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Chi fit the horoscope. Like the signs of the zodiac fit one to one at the kohanna - the horoscope of serenity. Pragnennya to comfort and sleeping interests

Astrology is the whole science, as it propagates new wondrous data about the interrelationships of stars and human lands. Sometimes the most serious skeptics show interest in horoscopes.

So many people just want to read it, which instills optimism and bright hopes in my soul. Htos, trying to find out, like the signs of the Zodiac fit one to one, on the same level, you try to indulge yourself in the event of any doubts. If it weren’t for the first time, astrology can be deceitfully different from time to time to inspire its penetrating power and actual insights.

Aries: who can not be sure about the fire character of the stubborn

Aries are representatives of the fiery element. Tse energy and biased people. Sob not to be shy to themselves, Aries are trying to create an alliance with people of a calm and vrіvnovazhenoy vdacha. Most of them are representatives of the elements of the earth.

Spiritual brothers Ovniv є Levi and Striltsi. They can become true friends, superior business partners, best friends.

The man Aries can create harmony with Teresa or Taurus, the woman of this sign - with Aquarius or Ribami. Shooters raise the fuse of the lie, become partners in extreme swamps, share other "fires of interest". Levi zdatni pіdtremati trohi ignited unsung "lambs".

Tіl'tsі: spravzhnі pozіnovuvachі beauty

Stubborn, ale cicada individuals, can be confused with the skin. Diva and Capricorn may have similar characters.

From Ribami or Cancers to create a particularly warm and quiet house. Partners share the same values ​​and life priorities. Especially podkupovu Taurus is soft and accommodating Cancer, the building bestows tenderness and caress.

Aquarius and Scorpio can repair the vice on Taurus. Tse categorical and nimble people.

Twins: duality and charisma

The twins are the arches of the cicava individuals. The stench is chimerical and mrіylivі, often change their thoughts, light on pіdёm. Stink literally є vtіlennyam svoєї prіdnoї stії - povіtrya.

Twins can get along with representatives of their sign at 100%. Tse will be a union of sympathetic feelings of harmony, mutual understanding of that harmony. Golovnya, inkoli give freedom to choice.

  • Levi and Taurus - the same length of the "most popular sign". This is the moment of that moment, if the proportions of the truth are attracted and the family life of the truth gives joy
  • Zi Striltsy will be cicavo, but it’s not easy
  • And the axis z Ribami and Divas may not be able to induce an international union. All on the right in the fact that the representatives of the zodiacal suzir may call them another svetogazer and look at life
  • Ribi and Aquarius can give the necessary moral support. Ring out, pierced by the senses

Crayfish: softness, what breathes

Cancer is the most feminine sign. Representatives of the elements vіdіznyayutsya especially razlivіstyu nіzhnіstyu and hot to chuttєvih nasolod. The stench weighs heavily on family life. The warmth of the home fire, the children of that other half: the axis of the boundary of the world for Rakiv.

Ribi and Scorpions are ideal partners for women's homes. Similarly, do the same with the vіdnosinakh with Taurus. "Stubborn whip" is also a good idea to start a family.

Friendly will be stosunki with Leo chi Aries. Cancers have the opportunity to compromise all the time, flatten their eyes on deeds of "kidnapping" of their partner's behavior.

Better get along with the Divas, Capricorns and Teresas. Everyday sleeps are filled with bazhan. Striltsy vilify the master's Cancer with their ardor and permanent extraordinary windings.

Levi: ideal partners for right queens

Levi is temperamental and proud. You better love yourself and do your best to put yourself in the center of respect. With true kings and queens, it’s important for everyone to get along. Ale at Ovnіv, Bliznyukіv and Terezіv tse can come. For example, Teresa's best thoughts will calm down the fiery nature of a person, and soft and thin Ribka will make their partner kind and humane.

Split of two Lviv - rіdkіst. Still, two "royal persons" cannot share the same throne with the family kingdom.

Taurus and Aquarius are not the best "partners" for family life. Diva and Capricorns do not start to understand the royal mood of Lviv.

Divi: pedants and wise men

Divi are more foldable people. The stench is not able to compromise and compromise. In the greater situation, pedantry and cleanliness reach the attainment of perfection, victoriously over the work, and maintain a similar attitude and others.

  • Divi see without special zusil spilnu movu from a representative of your zodiac suzir
  • Beautiful stosunki are made up of Scorpios
  • With Cancers - far away, walk less physically
  • And from iz Teresa and Aquarius, it’s important to induce
  • Striltsі and Capricorns - pull their sovereignty and intellectual talent
  • Ribi - duzhe gospodarska and vіdpovidalnі people. The stench buys its softness and liveliness, practicality in the butt-by-button plan.

Terezi - the most innovative representatives of the Zodiac

Terezi are wonderful partners in business, in friendship, and in special life. The stench will be brooded with the representatives of the water and the muddy elements. It's a good idea to set yourself up to the sign of the earth, but the trochs will be afraid of the ignited "ziruniv".

Particularly friendly is the union with Scorpio, Capricorn and Taurus. They get along badly with Aquarius and Twins.

Z "brothers z suzir'ya" contact nalagoditi not to go. Partners fight one by one with their own indulgence and indifference.

