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The child is getting ready for school. Preparing a child for school at home. What about the nobility of a child in front of the school

Goodbye, friends! Glad to have you on the side of my blog.

School soon? I live! I wish you successful training. And how do you care if you can successfully prepare a child for school at home? Chi maє won sense? What do you need to get out?

I will immediately give you my options for opinions.

Yes you can!

So may!

Yes, you need it!

You need it! Navit as a preschooler in view of special courses that develop centers or are engaged. Because no one, super-duper-mega-cool teachers, can give a child what fathers can, just take care of her at home.

In order to independently prepare a child for education, we will not oblige the mother to obtain a diploma about the development of pedagogical education. So, just like that, in order to make a pie, it’s not obov'yazkovo to be a baker. Just need a list of ingredients and a recipe. So it goes with preparation!

Tell me, what more dosvid can you need? Well, so be it. Ale, you have a wine! How many do you already know with your future first grader? Rockiv 6 - 7? And all the whole hour you talked with him, what they learned about, what they explained to you. You know, like nobody else! The axis of the wines is your dear dosvid! Tim is better, when it's time to get ready for school, nothing of such extraordinary work will happen.

The list of ingredients of tasty pre-school preparation is below. And right now, let's find out why do we need to practice? We paint a verbal portrait of a preschooler who is ready to start at school.

Lesson plan:

Portrait of a future first grader

The child is ready to go to school
Vіn building cherubate your behavior. Behavior to lay low is not possible in the case of mittevih bazhan, as in the case of a grown-up (reader) who rules behavior in that other situation. A child of intelligence, what is necessary in order to reach it, be it.
Vіn building accept independent solution. With whom, one spires on the loss of knowledge and one's life's knowledge.
Wine is emotionally chuyny. Spive experience to the heroes of books, movies, too. The building reacts to the beauty of natural nature, music, works of art.
Vіn opanuvav both verbal (for the help of words), and non-verbal (for the help of gestures and mimicry) means of intercourse with peers and grown-up people. You can have a dialogue.
Vіn zdatny vykonuvati put in front of him zavdannya. You can know the solution of intellectual and special tasks.
Vіn zdatny vtіlyuvati have conceived life. For the help of little ones, lіlennya, konstruyuvannya.
Vіn maє wide svetoglyad. Building klassifіkuvati, zagalnyuvati, sorting out the necessary objects, phenomena, understanding.
Vіn building vykonuvati grafichnі zavdannya (hatching, rosefarbovuvannya, writing other elements). The hand is prepared to the sheet, the fine motor skills are relaxed. Building to cope with small items.
Vіn building zamem'yatovuvati better, better, what happened. Memory is broken.
You are able to express your thoughts. Building dialogue. Correctly play sounds. Slovnikovy stock of riches.

The portrait of which preschooler was not taken from the wall. And not my fantasies. Tse vomogi GEF DO (federal sovereign standard of preschool education). Respect, there is no pressure on portraits for those who, before going to school, already need to know the letters, read and rahuvat.

Previously, the knowledge and the knowledge of the first graders emphasized the fate, and beginning in 2014, they brought respect to the special characteristics of the children and the development of their development.

And why is it not an hour for us to grow up with the ingredients? I think it's time! Come on, let's get started.

List of ingredients for savory preparation

Grab a pen, write it down. For tasty preparation we need:

  1. A development of memory.
  2. A boost of respect.
  3. Mystery rose.
  4. Rozvitka movlennya.
  5. Development of fine motor skills.
  6. Development of orientation on paper.
  7. Orientation development in space.
  8. Sitting.
  9. Motivation.
  10. Communication.
  11. Drinkability.
  12. Self-reliance.
  13. Hygiene beginners.
  14. Knowing about the current world.
  15. Vminnya read.
  16. Rejoice now.

Well, never mind the list of viishov. Tsilih 15 points! Until the speech, if you know what I've forgotten, be kind, write about it in the comments before the article. I'll be your friend.


And now let's turn to our pirogues. Perhaps cabbage is needed for the pie. And you have tsilih p'yat kachanіv lying by the refrigerator. Will you go to the store for cabbage? Obviously, no. Well, so rich!

Now let's move on to preparation. Are you following me? Miraculous! How does your son have such a preparation ingredient above the world, what is it necessary to develop? For example, the memory is, well, just phenomenal! And the axis of perseverance could be bigger. Todi animal respect for perseverance, and the memory is just incoherently encouraged.

How can you recognize what you don’t learn yourself? How to know clearings, how to remember? Here, diagnostics and testing come to the rescue. About those, how you can conduct tests, and even better, turn around for help to fakhіvtsіv psikhіvtsіv chi pedagogіv.

At Artyomka's cage, they recently carried out such a diagnosis. Psychologist spoke from children. We were recommended more respect to increase the development of communicative skills in order to communicate. And in the rest of the world, everything is good!

It is necessary to carry out diagnostics on the cob of pre-school preparation. And then you know for sure what you need to give special respect to.

And now let's move on to the detailed preparation of our preparation ingredients.

Remembrance rose

Memory - tse zagalne znachennya for a complex of cognitional zdіbnosti and greater mental functions how to accumulate, save and develop knowledge and skills.

If you don’t call on the development of memory, then children in school will not be lucky. Aja there is constantly required to remember that guess. Chi then the rules, chi then the verses, then the multiplication table. Memory can and must be developed. Yak? Help special games and the right. Їx rich. Here I will tell you about one more popular and corny group.

It is called "Great Changes". Why have a sense? Objects are laid out on the table. Be like objects. A child only wonders at the steel and tries to remember everything that needs to be done. Let's get back. You pick up one item. The child again marvels at the steel and tries to guess what you don’t see.

You can also add items or change them with places. Tsya gra training Zorov's memory. And the cream of the zorova is also an auditory memory, rukhova, emotions and others. In two words about it, it’s not clear, so I’ll write a fine article in no time, I’ll dedicate it entirely to the development of memory. Don't miss it, subscribe to the blog update.

Myslenya rosette

Myslennya is the value of a person's activity.

I guess not everything is so simple. It is necessary that the child could master new knowledge. Myslennya buvaє:

  • dієve;
  • figurative;
  • more logical.

Rise of respect

"Respectfully." Loved the word vchiteliv. We respectfully marvel at the doshka! Listen carefully to me! Read my mind carefully!

Uvaga - vibrating directness of spryyattya on that third object.

I think that no one will compare with them, which is more necessary for a successful education at school.

Type of teacher, which one preparatory courses, I knew about the arc the way development of ability. "Correction test". Zastosovuyt її in order to evaluate the stamina of respect. Ale, you can vikoristati and for training.

Corrective test - the price of typing symbols, quite instructed on the arch paper. Tse can be letters, numbers or pictograms. You can rewind old non-traditional books and magazines. You give a child a sheet with a proof test and that olive. A yearbook with a second hand or a second watch is also needed. Put a task, for example, to add all the letters "A". Zasіkaєte 2 hvilin. For two hvilini marvel at what happened. How many pardons? How far have they poked their way? One more time to marvel at what progress is.


A good right at the development of the concentration of respect is the difference of the labyrinth. You can find a lot of labirinths in children's magazines.

Another garne to the right. You learn from various names of your own creatures, wild creatures and birds. Cow, leleka, witch, hare, magpie, whale, fox, etc. The head of the child, if you smell the name of a domestic creature, blunt, wild - clash, birds - crow.

Rose of the movement

Here is the next step to pay attention to three points:

  1. Vim's sounds are correct.
  2. Great vocabulary.
  3. Feel free to express your thoughts.

If a child incorrectly sings sounds, then go to a speech therapist. Sounds can be put, the smut does not waste an hour. It's time for the cob to take 4-5 years with a speech therapist. So vvazhayut themselves speech therapists. What about children already 7? Pizno? No, it's not bad! Ale, start speech therapy activities at once.

Vocabulary stock that vminnya vyslovlyuvati their thoughts. It’s easier to get by on your own. Speak with the child, put in the question, discuss with her the reading of the chimney. Speak in songs with those. For example, look at the topic “Winter Birds” in more detail today. Look at the pictures, promote the names of the birds, tell them why they need help and help. And tomorrow we'll talk about pore rock.

Language needs to be developed steadily. At home, on walks before going to bed, at transport.

Development of fine motor skills

Dribna motility - a set of coordinated neurological, m'yazovo and cystic systems, often in the same zor system in vikonannі drіbnіh drіbnіh ruhіv brushes and fingers and nіg. In stasis to the motor skills of the hand and fingers, the term spritnist is often used.

