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Concrete preparation

With such a term, like a concrete preparation for a podlog, the skin of a person soon sticks, like a repair is done to a wet house of an apartment.

The screed looked like a hardened ball of summish from concrete, vibrating at the floor of the required area.

This attachment is needed in order to build up the surface evenly and then beat it as a basis for a further construction of pidlogs. Yogo is also called a coupler. It looks like a hardened ball of confusion from concrete, like a vibration at the singing area.

On the back, you can get away, but it’s all the more easy and with the help of a robot, you can turn around. Ale so zdaetsya less at first glance. Tsej pristriy maє kіlka aspects, with yakim may close the skin. Tse pov'yazano us before s nedotrimannym tekhnologii robotita z wrong zamіshuvannyam rozchiny. Therefore, the first thing to do is to start the foundation for a concrete pidlog, and then to sort out all the main pardons of the okremo. It’s necessary to save money so that we don’t overwork those that didn’t last the first time. If the process is blamed for some difficulties, it is more likely to turn to a specialist and consult with him.

Cooking a meal

Shchob rozchiny at the process of mixing viyshov required consistency and becoming uniform, it is necessary to speed up concrete mixing. Ale tse, zdebіlshhogo stosuetsya quietly, hto may be great work. Even if it will be small, then to prepare the size of the concrete mix, you can speed it up with an excellent kitchen mixer, or mix everything with an additional spatula. It is necessary to say at once what to achieve with all the applied diligence and zealousness, to take such a result, as if, do not go astray.

The basis of the concrete summish_ pіd pіdlog is formed from the advancing three warehouses:

  • pisok;
  • cement;
  • water.

Water here plays the role of a recluse, sand plays the role of a recluse, cement plays the role of a happy element. If it is necessary to choose a supplementary backfill, add crushed stone and other similar materials to the base. Naskіlki great zapovnyuvach will vikoristovuvatisya, lie down in the planned comradeship of the screed. Why won't you be tovstіsha, tim, otzhe, and zapovnyuvach it is necessary to win more. Sound zastosovuєtsya designing screeds, which you see, as if put on a tovshchina of 4 cm.

Okrim voicing, standard, basic specialization. The stench is to add special supplies, from which the stature of the yakos grows. Fakhіvtsі recommend cherobiti.

Component mixing

1. The first base, as it sips into an attachment for mixing cement, a chain of sand.

2. After the new addition, cement is added. In concrete mixers, stinks are mixed in 5 to 10 quills. The exact time to deposit the ingredients is obligatory. For the preparation of a vibrating screed, for the application of a spivv_dnoshennya, it is necessary to make 1 part of cement and 2 parts of sand.

3. After that, as the two first components are mixed, water is added for mixing. It’s easy to name the exact proportion, for that pokaznik can lie down in the middle, in spite of the fact that it’s a little watery sand, that it sips in the pristry. Can you signify required quantity lead to the eye. It's not important for a non-professional to learn. Ideal for the consistency, you can call that sum, like in the middle of the concrete mixers move, imitating the frail-like ruhi, it does not stick to the walls.

So that the plasticizer is more likely to be mixed with concrete masa, it is better to add it further in a container with water, and then add it to an attachment for mixing with cement. Everything, for the preparation of the summish, to prepare the basis for the concrete underlay, is completed.

Laying technology

When preparing the ball, which is vibrating, under the pidlog - tse robiti yoga yakomoga is more equal.

Naygolovnіshe when preparing the ball, scho virіvnyuє, pіd pіdlogu - tse robiti yoga yakomoga more equal. Pid tsim maєtsya on uvazі, scho it is necessary to dotrimuvatisya pristrіy surface. For whom, aluminum beacons will be good helpers. The stench looks like aluminum strips, like small openings in the base. At the budіvelnih shops, qi planks are sold with a length of 2 and 3 m. At the top of the beacon, a thorn with dimensions of 6 and 9 mm is placed at the top. The height of the thorn sounds to be chosen in a fallow way, when the screed is ripped and recognized. Attach the screeds to the lighthouse spike. Ale first, proceed to the inspection, on the sub-log it is necessary to install the aluminum bar itself.

The scheme of the screed.

