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Another naivishche similarity. Professіya skhoznavtsa — chim won tsіkava і nezvchayna. Miniature: State Academic University of Humanities at the Russian Academy of Sciences

For Moscow, St. Petersburg and, in general, for the European part of Russia, perhaps similar language is not so relevant. The more far beyond the Urals, the greater their significance, and the more more people, yakі vyvchayut chi bazhayut vyvchayut skhіdnі mov. Moreover, in order to learn Chinese, Japanese and other similar language, it is necessary to go to Moscow in a neob'yazkovo way. Similar faculties and institutes of similarity in different parts of Russia. And the presence of current benefits of telecommunications and the Internet allows, with the same success, to get busy in the middle of the world independently from the city of residence.


Kazan (Privolzsky) Federal University


Siberian Federal University


Department of Scientific Languages ​​of the Russian State University

Department of Japanese, Korean, Indonesian and Mongolian Languages ​​of MDIMV (Moscow)

Faculty of similarity studies of MDPU (


Linguistic Center "Fox" (Znahіdka) ( - Non-state illuminating mortgage
Translate that course of foreign language: English language, Spanish language, Chinese language, Korean language, German language, French language, Japanese language


Saint Petersburg state university
School of Education (

( Naprikintsі 1994 The School of Education was seen in the warehouse of the Higher Humanitarian Courses (VGK) and was registered as independent. lighting mortgage- Scientific Institute. The main founders of the institute were the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) im. Peter the Great Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Education of the Mature Russian Academy of Education.

RDPU im. A.I. Herzen - Linguistic Center

At zv'yazku zі zmіtsnennyam ekonomіchnoy stanovischi kraїn dalekoe skhodі and revisiting Russia ії її її їїntirіv, rynka pratsі unsatisfactory zbіlshuєtsya drink fahivtsіv zі zіnnannym skhіdnih mov. Let's try to find out about food, because the universities of Moscow teach similar movies.

If the applicant firmly believes not only to learn the language in one of the universities of Moscow, but also to gain deep knowledge of the culture of the country of the language, what is learned, then it is better to win the specialty "Shodoznavstvo and African studies". You can only get this specialty at five metropolitan universities:

Name of the initial mortgage Faculty Passing ball at 2014 roci Number of budgetary areas Vartist navchannya (krb. on river)
NDU "Vishcha School of Economics" Light economy and light policy 274 50 330 000
Institute of the Country of Asia and Africa 341* 71 325 000
Institute of Foreign Languages 227-235 20 150 000
Institute of Similar Cultures and Antiquities 219 15 170 000 - 190 000
- // - History, political science and law 219 10 170 000 - 190 000
State Academic University of Humanities at the Russian Academy of Sciences Philosophy - no 160 000

*for Chotirma items

Prestigious: National Presidny University "Vishcha School of Economics"

As a result of the similarity of the HSE, as from the current primary fate, it was cremated in the Faculty of Philosophy and became part of the Faculty of Economics and Light Politics, it was announced in 2009 by the roci. We especially want to work on those who don’t fundamentally contribute similar cultures to the new, and also to educate students about the methods and methods of work in the lands of the Skhod. It’s rich in why the business-directed minds of the past, you have gone far ahead of the last ball and the art of learning the Mecca of the similarities of the past fates - Institute of the Ukrainian Land of Asia and Africa MDU.

Tim, for an hour, such a young child cannot boast of a rich selection of props for the wedding. Here, the most popular direct requests are being actively developed: Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Arabic. Before obov'yazkovoї programs include learning one skhіdnoї mov, a prosthesis from another course (for good success) in the framework of an elective, you can also begin to learn another skhіdnu mov. It is possible to enchant with two similar words in total for 4 years of learning - the student himself can be virulent.

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

The entrant, who can boast of garnoy movnoy training, miraculous results ЄDI, profound knowledge of history (according to them at the faculty to conduct additional admissions) and the unpretentious bazhann of the state of the famous colleague, we are ready to try to enter to Іn Here, from simple schoolchildren, they slander fakhіvtsіv, yakі not only finished the vodіyut skhіdnoy mine, but also know the literature, іstorії, culture, politics and economics of the country's language, which is growing.

