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The call of the director for the decisions of the principal. How to call the general director for the decisions of the director

The director is the main executive body of the company. It is impossible to be an organization without new functioning.

The functions of the work of the General Director of TOV are laid on the basis of a large selection of participants. Calling for the authority of the general director of the TOV can be for various reasons and protect your pet from the organization, no one has the right.

The procedure for calling the General Director for the upper quarters is composed of the following steps:

1. Preparation of an application for an exemption;

2. Informing the participants of the partnership about the organization of the organization for the summer bazhanny;

3. Carrying out the selection of replacements (for the selection of a new director);

4. Notice of order about the attachment of labor permits;

5. Making a note about the opening of the work book contract;

6.Vydacha residual rosemary;

7. Submission of work book and other documents;

8. Informing the tax authorities about the letter of the director of the enterprise (to include in the EDRYULU the data of the large kerivnik).

In order to get food out of the side of the labor inspectorate, it is necessary to renew the contract with the director of the organization.

Application for termination of the contract

Let's look at how the director of the TOV is sent to the vlasniy bazhanny. The formalization is based on the folded statement of the general director's letter of intent.

At the discretion of other spivrobitnikiv, the director of the organization writes a statement a month before the date of departure from the organization. Vkazіvka on price є at st. 280 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The application is addressed to the public gatherings of the participants in the organization and the company's supervisor.

The document is guilty of revenge:

day of opening the contract;

date of filing of the document;

So, the director can deprive the organization of his bazhanya from the acquaintance, as if to pass it on to the founders of the company.

Information about the director's release

A month before the exit of the firm, the kerіvnik is guilty of filing a notification about the job.

This document is superseded by a recommended sheet, or it is transmitted separately. At the new one it is necessary to carry out a later meeting of the participants of the chi lords of the firm. The document contains the following information:

place of the gathering;

food, how to discuss.

Pogodzhennya call from the founders of the organization

At the gatherings, the principals discuss the call of the general director for the vlasnym bazhanny. Participants of the partnership do not have the right to swear to the clerk at the entrance to the organization earlier than the line specified in the contract.

On the eve of the meeting, the founders will wait for the term of the call of the general director for the power towers. This is necessary in order to designate an hour for the search for a valid candidate for the field of the kerivnik, who is calling.

Zvіlnennya General Director for vlasniy bazhannyam, srazok mandate

The order about the sound of the stone worker behind the vlasnym towers is seen in the name of the founders in the company on the basis of the decision. Documents have:

company name and її requisites;

information about the caller;

the reason for leaving the organization;

date attached to the contract.

For the execution of the mandate, the unified form of the document No. T-8, approved. praised by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, dated 05.01.04 No. 1. This order can be issued on the company's letterhead.

Making an entry to the work book

An entry about the call for the vlasniy bazhanny at the labor clerk should be made to the clerk of the personnel officer. After this information is certified by the signature of the robot and the seal of the organization.

At the document, it is necessary to indicate the reason for the exclusion from the appointment of a lawsuit. The same is indicated by the pidstava - the order of the decision.

Residual rozrahunok

When the first individual of the firm's goiter is affected, the following will be paid:

salary per hour;

compensation for a non-vicoristan permit;

other payments, peredbacheni labor contract.

So much general director is handing over to the new businessman. The legislation on the procedure for the transfer of papers by a kerіvnik, connected with the activity of a company, with this order from the organization, has not been established. If the attacker has not yet been found, you can, if possible, be transferred to the savings to the archive or notary.

Notification of the tax service about the construction of the stone worker

Vіdpovіdno to pіdp. "l" p. 1 and p. 5 of Art. 5 of the Federal Law "On the state registration of legal entities and individual enterprises" in 08.08.01 No. 129-FZ, the organization of goiter is to provide taxable information about the status of ceramics undertaking and the change of fikonavchy body. Before the tax inspection, the application must be filed with form P14001. The document may be notarized. The application is submitted by the new general director for the confirmation of three days on the day of admission to the landing. After the second tax service, to enter information about changing the company's flagship at EDRYuL.

If a new signature has not been selected, the application may have been signed or submitted by a large general director.

How do you call the general director for the powerhouses, as if he is the only founder of the organization?

Let's look at how to call the director of the TOV for the vlasniy bazhanny at the time, if the clerk is one hour the only organizer of the company and її vlasnik.

The first person of the company may have the right to write a statement about the letter and make a decision about its letter. It is not necessary to tell anyone about the upcoming call. The procedure for sightseeing is significantly shortened. Instructed by the adoption of the decision about the establishment of a single principal can appoint a new general director of the company.

Vidpovіdalnіst gendirektor pіslya zvіlnennya

Ker_vnik vydpovidaє for his decision to navit at the time of the call from the plant.

Won can be as material (in times of spending a lot of money on the organization’s lane), so it’s criminal (in times, like a ker_vnik having committed an anti-lawful act)

In this case, a large roboticist may have the right to file poses before the court, because of the ability to attract to the capacity of a qualified practitioner. The maximum term, by which you can get a ceremonial worker, that you are calling, to an administrative punishment is one point from the moment the fact of damage is established. Vkazіvka on price є at st. 4.5 CAP, art. 6.1 CCP of Ukraine, Art. 78 of the RF CC.

Change of General Director of TOV

At the suspіlstvі z obmezhenoyu vіdpovіdіlnіstyu can be blamed for the need from the replacement of the stoneworker. I need to be aware that the change of the general director of TOV is the procedure of a trifle folding, lower change of an ordinary practitioner of business. This process is transferring the registration of changes to ЄDRYuL from the FNP.

The need to change the core of the TOV - the situation is expanded, and it is reported that the general director can deal with these tasks, without hiring organizations that specialize in similar services.

Our current material has a cover instruction for changing the general director of TOV in 2017.

Features of changing the CEO

It is in the hands of the General Director of the organization to carry out a wide update on how to work with official documentation, and also, before the procedure for changing the certificate of TOV, it should be thought out and seriously, relying on the rank of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

When changing the general director, it is necessary to keep in mind such important moments as the folding of acts of acceptance and transfer to others and material values, as well as establishing documents. Tse to allow the unacceptability of unacceptability and problems to come.

As a rule, the change of the general director of the viklikan to the head of the chief of the founders of TOV. According to the norms of decorous legislation, the founders are guilty of informing the general director about the decision taken by them in advance - at least a month before the date of the first call. Kerіvnik, at his discretion, is guilty of telling the founders about his plans to watch for similar terms.