The installation of the plank on the underlay should be started from the preparation of the base of the surface underlays, so as to take care of the additional screed. At this process, it is necessary to remove and clean up the rubbish, removing that saw from the surface. When the month is marked, the lighthouses will be installed. Fahіvtsі for the sake of clarity, they didn’t give them to put them on the bed; Tsі mіstsya next soak for an additional hose or a watering can with a brizkovik nozzle. It is necessary to work in order to sweat it, if on the surface there is a sum of concrete, pieces of smite, sand and a saw were mixed with the prepared rose and hardened with it. The ball will be more similar.

If the beacons have been successfully installed, you can proceed to the final stage of preparation for the construction of the screed, which you can see.

Pіslya tsgogo pochinaєtsya without intermediary concrete robots. It is necessary to place the balloon on the sub-log for designated places for the installation of beacons. Zovnі pristriy nagaduvati hump hump trohi dovgastoy form. This attachment will be a support for the pendulum. The height of the lining of the lining is not in the middle of the joint of the screed, as it will be necessary to take it as a result. The beacon is placed on a concrete hump and the trochs are pressed in. Tse to fight for the best fixation of the lighthouse. They gave with additional help it is necessary to correct yoga. If there is a pіdloga equal chi nі, lay it yourself in the correctness of the installation. To that, it was necessary to proceed carefully and carefully to the whole process. For saving, it is necessary to give the concrete a few hours.

If the beacons are successfully installed in dried concrete, you can proceed to the final stage of preparing the construction of the screed, which will be repaired. On the back of the soil, wetting of the surface is carried out over the entire area. At the expanse, having settled down, between the beacons, the concrete summish and vibrate are laid. Robiti be-yaku to the robot, pov'yazanu s concrete design it is necessary even more quickly, so that the wine does not catch up. After the work is completed, aluminum beacons will not be needed. The stench lingers at the screed.

According to this scheme, it is possible to design not only the coating of the concrete, but also the different recognition of the concrete screed.

Concrete underlay to serve as a miraculous basis for the establishment of a polymer coating only for the mind of yogo ground preparation. The main characteristics, which technologically can be used as a concrete basis for the further development of industrial applications: adhesion, minerality, water content of the base.

The preparation procedure includes the outside of the surface of all the debris, for which you need to put in the pilosos. As for the cleaning of the concrete subfloor, it was necessary to clean up the water, the presence of excess water is necessary to remove it, and then all work is carried out with a moisture content of the base of no more than 4%. None of the factors are not responsible for impairing the adhesion of the base to the stepping ball.

Defects in the coating, which are on the surface, - cracks, cracks - need to be repaired: putty, primer and, if necessary, glue them with fiberglass. Grinding of concrete pads, which is carried out, with the aid of a mosaic-grinding machine, allows you to thoroughly clean the surface from dirt, traces of oil, saw and water. From the fresh, recently wetted, non-visible concrete, it is necessary to see the cement milk. Be it concrete pidlogs, they can bend to deformation, on them, to minimize the risk and hide the pressure of the cover, to loosen the outline of the deformation seams.


Іsnuyuchi normative documents, regulating the parameters of the surface quality, price SNiP and SNiP 2.03.13-88, building materials and insulation sub-logs. Vidpovidno to tsikh SNiP mіtsnіst nayavnoї concrete base on vіdriv is guilty vіdvіdat not less than nizh 1.5 N/sq.

The surface of the concrete pads is not porous, it is easy to remove and absorb moisture. dovkilla Penetrating through the pores, the vologa negatively infiltrates on the waterproofing of the reinforcement elements, vibrating on the corrosion and partial ruining of the concrete coating. To prevent this, we viroblyayat zmіtsnyuyuchu seepage of concrete pіdlogs by special warehouses. Tse povnistyu close the pores of concrete, anesthetize the surface, insulate from falling into the middle of the water. Vicoristannya similar zmіtsnyuvachіv є obov'yazkovym element yakіsnoї podgotovka podgotovke podlogi;

Water content

If on to the critical soil the concrete base is laid, it is necessary to lay it on a drainage cushion made of crushed stone or gravel. The installation of the drainage ball pereskozhaє penetration of the water through the capillaries of the material without intermediary into the concrete, which leads to the penetration of the base of the polymer ball. I will drain the pillow in front of it and tamp it down. Before carrying out the work on laying the base of the polymer coating, the natural water content of the wetted concrete floor is not to blame for more than 4 hundred square meters.

