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Submissions are known from the registration of the old casa without informing the clerks. We know kkm z in appearance in IFNS: blatant order and nuances

In our country, enterprises cannot engage in retail trade without a cash register, registered with a proper rank at tax authorities. It is logical that KKM, as it may have a unique identification number at the tax registry, it is assigned to a specific IP or legal entity, it cannot be transferred to another individual, sold or disposed of just like that. First of all, be it s tsikh diy, cash register equipment needs to be taken out of shape.

When can you need a cash register manager?

The need for re-registration of the total withdrawal of the KKM from the taxable form can be vindicated as a result of the closing of the organization, and at the same time the duty. It seems to be in such situations:

  1. Replacing a cash register with a different model (new and functional).
  2. The KKM model, which is victorious, has become obsolete and has been registered with the state register of KKT. The term of operation of cash registers is to become less than 7 years from the cob of work.
  3. Sales, transfer from the coristuvannya free of charge or for a fee (rent) to another IP or organization.
  4. The original device is not operated, but the company's practitioners, third-party people have access to it. In order to get rid of unauthorized zastosuvannya, it is necessary to deactivate yoga, as it is not planned in the future to win yoga for recognition.
  5. The closing of IP, the liquidation of a legal person is also a substitute for the recognition of a kasi from a registration form.

On scho return respect for the hour of znyatya kasi s registration?

The essence of the procedure is based on the reversal of the correctness of information in the cash register and the data that are stored in the fiscal memory of the device, the deactivation of the machine, and the removal of that transmission from the EKLZ block (protected electronic cash line). Prote the process itself in different regions and learn from different FNP inspections can be done in your own way.

For some nuances, it is necessary to clarify in advance with a specific territorial tax authority - the very one in which the KKM was registered. Bagato IFTS requires the collection of fiscal contacts by a specialist service center only in the presence of an inspector. At such a time, having previously settled with the CTO engineer, it is necessary for the singing day to go to your inspection, having taken with you the cash machine and all prepared papers.

The deyakі іnspektsії marvel at such suvorostі krіz fingers and ask to bring to them the equipment and cash. For them, it is enough to correctly draw up documents, smut, so that the stench of the boules was given to certify the CTO and presented to the registrar in due course.

For the "simplified" order, the helper to the service center of cash registers independently takes the fiscal memory and forms a package of documents for the collection of cash registers. Vlasnik Kasi is no longer left to submit an application to tax (specially, or send a representative with confidence) on the same day, or at a three-day term, according to the rules established by the IFTS officers.

Planning to know the CCP from the registration, it is necessary to clarify whether all the taxes have been given at the current moment, whether there are no inconveniences to the budget, or whether the TsTO bills have been paid. Bazhano respectfully check the journal of the cashier-operator to ensure that the correctness of the entered information is correct, and also check the signs in the journal of the technical specialist. Everything is fine, the hour has come to start preparing documentation.

Transfer of documents for IFTS

KKM, scho pіdlyagaє znyatyu z in appearance in the IFTS, is to blame for the mother of the onset of the supremacy package :

  • registration card, seen the hour of setting on oblik;
  • journal of the cashier-operator (form KM-4);
  • cash register passport and ECLZ passport;
  • Journal of weekly prac_vnik_v technical service;
  • a copy of the balance sheet for the rest of the winter period (for tax purposes), a cash book or a book of income and expenses (for TOV and IP it is valid) - these documents are not binding, but may be needed for the work of a tax inspector.

At the process of understanding the memory of the cash machine, the TsTO spivrobitnik is given:

  • an act of recognition of the indication of the licensee to the apparatus (form KM-2);
  • a check with a fiscal star for the entire hour of KKM operation;
  • 1 receipt for leather from the 3 remaining years of the robotic case;
  • monthly fiscal statements for the same period;
  • the sound of the rest of the EKLZ;
  • a receipt for closing the archive of the device's memory;
  • the act of transferring the memory block to the savings.

The representative of the organization - the head of the KKT presents the tax inspector with a passport (authority is required, as not the director himself is an individual entrepreneur) and the application is completed. In 2014, the application for the registration of the CCM is issued on a universal basis, which since 2012 is the same for all registrations of the CCP (when applying for the appearance and making changes to the registration cards).

