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The first instruction at the work station for the school. First briefing at the work station

See the instructions at the school

1. Introductory briefing.

1.1. The introductory briefing should be carried out by those accepted for workindependently in the light of their education, work experience for this profession or a settlement, with Timchas’s practitioners, recruiters, teachers and students, who arrived at virobniche navchannya or practice, as well as with studies at the initial pledges before the cob of laboratory and practical work at the primary laboratories, masters, and dealers.
1.2. The introductory briefing is to be carried out according to the program, which has been developed with the improvement of the standards, rules, norms and instructions for the protection of practices, as well as with the necessary features established, approved by the stone of the initial mortgage for the weather from the trade union committee.
1.3. About the event introductory briefing to make a record in the journal of registration of an introductory briefing with a binding signature on what to instruct that instruction. Conducting an introductory briefing with students is registered with the journal in the form of primary work, with - with students who are engaged in advanced settings, - with a working journal of a ker_vnika, the section is thin.

2. First briefing at the work station.

2.1. The first briefing at the work station to the cob of workconduct:
- from usima novopryynyatami to establish, scho to be transferred from one pіdrozdіl to іnshoy;
- with practitioners, yakі vykonuyut new їm work. vіdryadzhenimi, timchasovym practitioners;
- with students of those studies, as if they arrived at the laboratory for training or practice, before the vicons of new types of work, as well as before the new ones, take practical hours at the primary laboratories, classes, mains, workshops, and take an hour after school, sections.
2.2. The first briefing at the work place is carried out for instructions for the protection of work, expanded for other professions, or for other jobs with the improvement of standards, rules, norms for the protection of work. The instructions are approved by the certifier and established by the trade union committee.
2.3. The first briefing at the work site should be carried out by a skin practitioner, or by students individually with a practical demonstration of safe techniques and methods of practice. The first briefing is possible from a group of employees, as if the service is of the same type in the boundaries of a hard work job.

3. Repeated briefing.

Z.1. Repeated briefingto pass the practical training independently in terms of qualifications, enlightenment, experience, the nature of the work performednot more than once in pivrichchya.
By regulations, organizations for the weather with professional committees and technical inspections of work, there may be three times (up to one year) of the term for re-instructing.
3.2. Repeated briefing is carried out individually or with a group of practitioners, as if the service is of the same type in the boundaries of the main work area for the program of primary instruction at the work station at the general office.

4. Post-scheduled briefing

4.1. Conduct pre-scheduled briefing:
- at introduction of new or redesignedstandards, rules, instructions for protecting practices and changes to them; - atreplacement or modernization, attached to the tool, materials and other factors that are added to the safety of work; when damaged by working or teachings, they could not be safe, they could cause injury, accident, vibration, or worse, disruption;
- at a glance of the organs;
during breaks at the robot- for jobs that require additional (additional) security measures, more than 30 calendar days, and other jobs - 60 days.
4.2. Scheduled briefing should be carried out individually or with a group of practitioners in the same profession. Obsyag and zmіst іnstruktazh vyznachayut in a specific skin type fallow due to the reasons and circumstances that called for the need for yoga.

5. Tsilovy briefing.

5.1. Tsіlovy _instruction to conduct:
- in case of vikonannі razovyh robіt, not vyazanyh іz direct obov'yazykami for specіlnіstyu (advancement, vivantage, tidying up the territory, razovі worki pose setting thinly);
- liquidation of recent accidents, natural disasters; vikonannya robit, on the yakі the work permit is issued;
- Carrying out excursions at the enterprises, organizing mass visits to schools (excursions, hikes, sports activities and other).

6. Briefings at the work station are completed with a re-verification of the knowledge of our previous experience, as well as a re-verification of the newcomers of the safe ways of working

7. Individuals who have shown unsatisfactory knowledge, independent work otherwise, practical occupations are not allowed and the goiter is to be re-instructed.

8. About the initial briefing to work on a job, re-scheduled workjournal entryinstructing at the work station with a binding signature of the instructed and instructing. At the time of registration of the scheduled briefing, I will indicate the reason for the yoga.

