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Yaku їzhu can be under an hour of fasting. What can you eat at the hour of fasting? List of main products. Proper eating at the hour of fasting

Most people either sing the post on pivdorosis, or misinterpret yoga sense. All are afraid of those who want to try the post, to know more information about the new one. The meta-religious fasting favors spiritual cleansing and peace in the mundane. For 40 days, a person disciplines his mind and body, so that spiritually he grows up and sounds like earthly sounds. Eating in fasting is the first necessity. We can do it for sure, especially for pochatkіvtsіv. If you don’t understand how to honor Great Lent, what material is available, how to honor it correctly.

Starvation and physical expulsion is the method of fasting. How to competently put together a schedule of eating on the days of those days, you will be even more happy, as much as possible, you can be rich and brown.

Perelik of allowed products






    Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits)

All fruits are eaten at the sight of the orphan, and desserts, various snacks, fresh salads and other dishes are prepared from them.

  • Dried fruits:
  • pineapple
  • Banani
  • Cherry
  • Pears
  • Dried apricots
  • Finiki
  • prunes
  • Apple

Dried fruits are not only easy to eat, but also necessary. Under the hour of a frying meal, the stench is to enrich the diet with valuable vitamins and improve immunity. You can eat with other pisniy herbs, cook compote and jelly from them.






    licorice pepper


  • Sauerkraut and salted stumps are also hovering on the table.




  • leaf lettuce


  • Sorrel

Pecheritsa, glivi and others see mushrooms in rich whites, which they don’t get in the period of fast. Mushrooms will become a miracle alternative to meat. From them you can cook savory and colorful casseroles with vegetables, soups, pies, frying and snacks. It’s also handy to eat with cereals and mlints. Do not eat mushrooms in your diet.

  • Bobov

Bean cultures such as kvass and peas will become irreplaceable sources of protein in Veliky Pist. The stench is ideal for those who are thinner, athletes and everyone who is engaged in important physical practice. From legumes, mashed potatoes and herbs are prepared with vegetables. Menu s tsikh produktіv vyde sitnym, korisnym i vodno hour forgive. Sports eating obov'yazkovo accompanies the growing protein.

  • Krupi

Such porridge, like rice, buckwheat, buckwheat, and other cereals can become the basis of a pisnoe meal. For a wine in the days, it is recommended to eat more mornings in the morning, you can eat porridge at the Great Holy Day. Prepare them less on water, without oil. For bajanny, different types of cereals, you can combine one with one and add vegetables, mushrooms, peas and dried fruits to them. Tse urіznomanіtnit ієtichne menu.

  • riba

You can take riba in a jar only for the suvorim canon. Protyag religious post її live on the day of the Annunciation and Palm Week.



  • Kisil

The milk of the creature's journey has been harvested during the hour of fasting. Prote migdalne, coke and coke milk will become a miraculous substitute.

The spring season is not rich in fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. You have to buy from stores, or you should stock up on them before Lent. Deyakі blanks become wonderful additions to the main menu:

    Kvassola (possible in tomatoes)

    green peas



Frozen vegetables, and especially berries and fruits, will be before the speech in the next day. From them you can cook miracle lasosh before tea.



    Sleepy marshmallow

    Vіvsyané pechivo

  • Kazinaki

    Black chocolate (tilky hot)

  • Iceboxes

    Turkish Delight

As an addition to the designation of the products, you can include the footsteps in the post:

    Gorikhi that nasinnya;

    Macaroni virobi (without eggs);

    Sauces and dressings pisni (soybean, gyrchytsya, ketchup, mayonnaise toshcho);

    fresh bread (Borodinsky, grain, Moscow);

    Fresh bread and lavash;

    Boroshno (rice, corn, wheat, Greek and coarse wheat);


At Lent, seafood (squid, shrimp) are overstocked with spirni. Dehto vvazha that it is not possible to eat in such a way. Prote the less conservative shanuvalnik post z tsієyu dumkoy not pogodzhuyutsya and vvazhayut that seafood is acceptable on non-strict days.

What can not be eaten in the post

    M'yaso (cowbasi, sausages, baliki, bacon and other);

    Riba (Crimea of ​​non-sustainable days);

    Milk, sir and be-yaki dairy products;

  • Alcohol (crim non-strict days);

    Solodashchi and vipіchka, scho vengeance of oil, eggs and milk;

    Pork fat and meat broth;

    Fast food.

Cream of it, it is necessary to include spices, too hot, salty, sour and sour, which will make you unhealthy appetite. Tse everything that cannot be eaten in the post.

The great feast is respected by those who have found and found the most powerful among the roci. The first and last days before the Great Day are respected by the highest. For some laymen, the rules for accepting ezhі are completed in a strict order.

Clean Monday (the first day of fasting) that great p'yat (peredostannyy) is spent without a hedgehog.

In these days, the allowance of permitted products will follow the schedule:

Contraindication before fasting

The Orthodox Church does not hesitate to all Christians to keep fasting. First of all, take a dietary diet, it is important to consult with your doctor. Vagіtnim and breastfeeding women can eat under the hour of fasting and fertilizing products.

The main contraindications before fasting are:

    Small and sick children;

    Summer people, obtyazhenі physical ailments;

    People who have undergone surgery;

    People who suffer from serious illness.

fast ,

Miraculous words: prayer at the hour of the fast of the day at a complete description of the ones we have found dzherel.