I, ozumіlo, it is impossible for the university of Moscow to be promoted by ІСАА at the number of students who have been taught similar languages. So, at the Faculty of Philology initial activity all departments:

  • Arabic philology (Arabic language and її dialects);
  • Japanese philology (Japanese language);
  • Chinese philology (Chinese language);
  • Iranian philology (Persian, Dari, Pashto and Tajik movies, as well as (dodatkovo) virmenska and Georgian movies);
  • Indian philology (Hindi, Urdu and Tamil language);
  • Turkic philology (Turkish, Turkmen and Uzbek language);
  • philology of the krai of Southeast Asia, Korea and Mongolia (White, Korean, Indonesian, Malay, Filipino, Mongolian, Birman, Khmer and Lao-Thai movies);
  • Western European language (specializes in writing other foreign language).

It is not easier to enter the Institute of the Land of Asia and Africa, but to enter other faculties of the MDU, to study is even more difficult (especially if the applicant plans to learn from scratch). Ale for chotiri rocky sleepless nights that cramming khuruf with hieroglyphs, the graduate student takes away the priceless baggage of knowledge, the observable diploma, and the flurry of cited propositions from the side of roboticists. Before the speech, you can see similar language at the same VNZ in Moscow on a contract basis: in 2014, the faculty saw 41 contract places. Prote, as you call at the MDU, it’s not cheap to do it: the salary of 2014/15 for the head of the department was 325,000 rubles.

Available: Moscow State Pedagogical University

MDPU is one of the most democratic universities in Moscow, where you can learn similar language. So, for the 2014 budget salary for the specialty “Similarities and African Studies” (profile “Movie and Literature of the Country of Asia and Africa – Chinese Language”), the applicant needed to score a total of 227 points for EDI. And for the profile "Japanese language" - 235 points. Under the skin, 10 budgetary and 10 non-budgetary jobs are directly visible.

It is worthy of note that the profile “Translation and translation knowledge” (with the qualifications of a linguist assigned) is recognized in the entire VNZ of Moscow with a little more popularity. At the end of the Chinese movie, the passing ball in 2014 was 247 points, and at the top of the Japanese movie - 246 points. On the skin, 5 students are admitted on a budget month and 10 students on a budget month. In the meantime, the cost of education on a paid basis at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at the MDPU is to increase less than 150,000 rubles per person, so the appointments are less critical.

Irrespective of those that the departments of Chinese and Japanese language at the Moscow Pedagogical University were awarded more than in 2006, they were able to achieve international spontaneity and organize free internships, and train students in the country. The department of Chinese language is especially appreciated, for a short while 20 students will go to China for the river chi semester. In addition, at the university they practice vikladachi-wearing mov.

For students, who play similar language in the same VNZ of Moscow, both language and English language as other foreign language. In addition, it is possible to speak one more European language on a paid basis. For non-resident students, it is possible to recognize those who do not have a school uniform in MDPU.

Unstable: Russian State Humanitarian University

At the Russian State University, one can study the specialty “African Studies and Similarity” at two faculties: at the Institute of Similar Cultures and Antiquity, as well as at the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University. With what insults the university was promoted to what fate, they decided their positions. While in 2013 it was necessary to score 257 points for three EDI results in order to enter the specified specialty, then in 2014 - a total of 219.

Department of Contemporary Studies Immediately, the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law implements the initial program in five directions: Arabic studies, Chinese studies, Iranian studies, Turkology and Japanese studies. Prote the main movs for wikidating are only Arabic and Chinese. If you want to learn Chinese language at RDGU, it will cost 190,000 rubles per river, which is 20,000 more expensive, lower for specializations from other similar languages.

