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How to prepare colostrum from animal milk. Colostrum at multivartsi. Recipe for a casserole with cow's colostrum

To our delight, relatives from the village brought cow's colostrum for days. I especially love it. It's not only savory lassosh, but it's superb brown product. If you cook yogo, the sound of colostrum will give you a rich omelet, less licorice, juice and blueberry (more high fat content). For the quiet, who do not know: colostrum is the thickest speech of a yellow color, which is seen by the milky deposits of creatures-savtsiv and people in the first 2-4 dobi after a gentle.

Practical value is presented to the cow's own colostrum. There are five types of immunoglobulins, lactoferin is a strong antioxidant and a broad-spectrum antimicrobial, and proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins (A, beta-carotene, E, B 12, D), minerals. There are not many recipes for dessert made from colostrum. Some treasure rich eggs, some not rich, tse right relish. If you want to lay 2 eggs, everything will be delicious. Ale, I love this recipe. І zhodnoї sod!

Colostrum - measles, how to cook

Products for the preparation of colostrum:

  1. Vanilla zukor - 1-2 sachets
  2. Pekti colostrum is bazhano in Kazan, but only not in enameled dishes. Pour the colostrum into the dishes do not top by 2 fingers. At the spirits it rises.
  3. Lightly beat (or just grind well) eggs with zukr, add colostrum, put vanilla in the oven. Pekti at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 1 year, maybe a troch more, until golden brown.
  4. It is necessary to marvel, under a kirk it is not guilty to be a native.
  5. Give colostrum in the oven for a long time, then cool down on the stove. Let's chill. Ale can and warm, savory!

Savory! Be healthy!

Milk is a product of love for grown-ups, as well as for children, shards of it can be prepared with richly varied passions. What does colostrum know more than a gourmet category. It is not sold in shops and supermarkets, which is not so popular among the middle class. What is colostrum? The melancholy of that Skoda of which product will be examined by our article. And also let's talk about those, how to cook yoga correctly and include it in the diet.

What is colostrum

Colostrum is the same milk, as seen from the cow's dairy cows in the wake of the people of the body. The end of this vision is about to finish. Colostrum is the thickest motherland of creamy or yellow color, as it may have a unique storehouse and a deep sense of power. For taste, the product may have a troch of salty relish, it is seen in small quantities, so it may have such a high value. Nature has no product, such a warehouse, like colostrum.

How to enter the colostrum store

As it is written more, cow's colostrum can have a unique warehouse and revenge the life of the necessary speech. The new one has to forgive:

  • Immunoglobulins, the average number of immunoglobulins together with IgA to become 90%.
  • Lactoferrin is a binding protein, which pereskodzhaє rozproiznenyu mikroorganizmіv and may have a strong antiviral effect.
  • Speech that stimulates the growth of textiles.
  • Cytokines - zmіtsnyuyuchi immune system speeches, which will help to increase the number of immunoglobulins
  • Prebiotics are special speeches that normalize the work of the intestinal tract.
  • Lysozyme - natural antibiotics.
  • Interferon is speech that protects cells from the virus.

Colostrum: calories

Colostrum is important not as a high-calorie product, but remember, for an hour of preparation, tsukor was not victorious. The calorie content of cow's colostrum should be deposited depending on the day after the birth of the calf's body. On the first day after the fall, colostrum has the most calories, 100 ml contains 150 kcal. The next day, colostrum calorie content is 110 kcal per 100 ml. On the third - 80 kcal, on the fourth - 75 kcal, on the fifth - 70 kcal. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in 100 ml of bovine colostrum is 27.63 g of protein, 1.70 g of fat and 13 g of carbohydrates. The number of proteins in the product is large. The point is that they are easily conquered, the shards are grayish and they will be conquered in the body in a couple of years.

What makes colostrum look like milk

Por_vnyuyuchi two dairy products, on the back of the next calorie. Caloric colostrum is higher (150 kcal), lower milk (46 kcal), and more protein is avenged. In addition, colostrum has a larger number of bones:

  • Vitamin A and carotene - 2-10 times.
  • Vitamin C - 2-3 times.
  • Salts - 1.5 times.

Immunoglobulin in colostrum is found in a great number of people, the most responsible body in various dermatological and immune diseases.

Colostrum is richer in fat and lactose, lower in milk.