At the Great Pist it is customary to read different prayers, but the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian is repentant. To whom the saint was consecrated at the Book of the Prophet Isa. There it is reportedly described how it is necessary to behave at the hour of the post and other nuances. At this day you can conduct different rites, read prayers. People believe that all the steps to God in this period will be immediately felt.

Prayers to be read at Veliky Pist

As it has been appointed, the most important prayer on the day of Great Lent is respected by the animal in the sight of the holy Sirin. The most important aspects of repentance are overridden by her, and it is also shown that she herself needs to work and over what to practice. The main idea of ​​prayer lies in the fact that a person is guilty of suffering from ailments, as if it were a mistake for intercourse with God. The prayer of Saint Ephrem the Syrian sounds like this:

“Lord, that Vladiko of my belly,

the spirit of ice, anger, curiosity and marnosliv'ya don't let me.

The spirit of tenderness, humility of wisdom, patience of that love, grant me to Thy servant.

grant me to see my sins,

and do not judge my brother,

bless you forever and ever, amen.

God, cleanse me of a sinner!

So that the prayer was enlightening, it was necessary to chime in on the most important moments described by her. On the back of the head, the prohannia will help save important sins:

  1. The Spirit of Health. Saints ask God to save yoga for the hour. The skin of my singing talents is that vminnya, yakі it is necessary to correctly zastosuvat for the benefit of all people. Holiness is respected by the roots of our sins.
  2. spirit of confusion. If a person cares for a znevira, then she cannot be able to do good and be happy in life. Vіn just zanuryuєtsya at pіtmu and becomes a right pessimist. To that very thing, in order to collapse in the right direction and be closer to God, it is necessary to face this sin.
  3. Spirit of curiosity. Mayzhe in the life of a skin person is a bazhanya to cherub people, for example, power in this, on a robot too. Love before management can become a serious problem, as it does not allow the development of that relationship with God.
  4. Spirit of Foreword. A person to the only creations of God, who, having taken away the wisdom, speak. Often words are victorious for an image, prokloniv thinly. At the prayers of the saints, ask God to save yoga from marih and evil words.

Pist without prayers cannot pass. You can read the early, evening prayers or the Psalter. It is important to start adding the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian.

Other prayers that are read in fasting:

Great is the meaning of prayers, as they are read not at the Great Pist, but on the Great Trinity, as they celebrate on the fiftieth day after the Great Day. The priest reads them, standing on the faces of the clergy before the novices. In prayers, there is a prayer to the mercy of God, there is a message of the Holy Spirit, and also about the dead dead.

Copying of information is allowed only with direct and indexed messages on the first page

Prayer under the hour of fasting for days

Prayer of Ephrem the Syrian

Lord, that Vladiko of my belly!

Spirit of ice, znevir, curiosity, that marnosliv'ya don't let me.

But grant the spirit of tenderness, humble wisdom, patience and love to me, Thy servant.

Їy, Lord the King, grant me to see my sins and not judge my brother,

more blessed Ty for wiki wiki. Amen.

Take your own prayer rule as additional texts: canons, akathisti (read privately in the days of fasting akathisti), psalms thinly. (Moreover, think for yourself, what you really can do, and don’t feed your eternally busy and hasty father. You can praise or not praise your choice, but you can’t sing for you.)

required element of the post. Take yourself as a rule to read the lives of the saints of this day.

For all the texts of the liturgy, the laid day.

You can discipline yourself to schorankov readings, for one part, the Gospel (on the other river - the Apostle) and the entire day of rozmirkovuvat over reading.

Save yourself for the post of blubbering thoughts: read advertisements near the subway car, listen to the radio in the car, spend an hour at home watching TV. Let tse be spiritual reading or hearing spiritual transmissions.

Protopresbyter Oleksandr Shmeman writes miraculously about this:

“It is necessary to understand that it is impossible to divide our life between a great light sum and experiences of a fashionable film and performance. These two experiences are inconsequential, and one of them is residually existing. Prote it’s even better that the rest of the fashionable film soon brings light confusion; the return can be less with the addition of a special zusil. To this, the first grandiose sound, which you can propagate, is the sound of hearing the radio and television during Great Lent. In this state of mind, we cannot propagate a thorough fast, but if we want it to be ascetic, which, as we have already said, means change of diet and peace. For example, there is nothing nasty in the fact that you continue to pursue the transfer of information or serious programs that enrich us spiritually and intellectually. Alas, what can be pinned down by fasting - tse prikutist to the TV set, the growing number of people, as if tied to the screen, passively rot everything that you show to you.

Care for the soul

Vzagali, watch over the soul of a person for the whole hour. However, it is especially worth posting, and why. Knowing the discomfort in the wake of the quietness, the person becomes more drastic, squeamish, and more importantly trim yourself within the framework. You can write it off for calm vіd bіsіv. Not without peace, obviously, but on the right we are in front of the one who has all those unimpressive moods in his soul, as if they do not appear, while we are sitting, not exhausted, satisfied.

To that shepherd from the last hours and dosі vainly please the people who fast, respect for their behavior, setting up to their neighbors and others. “Have mercy on the one who cares, who is less likely to be humble in the eyes of the living. The right pist is the removal of evil, the tidying up of mov, the storage of anger, the tidying up of greed, the attachment of slanders, lies and oath-breaking” (St. John Chrysostom).

