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How to charge with energy? What is work, if energy is defective? Marry energy - what work? I see that I don’t get energy

Without a doubt, the skin person had moments in life, if that slump of strength, both physical and mental, was felt outside, and the whole harmonic transition of life was under great nourishment. The result - body ailments, nerve vision and depression, alcohol intake and stupor. What is the work of such vipadkah? How to recharge the energy and de know the dzherelo? How do you not spend your life for nothing, but direct them to creation? Such important knowledge and novice children should not be taught in schools.

Why waste energy?

There are plenty of factors to add to the energy sector:

  • filthy like a dream;
  • low-grade or ill way of life;
  • negative thoughts;
  • not yakіsne that wrong eating;
  • a surge of emotions, especially negative ones;
  • vіdsutnіst povnotsіnі vіdpochinku;
  • lose the sounds.

Emotions are one of the strongest reasons for the waste of life forces, - a person at the stage of an effect literally burns energetically, depleting only the shell, which is the last thing to improve the basic functions of the body. Anger, zazdrіst, khіt і likhoslіv'ya є ruinіvniki №1 for the energetic body, through the like of a person in vzaєmodіє zі Vsesvit.

I replace the one who helps the body to feel rich, who goes to the right side of the day - to eat richly and shkidly, take alcohol to “relieve stress”, go headlong into work, forgetting about sleep and thoughts, it means provoking the development of a negative thought, and , even more unbiased assessment of what is expected. How to properly charge the energy and not allow the coil?

Sleep constipation

Under the hour of complete sleep, the soul of a person will wake up with the All-World and be inspired by it by its strength, - it was a dream of inspiration. The science of sleep is simple, but more ignore the indestructible elementary truths, joking the cause of weakness in more cunning cloaks. Tim himself is re-introducing the objectivity of thought.

The person is guilty of hanging out, if you want to raise the level of strength! Ale tse does not mean - sleep for 12 years on the doba - just need to lie down until the eleventh evening. The concept of “owl” and “lark” is rooted in the world, in the modern world it has become rooted in the minds of people, but the essence is left like this - the soul of a person is maximally rejuvenated in the light of the All-World for an hour to sleep less until another year of the night. Then, step by step, the eating channel closes, and until the fifth-sixth mark, it closes. Zvichayno, yoga can be re-introduced by special ones, but also additionally add strength.

The bedroom is the holy of the holy people. It is not necessary to let everyone in without a search, lead guests to boast of new trellises and lamps. Tse special. Even better, as in the bedroom there is no TV, computer and other speeches, which are poured into the electromagnetic equal. The colors of the walls are due to soft, pastel ones, which make you sleepy. Obov'yazkove airing before going to bed, it's cold - it's better to take a warm carpet, lower the breath of stale air. How to recharge with energy from the wound? Just hang out!

Dream for feng shui

And how to sleep correctly on all sides of the world, the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda is known, how it is closely intertwined with the yoga system. To follow the traditions of these people, then it is recommended to sleep with your head on the pivnich, and with your feet on the pivnich, so that the magnetic poles of the people of the Earth have fallen. But if planning a bedroom is not allowed, then you can sleep with a dome on the bed.

The science of sleep behind the Feng Shui system is to raise your head correctly and lightly - it’s almost impossible to sleep with your head or feet to the door, and also to the faces to the mirror. And the axis of the yaky bіk to kick with his head - virіshiti where folded, - it is necessary to know, to what type of people you are put: to a similar chi zahіdny (it’s done with a special technique), then the weak sides of specialness, favoring the future, and more, vzhedyachi z , easily deployed at the right direction.

It is also important, with some thoughts, that mood will make a person sleep, especially if they make friends, like sleeping in one bed. At the moment of sleep, the energetic bodies of the sleeping ones are closely intertwined, intermingling and evenly spreading out of the world. As soon as the squad went to sleep with a smile, and the person, tormented by a scandal from the court, then the lie insulted to throw themselves at a similar camp - with a headache and did not sleep. Perhaps, for the old hours, friends often slept in different rooms? So that the woman’s great strength was never obscured by the military battles of a man?

Where do women take energy?

The woman is respected by the shearing world. The guardian of the fire, the muse of a man, mother, yak gives a new life. Zhіntsi need a constant replenishment of new energy - even if such a folding mission is laid on her, and in moments of strong recessions, or the wasteland of the expanse of the world, you know how much more farbi. How can women recharge?