Scorpions: passion and ambition

Scorpions are super smart and foldable individuals. The stench is dreaming about the eternal kohannya and quiet family happiness, but they are suddenly angry in the "quiet family harbor". Sob, as if you were urinating your manhood, you should start actively “pitying” and “provoking your other half on emotions”, before that, don’t start being positive.

To endure such a kohannya can only be melancholy Crayfish and delicate Ribi. Representatives of the sign of the earth are also suitable for sharing with sexual representatives of the water element, but only as in this harmony.

Striltsi - ideological nathnenniks of chaotic entrances

Tse spravzhnіy "fire near the fire". The stench is hot, ignited, roaring with adventurous ideas and bold experiments.

Sіmeyne zhittya zavzhd fold up to do it importantly:

  • Aquarius and Scorpio are less likely to share a hobby
  • Crayfish and Ribi will constantly act, but suffer under the moral pressure
  • Aries and Levi can become good partners, but for the mind of constant compromises

Capricorn: particular stability

The most loyal and calm representatives of the pleiad of the starry Olympus are greeted with a special approach to life. The stench of the creators and the intellectually gifted individuals, cackling to all and forever.

With such people, make sure you know it well. Zarozumily Leo with honor to be put up to such an intellectual. Ribi, Cancers and Terezi - bow to your impeccable Volodar. Scorpios - passionately stretch to the other half, cultivating new facets of specialness.

Not up to like the character of Capricorns to Aries and Taurus. That Striltsі do not ever appreciate such radicalism and thoughtfulness.

Aquarius: smart and smart

Aquarius - natures are subtle, like appreciating the spiritual light of people. The harmonious union is cleared by Gemini, Taurus and Aries. Povna disharmony is guarded by the conjunction with the usual fiery signs.

Golovne rule: the partner is to blame for the mother of a similar temperament. Oneness is also the same as the same look at sex.

Ribi: the best and the most different

Due to their lower quarrelsome nature, nevmіnnya vydstoyuvat vlasnі іnteresi, Ribki cannot know a good partner for once. Sporidnenі souls - Scorpio and Cancer, vіdchuvayuchi more pochutya kokhannya, protect "low". Sim'ya will be true mіtsnoyu.

Be afraid of warto aggressive Aries, fervent Capricorns and self-dead Lviv. Show your mind with your pedantry, and Aquarius - with constant pretensions.

Most people have thoughts about kohannya, romance and other sentimental moments in their heads. True, not everyone fits one to one, and astrologers recognize this fact. In order to avoid scandalous situations, weldings, tiles and other unacceptable moments, the experts were far ahead of people, as the signs of the zodiac do not fit one to one, support the site.


In the kohanni naygіrshe Aries are brought with Capricorns and Divas, write Esoteric Blog. The element of the Earth is important to join with the element of Fire, but if you have a chance to reach the temple with Taurus, then with a couple of stench to break zero. The only way to make a living with the Diva and Capricorn we accept is to give them independence. Strongly feel like sometime you will be told to leave.


You, better for everything, did not see anything with Aquarius and Twins. In the first place, і tim, іnhim, you will be tedious, but in a different way, the stench is an absolutely opposite type of people. You are phlegmatic and calm, and the Twins and Aquarius are windy and restless. And you, and they have a chance to finish a hundred years once again. Successful such an alliance will be less in case of obviousness of a splintered hobby.


It is important for you to live with Teresa and Diva. The uniquely addictive Diva can tell you about the future: 3-5 months is enough for him. If you don’t have many common interests, then the hat and the stumps are doomed to failure. Terezi is stunned by your inconsistency. Entering them at the blue, it is necessary to set all the priorities at once, so that the future will not have problems.


Bigger Cancer will be with the lowest Cancer. So, everything at first glance is miraculous - the same value, one glance at the world, but it will be boring, because the chance of a kohantsa chi kohanka is simply magnificent. Thus, the blues are extinguished in full, ale true, and the flames of them are freshly folded.

a lion

Crayfish, Aquarius and Aries are the most important other halves for Leo. Crayfish need to be simple, to love Lviv, Aquarius do not hang out at the same time, and Aries are afraid to be jealous even of Leo himself. In order to become a matrimonial couple for Leo, for three signs it is necessary to radically look at your behavior and svetoglyad. There are few chances, because Leo does not tolerate the image, falsehood and respect for yourself.


It is also important for the Diva to get along with the other Diva. You can become more true friends, but you just don’t get along with me. Div is also fighting molts and the appearance of initiative in Rib. The order of the Virgin can be more like a volova Riba. More people do not get used to Teresa, if they want to get out - it is important to show diplomacy here.


The only sign of the zodiac that you don't like is twins. Yogo inconsistency will introduce an imbalance in the blue, prote navit have a chance in the future of life, that love is all the same. Terezi is a truly unique Sign, even for a new one s 11 of 12 Signs are not familiar or there are no everyday problems.


Scorpios care about us. They have the least problems and the most suffocation in Div, Bliznyukiv and Aquarius. From the other side, cі f The signs of the building will throw you be-yakoy mitі - especially the Diva. Astrologers can’t give a single thought, that’s what you yourself will say, it’s better for you: for those who are independent and not tolerant of your character, or for those who hear all your nonsense.


