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There is still not much energy in the air, which seems to be. Chronic vtom. What work, how do you constantly waste energy? Why don't you have enough energy for everyday work? No energy for life

Your mother has always been tempted to take you down. Ale, it’s unlikely that there’s a small bagel in the oven, or a cupcake in the big house. Rich in swedish carbohydrates, the hedgehog is already savory, and the stench of scarlet shvidka, which light up shvidko. After a sprat of a year, you will already be empty.
Combinations of zucru and starch are no longer enough to boost the energy of our body’s energy to recycle glucose. Shvidki in carbohydrates are easily acquired from the duct-intestinal tract, so the tsukor in the blood is negligently moving and there is a significant amount of insulin in the blood. Insulin lowers the blood sugar level, converting it to fat. Sometimes it is necessary to produce before the fall the zukra below the norm and the level of carbohydrate starvation. If the rіven tsukr falls even more strongly, the svіdomіst can be clouded, the rich people have problems with the concentration of respect.
How to boost energy:
Start your day from cereals and proteins, it takes more than an hour to process them in glucose, and then you will need more energy.
For example, a plate of wheat or a couple of jams or smeared eggs with tomatoes and cibulei.

2. Visibility of physical ambition

Too tired for training? Chim BV didn't work out, don't miss the workout. Busy to give you a pond. Back in the olden days, philosophers and doctors vvazhali, that it is impossible to be healthy without doing physical education. The investigations show that regular physical exercises have the right to change the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis. It has been proven that people who are constantly actively engaged in physical rights, move Rozumova, mentally and emotionally stable while vikonanní napryazhenno rozumova chi physical activity.
You don't need to run marathon races. Dosledzhennya show that people who are engaged in rights with small adventures, for example, walking, are more aware of those who are more or less engaged in aerobics with tights.
How to boost energy:
Take care of the skin for a day, so you will have less than 10 quills. If you have a shortage of time, walk the road to the office of the bag. As it is possible, to do exercises, as soon as you get tired. Tse wake you up better for espresso.
Even if you already know that, after the offense, take a walk for 10-20 minutes. Navіt stand trohi pіd hour roboti zamіst sidіnnya at the computer coris for your m'yazіv and blood flow.

3. Bottomless cup of kawi

Drinking five cups of kawi a day? Caffeine doesn't just confuse you all night, it can also work with your hormones. Kava stimulates the production of adrenaline and cortisol, two hormones, which increase the vitality. But the effect doesn’t last long, so you always want to drink another cup for good vibes. The problem is that after the third cup of caffeine it stops working. Tse yak vychavlyuvati sponge.
People who drink rich kawi throughout the day can overstimulate adrenaline production, which as a result results in a deficiency that causes devastation.
How to boost energy:
To shorten the amount of kawi for a day is not obov'yazkovo povnistyu vіdmovlyatsya. 1-3 cups per day will give you tone. Studies show that in people with a frail age, kava improves brain functions. Until then, people who drink kava are less likely to have Alzheimer's disease and bewilderment.

4. Licorice snacks

4 pm, and you need to recharge. Chi will walk to the machine with chocolates? Wrong move.
Do you remember what was trapilosa for your snіdankom? Nasolodi so provokuyu shvidke energy boost, like a sharp change in the crisis. Those are the same with energy drinks, for example, Red Bull. Particularly energetically inspiring people from the overworld vaga. Smooth people are already producing a lot of insulin too much through zukor, which stench is too much.
The malt adds a portion of zukra to your body. Zreshtoyu, it can be brought to stability to insulin (if insulin is not conquered by clitins and accumulates in the blood), and tsya mind to blame diabetes.
Beware also of "healthy" juices, shards of stench are also often full of zukr. A bottle of juice can take 8-10 teaspoons of tsukru - like a bottle of Kolya.
What work:
Rather, choose a coarse-fibered zhu or a protein snack, for example, a turkey skewer, a piece of carrots, or a selery, ummm ....
A refreshing product from a low volume of zucru can be gassed with mineral water with a drop of juice.
Green soybean beans are miraculous soy protein, and even more beautiful for women, for those who stink against phytoestrogen, non-steroidal herbs, as in the body of a person can be no less than estrogen, but also anti-estrogen. For example, on the vіdmіnu vіd vіd pravzhnіh estrogenіv, the stench is not stimulating, but ignoring the growth of hormone-depleted puffs.
Peas, especially pistachios, almonds and hairy peas are another source of energy. The stench is full of protein, brown fats and antioxidants. Ale don’t cook them with zhmeny, because the stench is high-calorie. If you are on a diet, take no more than 300g per day.