Whose hierarch seems to be, how can I be a good priest:

“At once, from a corporal fast, one can be spiritual and spiritual… With a corporeal fast, one can fast one’s heart in the form of a drink, with a spiritual one, one is reduced to evil thoughts, deeds and words. The right fasting person is overcome by anger, fierceness, anger, avenge. The right fasting person absolves the language of marnosliv'ya, likhosliv'ya, marnoslav'ya, slander, condemnation, flattery, nonsense and all sorts of likhosliv'ya... Bachish, Christian, what kind of spiritual fasting?"

The Holy Fathers thoroughly taught that morning in the face of life is necessary to rise from the morning of the soul in the face of evil. “The hardship of the flesh, the hardship of the spirit, the warehouse I will accept a sacrifice to God and I will make the abode of holiness in the secrecy of a pure, embellished spirit” (vikl. John Kassian).

I will bring one more quote from the same holy father (yogi memory is celebrated every 4th anniversary, 29 fierce), the great ascetic and ascetic:

“How can greed be mitigated in the sight of that defiled with emptiness? You don’t eat meat, but then you torment the body of your brother with a slander. What kind of profit does he have, so that he doesn’t get drunk with wine, but drink in wealth? How greed does not eat bread and p'yanitisya with anger? What kind of surplus can you make for yourself by fasting and at one time to slander your neighbor? How is the greed to be mitigated in the face of їzhі and steal a stranger? What is the need to hang the body and not eat the hungry? Yaka greed vysnazhuvat members and do not give mercy to widows and orphans.

Are you posting? In such a time, get rid of slander, get rid of nonsense, likhosliv'ya, witches, blasphemy and all sorts of fuss.

Are you posting? So undo anger, jealousy, oath-breaking and any injustice.

Are you posting? Unique savory, which will give rise to all sorts of wickedness.

If you fast for the sake of God, then be unique, do it right, if you hate God, and I will accept your repentance with pretentiousness.

One of our filthy zvichok, scho pіdlyagaє vykorinenny, the holy fathers respected the sin of marnosliv'ya. Russian word basic even more precisely, though rudely, conveying the sense of that sin - slander, tongue-twisting from side to side. If, as if not in the days of Great Lent, can we denounce the war of holiness?

St. Gregory the Theologian about writing a miraculous treatise “A word on insanity during the hour of fasting”:

“If, bringing a sacrificial sacrifice to the human suffering of God, so that I myself die for life, I have bound the body for forty days, following the laws of Christ the King, to that healing is given to the bodies to cleanse, then, first, instilling in the innocence of the mind , living alone in the distance in the eyes of us, cloaked in a gloomy narration, having gathered all at home and not brooding over thoughts, and then, dorimuyuchis the rules of the holy people, having pressed the door to the mouth. The reason why is that, schob, primuyuchis in the sight of any word, learn to reach the world in words ... "

And for the sake of freedom from sin, we pray with the words of the Lenten prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian: “Lord, that Vladiko of my belly. Spirit… marnoslіv'ya don't let me.


Many Christians ask what stench specifically they could serve their neighbors. Understanding that we can’t get enough of our old fathers, relatives, we help our masters to create peace and love. Ale, not less own… love before his, Turbo, about batkiv - tse, scorched, and not reachable, tse obov'yazok! Ale, a Christian can go far. Vіn your turbotoy can slander other people.

If the Savior (at the 25th division of the Gospel of Matthias) speaks about the judgment of the righteous and the sinners, then the only criterion for the truth is that the condemnation here is to specifically help the neighbor:

“I take up before Him all the people; and to breed some of the others, like a shepherd to breed sheep and goats; and put His right-handed sheep, and the left-handed goat. Let us say to the King, from the right side of Yogo: Come, blessed of My Father, fall down the Kingdom, prepared for you in the creation of the world: for I wanted, and you gave me the truth; thirsty, and you gave me a drink; buv mandrivnik, i you accepted Mene; buv naked, and you dressed Mene; I was sick, and you saw Mene; at the v'yaznitsa buv, and you came to Mene.

Then the righteous say to Yoma u vіdpovіd: Lord! when we were greedy for you, and reproached you? what do we sprag, and drink? when we bachili you mandrinovnik and accepted? What are we naked, and clothed? if we hurt you, we are ill, why are we at the yard, and come to you? And the king will say to him at the confession: I tell you the truth: Oskelki you killed one of these brothers of My lesser ones, then they killed Me.

Then tell them, scho levoruch: go to Me, cursed, at the fire of eternity, the preparations of the devil and the angels of yoga: for I wanted, and you did not give me to eat; thirsty, and you did not give Me a drink; buv mandrivnik, i was not accepted; be naked, and they didn’t clothe me; ailments and in dungeons, and they did not see me.

Then stink and tell Yomu u vіdpovіd: Lord! if we were greedy for you, we’ll sleep, we’ll be a mandrill, we’ll be naked, we’ll be sick, we’ll be in a pit, and we won’t serve You? Then tell them at the confession: Correctly I tell you: the shards did not kill one of the least of them, then they did not kill Me. And you will die in eternal torment, and the righteous in eternal life.

I would like to say a couple of words about the concrete assistance to my neighbors.

The author is aware that a Christian is guilty of helping the needy. I'm penniless, by my strength, by my spiritual lot ... But help me, please. Vinyatok can be made for teachers and doctors. Їхнє professional service, as it is done honestly and with self-giving, and є їхнє christian service. Ale reshta can take and serve to help your neighbor. How can you booty?

I make dozens of butts, as a way to rob my paraffians.

Do help the sin of bad sim'ї, in yakіy є ailment of a child (cerebral palsy, rozsіyany sclerosis and іn.).