Naygіrshe Strіltsі vplyvayut on Rakіv and on Rib. The first ones are conservative and calm, and the others are invariably indifferent and not able to appreciate the dynamic way of life of the Striltsiv. The problem in this situation is in the quiet, who suffocates in you - it’s necessary to succumb to you, even if you don’t care about anything to cool your fuse.


Capricorns are already suspected and at the same time logical and rational. The stench itself does not understand Bliznyukiv and Aquarius. Capricorn has the greatest summation with Scorpio, which can first hate the whole protilezhnu become a whole, and not just one of its representatives. Capricorns already call to the people, to which the vibrations of Scorpio and yoga far away can rob from Capricorn of the one who cares about strangers, be it as if they were.


Levi for Aquarius is overly selfish. Tse zmushue the rest laugh, even the stench simply does not understand why people can love themselves so much. Terezi, now, on the other hand, is already unsung in her own way, which also calls out to Aquarius in less laughter. If we give signs to explain our behavior with reasonable arguments, then there will be chances for friendship.


Ribam is better to live with friends and friendship with other Ribams. The right thing is that such a union has no other initiatives. Likewise, Ribkam needs love and respect, so Levi will fall in love. With a decision, you can be easily arrogated. Levs or other Ribs need initiative and a wide sense, just like you yourself. Only in such a union you can live long.

Journalist of JointInfoMedia Nastya Art is blaming the rules. Go about unions, yakі succesfull no matter what. Trapplyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє і so shvidko shvidko raspadayutsya shlyubi stosunki, yakі behind all horoscopes mayut lofty rіven somіsnostі. It is not possible for a kohanna to have an unambiguous identity - it is less necessary to believe in oneself and in one’s other half, having seen the doubts and get away.

We joke our friend half for different criteria. And let the horoscope not be for everyone, but as a joy to your food, but still, it’s rich who, having learned the potential “prince” or “the love of his whole life”, marvel at him, who describes the signs of the zodiac, like they go alone to one.

Astrologer's pleasure: Riven and the kind of enlightenment of people already imposes an influence on the ways of manifesting different qualities. Vihovannya people also contribute their own input to the characteristics of different powers of behavior.

We can see the confusion:

Horoscopes proponuyut dіznatisya pro dnannya people for all the parameters: vіd vіdnya svіlnogo biznesu up to the possibility of creating a mіtsnogo union of two people who love.

Astrologer's pleasure: Sometimes, a chance for a global transformation of your life to the best, wins once in life. Do not miss yoga - sign up for and find out how to check yoga!

The nuances are rich, forecast to lie in the status of the zodiac sign, the yogo age and also the richness of other factors. From kimos folded s_m'ya, here on the right to flirt with flirting, dehto survived a raging romance.

And yet, like, on the thought of astrologers, a bunch of “doomed” for bad luck in trying to improve your life.

Astrologer's pleasure: Insure that for the exact characteristics it is necessary to correct the information about the locality of the people, give an hour. Clarified data will help you to better recognize yourself or to explore in other people.

Can you believe in doubts in similar conversations, but the phrase is beaten with a rapt: “We didn’t have characters” can I pretend to be a fool, like I often explain the horoscope? Below are the signs of the zodiac, as they fit one to one.

Ideal for Aries fold together with Leo and Sagittarius, the union with Capricorn is also harmonious. The stench is already dead, but the signs of the building will take away my respect for a long time.

Astrologer's pleasure: We encourage you to look over the horoscopes for a month, a river for all signs of the zodiac. The forecast will help you to praise the most efficient solution from different meals. The cicavo is so scary. Go to category.

People under the sign Tiltsya Seriously go to the top of the food creation of this. Ribi and the Bliznyuki zdatni yogo zahopiti and the union will be mіtsnim, like and with the Lord's Cancer

Shilni rush from extremes to extremes Twins , then jump the skyline, then tick away. To bring the novel to an official design in the buildings of Taurus, Aquarius, Capricorn.

Astrologer's pleasure: In order to comprehend and more closely understand the nature and peculiarities of the zodiac sign, You need to learn from different sides and in what way you will be assisted by the heading - that's all.

crayfish change your character by stretching your life. The best way to go to the registry office is Raku in the middle city. I brought the round to the end of Riba and Aquarius. Tiltsyu tezh varto try happiness.

a lion Pragne love is so very, like glory to that knowledge. Hospitable to him until the end of the days of the building of Capricorn. Divi and Striltsy helped to mitigate hisism and not to fall asleep in exchange for glory.

Diva duzhe razbirliva. You can see the blue of Aquarius, the Left (which, vtim, become a koshenyam) and the Sagittarius.

Terezi you can rarely call yourself happy with your love. Scorpions and Cancers will become the “least of the bad” for them in the plan for creating an alliance.

Astrologer's pleasure: The river of the people of the people, they also pomitly pour into the potential of laying the foundations of the people with the appearance of the world. You can read more on our resource under the heading.

scorpions to sting the otochyuchih, sometimes navіt not bazhayuchi tsgogo. Hide away and get along peacefully with them, there is a chance for Rib, Rakiv, Div and Tereziv.