5. You are suffering from magnesium deficiency

Hanging out at the office table? Drowsiness, confusion, tearfulness and mild weakness are symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is a key element that improves the functionality of the body, taking part in more than 300 biochemical reactions. Vіn pіdtremuє m'yazovu and nerve function, equal to the heartbeat, immunity and mіtsnіst kіstok.
Some medications, such as diuretics and antibiotics, can cause magnesium deficiency.
Yak booty:
Green leafy vegetables, for example, spinach, are the best for magnesium. Also, you can see ribeye, for example, halibut, in one 100g serving, which contains 90mg of magnesium. Peas, whole grain products, beans are also rich in magnesium.
Women need 310-320mg of magnesium per day, more pregnant (350-400mg) and breastfeeding (310-360mg). You can take supplements before you eat to get rid of magnesium. ale, consult a doctor first.

6. Regular menstruation

Falling out of the night at the hour of the month? You may have saline deficiency anemia, a syndrome that is characterized by impaired hemoglobin synthesis due to saline deficiency. Tsey mineral is good for hemoglobin metabolism, which is good for transferring sour to tissues. Women are the most sick to chronic deficiency anemia, through early and triple menstruation, uterine fibroids. In the second - this is one sign, in the middle - a short breath, confusion and weakness. To such a kind, vtomi kawi chi physical can not help. Tse nibi yakscho people saw a lack of sourness.
How to boost energy:
Women need 18 mg of intake per day, less - if you are more than 51 (8 mg).
Return to the doctor and give a blood test to the hallway. Do not take it yourself, because such food supplements can cause discord in the stool, constipation and other problems and poisoning.
Until then, it’s better to get used to food and eating, bagatі on zalizo, like this:
Meat products: yalovichina, liver, nirki, tongue,
Porridge and cereals: kvassola, sochevitsya, buckwheat, peas
Vegetables and greens: potatoes (young baked with skins), tomatoes, cibula, green vegetables, garmelon, beetroot, watercress, spinach, parsley.
Fruits: bananas, apples, pears, plums, persimmons, pomegranates, peaches, apricots (dried apricots),
Berries: blackberry, midnight / sunnitsa, blackcurrant and crane (you can buy frozen, also help; you can buy a crane in tsukrі).
Juices: carrot, beetroot, pomegranate, "Sik iz chervonih fruktiv"; specially razrobleniy for vagіtnih apple sіk іz moving vіstom hall.
Later: pea hairs, black/chervon caviar, seafood, egg yolk, black chocolate, dried mushrooms, dried fruits, hematogen.

7. Lack of sleep

Women need 7-9 years of night sleep. If you sleep less at night, try to sleep 10-20 times a day. Navit after a short day's sleep praceszdatnіst, then, and the productivity of work increases sharply.
Also, try to meditate 10-15 minutes to increase your energy, cleanse your spirit and refresh your body.