There are three departments in the Institute of Similar Cultures and Antiquity, where similar movies are published:

  • Department of History and Philology Ancient Right off the bat(Arabic and Persian movie);
  • Department of History and Philology Pivdennoy Central Asia(Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Persian, Tamil, Mongolian, Tibetan, Turkish and Kazakh language);
  • Department of History and Philology of the Far Descent (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Lao-Thai movies).

Prote varto vrakhovuvaty, scho in the minds, if the faculty sees a total of 15 budgetary areas for the specialty “Similarities and African studies”, really turn for the commemoration like a first language, for example, Tibetan, it will be impossible. And the possibility of specialization in the "History and Philology of Thailand and Laos" is hoped only on a contractual basis. In other words, if an applicant does not necessarily want to learn to learn a foreign language, then as the only university in Moscow, we are preparing to guarantee such an opportunity, as well as the Institute of the Country of Asia and Africa MDU.

Miniature: State Academic University of Humanities at the Russian Academy of Sciences

Irrespective of those that GAUGN is the only university in Russia, which is founded on the basis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the popularity of yoga is not so high. There are few state-funded areas at the university (and for the specialty “Similarities and African Studies” there are not many), there is no student body, the main buildings are located in different districts of Moscow and, as a result, the university has only a few students, moreover, more of them may have even modest results. So, in 2014, a total of 5 students were insured for the specialty "Africanism and African Studies" before DAUGN, four of them may have results below 200.

The most recent short-lived tutoring of similar movs from the somu VNZ of Moscow lies in the fact that no one specializes in movs here. Skhodoznavtsiv here are preparing at the department of philosophical and political thoughts.

Another variant of learning skhіdnі mov at the universities of Moscow is to study as a philologist, linguist, translating chi vikladach. Such a possibility is low for the capital's initial mortgages. From quiet universities, which have not been described elsewhere, varto saw:

Moscow State Linguistic University

At the department of translational language of the MDLU faculty of translation, one can learn Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Persian and Korean language. Directly "Translation and translation knowledge" at the Moscow VNZ, 110 budgetary sections were seen (for all languages, including European ones). The last ball in 2014 turned into 237 balls, the training is carried out only on the budget. Tsіkavo, what up to the first pledge to accept EDI results not only for native English, German and French language, but also for Spanish language.

It is natural that a modern university with such a rich history and a great reputation should be able to develop such a universal swearing-in on the grave. The Department of specialization with rich foundational pledges of Turkey, Japan, China, Korea and other Arab lands, to which students-foremen sometimes blame for a cost-free internship. The term of study at the faculty is 5 years (qualification of a specialist).

Moscow Pedagogical State University

At the philological faculty of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, one can study pedagogical education at the same time with two profiles - Russian and foreign (Chinese) language. In other words, a graduate student of his department can speak Russian and Chinese language. For the first time in 2014, 20 budgetary districts were seen, and the last ball was 228 balls. Read more commercial basis- Usy 115,000 rubles for the river. Trivality of training, regardless of those that a graduate hopes to get a bachelor's degree, become 5 years old.

Russian University of Friendship of Peoples

At the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, you can learn more about the programs of additional professional education (Arabic, Chinese and Persian language), as well as at the magistracy as a friend of foreign language (Chinese language only).

On the vikladannі skhіdnih mov specialіzuyutsya and deyakі non-state vіshі Moscow, for example:

The Central Commercial Linguistic University of Moscow allows students to learn the most demanding languages: Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, Arabic, Turkish, Hindi and Farsi. In addition, as a friend of a foreign language, the language is English. I want to study at the Institute of the Krai Immediately to finish the temple for a non-state university - in 2014, the full-time graduation won 174,000 rubles for 2 semesters (trivality of education for 4 years) - it’s like dedication to those merit. On the right, the VNZ functions on the basis of the Institute of Similarity of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And the graduates get a diploma from the prestigious specialty “Linguist”.

About the requirement of the initial mortgage to speak and achieve a high score of ЄДІ students, who were awarded to the Institute of the Krai. In 2015, the institute plans to enroll 23 students for the first year of the linguistic faculty.