Pest your physical body: massages, perforations, looking after nails, masks and creams. Women important tactile attention: dotik, kisses, strokes, hugs. And if a person does not attach due respect to the squad, let him get ready until the fall of his strength, and even his own. Without caresses, the energy of the woman falls rapidly.

Walking, walking, contact with the sun and nature. Today, I want to go for a walk in the springtime. Do not walk on the right, or go to work, but walk aimlessly yourself, enjoying the sun, saturating it with space. Going to the shops and one can replace the walks, ale sightseeing, and the axis of the way out for the place to nature or to the sea is even harder to stimulate the woman's strength.

Presents. Well, I know, respect from the side of a person. Respect for yourself, but not a try to buy it. Put an envelope out of a penny “buy what you want” - it’s not very close to a person’s side! Aja as a gift can be not only a material rich, but an hourly compliment, a chuckle, a cup of tea in a light or a massage n_g after work.

Your little box at the house of your creativity. The skin woman may (or the shoes may be buti) the place, in which she can be smitten in the moments of her “drills” or sadness. In some - tse pіdvіkonnya with tickets in the kitchen, who has an armchair with a favorite book, and in others a bath with an aroma lamp, sea sill and candles. And the people whose squads are engaged in handicrafts were especially lucky - the woman in the process of creation takes the most powerful charge of positive energy, which, obviously, will share with the cohanim. The energy of creativity is already strong, so it is necessary to inspire oneself in such a way, to inspire such a skeptical attitude.

Physical activity. Here it’s already a choice for a woman: ranking gymnastics for music and yoga, aerobics at the fitness center and jogging at the garden park - on the right relish, smut, until the soul lay. And the axis of the overworld is engulfed by power sports, roiling the woman's flow of energy at the same time, and in a year you can be similar to a battle-woman. Everything can have a fading.

Leadership. In any case, the woman is not guilty of burdening herself with the whole bunch of rights, help and problems. It’s too much for a woman to “plant” her energy with thoughts “it’s better to do it yourself, don’t ask.” Please ask! Cholovik is a person who only checks for exploits, navіt like a bag or nailing flowers in the kitchen.

It is necessary to look over respectfully all the points and draw parallels between your life and your wife, and children - even the woman herself - the engine of progress.

Correct sigh

Chi can and how to charge with energy for help breathing? To whom to read one of the yogas of yoga - pranayama, the heart of such a person is to get on the cob just completely breathe, and then we absorb the energy in ourselves by expanding that space. Most of the population of the planet is breathing superficially, with vicorist, less than a quarter of the obligation of legends, given by nature, reshta is properly laughed, extinguished and provoking ailments. In the opinion of Ayurveda - 50% of the problems of health and wellness are not enough for themselves (the other half are not eaten properly, we turn to some other place).

Under the hour of a new sight, provoked by a new volume of breath, a person is allowed to accumulate negative manifestations, which are physical, emotional and mental. Breathing in, I remind myself of pure fresh energy.

Meditation is a call from the All-world

Focusing on the sweat of breath, a person enters the first step of meditation, which leads to one more knowledge "how to recharge with cosmic energy." By meditating, you raise the vibrations of your souls to the vibrations of the All-World, follow him and take a colossal update, a kind of hard disk formatting. After a dream, find a method to quickly raise the charge. Knowing little about yoga, people vvazhayut meditation as a maroon-bad, like being in the dark or sitting with a sensible looking diva.

Varto just sit with a straight back, close your eyes and get angry at your soul. Usyogo for five - ten khvilin. For the mind, that the mind is only stezhitim for dihannyam and nothing more faints. Well, the axis, the first session of meditation is farther away, and even meditation, in fact, is the maximum concentration on one object, which is dihannya, empty, dzyurchannya drive or garna a flower.

In the world, in practice, the appearance of inner turmoil, life in life, the microcosm in the macrocosm, the building of the mind of the body, then, know, what is good for you, what is bad.

Eating at the health

Let's turn back to life: how does a healthy way of life feed that eating on the pіdёm energy? Chantly, having richly remembered someone, as if after a strong offense, you want to take a nap, add drowsiness and decrease the activity of the mind. Adzhe priyom їzhi - tse tezh priyom energy, for the mind that the hedgehog is alive. How many brown amino acids and vitamins in m'yas, know practically everything, and how many living energy is there? And what about the freshly prepared salad of vegetables and fruits?