Temperature regime

When installing a new filling fluid, it is necessary to trim the recommended temperature regime. The optimal norm is to keep the temperature of the medium in the middle not lower than +15 C. At lower temperatures, in the case of moisture, which exceeds the norm, condensate may form on the cover. In the course of the work carried out, in similar minds, the amount of sum is overheated, the shards in the viscosity of the material are larger, and the material becomes smaller and thinner. At a high temperature of the superfluous medium, the process of settling the thickness of the surface is accelerated, which is very unfavorable, for two main reasons: the indicator of wear resistance of the surface decreases, old look ready to cover, you can significantly suffer.

For a further addition of a polymeric bulk coating, during the preparation of the concrete floor, it is necessary to take care of the installed technological recommendations, installed for a specific type of surface, and it is also necessary to repair the planned installation.

1.2. When the card is attached to specific minds, the work, calculation of labor costs, schedule of work and technical and economic indicators are specified.

Non-zhorstkі balls, scho pіdstilayut (gravel, crushed stone, asphalt concrete, pіshchanі, slag) are allowed to zastosovuvat at virobnichih budіvlyah for the minds of their strengthening by mechanical kotka.

In conditions, as in the process of exploitation, they can be influenced by the influx of aggressive natives, speeches of creaturely adventures and organic retailers, whether they are of intensity or water, neutral variations, oils and emulsions of them, medium and great intensity of light.

The tovshchina of the underlaying ball should be installed by a rozrachunkom in a fallow manner, which is on the basis of the foundation, zastosovuvanih materials and authority to the ground of the foundation. Comradeship to the ball, which supported, is no less guilty, mm:

In windings, if behind the rozrachunk the tension is drawn in the ball, which is supported, with a thickness of 100 mm from concrete of class B22.5, there is less than rozrachunk concrete, then concrete of the lower class (but not lower than B7.5) should be put out of the safety of the load-bearing building.

Concrete supporting balls have a place of application, during the operation of such possible sharp temperature drops, it is necessary to transfer the deformation seams, which can be stitched together at mutually perpendicular straight lines on a vertical line of 8-12 m.

Substitute pіd pіdlogi on water-bearing and non-pіdlogi, macroporous (sedimentary) and non-sedimentary, bulky and natural soils, swipe until vashtuvannya pіdstilayuchih balls pіdlogi.

When wet soil foundations are used, growing soil (or peat), lowering the level of ground waters and drying clay, loamy and sawtooth soils with water until their design bearing building is restored. The heaving soils, when wetted, are protected from deformations in non-fouled buds, to the point of being able to project against deformations. Macroporous soils are sealed or replaced with soil from a small draft. Grunti nasypnі or with a damaged structure before lashing the pіdlogue is cleaned from the houses of the wooden budіvelny smіtta and strengthened by mechanical rammers ІЕ-4502 or ІЕ-4505. productivity vіdpovіdno 45 and 13 m: s/h. As a result of the stowing of mechanical rammers, it can be necessary to replace the selected foundations or other structures that adjoin, the soil is piled up with a thickness of 10 cm and strengthened with manual rammers.

I plan the surface of the soil behind the profile and equal the design mark. When necessary, to the necessary level of the lower surface of the base, the soil is vibrated, if necessary, subsipate and deepen. Plan and strengthen only the waist soil, without a house of frozen soil, snow and ice.

In case of victorious soil sums, the storage of which is to be built in the project, they are evenly laid on the basis of 50-75 mm zavtovshki balls and the leather ball is strengthened.

To support the buildings from the sand, we dig from the vibrated foundation, laying the sand with a solid equal ball of 5-10 mm thickness and strengthening it. For the improvement of the level, the improvement of the sand is up to 7-10%.

Substilayuchi balls from crushed stone are laid from the vibrated base of the soil. Sumіsh is picked up after the granulometric warehouse and in front of it is allowed up to 5-7%. Sumish is laid with heavy equal balls with a thickness of 80-200 mm, expanded and strengthened by hand, and in case of great obligations - with mechanical cats weighing up to 8 tons. Like a tovshchina to the ball, which supports, shifts 200 mm, on the first ball they lay the offensive, which is also strengthened with cats.

Supporting balls from gravel and slag can also be beaten from a vibrating base of gravel-singing sumishes or blast-furnace slags. Vimogi to їhnyoї vologosі so, like to crushed stone bags; the thickness of one ball, which fits - 100-200 mm. I will put my sumish to strengthen it with hand-made cats. The mass of mechanized kotkіv is not guilty of overtaking 5 tons with the help of slag preparations and 12 tons - with the strengthening of gravel-sanding sums.