Colostrum measles

Colostrum is a dairy product that has a rejuvenating, rejuvenating and regenerating effect. This is why it is so important for children to improve immunity, so when we grow up, the shards of the product pleasantly pour into the work of everyone without blame internal organs. For calves, colostrum is great live the value, Oskіlki zavdyaki youmu, the creature develops a mіtsny іmunіtet. In colostrum, the antibodies pass to infections, and the cow has been ill for the first time of pregnancy. Cow's colostrum is responsive to the etching process, moreover, the product enhances the growth function and stimulates the work of the immune system. It is especially important today, if the immune system starts to become weak and the body becomes more susceptible to bacteria, helminths, viruses and fungi.

Scattered cows' colostrum to avenge immunoglobulins, yoga regular attendance zapobіgaє development of evil spirits and other negative processes.

With some ailments, colostrum should be implanted

Іsnuє a number of diseases, in some cases, the introduction of cow's colostrum is shown. Tse taki ailments, like:

  • Illness of respiratory organs: asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Illness of the intestinal tract: Crohn's disease and virazkovy colitis, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis.
  • Viral infection: otitis media, pharyngitis, sinusitis.
  • Illness of the central nervous system: depression, Alzheimer's disease, chronic autopsy syndrome, headaches, multiple sclerosis.
  • Dermatological illness: teasing skins, allergies.

In addition, it is recommended to recommend cow's colostrum to live with circulatory diabetes, candidiasis, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis Dairy product is recommended to be used in cases of great physical and mental stress, autoimmune diseases and in times of early aging, colostrum has a clear effect, rejuvenating.

skoda colostrum

Let’s talk first, how to prepare colostrum, let’s look at what may be a contraindication. Irrespective of those that the product may have no power of authority, nevertheless, this experience can bring harm to the body. So, in case of individual intolerance to the product, it is not possible to get colostrum at the same time. So varto vrahuvati, so how to get used to tsey dairy product For sure, the etching system can cope with the acquisition of immunoglobulins, and in some cases, allergies can be blamed. To that, as if I were to eat, the first milk should be lived equally.

Likewise for people who suffer zavoi vaga, after remembering that the product may have a high calorie content, therefore, it is recommended to use it, especially as a licorice pudding, it is not recommended at all.

Secrets of preparing colostrum

Colostrum is the product that looks like savory desserts, which are familiar to small children, shards of revenge on the mass brown speeches. Bake yoga either in the oven, or in the oven, or in the slow cooker. How to prepare colostrum? It’s also important to finish the recipe and don’t put soda and rich eggs (three enough), otherwise it’s too hard.

Pouring colostrum into the dishes, it’s more important to skewer, so that no less than two fingers were left to the edge of the container, shards under the temperature and the product starts to rise a little. The first pudding is ready, it is necessary to let it stand after the oven has been simmered for less than a year. As soon as the wine is settled, it’s not scary - so it can be.

It is possible to prepare colostrum in a multi-cooker, only if one does not take away such a ruddy flavor, like those who brew in the oven. Prote dessert preserves its lower taste and porous structure. How to take colostrum in a multi-cooker for more than 40-50 strands, use the lower biscuit, for the preparation of a soufflé, 40 strands are usually enough.

Recipe for colostrum in the oven

From cow's colostrum you can get a uniquely savory milk pudding, already similar to a soufflé and a low-cream color. The recipe for colostrum in the oven is easy. In order to prepare yoga, you need 200 g of zucru, half a spoonful of vanilla, two liters of colostrum and 3 eggs. At the pan it is necessary to pour colostrum and beat the eggs and zukor well. After that, like a zukor, I’ll open up again, it’s necessary to mix colostrum and that egg-chicken sum. Then pour the base for the pudding into the mold for the vip and put the oven in front of the oven for 40-50 minutes. Vipikati colostrum is necessary to doti, until milk oozes out of it. It’s easy to overturn it, enough to pierce the pudding with a sirnik. Colostrum pudding comes out even lower and savory, with a garnish ruddy streak.

The hour of simmering is to lie down, depending on how cold the pudding is, and how hot it is in the oven. The optimum temperature for boiling troch is more than 200 degrees.

Yakshcho є bajannya, you can add more zucru to the pudding. If you want, homemade colostrum has a lot of low-fat milk relish, then add a little bit of butter. Savory!

For those cooks who don't know what colostrum is like, I want to explain that cow's milk is better than it was seen after the people of the body. For the consistency, it is richer thicker, lower than cow's milk and the color of colostrum is trochy yellow. It’s too easy for someone to wag or cheer for their own creatures. Today I want to tell the government officials how to prepare colostrum at the oven. From such first cow's milk, sour squeak, that egg can be cooked even more savory, lower casserole with an appetizing ruddy flavor. Pokrokovo of registrations, the recipe with a photo will help you and you independently bake such an unmarried grass. I am convinced that a savory milk casserole cannot be depleted of your household with baiduzhims.