International Independent University of Ecology and Political Science

This non-state higher education institution in Moscow is implementing a joint Russian-Chinese program with the Qingdao University of Technology and Science. After successful completion of the program, after taking 5 years, graduates will receive a Chinese bachelor's degree in international education. In this case, the first river is born in Russia, and the next ones are in China.

Students may choose one of three majors:

  • international management (management and economy);
  • international law (jurisprudence);
  • Zakhist dovkilla(Ecology and nature).

The cost of training is 150,000 rubles for the river near Russia and 79,700 rubles for the river near China. Immunization is carried out after the results of the test (results are not required).

Veronica Gebrial

candidate of sociological sciences

One of the most important educational and scientific centers of similarity is the Institute of Krai. Immediately, it was called Skhidny University, the year of renaming the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Tsey vyschy primary pledge vvchaє practically skhіdne rіgіоnаvstvo vsіma іsnyuchimi prіkladіv: ethnologiya, movi, religii, іstorіya, administrіnnya ekonomіka, іnformatsіynі sistemy z computer translation of skhіdnyh mov аnd richly іnshоgo. Regions, like the Institute of the Country of the Rise, are expanding by two-thirds of the entire world - from Pivnichnoy Africa to the Far Descent and Australia to China inclusive.


VNZ comprehensively prepares highly qualified personnel of regional scientists, similar scientists for vikladatskoy and scientific activities, county. service, commercial enterprises, international organizations too. Graduates, as if having given a shattered training to the Institute of the Krains of the Skhod, can become analysts, experts, wide-profile fahivtsy.

Whom VNZ really and effectively implemented all the ideas of integration of the development of science. It is not without reason that the creations of the Institute of the Krai In 1994, on the platform of the Institute of Similarity Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For over twenty years now, the anger of the enlightenment process from the conquests of fundamental science has been here. More and more than sixty hundred years of university students are added up to the temple of science.


Academic science has not left these walls, allowing to save and promote the high radian quality of humanitarian enlightenment. Less than thirty vіdsotkіv warehouse They only fight for science titles, even though they can, being academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences and doctors of sciences, appointed not only by Russian high cities, but also by foreign ones, and the Institute of the Ukrainian Skhodu is also famous.

In 2014, the head of the department, S. A. Bikova, was awarded the High Order of the Holy Son. There are already twenty rokіv є the head of the department, as you can find ties with the country, which you twist, the city obviously came for the address. Before the speech, for the remaining fifty years the order was taken away by only forty people and among them M. Rostropovich, V. Gergiev, I. Antonova. A lot of practitioners, as the Institute of the Krai Skhodu writes, reviews about the work can be miracles. The stench is awarded by the President of Russia, and the Order.

Science robot

Integration of the study of science gives access to all resources of IV RAS, where yoga is found scientific achievements. Chudov's library, which is the Institute of the Ukrainian Skhod. Students' reviews often hoard the richest book stock and the miraculously possessed її electronic file, where everything is smashed for the sake of simplicity. Here you can see the development sleepy activities students and academics warehouse: the number of primary and scientific publications is steadily growing, students work at all conferences, to conduct the Institute of Similarity.

More than a hundred students took an active part in the All-World Congress of Researchers (2004), stinks and reads, and helped in the offices, and spoke with additional opinions. Skhіdniy universitet buv vіdznacheny podzakami and diplomas for a miraculously carried out organizational and scientific work. And student scientific conferences are held in a short time, often in English, and even more so - with English translation. Science robots, how students write, publish - for whom the greatest initial pledge can be a printing base, and maidanchiki for publications on government sites.


VNZ maє programs are rich in what is unique, cim tezh vіdomy Institute of the kraїn Skhodu. The accreditation of the їх passed earlier in 2010. Why is it unique? Looking at one of the most demanded specialties of the day - regional studies, you can learn something new about the fact that other universities are more likely to be surrounded by graduates from only one country. Immediately, all regions are being studied. Immediately after the current academic achievements, immediately broken down by the original initial materials.