It is necessary to develop fine motor skills, not only so that the child would be easier to trim in his hands a pen and a lead of a hook and an eyelet. Dribna motility pours in thoughts, and language. It’s not for nothing that it seems to Aja that the mind lies on the tips of our fingers. So that the raj should give his development special respect.

Sprinkle the development of motor skills:

  • painting;
  • molding from plasticine;
  • folding puzzles, mosaics;
  • games with a constructor;
  • winding threads on a ball;
  • stringing beads on a thread;
  • cutting with scissors;
  • opening paper;
  • application;
  • spelling.

I can continue this translation for a long time. You can read a report about fine motor skills and preparation of the hand before writing.

Orientation on arkush paper

If I first smelled the phrase: "Look at the child, orient on the arkush paper." I thought: You wondered about what? Tse yak?"

It turned out, everything is simpler.

Put before the child Arkush paper and olives. Explain to you, as the side is respected by the upper, as by the lower, right, left. De upper right kut, lower right, upper left and lower left. De center. Firstly, let's ask, for example:

  1. Paint a square at the top left corner.
  2. Draw a straight cut at the lower right fold.
  3. Paint a yalinka under the square.
  4. At the center, paint a big colo.
  5. Right-handed, in the form of a great stake, draw one more small mug.
  6. At the upper right kutka, paint a trikutnik.
  7. At the bottom left corner, write the letter "A".
  8. Instruct from it, write the letter "B" thinly.

If you want to go to vikonati tsі zavdannya, then s orientation is all right. Like a pardon, it’s necessary to train. Before the speech, tse zavdannya developing the concentration of respect.

Development of orientation in space

Orientation in the open space, like and sitting, motivation, communication skills, drinking, self-reliance with the lanks of one lansyuga - . Їy on the block is dedicated to the okrem statue. Read, you know a lot of cic.

Hygiene novice

It is even more important to convey to the child the need to look after one's own with a sultry look. You need to look at the school coolly. Follow the cleanliness of your hands, rebuke, robe, vuttya. get it right work space and dbaily put before speeches. At school, mothers, yak is ready to come to the rescue, there will be no order.

Household with the child about yoga strapping. You can refill your wine yourself, or clean it up and put it to dry. Clean up your working style and toys. You don’t need to work hard for the child, those who didn’t overtake her, or didn’t want to work. Tsim wi give service to youmu vedmezh. At school, youmu tsі navichki become at the gods.

Knowing about the current world

The school has such a subject - "Navkolishniy svit". The child is guilty of orienting herself in what she feels. Іsnuє perelіk themes and nutrition, for some children it is their fault to focus on the cob of school life. To this list:

  • PIB Batkiv, jobs of their work and professions;
  • own authorities PIB;
  • addresses;
  • basic colors;
  • for the time being, name the months;
  • days of Monday;
  • phenomena of nature;
  • migratory and wintering birds;
  • wild and domestic creatures;
  • tree;
  • kviti;
  • mushrooms;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • furniture;
  • crockery;

Reading and math

Irrespective of those who at the same time don’t care about anything officially, more fathers are encouraged to teach the child to read better and get better before school. The thought of the pedagogues of postal education is as follows: “Don’t mind - learn it! Ale better, just a little bit of vmiv. ”

Like a child saw nursery garden, That will be simpler. The training program for the nursery transfers activities and reading, and mathematics. And then you will need to nurture less at a new level. Read books, write, just apply.

Artemko my own love to read. Especially raznі vivіski in stores. Ta y rahuє tezh love. Golubiv, for example, get off in pіd'їzdі, cars poezdzhayuchi, crocks. Well, for the primer N.S. Zhukovoy we are busy with him every day.

We still work hard to listen to the sound of the word. Is it possible to know where the sound is? On the cob, in the middle, what are the words?

At the transport, yakscho kudis їdemo - graєmo into words. Without a doubt, you know the rules of the fire. It is necessary to name the word, as if starting with the last letter of the previous word. Paroplav - budinok - mist - stitch toshcho. It’s even cooler, if the passengers on the bus start out of excitement.

Sche Temi also befits the “Ten” gra. Tse mi її so called. The sense is that, according to the name, 10 words per single letter.

Well, you put yourself in charge of teaching the child to read independently. Tobto from scratch. A bunch of letters, then put it together, then we will put the words. Then I would have pleased you to turn to fahіvtsya, even for a consultation. Abo vikoristovuvati. I have my own finesse. I can teach a child so that we can retrain the teacher to be tormented.

Axis, look at the video, I think it’s too much to explain to you.

If you haven’t yet had a chance to read a child on your own, then I wish you good luck.

What is the right way to take care of a child?

How to zrobiti so that the child did not have to zmushuvati? Schob vin check for qi busy? It is necessary to give you what you want. What do you want baby? The child wants to play! Gra, as psychologists seem to say, is the main type of activity for children of the older preschool age.

So it’s necessary to keep busy.

A few more touches to our recipe:

  • come to take less with a garniture mood;
  • the trivality of one occupation of a trio is more than 15 quills, then I will break;
  • in short days, it will be more expensive to take a short time, lower in one long day at the weekend;
  • Praise the child more often and instill in it the impression of the one who has everything in it;
  • how not to go out, do not bark, but encourage;
  • store your own layout to take, so that it would be easier to orient yourself at what to look for;
  • do not only at home, sitting at the table, but creakingly. For example, after an hour of walking in the autumn park, you can talk about springtime, about the peculiarities of autumn, about trees and migratory birds, and also choose a herbarium and grow a garniy virib.

Well, friends, I told you everything that I knew. I wish you success! Ta y sobi tezh. And let's for those, so that the first spring can be proud and joyful to say: “We have killed everything that is necessary! Ready for school! Hooray!"

Well, what if it was true, raju you right away to sign up for a classy, ​​corny and, which is more acceptable, cost-free webinar. Vin is called “How to prepare a child for school without problems for 20-30 quills a day?”

Come in at the guest's again!

Here you are welcome!

Preparing a child for school is the foundation of a successful education. It is important to give the basic skills of writing, writing, reading, and to ensure a sufficient development of the language, learn to contact with peers and grown-ups. If a first-class student has a greater light-gazer, it is easier for him to declare himself in a new team, to gain authority.

Today's realities are such that the child is poorly prepared to be a "black sheep" on the aphids of successful classmates. For children who see a nursery or a center for preschool children, it is easier to adapt to new minds, to showcase the initial ambition. The fathers are also responsible for the nobility, how to properly prepare a child for school at 6 years, so that at home you can gain knowledge.

What can I remember the future first grader

Perevirte, naskіlki ryven razvitka chіdіnі vіdpovidає vomogam preshkolnoї podgotovki. Vivchit perelіk vymog, think, chi ready donka chi sing vporatis іz zavdannymi zavdannymi. Get a negative score for a negative skin tone. The more “minuses”, the wider the number of food, how to discuss with preschool children.

The child may be ready to sing songs:

  • call all the members of the family by their first name, introduce themselves, briefly describe to themselves that one’s own hoarding;
  • good orientation in voiced, voiced letters, read clumsy texts, write in other letters;
  • to know the difference between the hour of fate, to explain that at the same time - summer and winter, to know the days of tyzhnya, months;
  • focus on the harvest, revitalize wounds, resent that evening;
  • know the rules of vіdnіmannya and folding;
  • name the main geometric positions: tricutnik, square, colo, tints;
  • memorize a short text, retell yoga;
  • among the proponated subjects, you know zayvi, explain why you have switched off yoga itself.

Establish other benefits. The future first-grader is guilty:

  • take care of yourself with the main skills: without the help of the grown-ups, dress up, loosen up, lace up your boots, keep the work cleanliness;
  • know the rules of conduct communities, chanoblically set to otochyuchih;
  • separate, correctly name the main colors, bazhano colors;
  • describe what is shown in the image;
  • remember to raise up to 20, then back;
  • to know the names of the parts of the body of a person, to remember to paint people from us as the main "details";
  • respond correctly to the question: “De?”, “Why?”, “Kolya?”;
  • separate inanimate/animate objects;
  • squabble with one-liners, stand up for your thoughts, but don’t beat the unfit;
  • understand that it is not possible to impersonate classmates and grown-ups;
  • sit quietly at work, wanting 15-20 minutes. Behave decently, do not swear, do not bully other students.

Important! Gotta spend it for summer months folded. You can’t spend an hour on the health of children on a busy day. So you lose your health nervous system, Give too much attention to the organism, which is growing, you can see it before the start. How to get rid of revantazhen? A simple break: start preparing for school from 3.5–4 years. Offal, at a pleasant pace, without pressure on the psyche, teach the little one everything that is necessary.

