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Tonic for pimples in household minds. The best tonics for problem skin and acne. Cooking them yourself is clumsy

When looking at the eyes of the eye, especially the space is taken by the lotion from the eyes. Such a zasіb is easy to glitch, without leaving traces. In addition, for additional tonics and other rare benefits, you can quickly liquidate hanging. In order to get rid of major problems, it is important to correctly select and zastosovuvati warehouses.

How to make lotions?

Self-propelled lotion for an individual with pruritus will not help. That is why it is necessary to win as one of the stages of purification of the shkir.

With a complex infusion, the lotion helps to treat pimples and pimples:

  • antimicrobial activity;
  • protizapalnyh authorities;
  • liquidation of confusion;
  • ringing fir;
  • podsushuvannya inflammation.

After the victorious tone of the shkir is refreshed, it becomes less red. It is also possible to signify the use of swollen and fat bliss. In order for the effect to be maximum, it is necessary to additionally vicorize gels and kicks, which are cleaned.

When does the lotion get stuck?

The need for zastosuvannya lotion is most often due to the appearance of any problem. Vykoristovuvati zasіb is necessary when viniknennі:

  • prischіv;
  • vugriv;
  • fat glare shkiri;
  • pigment patches.

Ale, richly, who won the victorious work, and without hanging on the guise. Cosmetologists recommend wiping the face with lotion and for prophylactic purposes.

Salicylic acid is especially valued at the warehouse, as it normalizes the production of lard and dryness.

How to prepare lotion?

Preparing lotion for acne at home is not a matter of particular difficulties. When you need it, you can be effective. Aja to the yogo warehouse includes natural components, yakі dbaylivo put up to shkіri. With this, you can independently regulate the dosing of tієї chi іnshої speech.

Cleansing lotion against acne can be prepared for such recipes. The stench is wide and can be used for any type of shkiri.

  • Lemon juice (1/2 fruit) can be made in cooled boiled water. Wipe the skin after cleansing before going to bed.
  • At the early hour, to wake up the shkіri and that kind of fire, you can zastosovuvat lotion with calendula and brine horsetail. A tablespoon of herbs is brewed with 200 ml of okrop. After the process, it is poured into 50 ml of calendula infusion, which can be found in a pharmacy.
  • To eliminate swelling and ignition process, you can add lotion from supplements apple otstu. Vіn razluchaetsya water at spіvіdnoshnіnі 1 to 4. Vikoristovuvat yogo need once a day.

Fat skin

If a person has a fat skin, then, the cream of liquidation of hanging, homemade lotion is guilty of violating other functions. It is necessary to add components to the design, which allow to regulate the work of sebaceous deposits and the vibration of lard. Even if you don’t work it, then the springs will show up anew when the feast is clogged. Also, the high level of bacterial infection of the skins on the face.

  • In equal parts, it is necessary to grind lemon wedges, fat tops and burnt. Vykoristovuvat lotion is required once every two days.
  • By the end of the day, we prepare zasib on the basis of the ogirka (finely detailed) and apple otstu (half of the bottle). You need to drink yoga at the glass jars in the refrigerator. After the treatment, the lotion wipes the skin of the day with a stretch of a few days.
  • A good effect is given by chamomile tea (2 tablespoons per bottle of okrop). After the procedure, a tablespoon of calendula tincture and lemon juice is added to the new one. Every day it is necessary to wipe the problem areas before going to bed.

It is important to keep a watchful eye on the skin of the guise.

Normal skin

Lotions for the normal skin types effectively fight acne and bumps. With this stench, the sight of lard does not disturb the natural balance. For the preparation of a warehouse in the home minds, you can beat any recipe, guidance below.

  • At the container, there are two tablespoons of zvіrob and mint. Herbs are poured into a bottle of dill, and they are filled up until they are completely reached. After the procedure, it is necessary to dilute the burner with a burner. Vykoristovuvati zasіb is necessary once every two days.
  • To a bottle of dry wine, you can add a teaspoon of salicylic acid, five tablespoons of chamomile flowers. After the tizhnevogo polyagannya, you can vicorate the lotion. How to show clues, helping to help you get in with the hangings and rejuvenate the skin of the guise.
  • In the evening it is recommended to wipe it with a thin green. For whom it is necessary to wear a green cibulus, Chinese cabbage, krip, parsley. Five tablespoons of the collection are poured with sprinkles and infused for three years. When it is reached, 50 ml of the burner is diluted.