Read also: Yak virahuvati 13 vіdsotkіv in salary

The founders may have the right to wait for the decisions of the general director to plant five of their own, so і іdhility yogo.

In times of need to conduct a formal selection of principals, a protocol is drawn up for them, and a decision is made on the change of the general director of the partnership with an obmezhenoyu vіdpovidalnіstyu. Kerіvnik at tridenny term goiter and taxation of tribute to the FNR for making changes.

If the participants are unhappy with the exit of the church worker, they are guilty of sending a letter of organization with notifications. If so, the general director can sign an order about the call. The registration of the change of the clerk is carried out on the basis of the notice.

Zmina kerivnika TOV: when is it necessary?

The need to change the general director of a TOV may be due to such situations:

  1. Sales of TOV to another vlasnik.
  2. The terms of the employment contract with the general director have ended.
  3. The general director does not honor his obligations with a proper rank.
  4. Features of decorating a ceremonial stone worker.

Regardless of what caused the change of the CEO, the algorithm of which process will be the same.

Procedure for changing the general director

The change of the General Director of TOV in 2017 is, in fact, made before the registration of changes to the EDRYUL. The procedure for changing the stonework is composed of the following steps:

  • search for a candidate for the position of the general director;
  • preparation of necessary documents;
  • submission of documents to the FNP;
  • withdrawal of documents from the tax inspection;
  • change the data at the bank.

At the next points, we can look at the glimpses of the short report. It is not necessary to pay for the hold.

Pokrokova instruction to change the general director of TOV in 2017

The change of the general director of TOV is carried out in five months. Read below for details of skin care.

Krok No. 1: Poshuk of a landing candidate

When changing the general director, it is necessary for us to know the candidate for the first quarter. Do not forget that the person who will be entrusted with the management of TOV will have profit and business success.

You can search for a candidate for the planting of a ker_vnik as an active partnership (mid spіvrobіtnikіv), so і, and yogo between (on the websites or in other vidannyas). On this day, there are no personal firms in the selection of personnel, as if to propagate similar services to robotic workers.

After that, as a candidate for the planting of a clerk has been selected, it is necessary to file a decision (Protocol) on the change of a clerk of TOV.

If the TOV is composed of one principal, then the decision is drawn up for the change of the general director. For the presence of a small number of co-founders, decisions are taken with high fees and draw up a Protocol.

Regardless of the fact that it was drawn up, chi the Resolution of the Protocol, the following important points appear in the documents guilty:

  1. Completion of the renewal of the dignified director.
  2. Address of the director of TOV.
  3. Data on the registration of the change of the general director.
  4. Misce is the date the document was folded.
  5. Signature of the founder of TOV.

Catch the respect that the Protocol or the Decision is drawn up with two accomplices. One copy is submitted to the FNP, and the other is taken to the TOV.

Krok 2: Preparation of documents

For three days after the execution of the Resolution on the change of the general director, it is necessary to inform about the FNP. For whom do you need:

  • Decision on the change of general director of TOV;
  • The form P14001 about the state registration of changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities has been completed (with the notarized signature of the applicant).

Incorrectly completed form P14001 may be the reason for the Federal Tax Service to register the change. When filling out a document, it is important not to fill empty fields, putting dashes.

The notary shall be given the following documents:

  • fresh Vipiska from EDRYuL;
  • partnership statute;
  • Certificate of OGRN;
  • Minutes of the Decision on the change of the director.

The notary independently creaks the sheets R14001.

Krok 3: Submission of documents to FNP

It is necessary to file an application R14001 with the FNP for the registration of TOV. In addition, before the tax inspection, you should give a ticket to the IDRYL (not older than 5 days).

It is also important to file the documents before the Federal Tax Service at a three-day term from the moment the Decision is taken (or the date set in the Protocol). The fine for late submission of documents is 5,000 rubles.

Documents before taxation can be especially filed by both the old and the new director of the TOV. You can also ask to submit the documents of a representative (for a prepared consent), send them by a recommended sheet (with a description of the deposit), or send them for additional specialized programs in electronic form (by putting a digital signature).

The inspector is obliged to see a receipt, in which case the following data will be assigned:

  • name of the organization;
  • name of the applicant;
  • list of given documents.

Krok 4: Retrieving documents from FNP

Documents from the changes made may be ready in six working days. It’s too bad to take them away from the installations of the term. The date of withdrawal is indicated at the registration. As there is no possibility to pick up the documents on your own, the stench will be sent by mail.

The FNR can see:

  1. Certificate of state registration of changes made.
  2. Vipisku from ЄDRYUL (with tribute to the new general director of TOV).

After otrimannya documents obov'yazkovo reverify them for the presence of pardons. As if a pardon has been issued, it is necessary to remind the chief of the officer (what kind of documents). Pardons can be corrected for 7 working days.

Krok 5: Changing the data of the general director at the bank

The final stage of the registration process is to change the general director of the TOV and to inform the bank of a new banker. It's easier to independently turn to the bank, decrito rozrahunkovy rahunok TOV, and write a requisition. In addition, it is necessary that the bank’s practitioner make changes to the card with signs of signature. Tom needs Druk TOV.

Three documents for the bank need:

  • fresh transcript from EDRYuL;
  • certificate about the introduction of changes to EDRYUL;
  • decision on the protocol on the recognition of a new director;
  • the order of schodo yogo I will enter the landing.

Upon confirmation of the signature of the new general director of TOV Bank, the procedure for changing the key will be successfully completed. The new director can manage the board of the partnership.

The procedure for registering the change of the director of TOV

The general director is responsible for the management of the activity of the TOV - this recognition is given to the competence for the sake of the founders. The procedure for changing the stonework can bring a great number of nuances, about how to know ahead of time, so as to avoid problems.

The change of the director of the TOV is based on the acceptance of the successor of the decision (Article 33 of the Federal Law No. 14-FZ), and it may be possible, if you please, to bring the term of the employment contract with him to completion. It is necessary to notify all participants about the next day or the next day 30 days in advance.