Remember 5 important rules:

  • educators and psychologists recommend conducting classes in a game form. You can’t smooch, shout more, beat the little one for the mother’s sake in view of the birth of that other material. Zavdannya batkiv - zatsikaviti, explain that a person is consecrated forever meritorious for the honor of among friends, one-liners and will be successful in life;
  • trivality of a mini-lesson - trochs more than 15 quills. Between occupations of obov'yazkovoy є break 15-20 hvilin, so that the children could grow up, run around;
  • draw mathematics with readings, draw - with physical education too soon. Trival Rozum's voltage has a negative effect on a growing organism;
  • step by step increase the complexity of the material, do not hurry with new tasks until the little one masters the passage of the material;
  • vicorist primary help with bright, great illustrations. Select texts that describe creatures, birds, natural phenomena. Whip kindness, explain how it is important to help others. Promote good tales and admonitions to win.

Math lessons

Activities for pre-school preparation for mathematics:

  • fix the account of familiar objects: small toys, zucerok, vegetables and fruits. Later, switch to medical sticks, special cards. Vikoristovyte more than a whole number;
  • Vidmіnniy variant - the combination of numbers in pairs, for example 1 і 2, 5 і 6. So it is easier for children to understand that 5 apples + 1 \u003d 6 apples. Tsiliy lesson twist one pair, repeat 5-10 times of walking through the material on the cob of the offensive, then move on to a new bet;
  • Dosvіdchenі educators recommend vivchati geometry also in the form of games. Show kolo, trikutnik and square on the butt oven. The shop is easy to know confectionery be-like forms;
  • did the little student remember to name the shape of the main figures? Consider armchairs for an additional line (trikutnik) that olive;
  • bring the maximum melancholy to the drawing of the rahunka, the opening of the butts and the twisting of the geometry.


  • train your hand: the little ones are not attached to a tribal leaf;
  • great help to give employment to the development of fine motor skills. Korisn_ right with handy items ( pasta virobs, sourdough, soft dough, start with laces for 2-3 years);
  • to be sharpened with hand-held scissors with non-sharp, rounded edges. Virizannya figure behind the contour, ready the hand to the sheet;
  • start writing other letters, but after memorizing the entire alphabet, go to the great ones;
  • Explain to the Malyukovs that it is necessary to write neatly, do not go out of their way for the wives/clitiny. Buy a handy pen, tell me how to trim;
  • do gymnastics for fingers, do it right at once from a child. Speak at once: We wrote, we wrote, our fingers were weary. And now we have to write again and again.”
  • pіdberіt zoshit for writing, scho vіdpovidaє vymogami modern school. Specialized stores had few brown favors.

Reading lessons

  • qi busy - to the first mist. The more small learner is more familiar with reading, the easier it is for him to see other things;
  • twist the letters after the alphabet. Paint the big letter, scribble it out of plasticine, tell us what a similar symbol is. For example, O - eyepieces, D - budinok, F - beetle. Show the letter, as if to go out with the help of fingers, hands, nig, toluba;
  • read a short text, put a rose in front of the little one, ask to know the letter, like a well-worn, for example, A;
  • ask about the text, obov'yazkovo put a kіlka ask about the read;
  • then ask for retelling;
  • after the occupation of obov'yazkovy vіdpochinok, then - switch to another type of activity.

How to pick up a boy? Read the short stories for the sake of the fathers.

Rules for eating and menu at circulatory diabetes the child has a description of the side.

For the address, read about the diagnosis of pulpitis of milk teeth and about the methods of yoga examination.

Creative task

  • count with farbs, penzlik, felt-tip pens;
  • let the young learner stroke the space in the middle of the landscaped area. Appropriate material - rosemary with great and fine details;
  • go on painting, filming, appliqués with twisted geometric shapes. For example: budinochok - tse square, kavun - kolo, dah - trikutnik;
  • pronounce zlіpiti letters, numbers, so that the stench is better remembered.

Psychological readiness of a child to school

Fuck the thought of psychologists and teachers. Fahіvtsі vvazhayut that it is easier for first-graders to join the team, adopt new rules, fences, order, as a result of the newlyweds.

Teachers and psychologists have put together a lot of hope, probably up to some kind of child in 6 years, ready to go to school:

  • if you want to learn, you can pull up to know;
  • vmіє vmіє pіvnyuvati raznі objects, prinyuttya, rob vysnovki on pіdstavі analysis;
  • rozumіє, navіscho children go to school, maє novichki suspіlnoї povedіnki, usvіdomlyuє vlasne "I";
  • I would like to temporarily lose respect for the subject that you live;
  • try to make it difficult, bring it to the right to the end.

How to psychologically prepare children for school: please fathers:

  • talk to the little one, read, talk;
  • After reading, discuss the text, put questions. Encourage the thought of a child, prompt to analyze the situations described by the kazci, the verses of which are explained;
  • play from the blue chi donka at the "School", change the roles of "teacher - student". Lessons - no more than 15 minutes, obov'yazkovі pauses, physical education. Praise the little learner, let's get the correct form;
  • show me with a special butt, how to solve problems. Do not allow me to throw right on pіvdorozі, pіdkazhіt, please, but don't home (add, report) for the child. Finish right at once, but do not replace the child;
  • vіdmovtesya vіd zayvoї opіki. You didn’t seem to behave with your son, or a little one, like a little one, don’t you let yourself work independently? Think about how comfortable it will be for a little nevmіhu in a childish team, because it’s not possible for you to dress up quickly or tie your shoelaces. Hide gluzuvannya, imaginative prizvisk to help the recognition of the child's right to independence. Want to exercise independence, dress up, loosen up, eat right, manage with laces and honks;
  • take part in games of the same rank, go to the guest more often, organize games in the yard, because the children do not always know the common language, so take part in the games, tell me how to play and not weld. Don’t laugh at the blue or the donka in front of children (vіch-na-vіch tezh): low self-esteem is the reason for the richness of the bad, the lack of self-esteem;
  • Create a positive motivation, explain, you need to read more. To tell the stories of the new and the different children are learned in the lessons;
  • to explain what such discipline is, it is necessary to have silence in the classroom for an hour to explain the new material. Consider putting food, as if it was unreasonable, say that the teacher cannot nourish the skin, like mastering the material. Learn the same guilt to think about yourself that maximum otrimannya knowledge;
  • to tell you what it is necessary to maintain your interests without shouting and cursing, by civilized methods. Consider self-discipline, explain why it’s not varto to show the fear of fear and aggression. Model some situations that are often blamed on the school for the hour of splintering one-liners, think about what kind of a break it is. Listen to the thought of a child, propagate your own option, as if you don’t know how to do it. Be respectful to the interests of the child, learn the rules of splintering, succumb to the good things and winkiv.

Under the hour of preparing a child for school, guard for the sake of psychologists and teachers, to show a zatsіkavlenіnі, to suffocate a small student. Zmalku develop potyag to knowledge, colloquially, weave the most important light. It is easier for a trained first-grader to master school program.

More brown colors fathers of the future first-class students at the foot of the video:

Choosing to watch the child go to school, the best father can, by the way, assess the readiness of the son and daughter to such changes in life. Tse dopomozhe vyznachiti, chi varto children go to school at once, chi is more likely to bud a river. Also, the assessment of readiness will help to organize the preparation of the child correctly, protecting the weak side.

In the mood of the fathers and їх rospovіdey about the school is rich in why to lay a child's term before school

How to signify readiness?

Previously, the main criterion for readiness to start at school was the development of a child's mind. At once, the main respect is directed to psychological readiness. She sees a few important criteria, among them:

  1. Intellectual readiness. She shows the development of such mental functions of a child, like a spriynyattya, myslennya, vyyavu that memory. For example, a child in a 6-7-row vіtsi is guilty of 10 words to remember 3 to 5 words, remember to know “scars” for an additional scheme of placement, combine objects on the basis of similar signs just.
  2. Social readiness. The child is guilty of compromising the age of the baby as with one-year-olds, and with grown-ups. For successful adaptation to a new team, it is important to know compromise, resolve conflicts, and be tolerant. Most children until the 6-7th century are already able to control their behavior and build rules, for example, do not speak at the hour of the lesson, listen to the teacher. If the child's behavior at the lesson is inadequate, it means that she is not socially ready before the start. In addition, a child may have adequate self-esteem. If preschoolers rate themselves unnecessarily high, then 6-7-rows are guilty of recognizing pardons and adequately responding to criticism.
  3. Special readiness. The 7-fold child has a need to learn new knowledge and change his status - to become a schoolboy. Motivation can be different, for example, be similar to an older brother, carry a briefcase, or do not sleep after an insult, or better still, like a child associate a school with knowledge. For this reason, the presence of a positive attitude before school is important, that is illuminating, it is necessary to study.