Take an inflow to the dacha of a summer or sick person from a booth for people of a frail age, from a porch.

Take the fate of the life of a child's booth or a stump.

Just help a penny rich or needy family (priests may always know this way);

Take a group of children to walk (circus, park) from a child's booth once a month.

Options, opportunities - impersonal, you can talk to the priest of your temple, you can tell.

United ale: It’s necessary to work not only in the past, but by stretching the end of our fate, stretching the end of our Christian life

Intermediate pratsi with your hour of fasting zhorstoko by appointment until quiet, they undertook to look after them, feed them. Remember: once, holding on to the right to help, it is our responsibility to carry її zavzhd

How to read prayers at home for the hour of Great Lent 2018

It is clear to everyone that the Great Day - from 19 February 07 April 2018 to the fate - the most successful and tribal, and the most impersonal border around the city for a long period of seven days.

However, someone forgets a lot of us that, when we see Crimea, we can cleanse ourselves spiritually during fasting, having tried to “get closer” to God.

Establish special prayers for the skin day at the Great Pist, as if to read to all people that belong to Orthodox Christians.

Those, like prayers to read at the Great Pist, are written in the Book of the Prophet Іsаї, de cilium distributed dedications to that, as the next was carried out for the last seven days of the period.

The main thing is the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian, as a cure for the so-called “illness”, which crosses the connection of people with God. The prayer sounds like this:

Lord, that Vladiko of my belly,

the spirit of ice, zneviri, curiosity and marnosliv'ya

The spirit of tenderness, humility of wisdom, patience and love,

grant me, Thy servant.

Їy, Lord the King, grant me to see my sins,

and do not judge my brother,

bless you forever and ever, amen.

God, cleanse me of a sinner!

Rank prayers for the Great Pist are filled with traditional ones, the prote їх readings are invariably supplemented with the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian. You can read it no less in the temple, ale and at home, and may be confessed - prepare a person to confession, she will repent and be cleansed.

It is important to understand that there is a cold, as well as early, day and evening prayers at the Great Feast to think one big thing - a person can learn to caress himself, to control the power of feeling that emotion.

The Seven Years period of the Great Lent is the hour of peace and repentance. The skin of a believing Christian is guilty of knowing to enter the holy place, to do the yoga and to exit correctly from the appointed camp.

As a rule, it’s important to work for an unknown person, so, having ventured into such a serious task like before the Great Lent, it’s better to enlist the support of church ministers, like obov’yazkovo help with everything and tell them how to work properly.

Sim commandments of Great Lent

How to spend the Great Pist with grudge for yourself and those who are lonely?

The Great Pist has begun - the hour of renewal, repentance of that joy. Joy is not Easter, triumphal, but quiet and unmemorable at first glance, but at the same time it seems deep. It is possible, for the reason that in the last time you wish to see the indecent, superficial fuss, which worries your skin on a weekday, and know what is right for yourself.

The Great Pist prepares us to the urochisty urochisty - Velikden. Tse help is more expensive. Tse spring to the spirit. I am guilty of leading the axis of the spring paths to the point that until the end of the year we have become at least a little better, lower boules on the cob.

What can you do in order to survive the post in a right way?

1. Easy to eat. First of all, talk about a spiritual warehouse post, requiring respect for those who eat like me. Aja naypomіtnіshe pіd іn the hour of fasting іn hаrchovі vіdmіnnostі. Sens post - not in that, schob not є creatine їzhі (їzha herself does not rob us closer to God, nor far away from New). All the same, we are the origin of the flesh and blood, and the nutrition of our eating is superbly important. The rule of thumb is: eat as much as you need so that you feel lightness. You can fit yourself and your dog. І do not "go in cycles" on їzhi. Hardly chi varto shukati in the entire Internet vishukani recipes for sleepy passions. Less than an hour, that respect should be added to the preparation of the meal. Less than pennies stained glass under an hour of fasting on їzhu. At the same time, we should think about food, naskіlki before the river to bathe in fasting, for example, seafood delicacies, which are not protected by the statute. To the point, for certain categories of people, it is permissible to have a relaxation in life: for the sick, they are busy with important pracey, those who are fit and thin. But for whom it is better to be inspired by a confessor. If there is no such possibility for any reason, then take the responsibility on yourself. It also seems that “it’s better not to post, lower to repost”. Pomirnist - the axis of the golden rule.

2. Look at whether it’s a fallow land or a whim. Pist is the hour of our permission. Zvіlnennya in view of the fact that we are involuntarily. At this hour, we can accomplish a small feat: to move in the face of ruinous pretentiousness. The skin will be yours. For the whole hour, some of them are more likely to drink alcohol, some of them are chickens, and some of them are television series. Such feats are not varto vimagati among others, but it’s good to try.

3. Pray regularly. A feast without prayer is not a feast. We can easily attribute our natural "non-prayer" to the rhythm of our life, our family's turbos, problems and others. Ale try at the hour of fasting to call for prayer, if you want 10 quills of uranium in the evening. You can read the first prayers and evening prayers, or else, for example, the Psalter, and at the hour of fasting before these prayers, you need to add one more - a short and many prayer of St.

