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Pitomy electric opir of aluminum rod. Pitomy Opir and Superconductivity

Pitomy opir midi tse physical understanding, scho zustrіchaє in electrical engineering. So, ask V.

Later, we understand better - opir conductor, which means the process of passing through a new electrician. In this situation, the midwife will be a guide, and it means that we are in power and can be seen.

In all metals, there is a specific budova in the sight of crystal gates. On the skin z cutiv tsikh ґrat є atoms, yakі periodically kolivayutsya schodo vuzlіv. If the atoms are mixed, or they are attracted one to one, then they flow into the meaning of that expansion of all knots, in all metals in a different way. The sharpening of atoms is occupied by electrons, as if they are wrapping up behind their orbit, resting on them the winds of equal forces.

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How does the medium react, if an electric field is blocked before it. All in the middle this guide all broken by the electric force of the electron, in its own orbit, pragnate the poles with a plus sign. Tsey Rukh is called an electric strum. Under the hour, the electrons stick to the atoms of those other electrons, as if they were not broken into their orbits. With any electronics that are stuck, they change directly and their energy is wasted. This is the main purpose of the conductor's support. In order to build atoms with electrons, which wrap around their orbits, as if they create an opir zirvanim from the orbit of the conductor's rough electrodes.

However, depending on the number of factors, it is also individual for skin metals. The rozmіr of crystalline ґrats and temperature are poured on it. If the temperature of the conductor rises, then the atoms will break more parts of the colivan. And then, and electrons collapse with the greatest swidkistyu that support, and the orbits will be larger beyond the radius.

The meaning of the pet opir midi is checked in the pre-trial tables of physics. It becomes 0.0175 Ohm * mm2 / m at a temperature of 20 degrees. The nearest metal for values ​​up to midi will be aluminum = 0.0271 Ohm*mm2/m. Conductivity midi act less sriblu = 0.016 Ohm * mm2 / m. about what to note її widely zastosuvannya, for example, power cables or at various conductors. However, power transformers and motors of small energy-saving devices cannot be created without midi.

It is necessary to know the significance of the pet support, it is not possible to carry out the calculation of the total support of the various conductors, and the hour of the development of the design of new devices. This is the reason for the formula:


in yakіy: R - will be the main support of conductors, p - will be the support of metals, I - will be the life of a particular conductor, S - the area of ​​the conductors.

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Before the skin explorer, understand the pet's support. The value is added up in ohms, which is multiplied by a square millimeter, distance, divided by one meter. In other words, the main conductor, the length of which is 1 meter, and the length is 1 mm2. The same is itself a pytomy of opir midi - a unique metal, which has a wide width in electrical engineering and energy.

Domineering midi

Zavdyaks to their authorities, this metal was one of the first soils to get stuck in the closet of the electrician. Nasampered, copper is a malleable and plastic material with superior power of electrical conductivity. Until this hour in the energy sector there is no equal replacement for this conductor.

The authority of the special electro-electronic midi is especially valued, as it has a high purity. Tsey material, allowing the release of darts from minimal tovshchina in 10 microns.

A cream of high electrical conductivity, even better for luzhennia and other types of processing.

Mіd ta її petomy opіr

Be a conductor to repair an opir, like skipping through a new one electric strum. It is important to lie down depending on the temperature of the conductor and yogo perezu, as well as on different temperatures. Therefore, pitomy opir conductors should be deposited not only in the material itself, but also in the area of ​​the transverse cross section. The lighter the material passes through a charge, the lower yoga opir. For midi pet indicator, the support should be 0.0171 Ohm x 1 mm2 / 1 m, and less than a trio is delivered to the srіblu. However, vikoristannya srіbla on an industrial scale economically negligible, to that mid є the best conductor, which victorious in energy.

Pytomy opir midi po'yazaniy і s high conductivity. The values ​​are directly opposite to each other. Powerfulness midi as a conductor to lie down and in the form of a temperature coefficient support. Opir is especially important, on which the temperature of the conductor is poured.

In such a rank, zavdyaki to their authorities, mid nabula of wide breadth is not only like a conductor. Zei metal is victorious in most fixtures, attachments and units, the functioning of which is connected with an electric jet.

It is established on the basis that opir R metal conductor in direct proportion to yogo dozhina L and wrapped in proportion to the area of ​​the cross section BUT:

R = ρ L/ BUT (26.4)

de coefficient ρ is called a pet support and is a characteristic of speech, for which a conductor is prepared. Tse vіdpovidaє healthy gluzd: opіr tovstoy drotu can be smaller, lower thin, shards in the thorny rod of electrons can move along larger area. І ochіkuєtsya increase the support for zі zbіlshennyam dozhini provіdnik, oskolki zbіlshuієєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє єєєєєєєєєєєєє єєєєєєєєєє єєєєєєє єєєєєєєє єєєєєєє єєєєРєРєРєРєРєРёРјСЃС‚РёСЂ flow of electrons.

Type values ρ for different materials induced at the first column of the table. 26.2. (The real value of the deposit depends on the purity of the speech, thermal processing, temperature and other factors.)

Table 26.2.
Pitomy support and temperature coefficient of support (TCS) (at 20 °C)
rechovina ρ , Ohm m tks α ,°C -1
Sriblo 1.59 10 -8 0,0061
Mid 1.68 10 -8 0,0068
Aluminum 2.65 10 -8 0,00429
Tungsten 5.6 10 -8 0,0045
Zalizo 9.71 10 -8 0,00651
Platinum 10.6 10 -8 0,003927
Mercury 98 10 -8 0,0009
Nichrome (Ni, Fe, Cr alloy) 100 10 -8 0,0004
Conveyors 1)
Vuglets (graphite) (3-60) 10 -5 -0,0005
Nіmechchina (1-500) 10 -5 -0,05
Silicon 0,1 - 60 -0,07
Sklo 10 9 - 10 12
Guma is hard 10 13 - 10 15
1) The real value is to lie heavily in the presence of a small number of houses.

