they feed and it’s not enough to give up. Make everything official, work with all the documents and sleep calmly. If you are going to trade at your own place, then after advertising at your place, check for guests from all structures that you are looking for.

Well, s CES You need a ration (for whatever trade you need, the CEC allowed it, we, before we speak, slay for a penny for a long time, but you can do it yourself. Not a problem) Abo You in another sense about the CES ??? Explain.
And what kind of "certificate is necessary for mother"? Do you have a certificate of quality for the goods?
Chi Wee about a certificate for mitnitsa, if the goods were imported from behind the cordon?
In short, all the same I don’t understand the problem .... Why is folding???

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