Chamomile can be anti-powerful

dry type

The main rule for the preparation of lotions for dressing at home for a dry type of skin is the presence of components to dry the skin. To that, in zasіb, speeches are added for її zhivlennya that zlozhennya.

  • You can change the sik ogirka with non-fat milk. The lotion vikoristovuєtsya today on the cleansed skin.
  • It is recommended to pour 100 ml of burnt into the stump with a finely cut stub. After a stretch of five days, the zasіb protsіdzhuєtsya zmіshuєtsya with two tablespoons of fat tops, an egg yellow. It is necessary to apply the warehouse only on problematic plots.
  • With voluptuous and anti-authoritative powers, there is a tonic from cabbage. Vaughn dribno narizes and pours 100 ml of hot milk. After the infusion of the year-old tonic, it is necessary to proceed. It is recommended to stop yoga for two days.

Vlasniks of dry skin need to add a stump to the lotion warehouse.

With ethereal oles

Efіrnі olії mаyut komplektny pozitivny vpriv on shkіru. The stench is good at coping with inflammations, and they also eat shkidlivy microorganism. In addition, speeches help to normalize the production of lard, weed the scars after acne.

To prepare an astringent tonic, you need to take a bottle of horny water and mix it with a teaspoon of glycerin, three drops of sandalwood and lavender oils, one drop of chamomile olea. Fill the warehouse with a stretch of doby. Before zastosuvannyam lotion slid strushuvati.

Efirnі olії m'yako vplyvayut on shkіrnі pokrivi.

Antibacterial and tonic power in the lotion, to the warehouse of which to enter:

  • oliya jojoba (75 ml);
  • vitamin E (5 ml);
  • grapefruit oliya (8 droplets);
  • lemon oliya (8 droplets);
  • oliya mint (8 drops);
  • tea tree oliya (8 drops);
  • oliya іlang-іlangu (1 drop).

Get ready

For those who do not want to independently prepare the toner, you can get some money for cleaning in a pharmacy or a cosmetic store. Їх presented for sale to a large number. To understand, which lotion is better, it is necessary to increase the power of different lines.

  • One of the traditional remedies is salicylic lotion for acne. Vіn maє at the warehouse alcohol and salіcylic acid. The stench easily cleanses the skin, removes the inflamed spots, and dries out the crooked.
  • Lotion Proaktiv є m'yakim, ale efficient way in the form of a vugrovoi visipki. Before the new enter benzoyl peroxide, sirka, chamomile and aloe. All components fight against bacterial infections, absorb keratinized cells. Additive speech panthenol and allantoin help tissues to renew.
  • Brand Propeller has a special line Turbo Active. Vaughn is prepared from cincidon, which normalizes the rіven of lard. So sobi liquidate pathogenic microflora, quickly pore, roblyachi matte skin.
  • Series Garnier includes tonic « Pure shkira assets". Vіn dopomogaє vporatis z pryshchami, normalіzuvati viroblennya lard. Also, the drug is seen after the next vugriv.
  • Klerasil - a line, specially broken up for watching over a problematic sheet. The products solve the main dermatological problems without any traces.
  • The company IV Rocher also released special tonics for watching over the skin with the visip of the vugrivs. The stench is less effective, on the vіdmіnu chemist's, zasobami.
  • When mixing lotion brand Meri Kay vicarious salicylic acid and herbal components. The stench does not clog the pores, using the fuse process. When you need it, it’s dbayly set to wind up to a sensitive shkіri.
  • At the stock warehouse "Clean Line" there is a line "Idealna Shkira". Vaughn includes lotion in visipan. Zasіb pіdshuє prischі, liqvіduє chervonіnnya, swollen and greasy shine.

If the lotion appears to be different, it’s better to pick it up at the same time from a dermatologist or a cosmetologist. Vіn evaluate stan shkіri and recommend the best suitable product.

Ready to help help with various minor problems

Today, it is practical for any cosmetic store to have a wide selection of different tonics for the appearance of acne. Irrespective of those that are so refreshing tones for disguise, they are brought in between themselves behind a chemical warehouse, varity and infusion, and lotions help to reach the commemorative effect in the luxe problematic sheet on the disguise. You can get it from specialized cosmetic stores or in pharmacies. You are also allowed to zastosovuvat on the treatment of different groups of patients, including women, young people. The only contraindication for vicarious tonics for an individual with diseases of the disease in the presence of an individual intolerance to these ingredients, as it enters the warehouse of the tonic.