The program of introductory instruction for the protection of practice

1. Zagalni vіdomostі about the lighting installation, the nature and features of the work, the organization of work and the protection of work in the installation.
2. The main provisions of the legislation on the protection of work, labor contract(contract), working hours and hours for repair, protection of women and workers, benefits and compensation.
3. Rules of internal labor order lighting mortgage, Vidpovidalnist for violating the Rules
4. The main unsafe and dangerous factors that are typical for lighting, install methods and prevent unfortunate fluctuations and professional illnesses.
5. The main vimogi of virobnichoy sanitary and special hygiene.
b. Fire safety, cause fire, ways to prevent fire, first aid fire extinguishing, to personnel in case of guilt.
7. Fundamentals of electrical safety, to help prevent electrical injuries.
8. Accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, possible in the area of ​​lighting mortgage. Alert signals civil defense i order dіy іz them. Zasobi _individualnogo and collective zakhistu, order їх vikoristannya.
9. Dії prats_vnikiv in times of unfortunate weather, we will endure the first help.
Note: When conducting an introductory briefing, it is necessary to make the most of the modern technical training, study aids (posters, diagrams, layouts, models, films, filmstrips, etc.), which explain safe methods and accept practice, as well as to take away your change/your mastery.
The program of the introductory briefing on the protection of the mpyda is developed according to the improvement of the standards of the SSBT, the rules, norms and instructions on the protection of the practice, as well as the necessary features, establish, be confirmed by the cerivnik, establish for the weather with the professional committee.

The program of primary instruction for the protection of work at the work station

1. General information about the possession of a given working area, business, major unsafety, and poor manufacturing factors that are blamed on a new one.
2. Safe organization that morning of the working day.
3. Unsafe zone of the mechanism, accessories, other installation. Security services (outbuildings, fences, blocking systems, signalization, security). Vimogi shdo elektrotraumatizm.
4. The order of preparation of the working space to work (re-checking the equipment, starting accessories, tools and attachments, grounding and other equipment).
5. Safely accept the same methods of work, di ї u razі vyniknennya unsafe situation.
b. Zasobi individual zakhistu in this working position, she ruled for them.
7. Characteristic causes of accidents, vibrations, fires. Obov'yazok and dії in case of an accident, vibuhu, fire. Ways of stosuvannya nayavnyh zabіv zabіv pozhozhogаіnnya, anti-emergency protection and signalization, and months of roztashuvannya.
Note: The programs of the primary briefing for the protection of work at the work station are expanded and hardened by the stoners structural subdivisions install lighting for other professions or see work with urahuvannyam could SSBT standards, relevant rules, norms and instructions for the protection of practice are set by the professional committee.

instructions for the protection of practice:
Introductory briefing;
Introductory briefing program;
First briefing at the work station;
Repeated briefing at the work station;
Post-scheduled briefing at the work station;
Tsіl'ovy іnruktazh z okhoroni pratsі.

- First briefing at the work station to the cob virobnichoy activity conduct:
z usima novopryynyatimi on pіdpriєmstvo, scho be transferred from one pіdrozdіl to іnshoy;
with practitioners, yakі vykonuyut new їm work, vіdryadzhenimi, timchasovymi pracіvniki;
with alarm clocks, how to build alarm and installation works on the territory dignified undertaking;
zі students and uchnyami, yakі pribul on vyrobniche navchannya or practice in front of vykonanny new species work, as well as before vyvchennâ skin novі those pіd pіd pіdnya pіdnya pіdnya pіdnya pіdnіnі navchalnіyah, klasah, majsternyah, dіlnіtsyah, pіd hіdіnі pozadniy pozaskіlnyh zahkіlnіh take in groups, sections.

- Individuals that do not appear to have been serviced, tested, paid, and repaired, repaired, used tools, taken care of, sirovin, and materials, do not undergo the first briefing at the work station.

- A change of professions and settlements of practitioners, svіlnenikh vіd primary instructing at the work station, ratified the foundation of the organization for the weather from the professional committee and the engineer of the protection of the practice.

— Первинний інструктаж на робочому місці проводять за програмами, розробленими та затвердженими керівниками виробничих та структурних підрозділів підприємства, навчального закладу для окремих професій або видів робіт з урахуванням вимог стандартів ССБТ, відповідних правил, норм та інструкцій з охорони праці, виробничих інструкцій та ін. technical documentation. Programs work with the engineer of the protection of the practice and the professional committee of the pdrozdil, entrepreneurship.

The main nutrition of the primary instruction for the worker.

– The first briefing at the work site should be carried out by a skin practitioner and teachers individually with a practical demonstration of safe techniques and methods of practice. The first briefing is possible from a group of employees, as if the service is of the same type, that is in the midst of a hard work job.