Strilec to rob a lot of vchinkiv, not thinking about the legacy, as a result - parts of the early love that rose. Ale Avni and Levi to become supernatural companions.

Capricorn in search of an ideal bet, you don’t hurry on one. As a result, wines can be transferred almost to Aries, Leo, Taurus.

Aquarius I don’t seem to show my own feelings. Ale Cancers chi Divi zreshtoy dochekayutsya in the new recognition.

Ribi whisper at the girl's support that is stronger than the shoulder. And on yourself stink take all the emotional warehouse clothes. Such a layout is the ruler of Cancer, Taurus, Aries.

Astrologer's pleasure: Vіdnosini mіzh close people remember to lie down on the month of the people. The sum of the signs of the cicadas was divided in classical astrology. You can read more reports about marriage in the category -.

Such a description is even more inaccurate, the signs of the zodiac, yakі fit one to one vymagayut dead vyvchennya. I won’t be embarrassed for sure, like you are Capricorn, but your loves are Sagittarius and you’ll immediately raise stosunki. As following the horoscope is so important, then conduct an individual analysis and let the stars resemble you!

Most often, the horoscope of summancy is the table, in which it is assigned, how the signs of the Zodiac match each other. She will give you information about those who will be a couple, who will enter into close relationships and make friends with a representative of that other sign of the Zodiac and will be better off just friends. An indicator of sanity suggests that we will save our lives after the official clearance of the boat and we will be far away.

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      Table of the summation of the signs of the Zodiac

      The table contains information about successful options for the summation according to the horoscope, as well as the negligence of partnering with the partner.

      AriesTaurusTwinsCancera lionDivaTereziScorpioStrilecCapricornAquariusRibi
      Aries_ _ _ + + + _ _ + -
      Taurus + _ + - _ + + +
      Twins_ + _ _ + +
      Cancer + +
      a lion _ _ + + _ + _ +
      Diva + + + _ _ _ _ _ _ +
      Terezi+ + + _ _ + +
      Scorpio + - _ _ +
      Strilec_ + _ + + + _
      Capricorn + + _ + _
      Aquarius + - _ _ _ _
      Ribi_ + _ + + + + _ +

      The symbol "+" means in the distance the lower signs, "-" - unfriendly, and the empty middle - neutral sum.

      • Aries

        For the woman-Aries, it is characteristic that there is a change in mood. Some partners are already easy to understand. Most often for such women it is possible to create a mental union with people who are born under such signs of the Zodiac:

    1. 1. Cancer.
    2. 2. Archer.
    3. 3. Lev.
    4. 4. Diva.

    Since women-Avni are strong special features and leaders in nature, then their stubborn women will be foldable with a stubborn Taurus. The union with Aries is less possible for the obviousness of the mіtsnogo that pure kokhannya. The twins of a woman often cook.

    The person-Aries rejoices at the arrogance and agility in his own strength. Win appears to be less of a leader in all spheres of life, including kohannya. Vіn put your mind and check in the partner program of a non-restrictive їх vikonannya. Aries can create a successful couple with a representative of some kind of sign only in that case, as if you were able to understand the word in the skin. A love affair with the Twins often ends with a burst of stoks, and such a person does not like chimerical and lordly women.


    Representatives of this sign are nekaplivymi and povіlnymi persons. We need caress and a wider confirmation of the person's feelings. The union of the dynamic signs of the Zodiac of doomsdays for failure. For the creation of the mіtsnoi, good sim'ї zhіntsі pіdіyde is a representative of one of the vrіvnovazhennyh signs: Aquarius, Ribi, Terezi.

    The people-Tilts in the majority of vipadkivs are kind people and fathers. Stink about your friend half, love home calm. Ideal to become the love of such a person as a representative of the disputed elements of the Earth. A good family union will be with a woman of one of these signs, like Sagittarius, Diva, Cancer. Love from Levicea will not be far away through the aggressive manners of the rest.


    Representatives of this sign - lower and lightly wounded romantic nature. The stench will constantly demand affection, pikluvannya, I will show my feelings from the partner’s side. Such a woman is guilty of knowing that she is a bazhana and a kohana. It is ideal to be in it together with Bliznyuk, Aquarius and Capricorn.

    The Twins are volitional special features. The stench does not tolerate the tedium of one-manhood in any of the spheres of life, including in the kohanna. We must actively spend all our time. Cool the stick of the Bliznyuk woman-Taurus. However, the whole union will be short-lived. Shlyub іz Levicea chi Ribami will also be short. The best option for setting up a bet is to represent the sign Terezi or Diva.


    Women-Cancers are romantics for nature. We need the same respectful and respectful partner, who speaks compliments, gives gifts.

    As a person, you will be a strong individual, you will become a strong support for a woman in life, and we will be such a long way away.

    Ale for that Cancer woman can learn to trust her partner. Good sense can be blamed on the representative of the sign Taurus or Leo.