The procedure for withdrawing cash register equipment from obl_ku

Otzhe, pererakhuєmo the main dії zі znyattya from the appearance of the cash machine:

  1. Clarify the nuances of the work of "own" tax.
  2. We are ready to collect documents.
  3. We return to the CTO for the weather to carry out the procedure.
  4. According to the IFTS.

As you can see, the instruction for understanding KKM is simple and clear, and the process does not take a lot of time. In case of a successful outcome of the reasons for leaving, the taxpayer will not borrow more than 15 credits. As a rule, the registration of the account is not processed by the swedish robot, or it takes the whole amount of days for a day, then it may take up to 5 days.

With the help of a cash machine, you can work everything that is worthwhile: donate, rent, sell or rent for a commission in the central heating center. It's true, it costs less than quiet machines, which are still registered with the State Register: the stench is equipped with a new memory and is again put into operation. Aparati, among some viyshs, the term depreciation (7 years), they don’t swear to the meanest vikoristan.

The EKLZ block for the period of cameral review is liable to be saved in the organization for 5 years after the registration is taken.

Respect! Tsey material about those, how to take cash in the form of gifts. How to call you, how to take cash Z call (regularly pick up cash), press!

Pіdpriєmnitska diyalnіst is far from being simple, that bezkhmarna. Some people trap in such a way that they have to start a business, and everything is more efficiently folded into a distant hut. However, counters, furniture, computers, and otherwise you can simply hide or try to resell, then you need to repair the cash register equipment otherwise.

First of all, it’s enough to take it to the police or put it on sales, it’s necessary to carry out її snyatya from the guise of a tax inspection.

Moreover, it is necessary to repair it in such a way not only in times of closed business, but also in certain other situations. Let's take a look at the topic of the report.

Knowing cash register equipment in appearance: reasons

The need for a new withdrawal of cash registers from the appearance in the tax authorities, or their re-registration can be blamed for different conditions. You can use:

  • liquidation of a legal entity (enterprise of an organization) and closing IP;
  • dobrovіlna replacement of the cash register for a larger functional and new model;
  • the replacement of the outdated cash register equipment was foreseen because of the fact that it was removed from the transfer of the state register. The cash register can be operated no more than 7 years from the moment of release;
  • stealing cash register equipment. In this case, before fahіvtsya tributary, it will be obov'yazkovo to present a proof from the police;
  • leasing, donating, as well as selling to another company or individual enterprise;
  • force majeure circumstances (pozhezhі, povenі, ruynuvannya budіvel soon);
  • change the statutory part of the legislation;
  • in vipadkah, like a cash machine, for some reason it doesn’t stop at a robot. It is especially important, as the voucher is also not planned, but, at the same time, access to it may be both the company's spokesmen and third-party individuals. To get rid of unauthorized and uncontrolled vikoristannya kasi, you need to deactivate.

Why do you need to know cash registers in the form of taxpayers

Take care of your appearance in the tributary organs, regardless of what caused the infliction of their stagnation. It is necessary to remember those who know about the skin vicorous fiscal registrar or the cash register as the basis of the tax service. And if so, then the stench is obligatory due to regular technical maintenance and own.

Even though the case is not taken into account, representatives of the tax inspectorate can at some point look at the correct type of cashier's checks for purchases or servicemen.

Particularly worthy of consideration are individual entrepreneurs, the osksilki themselves at the time of which it is easier to know (for a place of residence, as it is indicated when setting up an IP on the oblіk before the IFTS). It will not be accepted, as a representative of the organization, or as an individual entrepreneur, it is not possible to apply for food about those where the cash register equipment is known, it is registered with your company.

Well, of course, remember that if you don’t take cash in the form of a tax service, you won’t be able to sell it, but give it as a gift.

The procedure for withdrawing cash register equipment from registration

To put it briefly, the process of withdrawing KKM from the taxable form is carried out at the stage:

  1. preparation of a set of documents;
  2. consultation and consultation before the procedure with the helper of the service center;
  3. visit to podatkovo.