4. Read Scripture. Before the hour of Great Lent, the Church will read three Old Testament books during the liturgical services: Buttya, the prophet Isaї and Confessions. If you are also pious, call in an hour of fasting to read all the gospels on your own. It is important to be a Christian without knowing the Scriptures. If you haven’t read the Old and New Testament yet again, you’ve missed it for the next forty days. And as they have already squeezed the entire Bible, do not think that there is enough: the power of our memory is such that, unfortunately, we forget a lot. Try to read Scripture regularly, the best day, in a calm environment, where you can get angry. It will be miraculous, as if after reading you will know the hour to mumble a little about what you have read and think about how to write the Scripture for your life.

5. Watch the service. The Great Pist is a special hour at the rhythm of church services. Ale, you can see, if only you can come to the temple on mid-Tuesday. On Saturdays and weeks, there are practically the same divine services that you will live. The special mood of Great Lent, those that Father Oleksandr Schmemann called "a light sum", can be seen only in the quiet beauty of everyday services. Try to come alone to the church for the reading of the Great Penitent Canon of St. Andrew of Crete. This canon, found from the sources of the Orthodox Church, peoples from the depths of repentance and permeation of hope for the father’s love of God, is read partly in the evening from Monday to Thursday on the first day of Great Lent, and then it is repeated again on Wednesday evening on the fifth It’s just necessary to want to come to the Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts once for the whole feast (it’s miraculous, if you know the temple, you won’t serve supper) and take communion, having lived through this day like an hour of trembling chіkuvannya zustrichi with Christ. І super-importantly buti at the temple on the last days, starting from the evening of Great Thursday. Alecia is often far away, and it’s better to talk about the new one another time.

6. Clear your mind of fuss. Chi varto povnіstyu turn on the TV, introduce a moratorium on the opening of blogs, forums and social media - the skin itself. But if it’s true, it’ll be beautiful - if you want to read one side of a book of spiritual enlightenment. Might as well be a book on the history of the Church, on the foundations of faith, blasphemy on the Holy Letter, or else. If the markets of Orthodox literature today are not rich in “spiritually rich” knowledge, then it is appropriate to choose the literature of the Varto with respect. You can read some of the classics of the world - it will be corrosive for saving the mind from the vanity.

7. Zrobiti those who have been climbing for a long time. Signify yourself on the right, they thought about the yak for a long time, but they didn’t kill it like that. An hour for fasting is an hour for positive. All obzhuvalni come in (in їzhі, rozvagah and іn.) important not in the power of forces, but how to call for our hour and strength for the head: growing up with Christ. And grow with Christ - do good. Love God, love your neighbor. Varto choose one such to the right, as if it would be good not only for you, but also for your neighbors. Before Lent, the words of Christ were hovering: “What you killed for one of these little ones, they killed Me.” Trohi thinking, ve, chanting, vyyavite, how richly you can grow in 40 days. Choose speeches in a child's booth, prepare a supper for your fathers, make a basket for the house, make spatula, delve into those by whom your children live - sing-songly, there are impersonal ideas.

Great Lent grants the opportunity for radical changes, renewal and renewal for a bright life with a pure, triumphant heart. Successful transformation lie in the right mindset. US-THREE: tse Um, Soul that Tіlo

Great Lent grants the opportunity for radical changes, renewal and renewal for a bright life with a pure, triumphant heart. Successful transformation lie in the right mindset. US-THREE: tse Um, Soul that Tіlo. On the day of Great Lent, we directly exerted our strength on those who want to trim the body in purity, envelop the nature of their mind and open their spiritual heart!

For the presence of knowledge, that knowledge of the Great Pist can be built supermundanely suvorim. Here is a selection of special dosvіd, how to trim the GREAT PIST for the SOUL, ROZUM and TELA: encouragement, for the sake of it, recipes for good traumas for the skin day, right that cleansing practice for the body, wise books, that nalashtuvannya that richly іnshoy!

What can you eat in the Fast? Where do you get the recipes for the sleepy days and the menu for the skin day? What can't you eat in Pist? Yakim can eat at Veliky Pist? When can you eat fish in Pist? What can you drink in Pist? What is suvoriy Pist?


Eating for an hour Fasting is distinguished by gastronomic and meaningful aspects

Yakim can eat food in Lent, assigned to the Typicon (Church Statute), the main meta obmezhenie - the peace of the flesh, the zvilnennya in the fallowlands, including the food.

The sensible aspect is manifested in voluntary obmezhennі in їzhі, zvichnyh satisfaction, showing asceticism, to singing sacrifice. As we sacrifice for the sake of reaching our goal, we will take it away for nothing, then we begin to value the wealth of the times more, the lower we would take away for nothing.

One carnal Fast cannot be sufficient for thoroughness, as there will be no guilt from the Spiritual Fast. Sens Postu - the resurrection of the deadly manifestations of the soul, that rooted goodness and love. That’s why you shouldn’t bring yourself to the point of sickness, dorimuyuchis Pist viklyuchenno formally, according to the old rules. Goodbye, all your efforts will be marne, so that the stench will not be directed at the reach of the head sense of Great Lent, but to transform Pist on a devil's diet. A lot of food about Great Lent is reviewed at the article Great Lent at food and drink.

The skin of a person is guilty of learning to show his world of permissibility and subsistence for the hour of the Fast, to protect the way of life, socially becoming that kind of confidence in front of loved ones, but nasampered - in front of himself. Some may be able to get rid of Pist at a higher level, for others, similar colds may cause even more negative consequences for health, such as an ailment. Іstotnі indulgence at the Great Pist for the sick, the shards are taken into account, that the disease is already its own type of test. However, in case of certain ailments of Timchasov, or even a pomіrnіst in the vіd vіvannya deyakіh produktіv navpak can bring melancholy. Be smart and feed your doctor's mind!