-Usi Robytniks, the number of vocabulars of the professional teschers, the forever vibrant combining, pitsli primary ilbonstral on the timid miStzi guilty 2-14 Zmіn (in the nature of the character of Roboti, Kvalifanika, to recognize the head of the Kereyvnitzniy, seducts, and the clan from the shop.

- Ker_vnitstvo shop, dilnitsі, cooperative too. for the weather with the engineer of the protection of the practice and the professional committee of the committee, you can call for the internship of a practitioner, which may be the experience of working for the specialty of at least 3 years, to move from one workshop to the next, as the nature of this work, that type of possession, it is not possible to learn early .

— Employees are admitted to independent work after probation, re-verification of theoretical knowledge and acquired skills of safe methods of work.

The program of carrying out the primary briefing for the worker's office for the protection of work.

2. Safe organization and morning of the working day.

3. Unsafe zones of the machine, mechanism, fittings. Protect the safety of possession (guards, galmivnі outbuildings and fences, blocking systems and alarms, safety signs). Vimogi shdo elektrotraumatizm.

4. The procedure for preparing for work (re-checking the equipment, starting accessories, tools and attachments, blocking, grounding and other protection).

5. Safely accept that method of work; in times of unsafe situation.

6. Get an individual zakhist for this job and rules for them.

7. Scheme of the careless transfer of the workers to the shop, the yard.

8. Internal transport shops and vantazhopidyomni zasobi and mechanisms. Vymogi bezpeki at vantage-rozvantazhuvalnyh robots and transportation vantage.

9. Characteristic causes of accidents, vibrations, burns, vibrations of virobnic injuries.

10. Come in in fear of accidents, vibrations, fires. Obov'yazok and dії in case of an accident, vibuhu, fire. Ways of stosuvannya nayavnyh zabіv zabіv pozhozhogаіnnya, anti-emergency protection and signalization, and months of roztashuvannya.

11. First help to help those who suffered from an unfortunate fall.

Department of Education and Youth Policy





with. Peregrybne

No. 000 - one

About the confirmation of the admission program

and the primary briefing at the work station

On behalf of the order of the director of the school on 01.01.20013 p. “About the procedure for conducting briefings for protect the cleanlinessі security technology with practitioners and teachers of the school in 2012–2013 to the primary education” is consistent with the Regulations on the procedure for conducting instructions for the protection of practices with ceramics, practitioners and students of the Municipal Educational Institution “Peregrebinsky Secondary Educational School No. 1”, approved by the order of the director of school No. 000.


1. Approve the program of introductory instruction for school teachers (addition 1).

2. Approve the program of primary instruction at the work station for administrative employees pedagogical practitioners schools (addition 2).

3. Approve the program of primary instruction at the work station for employees and employees of the school (appendix 3).

4. Finalize the thematic plan training program to protect the workers of the workers of the school (Appendix 4).

5. For the conduction of briefings, conduct training at the suvoriy of vidpovidnosti before the program.

6. I leave control over vikonannyam to my order.

school principal

Known by order:



On the right - 1 copy.

Deputy Director of the Academy of Arts - 1 copy.

Deputy director from SD - 1 note.

Vikladach - organizer of life safety - 1 copy.

Addendum 1

before the direction of the director

MKOU "Peregrebinska ZOSh No. 1"

dated 01.01.2001




1.1. Statute of the lighting mortgage.
1.2. Structure management bodies illumine the area, illumine the establishment.

2.1. The main provisions of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation for the protection of practice.
2.2. The rules of the internal labor order and the main obov'yazki ker_vniki, prac_vnik_v osvіtnyoї establish schodo dotrimannya tsikh rules.
2.3. The work is carried out between the robot supplier and the practitioner, the procedure for their execution and guarantees for the completion of the work.
2.4. Collective agreement and agreement for yogo vikonannya.

3. Legal ambush and bury the practice. 3.1. Fundamentals of the Law "On the Fundamentals of the Protection of the Russian Federation".

3.2. The rights and guarantees of practitioners for the protection of practice.
3.3. Obov'yazki robodavtsya z protect the work in the lighting deposit.
3.4. Obov'yazki kerіvnikіv shkodo dotrimannya could protect the work in the illuminating mortgage.
3.5. The peculiarities of the protection of the workers of the uchniv, vikhovantsiv.
3.6. Administrative-suspіlny control over the funeral practice in the lighting deposit.