If everything is sorted out in order and correctly, then the process of raising money in the form of a loan is no more than five years old.

What is important when taking a kasi out of sight

The main sense of the operation of removing cash from registration in the tributary organs of the field is that stench could be misinterpreted, as much as possible in the form of information in the cash register about the records of the fiscal memory, as well as further deactivation of the ECL of the tax. Here, it should be noted that there are no strict regulations and procedures, that the region of the Russian Federation regulates the process in its own way.

First of all, virushati before the territorial tax liability service, it is necessary to specify if you are able to present yourself before the procedure for renting a kasi from the guise of the IFTS itself, in which case it was registered.

Respect! In some cases, the taxpayers have to take into account that the collection of fiscal issues from the cash register equipment was carried out only in the presence of their representative. And here it is necessary to stay at home with an engineer from the technical service center in order to get to tax at the moment. ІП or the company’s spivrobitnik, which submits an application for the registration of KKM from registration, the mother needs to bring with her all the necessary documents and the cash desk itself.

It should be noted that not all territorial inspections of the flooring must be carried out before the whole process. Deyakі do not have to bring to them a cash machine and ask for a technical specialist, stinks are surrounded by a recheck of documents, and smut in them - the correct execution of that resolution of a certified technical center.

In even more simple schemes, practitioners of service centers independently register the EKZL block and collect all documents for the collection of cash from the appearance of taxes. In case of any sergeant of the cash machine, it is no longer necessary to give a special tax to the tax from the application, or to send a representative there with trust. Zrobity is required the same day, otherwise it is established in the rules of the local territorial tax inspection - in the term of three days.

Before that, as you know the cash apparatus from the taxable form, it is necessary to reconsider that all the tax credits for the given hour were built at the hour, there are no daily borgs in front of the taxpayers, all the expenses of the organization that service the equipment are paid.

In addition, we will not repeat once again the correctness of entering the information to the cashier-operator's journal, and then review the technical service journal.

Documents for a KKM borrower for a tax

In addition, as all the necessary preliminary checks and operations have been carried out, the time has come to proceed to the formation of a package of documents for tax filing. It is impossible to enter a shard of important documents before the new one, without any knowledge of the register. Axis of translation of these documents:

  • a card seen during the registration of a cash machine with a taxpayer;
  • special passport of the applicant or representative for dovirenistyu;
  • technical passport of cash register equipment and okremo passport for the EKLZ block;
  • magazine of the cashier-operator;
  • journal of registration of wikis of technical specialists;
  • a copy of the balance sheet certified by tax inspection for the rest of the summer period;
  • type TOV;
  • book of income and vitrat vіd ІП.

The remaining two documents are not obov'azkovym, but in some cases the inspector of the tax service can ask them for a complete analysis of the statements of the KKM.

Vіd svіvrobіtnik servitor to the center of the tax vіmagatimut:

  • a check with a fiscal star for the entire hour of winning the kasi;
  • an act of recognition of the testimony of cashiers;
  • one receipt for the skin remaining three years of operation of the cassette;
  • monthly fiscal calls also for the triadic period;
  • a receipt for closing the archive of the device's memory;
  • call on the ECLZ memory block;
  • an act on the transfer of ECLZ for saving. Before the speech, save the wine is guilty of no less than five years from the moment of taking the kasi out of the guise of a possible taxable re-verification.

In addition, as all other important documents will be subject to tax inspection, and the procedure for withdrawing cash from the guise will be completed, with a cash register you can work everything that is tempted: sell, rent, put in a technical center, put in a kut. Prote, varto remember that if the model of Kasi was put on the register, it would be impossible to keep it away. At tsomu vipadku kasu, you can only vikinuti.

Knowing the registration form of the new cash register technology, which can transfer data to the FNP online, it is possible to file an application through a special office on the website of the FNP or OFD, as well as in case of filing to the tax authority. It is not necessary to file the same documents, the Crimean Statement about the closing of the fiscal accumulator, to the IFTS.

Understanding the appearance of online cash registers is easier, lower earlier, when cash registers are stuck without the transfer function from the Federal Tax Service.