Supporting balls with adobe sums are laid with a vir_vnyanoї base with an equal ball of a zavtovka up to 100 mm. The skin ball is strengthened until moisture appears on the surface. During the installation of the bagato-ball preparation, the leather ball is laid after the hardening of the front. At the same time, for polypshennya zcheplennya mizh with balls of preparation, the ball is wetted with water. To prevent the appearance of cracks in the finished preparations, the surface is also soaked with water by stretching the dekilkoh after laying the clay bag.

Concrete sums are transported to the working square by self-skids, wagons, cebras or concrete pumps. They don’t reinforce the underlay, the sum is laid out of the self-skid, or with vises without a middle in the center of the section, which makes it possible to flood. For example, they reinforce for a sublog, sumish zavantazhuyut perekidannyam ubik, otherwise, at the same time, they will win the places.

When laying the sum, it is not possible to destroy the armature from the place, it is fenced to move along it, or to install the support of the place on it. If so, you may need to adjust the installation of a reinforcing mesh.

When laying the concrete bag for the help of a crane and the cebra, it is necessary to evenly spread the bag on the surface, without going to the help of the clay vibrator. Naybіlsh just that swidko podavat sumіsh concrete pumps, yakі zabezpechuyut poured concrete sumіshi.

The smugs are concreted through one, with which shoulder the smugs are concreted more distantly in the passing part and successively approaching it. After hardening the concrete at the summіzhny swags, laying between the beacon boards, concrete the smugs.

The boulder edges of the concreted slabs, which make up the deformation seams, should be coated with a hot ball of bitumen 1.5-2 mm before concreting the intermediate smog.

Shrinkage seams make concrete of metal smuga with a width of 80-100 and a thickness of 4-5 mm, deepen by 1/3 of a tovshchina. concrete preparation. Smuga is left at the concrete for 20-40 min. after what її win. After the hardening of the concrete, the fixed seams should be filled with hot bitumen or cement mortar.

When the concrete preparation is in place, the foundations, pits, canals are concreted with concrete slabs, it is necessary to take care of the lesser worker to supply the concrete sum to these slabs, rozrovnyuvannya, laying that narrowing.

Today, we look at the food about those, if concrete preparation is being made, the technology is being worked, the brand of concrete has been fixed, and the ability to work well.

burning position

Concrete preparation to serve as a cement screed, for surface treatment. Vіdmіnіst vіdmіnіst vіd scho vykonuєtsya z concrete, а screed іz rozhchinu. There is a lot of difference in the characteristics of the minerality, as the concrete base absorbs and redistributes the great interest, fallow in the recognition of the place.

Understanding the concept of "concrete underlay". Concrete preparation and concrete preparation are even closer to understand. The stench is vykonuyutsya z concrete for similar technology. Vіdminnіst vіdminnіst scho scho concrete pіdgotovka pіd podlogu maє on vіdіnіstі nayavnіst finishing coat(mosaic, ceramic tiles that ін), and the concrete underlay is not transmitted.

Concrete preparation under the contract is based on the ground base (at the basement premises, with the power of the private booths without the basement and in.). If concrete preparation is being made in workshops with advancements in the field of operation, internal workshop transport, warehouse facilities, garages and so on, then it is necessary to reinforce.

Preparing work during the installation of concrete preparation

  • It is necessary to plan the surface for the sign or profile, before the project.
  • The foundation was fortified by ramming it with crushed stone or gravel.
  • Supporting balls on the ground can be used with gravel, slag, crushed stone, clay and other. tovshchina up to 120 mm and obov'yazkovo yogo strengthen.
  • We install direct beacon rails or formwork in the fallow land in the area of ​​concrete preparation, which is to be fixed. If the concreting plot is large, then it is divided into plots with a width of approximately 3-4 meters.

Powerful technology and surveillance for concrete preparation

Concrete pre-preparation must be done at a temperature similar to that of the base, on which the concrete mass is laid no lower than +5 degrees. Otherwise, add chemical additives, install electric heating in concrete, and install heating plants. The selection work is carried out strictly according to the project, with the prior recommendations and the projected brand of concrete and other products.