4. Organization of work for the protection of work in the sacred deposit.
4.1. The main documents for the funeral of practice for the practitioner (instructions for the funeral of practice and safety equipment for the profession, instructions for the funeral of practice for the types of work done, the journal of introductory and primary training on the job).
4.2. The order of development of the rules and instructions for the protection of practice.
4.3. The procedure for attestation of working jobs for the minds of the guards of workers.
4.4. Organization and procedure for carrying out the training and re-verification of knowledge of the protection of practitioners of lighting.
4.5. See the instructions for the funeral of the practice, the order of their conduct, the execution of that registration.
4.6. Features of instructing students.
4.7. Zdіysnennya control over dotrimannym could protect the practice and execution of dokumentіv control.
4.8. The procedure for preparing the lighting mortgage before the new beginning date and documenting the results of the readiness of the classrooms, the master and the gym.
4.9. Sanitary and hygienic care for workers.

5. Not safe mind roboti. Come in to defend the pratsyyuyuchih and uchnіv, vihovantsіv. 5.1. Classification of the main unsafe and shkіdlivih genetic factors.
5.2. Vymogi bezpeka pіd hour ekspluatatsії budіvel, sporud and engineering kommunіkatsiy osvіtny mortgage. I will look at their technical camp.
5.3. Zagalni vimogi security possession of cabinets, workshops, laboratories, gyms, kitchen blocks and other technical facilities for lighting.
5.4. Vimogi shodo elektrobezpeki. Rules for the operation of electrical installations.
5.5. Wimogi to the staff involved in the repair and operation of electrical installations. Vymogi shkodo vlastuvannya virobnicheskih meisteren and robochih mіsts.
5.6. Wimogi to the office of chemistry.
5.7. Wimogi to the office of informatics
5.8. Vymogi bezpeki pіd hour vykonannya rozvantazhuvalno-navantazhuvalnyh robit.
5.9. Vymogi bezpeka pіd hour slіnnya vіkon, mittya vikon with great surfaces of the warehouse.

6. Order of investigationappearance unfortunate moods.
6.1. The procedure for investigating the appearance of unfortunate fluctuations in the practice (with practitioners).
6.2. The procedure for investigating the appearance of unfortunate upheavals from studies, upheavals.
6.3. Investigation of that formalization of unfortunate experiences from a lethal end, including group ones.
6.5. Vіdshkoduvannya by the robot-seller shkodi, zapodіyanoї pratsіvnikovі after an unfortunate mood.
7. Help the injured in an unfortunate fall.
7.1. Dії kerіvnikіv and іnshih pracіvnіkіv osvіtnyoї install at the time of an unfortunate mood. Classification of types of unfortunate fluctuations in susceptibility. Classification and statistical appearance of unfortunate fluctuations from studies.
7.2. Organization of the first dokarskoy help to the victim.
7.3. Organization of qualified medical assistance victim.

Addendum 2

before the direction of the director

MKOU "Peregrebinska ZOSh No. 1"

dated 01.01.2001



I. Basic provisions of labor law.

1. The main provisions of the dignified legislation of the Russian Federation about the protection of the country.

2. Rules of internal labor order. The main obov'yazki ker_vniki, pedagogical prac_vnik_v schodo dotrimannya tsikh rules.

3. Working hour that time for a break.

4. Employment work between the robot supplier and the practitioner, the procedure for issuing and obtaining a guarantee.

5. Collective agreement and mutual agreement of the parties on how to win.

6. Reinvention of the selection of practitioners.

II. Lawyer ambush protect the workers.

1. Understanding protect the practice. Basics of the "Fundamentals of Legislation" Russian Federation about the protection of the country".

Topic 4 initial mortgage). The sequence of organization of work for the protection of work.

Obov'yazki robotodavtsya and pracіvnikіv іz zabezpechennya okhoroni pratsі. Guarantees and rights of practitioners for the protection of practice. The system of management of the security work at the installation. Rozpodіl the robot-seller of obov'yazkіv s to protect pratsі mіzh landowners, their wedding and bringing to vikonavtsіv. The service of the protection of the practice in the installation, її recognized that place in the structure of the management of the installation. The sequence of organization of work for the protection of work is established. Committee (commission) for the protection of practice, yoga (її) zavdannya, the function of law (decree of the Ministry of Practice of Russia dated 12.10.94, No. 64). Planuvannya roboti s to protect the practice. Documentation for the protection of work at the installation. Collective agreement that favors the protection of work - the main legal forms of in-line planning and conduction of entry to the protection of work.