Pokrokova instruction to change the director of TOV

In order for 2017 to change the director of the TOV, it is necessary to complete the offensive order:

  1. Organize the selection of the sponsors, so that the order of the day can be seen in the order of the day. As the manager of TOV alone, he makes decisions about changing the director. yakscho їх kіlka - the protocol of collections is drawn up. dezroblen all necessary records. In the documents, the guilty buti spelled out the terms attached to the new director and I will enter the planting of a new one, data about both kerіvnikіv: P.І.B. tenure, passport data (for a large director, neobov'yazkovo).
  2. You see 2 punishments. about the call of a large director for his signature, about the hiring of a new director for his signature.
  3. Submit a signature from the EDRYUL and put it on the її substantiate for the tribute of a new unified official body of the application. The application form P14001 is unified and created for making changes to the State Register of changes to any company. It is necessary to remember correctly, without any pardon.
  4. With a package of documents (the application has already been completed, the protocol of the official meetings of the successors for their decisions, the passport and the order about the recognition of the new director, the statute of the TOV, the fresh signature from the EDRYUL, the registration documents of the legal entity) notary's note. The new one has a certificate of legality, together with a statement with a valid sign in 6 divisions of Liszt R.
  5. Registration in the IFTS of a correctly completed and certified application. The Crimea itself declares from itself the requirement to take the protocol of the selection of the founders (the decision of the participant). Hold on to the change of the director of TOV do not cry. The term of the withdrawal from the application to the tax is three days more than 3 days from the holding of the final selection of the principals (paragraph 5 of Article 5 of the Federal Law No. 129-FZ). A fine of 5,000 rubles is imposed for an untimely slaughter.
  6. After 5 days, it is necessary to turn to the IFTS for a visa from the IDRYUL. With sobі mother a receipt and a passport.

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After all the procedures have been carried out, the large director is given an information sheet about the changes that have gained rank, with the request for the protocol of the successors and that copy has been added. In fact, all certificates and necessary documents are transferred to the bank director, which is not valid for them, until a new one, an act of acceptance and transfer of certificates is drawn up. Yogo butt can be downloaded here.

After all the procedures carried out, the large director is given an information sheet about the changes that have become official.

The change of the director of TOV is based on the decision praised by the founders. Minutes of the meeting, an order on the recognition of a new general director, an application for the form P14001 and other documents must be prepared in the shortest possible time from the moment of announcing this decision - in order to help eliminate penalties for non-compliance.

How to call a director: instruction manual

The general director is the main figure in the organization, so pardons in the documents related to this zvilnennyam cause serious risks. A simple step-by-step algorithm for sacking a director to help them disappear.

The formalization of the letter of the General Director may be of low nuances, without being insured, it is possible to allow serious damage to the sphere of labor and civil law. Like a great spіvrobіtnik, kerіvnik can call for the vlasnym towers. You can also call the general director for the decisions of the founder of the organization.

Call of the General Director for the upper building

Croc first. File a statement about calling for the vlasnym bazhanny, and also call on the successors.

The clerk is guilty of informing the chiefs about the call no less than one month in advance. As a matter of fact, the letter of the general director of the TOV is sent behind the authorities, which is necessary to issue a notice about the formal selection of participants. On the new one, the decision about the renewal of the stonework and the new one will be praised. At times, as if the general director of the TOV will be called without recognition of a new applicant, the solemn choice is to appoint a timchas vikonuvach yogo obov'yazkiv.

At AT, let me tell you about the succession of directors, so as to select the shareholders later, or for the obviousness of their competence, to praise the decision to renew the one-axis vykonavchy body. You can send a note especially to the holders of a receipt, send a recommended sheet with a note about delivery, or by telegram.

Croc is different. Carry out a later round meeting of shareholders (participants), draw up a protocol. On the basis of the protocol, an agreement is drawn up from an official stone worker and a new stone worker is assigned.

Crook the third. Organize the transfer of certificates, make a record in the work book. Kerіvnik guilty zdіysniti transfer for the act of the seal of partnership and yogo dokumentatsії. At the work book, you should make an entry from the designations of clause 3 of the first part of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Column 4 shall indicate the number and date of the protocol.

Crook quarters. Make a vіdomosti to ЄDRYuL. For a period of 3 working days from the day of the arrest of a single-axle vykonavchogo body of the partnership, it is necessary to make a declaration of entry to the EDRLU. For any requirement, send to the IFTS an application for the form P14001, approved by order of the FNP No MMV-7-6 / [email protected] dated January 25, 2012. Until the moment of changing the data in the EDRYL, the director is left with a strict ceremonial officer, that is an important point, which cannot be ignored or deposited for later.

The butt stock of the arkush "K" with the tributes of the old and new stonework of the form P14001:

Call of the General Director for the decisions of the principals

Vipadki, if the reappraisal of the general director is called for by yogo bazhannyam, call the names for the initiative of the principal. Algorithm for the very same, which I watch for an hour for the upper towers, turns off the first stage. At the Labor Code, special provisions (Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and addendums (Article 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) are submitted for the expansion of the contract for the decisions of the principals. Vikoristannya tsikh pidstav rozirvannya labor contract pov'yazanі s dotrimannyam vymog. In case of opening a contract for accepting an ungrounded decision or a gross damage to the bindings of the stonework, it is necessary to complete the procedure

Change of director at TOV - cover instruction for 2017

Good day! In this article, we will tell you about the change of the director in the TOV and the lady's pokrokov instructions on how to do this procedure.

  1. Reasons for changing the director of TOV;
  2. How to correctly fill in the application form P14001;
  3. The procedure for submitting documents to the Tax Service;
  4. The order of spovitshennya banks.

Reasons for changing the director at TOV

The founders of the business have the right to design their own business development strategy. One of the important moments for reaching the delivered mark is the choice of businessman. Members of the undertaking can call the director and sign a new one.

To the reasons for changing the curvature, one can add:

  • The presence of the director himself;
  • Completion of the employment contract;
  • The fact of redeployment of servicemen has been established;
  • Viyavlennya violation of the law. For example, falsification of documents, theft and others;
  • Vіdsutnіst growth pributku TOV;
  • The presence of more privablyvo candidatures with chimalim dosvidom and potential.

Changes of stonework may be carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

Change of the director for the presence of a number of principals

Up to 50 principals can enter the TOV warehouse. The decision to change the director of the enterprise may be accompanied by the completed protocol.

Such a document is being compiled at the open gatherings. For the new one, add more information about the participants, the candidacy, and state your passport data in general. Proper execution of the protocol will make it easier for the work of the notary's office to process the documentation.

Let's follow the protocol, at the open gatherings of the TOV, punishments are issued for changing the flagman. The order about the appointment of the previous director and the Order about the recognition of a new candidate for the graveyard.

  • Minutes of the post-mortem gatherings of the participants of the TOV about the completion of the re-appointment of the General Director

Change of kerіvnika TOV with one co-founder

If only one manager enters the TOV warehouse, this fact will greatly simplify the procedure for changing the director. The lesser kerіvnik unilaterally accepts the decision and he himself stores the necessary documentation.