    Crayfish people are trying hard to bring their kohanny to the other half, to stand up to her with great honor. Folding will be stosunki with Libra girls. The Taurus woman will become an ideal squad for Cancer.

    a lion

    The woman-Leo hangs high to her other half. Shards of the representative of this sign with powerful and strong natures, they need a soft and cheerful person. We will not be far away from the love union of the man-Aquarius. Mitsnі and dovgotrivalі stosunki mozhlivі z Divami chi Sagittarius. Satisfied with the unsafe є zvyazok from the man-Scorpion.

    Levi's people were turbulent with a good dobrobut, and then we smelled that bazhanniya kohanoi. The other half of Leo is guilty of demonstrating the lowness, the turbota, the patience of that vitreous. Diva will become the ideal partner for the new one. The summation finale can be the mother of Leva with the Twins or Teresa.


    Zhіnka-Diva strives to take a conservative look at life, її it is required to constantly improve. There is no need to love demonstrating your feelings and emotions. The scope of love and cuteness can be seen in a love union of such a woman with a fish-man. In order to get away from welding, incomprehensibly that constant z'yasuvan vіdnosin, їy not varto create with representatives of such signs, like Diva, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Terezi, Scorpio.

    Cholovik-Diva is a kind Sim'yanin. It’s easier for you to be a viskonat, if I’ll live for the night, lower your voice. A good family union can be created with Ribs. Do not start a stosunki with women, people under the sign of Scorpio and Aquarius.


    Vrakhovuuchi minlivu vdacha Tereziv, such a woman follows a shukati of a vrіvnovazhennogo and calm partner. It is bad to form її stosunki zі Scorpio. Create a good alliance with Ribs, Taurus and Aries.

    Partners of a person, who is a representative of that sign of the Zodiac, must be ready to sharp mood swings. Terezi to create a garna sіm'yu z Levicea. Stosunki with Diva, Aries, Gemini become problematic. A dream from a woman-Taurus can end in happiness and separation.


    The representative of this sign of the Zodiac needs a strong and romantic person for his nature. It is important for a Scorpio woman to trust her partner. In the distance we will be a bunch of twins and ribs. Vіdnosini іz cholіvіkom svoj sign doomed to failure.

    Scorpion people are supposed to be the leaders of the school. Їm befits, if sim'I live for їhnіmi rules. A woman will become a good partner for Scorpio, as she was born under the sign of Ribi chi Sagittarius. Harmony in the waters with Aquarius, Aries or the Virgin will be daily.


    Representatives of this sign are volitional features. The stench does not tolerate any kind of control over oneself. At the same time, women-Streltsy will demand respect, zahista, tenderness and affection. Good vzaєmini stinks add up with Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn. Shlyub іz Bliznyukami, Aquarius chi Aries will be full of weldings through dribnitsa.

    The people of this sign are addictive of nature, which they graft richly prihilnits. Striltsiv is not easy to take in, for those who stink love gaiety and freedom. A loving union with a woman-Taurus can end in strong nerve shocks. The Leo woman, the representative of the same sign as the man, is coming to the Striltsa.


    Zhіnka-KozerigI will carefully think over my vchinki and diy, first of all, try anything. Vaughn will give her half to her friend. Mіtsniy slyubny union of opportunities from Taurus, Capricorn, Gemini. Vіdnosini z Terezami prirechenі on postіyni scandals through drіbnitsі.

    The people of this sign are often pensive and inconsiderate. Capricorns need to be constantly pidshtovhuvati to active activities. The Taurus woman, Sagittarius chi Capricorn, succeeds in meeting with them. Not far off to become stosunki at the couple with Ribami and Scorpio.


    Representatives of this sign to enjoy the calm and warm family atmosphere. Ale slіd vrakhovuvati, scho stench vymagayut postіy pіyzhivlennya pochutіv. Otherwise, the woman’s wife-Vodoliya’s litter is extinguished. For such a woman, it is important to bachiti, that a man, having put a sing mark in front of him, and helps himself to reach. A good school for the Twins. The stress of such a woman is formed by Diva, Ribs, Scorpio and Aquarius.

    We are happy for the life of a man-Aquarius, maybe that patient woman is less wise. Such is the representative of the zodiacal sign Taurus. The summation from the Left, the Diva, the Archer, the Aquarius is unacceptable.


    Zhіntsi-Ribi will need a strong and purposeful partner, who will be the leader of their couple. Representatives of this sign are respected for better in family life, but in other roles. They have a good sense of balance with Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus, Diva, Ribs. Foldable become stosunki with Aries and Capricorn.

    The main secret of successful mutual relations with a man-Riboi is the ability to change yoga. Tse brought to spend romantic feelings from the side of a partner. Garniy union with new powers with Teresa, Ribami, Scorpion. Shlyub such a person with Capricorn and Aries of sayings for a Swedish rose of stosunkiv.

The horoscope of insanity is needed in order to understand the ins and outs of you and your partner go one to one. Even if you know about potential colleagues and friends, blame them for food about those who have a lot of my senses, not seeming to be about a companion of life.

The horoscope helps to know the correct line one to one, as well as to be ahead of possible differences.

Allow sumnіvi schodo tsgogo help astrology and horoscopes of summancy. The stench reports about the different features of the signs of the zodiac and about those how the stench can interact one with one.