About those, how to signify the readiness of a child to school, marvel at the video channel on Youtube "Child and Family Psychology Online".

How to prepare psychologically?

The grand pardon of the fathers is called the slander of a child, for example, it seems to you that through homework you won’t get an hour more to play, at the school you can check twos for a new one. It’s more important to ask so that the child is not afraid of school and is well placed before her.

May you know that you will bring new friends, you will know a lot of new and different things, you can see different groups, you will know your hobbies. Share stories about your education, rose up, like objects, like a teacher, what happened to you at school rock.

However, there is no trace and transcendental idealization of teaching at school, painting everything in such rainbow colors. Like a child, we don’t know that the hour of learning can be complicated and some problems, even after the first nasty assessment, the respect will be greatly rozcharuєtsya.

In the mood of the child to lay down too rich

A good idea is a game with preschoolers in the group "School". Such a face can be modeled different situations for help and toys. So, it’s time to go with the child to school and show the situation. Miraculously, as in the chosen schools, they prepare lessons or open door days.

Do not forget about the vlasny mood. It will be easier for children to adapt at school, so that fathers will be placed before the process of learning positively and show their behavior that new status child (schoolboy) important for sim'ї

Possible difficulties

Vіdsutnіst discipline

Like a restless child, and also not following the necessary rules, schooling can become a great problem. A child may not be patient enough to bring it to the end. In this time of year, you need the help of the fathers - let your mother win this hour at once from the little one.

It is also easy for rich children to practice following the rules, and to teach them to discipline, they will help them play, as they can work on the exchange.

Discipline may be splintered from early feasts, the child is obliged to increase respect for the last hour

Rossiyanost and disrespect

Such kindness can be greatly appreciated by the success and confuse the fathers. The child is not in a hurry to win over the task; Fahіvtsі do not vvazhayut such a become a psychological problem, and povyazyut іz an important development of the right pіvkulі. As a rule, before the decimal age, the problem of rozsiyanosti is known by itself.

To urіvnovazhit the robot pіvkul the brain of a child, vicorist finger games, painting with fingers, lint, play with lacing and similar activities.

An activity for the left eye, especially for disrespectful children

Nebazhannya read

Preparation of employment

In our days, there are rich centers of development and tutors to pronounce busyness, for such a child, that reading is taught. Protestavlennya teachers to such take ambiguous. Some of them are positively placed before them, others respect what they learn, how to read, and write a child can already at school.

A lot of special centers are engaged in the preparation of children to school

An example of a program of psychological preparation of children before school

Classes of such a forward course are carried out 6 times per day for 40 minutes per day. In the middle of the skin occlusion, the next work was interrupted by two five-fold breaks. Trivality of preparation - 16 days.

A child has been busy for 4 years for a day. Activities of the skin type include lessons for the development of sufficient respect, mentality (logical, figurative), memory (auditory, zoro-shaped), spriynyattya and visualization. In addition, one day's work is focused on the development of strength, fragility and fragility of the fingers (dribbed motor skills of the hands).

A smart plan to take can be like this:

Subject to take

Yak get busy

Vіdminnostі i podіbnostі

Children pronounce to look at pictures, look at objects, know things, read nonsense.

Daily figures

The child is shukatime figure, what to reject, as well as to develop rahunok and memory. One of the places to occupy is the consecration of the square.

Enter items

Children pronounce homely little babies, draw figures, shukati zayvy object. For the development of memory, play at the "shop".


Child shukatime zayve on babies, classify objects, memorize phrases.


Children pronounce knowledge of the figure and remember the little ones, home-make fragments and the fourth figure.

Words, classification

The child remembers the words, letters and numbers, moves the figure and classifier їх, and also makes the figure.

Order of objects

Children pronounce knowledge of the rank of position, memorize words, change objects, and place badges.

Spread that call words

The child has a twisted geometric figure, the development of auditory memory, the name of the end of words, the sound of words.


Children proponuyat rozstavlyat specks, shukati zayvі pictures, promptly confirm on food, signify understanding.

Uyava that respect

The child is guilty of setting up badges, writing a fairy tale for a little one, knowing the missing items, talking casually. Also, with a child, conduct a game “buvaє chi don’t buvaє”.

Numbers, sequences and vizierunki

The child sorts the pictures and shuffles the numbers, homely vizierunks, names the correct sequence of pictures and knows the missing posts.

Copying and regularity

The child wove figures and fragments, copies of each. Also, classes are held with pictures, for the hour of any child, they determine their sequence, classify them and know the pattern.

Merry little ones

Boys pictures

Children pronounce busyness with the same pictures for future memorization. So the child plays with mazes, remembers to know objects, reads words, jokes about patterns.

Zayvі figures

The child looks at the meanings of the row, weaves the colors, knows the name of the little one, reads the inscriptions.


Children pronounce the same pictures, know the same, and also correct the figures

The material for such borrowing can be found in various helpers for preschool children.

About those that the child is guilty of nobility, so that adaptation to school was easier, marvel at the video channel on Youtube "Child and family psychology online."

For the material - vminnya, necessary leather child. Wonder about the video channel on Youtube "Child and family psychology online".

For the development of the child's mind, watch the video channel on Youtube "Child and family psychology online".

get busy development of phonemic hearing on the video channel on Youtube "Child and family psychology online", so that the child could easily analyze words behind sounds.

Games for preparation at home

Vrahovyuchi the fact that preschool children are easier to learn from the process of playing, preparing to work in the home minds of the varto to establish themselves on games.

Activities for fine motor skills:

  • Hatching with an olive.
  • Stringing namistin or pasta.
  • Farbi painting.
  • Tying shoelaces.
  • Virizannya from paper.
  • Sticking from clay to plasticine.
  • Creation of applications.
  • Games with a mosaic and a designer.
  • Embroidered and knitted.
  • Tying knots on a skein.

Activities can be carried out together with the friends of the children, so that it would be more fun

Games for respect:

  • Find an object at the kіmnati, the name of which starts with a single letter.
  • Read the children's verses, let them splash in the valley, if the word starts from the singing letter.
  • Take a look at the sprat right once, for example, look at the picture and hear the rose.
  • Lay out 5 pebbles in front of the child, and then remember them with the months and instruct the children to turn them to their own place.
  • Write a child's sheet with groups of numbers and ask for the first number.

Movie Games:

  • Name the child’s word, with which wines you can put together the word, for example, you say “pie”, and the child says “cherry pie”, “licorice pie”, “specta pie”.
  • Ask children to voice your actions like a journalist, for example, like you cook soup or sew a gudzik.
  • Name the child the first warehouse, and then continue the word.
  • Retelling of cartoons, books, stories of yesterday.
  • Read with a child.

The child can take a job with joy, the key is the task of the father

Games for myslennia:

  • Promote the words navpaki (for ciєї gri, pick up words from 3-4 letters).
  • Know the subject, which mother named navpaki.
  • Connect the objects, like a victorious mother at the moment, for example, what a sleeper between a pilosus and a vine.
  • Solving puzzles and riddles.
  • Make up a story from the pictures.
  • Fold a picture from different geometric shapes.
  • Put together a proposition from the words.
  • Make up a story from pictures.
  • Paint the continuation of the comics.
  • Vigadati continuation of the fairy tale.

Games for open space vistavi:

  • Find out from the recipient the object that the mother calls. Tell the children, like children, for example, “strike the right way, then let’s go ahead, look up the hill.”
  • Find the subject on the map of the city, marking yoga on the plan with a cross.
  • Zmalovuvannya numbers, letters and pictures.
  • Looking at maps and diagrams.
  • Play at the sea bay.

Buy special aids, they will help you at the training

Games for emotional development:

  • Mom calls the dea (for example, read, vitirati drank or chocolate), and the child imitates the setting to the new.
  • Reveal that the object has come to life and rose, that the wine is instantly recognizable, and also a kind of maw bi mood.
  • Look at the individuals of other people and evaluate their emotions.
  • Reading a fairy tale, feeding a child, what a hero.
  • Often talk to children about your feelings in different situations.

The fate of theatrical shows to help the emotional development of a child

Games for reveal:

  • Prompt the children to make up the poses and gestures of guessing the object.
  • Let's look at the vegetables and discuss what they look like.
  • Z'ednannya elementіv objektіv malyunku.
  • Represent zbіlshennya that zmenshennya podіdіv, pіslya koto kolyuvati chi lipiti їх. For example, maybe a bad elephant, or a great gut.
  • Discuss how it is unspeakable to vikoristovuvat the primary subject.

For shaping a child, it is necessary to spend an hour or so busy, shown on the video channel on Youtube "Child and family psychology online".