  • Lay the bottom of the concrete sum, the foundation is watered with water.
  • We invest reinforcing mesh, as it was transferred by the project (if the preparation is necessary, there is a great need).
  • We lay the concrete sum, strengthen it with vibrating slats or vibrators and rob the concrete to the cob.
  • Expansion joint was transferred after the project (with great squares betonuvannya), then vikonuemo yogo. To fix the deformation seams, boards are installed, burnt with roofing paper, or planed and smeared with hot bitumen. Doshki vіddalyayutsya until the end of shoplyuvannya concrete, and the seams are filled with bituminous warehouses, sealants.
  • If the weather is dry and smoky on the street, then the concrete preparation of the shoes should be watered with water, so that it will sink into the crack, the next day it will sizzle with a ball of water tirsi (20-40mm) and at the laid station it is necessary to stretch it.

As it has already happened, I have published on my own account the BNIP norms for the vitreous components for the preparation of designs for cement screeding, plastering walls. Today I am publishing the norms of vitrates of components for the preparation of concrete mass for grades fallow from inert warehouses.

Concrete in large quantities is taken to the building centrally from a concrete-concrete unit, and as we need a small amount of concrete for repairs at the dacha, booth, in the garage - the world's ruined and misplaced components in approximate proportions. I propagate mozhlivist keruvatisya norms BNiP.

Vitrata of materials according to BNip for preparation of 1m3 concrete (on gravel)

Concrete brand Brand of cement Cement (t) Gravel (m3) Sand (m3) Water (m3)
Concrete M-100 (7.5)
Concrete M-150 (10-12.5)
Concrete M-200 (B15)
Concrete M-250 (B20)
Concrete M-300 (B22.5)

Vitrata of materials according to BNip for the preparation of 1m3 concrete (on crushed stone)

Concrete brand Brand of cement Cement (t) Crushed stone (m3) Sand (m3) Water (m3)
Concrete M-100 (7.5)
Concrete M-150 (10-12.5)
Concrete M-200 (B15)
Concrete M-250 (B20)
Concrete M-300 (B22.5)
Concrete M-350 (B25)
Concrete M-400 (B30)

Wimogi schodo Yakostі:

During the acceptance of concrete preparation under the sub-log, the levelness, horizontality and actual materiality are checked. The equivalence of concrete preparation is controlled at all straight lines with a rail of 2 meters. Enlightenment between the concrete preparation and the rail is not guilty of revisiting 2mm. Removal of surface screeds from surface underlays does not exceed 0.2% of the actual area of ​​application.

We looked at how the concrete preparation is being prepared for the undertaking. If you are planning to vikonate a small worker, then you will be able to work with your own hands where necessary. Good luck to those mіtsnih, equal surfaces.

Concrete underlays are simply necessary at certain objects: at warehouse premises, at terminals, at garages and others. Tobto there, de transferring the high vanity on the basis, as if otherwise the cover is simply not visible. The popularity of this coverage is explained by the very fact that the establishment of concrete pidlogs, wanting and using advanced technologies, but as a whole, gave strength to independent vikonnannya.

Stages of concrete laying

Before concrete underlays a number of factors are presented, such as the stink of guilt: durability, high chemical resistance, tightness, resistance to navantazhen, durability of the saw.

In order to take concrete pokrittya, as vydpovidaє all tsim vomogam, it is necessary to vikonat two minds: vikoristovuvat yakіsnі materials and suvoro dotrimuvatisya technology, in yakіy see chotiri main stages:

  • foundation preparation;
  • laying concrete in a screed;
  • surface finishing;
  • seam cutting, sealing.

Laying underlays can be carried out both on an already existing cement-concrete base, and on a soil one.

Laying of concrete pavement on the ground at any cost and economical, but also to do a laborious way of pavement of pavement. Yogo dotsilno oblastovuvat in quiet places, de dosit dry. Yakіsno vykonana pіdloga on ґruntu maє sharuvat structure.

Yakisno vikonana concrete pad maє sharuvatu structure

I have a few options, but most of the time, the pirig pidlogs on the ground look like this:

  • ground base is reinforced;
  • ball of pіdsipki z іchkovy pіsku;
  • a ball of crushed stone or expanded clay;
  • waterproofing;
  • concrete screed (black);
  • vapor barrier;
  • warmer;
  • reinforced screed (finishing).

For the need to make adjustments to the scheme, it is necessary to make changes in the head of the mind. Vіd tskogo deposit also tekhnologiya vlashtuvannya betonї pіdlogi. Such an undertaking will require a thorough preparation of the foundation.

Foundation preparation

When laying on an old concrete base, carry out a retraining: cracks expand and fill with a repair warehouse. cement-food sum or a polymer. In places where the foundation does not need to be repaired, it is necessary to renovate and lay new concrete. Drop heights level, saws resolutely tidy up.