The Institute of the Krai higher enlightenment here there is a short-term professional retraining, and the warehouse of the main activity of the university is important. These programs do not only improve the budget, they stink richly for the work of the university, they establish close links with the real economic sector. The institute of the krai At the same time, I started the program of corporate education, for example, to conduct lectures at the firms of Kaspersky, Russian airlines "Aeroflot". The institute has created specialized courses and assistants, with a lot of work done by the companies for ten years.


After graduating from the Institute of the Territory of the Skhoda, the fahivtsy freely volodiyut two foreign language - a similar one zahidnoy, and as it was a busy day for the first hour - then three. The high quality of education confirms the victory at various competitions. For example, quietly, what was organized by the Association of Speakers of the Japanese Movement of the Russian Federation of the SND, the Embassy of Japan, the Leader of the Japanese Culture at the VDBIL (Japan Foundation), - the Moscow International Competition for the Performances of the Japanese Students of the Russian Federation and the SND.

Five times the students won the same prize at similar competitions, and it didn't happen that they didn't become laureates. In 2013, over a hundred students at the Institute of the Russian Federation took part in a unique event organized by the University of Cambridge University Center - EF English Proficiency Index. Passed knowledge tests english movie, I among students from fifty of the world's countries, ours showed average scores ten points higher than those of all other participants.


Institute of Similarity of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of the Krai VNZ provides unique dictionaries, handbooks and primary help from the subjects of similarity. The subject matter is rіdkіsna, so the books are in great demand. For example, "Sociology of the lands of the Skhodu", "History of the lands of the Pivdenny Skhodu", "Physical and economic geography of the lands of the Arab lands" and many others.

Earlier, after the 17th century, a glossary of the Jakarta-Russian language was compiled, a lot of illustrated books from Indian art were seen, for which the Ambassador of India in Russia warmly praised the creators of the book, having bought fifty copies, one of which was given to the President of the Russian Federation.

One can see cicadas and cursive monographs about the current Skhid, about global problems, about the development of international festivals in similar and western regions, about the traditions and modernity of the lands of the Skhod. Many books are bought by the universities, the education of the MDU and other universities of the country, the sale of the stink is not good for the free. Also, the Institute of the Krai Immediately saw the authoritative scientific journal - "Bulletin of the Scientific University".

Embassies of the krai

The embassies of the krai At once tezhno spіvpratsyuyut іz ВНЗ: conferences, new competitions, cultural visits are held. Embassies provide the Institute with literature on foreign language(as in the beginning, so in the past), as clerks of similar mov (and most of all free of charge) the representatives of embassies - as a bearer of tsikh mov.

Students receive a number of scholarships for foreign internships in such countries as Indonesia, Iran, India. Japan subsidizes student probation at the Institute in its own country. Minosviti see subsidies for internships in China.


"Skhododavnє" the middle part shrugged off not only the added knowledge and beginners, but also illumined the enlightenment of individualization, which supplemented the development of both theoretical and applied tasks. The laborious minds of the present are easily mastered by the graduates of the Institute, the stench is always high in demand. It is necessary to show the growth of knowledge and knowledge in different areas in different areas.

They become good messengers, consuls, among them there are members of the trade missions of the Russian Federation - in Indonesia, China and other countries. Without a doubt, do not know the embassy of the krai Even more richly they say in Japan and in other countries, in Russia the stench is present in the HSE, in the MDU too. Also, graduates want to practice banks.


For entrants, a few times on the river to conduct the Institute of the Country of the Skhodu. A passing ball, like in all other universities, the river is changing, but it’s not the case. In 2015, the average ratio of wines was 67.52. The average salary of the salary is 154 thousand rubles, the budget salary has not been transferred. You can study full-time and part-time for bachelor's and master's programs in specializations: foreign regional studies, international studies, linguistics, economics. Applicants, yakі bazhayut to join the Institute of the Krayin Skhod, primal commission points for the address: Moscow, Rizdvyana street, budinok 1.

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