  • colostrum - 1.5 l;
  • vanilla tsukor - 1 sachet;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • zukor - 150 gr.

How to cook colostrum in oven

The first thing you need to do is break the eggs in the blender bowl, add the zucchini and vanilla zukor. We start with small revolutions, incrementally increasing the speed of the blender. We beat until quiet feast, until the zukor is broken up again and the mass, which beats, doesn’t get together.

Crack an egg in a bowl and pour it into a thick-walled pan made of stainless steel or aluminum. Itself in such a saucepan we drink our casserole. Instead of such a pot, you can take any other form suitable for such a brewing.

Cow's colostrum is poured into the pan until the eggs.

All the ingredients of the casserole are well mixed with a spoon.

We put the pan on a sheet, which is installed in a cold oven. We ignite the gas, we work the middle fire and we drink colostrum in the oven close to the fire.

Remove the pan from the oven. Yak Vi Bachite in the photo, on the surface of the milk casserole, the rouge has already settled down. The readiness of colostrum can be twisted, like pressing down the troch with a fork.

As soon as the z-pіd of the milkweed oozes the motherland, it means that the casserole from the colostrum turns to the oven and is drunk until it is ready (from 10 to 20 hvilin).

In the photo below, you can see the moment of the colostrum readiness check-up and when roasting, you will notice that the milk casserole is ready (the motherland does not ooze).

The pot with a casserole is taken out of the oven and set to cool. Do not fawn, the colostrum has caught the troch settle down and change in rozmіrі.

Served with unsalted cocoa or tea.

The axis of such baked colostrum at the spirits comes out at the rose. For consistency and thickness, it is similar to homemade cheese.

Colostrum - a recipe for childhood

This product is prepared easily and quickly, as you have homemade colostrum. The recipe is incredibly simple.

Colostrum - the milk of a cow is better than that, taken away from the same day, like a guest. According to the consistency, the milk is thicker, fatter and may have a creamy appearance (approximately like that of baked milk). It’s even better for its warehouse, for life, even it’s recognized for the benefit of the calf in the first days of life. Likewise, our children also love lassoshchi.

It’s just that people don’t need to get colostrum to get used to, for those who don’t need milk for milk for a slug. And yet, our grandmothers in the villages of old, long ago, they baked colostrum in ovens or ovens, transforming yoga into a tasty, lower and licorice casserole. The structure of colostrum, the recipe of which is quite acceptable and for modern ovens, comes out porous, troch is oversized, lower than expected milk soufflé.

It is especially worthwhile to get used to colostrum during the period or after ailments, even if miraculously inspire strength and support the proper functions of the body!

You can buy colostrum on the market, but homemade milk is sold.

Be amazed, buy this product only from an over-exaggerated person, schob wine, sing-songly, buv fresh and kasovim. For the color, colostrum guesses ryazhenka or spicy milk, and according to the consistency - rіdke, like milk.

Colostrum can be prepared in the oven, like in our recipe, and in the slow cooker. Colostrum is especially rich in snidanok, watering it with sour cream, condensed milk or boiled milk, you will see a miraculous snidanok. It is guessing at the sight of the sir, only at the taste of licorice wine.

The recipe for preparing colostrum in the oven is 50 minutes per hour, the number of servings is 6.


  • Homemade colostrum - 900 ml
  • Eggs - 5 pieces
  • Vanilin - for relish
  • Zukor white -200 g
  • Oliya sonyashnikova - 3 tablespoons.

Recipe for colostrum in home minds: cooking steps in the oven

Cold chicken eggs are obov'yazkovo relatively vimite, so that microbes are not consumed in colostrum. We beat the eggs in a large bowl, beat with a mixer, or with a sprat of whilin, so that the kick began to appear. Visipaemo for the aroma of vanilin and zukor. You can also add the zest of lemon, orange, chia peas.

I beat it again with a wine to a homogeneous mass. We pour homemade colostrum.

I’ll change the whole mass again, so that the zukor has broken. Yakshcho є tsukrova powder, more beautifully add її, even if it’s more likely to spread in colostrum.