People stained glass 70% of their energy resources for etching hedgehogs. Not for work, love love novels. On zhu. In order to take the energy from the body, the human body is guilty of digesting the same energy on the chemical process of transforming the body into the body of proteins, amino acids, fats, etc. Well, that's not the case here. More precisely, from the settings to їzhi.

Proper eating at home can be done on the basis of healthy organic products, without conservatives, gushers, oxidizers, and piece-made savours, aromas. Without a stingy amount of zucru and trans fat, gluten is similar to that. All the wines of civilization do not just destroy the human body, but saturate the energy of life without catching the energy of life, as you can sing in the words of the moment.

Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, herbs and dairy products, hedgehog, cooked at home with love, not a quick hamburger, water for alcohol, nicotine and pseudo-stimulants that look like energizers - the first place is quiet, who if you want to raise your own energy, oh well, life. The trials of thermo-processing also change the energy level in the hedgehog - than the threefold cooking process - there is less life force in the hedgehog.

If a hedgehog is cooked, for a supplement, you absorb the energy of the virobnik in yourself, and who knows, with such thoughts that the pizza was prepared with such emotions, bought from the judge's cafe?

The power of thought

Movements, thoughts, emotions, thoughts - all you see is the energy of different equals and vibrations, moreover, the thought is the strongest of them. And how a person behaves with his mind, with such thought forms I will remember, so I become, - with which positive thoughts I am guilty of living myself, and with negative ones, on the contrary, I am ruining.

How to charge with the energy of thought, understanding of the skin, but not everything is right to shy away, relying on the folding of life, I don’t have time for motivation. It’s necessary to be smarter in front of yourself the negative, whether I’ll show it with the power of my witness - the inner smile is by no means guilty of depriving the soul, unimportant at the ups and downs of life.

Lyudina is a tight point of energetic radio communication, broadcasting that resonantly with us, which sounds right, - and if the "radio wires" are chosen correctly, then the energy will be rich and healthy, but if the ether advertising is changed by the "zhovtoy press", then the pure energetics of the field is positively positive.

On the people lie majestic vindication for everything that comes from the world. Tse yoga thoughts. Everything that is - is the result of mixing the thoughts of us people. Perhaps, varto trohi pomirkuvat over tsim?

Roc uphill

How can you reach harmony from yourself, with light that exalt the likeness of life? Is such a science, and її navit vychayut at schools, only special ones. Tse yoga. The sage Patanjali gave it to the people first, and then the other great people expanded it. All of the above listed on the cob stats include yoga. Just feel yourself, light, eat right and practice, know the balance between practice and repair, recharge with energy and straighten your way in the right direction, resist negativity and difficulties, start marveling at the peace of the soul.

The most beautiful are those who can do yoga for the skin, for the skin there is a niche. Gnuchki girls in "Instagram" - not yet known yoga, but only one of the common ones. Whether you want to serve the living beings, working as a volunteer, or in a shelter for the homeless - tse bhakti-yoga service, whether you work on the vineyard of the likiv of cancer - tse yoga knowledge - Jnana. And today, day after day, day by day, diligently, shy away from their own, as if they were doing, to an insignificant robot - doormen and dishwashers, water smittevoziv and shepherds of sheep. Tse Karma Yoga. The whole World is indistinctly tied between itself with the thinnest strings of energy and skin, to wind the smallest screw in my system, more important. Be optimists and do not look at the ether of the All-World with negativity!

Awareness is the key to success

After analyzing all the above and zastosuvshi before your life, you can immediately change the situation better and no longer see strong and trivial forces. Hang out, spend more time in nature, lead a healthy life, and make an hour for yourself - even if only a person herself can plunge into the yoke of her life. Ways to recharge your energy richly, but why not better not to let it waste?

You, sing-song, you know a little: 10 wounds, you are already on the verge of the third cup of kawi, and in your head there are some healthy thoughts - tulkovita porridge. You are viznazhenі - physically, mentally and emotionally - and absolutely baiduzhі to the point that it used to be quiet. Motivation? Forget it. Drativity? Oh so. Turbo about health is that good self-feeling? At the furnace.

Chomus accepted vvazhat, scho podkornya new heights that kolkovite vysnazhennya one without one not to go. Nothing of the sort. Emotional vigor is not a sign of success, but the way, as our body is ambiguously straining, that the hour has come to play the game.

If you rob those who have robbed forever, take away those that you have robbed forever.