Daily regime

Correction of the daily routine of the child should be done about a month before the first time to borrow from the school. Virobity mode, when a child is kind to hang out, I’ll take it in an hour, take care of homework, and also walk and gratify, it’s important.

The child is guilty of intelligence, that domestic employment is a viable work, as if we were victorious, and even then you can go for a walk or take up toys.

As if a child was watching a child nursery, it is not to blame for the problems of vibudovuvannyam vidpovidnogo regimen. For children, who do not see a garden, to do it gracefully, about the 7th year of the wound, to that, to the more early, the next step is far behind.

Let at the first half of the day the child will be occupied with some kind of brown right, and remove all the roses and repairs for an hour after the offense. In addition, to add respect to one's own time before bedtime, which is also important for early awakenings.

Problems with early awakening need to be dealt with early on at school

Hello baby

In preparation for school, the health of the sons and daughters should be given special respect. Tse nasampered vіdnositsya before I become іmunіtetu. At preschool mortgages for yoga, vicorist training procedures, physical education lessons and own vaccination. Even if a child does not see a childish garden, everything becomes a turbot father.

The child is guilty:

  • Schoden walk in the fresh air.
  • Live enough products, rich in vitamins.
  • Pass obstezhennya fahivtsami.

Harvesting that high physical activity of a baby improves immunity

  • Start getting ready for school next day. Choose a school, learn your profile, get to know the teacher, get close to the children, like a pledge. You will need to make sure that the child goes to school in order to get to the home of the child before the initial mortgage in the other part of the city. Think over possible folding, for example, how you can bring a child, as if you would be with a child after lessons.
  • Vitamins
  • Hyperactivity

If the child is prepared for the beginning, she herself shows the initiative in the beginning and the post-class activities, she does not blame the process of the beginning and in the process of joining with classmates. Preparing a child for school at home, appreciating the knowledge and knowledge of motivational readiness to help the article.

Batkіv probable pershoklassnіv hvilyuє nutrition, chi ready їhnya child before school? And it’s even more important for aje not just to make the baby up to the first class, but to grow up at once - if the child is ready to take the initial pledge, she’s morally sufficiently degraded for him.

A pardon for a child who is ready for readiness can be costly: careless introductory mortgage, teaching lessons, depressive camp, unceremonious behavior - you will demonstrate a first-grader who stumbled at school “not at once”. In order to get rid of inaccuracies and ahead of the psychological trauma of the child, the fathers should respectfully put themselves up to the nutritional level of the equal of yoga knowledge and the newcomer to the modern vimog.

Wimogi before preparing a child for school

Until now, a whole list of what may be known and remembered by the future first grader has been formed:

  • It’s instructed to name your nickname, I’m named after my father
  • Date of birth
  • Home address
  • PIB mami ta tata (grandmother, didusiv and other relatives - for bazhanny)
  • Misce roboti batkiv
  • Vіdomih near the country of poets and writers
  • holy
  • Understanding: "forward - backward", "right - left"
  • Days of the week
  • Colors and colors
  • Pori rock (with months)
  • Road rules
  • Distinguishing domestic and wild creatures, naming their children
  • Nazivati ​​garden, forest, polovі kviti
  • Name migratory and wintering birds
  • Drizzle fruit from vegetables
  • Know professions
  • Nazivat see the transport and the method of transfer
  • Retell the mind
  • Request a quote
  • Fold the description according to the picture
  • Vigaduvati kazki
  • Remind me
  • Describe from memory
  • Copy the text and the little ones
  • Finish propositions
  • Know the subject, baby, word, letter
  • Solve riddles
  • Enter number 0 to 10 back
  • Know the stock of numbers
  • Differentiate the meaning of "more", "less"
  • Know the post
  • Write to the clients
  • Know the letters, revise their sounds
  • Signify the last letter (sound) of the word
  • Choose words for the spelled letter
  • read just words that warehouse
  • Know when the proposition ends
  • Outline
  • Trimati pen

Irrespective of those who, with a wealth of rehabilitated children, are guilty of learning to post school, Testing before entry up to the first class is carried out at the same time for these points.

Knowing interest, quick reaction, non-standard more logical thought be molded by a preschooler, so that you regularly spend with him math activities in the game form.

So that these lessons brought the children greed and joy, the fathers should take them to respect:

  • vіk childy
  • preparation time
  • building to concentrate respect
  • interest to borrow

Mathematical activities- tse however, apply and zavdannya. In order to get the child and the urologists into mathematics lessons, the robots with preschool children should follow the same task:

  • problems with geometric shapes
  • mathematical riddles
  • zavdannya - fry
  • puzzles

IMPORTANT: Be it a master, you can pick it up individually, with the improvement of the yoga degree of folding and equal to the development of a child.

Math games

"Budinochok". Paint 3 tripover boudins, leather on a cream arch. On the skin surface, paint 3 windows. Sufficiently paint the curtains at the windows. Tell the children, what are the apartments, where are the curtains, people are already loitering. Ask Yogo to settle people on the surface of the skin, so that on the skin surface there were equal numbers of bagmen. Let the wines themselves at home with different colors curtains at the windows, quietly stir, where the wines have settled people. Let's ask for a break, there are more bagmen in some house.

"Babys from geometric figures". Paint on the arcade a geometric figure. Ask the child to see the little ones, asking in a new proponated figure. Like a little one does not understand the task, show, for example, how easily a group can transform into a sun, a snowman or a car wheel.

"Z'ednay digits". Ask the child to pick up the numbers in lines. Explain how it is right to sprout tse, to bait the little ones. For children young age twist pictures with numbers up to 10, for older children - folding pictures with numbers up to 30 or 50.

IMPORTANT: Group activities increase the interest of the child before they get involved. A little bit of super-nice, strongly displaced by the pre-school age in most children, do not allow the child to vomit.

Gra "Z'ednaya digits"

Tsіkavі mathematical nutrition and zavdannya:

  • How many paws do three guts have, and how many little birds have?
  • How many ears do two bears have?
  • Mother Natasha has a donka Masha, a cat Fluff and a dog Druzhok. Mami's donok?
  • What is more important: 1 kg of stone or 1 kg of down?

The bunny has five bunnies

To sit on the grass with my mother.

In our house there are three hares

Stink all bіli, marvel!

How many will be three and five?

Pears fell to the ground

Pears cried, tears were thrown

Katya took them from the cats

I gave everything to my friends at the garden:

Two Pavlushka, three Earrings,

Marintsi and Arintsi,

Masha, Nadya and Oksana

I alone, well, mother.

Hurry up soon

Skіlki Katinih friends?

Five geese flew in the sky,

Two vyrishili poobіdat,

And one - reread.

Did you break the skids on the road?

Brought a quote mother

Sim curt by the garden for a walk.

Mustache curly, like flowers.

Five syncs, and how many daughters?

Chotiri blue plums

They hung on the tree.

Two plums for children,

Didn't you get the skils?

IMPORTANT: Hunt the interest of the child to such tasks, praise them, as if she is trying to make similar tasks on her own.

Getting Ready for School: Reading Tasks for Children

Reading- One of the most important disciplines. The better it is to learn to read a child, the easier it is to learn at school. Purpose of training- explain to the child the principles of the rules of reading, trying to get the preschooler to understand the reading of letters, folding and short words.

IMPORTANT: In connection with the fact that the information is received by children of a young age, three or more, older, it is necessary to read only in a game form.

Children's Reading Plan forgive me:

  • Start with the child's letters in this order: all voices, hard sounds, voices, deaf and hissing voices.
  • Achieve a swedish and bezpomilkovy designation of letters.
  • Teach the child to read sounds, so that you can learn the letters you already know at once. Start from easy-to-read folds (na, ma, la, so) and step by step go to folds (zhu, ku, gu, fo).
  • Move on to reading short ones and add up a few simple words (ma-ma, ba-ba, o-la, kit, dim).
  • On the day of the day, fold the tasks, enter a sprat of folding words.
  • If the child learns to read words, move on to reading short speeches.
  • Once you learn how to read propositions like a child, you can master the art of learning how to develop.

IMPORTANT: Take an hour to follow the purity of the sounds and sounds, explain, de propositions need to pause between words.

Gra "Find the word". Encourage the child to know the song of a small, unknown text. Moreover, it is necessary for a singing hour (for example, for one whilin).

“Guchno, quietly, to yourself”. Ask the child to read quieter, then louder, then silently. Behind your remarks, wines are guilty of a very different kind of reading from one kind to another. Stezhte, so that your pace of reading does not change.

"Stack on cards". Write on the cards in such a way that you can put words together. Ask the child to help the warehouses that you have spent, see your friends and get into words. Play at the group of the day, step by step adding new warehouses.