At the order, all the passport data of the director are prescribed, that he is leaving the company, the date of completion of the refurbishment, and the date of accepting a new stone worker for planting. It is also important to put down the date of folding on the document. On the same day, there is a three-day term for submitting documentation to the FNP service.

  • Consideration of the decision of a single participant of the TOV about the completion of the re-appointment of the general director and the appointment of the new director

may be low authority in the procedure of calling an ordinary spy. The reason is that such a spіvrobіtnik is the main guiding body of the company, which can continue its activity. About the specifics of this procedure, we can tell you about it in our article.

How to call the director of the TOV for the vlasniy bazhannyam

The procedure for calling the director of the TOV for the upper house includes a few steps:

Dotrimannya could legislate on the skin stage of the building to protect the organization against possible claims from the side of the colossal worker and labor inspection, as well as to secure it away from the full functioning.

We make an application for the release of the General Director

Application for the appointment of a successor as a director- A document, which confirms the will of the practitioner, which bazhaє drink from the plant. Fold yoga 1 month before the date of departure from work (Article 280 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The writing of the application is not obov'azkovym stage. Sufficient proof of the will of the general director is the notification, transferred to the founders of the company.

Legislation does not establish clear rules to the document. Yakshto for folded virishen speed up be-yakim expressly declare to the letter of the general director of TOV, following the memory, that the document is guilty of omitting the data of the practitioner and the robot, the date of the possible confirmation, the date of the document's folding and the signature of the applicant. It is necessary for anyone to remember that the company’s robotic supplier is the main choice of the company’s participants.

Submit an application for call of the director for the upper house you can especially, or for help, send a servant, or a courier service. For whatever reason, the date of notification is the day the document is taken away by the robot provider. Golovna, fix the fact of the withdrawal by the addressee, for example, take note of the delivery of the sheet.

Notice from the General Director about the call

After making a decision about the call, the director should indicate the date of the next meeting of the participants in the company and send them information about the frequency of the meeting. Rules for changing the list in Art. 36 of the law "On partnerships with a limited supply" dated 08.02.1998 No. 14-FZ:

  1. Notification may be sent less than a month before the upcoming gathering.
  2. It is necessary to inform the skin participant of TOV individually.
  3. The notice may be provided with a recommendation sheet or, in another way, by transferring the company's statute.
  4. We will inform you about the hour and the month of the gathering, as well as the change of meals, which are planned before the discussion.

We can say that the best option is to direct the application to call for the office of the general director of TOV to the participants of the organization at once from the information about the selection of participants later in the year.

The order of the weather is called by the founders of the organization

At the gatherings, the founders discuss that they say something about the possible future of the firm's ceremonial worker. Oskilki st. 37 of the Basic Law, the powers hinder the primus practice, the participants of the TOV do not have the right to move the organization's manager to the pre-stroke branch for renewal.

Do you not know your rights?

Vіdmova to take part in the selections and the feats of the handed over are not the main reasons for the continuation of the labor activity of the general director in the face of his work. In times of such behavior, a robotic worker of an organization can go to court. The application was called, handed over to the robot, and to the sufficient confirmation of the director's request to leave the settlement. As a practical example, one can bring an appeal to the Perm Regional Court, dated 05.08.2013 No. 33-7154.

At the process of the aftermath of the collections, the sponsors will meet the date of the future call of the general director for the vlasny bazhanny, and you can also talk to him about more trivaly terminology, which is necessary for the search for a new candidate for the field of ceramics. If you please a roboticist and a practitioner is not at hand, the rest may have the right to call without the help of the patrons. Golovne with tsyomu - dotrimatisya procedures, as that vymagaє legislature.

Order about the release of the general director behind the vlasny bajannyam, an order to the order

Looks like that signing the order about the svіlnennya kerіvnik organіzаtsії can be done independently after the elections. New people say:

  • company name and її requisites;
  • information about the named person;
  • reasons for the fluctuation;
  • date of release of the general director from plant.

Vykoristovuetsya at your own, call, unified document form No. T-8, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation “On the approval of unified forms of documents ...” dated 05.01.2004 No. 1. document form. The current statement of order about the organization’s letter of construction can be found on our website.

Making an entry in the work book that rozrahunok іz gene. director

A record with a labor clerk of an organization can be made on its own or entrusted to the support of a particular organization. Also, I have the right to verify with my signature and the seal of the organization (for the obviousness of such). Golovnya, dotrimuvatisya at his own hand, instructions from the completion of work books, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated 10.10.2003 No. 69:

  1. Fill in all the graphs of the document.
  2. Vykoristovuvaty pіd h zapovnennya arabic numerals.
  3. Do not let the records be corrected quickly.
  4. Competently formulate the reason for the change.
  5. Add the entitlement to the legislative norm, as it has become a base for attaching labor permits.
  6. State the details of the order about the opening of the contract between the caller and the robot seller.

At call of the general director for the upper house wine can be invested in payment and compensation, deposits according to the law: salary for an hour of work, compensation for a non-vicariate permit, then. In addition, the large general director is handing over the information to the new clerk of the organization. In times of timchasovy vіdsutnostі offender ex-kerіvnik can:

  • to continue the independent collection of seals and documents of the organization;
  • entrust the conservation of a special archival organization;
  • hand over the documents and other documents to the notary.

The right to collect documents is given to notaries by art. 97 "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries" dated 11.02.1993 No. 4462-1. When transferring, it is necessary to remember that the documents are accepted and are saved in the name of the organization. Tse give the right to the new clerk of the company at any hour to pick up the documents and other.

Chi transferring the order of calling the general director of the organization for the authority to support the tax service?

Vіdpovіd tse pitanya mіstjat podp. "l" p. 1 and p. 5 of Art. 5 of the law “On the state registration of legal entities and individual enterprises” of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ, yakі vymagayut transfer to the tax authority information about the name of the director of the legal entity (including for the authorities) and For which it is necessary to submit an application before the tax inspection, I will put it behind the form P14001, first singing it at the notary. The application submits new appointments of the firm's certifier for a period of 3 days from the day of admission to the landing, after which the tax authority enters information about the new certifier of the EDRYUL.