Henry Ford

Vіdoma Henry Ford's quotation here is even more verbose.

Zvichnі ways to turn yourself to life, whether it's a low dose of espresso or a devil's ball of concealer under your eyes, literally take up a sprat of hair, but how much of it is real? So, for the pre-primary change of life, it is necessary to have more than an hour, but if you dare to prove everything to yourself. Tse іninvestitsії in your health and good self-esteem, so they are put up to them with a lot of seriousness.

1. Sleep well

Our body is a mechanism. The system is beautiful and uniquely foldable, as it will require turbot and repair. Vihodyachi s work, vymikaєte kom'yyute day, approximately tse need to body and mind. It is necessary to say that a good sleep helps the brain to get rid of toxins, as they accumulate during the day, and therefore this year of full recovery is equally important for mental and physical health. Your task is to step by step bring your good sleep to the next level. For 30 hours more skin repair a day - it’s even simple, right?

2. Think what and how їste

In order to comprehend our eating, we need practice. It is especially important to hang out quietly, who sound to have a snack on the bus, in parallel dialing a note on a black leaf and squealing on a telephone ring. The practice of informed eating helps to understand, what yste and yak havoc to bring to your body. To change the simple vgamov hunger, healthy girls with a hedgehog will come. Results Pilot study: Mindful Eating and Living (MEAL): weight, eating behavior, and psychological outcomes associated with a mindfulness-based intervention for people with obesity show that such a pidkhіd to a meal improves the mood, lowers the stress level, helps to vibrate the crunchy meal sounds and induces the zayvoї vaga.

3. Quit caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that improves your already weakened nervous system. If you are turbulent, stressed, or vzagali on the borders of hysterics, the cup of caviar is like a sip, then it’s not good. Natomist try іnshі, bіlsh m'yakі ways to pіdbаdоrity аnd energієєyu: physical pіzіchnі pravo аbo. Even if it’s early without cavi, it’s not a pleasure for you, we’ll transfer your mutual partners to another flat and make them as aware as possible. Savor the aroma and indulge in the taste of drink, sipping yoga from your favorite cuisine. After a certain hour, it may appear that this ritual is very important, even if it is kava yak taka.

4. Start collapsing and don't get rattled

Rukh - tse hard work for improving the mood and changing stress, and an effective way to save the memory of the mind and burn the rozum's minds has been brought.

You can resist the growing stress for additional physical activity: skin quilt, stained for yoga, jogging or riding a bike, becoming a contribution to the fight against stress.

A simple rank exercise sets the pace for every day and helps you focus on important tasks. Chi varto say that successful people value for better training themselves lies. Start if you want 10 minutes of moderate physical activity per day and gradually increase your activity to the recommended five-year period.

5. Remember: the best way to repair is the silence

So, so, without the riddle of meditation one cannot do any article about the change of life. Well, what do you think, how does it really work. Approximately 80% of visits to doctors so what else is caused by stress, you see, what a waste of an hour and a penny? Even more so are those who can speed up everything we can for help ... that's right, meditation. These practices help to reduce stress, improve immunity, enjoy sleep, and seem to be happy in a right way. Only five minutes of such relaxation make the day more radiant. Another bonus: people who meditate regularly, think rationally and feel less anxious if life throws devilish surprises.

6. Look out for the shkir

It's simple: happy shkira - happy you. As you may have guessed, the fixed ring of the zvichka is not disturbed by anything else, it will take an hour for it. Here, it’s not so important to remember the rule of three days - steel, regularity, and that understanding of what you see, richly curly, lower days on the calendar. The woeful concealer should be followed in two rahunks, but the real change in the camp is to go in the middle, right, right. Choose those that do not just paint the color of the face, but bring real harm to the body, that is cosmetics, that is zha. Just repeat all the necessary procedures in the evening in the evening - after one hour you will remember that your skin and mood are not so gloomy. It's trite, but people haven't come up with anything better yet.

7. Live the soul, not his

Everything is simple here: rob those who silence you. Not all of our gains remind the soul of joy. Regular reworks can be redundant, but it is possible to bring to exhaustion far from inexhaustible reserves of the body. Koristuvannya in such a behavior is less, lower in the case of regular behavior and relaxation. Buy, buy, shoes, like you have been wanting for a long time, treat yourself to a frost on the afternoon of a break and a weekend without interruption to marvel at old films. All of them - well, much, more - of your children can have one and the same reason: to bring joy. Choose the wrong one, but there is one more item on the list of references. Joy. To you. Dot, dot.