Horoscope of summancy behind the signs of the zodiac vrakhovu zagalni risi in astrological passports of two osib, indicating the level of comfort of their mutual relations. Vіn maє іmovirnіsny character. Harmony and welding are familiar to people, the risks of incomprehensibility and conflicts are not blameless.

The forecast information is made both objective and objective. Її varto take it as a helper and a consultant, but not as a direct curation to all your actions.

Horoscope: characteristics of the signs of the zodiac and the sum of the signs

Let's look, as if looking at a horoscope: characteristic h zodiac and totality on specific butts.

Aries - Impulsive, bright specialty.

Aries+Aries= "vibuho-unsafe" union.

Aries + Taurus= part of the conflict, common creativity and dilovy blue.

Aries + Gemini= a handy novel, creative ideas that you can draw on at an hour's notice.

Aries + Cancer\u003d filthy happiness, possible welding and sorcery.

Aries + Leo= A creative long-term union, a happy couple.

Aries + Diva\u003d different natures, so as not to converge among themselves.

Aries + Terezi\u003d harmony of proportions.

Aries + Scorpio\u003d good sexual blue, nasty robots and pobuts.

Aries + Sagittarius= Mutually impulsive, to move into an image.

Aries + Capricorn= Self-care for skin.

Aries + Aquarius\u003d ideal sum_snіst, active Aries and ready to change Aquarius.

Aries + Ribi\u003d Part of the hat, which cherishes one idea, important blue.

Taurus is stubborn, kind, straightforward.

Taurus+Taurus\u003d stuck at the square, try one by one through the fight against the minutiae.

Taurus + Gemini\u003d ambiguous and folded, jealousy is mutual.

Taurus + Cancer= Harmony.

Taurus+Leo\u003d addiction and love, which spend ceremoniousness with fates.

Taurus + Diva= happiness in family life.

Taurus + Terezi= delovі vіdnosini, tremayut robot at once that huge camp.

Taurus + Scorpio= Good sexual sense.

Taurus + Sagittarius\u003d a resourceful hat from a rozrahunka.

Taurus + Capricorn\u003d the best union, common interests, harmonious sexual life.

Taurus + Aquarius\u003d foldingly sum_sna pair.

Taurus + Ribi\u003d sensitive Riba and rude Taurus, visibility of harmony.

Twins - Riznostoronna, impertinent specialty.

Twins+Twins= friendly union.

Gemini+Cancer= Easy, light blue.

Gemini+Leo= friendship, resourceful love.

Twins + Diva\u003d can communicate with common interests and mutual actions.

Twins+Terezi\u003d harmony and order in Tereziv, passionate work and interests to rob an inseparable couple.

Gemini+Scorpio= important union, twins dominate.

Gemini + Sagittarius\u003d a hat for a rozrachunk, the necessary cost and posting guests.

Gemini + Capricorn\u003d discord with sim'ї.

Gemini+Aquarius= good luck on the right side of the bed, regardless of welding and rozbіzhnostі.

Twins + Ribi= inconsistency of Bliznyukiv not to produce anything good, Ribi roast images and forgive them.

Cancer - Chaotic, creative, original.

Cancer+Cancer= Burkhlivy, emotional union.

Cancer + Leo\u003d love stosunki, unsuitable for a whore.

Cancer + Diva\u003d equal mutually blue, Cancers deserve the steel of Div, Divy understand the primhi of Rakiv.

Cancer + Terezi= Dotrimannya distances, deep material interests.

Cancer + Scorpio\u003d mutual interests, and even more importantly, spіvіsnuvannya with one another.

Cancer + Sagittarius\u003d deceptive and fake, but rich-faceted and fiery union.

Cancer + Capricorn\u003d long-term conflicts and inconsistency, gravity and alienation.

Cancer + Aquarius= Postiyna gra tyazіnnya and vіdshtovhuvannya.

Cancer + Ribi\u003d not an easy life, which depends on the self-sacrifice of one of the partners.

The lion is the king of the beasts, and everything has been said.

Lion+Lion\u003d original, creative children are popular among fans.

Leo + Diva= unreasonable and incomprehensible.

Lion+tags= shine, harmony and steel. Terezi is the ideal partner.

Leo + Scorpio= Shalena addiction, nervous tension.

Leo + Capricorn= Important whore. Capricorn is straight-lined, Leo is husky with obitsyanki.

Leo + Aquarius= heaviness is less than a backbone, strong protylezhnosti.

Leo+Ribi= tragic mess.

Diva - steel, rosemary, harmony.

Diva+Diva= successful union.

Diva + Terezi= harmoniously complement one another.

Diva + Scorpio= to fight for the presence of strong characters in both signs.

Diva + Sagittarius= zagalnі look, prosperity in the professional and religious spheres.

Diva + Capricorn= vrіvnovazhenіst that mіtsnіst.

Diva + Aquarius\u003d Dominate the Diva, but Aquarius does not hang out at the hundreds of women for a long time.

Diva+Ribi= Rіzne priynyattya svіtu.

Terezi - vagaєtsya, inconsistent type of specialty.

Terezi+Terezi\u003d splka is capable, as if offending people of a difference in character.