"Speak up". Let the child name in 30 seconds, or write the most vociferous letters, and then the voicing ones.

"Vіdpovіdі on nutrition". Prepare a sprat of simple food for the text. Encourage the children to know how to read the text.

"Reading with pereskoda". Teach a child to read independently from the necessary sharpness. Increase the unfortunate hour of reading music or TV. Achieve that, so that the child is not brutally respectful of the change in the sound background, continuing to read.

"Dimension of letters". Reading texts in different fonts is not guilty of being a problem for a child. For this day, preach to you independently and read the letters of a different world.

"Words are inverted". Show child words that change the sense when reading them at the same time: "kit - strum", "vis - call" and so on. Explain what it is necessary to read to the right.

Reading with teeth. To make it easier for you to read unimaginably cheerful tasks: the child is guilty of reading without roaring his teeth. After reading the text, it is necessary to retell yoga.

"Missed a Letter". Write 5-10 well-known words, and skip one letter each for the skin tag. Ask a future first grader to insert the missing letters in the word.

"Similar words". Write a few pairs of words similar to the written ones, but different words for the meanings: "whale - whale", "hand - river", "dim - dim". Ask the child to read the bet and explain the meaning of the skin word.

Reading for a whimper. Prompt the children to read the very text “on a whim” every day. Give respect, that the skin of the day of wine reads all the more and more sharply, and for the introduction of the wool, all the distance is pushed. For accuracy, it’s better to win a dog year.

In some cases, children are blamed for folding when vikonannі zavdan, scho develop s reading. It depends on such reasons:

  • Nevnevnennost. To reconsider, that the warehouse of the word is read correctly, the child will re-read the yogo sprat once in a while.
  • Rossiyana respect. Preschoolers are quick to spend their interest until they are boring, in my mind, to occupy.
  • Lack of concentration of respect. A child cannot take the whole word, but concentrates its respect only on the first few letters or warehouses.
  • A small supply of slіv. I don’t know the words of the child, they keep silent for an hour of reading.
  • Poor memory. The child does not remember letters, sounds, forgets the principle of the creation of warehouses and words.
  • Damage to the moving apparatus, chronic illness ENT organs (otitis media, enlarged tonsils).

Video: How to teach a child to read?

Preparing for school, what to develop tasks for children behind the sheet

The biggest difficulties for all first-class students are blamed on the strict graphic tasks. There are three reasons why:

  • child's lack of interest
  • immaturity of the muscles of the hands
  • lack of information

In order to facilitate the process of mastering the leaf in schoolchildren, the fathers should start to take care of the child from the early century. Zatsіkaviti preschooler will help іgrovі zavdannya, scho to develop.

"Labyrinth". Encourage the children to know the way out of the labyrinth of the mouse, what the cat looks like, or the hare, what the eyes of their mothers saw. For the help of the handle, it is necessary to tell the olive way.

"Draw the little ones." Paint a bouquet of flowers and propagate a small vase for a bouquet at home, don’t let a fish sit near an empty aquarium, and paint a door near a booth. The more the likes of the head of the vikonaє child, the more like the trimatima in the hands of the sheep.

"Baby on the dots". Ask the child to eat flecks between himself in such a rank, so that you see the little ones. How to blame the child for the folding of the hour of the vikonannya of this zavdannya, suggest it.

"Hatching". To ask a child to win over, be it right, it’s necessary to shade the little ones. Qi zavdannya є obov'yazkovymi for vіdpratsyuvannya graphic ruhіv. At the hour of the vikonanny, see if the lines straighten the beast down, left-handed, right-handed.

IMPORTANT: The development of fine motor skills in children should be fostered by playing with a mosaic, a designer, a namist, finger gymnastics.

If a child learns how to sing trimati in the hands of an oliv, pronounce you and trace the dotted line. You can immediately circle the funny childish pictures, then - the letters of their elements.

Preparing for school: developing tasks for the development of children

It is easy to develop the language of a child in an unimpressed way, with the help of cheerful zavdans and hoarsely igors.

"Impromptu". Prepare 5 - 7 cards from the images on them known to children in situations such as children. Lay out cards in front of the child with a little one down. Propose to you to choose a card and ask them to come up with a message according to it. If the child is bulo tsіkavo, you can get the head of the other members of this family up to the vicon and rule the competition for the best rose.

"Association". Show the child a picture, which is depicted as a familiar one (birds wake up on pivden, a woman buys bread, children go by the gardens thinly). Ask the child to name the words that are associated with the images in the picture.

Gra at the prickster. Ask the child to make appli- cations from the given words, following the request: “yaky”, “yak”, “yak”?

  • Light (light, light, light)
  • Budinok (home, home, home)
  • Tree (tree'yane, tree'yane, tree'yane)
  • Zalizo (zalizne, zalizne, zalizne)
  • Snig (snigovy, snigova, snigova)
  • Pіsok

Synonyms and antonyms. Ask the child to pick a similar one for the meanings of the word to quite a few examples.

Achieve purity of speech and sound to help regularly improve speech therapy rights:

"Evil gut". The child has an open mouth, the tongue rests at the lower teeth, with which it bends like a gut twisting its back, if you are angry.

"Olivets". Put an olive in front of a child on equal її lips on a hard flat surface. Ask the child to put the edge of the tongue on the lower lip and in this position blow hard on the sheep. It is right to be vvazhaetsya by a vikonana, like an olive to rest.

"Pea". The child vpiraє mov now to the right shock, now to the left. With whom the mouth is closed, m'yazi shchik and tongue are strained.

"Snake". Mouth open. The child hangs and speaks her tongue in such a manner that neither lips nor teeth stick out.

"Anniversary". The mouths of the children vodkrit, chuckle. Kіnchik movi stuєtsya now right, then left kutochkіv lips.

"Toothbrush". The end of the language imitates a toothbrush. In such a rite it is necessary to “cleanse” the lower and upper teeth, the middle ones. With whom it is important, so that the lower slit was left untouched.

Parkan. Child 10 - 15 seconds showing a "fence" from the teeth, chuckling even wider for him.

IMPORTANT: In order to correct Vimov's sounds, they did not go away on their own, the fathers should turn to a speech therapist.

Home preparation of children before school: developing games

Home preparation before school transmitting systematic occupations of the father from the child. It is important to add to a preschooler a year or two a day, transforming zvichayny stosunki and zvichayny sleeping walks on zahoplyuyuchi іgry. The fathers should show their imagination, know the individual approach to their own child, children are appropriate to their interests.

The axis is less than a few options for developing children from preschoolers:

"Give me a number." At the hour of the walk, ask the child to name the numbers of the houses and the transport that passes by are marked on the plates.

Skіlki trees? Rahuyte all the trees at once, as they trap you on the way for an hour of walking. It is also possible to enter the passing cars, all or the same color (size, brand).

"Who remembered the missions?" Place 8-10 soft toys in front of the child, ask them to respectfully marvel at them, and then turn back. At this hour, remember the little sprat of a toy. If the child turns around, let him try to guess who, remembering his deeds.

"Love cartoon". Marvel at the same time from the child of yoga love cartoon. Ask food for some reason, ask the child for a rose, about what won.

"Fairy tale for grandmother". Read the child's fairy tale. Ask the grandmother (taty, titty, sister) about the fairy tale, describe the heroes, their uniqueness and character.

Regular busy with sticking, painting, playing puzzles and mosaics to bury a child and, for an hour, to spriyat the development of fine motor skills of fingers.

IMPORTANT: Don't hurry the child, don't get angry, as you can't go wrong. Developing games are guilty not only to teach a child, but to become a rose for her.

Home preparation of children before school: the right to develop

Developing right with pre-schoolers you can win no less than zoshit, sitting at the writing table, and on the street. Lessons in the fresh air fall to the soul, that is remembered for a long time by the skin of a child.

"Fuck rock."

  • Take a walk with the child autumn alley. Show the future schoolboy the various leaves of the various trees. Tell us about the times of rock and those changes in nature, as they come with the coming autumn, winter, spring and summer. Let the child vibere kіlka beautiful leaf and save their homes, between the sides of a tovstoy book. If the leaves dry up, let the child circle them behind the contour on the arch paper and rosefarb.
  • IN snowy winter days Come out at the same time to make humpbacks and titmouse. Tell children about wintering and migratory birds. At home, ask to paint quiet little birds, which were the most worthy.
  • in the spring show the children the first flowers that have blossomed. Tell me, what kind of living are the fields, forests, gardens. Ask the visconat for a sound analysis of the words: "troyanda", "prolisok", "buttercup", "forget-me-not".
  • Pid hour summer walks Give children respect for rising temperatures on the street. Explain what the summer and winter clothes are. Let the child name the clothes, which is necessary to dress the wind, autumn, and the spring. At home, ask the child to paint summer.