8. Trust your instincts

Sumnіvnoї krasi viraz "in my gut I feel" is not a metaphor. Before making important decisions, listen to your thoughts: the body often tells us what we need before we hear it. Take a break, as if we were tired. Z'izdit kudis, like a soul to ask for a change. In a word, if something goes wrong, ask us in advance about the cause. If you are not a person of intuition, you need an hour to learn to listen to the inner voice. Just turn around in the wake of your turbot, fix it and honestly give advice that you are aware of at the same time. Great is the ability that you miraculously know what you really want. It’s more than necessary for a certain hour to chirp and listen to yourself.

9. Break the speech order

Set yourself a challenge a few times a day to try something completely new. Well, otherwise, as if there is too much enthusiasm, today. Not obov'yazkovo immediately take on a larger scale - just go to work the other way. Navit so, it would have been better, dribnitsa - this is an unimaginable proof. Vіn helps to open up the mind for new ways of thinking, and that sprinyattya, scho, in his hand, rob you even a little bit, but we are happy.

10. Make yourself comfortable

The first stage of the creation of healthy people in all senses is the final step before you remind yourself of your life. So, the prospect of transformation is quiet, which makes life mutual with you, which is quiet and comfortable, maybe a little lakat, especially as it is worth making friendship, sim'ї, їzhі, work or yourself. Prote is important.

Analyze all your ties and savage respect, which contributes to the stench of your life, that garne of self-feeling.

Those, who are obviously put before the choice of sharpening, most often appear as the ones who make the decision.

11. Learn something new

The process of acquiring new knowledge to make us happy is a fact. More wine helps us to continue our life and grow it more and more, and also helps us to get ahead. If you want to start small, learn how to do it, for example. Merezhya has a lot of opening videos, so you can master it with ease on the right, you can learn it without getting up from your bed. Like you are attracted to great numbers - break on a three-month course in web design. Chim bi vy didn’t bother to get busy, your brain will be a deep breath for you.

12. Begin to lead a schoden

Znyatya stress, the development of creative zdіbnosti, pіdvishchennya vpevnennostі in sobі that charge of energy to reach the goals - just busy, but stilki. It’s important that it’s important, it’s not a good idea to take goiter and write today. It is important that the process of writing the text itself is important, and not those who are involved in development, so that for the cob you can take a couple for a day. Set a timer, give yourself a simple subject, for example, “What am I checking this day”, and write whatever you think. Believe me, you will be allowed to be impatient for checks of these sessions.

Have you tried any of the ways to help you do something else? Share your joys in the comments.

This article is part of Lifehacker's Great Challenge. We foretold yoga, so that you have the motivation to change your life.

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Why there is no strength to live: 10 main reasons why

Then, after a stressful day, it is a whole natural phenomenon, but if there is no strength from the very wound, if you are careful, then you should be wary. What are the causes of chronic autonomy and how to fight them?

It’s rich, it’s so chronic that it’s so chronic at the borders of the norm. Vidsutnіst bazhannya collapses or zdіysnyuvati zvichaynі dії is attributed to meteorological sensitivity, rostashuvannya zіrok, spring depression and so on. In fact, it can be a symptom of the most irritating diseases. Sometimes, heart, brain, and cancerous pathologies begin to appear from it, but seriously, nothing is put before it. What are the causes of chronic autonomy and how to fight them?

The main reasons for this
The languor of the camp, the unsatisfactory vikonuvat elementary blue, apathy and drowsiness - all develop from different reasons. But the most wide-ranging ones are:
1. Depression. On aphids, serotonin in the cells of the brain, or when damaged by iodine spriynyattya, the organism suffers from the whole. In this case, this is the result of the oppressed state of the central nervous system, which sends signals to all parts of the body. For such a thing, I will not bring joy, and the skin of the ruh is taken mayzhe like a punishment. Patients with depression may not collapse for years and not leave the house for days. When corrected by medicines, or psychotherapy, it is necessary to undergo post-mortem and turn the heat to life;

2. Avitaminosis. Particularly call out to this avitaminosis of vitamins of group B. Deficiency of cyanocobalamin, for example, leads to a change in the total transport of acid to clitin. Chronic acid starvation of tissues is important to avoid. With a lack of folic acid, anemia develops, as it also leads to a change in the supply of tissues with sour, vital elements. Without vitamins, the body begins to work in pivsili. Metabolism improves, the body transforms into an economical mode of energy saving. It was clear that the energy of the marriage should be brought from the internal processes, then the outer ones - even more so;