Topic 5 Instructions for the burial of workers. Propaganda for the protection of practice.

Obov'yazki robotodavtsya schodo navchannya and instruktuvannya pratsіvnikіv z bezpeka pratsі. Advancement of qualifications and re-verification of knowledge for the protection of practice from ceramics and specialists. Learning that re-verification of knowledge from the safety of practice among practitioners, how to win robots promoted insecurity. You see that task of instruction for the safety of practical work and training: introductory, first at the work station, repetition, after-planning, tsily. Terms of conducting briefings and special individuals for their conduct. Registration of the briefing of the Cabinet of the Protection of Pratsi. Propaganda for the protection of practice in the regulations: task, goal, form and order.

Topic 6 Certification of working jobs for the minds of workers. Pilga certification compensation for important work and work unsafe minds practice.

Classification of the main unsafe and difficult factors. Hygienic classification of minds of workers. The terms are the same. Physical, chemical, biological, high-quality manufacturing factors, labor process factors. Classify the minds of the workers for the step of shkidlivost and insecurity: optimal, admissible, shkіdlivі, not bezpechnі. Vymogi before the illumination of the premises and the working area, the norms of illumination. Vibir dzherel svіtla, svitilnikov. Noise and vibration. Having poured into the human body of electromagnetic fields, radio frequencies, ionizing vibrations. Ways to soobi zakhistu. Sobi іndivіdualnogo zakhistu, the procedure for the provision of them to practitioners and uchnіv, the norms of free vidachі. The norms of marginally admissible advances for the purpose of transferring important speeches by hand for women and lads. Certification of working places for the minds of workers and її zavdannya (decree of the Ministry of Practice of Russia dated March 14, 1997, No. 12): determination of the actual values ​​of unsafe and unsafe virobnic factors in working places and the assessment will become the minds of workers. Stages of attestation work. Registration of the results of certification. Pіlgi and compensation for important work and work for the work with difficult and unsafe minds: short working day, additional permits, surcharge up to salary up to 12%, milk collector, medical examiner.

Topic 7. Organization safe work on personal computers and video display terminals.

Normative enforcement. Hygienic assistance to video display terminals (VDT), personal electronic computing machines (PEOM) and organization of work. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03. burning position that area of ​​congestion. Vimogi to VDT and PEOM. Vimogy to a place for the operation of VDT and PEOM, to a microclimate in virobnicheskih and primary places. Vimogi to the noise, vibration, lighting. Zagalni vimogi to the organization and possession of working areas with VDT and PEOM. Vymogi to the organization and the provision of working areas with VDT and PEOM for mature coristuvachiv and educational institutions. Vymogi to the possession and organization of accommodation with game complexes based on PEOM for children preschool age. Zagalnі vymogi to organіzаtsії mode pratsі and vіdpochinku pіd hour of work z VDT and PEOM. Vymogy to the organization of the mode of work with VDT and PEOM of the illuminating establishments to occupy with play complexes on the basis of PEOM of children of the preschool age. Vymogy to the organization of medical services for coristuvachs VDT and PEOM.

Issue 8 Zagalnі vomogi bezpeki up to primary offices, laboratories, masters, initial possession and conduct of initial

Organization of planned-perezhuvalnoe repair budіvel that sporud, looking after their technical camp. Documentation for the future. The procedure for preparing and accepting the readiness of the lighting installations to a new initial fate. Sanitary rules for the initial mortgage. Zagalnі position that sphere zastosuvannya. Sanitary and hygienic help to the head offices, laboratories, masters, other places of lighting mortgage, initial and other possession. Norm їх sbirannya that obrobki. Warehouse and area. Sanitary-pobutove care of practitioners, yakі navchayutsya that vyhovantsiv. Water supply and sewerage. scorched that ventilation(Ventilation). Povitryano-thermal mode. A group of furniture for educational (vikhovantsiv) lighting, install, mark and complete the primary premises. Vymogi to the initial premises and come in for safety and during the first hour of the initial occupation, demonstrations, practical, laboratory and other work in the classrooms (laboratories) of chemistry, physics, biology, maisteren, take physical culture that sport. Safeguarding the safety of the hour of victoring the technical aids of the training. In front of that periodical medical examine the practitioners of lighting. Medically look around the students (vikhovantsiv).