A look at the best tones

Since the fight against pimples on the face brought a positive result, cosmetologists are encouraged to zastosovuvat cleansing and in the same time with other methods, like vikoristovuyutsya for problem skins. Before such zabіv next, you can add different masks, creams and gels for washing. With this varto, pay respect to those who are a refreshing tonic for the face in the face, it is necessary to win the day, so that through the sprout of the tizhnіv the skin on the face has become pure and healthy.

  • Tonic "Propeler".
  • Lambre TTO Tonic.
  • Stay Clear Nivea.
  • "Garnier Pure shkira Aktiv".
  • "Pure line".

Learn more about the presentation from the above descriptions.

Lambre TTO Tonic

Tsey zasіb buv specially razrobleniy for combined and fat shkіri. Tonic is suitable for people up to 30 years old. Warehouse has a ton of fresh alcohol. Helps to effectively regulate the function of sebaceous deposits, as well as create an effect in the company Lambre to prevent the appearance of sagging is not so memorable. In addition, the lotion sprays even the dry regeneration of the skin and the removal of the ignition process on the tissues.

At the warehouse, there is a special place for tea tree oil, which can have antibacterial and antiseptic properties. This building tonic not only cleans the pores, but also actively fights against various bacteria and burns the ignition process. At the same time, z tsim vіn sees the skin's veil of disguise, ennobles it and forms a zakhisnu plivka. The tonic is good for the new fuses.


The tonic for acne "Propeler" effectively fights against these new creations at the black dots and bumps. At the warehouse of the warehouse there is glycerin, alcohol, castor oil and extracts of fruit acids. The main components of this task should be given in the following way:

  • Hanging ignition elements.
  • It sounds like it cleans the pores.
  • Mayut antibacterial effect.
  • Calm and tone the dermis.
  • Change ignition processes.
  • Reduce the activity of sebaceous deposits.
  • To shed the deadness of the new hangings.

Notes about the tonic "Propeler" in the form of diseases to talk about those who will improve their appearance, and the skin of the aftermath becomes more even. Zavdyaki zinc, which enters the warehouse lotion, zabіbіgaє zabіgaє razprobіgaє bacterial, yakі priyat appearing acne. So, as alcohol is stored at the warehouse, tonic is not recommended for vicorists to dry and sensitive skin.

"Garnier pure shkira Active"

This tonic for the guise of prischiv good protects the skin from the flames, which is blamed on the aftermath of the vugriv. Obviously, the tonic will not help the already obvious traces after the new creation, but the building will prevent the appearance of such waves. Salicylic acid is stored in the warehouse, as it suppresses the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, for the preparation of vicorist, a phytocomplex is used, which includes various plant extracts. The stench of the building effectively fights against the ignition processes, to speed up the process of regeneration of the shkir. The product also has alcohol, which, with frequent zastosuvanni, can be peeled off and a little tightness of the skin's curve, about which there are reports about tonic in the mouth.

Stay Clear Nivea

This tonic is even more effective in the fight against acne. Zasіb fit for any type of skinny curve. The main acting ingredients of the tonic for treating acne are sea strength and magnolia extract. Magnolia extract with which it may have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial power. The cream of this, the growing extract of the building, effectively removes excess fat, removes the infestation of hanging and black dots. Marine strength dries up the inflamed, znimaє razdratuvannya, zvuzhuє pores and regenerates tissue in the areas of ushkodzhennya.

At the warehouse of this tonic, anti-inflammatory alcohol is used, so the wine does not aggressively pour into the skin’s curve, and also does not overdry the yogo.

"Clean Line" "Ideal Shkira"

This lotion helps to deeply cleanse the pores without overdrying the skin. Zasіb є even more effective in the fight against black dots, helping to help the establishment of small visipіv. The active ingredients of this lotion are: aloe vera, zinc, chamomile. Zinc prevents the growth of bacteria, changes in the ignition process, swells the pores and dries out already obvious swellings. Scarlet Vera kindly looks at the folds of the skin, entitles and lives yoga, and also hopes for a protizapal diyu. Chamomile has an antiseptic power, so it’s so good to fight against various mischiefs.