3. Metabolic syndrome. Damaged assimilation of glucose by clitins leads to permanent weakness. Insulin in the blood is rich, but the cells do not recognize yoga. Insulin by itself causes drowsiness, plus up to the last minute, if you don’t take away the substrate for energy exchange, I’ll start more pratsyuvati;

4. Failure. A rozvantazhuvalny day can call forth a terrible weakness and impossibility to raise a hand. About trivala diet chi hunger and say no varto. The organism in such a situation is able to survive and store fat, including for support of the exchange. In this situation, you want to lie still and not collapse, for those who are not put on the menu for yogo rozhov and rozum’s activity. Trivaly unbalanced diets lead to avitaminosis, which will help the camp;

5. Physically exercising. The work is constantly strained, the presence of great viability, the housework is done and the parts of the exercise are done - all the same, take energy away, not letting the clitins wake up at the same time. Without help, the cells spend their health to normal work, they use up the reserves of vitamins, they do not see the nerve system. At the same time, don’t get lost;

6. Likarsky diy. Antihistamines, preparations in the form of a vice, sedatives - all these faces in the world can be a little bit weak, confused, confused. In the annotations, mention the indicated effects. When the manifestations of the form appear, consultation of the facsimile is necessary to determine the liking or control;

7. Infectious disease. Acute and chronic pathologies affect the immune system, boost the functioning of the nervous system. Proteins, vitamins, microelements are thrown into the fight against the germ of infection, but they are depleted in life. Lyudina is constantly visceral and madness. After the exaltation of the body, the body renews its resources, and a rush of security forces.

8. Cardiovascular pathology. Weakness is sometimes the only symptom of heart disease, especially in children. It develops due to heart failure and the presence of a continuous supply of tissue with blood and sourness. There is weakness and for hypertensive ailments, atherosclerotic changes in vessels. It is strong when you have a headache, you can be a provisnik of a stroke or a heart attack;

9. Hormonal disorders. Mlyavist and apathy are often observed in hypothyroidism, diabetes. The exchange of speeches in these pathologies is signifi- cantly increased, which is indicated in the infamous camp;

10. Discomfort your nerves. Sleep deprivation, post-surges of emotional outbursts of the building lead to the appearance of “resurrection” and insomnia to active activities. Tied to the nerves of the nervous system. Proper deep sleep is not just a welcome to spend an hour, but life is a necessity. It has been brought that the dream of the building will prolong youth.

How to turn badorist
Sob again to know the strength for life, robots, it is necessary, first for everything, to be assigned to the cause of it. For this varto, see your doctor and respect your health. In case of problems with the heart or hormonal ashes, after the obstezhennia, it can be relieved of the chronic automy syndrome. As a reason for the significant ambition, it is necessary to learn not to call the faults of everyone, to delegate the reins, to distribute the bindings at home on the right. In case of an incorrect diet, a consultation with a nutritionist is definitely necessary. Sufficient calorie content of health products will turn a person into a life and give new strength for a full life. Tse pov'yazano z scho, where the reason is the lack of life of the cells, and the organism pracyuvatime to full strength. In case of depression, sports and a change of situation, cooperation with friends help well. With sleep disturbances - normalization of the day regimen and relaxation techniques.

Good day))

Let’s talk about the day of spring nudity for an offensive time, for that it’s easier to overcome it, it’s easier for women and people to sleep.

Spring is changing in the wind, and with it, it’s all about springtime)) for the time being, we can help ourselves with the intake of vitamins and in the ways described in this article.

For these reasons, drowsiness, apathy, and their causes, and how to be attacked by the advancing independently, for the time being, fight harder. If you see the weakness and lack of strength after a busy working day, it’s not surprising, but even if you lie in such self-consciousness, it means it’s necessary to sort out why on the right.

There may be impersonal reasons, which can be both physical, and the reasons that have formed on the equal psyche, moreover, the psychological reasons in our hour are overwhelmed.

Physical reasons

Insufficient hours are spent on the fresh air. The body does not feel sour, there are problems with sleep and poor functioning of the body;

Vimusheni to lead a sedentary way of life, and an hour, which you can spend on sports and move on again. Navіt not raspisuvatimu naskіlki tse SHKІDLIVO, written-rewritten a hundred times;

We eat wrong. We are constantly proponuyut savory, ale, at the shortest time, absolutely mari products, and try to be inspired by the savory. Until then, the swedish pace of daily life zmushuє switch to alcoholic beverages and “shvidka” їzhu, and fortified products live a little. And what we propagate to the body, then we will respond to the spirit.