There is also an indulgence at Veliky Pist for women, military servicemen, for those who are engaged in an important physical and intellectual practice (for example, practicing on a strained rhythm). Pist for children and children up to 14 years old. Previously, schoolchildren were allowed to spend more than the first day of fasting and the rest. Children for an hour of the Fast can be surrounded by tsukerkas and vipіchtsі, during which the Fast is to blame for their mother's greater playful nature. And the axis of the increase in the appearance of milk ta ribi for the organism, as it grows, is clearly not good.

For the purpose of the vlasnoi peace and suvorost, the Post is to establish the preparations for the post, which allow the Post to be reconciled to the mode of encirclement, to start posting 2 days for the week - Wednesday and Friday, step by step introducing gastronomic fences and bringing us to the point of understanding, I am for us. Tse hour, schob vyznachitsya z obhіdnoї їzhі for pіdtrymki pratsezdatnostі organism in the normal regimen.

What are the steps of obmezhen іsnuyut at Veliky Pist?

Іsnuє five steps of suvorostі Lent (to marvel also at the Calendar of Great Lent):

1. Especially suvoriy pіst: povene utrimannya vіd їzhi (for example, at Clean Mondays at the first day of Great Lent, at Great Friday on Passion Day).

2. Dry: cold without olive oil, water, black bread, fruits, vegetables, fruit compote, salads with orphan vegetables, sauerkraut and pickled ogirkiv, so dress not with olive oil, but with various salad dressings based on oats or lemon juice. You can also add peas and rodzinki. Fruit salads can be seasoned with honey. Kindly try different smoothies without adding milk or with soy milk. No matter what, the hedgehog is not cooked. So, for example, groats are soaked in water, not brewed. (Mon, Wed, Fri).

3. Hot hedge without olives: boiled or stewed vegetables, soups, porridge on water (on Tue and Thu).

4. Warm hedgehog with rose oil and grape wine: salads with vegetables, soups, other herbs (Sat and Sun).

5. Riba is allowed. If you can eat riba in Lent: Annunciation on April 7, Lazarus Saturday on April 12, Palm Sunday on April 13.

The best Lent at the first day, from Monday to Wednesday, and in the rest of the Holy Week - Good Friday and Great Saturday I punish you every day in the morning. On Strasnoy Tyzhnі it is allowed to live in їzhu syri or drink vegetables without olії and practically without salt.

What can you eat in the Fast?

What you can’t eat in Lent: you can’t get used to writing so called “fast” products (old Russian soon - “fat, oliya”): meat products, fish, eggs, dairy products (top butter, sir, syr, sour cream , milk…) . Briefly about the products of the creature's adventure. They also try to eat whatever fast food, zucerok, white bread, mayonnaise, and vipichki. It is not recommended to drink alcohol and gostrі spices, tk. їх living in zayvih kіlkostyakh on the aphids of a miserable canine eating can be the cause of even an unfortunate phenomenon that a sickness of the intestinal tract.

What you can eat in Lent: you can eat coarse pomelo bread, fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, sauerkraut, pickled and pickled vegetables, mushrooms, peas, porridge in water, jelly, tea, dried fruit bowls, kvass, fruit drinks, smoothies.

At the Great Pistus, it is especially important that the first and other grasses be taken in by a hot-looking person, on those days, if the stench is allowed. Learn from the simplest products you can cook savory songs - follow our distribution of recipes for skin day and subscribe to receive recipes, updates and novelties from the Great Pist.

In this manner, the permitted products can be added to:

    Home-made preparations: salt and sauerkraut, pickled vegetables and berries, juices and jams, smoothies

    Frozen and fresh vegetables, fruits and mushrooms.

    You see beans.

    Dried fruits, peas, and most of them, for example, vitamin zukerki.


    Greens and spices in all kinds: the stench of the building is uriznomanitnitis, be like a stray.

    Soeve products: mayonnaise, yogurt, milk, syrah and sir. Other types of growing products: almond milk or coconut milk.

    Bread of coarse pomelo and bakery bread, so as not to avenge the good. Lavash, simple shortbreads, bread from parostkiv wheat and other are brought up to the new.


1. Deyakі margarini mіstat milk. Such margarini is not good.

2. Bread can be "vegetable shortening", tse pom'yakshuvach or rozpushuvach, which is prepared from roslin. Such crisp bread.

3. Simply "shortening" can also be "animal shortening" to make preparations from animal fat. Such bread is not spicy.

4. Spices are allowed, proteo vicoristowat them more quickly at peace.

When can you eat at Veliky Pist?

You can eat once a day, at lunchtime; ale on Saturday and the week - dvіchі, at obid and in the evening.

Note: The number of people can be determined independently, depending on the individual needs of the body.

Varto respect that the rules of the Fast, recommended by the Church Statute, are considered to be a black way of life, and for secular people, there is a relief from the Great Pist. At once about those, proponing the order of eating at a glance, the secrets of the correct healthy eating seem to be even more effective.

  1. Rest in peace until late or wake up in the evening, allowing the body to effectively exfoliate with toxins, without navantazhuchi yogo new portions.
  2. Pіst - tse may be rich in sleep with food for the sake of hunger, and not for an hour or social settings (for example, imposed by an obidny break at work, etc.). To feed the hungry people choose the same products that our body needs at the same time.
  3. Yes, 1 time per day provokes the maximum activation of metabolism. For such a regime, it will be easier to conquer and we will take from it the maximum number of brown speeches.