Homemade tonic for acne

Call neobov'yazkovo to bathe expensive cats to fight with pimples. You can buy a homemade tonic for the appearance of acne, which will not be less effective, less purchased cosmetics for watching the skin. Recipes for preparing such recipes are even easier and easier. Varto report more familiar with them.

Herbal lotion

To prepare such a lotion, you need 300 ml of purified water, dried immortelle grass and st. For the cob, it is necessary to grow water on the basis of immortelle and St. John's wort, to proceed with yoga, after which it is necessary to put it in a cold place for a full recovery. After that, in the depths of the beast, that immortelle needs to be added 7 drops. ethereal olii. If you’re okholone, you also need to add propolis to the new season. Zasіb, scho viyshov, pour into a container and put in a cold dark room for 2 days. If the tonic is ready, wipe the face of the day after cleansing the curve.

Peppermint tonic

In order to prepare a tonic with mint, it is necessary to use mineral filtered or water in the amount of one bottle, 2 teaspoons of alcohol, broth on the basis of mint leaves, 12-15 drops of ethereal oil and stock on the ground, on the ground teaspoons, as well as lemon. with a quantity of 2.5 teaspoons. Efirne oil and the mixture must be mixed with alcohol. After that motherland is added with lemon juice, nasty on the basis of propolis. Everything resolutely shifts. Dali dodaetsya clear water. Withdrawal of zasіb is poured into a clean container and taken away for 12 days in the refrigerator. Ready zasіb can be zastosovuvat for speck of the weather like a spray.

Chamomile lotion

To prepare this tonic, you need two tablespoons of dry chamomile, 10 drops of essential oil of rosemary, 200 ml of mineral water, two tablespoons of alcohol, and a small amount of lemon juice. Chamomile needs to be brewed, let it brew for 3 years, cool. After that, they process it, and lemon juice is added to the new one. They gave the need to add ethereal oil and alcohol, mix everything well. When preparing the lotion, it is necessary to speed up the next time after preparation. Take care of the refrigerator.

Honey tonic

To prepare this recipe for fighting with acne, you need one tablespoon of natural honey, 4 teaspoons of lemon juice, 12 drops of ethereal oliya based on yelini cones, 1 bottle of distilled water. Melt the honey in a water bath, add to the new all the ingredients that are left out, mix it all up. Pour the finished lotion into an airtight container and put it in the refrigerator for fresh air. Ready tonic needs to be cured today.


A look behind the screen of disguise 12.02.2014

Dear readers, I am convinced that many of you are stuck with the problem of guilt. The stench is the obov'yazkovymi companions of the problematic shkir. Їх viniknennya pov'yazane z damage to the robotic ridges and distant fires.

Today, all women should make tinctures and lotions, budinka, with a hand, shards in cosmetic stores, you can know the great amount of cosmetic products, which promise to remake your skin, having cleaned all the frills and hanging. Prote homemade is richly cheap for store-bought counterparts, but not less effective.

I chose the most popular from this article effective recipes lotions and tinctures for shkіri guise, yakі you can cook shvidko, without leaving the house, with your own hands. Most of these recipes are found in ancient times, and their warehouses can be found in any refrigerator.

Recheck for the type of allergic reaction.

Homemade, regardless of the natural warehouse, can produce before the appearance allergic reactions, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test before zastosuvannya. Like a zavzhd, the strap of the wrist is covered with a prepared warehouse, and 10-15 quills are checked. Even though there are no reactions to the shkir, it’s worth going for a look behind the shkir of disguise.

Homemade recipes for tinctures and lotions to keep an eye on skin

Tinctures and lotions medicinal herbs in miraculous antibacterial action. Krіm tsgogo, the stench also put on the shkіrі of the most healthy look and clean up the fat shine. Bagatiohs can blame the food: “What does the tincture look like lotion?”

So the axis, before the warehouse of tincture obov'yazkovo enter ethyl alcohol chi burner. Lotions are prepared only on the basis of herbal preparations, so why not dry the skin. To that they can be victorious for watching over the combined skin. Infusions can be recommended only for women with oily skins and combined ones, and only for wiping the T-zone.

A tincture for watching over a problematic skin of a zі zvіrobyu, polyna and hops

  • ½ tbsp. St. John's wort, Pauline, hops;
  • 250 ml dill;
  • ½ st. burners;
  • 25 ml apple otstu.