Causes of psychological

You have depression. Obviously, you yourself know about it, but it’s a trival, long time, until you’ve sounded like you’ve become “normal” and respect the “style” of your life, explaining to yourself: “I’ve been so tired all my life.”

The problem is the choice, which is my fault for the work of the day, sometimes a few times a day, and often the work is not so simple.

Wanting psychologists to seem that our ability to work is limited, but we are constantly forced to go outside the boundaries.

Contact with a great number of people. Not only do you know that by your colleagues in work, but you are not aware of the relationship with NATO in terms of cost to work that back, with the help of huge opportunities, the relationship that leads to the accumulation of stress;

Goiter. Mi zobov'yazanі close and not necessary to people, bosses, furnishing, sobі, zreshtoyu, scho carries a constant psychological pressure;

Why, why do rich people have a reason that there is not enough strength, that energy is blamed on the social aspect of the current hour: be attentive - it’s prestigious, it’s “an indicator of demand”, it’s the only thing that’s acceptable today’s weakness, like, don’t hesitate, you can allow yourself to be a human being .

For wealthy generations, all life can be awakened to its own image of an irreplaceable, demanded and brown-haired person (about a generation in the article);

Well, I'm sorry, we can recover from being dissatisfied with ourselves (and on equal footing) and in our own way of life.

Fall of strength - what to work, 8 ways to increase energy

Why are there so many forces that energy has risen, now let's marvel at what work.

The obov'yazykovy point is the exclusion of possible illnesses, a person, as if it feels bad, is unlikely to be cheerful and full of energy. If you hurt - rejoice. As there are no obvious illnesses, we listen to the crowd of psychologists and doctors.

1. Understand why you are depressed

You can't tidy up the physical in that, with the filthy psychological self-confidence. Even more often the words "I got tired" are often the first sign.

You can evaluate how close to depressive you are by passing the Beck Scale test. I knew the most lucrative axis for this power.

For a high level of depression, you will need to turn to the doctor. Medicine promises us that modern antidepressants are safe, but don't worry.

More reports about those, how to cope with a mild form of depression, and about those that helped me especially, you can read in the article.

2. One of the most important points is to improve sleep patterns

Yakі b ways to fight zі vtomoy mi did not zastosovuvali, not enough star all zusilla naіvets.

If sleep does not improve the exchange of speech and brain activity, then a greater reduction in carbohydrates, for the help of such brains, it is possible to boost your activity. Ale smut, through which you blame yourself - the process of generating endorphins - “happiness hormones” is galvanized.

I’m especially special, as an “owl” for which all the “great” do it easier to work at night, learn to lie down for an hour or so, I struggle with myself steadily, to wind a head like a head on the right side of my day, I often write: “Lie down to sleep at the hour!” )))

It is important that for a normal sleep a person needs 8 full years, but more for the average number of averages, less than 7 years for a wash, that for 7 years is a day, and recently I read that Jennifer Lopez's night dream becomes 10 years. Why is it such a garna and diyalna?))

Dodatkovі korisnі statti about sleep: , .

3. Adjust the power mode and the mode of life

The joy is "tedious" and not new, but important.

Lack of water is a stress for the whole organism, but the cells of the brain are especially sensitive to the lack of water, and induce a slight increase in water, lowering the mind's vitality and bringing it to an increased autonomy.

Tezovo I will guess the main points of the correct eating.

Correct snidanok. Not obov'yazkovo porridge, options for good snacks are rich.

I have already been honored to be read in some magazine about a healthy holiday: as a practitioner of rosemary practice, the main voice for an hour of snidanka for carbohydrates, as a physical one for proteins.

Receive not two meals for a day, and take not three, but five (two of them are snacks - fruits, peas, sir thinly)

Yaknamenshe zucru, fat, kavit and simple carbohydrates.

4. Mineralize the body with vitamins

Navіt as a reason for your vtomi to lie in the hall of psychology, such internal revitalization is unequivocally to the reproach of the whole organism.

Prepare "Pasta Amosov", yak, cream of "delivery" of vitamins, zmіtsnyuє m'yaz sertsya, and brown malt rivenіme hormones happiness.