Persons, zvіlnenіy z plant the general director, it is necessary to reconsider in what is given s vіdalіnі s EDRYuL. Nesumlіnniy pіdhіd іt thіѕ food саn bе wаdat inaccuracies іn thе future: problems іn pracevshtuvannі kerіvnіkіnіnі іnsuі organіzіyu, nebezpeka materialії vіdpovіdalnosti borgі company ії її її bankruption just. As a new company signature, the application may have been signed or submitted by a larger general director.

Peculiarities of the procedure for calling the general director - a pensioner behind the vlasniy bazhanny

The process of enrollment for an individual’s power, which is the reach of a pensioner, has one particularity: such a spy may have the right not to adopt a term that is passed by legislation (part 3 of article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this rank, the organization’s leader, who is an old-age pensioner, does not goiter vitrimuvat the term of exile.

However, it is still necessary to complete the formal procedure of the call (to call on the principals, to click on the date of the selection of the participants in the company and to make a decision about the call to the retired clerk) is still necessary. At the entry in the work book, it is necessary to indicate that the reason for the employment was the retirement.

The procedure for calling for the authority of the general director - the sole founder of the company

At the same time, if the clerk is the only organizer of the company and її the master, the procedure call of the general director for the upper house obviously ask. Vіdpovіdno up to part 2 of Art. 273 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the norms for regulating the practice of such a practitioner are not expanding.

In this situation, the organizer of the organization can, at any hour, independently write a statement that praises the decision about his own initiative. That the triviality of the process is quickly running out, that there is no need to remind yourself about the upcoming call, wait for 1 month and organize the gathering of participants. Instructed to make a decision about the decision about the release of a single principal can recognize the head of the firm.

Vidpovidalnist of the General Director after the call

The work of the ker_vnik is tied from the acceptance of folding solutions. Vіdpovіdalnіst for ії ї ії аnd decision — аѕ material, і і і criminal — іїї ії ії ії ії coming іn nоvіt navit іn razі zvіlnennya z planta.

So, the material strength of the stonework is blamed on such situations:

  • when spending the lane;
  • ushkodzhennya vlastnosti organizatsii;
  • non-performing business vitrati;
  • not allowed by the firm to blame the ker_vnik.

As a rule, the quality of the environment is revealed after the revision of the company. The robot supplier of the organization’s authorized stoneworker can file a summons before the court with the help of blowing the beat, subjugating the director general. At the times of satisfaction, the callers could be pulled together, but they could be directed to the mine of a large practitioner.

Substituting for attraction to criminal conviction, the opposites of law enforcement officers can stand for such minds:

  1. Yoga diyah (lack of idleness) has a warehouse of evil.
  2. The guilt of the kerіvnik is documented.
  3. The term of prescription has not passed.

At the end, it was lost to say that the optimal solutions would be peaceful negotiations and mutual support of housekeeping between the clerk of the enterprise and the co-founders, to the fact that they allow the stink of the court to look at that shvidko call the general director for the house.

Kerіvnik TOV is a single-axis vikonavchy body, which manages the day-to-day activities of the partnership. The posad of a kerivnik can be called in a different way, but the most common name is “general director” or simply “director”. The director of the company in the name of the organization without a power of attorney, prote maє povnoї freedom, tk. p_dzvіtny to the founders of the partnership.

On the one hand, the director is a robot supplier for the practitioners of his organizations, on the other hand, we hire a practitioner, in view of the absence of work, which is rich in what the economic success of the company lies in, which he hired. Particularities of labor vodnosin іz kerіvnik regulate special division 43 of the Labor Code.

Can you call the director? Hto upovnovazheny on tse? How to carry out the director's dismissal procedure? Let's get smart.

Submit the name of the director

Pererahuyemo submit the director's letter. Acts of them will be the same as in the case of zvіlnіnі іnshih pracіvnіkіv, but іsnuє y low special norms shоdo kerіvnik, yaki spelled out in other articles of the Labor Code.

The Vlasniks of the organization require mothers to be vacated, that the citation for article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation may have the right to sue in court the citation is also illegal. It is the responsibility of the chief executive to bring it to light that the health of the workers, or the problems for the organization’s lane, were set by the very unrealistic actions of the director’s lack of action.

Vіdminnіst poddatkovyh pіdstav zvіlnennya vіd zvіlnennya statte 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation at tsomu, scho di director neobov'yazkovo lead to shkodi lane organization chi podіyannya shkodi zdorov'ya pratsіvnikіv. But, in fact, plant the impossibility of a stone worker, so the participants of the TOV have the right to tell here, be it as if they should not directly supersede the law.

So, the director’s letter to the director for the decisions of the participants in all the courts and instances of the culpability of the decision of the Plenum of the Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation on 02.06.15 No. 21 was asked by the decision of the Plenum of the Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation on 02.06.15 No. With whom, it is not important whether the director agrees to a term or a stringless one. You can call the director without explanation of the reasons, if you please.

The Plenum of the Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation, stating at paragraph 32 Decree of March 17, 2004, No. 2, that under the replacement of the head of the organization’s lane, it is necessary to have intelligence, zocrema, transfer of power rights during the privatization of the sovereign or municipal lane, and not the change of participants. So is not the change of the hairdresser and the change of yoga of order (pridvіdomchost). In such a rank, the director of the commercial enterprise, on behalf of the great rank, must know about such a norm, so that pardon the change of the sergeant’s wife as the reason for the termination of the employment contract.