We take the form for boiling colostrum without a lid, so that the garna is lubricated with a smear. You can also use a form for pies, a frying pan without a handle, a glass saucepan or silicone. It is poured into the form of Sonyashnikov's oliya and penzlik rozmazuєmo її in all forms and sides, so that the colostrum does not stick.

We pour our sumish in the mist's form. Turn on the oven at 160 degrees and put the colostrum in the oven.

Approximately 40 quills are needed. If the blush starts to appear, then the colostrum is ready. Vityaguєmo from the oven, that is perveryaєmo, it may be caught and made a casserole or a homemade sir.

Cream sir - what is it

If the colostrum is okholone, we will try it with small pieces. Vono may have a prymny look, the bulbs in the middle have appeared, colostrum - juices and savory sweets. Save yoga at the refrigerator. Wait, the recipe is even simpler.

Do not fill up and find fresh colostrum on the market, especially you can find a charge if there are a lot of cows and goats to produce their offspring.

Alona Bondarenko shared the recipe for colostrum at home.

Colostrum from cow's milk: how to prepare it?

Hello dear readers! About the measles of colostrum, a lot of people know, but this knowledge is often superficial. Although we know about milk in detail, then colostrum of cows is not considered a popular product on our table, and it’s difficult to find it in the minds of the strong. And yet, as you have a chance to try the product, you don't need to make yourself happy. Let's look at how to prepare colostrum from cow's milk.

Colostrum: what is it?

Let's take a look at the beginning with the very understanding: what is it and why is it necessary. Tse milk, which is seen in cows in the first year of the year, I will get it after the fall.

In a viscous, salty, creamy breeze. It has a large number of antibodies, shards for its chemical warehouse colostrum is closer to blood, lower to milk. So, fat, protein, sodium and chlorine are richer in the new one.

For a long time, people knew about the melancholy of the product, they specially picked it up in the open air, and then stood in a warm place. If the wines turned sour, there were more plastics on the surface. They took them anew and put them in, so that later we would zastosovuvat like faces in the rich ailments.

Today in medicine, colostrum is vicorous as a zasib for improving immunity. Vono is needed for serious ailments:

  • asthma;
  • allergy;
  • pink sclerosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • regular headaches;
  • osteoporosis;
  • arthritis;
  • hypoglycemia.

How do you have the ability to skushtuvati tsі faces, obov'yazkovo tse robіt. 3 colostrum can be prepared more savory herbs.

How to cook frosty?

I proponate sprat popular recipes, how to properly prepare syrovina in home minds

Recipe for colostrum in the oven

The simplest way is to bake in the oven. For 2 liters of the product you need:

  • 10 chicken eggs;
  • 0.25 kg of chicken pisku;
  • packaging of vanilla zucru;
  • for bazhannyam - a couple of spoons of cane tsukru.

The recipe from the photo pokrokovo looks like this:

Recipe for colostrum in multivartsi

Since there is no oven at home, you can mix up a recipe with a multi-cooker. Preparing colostrum is really easy. For 1.5 liters of sirovini you need:

  • 0.2 l of pure cow's milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • vial tsukru;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • 3 g vanilla.

We look at Pokrokov’s preparation as follows:

  1. Take a bowl of a multicooker and visipati in it tsukrovy pіsok, soda and vanilin.
  2. Drive in a dry bag of eggs and good vimish.
  3. Pour milk into colostrum (milk is needed for filling the porous structure).
  4. Milk sumish eat with egg.
  5. Put the bowl in the slow cooker and turn on the “Vipichka” mode. The hour of preparation is 40 minutes. Since you don't have any special signs on the timer, you need to manually change the attachment.
  6. Ready colostrum guessing food omelet, the middle of which can be seen dirochki. Yogo can be served by pouring yogіdnim syrup.

Buvaє and so, that in the booth you can’t find anything that is necessary for the recipe for the product, for example, tsukru or yaєts. Well, you can make a casserole without them. It is not recommended to mix the product with the best milk for this type of person, otherwise it will be rare.

For a casserole to come out, mix the syrovina and zukor in sufficient proportions and put it in the oven. Possibly, vipіkati happen more, ale strava veyde nizhnіshe. Colostrum without eggs will be bigger and stronger.

So it is possible to grow colostrum without zucru. Beat the eggs into the syrovina, mix well and put it into the oven. Already in a year your grass will be ready, however, it will not be such a licorice, but a brown and natural one.

Recipe for colostrum with condensed milk

Zvichayno, colostrum is a product to be dosed rіdkіsniy, and it's even more important. And so you want to try a savory strong casserole! Apparently from the camps and getting ready from the divine milk. The relish seems to be even more similar. The axis is one of the recipes for you. To prepare you need:

  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • a can of condensed milk (not boiled);
  • vanilla;
  • 5 eggs.