The preparation of the soil base begins with the leveling, which allows you to assess the future earthen robot ta vyznachiti rіven statі. Then we will tamp the soil for the help of special machines, which allows us to get away in the distance the pros_dannya and rozstrіskuvannya pіdlogi. Further, a “cushion” is laid down from the river pipe and also rammed for the help of forgings or vibro-rammers. In order to make the pillow more spacious, the pisca is laid 25% more, then we wet it and only after it is tamped down to the needs of the tovshchina. On top of the squeak, a ball of gravel or expanded clay is sifted.

Waterproofing from one side is guilty of reshuffling water as a basis concrete screed, and from another point - to improve the penetration of water from the soil. It is prepared from the stowing of polymeric membranes or rolled materials, and sometimes stosing of polyethylene without earplugs.

Waterproofing pereskodzhaє vbirannyu water as the basis of the concrete screed and zapobіgaє penetration of water from the soil.

The waterproofing is laid overlapping with an overlap on the walls (15-20 cm), the sticks are glued with adhesive tape.

Concrete base laying (rough)

The ball plays the role of the basis of waterproofing materials. The black screed is made from the so-called "thin concrete" from crushed stone (fraction 5 - 20). Wimogi is not too high for her, it’s easy to finish it. Tovshchina can be no less than 40 mm, horizontal drop - no more than 4 mm.

Laying vapor barrier

Ball of vapor barrier materials ( optimal solutions there will be polymer-bituminous membranes, and other options are also suitable) are laid on a black concrete base.

Warming pads

It is also important to evaluate how much the procedure is needed, and what material for warming the underlay is better than vikoristovuvat. How to insulate the varto to ensure that the material of the slab is up to the vpliv vlog, or to ensure good waterproofing. Most often vicorist is used as insulating polystyrene, extrusion of polystyrene foam, mineral wool.

Laying finishing screed

Laying finishing screeds vіdbuvaєtsya at kіlka еtapіv:

  • Reinforcement (can be used for additional road mesh, and when moving forward, it is better to vicorate the frame from vines with a diameter of 8 mm).
  • Pouring of concrete sumishi (it is better to use hired special equipment).
  • Installation of beacons (beacon rails are installed approximately two meters apart from each other, so that they can be used to break the rules).
  • Filling of the underlays (it is 1.5 cm thicker for the installed beacons).
  • Rozrivnyuvannya that strengthening of concrete for the help of vibrating rails or rules.

For reinforcing the vicorist, a road grid is used, and when moving forward, a frame made of vines.

Surface finishing

After the completion of the process of laying and strengthening the concrete, there will be a technological break, so that the concrete will immediately come to maturity. Fallow, depending on the temperature, it may be not less than 3 years, but not more than 7 years (the depth of the excess on the new track may become 2-3 mm). During this period, rude rubbing of pidlogs for the assistance of machines or disks is being carried out. Trohi pіznіshe, if glybina overfilled with a trace of more than 1 mm, finish rubbing.

Innodі, schob otrimati more mіtsnu and dovgovіchnu basis, vikoristovuyut topping, special sumіsh on the basis of cement and other speeches, like rubbing into concrete. Zastosuvannya special polymeric proschen allows you to solve the problem of sawing.

Zatirannya pіdloga zdіysnyuєtsya behind the help of machines or disks

Cutting seams in concrete

Concrete at the screed should be finished with a thin material, even if it sounds marvelous, and slick to cracking. In order to encircle the process, deformation seams are cut at concrete screeds. There are three vidi:

  • isolation - to shy away from the places of zitknennya under the conditions of the usma structures of life: walls, columns, that transfer the transmission of vibrations;
  • shrinkage - znіmayut naprugu pіd hour of hanging and shrinkage of concrete, which is uneven;
  • constructions - to slacken in quiet places, to detonate a dot of concrete, laying at a different hour.

Narizatisya seams are guilty, like only concrete in the future of sufficient minerality, but before the appearance of more cracks. Roztashuvannya seams are marked with a crade, they are painted with that sequence, which was supposed to be laid to concrete. The depth of the cut should be approximately 1/3 of the thickness of the concrete screed. To make it easier to look after the seams and mark their edges, thereby sealing. The type of sealant should be selected depending on the type of exploitation and the transfer of interest to the application. Before sealing, the seam is thoroughly cleaned with a saw and a smite. After the relatable vikonannja of all stages of the screed, give the opportunity to harden and dry.

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