  1. Behind the vlasnym towers of the kerivnik. The director’s call for authority is regulated by article 280 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. On the vіdmіnu vіd vіdmіnі prаtsіvnik, file an application for zvіlnennya kerіvnik is guilty no later than a month before the opening of the labor contract. Can you call the director earlier? Although Chapter 43 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not directly convey such a possibility, court practice confirms that here it is possible to impose the legal norms of Article 80 of the Labor Code. Also, as between the parties, there is a homeownership, the term of the director’s call for a TOV for the authorities may be abbreviated.
  2. At the link with the termination of the term of the employment contract. The lines of the director's renewal are indicated at the statute and decisions about his recognition. After the termination of the term dії of the employment contract, it is important to attach it. Not less than three days before the end of the term, the participants are obliged to inform the director in writing about this fact (Article 79 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). As a work of a clerk of the vlashtov vlasnikov, then with him there may be new terms of agreement.
  3. According to the sides. According to article 78 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a labor agreement may be terminated for the benefit of the parties. This option is also called "soft zvіlnennyam", if the organization's lawyers do not want to continue their work with the director, but if they do, they can get away with him from good stosunkah. It is impossible not to know that the clerk and after the call can save business contacts with partners and competitors of the organization, mother access to commercial secrets and compromising information. Rozmir vdstupnyh chi "golden parachute" for the loyalty of a large director can reach the sum of the sum of the salary of chi kіlkoh millionion rubles.
  4. Z іnіtіativi uchasnik_v partnerships on p_dstav Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The process of in-line management of the company can have situations, if the director accepts a non-priming decision or takes his own planting shoes. If you have caused harm to the health of the practitioners, or caused harm to the organization’s mine, then the clerk can be issued in accordance with Article 81 of the Labor Code (paragraphs 9 and 10). Thus, the world of disciplinary contraction, that її іnіtsiators є participants of TOV.
  5. For additional support, transfer of an employment contract. Paragraph 3 of Article 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not give any indication of what these supplements can be. Vodnochas for ker_vniki in state-owned organizations, so it is directly assigned to the leading normative acts. It is possible not to set up economic indicators; Vіdmova vikonuvaty decision vlasnik organіzatsii; laying down the grounds from the broken provisions of the statute. For private organizations, you may think similar.
  6. From the initiatives of the participants in the organization, but without a specified reason. A specific feature of the termination of the employment contract with the director is the yoke for the decision of the participants of the TOV without explanation. Although article 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not directly indicate that it is possible to name a director in such a way, but also to establish sub-legislative acts, to confirm such a possibility.
  7. For the change of the Vlasnik the lane of the organization. If the clerk is changed in the organization, he may have the right to open labor contracts with the clerk, his intercessors and the head accountant (Article 75 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). On the other hand, the change of the sergeant’s head will change the warehouse of the participants of the TOV, but it’s not fair. Vlasnik of the lane, created with additional contributions from the founders of the TOV, and to inspire the vibrated chi that was given to the process of activity, it is the very service, but not the chie of the participants (Article 66 of the DC of the Russian Federation).
  8. Usunennya planted a banker's banker. According to Article 69 of the Law “On Bankruptcy” No. 127-FZ, the banker of the organization-borzhnik is used from planting, and the banker of the company’s activity is transferred to the office of the company.
  9. Call of the director at the hour of the liquidation of the organization. About the liquidation of the partnership, the director is guilty of but letters of notification no later than two months in advance. The replacement of a director is attached after the recognition of the liquidator, moreover, the obligations of the liquidator can be removed by the big director himself, even if it is within the framework of a civil law contract.

How to call the director - the founder? Since the principal laid down the labor agreement, then there are no special features of the procedure of this contract. After the hired director of the wines is left at the warehouse of the participants. In times, if the director is the only principal, he will have to sign an order about the name of the director of the two - in the name of the director and in the name of the principal. It is necessary to say that Rostrud and the Ministry of Finance do not allow the principles to be laid, but judges often take the opposite position.

Transfer of certificates pіd hvіlnennya director

Kerіvnik vіdpovіdaє for saving lane and documents, sо dіyalnіstyu organization. When asked, the director is guilty of building the right, which in practice means transferring the director’s obligatory notes under the act of a new ceremonial officer or vice versa:

  • establishment and registration documents of TOV;
  • protocols of wild gatherings and decisions of participants;
  • accounting and banking documents;
  • documents confirming the right of authority of the organization to indestructibility, transport and even more;
  • personnel documents;
  • licenses, the weather permits, issued for a grant;
  • agreements with contractors and other important documents;
  • other stamps of the organization, keys to the safe.

Although the transfer procedure stipulated by the law has not been established, the alekrivnik carried the same material validity up to article 277 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Vihodyachi z tsgogo, before calling the varto, to carry out an inventory of the organization’s lane.

Such a transfer of rights in the interests of a large director, because vidpovіdalnіst zapodіyanі organіzаtsії clashes can present and after the call. If the director is responsible for the transfer of the certificates for the act, then the authority of the organization can create a commission, so that the description of the rights and the lane is confirmed by the fact of the director’s notice of the signature. Dali, as if the directors were right, they were in charge of the shkodi organization, the power of the constriction of the beats was sued by the court.

Compensation to the director for the hour of the call

The law discusses only two special situations, if the authorities of the organization goiter pay compensation to the directors in case of:

  • change of the Vlasnik of the lane of the organization;
  • call of the director for the decisions of his successors without explanation of the reasons (clause 2 of Article 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In both cases, the amount of compensation cannot be less than three months' salary. If the director was released through the liquidation of the TOV, then, as and other practitioners, they may have the right to receive compensation for Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (one month's salary, as well as a lot of earnings for the period of employment, but not more than two months).

The payment of a penny compensation in case of debt due to the parties, although it may be in practice, but not obov'yazkovoy. There is no obov'yazku to pay compensation to the director for his call to the authorities, however, the labor agreement can still be transferred to the other side for help.

In times, if the director was called for under article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, there is no way to compensate, but, for the most part, there may be presentations of poses about blowing shkodi.

As far as compensation for the expansion of the director, it is less than the cores of the state and municipal organizations, and it is quiet, in some parts of the state power over 50%. For the directors of such organizations, the amount of compensation cannot exceed three monthly salaries.

The procedure for appointing a director

Otzzhe, yakі dії treba zrobiti, yakshko became zozumіl, scho zvіlnennya director s whether-yakої z looked more likely imminently?

  1. Prepare the minutes of the open gatherings of participants or the decision of a single participant on how to open an employment contract with the director. The document needs to indicate why the director's letter is required. As a reminder, it is possible to appoint a statement from the director about the release of the house; to please the parties; decision of the participants on the termination of the employment contract with the director; An additional note about the swindle by the director for article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Looks like an order about attaching an employment contract and register it with a magazine.
  3. Take a look at the certifier and ask the organization for the act.
  4. Reimbursement of payment of the remaining salary, compensation for non-victorian leave, temporary assistance, and other exchanged payments on the basis of a note-rozakhunka.
  5. Make a note about the call up to the special card of the director according to the form No. T-2. Іz a record at the card of a kerіvnik, you need to know the signature.
  6. Make an entry in the work book about the release and see it in the hands of the director.
  7. Let the bank know about the director's appointment.
  8. After three working days from the moment of transferring the director again to the new clerk, tell your INFS about changing the registration statements for the form 14001.

The order of calling the general director for the decisions of the principal is changed in the light of employment permits, as with other hired workers, and with the landowner’s chief, and in another way. Some special features and rules have been established by law and obov'yazkovі for dotrimannya all robotic sellers independently in the field of zbіgu or rozbіzhnostі kerіvnoї zadі z zasnovnitskiy warehouse.