Need 300 g each: rodzinok, prunes, dried apricots, figs, hairy peas,. 1-2 lemons with skin.

Cooking. Pour dried fruits and roses, sprinkle lemons with dill, cut into sprats. Pass dried fruits and lemons through a meat grinder, add honey, mix.

Yak take. Sumish is taken in 1 tablespoon per day or 1 tsp. 3 here is the day before the meal. As an option її you can add to the rank porridge or sir, the snidanok of the viide is not only savory, but also brown.

5. Take an adaptogeny

The medical treatment is indicated in case of a fall in strength, the stench is felt to help the body to repair the opir sloppy influx of ominous factors, the same stresses.

Adaptogeny preparations, list

Fallow in the form of a trip їх to:

Adaptogeny of the growing season.

  • Ginseng.
  • Eleutherococcus.
  • Rhodiola rozheva.
  • Lemongrass.
  • Sea buckthorn.
  • Aralia.
  • Ginger.
  • Centaury.
  • Astragalus.
  • Zamaniha.
  • Levzeya.

Mineral treatment on the basis of brown copalins:

  • Mummy.
  • Huminous speech (products produced from rich natural compounds of peat, vogillya, sapropel toshcho)

Adaptogeny of the Creature's Expedition:

  • Life products of bdzhil: Apilak, Propolis, Bjolinium files.
  • Products of the life of creatures: Pants of a venison deer - "Pantocrin", "Cigapan", "Rantarin"; shark fat; The product of milk processing of ribs of the salmon family.

Synthetic adaptogens.

  • Citrulline
  • Trecrezan.

It is necessary to take adaptogens in the first half of the day, in a course of 15 to 30 days, the exact instructions are given in the instructions before the preparations. Before living, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

6. Pick up zaive

Divide yours into “physical” and “psychological”, look at what kind of footwear from the skin subgroup you could pass. If it’s physical vanity (home and work clothes) don’t go out quickly, it’s necessary to:

Order. Fortunately, at the same time, there are anonymous books on time management, which help to encourage a working routine and ready-made systems for organizing home government (for example, a fly lady);

Robiti interrupt. Through the skin year or skin 45 quills (it’s not without reason that such an introduction to a school lesson) give yourself 5-10 quills, so as not to let it accumulate. The best option is simple physical activity is available, or you can get up, or just walk.

Cіkavo, that such a way of practicing Dan Brown, if he wrote "The Da Vinci Code", he tried to break the skin of 50 strands. The chapters of the book turned out to be short, and the way it turned out to be really effective - the novel became a bestseller.

Learn to switch. As a reminder, it’s the cost of changing the duty, and preparing a lot after a working day for someone who cares about meditative activities)) all on the right, only for weddings.

For "fast" psychological reasons, you have to think and change your picture of the world a little.

Praise yourself

Not only for his great achievement, that victory, but also from an insignificant drive. More than that, psychologists are happy to cherish themselves for those who you could commemorate, who then becomes your chronic state.

Vzagali, if you yourself are respected by an important newcomer, as you can and need to train. On a neurobiological level, I reduce anxiety, helping you to grow a little more confident in yourself.

I began to practice praising myself intuitively, even before that I had read the qiu joy. It was hard to finish off the back of my head, because I called myself not to praise, but to bark, but stunned by the prolongation of the day, "look around" at the brokenness and signify that I caught it, that I worked from the intended and often showed that the bula was more productive, lower it was. I praise))

To the point, I respected that focusing on my own insignificant gains helps to ward off migraine attacks, as I trapyayutsya through dissatisfaction with myself and through unplanned burn right.

Raise the svidomo

This point is for those who are dissatisfied with themselves and their own way of life, they themselves pour into those who have no energy and strength in the body, which can be worked up in your serious mood.

Give respect to your spiritual life for the help of such food: “What am I working at once?”, “Why am I working?”, “Who is following my life strategy?” If you honestly look at them, you will understand what you really need, what you have called to work, what you can do to help you get started there, de you want.

As if it were negative, then, in the next hour, a global challenge has come before you - remember your life strategy.

Before the speech, regardless of the simplicity of the question, it is not so easy to give advice on them, for those who do not know the main thing - specifically formulating the power of life goals. I can fully understand that, so that I can figure out exactly what I want to teach me to go through training on setting life goals)))

Let life only quiet you and the fall of strength will be “not about you” 🙂

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