As earlier, it was necessary to collect a package of documents, obtain the CTO and review all the necessary documents, now the process of closing the case is intermediating the submission of applications to the tax authority from an additional letter about the closing of the fiscal accumulator (further - FN).

Voluntary closing of cash registers from registration form

From the initiatives of IP or the organization of the online cash desk can be taken from the guise of such situations:

  • pіd hour of transfer of the cash register to another koristuvachev;
  • when stealing or using CCP;
  • in case of malfunction of the device, which does not allow its operation.

Primus' son

Taken from the appearance of CCP in a unilateral order, a submissive organ can be in such cases.

  • Viyshov is the term for a fiscal accumulator.

Yakshcho podatkova closed the cash register through the completion of the term of the key of the fiscal signs at the Federal Tax Service, koristuvach kasi goitre for a month from the date of closing the cash register to the IFTS for all the fiscal data that were saved on the Federal Tax Service until the moment the cash register was closed.

  • Kasovy Apparatus vіdpovidaє vimogam of decorous legislation.

Again, this touch can be put on the face only after the destruction of the damage revealed by the pliable organ.

Closing term CCP

Dobrovіlne zakrittya online kasi vіdbuvaєtsya no later than one working day from the moment:

  • transferring a cash register to another koristuvachev;
  • spend chi rozkradannya;
  • out of tune.

Closing order

  • Folder application for withdrawal from the appearance of CCP

What can be done with the application for the hiring of a kasi from the registration

The application must indicate:

  1. outside the name of the organization or PIB IP;
  2. IPN IP or TOV;
  3. model and serial number of the unit;
  4. the reason for the withdrawal of the cash register from the appearance (spend money at the time);
  5. data about the number of filings of the application (001 - sheet, as the application is given by the organization's certifier or as an individual entrepreneur, 002 - as a representative);
  6. data about the person submitting the application (PIB).

Note: If an application for closing a case is filed by a representative, it is necessary to fill in another arch of the document, where it is necessary to indicate the name of the document, which certifies the representative's reappearance.

About znyattya online kasi z oblіku.

Malyunok No. 2. Application form for the adoption of a kasi z form. Dzherelo: website

At the close of KKM.

Malyunok No. 3

We can look at these stats, how to take the appearance of KKM in 2020. Let's figure out what you need to know about the appearance of KKM. We know, if it is necessary to know the appearance. Let's take a look at the necessary documents for the marriage.

Why is it necessary to know the kasovy apparatus from the appearance of that in some situations? We give a lot of food to the spantelicians and organizations that win the KKT. Today, we will tell you about the procedure for the withdrawal from the appearance of KKM: in some cases, the cash machine should be taken from the form, for which documents will be needed, in order to verify the registration of KKM with the FNP. In the same way, we will report on the typical situation of the appearance of the KKM and the ladies in the expansion of nutrition.

Who can vikoristovuvati KKM

Vіdpovіdno up to FZ-54, goitre vykoristannya cash registers (KKM) may ІP and yurosobi, yakі conduct rozrahunki with purchases and sellers, both in prepared and unprepared forms. Zokrema, the cash apparatus is responsible to the mother of the subject of the state for:

  • sale of goods (work, services) to organizations and population;
  • extra payments on the cost of the population and/or yurosіb when buying goods/services;
  • returned koshtіv purchase at time vіdmovi vіd goods;
  • fee of pennies from the seller for the return of the goods.

If you need to know about the appearance of KKM

Krim zobov'yazan shodo zastosuvannya KKT, federal law No. 54 also regulates the mechanism for setting up that withdrawal of cash registers from appearance. Vidpovidno to the law, you should turn to the Federal Tax Service for the purpose of obtaining a cash register in the form of a different:

  1. Casovy apparatus sold. As soon as you sold your own cash machine, you should have taken it in shape, after which the firm-purchaser is obliged to issue the equipment on itself;
  2. Viyshov term for CCP depreciation. For the skin model of cash register equipment, the term coryne whiskey is introduced. In the month following the end of the term of depreciation (100% wear), one piece of equipment is guilty of being taken out of shape;
  3. ІП (yurosoba) having pinned his diyalnіst. In this situation, it’s not about the hour’s break in duty, but about the outside of it (liquidation, reorganization, closing and closing). If you have in your hands documents about the closing of the IP (liquidation of the legal entity), then you need to turn to the FNP to learn about the appearance of the technique, as if you were in charge of the subject of the state;
  4. The original device has been replaced with a different model. As a result of these other reasons, you changed the KKM to another unit of equipment (for example, to a new model), then the old device should be taken to you in the prescribed manner. Also, the procedure for the withdrawal from the appearance was transferred for the replacement of the faulty equipment for work (the KKM is faulty for the appearance, the new device is registered for the organization);
  5. KKT stolen. Obov'yazkova procedure at the time of rozі razkradannya KKT - znyattya from the appearance of the cash machine. Substantiated for znyatya є dovіdka, seen by the MVS authorities from the fact that the KKT is rebuking the rose;
  6. Other reasons, through yaki far away, the KKT is impossible. In the process of conducting activities, the subject of the state can be blamed for other situations, but it is impossible to link to any of the KKM victories. Due to the obviousness of objective reasons, that confirming documents of the organization / IP were sent to the Federal Tax Service for the purpose of withdrawing the CCP from the guise.

Knowing CCP in appearance: instructions and documents

Withdrawal of cash registers from registration, as well as setting up a cash register on the face, are carried out through the FNP body. First, if you turn to tax, you should prepare the following documents:

No. p / p Document Description
1 ApplicationThe main document of the registration of the CCP is the application. The document is compiled on a form following the KND-1110021 form, which is also validated for registering a CCP. Fill in the form with the following basic information:

· Applicant's details (company name/PIB IP, IPN code, ZED code, registration place, contact details);

· Code of the tax authority, in which the application is submitted;

· Information about the appearance of the CCP (code "2");

· Data about the CCP (model, serial number, data of the registration certificate, information about the place of registration);

· Information about the organization to carry out maintenance of the CCP (name, IPN code, date and number of the contract, data on visual control requirements).

The document can be completed by hand, and also stored in an electronic format (on the FNP website in a special office).

2 registration certificateUnder the hour of submission of documents for the registration of the CCP from the registration, with you, you need a valid technical passport for the equipment, as it is planned to take it from the guise.
3 Registration cardThe FNP submits the original and a copy of the card, seen by the applicant / legal entity when setting the cash register on the oblіk. The document is due to the storage of the form, approved by the order of the FNR of the Russian Federation No. MM-3-2 / 152 dated 04/09/2008.
4 Cashier's JournalBefore transferring the documents necessary for the CCP's appearance, enter the Operations Journal, which is to be filled in on behalf of the students.
5 Skin couponBefore submitting the documents, return to the CTC, in which the CCP is serviced, and request a copy of the oblіkovogo coupon for the cash machine for further presentation to the FNP.
6 Applicant's passportWhen submitting documents, the applicant must have a passport with him/her: for a sole proprietorship - a passport of the applicant, for a legal entity - a passport of a trusted individual, as a means of obtaining a technician from registration.

Having received the necessary documents, proceed directly to the procedure for withdrawing the cash register from the form:

Krok 2. Transfer of documents to FNP.
In order to get a cash register in appearance, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service, in which the cash register is registered. You can send documents by any of the following methods:

  1. Especially violate the tax and hand over the documents to the FNP specialist “in hand”. Whichever way is best, even if you will be convinced that the documents were handed over for recognition. In addition, the fahivets of the taxpayer can carry out the first re-verification of the documents and immediately show you the presence of pardons and inaccuracies;
  2. Send documents by mail. Selected package of documents You can send a sheet through the nearest branch of “Poshti Rosії”. Before filing, store a description of the deposit, after which draw up a sheet of notes. After reviewing the documents, the FNP specialist puts a signature at the front of the sheet, which will be confirmed by them;
  3. Submit an electronic application. For the presence of access to the Internet, you can take a cash register from registration without leaving your home. For this, register on the Internet resource State Services ( and fill out an electronic application through the Special Cabinet.