Forget the need for remembrance, what is more for the feat of the pre-trimannian Post - your intelligence. That way of life, which people have led a hundred, two hundred years to make 1000 fates, one wonders how we live at the same time. Early life was simpler in the intellectual, but more complex in the physical plan. At the same time, society, living in places, and information overload complicate the process of being caught in the daily bustle and circle, and as a result, we become weary, revantazhuemosya, and we become unaware of the loss of strength and the need for such an increase through the zhu. Obviously, the way of life imposes a correction on the classic rules of eating in Lent.

What can you drink at the pist?

Before the hour of Great Lent, on the days of Lent, you are allowed to drink a little wine, or add yoga when preparing food. Alemova, obviously, it’s not about transcendence, but about the diversity of the diet of eating, the shards of grape wine revenge antioxidants and speech, which overwhelm the development of the flu, like hardening the veins. In drink, like in water, it is necessary to know the world. The Statute says about 2 containers of wine (kelikh). Deyakim varto vіdmovitysya vіd alcohol povnistyu.

Oskilki Post calls call us to be like us, among those among them, then to decom varto encircle, or to take in the tea and cavi. First of all, you can rozburhuyut the nervous system, which can be seen in the psyche and emotional state.

If you mark for yourself the staleness in the form of drinking and drinking these days, try to replace them, for example, with chicory. Abo vіdmovtesya vіd them povnіstyu wanting b for a few days. It will be more important for you to mean that you are not just an “amator kavi”, but a fallow of a kind. And be it staleness, it is necessary to take care of it.

What better place to eat at Great Lent?

Absolutely, eat better at home and cook by yourself. Tse allow buti vpevnenym at the quality of the ingredients and storage of ingredients. In addition, when preparing, you can charge your own energy, adding prayers, or singing songs, so that the hedgehog will bring you health, strength and joy. Guess the grandmother's hotel - stink prepared with love and the best blessings of goodness! Songs of stravy, prepared with love in the right mood, with good music to bring richer richness and satisfaction, less store-bought restaurant food.

A lot of people in the daily rhythm of life and in the minds of a great place can’t think of another opportunity to eat, cream like at cafes and restaurants, and there’s nothing nasty in it, shards of richly laying the menu to the song. The second one on the right is the gastronomic side of the world. For example, a lot of cafes compete one by one with the versatility and coherence of the sleepy strains they propagate, sometimes more chimerical, lower song, and by the same token create a cult that directly superimposes the main goal of fasting.

Great Lent Calendar 2015

The skin day of Great Lent may have its own sense of spirituality.

Great Lent is reworked on 4 preparatory days (3 days), which step by step lead to a harsh rhythm of life. The stench itself allows you to signify the body's consumption in the amount of water, offal, and is aware of the introduction of obezhennia, so as not to know the indulgence, expropriation, lack of income to the best of rights.

Products, like a fence, to live in the hour of fasting, all, for the selection of such victories, the syrovina of the creaturely journey was made. There is a lot of meat and meat products in front of the fence, as well as birds and eggs. Under the fence, milk is everything that is tied with it: butter, sour cream, syrah, fermented milk products, siri. At the forest, you can live in pasta, white and healthy bread, cakes, ovens, waffles and be-like a hot pot, in which there is oliya, eggs and milk. Do not forget, є th mayonnaise, even for yogo preparation, eggs are also boiled.

Deyakі products, so, like riba and oil, you can eat only in those days of fasting, like you are not strict, wanting to grow oil and not have a creaturely journey. The fence is also worth chocolate and fast food, which have a lot of fat. At the post you can not get used to alcoholic drinks, zocrema and beer.


On the day of the week, fasting can be suvorish, and on the day, including those falling on, you can allow some relaxation. So, Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the days of a harsh fast, dry weather. In these days, you can live in those products, as if they were given a thermal test, including and supplementing the oil. At the day of severe fasting, you can eat extra black bread, vegetables and fruits, washed down with water and unsalted compote. Likewise, you can use salads in the day, for dressing you can vicorate only lemon juice, mixed with a small amount of honey.
Under the hour of fasting, there was no trace of starvation, even though until now you did not encourage yourself to stay. Tse threaten with problems from zhovchovidilennym and erozivnymi processes in the intestinal tract.

Hot fires can be eaten on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but on the next day you can add olive oil in them. And the axis of Saturday and the week is the day of relaxation, if you can coat fish or vegetables in rosemary oil, add yoga in salads.

Proper eating at the hour of fasting

І under the hour of fasting, your food can be healthy. Replace the daily protein in the diet with foodstuffs, as if to avenge the whites of the dewy trip. Nasampered, mushrooms and beans: cumin, kvass, peas, chickpeas. Fat that is rejected, washed in mountains, and cold - in apples, buckwheat, bananas.
Remember that, while attending to religious fasts, you didn’t immediately fall into the sin of gluttony after their completion, it’s not only for the soul, but also for health.

Mothers who are aged, and we are sick people, under the hour of fasting, are allowed to live in milk and products from the new. Tim, who suffers from blood diabetes, nirk deficiency, malnutrition and weakened immunity, the church allows you to eat m'yaso, krіm tsgogo sin.

Dobrovіlna vіdmova vіd їzhі, pomіrnіst vіd be-any rozvay call fasting. Right Christians, if they want to rise up, keep fasting. But what can you do at the hour of fasting in order to save strength for everyday life?