Zvirobiy, polyn and khmіl zmіshuyut. Choose 1 tbsp. pick and fill with dill, carefully cover with a lid. Nastiy v_dstavlyayut until full recognition, protsidzhuyut. At the grassy vіdvar add the burner and the apple otset. Take away the tincture from the cold place (near the refrigerator). Oblicchya wipe the dvіchі for a day massage lines. A quarter of a year after the application, it was washed in with cold water.

Recipe for tincture in vіd pryshіv and vugrіv іz pelyustok white lily

At the glass bowl sip ½ tbsp. trimmed pelyustok and fill them with a bottle of burner. Strongly clog up and fill up for 1 month. After that, the tincture needs to be filtered. Such a zasіb miraculously gleeful in the ugrov visipannya that prischі on the guise, the shoulders and the back.

Tincture of calendula in the case of tsibulei

  • 1 vial alcohol tincture of calendula (є in any pharmacy);
  • 1 cibulin.

It is necessary to trim the cibula over a pair of 5-7 quills, after which they see the sik from it. In equal proportions, the tincture of calendula and cybulny sik are mixed. In a special way, a wadding disk is wetted and applied to 10 fibers to the scorched shkiri. Such procedures need to work three times a day. Zasіb sled take care of the dark, cold place.

Anti-seizure tincture for pimples on pine needles

As soon as your booth is near the growth of yalina or pine, you can pick up 100 g of heads, add 25 g of chamomile leaves to them, calendula and plantain leaves. Whiskers are mixed at the glassy capacity. Choice of pouring 150 g of the burner and placing it on the day in the dark place. After that, as the tincture is worth, її next protsіdit and you can beat for wiping the guise.

Homemade lotions for acne - the right choice for combo skins

Lotion for disguise in the case of polina

1 st. dill pour 1 tbsp. dry polynu and overfill for 30 khvilin. Nasty needs to be treated, add 30 ml of freshly squeezed viburnum juice and 5 g of salt. Mix well. Vikoristovuvati lotion slid dvіchі for a day.

Recipe for life-giving "bovtanka"

Dear readers, I will propagate to marvel at the cicavia video recipe for the preparation of “bovtanka” in the form of spices. Zavdyaki miraculous warehouse short strings, but also a little bit to "live" our skin.

Lotion for acne and bumps. Talker. Prepare yourself at home minds.

Yalitsevy lotion as a pimple for a face mask

Yalitseva oliya is an even more effective way against acne and pimples. It can bactericidal action, regulates the work of sebaceous deposits, which ensures the sound of expansion of fir, and the skin fills with a healthy matte color.

Yalitseva oliya (can be bought in a pharmacy) is applied for additional cotton buds pointwise, only on the forehead. You can also change yoga with Kalinovim or harmelon juice: 5-10 drops per 30 ml juice.

Life-giving lotion for the appearance of aloe in the form of acne.

Aloe is a unique antiseptic and antiseptic zasib, a kind of zavdyaki harmonic day brown speeches to live miraculously, it protects the shkir.

Recipe #1. Freshly leafing the scarlet good, wilt, dry and fix at the refrigerator for the lower police for 7 days. For an hour of stink, accumulate the maximum amount of brown speeches and minerals. Through tyzhden leaves podrіbnyuє i vіdzhimaє sіk, yakim next to wipe the skin of the day 2 times a day.

Recipe #2. Zrіzane leaves are placed at the refrigerator for a day. After the end of 2-3 hours, pour 250 ml of cold boiled water into the leaves. Leave for 1 year. Then the warehouse is heated up for about 3-5 minutes. Masa is treated and cooled. Zasіb applied to the affected skin. After 15 minutes, it is necessary to wash in cold water.

The recipes for homemade tinctures and lotion are even simpler, but you don’t have to pay big pennies for a bottle of a miracle cure for blackheads and pimples, try to podolat tsyu attack for help home remedies - inexpensive, but smut, overwhelmed by generations. Try these recipes, and in no time your skin will become clean and lower, like a fool!

Tonics on the basis medicinal roslins you can beat it for a long time. at the same time with drugs for acne treatment. In pharmacies, a lotion with benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics and retinoids should be taken in courses. The use of various therapeutic and preventive measures gives a miraculous result - I am healthy and clean skin.

Properly likuvannya prischiv

Our skin is permeated with thousands of channels of hair follicles, like ducts of sebaceous deposits. The stench is filled with oily speech and keratin patches. The sebaceous fat is responsible for coming to the surface through the follicles of the follicles, but sometimes the canals are clogged with a thick secret of sebaceous deposits, bacteria and dead cells. Todі y blame black speckles, bіlі bumps and pryshchi.