Suggest ways to call

The key role in the vedennі pіdpriєmnitskoї diyalnostі juridical person vіdvedenі іїї її її zasnovnik. You have the most important functions and may have special rights:

  • control of financial appearance and publicity;
  • otrimu surplus;
  • you can leave the main warehouse;
  • on the court of ordering its private property from the capital of the enterprise;
  • accept up to full-time number and number of staff, including more kerіvnitstvo.

Call the clerk of the undertaking of the principal may have the right to different representations:

  1. As a result of this, the leader of the company is mine or financial squabbles.
  2. For the disclosure of information about the company, which is a commercial secret.
  3. When transferred to another company on the minds of confusion.
  4. Yakshto Vіn rudely destroying their labor obov'yazki.
  5. What is the cost of bankrupting firms.
  6. How are the rulers of the undertaking changing.

An increase in the company's stonework is also possible through the completion of a contract for good work.

If a labor agreement is drawn up for an independent view of the director of the TOV, the circumstances and yogo are guilty, you are compensated for the average monthly wage at a three-time rate. Giving money away (Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Most often, the founder is the chief executive body of the company and you can call yourself. In this case, the call can be made in two ways:

  1. Rozіrvati agreement with the power of initiative.
  2. Praise the decision of the establishing body, referring to paragraph 2 of Art. 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The first variant of the transfer of a written application, having seen the official order, and making a record of the assigned statute before the work book, for which the labor interdependence was attached. For the order of the order of the general director of TOV, that statement can be used as a practical example on specialized sites to improve the individual situation in the enterprise. Such a way is the most important, but if there is another option, that transferring the contract to the initiative of the robot, the necessary compensation payment.

Vіdpovіdno up to paragraph 2 of Art. 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employment relationship with the chief clerk can be zdijsnnya without any reason for the decisions taken by a special body of the company or її vlasnik (representative). Such an employment contract does not lie before the entry of legal evidence and may be accompanied by a promotional compensation payment. Її rozmіr is established by the parties in the main contract, and the disputed situation - by the court (lauded by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 3-P vіd 2005).

The appeal of the general director for the decision of the principal without a specified reason for the termination of the contract of goiter and labor until payment of compensation to him is not less than, at least once the work is done through the change of the firm’s manager (Article 181 of the Labor Code).

In this rank, in the main process, the release of the director of the TOV is not particularly affected by the release from the settlements of ordinary soldiers. However, the new one has some nuances.

Features of the sound

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for the presence of the firm, a number of sponsors, the opening of an employment contract with the general director is carried out at the conclusion of all major meetings. It is also allowed to be carried out for the sake of directories. Prote such a possibility may be registered in the statute of entrepreneurship.

In the sovereign and municipal organizations, the right to sing a higher kerivnik may be theirs. Ale holding wild gatherings is important in such situations. Vono є obov'yazkovoy umovoy attached labor vіdnosin іz vyshchim kerіvnitstvom. And if not, then the call may be found out by an illegal court.


For the presence of a company of a single founder, the procedure for calling the general director includes the following steps:

  1. Praise for the decision and the folding of the act on the opening of the labor contract by the board of directors or by a similar structure.
  2. Registration of orders for withdrawals from the folded act due to the designated reasons for attaching labor permits.
  3. Knowing the kerіvnik, what is called, with the order.
  4. I got the rozrahunka and the clerk of the work book on the rest of the working day.
  5. At a three-day term, the general director of the IFTS informed about the submission of an application for a change of data in the EDRYL.
  6. Informing the credit and financial organization that serves the company.

A few days before the opening of the contract with the general director, it is necessary to transfer the acceptance-transfer of rights. The order of її zdіysnennya, as a rule, is written in the statute of the company.

For the general director, anonymous documentation is issued for the completion of special upgrades. For example, power of attorney for the implementation of the same functions, ECP - for banking operations and other. When planted, all trusted values ​​of the wines can be transferred to the new ceramic work of another competent person.

The transfer of the mine and documents is based on the inventory (clause 22 of the Methodological Instructions of the Ministry of Finance, approved by order No. 119n of 2001). Documentation procedures can be sealed with a special act.

At the time of the letter of the firm’s clerk, for the decisions of the founder of youmu, weep:

  • three times the average salary;
  • compensation for missing hour of admission.

The data should be paid, as if the letter of the organization’s ceremonial officer was not blamed.

For the office of the general director, which is called, on the work on the rest of the day, the stench is charged for the next written application of the next day after the next day. In times of impossibility of removing the documentation by the director, it is especially necessary to follow the notification to the same address, in which case the need for their removal is shown. It is necessary to fill in the recommended sheet with a description of the contribution. So, it will be confirmed by the firm that the firm has taken care of its goiter and will not cause problems due to the re-examination of the labor inspection.

Dodatkovo the general director pіd hvіlnennya need to fill in the bypass sheet. However, if you don’t kill a wine, document all the same, but you can see it.

Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the director’s call for the decision of the successor to impose for the damage caused by him, the fence was set for an hour:

  • yoga ailment;
  • rebuvannya yogo at vіdpustsi.

Vinyatkova about the situation with the liquidation of the company, if the general director needs to be informed about the call 60 days before the commencement of business activity.


In any case, the fact of pripinennya labor certificates of robots with a great planting company may have grounds on the decision, as if praising that signing the establishing body. According to this document, the personnel service draws up a letter and robs the relevant records from the work book. In order to get informed about the power of initiative, the head of the company may file an application for attaching an employment contract on behalf of the principal.

It is important to note that the petitioner is the one who signs the order about the call of the general director. The document is compiled by the staff on the basis of the decision on the protocol for the call. Signing it is the kerivnik himself, who knows from the legislature of the goiter and swears to himself.

For the execution of the order about the director's call, a clear eye, which reflects the structure of that charge. The State Statistics Committee in 2004 unified the form of the document - the T-8 form, which is being fixed today. In the new may, but the obov'yazkovo was approved under the signing of the contract, the date of execution and the signing of the signature itself.

In this rank, most of the posadov's person of the firm can be called from different backgrounds. At the time of labor interdependence without explaining the reasons (for Art. 278 of the Labor Code), it is necessary to pay additional compensation to you. Zvіlnennya zdіysnyuєtsya by the order of the kerіvnik, who signed it to himself.

How to get a successor and plant a director?