Topic 9. Virobnicheskie traumatism and come in for yoga prevention. The procedure for investigating, arranging the appearance of unfortunate fluctuations in the selections, with teachings and fluctuations.

Understanding the unfortunate drop on the virobnitstvі. Causes of injury: technical, organizational, special. Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2002 No. 73 "On the approval of the forms of documents necessary for the investigation of the appearance of unfortunate incidents in the selection, that Regulation on the specifics of the investigation of unfortunate incidents in the selection in other companies and organizations." Regulations on the investigation of the appearance of professional illnesses (decree to the Rada of the Russian Federation dated January 01, 2001, No. 000). Regulations on the investigation of the appearance of unfortunate youngsters and youths in the system of the State of the USSR (Order of the State of the USSR dated 01.10.90 R. No. 000). Basic technical organizational visits from prevention causative injury that unfortunate vipadkіv іz uchnyami (vyhovantsy).

Topic 10 Vіdshkoduvannya shkodi, zapodіyanoї pratsіvnikovі kalіtstvom, professional illnesses, chi іnshkodzhennyam zdorov'ya.

Administrative, disciplinary or criminal liability robots and landlords, blamed on the damaged legislators and other normative legal acts for the protection of work. Vidpovіdalnіst pratsivnіvnі v rupture of normative legal acts for the protection of practice (disciplinary, material, criminal). federal law dated 24.07.98 "About ob'yazkove social insurance in the event of unfortunate falls on the verge of occupational illnesses." The procedure for recognition and payment of security insurance. See the insurance coverage.

Topic 11. Electrical safety. Fire safety.

Injection of an electric stream on the body of a person. See the shock electric jet. Classification of the application and electrical installations behind the stage of insecurity by an electric jet. The main protections come in: I will fence, insulate, block, forward signs, inscriptions, posters. Zahisne grounding, zeroing, vimknennya. Sobi zahistu, їх klassifіkatsіya, termіnі vіprobіvаnі vіrok pridelіvі to vikoristannya. The procedure for the admission of maintenance of electrical installations. The procedure for re-verification is knowledge of electrical safety and assembly instructions. Replacement of electrical installations, re-verification of the support of the insulation of electrical meters and grounding. Basic fire safety rules for lighting installations. Firefighter of budіvelnih materials and constructions. First of all, make sure the fire is extinguished, the norms are safe for them, the order of re-checking and reloading. Evacuation plan at different times later. Dії pratsіvnikіv, yakі navchayutsya (vyhovantsіv) pіd pozhezhі hour. Fire-fighting information about fire extinguishing: extinguishing with water, halogen-carbon warehouses, powders, combined warehouses, squeaking. Systems and extensions of fire alarms.

Topic 12 the day before yesterday to occupy and mass visits with teachings and trainings.

A characteristic characteristic of unsafe workers and negative minds that contribute to the health and safety of learning (vikhovantsiv) of the illuminating mortgage. Zagalnі vomogi bezpeka pіd hour of the after-hours and mass visits from the schools (vihovantsy). Come in for the safety of carrying out tourist trips and excursions (Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 1992 No. 000 “Instruction for organizing and conducting tourist trips, expeditions and excursions (more expensive) with studies, trainings and students in the Russian Federation”). Come in for the safety of conducting physical culture and sports and mass visits (order of the Ministry of Education of the SRSR dated 19.04.79 “On the rules for the safety of physical culture and sports in the outdoor lighting installations of the system of the Ministry of Education of the SRSR”, instruction sheet of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 23.g.d. "About the security of public order during the period of sports-mass visits"). Come in safely for an hour of holding group and optional classes, sports sections, evenings, rankings, sports clubs, crumbling hills and other mass entrances, suspіlno korisnoї pratsі on prishkіlnyh plots, polovih robots. Come in safely for an hour of your time to borrow from the military-patriotic and military-sports associations of children. Safety rules for the hour of transportation of the student (vikhovantsiv) of the lighting mortgage.

Topic 13the victim.

Take care of the first dokarskoy assistance and the order of their savings. A first-aid kit, її completing and providing them with the primary and other uses. persha dokarska dopomoga with virobnichih injuries and disorders. First aid in case of injuries, bleeding, fractures, blows, dislocations, opia, frostbite, electric shock, heat and sony strokes, drowned skinny. Dії kerіvnikіv i spetsialistіv vyniknennі unfortunate vpadku.

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