Three steps to relieve the problems of the skin:

Croc first - healthy image life.

Croc is different - using ointments ovnіshno and priyom likіv in the middle.

Krok the third - zastosuvannya spetsialnoї cosmetics.

The diet is balanced, dotrimanny to the mode of work and repair, rukhova activity helps the body to repair negative factors more quickly. pharmacies suvayut reasons, yakі prizvodit to the epidemiological vision of skin fat and growth of bacteria. The problem lies in the fact that the preparations for treating acne are to dry the epidermis. Cosmetics alleviate these problems, surround the appearance of new elements of the vugrovsky visipka and protect the turn.

Anti acne lotion recipe (video)

Ready tonics and viscous lotions

Special cosmetics help to solve the problem of black dots and acne. One of the best current benefits - Tritin lotion for acne- Retinoid with tretinoin and zinc. It’s time for the daytime to take care of the early hours and in the evening, sprinkle the cleansing of the shkir, restore the water-lipid spitting and calm the redness.

Tsey highly effective zasіb vikoristovuєtsya navіt at lіkuvannі important forms of acne ailment. The lotion reduces the secretion of skin fat, acts as a peeling, and reduces inflammation.

The cosmetic market promotes and other modern products, as it strengthens the epidermis in the form of dead cells and prevents the accumulation of lard. This active tonic without alcohol Alva Rhassoul with antibacterial and healing effect Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions lotion.

Category rіdin for cleansing skins from spots and black dots is supplemented with micellar water without alcohol, flavors, barniques and parabens. Tse Avene Cleanance, Pureness by Shiseido and other types of brandy.

Ogirkovy lotion for problem skin

Natural faces can be stagnant at the hour of vagity breastfeeding, if you often blame the ugrovy visip on the face and body. In qi period, not everything is suitable for what is sold in pharmacies and supermarkets in other cases. One s best products for the purification of an individual - ogirkovy lotion in the presence of those black flecks. Zasіb zasіb zmenshuє pіdvishchenu oiliness shkіri, illuminating hyperpigmentation. can buy ready-made lotion "Ogirochniy" otherwise grow in the minds of the home. Consumed one ripe ogirok and burner.

How to prepare and infuse ogiric lotion:

  • rub the mature stump on the third, sip at the dance;
  • fill the otriman mass with equal volume of the burner;
  • close the dance with a cork and put it in the sun;
  • pour ogirok 10-14 days;
  • protsіditi rozchin i pour in a dance from a dark cloak;
  • wipe the skin with lotion in the evening.

More than half of the mass of the ogirka becomes water, as well as vitamin C and kavoic acid. Qi components help to calm the burned skin, remove the sagging.

A tonic for an individual can be prepared from ogirka and 4 tbsp. l. m'yati. Refine the product for the help of a blender, filter it and add 1 tsp. burners. Take a toner from the refrigerator no more than 24–48 years.

Homemade lotions for pimples

To help preserve the purity and beauty of the shkiri cleanliness and the beast. Preparing lotion for pimples at home minds from these and other herbs. How to do without alcohol, you need to pour 2 tbsp. l. dry syrovini 1 bottle of sprinkles. After 15 whilins, cool it down for 1-4 years and it will swell.

Water infusion aloe zastosovuyut at fat shkіri, prischі i plyami on oblichі. To prepare the leaves, rub the leaves, wash them with water (1:5). Homemade lotion is infused for about 50-60 quills, then heated and brought to a boil in a water bath, filtered.

Vletka can be wiped daily with juice or with tincture of half moons (sunits). Berries to sweep salicylic acid; There were few other medicinal plants with antibacterial and anti-spasm powers.

Herbs for the preparation of infusions, infusions and infusions, which are vicorated like lotions for disguise in cases:

Chamomile pharmacy (cats).

Scarlet vera and tree-like (leaves).

Great burdock (root).

Great plantain (leaf).

Polin girky (grass).

Thyme abo thyme (herb).

Voloshka blue and meadow (blossom).

Shavliya likarska and muscat (leaves, flowers).

Budra ivy (grass).

Veronica dibrova (grass).

Calendula likarska (cards).

Gorіh walnut (leaves, greenery navkoloplіdniki).