"Application with cereals and pasta". Promote the children's applique for additional rice, buckwheat, macaroni, semolina, peas and other cereals. Podіbnі have the right to develop fine motor skills. At the robot, use PVA glue.

"Snizhinki". Teach the child to look at the cuts. On the paper folded in 4 and 8 times, ask for yoga vir_zati different geometric shapes. Make cuts and evaluate the result.

"Fruits and vegetables from plasticine". Show children how you can easily make fruits and vegetables from different-colored plasticine. It’s up to the child to download the bag, and then turn it into a vegetable for the required fruit. It’s easier to grow grono grapes, beetroot and carrots - troch folded.

Rozvivalne occupied "Pori roku"

Psychological and emotional preparation of children before school: tasks, games, rights

The onset of school life may be on the horizon, that the preschool period is over. Children have to be able to quickly adapt in new minds, call to the initial ambition, get to know teachers and classmates.

Sob the period of adaptation of the yakomog is easier, the fathers and teachers help to prepare the child for the future changes in life. The most successful group games are right.

"One color". Two groups of children need to know in 10 seconds the maximum number of objects of one color. Permagaє that group, yak know more subjects.

"Charivne Kolo". Children should be told to circle the colo behind the template and do it at home, be it geometric figures in such a rank, so that they look like little ones. If everyone gets in the way of the leaders, the vkladach vlashtov competition of little ones.

"Repetitions". In a group of children out of 5 - 7, the leader is robbed. The leader walks ahead and shows the children whether it’s a pose. Children try to copy this pose. The new leader of the ranks is the one who has fared better for others to turn back from the tasks.

"So / no". The deputy of the guards "so" chi "ni" on the proponation of the clerk of food, a group of children caress and blunt. It’s necessary to stay at home with the lads, because “so” means bavovna, and “ni” means dumb feet. You can choose food enough, for example:

  • "Kviti grow near the field?" and “Do the flowers fly in the sky?”
  • "Zhachok carry an apple?" and "A bug to climb trees?"

"Meow, woof." Children sit on chairs. Leading from flattened eyes to walk instructed from children, then we sit on the hands of one of the lads and try to guess who it is. Like a leading guess, a child seems to be "meow", like having had mercy - "woof".

IMPORTANT: Similar activities and games help to shape the preschoolers' skills, develop self-confidence in the powers that be and abilities, adequate self-esteem, self-reliance.

You can independently determine whether a child is ready before entering school, with the help of a number of simple tests, the results of which you can trust.

Test "Malyuemo school"

Give the child an album sheet and color olives. Ask a future first grader to paint his school. Don't tell the kids, don't help, don't give food to suggest, don't hurry. Do not let yourself depict the school on paper, as it seems to you yourself.

  • plot
  • lines baby
  • color range


2 bali- the school is planted in the center of the sheet, the decor, trees, bushes, rooms near the school, learn that (or) the reader, how to go to school. With whom it is important, so that the baby was depicted warmly at the time of rock and at the bright time of the day.

0 points- the little one is asymmetric (the life of the school is spread out close to one of the edges of the arcade), people on the little one are in the daytime or the images are of sumn children who are depriving the school; on the street autumn or winter, night or evening hour.

1 point

Lines of the little one:

2 bali– lines of objects without rozriviv, relativly daubed, evenly and engraved, mowing a comradeship.

0 points- fuzzy lines, weak lines, small ones, sketchy little ones; vikoristovuyutsya podviynі chi urivchasti lines.

1 point- for a little one - elements of both parameters.

Color range:

2 bali- the importance of yaskravih and bright colors.

0 points- Little ones have gloomy tones.

1 point- the little one has dark, light colors.

The sum of the balls to talk about the readiness of the child to school:

Type 5 to 6- the child is ready for school, she can be friendly to the process of learning, mutually with the students and classmates.

Type 0 to 1- the child is not ready before school, a strong fear of inciting him to read normally, talk to his classmates and teacher.

Significantly, the child is oriented towards the school, the initial process, you show yourself as a schoolboy at the closest future, help Nezhenova test.

IMPORTANT: This test should be carried out only with these children, as they already consider preparatory courses at school, or better know from the process of training.

On the skin with food, three options are shown: A, B, Art.

BUT– orientation to education, evaluated at 2 balls

B- Orientation to the education of the surface, not formed residually, get the best attributes of school life - 1 point

IN– orientation to the school and the beginning of the day, the child will win over the high school employment – ​​0 points

Ask the child the same question, prompting you to choose the answer from three options:

Do you want to go to school?

Ah yes, yes

B - I don’t sing, I don’t know, I doubt

B - no, I don't want

Why do you want to go to school, why are you crying there?

B - I want me to buy a side portfolio, sew that uniform, I want new assistants

B - school is fun, change there, I will have new friends, I came across the kindergarten

How are you getting ready for school?

A - I learn letters, I read, I write prescriptions, I write that task

B - the fathers bought a uniform, a portfolio and other school attributes

B - small, play, stick from plasticine

What do you like at school?

A - lessons, busy with the class

B - change, teacher, new parties, the type of school that is different, which cannot be brought directly to the process of learning that knowledge

B - physical education lesson and (or) painting

Yakby did not go to school, or to kindergarten, why would you be robbed at home?

A - reading, writing letters and numbers, writing tasks

B - engraved designer and malyuvav

B - watching the cat (or other domestic creatures), walking, helping mom

0 – 4 - the child does not know that he is going to school, he does not show interest until the future education

5 – 8 – є superficial interest to the process of learning, є pochatkovy stage of forming the position of a schoolboy

9 – 10 - Years before school are more positive, the child looks like a schoolboy.

Diagnostics of the general preparation of children before school: tests

Diagnosis of general education of children before school is carried out by a psychologist for special tests. Axis of action from them:

Test "So - Ni". The psychologist asks the child to ask for food, be it in some way, smut, so that she doesn’t win the words “So” and “Hi”. The child tries to pick up the right words, zealous that not to break the rules, that її vіdpovіdі will be as truthful as possible.

  1. Do you want to go to school?
  2. Do you like fairy tales?
  3. Do you like cartoons?
  4. Do you want to get lost at the garden?
  5. Do you like grati?
  6. Do you want to read?
  7. Do you like sickness?
  8. Do you have friends?
  9. You know, it's time for rock right now?

Assessing the results, the teacher determines whether he follows the rules of the task. Vidpovidi: "aha" chi "no" є pardon. One pardon = 1 byte. Usі vіdpovіdі virnі - 0 b.

0 – 2 - respect is blamed

3 -5 - rozvinene medium or weak

5 – 10 - filthy, unsatisfactory respect

Designated motivational readiness. The psychologist put a number of meals, giving the child an hour to think about it, and helping to overcome difficulties:

  1. Name your name and vik
  2. Im'ya, according to my father, that nickname is mami that tata
  3. Where do you live?
  4. Name the members of your family
  5. What is it about your place?
  6. What robiti, how do you bachish people, how did you fall?
  7. When do trees have brunki and leaves?
  8. Is the army needed now?
  9. How do you cross the road? Tse right?
  10. How to find out, what has recently been done?
  11. Navіscho you vuha ta nіs?
  12. Do you want to go to school? What are you doing there?
  13. How many days of the day?
  14. Skіlki pіr roku? Mіsyatsіv? Name them
  15. Your favorite and disliked professions
  16. What do you like to marvel at on TV?
  17. Do you live in what country? How much do you know the lands?
  18. How did you smash the knee that shed blood, what is it necessary to break?
  19. What dishes do you have in your kitchen?
  20. How do you know the products?
  21. Like domestic creatures, and like wild ones? Why do they stink?
  22. What is a day? Nothing?
  23. How can you take a toy from a friend and spend money, what do you do?
  24. Start from 1 to 10 and back, name the number, like standing in front of 5 and after 8
  25. What is more than 2 or 3?
  26. What's wrong with school?
  27. How do you conduct yourself at a party?
  28. Why are children not allowed to fire with siren and fire?
  29. What does it mean: “You love to ride, love to carry that sled”?
  30. What do people like animals think about?
  31. Why pay pennies at the store, on the bus, at the cinema?
  32. Who is Gagarin?
  33. What are you robitimesh, how will you bobachish, how will you burn the booths?

Assessing the results, assessing the building of the child, rozmirkovuvat, conduct a conversation.

"Snake". Test for the development of fine motor skills. For 30 seconds, the child is guilty of painting specks at the mugs. The more wines you have, the better the point, the better. One point = 1 point. When pіdrakhonku balіv vrakhovuyutsya those dots, yakі drank in a mug. Points on the cordon are not happy.