The only recipe for this recipe is condensed milk, but it can be natural, so don’t be afraid and respectfully marvel at the warehouse when buying.

As well as all the ingredients in the collection, let's proceed:

  1. While we change the components, we set the oven to heat up to 200 degrees.
  2. Beat the eggs into the bowl, add | add | vanilla and mix well.
  3. Violity to the egg condensed milk and resolutely beat the sum with a wine glass.
  4. Add milk.
  5. Vility milk-and-egg sumish at the back, prepare the form and put it in the oven.
  6. Vipkati is close to 1.5 years at the closed spirits.

The taste of the strain will be more similar to natural colostrum. If you don't like licorice, you can do without condensed milk. Ale, in every occasion, happen to improve and drink natural strong milk, so that the casserole will be filled with energy and calories.

Rich sir, if you don’t have an oven at home or a multicooker, you can grind, so you can cook colostrum on a gas stove. I think it’s possible, but it’s important, shards for baking will take a lot of time, that syrovina can be burned.

As a form, I recommend vikoristovuvati deep frying pan, and cook on the right fire, regularly turning over the colostrum mill. Svidshe for everything, widde schos is similar to a licorice omelette. But if other minds are not prepared, then you can do it.

Recipes from cow colostrum

From the first day after calving, milk can be prepared as a casserole, and other tasty products.

Syrup from colostrum

I propagate the recipe for syrup from cow colostrum. To prepare for 1 part of colostrum, you need to take 3 parts of milk. All products can be but exclusively natural. It is simply impossible to get a good savory cheese from the stagnation of store-bought milk. The cooking method is even simpler:

  1. Boil milk.
  2. It’s good to go to the stage of boiling, pour in colostrum.
  3. Stop immediately burning up, and immediately after him, the milk will start burning up more.
  4. Take a drushlyak and use yoga gauze.
  5. Like only on milk, white plastics have settled down, pour syrovina in the preparation of utensils. On the gauze, you may lose sweat, and the sourwort will drain.
  6. Dati sirovattsі stekti, after which the sire can be put under gnіt.

Sir from colostrum

If you think about it, you can cook more with colostrum, so when you show up at the booth, try the sir. Yogo relish will be not similar to the usual one: more rich, fat and livelier.

  1. Let's take sire from cows and put yoga in a warm place for a sprat of a year.
  2. In order to speed up the process, you can put a syrovina chamber in a bucket of hot water for 10-15 minutes.
  3. If the sire is more creamy, zditi yogo and lay it on the deco with a thin ball.
  4. Dry at a temperature of 70 degrees for 3 years.
  5. After that, the sir needs to be broken with a mortar, so that the vines are filled with a uniform structure.

The milk of a cow that has calved is a uniquely rich and lively product. You and I, dear readers, have looked at how savory weeds can be prepared. Leave your recipes and comments or share the article with your friends on social networks. meshes.

To hell!

Delicious colostrum - a recipe for childhood

Today, the grandmother asked us from the guest for colostrum. I didn’t have a chance to miss the girls - the queen of my childishness. Grandmother always kept a cow, and the appearance of the calf was a wild joy.

For us, it meant that tomorrow granny would cook our beloved sausages. For those who don't know about the language, I'll explain. For those who know to love, it is not necessary to explain, you yourself know how delicious it is.

Colostrum is the name given to cow's milk, which was not seen the first day after the calving (appearance). Tse milk is thicker, full of creamy color, more brown and richer. In the village, they bake ovens at the oven - a kind of soufflé casserole comes out, porous structure and appetizing creamy color.

After the hotel, the cow sees colostrum, which is not the deprivation of the body, but the people. It is not possible for the skin to give natural colostrum, like a cow gives. To prepare colostrum at home, you can vicorate condensed milk from the best store-bought milk and additive ingredients. At the stati you know, yakimi crooked authorities maє colostrum, like a shkoda, it can hurt the body. Also, the article has recipes for self-preparation of colostrum. You know how to properly prepare such products for whom you need.

In order to take away cow's colostrum in household minds, it is recommended to drink milk, which thickens milk. The recipe is simple and savory. You need:

  • Milk cow'yache 1 l.
  • Condensed milk 1 can.
  • Chicken egg 6 pcs.