How to make lotions with herbs

Naturally spicy speech at the warehouse of lemon juice and green tea replaces the ignition process. Add qi cats to homemade lotions, tonics. Natural antihistamine preparations - shawliya, basil, mati-y-machukha - change the redness of the bump. You can brew herbs okremo or zmishuvati. On a bottle of sprinkles, 1 tbsp. l. sumish.

Warehouse of homemade salicylic lotion for acne and pustules:

  • Sumish herbs for infusion (zvіrobіy, calendula, polin, derevіy) - 1 bottle.
  • Salicylic acid 2% - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Camphor alcohol - 1 tbsp. l.

Homemade lotions wipe the problematic skin 3-5 times per day. Self-prepared cosmetics, so as not to avenge alcohol, vicorist with a stretch of 2-3 deb. Save vodvari, infusions of herbal tinctures in the refrigerator.

The Danish material for placements for educational and educational purposes is not a professional medical honor, but a scientific material and cannot be a substitute for medical advice.

In contact with

Tonіki vіd pryshіv nezamіnі for spying on the problem skin. The stench regulates the vibration of the skin fat, cleanses and sounds the pores, roils the hang-up of less memory and pobobigayut the sanctuary on the guise of new inflamed elements. Since the fight against acne has brought a positive effect, cosmetologists recommend victorious tonic in the complex with other methods for problematic skin (gels for bathing, creams, masks). Zastosovuvati yoga is necessary every day and even for a sprat of tyzhniv guise you will look clean and healthy.

Anti-acne tonics are currently available in the assortment of a practically skin cosmetic brand. Irrespective of the responsibility for the chemical warehouse, the way to do it at a price, at a cost, allow you to remove the irreproachable effect from the face of the problematic shkiri. You can buy tonics in the form of an ugrovy visipka and in the pharmacist or in a specialized store. You are allowed to win in different groups of patients, including women, women and women who are breastfeeding. The only contraindication before the ingestion of such products is the presence of individual intolerance to ingredients, which is included in their warehouse.

Take care of hanging, so as not to dry out the skins

Effektivnym vіd vіd prishіv є lotion-tonic StopProblem, appointments for the surveillance of the combined skin, where hanging is often guarded.

The main feature of this product is those who do not avenge wine in their warehouse with alcohol, and also, do not call for peeling the coat.

Salicylic acid, natural extracts of calendula, psyllium and psyllium are active components in the lotion. Zasіb m'yako pіdshuє that soothe inflamed, cleansing, revitalizes and tones the skin. Zavdyaki vodsutnosti at the barniki warehouse, preservatives and aromativs are ideal for people with a sensitive skin, shy to allergic reactions.

The jubilation of a young problem skin can be used for the help of the Turbo Active tone from the Propeller company. Clinical effect is protected by PCA zinc (cincidone), allantoin and panthenol. The drug may have a bactericidal effect, reduce the activity of sebaceous deposits, change the redness, tone, calm and rejuvenate the dermis. The first result can be beaten on a friend's dobu vikoristannya. The product does not cause dryness and may stagnate as a good reference for looking after problem skins.

For those with oily and combined skins for relief from acne and acne, you can use a tonic that cleanses Natura Siberica. This product is made from organic extracts of shawl, green tea, wood, lemon, materia, Icelandic and migratory root. When yoga vikoristvі not vykoristovuyutsya barvniki, parabens, synthetic flavors and alcohol. Zastosuvannya tonic helps to reduce the amount of skin fat and cleanse the pores, after which it is possible to reach a significant change in the amount of sagging. Krіm tsgogo, zasіb nada shkirі opaque vіdtinok, napovnyuє її vologo and syyv.

Preparations from mixed alcohol

Tonic Clean skin active in Garnier cleans the skin not only in the visipan, but also in the next one. The main components of the sobu are salicylic acid at a concentration of 2% and a natural growth complex. Salicylic acid protects the tone of the antibacterial effect, reduces the intensity of the ignition process, changes the appearance of the diameter, and increases the oily sheen in the T-zone. The phytocomplex helps to speed up the regeneration of the damaged epidermis and protect it from the negative influx of the superfluous medium.

In order to enhance the effectiveness of the tonic, we recommend that you put yoga in the evening with a mask for the appearance of Garnier, which cleanses.

For people with a sickly to husked skin of vicorist, it is necessary to take care of the protection, so it’s better to take revenge on alcohol and can even more help solve the problem.