Krok 3. Review of documents.
The FNP bodies are given 5 working days to review the application and withdraw the cash register from the form. For a while, the fiscal officer is obliged to contact you for the next hour to take control readings from the equipment. At the time of installation, in the presence of you, that specialist of the FNP, the CTO engineer, takes the indication of the CCP. Also, your presence has an act of s.

Krok 4. Understanding the CCP in appearance.
On submission of documents given by you, as well as act KM-2, stored at your presence, the Federal Tax Service to bring to the base information about the withdrawal of the cash register from the appearance. You are given a passport for a cash machine and a cash register coupon with the FNP's approval to collect the equipment from the registration.

Typical situations

The biggest expansion of the situation of the closure of the KKT from the guise is the enforcement of the government, due to the liquidation of TOV chi closed IP. In the case of skin s induction of vipadkіv znyattya s registration zdіysnyuєtsya in a slanderous order. With this package of documents, the next step is to add a letter to the Rosreestr about attaching the activity of the IP or the legal entity.

Another reason for withdrawing a cash register from the appearance is that it is possible to spend documents on a cash register. In order to recognize the KKT from the appearance of the subject of the state, the following documents have been used. If you need to find a registration certificate and an oblikovy coupon of the KKT, then the IP / legal entity should go back to the CTO for the collection of duplicate documents. At the time of the registration card, enter the following information in the application. If another copy of the card is kept by the FNP, where an application is submitted, it is not necessary to apply for a duplicate card. If the organization has spent the Cashier's Magazine, then it is necessary to know the CCP from the appearance on the presentation of the given booklet and the good Z-stars.

How to check the registration of cash registers with FNP

How to get out of the guise of KKM: food and drink

Catering №1. ІP Kukushkin handing over to the FNP documents for the withdrawal of CCP from registration. Fakhіvets podatkovoї zazhdav vіd Kukushkina to present the cash apparatus (bring yogo to the podatkovoї). What are the rights of the FNP?

Note: For the FPR specialist, whoever thinks it’s not superb to be a decent legislator. As a rule, the applicants look at the CCP after taking control indications by the CTO engineer. However, in vinyatkovyh cases, the practitioner of the fiscal service may require the presentation of the CCP without intermediary prior to the inspection.

Meal №2. IP Solovyov specially handed over from the FNP a set of documents for the withdrawal of CCP from the registry. What is for Solovyov to confirm the acceptance of documents?

Note: After examining the documents from Solovyov, the official of the fiscal service can see the receipt of the paperwork. If Solovyov has declared in 2 acknowledgments, then on one of them (with a sign about the withdrawal, the date and signature of the FNP official’s statement) you can deprive yourself of your confirmation.

Meal №3. On TOV "Kashtan" there is an old cash machine, which does not win during the hour of work. What documents are required to be submitted to Kashtan for the recognition of Kasi from the guise?

Note: Catch-up of the old kas іz reєstratsії zdіysnyuєtsya zagalnoy order. The fact that there is no evidence of kasi in the activity confirms the Journal of Operations and Z-zvіt, the findings of the specialists of the TsTO.

The FPR of Russia clarified that the legislation did not unilaterally inform the tax authorities of the KKT about the removal of equipment from the registration form. Apparently, after 1 linden, if it is no longer possible to beat the old technique, it will be taken into account without notifying the military (sheet of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 30, 2016 No. ED-4-20/25616").

Let's guess, that at the time of the development of the CCP, as it does not comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the stagnation of the CCP, such a technique allows the taxable authority to withdraw from the registration form in a unilateral manner without filing a coristuvach about the withdrawal from the registration form. The re-registration of such a cash register with a taxable authority is allowed for the reason for the adoption of the revealed damage to such a technique (clause 15, article 4.2 of the Federal Law of January 22, 2003, No. 54-FZ ").

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Dodamo, until April 1, 2017, go to the online cash register for all the checks of cash registers. Kasami of the old zrazka will no longer be able to speed up with your activity.

Vodnochas, payers of taxes, like vikoristovuyut PSP, UTII, vlasniki of vending machines and pіdpriєmtsі, like giving services to the population, may switch to online cash from 1st day of 2018. This category of payers in taxes should lie up to the point, for some of them there is no obligation to stop the CCP ().

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