Terezi + Scorpio= harmony stosunki, gurgling intimate life.

Terezi + Sagittarius= friendship, kokhannya, look at your sleep.

Terezi + Capricorn\u003d sleepiness for everything, krim kokhannya.

Terezi + Aquarius= original ideas, creative plans, successful union.

Terezi+Ribi= obmezhenіst, strimanіst in everything.

Scorpio - excitement, brilliance, harn of memory.

Scorpio+Scorpio= at the same time it’s tight, it’s tediously boring.

Scorpio + Sagittarius= gambling cochants, one-thinkers.

Scorpio + Capricorn= steel at the kohanna.

Scorpio + Aquarius= originality and eccentricity, especially in Kohanna.

Scorpio + Ribi \u003d passion, but Ribi does not know the important character of Scorpio.

Sagittarius - adventurism, activity, movement.

Strilec + Strilec= The struggle of authorities.

Sagittarius + Capricorn= it's hard to know the balance between rozrahunkom and moral principles.

Sagittarius + Aquarius\u003d friendship is kind of crazy.

Strilec+Ribi\u003d thoroughness with a wild rozumіnі and postiyne rozdratuvannya, as if there is nothing.

Capricorn - Knowing, vpertist, pragnenny meti.

Capricorn + Capricorn= resentment in the face and shilni shukati for the sake of on the side.

Capricorn + Aquarius= illusion of enchantment.

Capricorn+Ribi= for the manifestation of spiritual interests in Capricorn - completed, harmonious couple.

Aquarius - Come, change, rozvazhlivist.

Aquarius + Aquarius= friendship and equality.

Aquarius+Ribi= Reality does not add both, the illusion of coincidence.

Ribi - new ideas, perfectionism, impossibility to deceive.

Ribi+Ribi= that it is impossible to know a compromise, but the slave is not hypocritical.

Horoscope of wisdom: behind the signs of the zodiac and fates

Personal horoscope of secularity: behind the signs of the zodiac and fates you can put together independently, depending on your fate, people and your created symbol. The stench is pointed at the tables.

Rik ta vіdpovіdny youmu zodiac sign

Patsyuk1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020
Bik1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021
Tiger1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022
Rabbit1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023
The Dragon1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024
snake1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025
Kin1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 2026
Goat1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027
Mavpa1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028
Piven1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 2029
Dog1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030
pig1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031

Sumy with the Chinese horoscope

Choose your symbol from the vertical part and look for the one that matches your partner horizontally. The number on the lane indicates the meaning of the global harmony.

  • 0 - neutrality, good balance, comfortable feet. Most people know the type of people.
  • 1 - a problematic union, welding and folding helmets. It is impossible to call the dovgostrokovі vіdnosinі.
  • 2 - vrіvnovazhenіst, protilezhnі energies are attracted and create jealousy. Dovgostrokovyi union that mіtsny shlyub.
  • 3 - greater harmony, long-term sleep, without intrigues, criticism and happiness.
  • 4 - resistance, conflicts and vorozhnecha, partnership without doubt.
  • 5 - conflict, a couple is disturbed. Sleepy life does not lead to happiness. Best trimming on the vіdstanі.
  • 6 - an uneven union, spiving in a way that can fit people of about the same age.

The horoscope of the summancy of the signs of the zodiac behind the fates of the people is often victorious at the hour of planning the launch of that dream. Vіn helps to know that partner, with whom you can not only be friends and lead the right way, but also be a happy life.

Hidden horoscope behind the rocks: summation of signs

A similar rіk starts from another youngster after 22 babies, the date of the winter solstice. That is why people who were born among the fierce Chinese people often succumb to the symbols of the ancient Chinese fate.

a) squint; b) tiger

Qi symbols are divided into 4 triads, for which summity is assigned according to a similar horoscope and zodiac sign.

  • First triad: Patsyuk, Dragon, Mavpa. Diyalni and energy. Do not know the world, but good and evil.
  • Another triad: Bik, Zmiya, Piven. Practice, be able to plan ahead. Usogo achieve self-harm.
  • Third triad: Tiger, Kin, Dog. Comrades, balakuchs, they can change, they know a lot. Ale requires only one close person.
  • Fourth triad: Kit (Rabbit), Goat, Pig. Rosvinuto almost beautiful, creative vibes and artistry. To make a garne of intuition and manners, to practice a garne life.

A similar horoscope behind the rocks: the sum of the signs can be looked over in more detail at the guidance table.

Love horoscope: confusion behind the signs of the zodiac

It is not easy to know a person who is happy with a spouse. Podkazkoy at whom nutrition can have an astrological forecast.