Clearasil Ultra is a cleansing lotion based on salicylic acid, alcohol, glycerin and natural herb extracts, intended for treating acne in children. Zasіb vіdrіznyaєtsya svydkoy deієyu i vozlіє zrobiti vysipannya less vyrazhenimi already 12 years after the first victorious. The lotion removes redness, caused by the igniting process in the epidermis, develops an ugly visip and a greasy glare, the other part of the vikoristannya leads to a noticeable dryness and tightness of the skin.

To avoid these negative effects, stop the product for a long period of time.

Cleanse the appearance of acne to help you get the perfect skin for a clean line. It deeply cleanses the dermis, sounds like pores, changes the number of black specks, dries up the pimples, robs the matte and clean skin. Zinc, salicylic acid, aloe extract, calendula, chamomile and other medicinal roses provide such a tonic. The product should be washed with alcohol, but the quantity of the flooring is insignificant, which cannot be harmed.

The tonic for the denunciation will help you to get ahead, so that when you try to overcome the advancing rules:

  1. The product should be applied to the front of the cleansed skin fat, sawing off excess cosmetics skin. As a reminder for cleaning, it is recommended to use a vicorist gel for infusion, prescriptions for problem skins (bazhano, sob wine made by your company, which is a tonic).
  2. Apply a thin layer of tonic to the person for the help of a cotton pad. To get rid of the juicy effect, the procedure needs to be repeated 2 times a day for production (the same evening). With a strongly pronounced ignition process on the face, the amount of wiping can be increased up to 3 times a day. Zasіb nebhіdno rіvnomіrno rozpodіlyat on the surface of individuals, attaching special respect to the inflamed dolyanka. It is not possible to make a skin for him for a short time.
  3. After that, like a toner on the surface of the skin with dryness, you can apply cream and decorative cosmetics.

Whether it’s unacceptable in appearance, which is blamed on the process of vicarious tonics in the pruritus (sverbіzh, liver, redness, swollen skinny), be aware of the individual intolerance of the selected product.

In any case, it is necessary to take a prescription for the drug and ask the doctor for more advice.

The fight from the wounds for the help of non-traditional medicine

Cleansing lotions and tonics should not be obov'yazkovo bathing at the finished look. You can take it on your own, vicorist recipes folk medicine. Prepared in a hand-made recipe, it is 100% made up of natural ingredients. At the process of exultation of acne, the stench gently looks at the skin of the face, reminiscent of valuable vitamins and microelements.

An effective way for an individual in the form of predation is a tonic based on apple otstu. For yoga preparation, the purified water is mixed at the ratio of 1:4. Let's take away the next warehouse to wipe the guise of a shoddy after the evening bath. Tonic reduces the variability of the ignition process, increases the redness, changes the size of the wounds.

Homemade tonics remind the skin with valuable microelements and vitamins.

Clean the epidermis from the ignition elements in addition to the tonic, preparations for:

  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 50 ml glycerin;
  • 100 ml purified water.

Ingredients change from a glassy container to a homogeneous motherland. We will remove it by ourselves, it is necessary to wipe the appearance of the skin wound after the infusion. The tonic reduces the activity of sebaceous deposits, changes the oily sheen, dries the skin, gives softness and velvety to the skin.

At the exalted vugrovy visipka and folk healers, to make vicorist lotion, preparations for:

  • 2 tbsp. flower of chamomile;
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice;
  • 1 st. alcohol tincture of calendula;
  • 200 ml water.

Chamomile is poured with water and, after boiling, insist 30-40 quills. Ready zasіb protsіdzhuyut and zmіshuyut іz lemon juice and tincture of calendula. We recommend using a lotion to wipe the problem areas with dermis 1-2 times here. Vіn cleans pores, dries and robs less commemorative inflammation. Yogo regular zastosuvannya helps to get rid of the patches, yakі zalishayutsya after rotten hangings.

Take a bite at home minds to help you tonic, for taking it off you need to take:

  • 75 ml of olive grape tassels or jojoba;
  • 8 drops of essential oils of tea tree, lemon, grapefruit and mint;
  • 1 drop of ethereal olea cananga;
  • 5 ml vitamin E.

The tonic is won for the help of a relay-based mixing of the overhauled components. For relief from acne, wipe the face 1-2 times a day. Zasіb may have an antibacterial and tonic effect, rozmoktuє prischі and will speed up the regeneration of the damaged dermis.

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