8. Stress

For the brain, there is no difference between the fear of zapіznitisya on the robot, or to opine in the teeth of a shable-toothed tiger. For whatever it is, the adrenaline reaction of “beating or beating” gives us a boost of energy for quickness or dії. But just as well, you don’t really live in the majestic hungry intestine, hormones circulate generously in the blood in elevated concentrations, not letting the nervous system or internal organs calm down. You can also take care of your body and overcome such problems, such as low energy, chronic pain, poisoning problems, heart disease and diabetes.
How to fight iz tsim:
It’s one thing to fight against stress, which women can beat the hell out of: dihannya.
- For the help of a calm one, that deep breath can be saved by emotional swings.
- I'll help you calm down and relax.
- What is more and more loudly, calmer and more rhythmic
our dihannya, which is more familiar to us to the same way of breathing, then we will become the warehouse of our life.

Is it easier? Just laugh! Tse rozslablyuє m'yazi disguise that znіmaє napruga, dopomogayuchi increase the level of your energy.

And how do you cope with yourself? Do you know other ways? Share with us!

Until the end of the day, you feel broken, “swallowed like a lemon”, which means that you have spent all your life strength and pretended to be an energetic “bankrupt”.

At such a time, a night's sleep does not bring relief, you forcibly throw lies and, through force, you hesitate to proceed to good shoes.

Do you want to wake up with that lack of energy? Do you want to renew your strength for the joy of making a new day?

Then you should look at your sounds! Really, it’s even more simple:

1. Accustom yourself to get up at once from the sun

Successful people post early. Not in order to gain more knowledge. And to the extent that I allow you to spy on nature, make yourself feel better, and follow the more practical ideas.

2. Learn to roll correctly

The first 12 hvilin after awakening is the basis of the day. In addition, YAK you will spend the whole hour, lie down, like mine your day.

Instead, to sort out what you didn’t catch up with yesterday, or if you plan for today, stick to the practice of podyaky. Thanks for everything that is in your life. Get up as soon as possible.

How to work in that mood, if the mood is at zero, and you are thrown in an unreasonable trivozi and even more tired, lower before going to bed?

3. Drink a bottle of water at room temperature, like only got up from a bed

After 6-8 years of sleep, your body suffers from the sun. Water is a natural conductor of energy in the human body.

One vial of water invigorates the circulation of energy, as well as sprays the process of etching and removing toxins.

4. Repair your wound with a short meditation

After that, as you drank a glass of water and saw the "ladies' room", take a position and relax.

Watch out for your breath, heartbeaters. Grab a spear of those deep in the breath-seeing in the heart, reminiscent of the energy from the extra space. 5-7 minutes of short meditation will be enough to clear your mind from anxiety and trouble.

Under the hour of meditation, the brain changes the frequency of electrical impulses - from the constant fluctuating betta wind to the glibshi and calm alpha wind. The stench screams at the people's camp of peace and relaxation.

5. Take a contrast shower, before doing a massage with aromatic oil

Massage is the best benefit for improving blood circulation, strengthening the immune system and calming the mind. Use aromatic oil to help soothe your skin. Well, a contrast shower from the wound will help you get into active mode.

6. To develop energy gymnastics

For those who are not a fan of ranking gymnastics and yoga, this is a simple tool that will help you with energy and strength. Tse - energy gymnastics.

It is carried out in a standing position and is formed from a series of deep breaths, for the help of which you direct the flows of energy from the heart uphill through the dome and from the heart down through the feet.

Similar practice takes 3-5 minutes, and charges energy for a full day!

7. Get in on the positive vibes

Negative thoughts and emotions give you energy. What's more, the stench attracts you to inacceptability and pereskodi.

First, let the robot do it, or do it every day, get positive. Guess the acceptance of your life, blame that satisfaction at the sight of joy, cheer for those who bring you the day of the future and open up to new opportunities.

Lut 20

Today, the main problem of the hour is the marriage of energy, activity. Line, depression and apathy more and more and more and more merciless strikes on peaceful citizens. Without a doubt, someone from you would like to burn up, to start a business, to get high at the car'er. There is a lot of hotelok, but there is simply no strength to realize everything. Zvіdki vzgalі take on the problem and smut, as її you can virishiti.