Vіdpovіdno to the provisions of Articles 33, 40 of the law "On partnerships ..." in 08.02.1998 No. 14-ФЗ was recognized for landing and the head of the TOV is rebuying the competence of the selection of participants in firms. You may be a third-party person as well as one of your participants. Employment agreement with the managing company in the name of the signing participant, the head of the collection, which at times represents the robot seller.

The legal status of the director of the company, by virtue of Article 274 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is determined by the normative acts of the labor contract - also, if the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are to be established, as well as a hundred years to come. However, it is important to protect the particularities, listed in Chapter 43 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Bring for sound

Zagalny perelіk pіdstav for zvіlnennya director of TOV was repaid under article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, the initiatives of the director himself (Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), robots (Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or please the parties (Article 78 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) at the discretion of the director of the company can be put on special:

  • completion of the term of the agreement, oskіlki with the director, according to article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it can be laid as a stringless, and term agreement;
  • acceptance by the participants of TOV of a decision on the release of the director from the article 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It is important to substantiate, that the letter on the basis, to the article 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, may be unmotivated. Moreover, as indicated in paragraph 9 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation “On deeds ...” dated 02.06.2015 No. 21, in this case, it’s not the world’s legal validity - obviously, for the price of the plenum, you can be attached as a term without govіrіnovy. The prote company may pay compensation to the director for a lesser than average salary for 3 months, apparently up to Article 279 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, praising such a decision, all participants may vote unanimously. If a participant, as a director, votes against such a decision, the procedure for accepting it is guilty of completely complying with the statute of the TOV and the norms of the Federal Law No. 14. the judges are no less powerful, but the very decision of the grand gatherings of participants, which the director, who does not belong to the participants in the company, cannot do.

Calling procedure

The procedure for calling the director for the transfer of stages:

  1. Adopt a decision about the appointment of the director’s renewal by the participants of the partnership, so that it can be carried out independently in the presence of a letter, but only in such a rank can the director’s letter be issued (Article 33 of the Federal Law No. 14). The need to accept such a decision was also shown in the list of Rostrud in 11.03.2009 No. 1143-TZ. In addition, the decision may have exactly determined the remaining day of the director’s work, the order of that line of transfer is right for the new clerk.
  2. Seen the order about the sound. If you sign under such an order, you can put either the director himself, or another affirmation on the spivrobitnik (the report on the nutrition is rozcrito at the official statute). According to the order of the zvіlneniy, statti 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, may be updated under the signature.
  3. Making an entry about the employment record attached to the contract, valid up to article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Sheet of Rostrud No. 1143-TZ establishes the exact situation that the worker is covered by Article 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then the completion of the work book is reinforced by a special person (you can be a personnel practitioner, as a person, as laid down by the director of the employment contract). As far as I’m concerned, then in this situation, the solution of the participants of the TOV is presented, issued for the subbags of their wild gatherings.
  4. Zdіysnennya rozrahunka and the clerk of the work book on the rest day of the work of the director.

Who should be reminded about the director's call?

Vіdpovіdno up to paragraph 2 of Article 40 of the Federal Law No. 14, the director has the right to sign that filing of the organization without presenting a power of attorney. At zv'yazku z tsim about yogo zmіnu slіd povіdomiti, zgіdno zі statte 5 to the law "On the sovereign ..." in 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ, tax inspection (for making changes to EDRYuL). The term of filing for renewal is 3 days from the date of recognition of the new director. The application itself for making corrections is submitted for the form No. P14001 (approved by the order of the FNR of the Russian Federation “On confirmation ...” dated 25.01.2012 No. MMB-7-6 / [email protected]).

Crime tax inspection about the change of the director is necessary to inform the banks, as they serve the organization's offices, as well as contractors, as it is necessary for vikonannya chinnyh favors or signing new ones.

The appointment of the director - the founder of TOV behind the vlasniy bazhannyam and at the liquidation of the company

At the entrance of the director from his post behind the vladnym bazhanni, there was a memory from the one who needed to remind the other participants in the distance. Vіdpovidno to article 280 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to send a letter a month before the transfer date of the call. In addition, at the list of Rostrud No. 1143-TZ, it is indicated that in advance about the letter to the director of the next participant, who, in the name of the partnership, was signed by the labor contract with him.

Do you not know your rights?

Prote month term, as to comply with article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, may be shortened due to the agreement of the parties to the employment contract. Obviously, the question about the call until the end of this term is again important to change the total choice of the participants in the company.

Call for liquidation hour

At the time of liquidation of the TOV about the future call, it is necessary to inform the director, as well as all other spivrobitniks, 2 months before the appointment, possibly before statute 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Notifications are made in writing.

It is also important to remember that in case of an increase in the duties of the TOV director, according to article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, compensation should be due to the increase in the monthly salary (extra assistance). It is also taken after him for a period of 2 months after the increase in the average income until the moment of graduation (withdrawal of additional assistance is included in the sum of the average income for the application period).

Anniversary of the Bankruptcy Hour

One more substantiation for attaching an employment contract with a director, according to Article 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, one more time to be imprisoned in case of bankruptcy of a business. According to article 126 of the law “On impossibility…” dated 26.10.2002 No. 127-FZ, the director’s reinstatement is sometimes attributed to the decisions of the arbitration court due to his guilt. When you tell the director about the call, it’s not necessary, you don’t pay extra help, the shards go about the call from the plant. If the court accepts such a decision, the director must, within 3 days, transfer all the documentation, seal and material values ​​of the organization to the competitive ceremonial.

Letter of the General Director - the sole founder of the partnership

With the consent of the General Director - the sole founder of the TOV, there is a need to remember that the provisions of Chapter 43 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to Article 273, should not zastosovuyutsya. What do you think about the regulation of labor legislation?

Depending on the position of Rostrud (sheet dated 06.03.2013 No. 177-6-1), according to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the shards of the employment contract of a single principal are superimposed on the sense of labor, the stink shards are transmitted bilaterally. This situation has one third party, which is why the employment contract cannot be laid down. Tse means that it is simply incorrect to talk about the name of the director - a single principal.

For his own sake, as the only successor can only leave the director’s quarters, you need to take a different decision, relying on the eligibility, giving you the article 39 of the Federal Law No. 14. do not expand.

The dismissal of the director - the sole founder of the TOV in the liquidation of bankruptcies is to be taken on the basis of a court decision, according to Article 126 of the Federal Law No. 127.

Later, virishyuyuchi, as a call to the director of the TOV, as a single principal, follow the memory, that the sound of yoga should be planted at the time it is necessary to swear at the high standards about the call, transfer of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, with whom it is important to pay attention to the low features associated with the special status of such a practitioner.

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