The essence of the post

A lot of Orthodox, like only mending their way to God, vvazhayut what to post - tse zovsіm vіdmovitysya vіd їdi. Ale, we don’t call it right. Nasampered, it is necessary to encircle yourself at the entrances, as if you would bring that satisfaction with you:

  • do not take the fate of the rozvazhalnyh festivities;
  • look at the revision of the rozvazhalnyh programs;
  • do not work filthy vchinkіv;
  • do not win friendly obov'yazkiv;
  • do not swear and do not slander.

In another way, follow the advice of the receptionist of the fast hedgehog. It is allowed to eat less than a dream.

Іsnuє the main variant of sleep products, yakі you can live in їzhu:

  1. Different types of groats: manna, barley, Greek, rice, wheat, pearl barley.
  2. Be like vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, tsibulya, beet, carrot.
  3. Fruits and berries.
  4. Mushrooms.
  5. Peas: walnuts, mushrooms, peanuts, cedars.
  6. Care products.
  7. Canned vegetables, fruits and berries (compotes, jams, vegetable salads).
  8. Seasonings, spices and herbs (creep, parsley, bay leaf, black and red pepper, cardamom and other)

Є pіd hour fasting is possible, even if it is a test, and not a test for survival. In order for the body to function fully, it needs a sufficient amount of protein. And where do you take it, like m'yaso in the sleepy days under the suvor fence? The answer is simple, replace the m'yasnі produkt for those that you want to avenge at your warehouse the growing protein. Particularly enriched with such protein are legumes (kvass, soybeans, chickpeas, peas).

Try preparing a song soup, whether it be beans, vegetables or cereals. Season with spices to taste, and you will understand that you can post deliciously. Ale not varto їsti. Adzhe too much їzhi - tse destruction of the post. Follow everything in the world, trying only to quench hunger, and not eat until the end.

When fasting is it possible to eat riba?

Riba is a unique product, which has been surviving for several days under the fence. Schob vіdpovisti on zapitanya "When it's time for Lent can you eat fish?", follow the basic rules of living.

Most often, you can include fish before your diet, if the days of fasting are spent with great church saints. For example, April 7 (Blessing), the rest of the week before the Great Day (Entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem), Saturday of Lazarus.

At the hour of the Dormition fast, the rib is allowed for the Holy Transfiguration of the Lord.

Petrov Pist allows you to eat fish on such days: Thursday, Saturday, week and Tuesday.

At holidays, fish can be turned on at the menu at weekends: Saturday and week.

Special rules for people with weakened health. When you talk with the priest, you can ask for relief, then you will be allowed to eat the ribs of the product, if only.

Eating at different days

It’s necessary to know for a long time, in those days it’s easier to relax, and in the days of yakі it’s good to look at it.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the days of the best post. At this hour, as far as possible, next zovsіm vіdmovitysya vіd їzhі or you can sobі z'їsti z'їsti trohi orphan, not boiled products. Until then, at qi 3 days it is not possible to add olive oil to the stray. The main hedgehog is wheat bread, vegetables, fruits, and unsalted sour or compote.

Tuesday and Thursday. At this day, you can eat, you can cook or smear it in front of you. Ale Sonyashnikov Oliya I’m still adding to the fence.

Saturday and week. Days of relief. You can cook your own soup or cook vegetable stew with additional rib and oli.

Tsej post є naysuvorіshim i naytrivalіshim. Therefore, the first step is to proceed to yoga, it is necessary to think about it, so as not to harm your health. Ill people and mothers-year-olds are allowed to eat a little bit of meat in song days.

Follow me next:

  • depending on the sort of meat, ribeye and seafood;
  • dairy and fermented milk products, egg and egg powder;
  • vipіchki, to that in the dough, when preparing, the products are added;
  • mayonnaise and other sauces, as well as milk or eggs;
  • alcoholic drinks, because the stench can make fun of power.

It is necessary to remember that you, who fast, should not eat on the first day of Great Lent and Friday.

For the rest of the next 7 days, you can eat less vegetables and fruits, and drink only fresh water.

In other days, it is allowed to plant honey, olive, and other fish.

Are malt allowed?

Deyakі lovers of malt tsіkavlyatsya, chi can you drink tea from zukrom chi z'isti a bar of chocolate? The Church gives positive feedback.

By stretching the fast, you can add zhukor, cream, you can eat hot chocolate in small quantities without adding milk components, dried berries, gozinaki, marmalade tsukerki and honey.

Deyakі orthodox vvazhayut that honey є nebazhanim. Especially tsієї dumki dotrimuyuyutsya Old Believers and Chentsi. But the church servants do not mind the fact that honey is present on the table of the Orthodox during the hour of fasting. The stench is happy to choose Greeks or the linden variety, to that stink to take revenge in your warehouse rich in microelements and vitamins.

Menu for one day of Lent

For people who have already written about posting in the past, you can get the following approximate scheme:

  • Snidanok: a piece of black bread, 250 g of porridge cooked in water.
  • Obid: lettuce with leaf lettuce with tomatoes and cucumbers, spices with lemon juice and sill.
  • Noon: one apple or one pear. Bottle of compote with yagid.
  • Supper: stew with stewed vegetables: potatoes, cabbages and carrots.

At the thought of the clergy, more than the head - the cleansing of the soul. And the food “What can you eat at the hour of fasting” does not have such a great meaning. Golovne schiro vіriti, scho through the spiritual and bodily peace mi.

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