Astrology, as always, appears here as our enchanting wand. For the energy of that activity in astrology, the planet Mars is fighting. Yogo position in the map shows how and the stars of people draw energy. The sense is simple, if we go here with a card, then we will always have a lot of energy. Yakshto vrozrіz little. Because you see the apathy of those nights, this is the first serious signal about those who are working in a wrong way. Do not direct your energy and as a result you will take waste. Yakbi organism strained - ty robish shchos not the same.

In this article, I will look at the basic principles of Mars. In our skin, Mars is in my booth. I guess what at home in astrology will show the different spheres of our life. Otzhe, pochnemo analysis of benefits.

Mars at I-mu Budinka

Sound, in this situation, especially do not blame problems due to lack of energy. Navіt navpak, the whole person to plow with strength, but often they simply don’t know where to zasosuvat themselves. Tse vіdminne camp for sports. Actively get involved in all processes, show more leadership qualities and onslaught. Zhorstko state your interests. If you actively maintain your position, then Mars will “get angry” and give you strength. But it’s just a call to the Martian ailments - stove, gastritis, shelter.

Mars at II Budinka

Here the topic of finance and resources will be relevant. At this Budinka, Mars is turned on as a form of pennies, you literally need to invest your energy in your resources, mineo. Set the material goals and the result will not get in the way. Krim that this Budinok vouches for self-esteem, the more you value, the more you will have strength and energy. Otherwise, Mars will give you great and sharp windows and windows.

Mars near III Budinka

Tsey budinok vіdpovіdaє for trips, communications, information. For people who have Mars to change from this Budinka, they need to be vivacious, to change from information flows, to splurge. Yakomoga collapse more often, move around and do not bother to sit at home for a long time. In a different mood, Mars will create evil tiles that are sensitive to you, as if to bother you to react.

To activate your Mars, you need that quiet home environment. Such people feel good and energetic themselves in sharpened pillows and fragrant tea. Regularly upgrade your noise at the sight of repairs or changing the interior. And if not, then Mars can call you intolerance to the booth in front of you, even worse.

Mars at V-mu Budinka

Tse budinok are pleased with that rozvag. Therefore, in order to better charge your Mars, you should, at least often, go to recovery, and the recovery itself is active. Tsey Dim also stands for creativity, and with the strength of your strength, you can be the most creative occupation. Think about what you would like to do for a long time, but everything didn’t last for an hour? I come, take care of this and the energy will promptly remind you. In a different mood, Mars will give a strong tense and apathy, if everything is good, but not much.

Mars at VI Budinka

Tse duzhe tsіkave camp. For such a Mars, it is important to work independently, it is important to show initiative. Sound, such people will always need a stusan at the sight of the place at the sight of unperturbed furnishings, as if they simply want to be stunned. Therefore, think of yourself in such a way, in which you simply cannot not work. Mars at this Budinka is especially good to fire, if there is a goiter.

This setting stimulates you to active communication, communication, acquaintances. To that you see that, molt and lack of energy, then go out into the street and start arguing. Go with a friend and drink a filigree cavi. Otherwise, Mars will create conflicts and hostile differences between people.

The whole camp calls out to the people to rizikuvati, once again play with your adrenaline. Engage in an unsafe sport, take risks, try yourself for the minuscule. In a calm and equal situation, it’s easy to fall asleep and create crises and even worse situations, like a great vitrati force.

Mars at IX-mu Budinka

Here Mars is activated on more expensive, distant trips. So tsey Dim vіdpovіdaє for vvchennya chogos, expanding his svetoglyad, spirituality. Sign up for a course, start actively learning, learn a new profession. Otherwise, Mars will give an insight into the sensibility of life and the quality of everything that is perceived.

Mars at X-mu Budinka

A stronger camp, like talking directly about those that you need to create your project, business, or actively pursue a career, win a place and status in society. If you don’t work for anything, then Mars here will have more problems with the authorities and with the people who may have power over you. Abo zagalom problems with the power of that law.