Mix all the ingredients, turn enough zucru. Vip_kati dish until the second year at a temperature of two degrees. Ready colostrum can be covered with a ruddy pick. You can change the readiness for the help of sirnik. Pierce the colostrum with a sirnik, as if the syrnik is wet, the dish needs more vipkati, as it is dry, then the dish is ready.

It is important to take it to respect: choose condensed milk, be aware of its warehouse, importantly, so that the product does not miss the growth of fats.

How to prepare condensed milk for colostrum?

If you can't know how condensed milk is, then you can cook it yourself. The recipe for making homemade condensed milk is simple and does not take a lot of time. In order to take 700 grams of milk, which thickens milk, it is recommended to beat 1.5 liters of pure cow's milk.

How to cook condensed milk:

  1. Put a saucepan on the fire (it is not recommended to vicorate an enamel container).
  2. Add water to the bowl. If a friend of the ship is placed in a pot, then it is not necessary to add more water, so that the water does not spill over the edge of the container.
  3. At qiu kastrulyu it is necessary to place a small amount filled with milk.
  4. After that, as soon as the water boils, trimat milk in the water bath for one year.
  5. After one year, move the container with milk to a full fire, so that the milk does not boil and does not satisfy the stump. Add zukor (350 g). Zukor needs to be added step by step, so that milk can flow. If I take away the sum, then you will be able to achieve it.

Vikoristannya cow's milk

How to prepare milk from cow's milk? For whom, you can use a recipe that consists of the following ingredients:

  • Cow's milk with a volume of two liters.
  • One bottle of tsukru.
  • A chicken has five eggs.
  • One hundred grams of raisins (if you like rodzinki, you can add more than a hundred grams).
  • Cinnamon - to taste.
  • Zucor vanilla - 1 pack.

To prepare colostrum at home, heat the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees. Mix the egg with zukr, add the ingredients that are missing. Mix everything well, put it in the oven for 20 chills|minutes|. Ready grass can be embellished with a sip.

Chim Korisne colostrum and yoga Skoda for health

Cow colostrum can have a positive impact on the human body. With yoga, you can help improve functionality duct-intestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, the work of nirok, liver. Product revenge at your own:

  • Immunoglobulins - IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM.
  • Peptides that take part in the regulation of the immune system.
  • Speech, like provoking that pіdtremuyut rіst fabrics. Such growth factors, like: epithelial, transforming, platelet, insulin-like factors.
  • Speech that alters the growth of microbes in the body.
  • Speech to improve the functionality of the brain.
  • Vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins.
  • Antibiotics (lysozymes) and interferons.

Cow's colostrum positively flows into the human immune system.

Speech, to avenge colostrum, to help protect the body from the development of yeasts, to treat the appearance of fungal infections. It will allow you to suffer from headaches, sclerosis, oncological illnesses, depression, diarrhea, circulatory diabetes, illnesses of the musculoskeletal system, paint old look shkiri, hair. Cow's colostrum helps to take it, because it is recommended for asthmatics.

The product is an elixir of youth, yoga is recommended to be taken during the first hour of diet, there are many recipes based on colostrum.

In 1949, as part of a clinical study, it was determined that colostrum should avenge the transfer factor. On the basis of investigation, the medical preparation "Transfer Factor" was released in the USA.

The negative side of the cow's preparation is that yoga is not recommended for allergy sufferers.

After the calving of the first 48 years, the cow does not give milk, but colostrum, to avenge the greatness of brown tongues. The bodies are not in good health, that part is given to people. I propagate the spectrum of colostrum in the spirits of the lower, brown and arc savory dessert. Such sausages can be served to the table both cold and hot looking. Recommend!


For the preparation of colostrum in the oven, you need:
1 liter of colostrum;

1 bottle of milk;

3 chicken eggs;
on the tip of a knife, grub soda;
vanilla on the tip of a knife;

0.5 bottles of tsukru.

Steps of cooking

Colostrum is processed in the mixer bowl.

Eggs are beaten in an okremіy єmnostі until the end of a homogeneous mass. Beat eggs, soda, vanilin and zucor are added to colostrum, relatively mixed (zukor is guilty of breaking).

We pour more cow's milk into the summish and once again mix it (starting to add milk, colostrum after baking in the oven, we will write that juice).

Otrimanu masu vilivaemo in tovstostіnnu pan and crooked krishkoy, vdpravlyaemo in the oven, heating up to 180 degrees, 30 degrees.

Juice, lower, more brown colostrum, cooked in the oven, miraculous for relish and in a cold, and hot look.

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