34 and more- official development

18 – 33 - higher than average

12 – 17 - insufficient development

11 and less- Low cost, unsatisfactory result.

As a psychologist, after conducting tests on the day of the visnovka, that the children need to be left in the garden on the river, the fathers should hear the thoughts of the specialist. It is possible, which river to richly change in the life of a child, in which hour you will learn your role at the school, to show interest in knowledge.

Video: Preparing for school, preparing children for school, preparing children for school

The fathers of the little ones, like they see a child's garden, do not need to boast about preparing a child for school. They are engaged in facilitators and specially prepared fahivts. And what robiti have grown up, whose children do not see preschool mortgages? How can you independently prepare a baby for a school life, and how to grow it correctly?

When is it necessary to start preparing a child for school?

Inadequate fathers vvazhayut that as a little kid went to school at 6 years old, then do it to take care of him rocky from five, and for the river of a child opanuє, so be moving, the course of a young fighter. The pardon is really obvious.

Psychologists say that the best age for the cob of preparation for school is 3.5-4 years.

Even before the 3rd birthday, your love for a person has been formed as a specialty. A little chomuchka with a majestic interest knows the current world, and the food hoots from the new, as if from the horn of prosperity. It’s necessary to be greedy by the moment, and just direct your yoke to the necessary channel .

Up to three years, the child manifests the expanse of that logical thought, the memory is activated. You don’t just want to take into account the evidence on your power supply, but remember them. Therefore, do not be angry at the little one, as if you were guilty of a sprat once inquiring about them.

What is needed to prepare a child for school?

Occupation with a child at any time is not due to the mother's episodic character. Keep your own clear plan, similar to a school layout. Break all the information, as you are guilty to convey to the little one on the other side.

With this, guard that while the little ones do not reach the age of 4.5-5 years, one lesson is not guilty of overseeing fifteen whilins. Rozkrittya alone by those can fit in at this interval of time.

After the skin lesson, break for 15-20 minutes. So that the little ones do not get carried away and do not get interested in the training, spend no more than 3 times a day. Do not cook a child, as if you could not enter it. Take care of him calmly and patiently.

Have a good place to occupy, see your little girl in the wardrobe, where your child will save all the first things. From the first days, inculcate yoga to keep your work space in order, do not throw pens on the table, write books.

Sometimes it’s not so easy to add the newbies of calligraphy, or to remember it, like accustoming a child to sitting and doing it to the order of the day, such a check at school.

What activities are needed to prepare for school?

At the preparation of the baby, it is so busy, like:

  • reading;
  • calligraphy;
  • maths;
  • creative activities (film, painting, application);
  • one of the foreign language.


Tsey subject cost the first mist. The quicker the little ones learn the letters and learn how to put them together in a warehouse, and then at the word, the quicker the whole process of acquiring new knowledge. It is required from simple to folding. If a word is made up of letters, then the first task of the Batkiv is to learn the alphabet from a child.

Find it on the Internet or in children's books about letters. Listening to the description of the skin lettering in the shaping form, the little one remembers them better. In addition, you should try to repeat the same phrases from the verse.

The Axis of the Negative Vershi of Boris Zakhoder:

Vsіm vіdoma letter A,
Litera is already glorious.
So, until then, letter A
The alphabet has a head.

Axis butt chotirivirshi іnshoy author:

B looks like a pipe
Cho gude "Boo-boo, boo-boo"
І trochs for prask,
Talk to my best friend.

Wait, in such a form, read the letters of the little cicada people will be more than a cicada.

After that, like a baby, master letters, show you how warehouses are made up of them. Name the voicing letters in such a way as the sound is made, so not "me" or "be", but "m" and "b". Otherwise, the word mom, folded from the letter, the baby can move mea-mea.

Come to the bookstore with a wonderful barvisty poster with an alphabet. Hang yoga over the baby's work table. If a child's glance is fixed on the image, passive memory is activated. Looking at the known letters, you better remember them.

So that the start-up of the storage of warehouses did not drag out for a long time, buy a small magnetic alphabet. Children are expected to change the barvisty letters. Your task is to help the little ones to choose from them tі, yakі need for folding tієї chi іnshої mov or words. Start the process of learning the alphabet and learning to read from a hoary group .

Today at sale є without any barvy material from reading. You can either use cubes, cards or puzzles with okremi letters or warehouses. Look for pictures that show how letters are packed in warehouses. There is a lot of similar information on the Internet, in children's books and barvy didactic materials.


At the age of 3.5-4, the little ones still do not know how to hold the hand of an olive in their hands. Also, it’s worth pointing out that the child is quick to learn how to write well without varto. At tsomu vіtsi yomu, there are less sticks and small hacks. Giving children clumsy tasks, look at school copybooks. Navit first-graders do not start writing letters once. Teach the little one to write better letters in five years . At the same time, it is necessary to repair from other letters.

It is not necessary to once again win the sight of a small child with good results. Leading-edge for learning that other subject in children. As a child has fine motor skills, you will learn how to write beautifully smoothly. It is necessary to show the little one on the back, how to trim the pen correctly.

You can add a pose to the handwriting, like a little one is over his task. Follow for correct posture children who are engaged in calligraphy. The back of the new maє buti is straightened, and the steel is on the level of the breasts. The litter of the little one lies on the table.

Give respect to roztashuvannya zoshita on the table. It is to blame for spreading the troch under the kut, and the lower left kut lies in the center of the child’s breasts.

Let's do math

Until the moment I enter the school, the future first-grader is guilty of swidko rahuvati up to 10 times back, fold and see between these numbers.

Why start the little baby?

  • On the back of the hand, the little ones are guilty of gaining such a large understanding , like less, more, one. Learn how to compare yourself with 2 groups of objects. For example, lay out on the table a number of cars and cubes. Krykhitka is guilty of rozіbratisya, some objects are more, and some are less and what is necessary to grow, so that they become equal. In such a rank, the child will get to know such terms, how to add and choose.
  • Krіm tsgogo, vin is guilty of learning how to operate with such understandings, like it’s close, far, high low . Even before getting to know the figures of the little ones, it is necessary to know about the geometric figures, learn to add a circle to an oval, a square to a rectangle or a tricut.
  • At the onset stage, for the help of small toys, olives, or medicine sticks, numbers are wove for a child . Take one cube and show the little one the number 1. Then give the cube and learn the little one with the number 2.

With this, it’s not varto to change the child’s information. In one day, enough knowledge of two figures.

If the baby remembers how the numbers look like, and we know that instructing the number 3 to put 3 sticks, and with the number 5 - exactly 5 sticks, you can go to the beginning of the little one, adding that vodnimannya.

Be-yakі zanyatya next to spend in the form of a game. To do mathematics, we don’t have to obov'yazkovo to sit at the table. You can use everything that is welcome - trees on the street, cars in the parking lot, a child on a child's Maidan. The first thing that the little ones start to raise is the fingers on the hands. Golovnya, don’t overwhelm a child with a great obsession with information . For example, if you go wherever you go, you don’t need to worry about yogo to resurrect all the objects that are dragging on the road. Dosit almost like a baby 2-3 vіdpovіdі that go to іnshої those, for example, guess whether it's a virshik.

Vivchayuchi new material, do not forget to repeat with the little one those who were victorious earlier.

We are engaged in imaginative creativity

At the lessons of creativity, you can complete the passages from other subjects of the material. Buy small roses with letters and numbers, including the drawings of geometric figures. To help the little ones learn how to line up with a line, so that they can arm themselves in a straight line.

If the child is small, give respect to those who have a sonechko similar to a colo, and if a budinochka looks like a trikutnik. To do this, rozfarbovuvat the little ones carefully, so that the farba does not go beyond the contour of the little one. Mіzh tim explain to the little ones, that the sky is blue, and the grass is green.

It is not necessary to paint a little artist, paint what you want. Let the child show their imagination, let them express their feelings and emotions through their little ones.

Live foreign language

If you have learned how to teach your child a foreign language before school, start the wedding with pictures. Don’t get confused, because you yourself don’t know one of the foreign languages ​​thoroughly. For a little one, who is on his way to a great school, without the rotten English, French and other languages, to get the good knowledge of the alphabet and mother a small stock of words.

Vivechit with a child a sprat of short verses and repeat them on walks or under an hour of home games. Keep an eye on Vima's little one. If you speak foreign words incorrectly, it will be difficult to relearn them at school.

Independently preparing your little one for school, be patient. Do not weld a small learning, so as not to go into a new one. Like a little one, vtomivsya that disrespectful at work, teach a lesson. You can bring joy to the child, otherwise you can get a new education until the beginning, which will be known to the school.

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