Mars at XI Budinka

For the friends of friends, for the activation of Mars, a friendly presence is simply needed here. Chat more with friends, spend an hour with teams and sleepovers. Crime of that Budinok to society and secular life. Therefore, more often choose people. In a different mood, Mars will create problems and difficulties with friends.

The camp is not easy, even Budinok is recognized for such strength, like self-reliance and isolation. Often get alone with yourself. In such a place it seems that a person can only work on his own. And if not, then Mars will create a situation if you will be nasty and self-inflicted on the middle of the NATO.

I still not all

Most of the people in their life store their own car instead of taking that car. You yourself take care of your life, and only if you lie down, as much as possible, you set your card, your potential.

Well, if you want to learn about astrology and you want to plunge into the atmosphere of a mystery, know one-minded people, forget that such a lack of energy, become inspired by the future and just take on a new fashionable profession, for which you can earn good money, check the web for a career. about 12.15 and 19.15 Moscow time.

Badness, energy and vibrancy can be important for everyone - from athletes to office workers and homeowners. We need strength and energy for us, so that we can fully engage in our daily activities, without being aware of the constant sleepiness. Activity and agility is also necessary for a full-fledged trival rozumova practice and a safe minimum of stressful situations. I knew what to work in the absence of forces: 8 good ways to increase energy, which do not require special material investments and a lot of time for cooking.

Chronic and low energy levels in the body can be conditioned by a simple way of life. The reasons for this are due to such factors:

  • low-grade way of life
  • transcendental relief of caffeine and alcoholic drinks
  • transworld physical activity
  • filthy dream, missing sleep
  • too much stress
  • znevodnennya that unhealthy eating.

Health problems such as colds, allergies, thyroid problems, obesity, diabetes and cancer can lead to low vitality and energy levels.

How to work in the absence of forces: 8 ways to increase energy

1. Kvіtkovy file

This is a product of bdzhіlnitstva, which bdzholi bring on their legs, if they take honey from the tickets and roslin. Through the chain saws I can name one more - "obnіzhzhya". є korisnym zabom for zbіlshennya vitrivalnosti and energіynostі, maє adaptogennі dominance and pіdvischuє resistіє prіvіlnostі organіzmu. Vaughn to take revenge on the great amount of salt, manganese, potassium and midi - elements, like giving a charge of vigor.

Take 1 teaspoon of the file 2-3 times a day, but not before 4 pm, so it’s good for you to get better and get sleepless. You can drink water, just drink it in your mouth, or mix it with honey and drink 1 tablespoon of sumish, drinking warm tea.

For znyattya vtomi, apathy, and for the improvement of immunity, it is necessary to take files in courses of 10-20 days in the mid-season - early spring and autumn.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is also good for increasing your energy and vitality. It will take revenge on brown fats, especially MCTs (triglycerides of the middle lansyug), as they are easily acquired by the body and vicarious like a schvidka, dzherelo energy.

In addition, coconut oil is good for the heart, helping to boost the immune system and improve the burning camp of health. When taken in dead bodies, it also helps to reduce fat in empty stomachs.

Use 1 to 2 tablespoons of natural organic coconut oil daily. You can add yogo to a smoothie or to a rank kava. You can also mix yoga with bakery bread (spread on whole grain bread, for example). The ideal option for the receptionist is a sn_danok.

It is important to know how to use organic coconut oil, more pharmacies and shops sell a hydrogenation product, in which there is no such thing as cory. I buy natural first oil here

3. Apple Ocet

- one more kind zasіb, shchob overcome that chronic drowsiness. The effect of such an influx in an acidified organism is to help it to be energized. This natural tonic is a miracle of dzherelo elektrolitiv, like giving supplies and charging the body with energy.

Spread 1 tablespoon of natural apple juice and troch of honey in a glass of water. Drink two for a day.

4. Turmeric

Tsya brightly-zhovta spice to take away the name curcumin, which can be a lot of benefits for health. This strong anti-spasm effect helps to change physical weakness, to restore your energy balance.