The lowest nursery opir may have been able, as it appears, in such a rank, the best guide; off the road. Not richly inferior to srіblu mid; it is clear why darts are most often made from midi.

Pitomy opir aluminum is higher, lower in midi, prote wines may have a lesser width, and in certain situations, you can give priority (for example, power lines), shards of opir wires for aluminum are still smaller, they are less. Often koristyuyutsya size, wrapped up to pet support:

σ = 1/ρ (26.5)

σ called pet providence. Pitoma conductivity is measured in units (Ohm m) -1.

Pythomium opir of speech should be deposited at temperature. As a rule, opir metal grows with temperature. To whom it is not surprising: with the rise in temperature, the atoms are collapsing more quickly, their expansion becomes less orderly, and it becomes clear that the stench is more important to the flow of electrons. In narrower ranges, the change in temperature of the pit of the opir metal increases with the temperature practically linearly:

de ρT- pet opir for temperature T, ρ 0 - pitomy opir for standard temperature T 0 , and α - temperature coefficient of the support (TCS). The value of a is indicated in the table. 26.2. Respectfully, that the narrators of the TCS can be negative. It is obvious that the number of free electrons increases with increasing temperatures and the stench reduces the power of speech. In this way, the opir of the heater can be changed due to temperature changes (even though it doesn’t have to be).

The value and lie down in the temperature, to that should be given respect for the temperature range, at the borders of which the value is fair (for example, for the physical quantities). If the range of temperature changes is wide, then the linearity will be broken, and replacement (26.6) requires vigorization, to avenge the limbs, to lie in the other and third temperature steps:

ρT = ρ 0 (1+αT+ + βT 2 + γT 3),

de coefficient β і γ ring out more small (we put T 0 \u003d 0 ° С), ale for the great T contribution of these members of the staє suttєvim.

At arc low temperatures, the value of the opir of deyakih metals, as well as alloys and alloys, decreases in the range of accuracy of the current vimiryuvan to zero. Qyu power is called superprovidnistyu; the first to do this was the Dutch physicist Geike Kamer-ling-Onnes (1853-1926) in 1911. when cold mercury is lower than 4.2 K. Over the course of the temperature, the electrical resistance of mercury drops to zero.

The overhead conductors should cross at the overhead station at a lower temperature than the transition, which should sound a few degrees Kelvin (three times more than absolute zero). Sposterіgavsya elektrichny strum at the overhead line, which is practically not weak due to the current voltage, stretching for a few years.

IN stay rocky superconductivity is intensively followed up by the method of z'yasuvati її mekhanizm and know the materials that can increase superconductivity for more high temperatures, in order to change the variability and inconsistency, the need for cooling down to low temperatures. The first successful theory of superconductivity was created by Bardin, Cooper and Schrieffer in 1957. Superconductors are already victorious at the great magnets, the magnetic field is created by an electric stream (Div. Ch. 28), which significantly reduces the amount of electricity. Understandably, for the support of the superconductor for low temperatures, energy is also used.

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Often in the electrical literature, the concept of "nursery mid" is mentioned. I casually ask, but what is it like?

The concept of “opir” of any conductor is flawlessly tied to the understanding of the process of passing a new electric stream. Oskіlki mova at statti pіde pro opіr midi, then we can look at the following traces of power and power of metals.

If you go about the metal, then you will casually guess that all the stinks are mumbling the sing of life - the crystal lattice. Atoms are located at the nodes of such a lattice and it is possible to determine how they should be located, depending on the forces of mutual modality of atoms one by one (vіdshtovhuvannya and tyazіnnya), and different for different metals. And around the atoms, electrons are wrapped in their orbits. You are trying in orbit as well as a equal force. Only a few to the atom and water center. Did you see your picture? You can call її, at the same time, static.

And now dodamo dynamics. On shmatok midi you start to work electrical field. What does it mean to be the middle conductor? The electrons, zirvani by the force of the electric field from their orbits, direct to the first positive pole. Axis to you and directing ruh electronics, or rather electric strum. Ale, on the way of their rush, the stench stumbles upon atoms at the knots of crystalline grains and electrons, which continue to wrap around their atoms. With this stench, they spend their energy, and they directly change the rush. Now we are getting a little bit of the sense of the phrase “opir of the explorer”? Tse atoms and electrons, which wrap around them, repair the direct movement of electrons, zirvanih electric field from their orbits. Ale understand the opir conductor can be called characteristic. More individually characterize the skin conductor of pets opir. Midi among them. Tsya characteristic is individual for skin metal, shards can be deposited only in the form and crystallization of crystals and, in the singing world, in the temperature. When the temperature of the conductor rises, the atoms increase the intensity of the coli at the knots of the rat. And the electrons are wrapped around in a vuzlіv іz bolshoy swidkіstyu and on orbits of a large radius. I, of course, what will electronics do for an hour? bigger opir. Such is the physics of the process.

For the needs of the electrical engineering sphere, there is a wide variety of such metals as aluminum and copper, which are few in number. From these metals, cables of various types are made, which are widely used in everyday life, for virobnitsa butt fittings, preparation of tires, windings of transformers and other electrical engineering types

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