The beloved horoscope of the summation behind the signs of the zodiac looks like this:

  • A wager that is mutually dependent on the principle of strong to weak, which dominates the first sign: Shchur-Kin, Kin-Boar, Boar-Dragon, Dragon-Kit, Kit-Piven, Piven-Dog, Dog-Bik, Bik-Tiger, Tiger- Goat, Goat-Snake, Snake-Mavpa, Mavpa-Schur.
  • Pari, de kohannya at first glance and a romantic slub: as one of the friends Kіn\Dog\Tiger, їm povіdat Patsyuk\Mavpa\Dragon, or Pіven\Snake\Bik - Goat\Kіt\Boar. Vinyatki: Kіn-Shchur, Goat-Snake, Pіven-Kіt.
  • Bet, in some equal hats: think that one of the partners is Kin\Tiger\Dog, and the other Piven\Snake\Bik, or Patsyuk\Mavpa\Dragon - Whale\Boar\Goat. Vignats: Tiger-Bik, Dog-Bik, Dog-Piven, Whale-Dragon, Boar-Dragon.
  • The bet of the "golden mean", a possible spiritual union: Kіn\Tiger\Dog - Kit\Boar\Goat, or one of the friends of Schura\Mavpa\Dragon, and the other one - Bik\Pіven\Snake. Vinyatki: Tiger-Goat, Kіn-Boar, Zmіya-Mavpa.

Horoscope of summancy signs of a person and a woman

A horoscope of the summancy of signs: a man and a woman varto vrakhovuvaty in love stosunki. Imovirnist yogo successful prognosis for skin bet is as follows:

Aries - human


Aries + Gemini = 75%

Aries + Cancer = 53%

Aries + Leo = 93%

Aries + Diva = 43%

Aries + Terezi = 54%


Aries + Sagittarius = 56%

Aries + Capricorn = 43%

Aries + Aquarius = 91%


Aries - female

Aries + Taurus = 58%

Aries + Gemini = 51%

Aries + Cancer = 48%

Aries + Leo = 96%

Aries + Diva = 39%

Aries + Terezi = 58%


Aries + Sagittarius = 61%

Aries + Capricorn = 38%

Aries + Aquarius = 72%

Aries + Ribi = 35%.

Taurus is a man


Taurus + Gemini = 33%




Taurus + Terezi = 56%


Taurus + Sagittarius = 49%

Taurus + Capricorn = 94%



Taurus is a woman

Taurus + Gemini = 33%



Taurus + Diva = 69%

Taurus + Terezi = 67%

Taurus + Scorpio = 89%

Taurus + Sagittarius = 46%

Taurus + Capricorn = 95%



Twins are human








Gemini + Capricorn = 76%


Twins + Ribi = 39%

Twins - female






Gemini + Sagittarius = 66%



Twins + Ribi = 38%

Cancer is human



Cancer + Diva = 90%

Cancer + Terezi = 74%


Cancer + Sagittarius = 43%

Cancer + Capricorn = 33%

Cancer + Aquarius = 66%

Cancer + Ribi = 78%

Cancer is a woman


Cancer + Diva = 87%

Cancer + Terezi = 74%


Cancer + Sagittarius = 45%

Cancer + Capricorn = 36%

Cancer + Aquarius = 71%

Cancer + Ribi = 73%

Leo is a man

Leo + Leo = 45%

Leo + Diva = 68%

Leo + Terezi = 71%


Leo + Sagittarius = 83%

Leo + Capricorn = 58%

Leo + Aquarius = 68%

Leo + Ribi = 22%

Leo is a woman

Leo + Diva = 68%

Leo + Terezi = 69%


Leo + Sagittarius = 88%

Leo + Capricorn = 48%

Leo + Aquarius = 63%

Leo + Ribi = 19%

Diva - human




Diva + Strilec \u003d 53%

Diva + Capricorn = 79%



Diva - woman



Diva + Strilets = 46%

Diva + Capricorn = 81%



Terezi is a human



Terezi + Strilec \u003d 89%

Terezi + Capricorn = 39%

Terezi + Aquarius = 96%


Terezi is a woman


Terezi + Strilec \u003d 87%

Terezi + Capricorn = 49%

Terezi + Aquarius = 90%


Scorpio - man



Scorpio + Capricorn = 69%



Scorpio - female


Scorpio + Capricorn = 66%


Scorpio + Ribi = 87%

Strilec - man

Strilec + Strilec = 81%

Sagittarius + Capricorn = 46%


Strilec + Ribi = 54%

Sagittarius - woman

Sagittarius + Capricorn = 66%

Sagittarius + Aquarius = 89%

Strilec + Ribi = 43%

Capricorn - human

Capricorn + Capricorn = 84%


Capricorn + Ribi = 69%

Capricorn - female


Capricorn + Ribi = 81%

Aquarius - man:



a) Aquarius-person; b) Aquarius-woman

Aquarius - female:


Obidva partners ribi: 76%

How to correctly corystute with the horoscope of summancy

It is easy to complete the astrological forecast of totality. You can look at tables of evidence in similar traditions and set out the characters of signs that are familiar to all, looking at their outrageous principles. Golovne - dotrimuvatisya two simple rules:

  • signs can be but one and the same clarity;
  • the stench is guilty but the same.

pairing of signs - their belonging to one and the same element, stench or equal, or complementary to one alone.

  • Into the fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
  • Earth: Capricorn, Taurus, Diva.
  • Repeat: Terezi, Aquarius, Gemini.
  • Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Ribi.

The sum will be the pairings in the middle of the elements and the positive ones: Fire-Povitrya and Earth-Water.

If you have any mood, don’t hurry up with horoscopes, but try to recognize the person for the hour of controversy and watch out for її vchinki.

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