Curcumin changes the hour of renewal and increases the maximum productivity and vitality. Vіn also spryaє svidkomu vіdnovlennu m'yazіv after a strong physical urge.

Drink a bottle of "golden milk" today. To make this brown drink, add ½ to 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to a bottle of boiled milk. Cover with a lid and pour on a weak fire close to 5 quills. Sweat the fire, pour milk with turmeric into a flask and add a small amount of honey.

5. Green tea

One of the simplest and most accessible ways of 8 to work yoga indispensable in the event of a fall in strength and a chronic autonomy. A cup can also increase vibrancy and energy. The polyphenols in green tea help fight sleep, reduce stress and get better sleep.

Consider 1 teaspoon leafy green tea per cup of dill. Pour with dill, cover with a lid and stretch 10 strands. Protsіdіt, pіdsolodіt honey and drink tsey tea 2 or 3 times a day.

6. Eat food rich in magnesium

A small deficiency of magnesium can affect your vibrancy and that energy level. Magnesium plays a key role in the process of splitting glucose into energy.

So, if you are tired of fasting and sleepiness and energy levels are even low, switch to products that are rich in magnesium. The additional dose of magnesium recommended is about 350 mg for men and 300 mg for women.

Destroy magnesium:

  • greens for dark leaves (mint, parsley, Romano salad, spinach etc.)
  • peas
  • now
  • soybeans
  • avocado
  • bananas and dark chocolate.

You can take magnesium supplements, which is also good to be listed on the infamous self-esteem.

7. A charge of goodness for an additional olive oil

This ancient Ayurvedic way of cleansing the body of slags and toxins, insanely, helps the body to get rid of harsh words and to know the strength and lightness of the whole body. It is true Ayurveda, if the immune system is cleansed from toxic substances in the body, it will add to the level of energy. The principle of the method is polygaє in olive oil (or be it another dewy olive) for 15-20 minutes a day.

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of organic cold wine from your mouth.
  2. Razmoktuyte oil in your mouth, like a bi rinse їm empty mouth, but not forging, Stretch 15 to 20 strands.
  3. Spit the oil and don't hit yoga at any time! At the white mass, you spit like a yak, you’ve got toxic and shkidliv speech!
  4. Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with warm water.
  5. Vykoristovyte tsі liki of the day of vrantsі before the meal.

8. Drink more pure water

Water to become up to 65 to 70 vіdsotkіv vіd zhalnoї masi іla, і if the organism is underdetermined rіdini, tse, insanely, pours into our energy.

Maintaining the optimal water balance, you can change it and save energy at a high level. Water can increase physical vibrancy with important pressures.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day through equal intervals of the hour.

You can also drink a lot of healthy self-contained fruit juices and vegetable juices.

Soups, compotes and drinks also help to improve the water balance in the body.

When you move up and down, you should soon take alcoholic drinks and drinks with caffeine, scatters of stench will saturate the body with water. For a drink - after a cup of kawi, drink 2 bottles of water to fill in the water.

Additives for relief from drowsiness and dry stupor

  • An important fasting night's sleep to help your body rejuvenate and rejuvenate yourself.
  • It is necessary to take a few things after intense physical activity to renew energy.
  • Consume “devour energy” from your diet, such as refined grub products (white boar, zukor, white rice, polished cereals and other), simple carbohydrates (malt and zdoba) and caffeine.
  • I’ll get enough products, rich in fat, protein and foldable carbohydrates.
  • Be zhittradisnі, schob help the body on the mental level be healthy.
  • Spend a little time in the silence and silence of the city, to help your body recover from all the negative emotions and thoughts that have accumulated.
  • Treat yourself to drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.

Dear readers! In my opinion, there are already stats, but I think that it’s easy to know 8 ways to work in the absence of forces and how to increase energy not to make anyone

Be healthy and have strength!

From love, Irina Lіrnetska

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