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A simple recipe for manti with potatoes and meat. How delicious to cook manti with meat and potatoes. Linen mant-khanum recipe with potatoes, meat and garbuza

How could it be better on a frosty winter day, a lower plate of hot, juicy and juicy meat, I thought on Saturday and prepared a manti with meat and potatoes. Tim is bigger, from the point of view of vitrat forces, cook them richly easier, lower dumplings.

Then why is the secret to the success of savory manti? In the first place - juiciness, it's easy to do so - just reach the proportions of minced meat and cibules. Vaughn can be one to one. And so our manti would be full of juice and a string, and add potatoes to the stuffing.

Another storage space for success is a springy elastic tight. Aje manti boil 40 quills and the shell is not guilty to tear under the splash of the bet. One little girl, and you can forget everything about juice manti. Sob it began to be done with a lot of dough, you need to mix it with your hands at least 15-20 quills, and then give 20-30 quills in the refrigerator.

Well, and the only thing left to deposit successful juices is their form. You can make the manti trikutnimi, square. I respect that there are less kutіv and vodkritih sticks, that there is less imovirnіst of that which is easily torn, that I roam manti oval shape. The photo shows step by step how they grow. Manti come out and nadіno zlіplenі, і beautiful, and їх їх їх їх їх splattered on the solution of the mantovarka.

Delight your loved ones with juicy manti with meat and potatoes :-)


  • Boroshno - 4 flasks;
  • Egg - 2 pieces;
  • Water - 1 bottle;
  • Sil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Minced meat - 700 grams;
  • Cibulya - 700 grams;
  • Potato - 2 pieces;
  • Strength for relish;
  • Pepper to taste;
  • Oliya Vershkove - 100 grams;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces;
  • Winter peas - 1 zhmenya.

How to deliciously cook manti with meat and potatoes:

Krok 1

Boroshno ask, add strength, eggs, water and mix it up. Hands vimishuimo tightly stretching 15-20 quills, burn the spit and clean it in the refrigerator for 30 quills.

Krok 2

For the time being, it’s quietly “revealing”, cleanly and evenly dribblingly narrate the cibula.

Krok 3

Potatoes are clean and dryly spiced.

Krok 4

Zmіshuemo minced meat, qibuli and potatoes. Salt and pepper for relish.

Krok 5

On a sticky borosh table, thinly roaring thickly and vibrating mugs of great diameter (~ 15 cm).

Krok 6

On the skin of the gurtok we put the stuffing and sticky manti, as shown in the photographs.

Krok 7

At the bowl of the pressure cooker, pour cold water and put it on the fire.

Krok 8

While the water is boiling, we smear with tops of oil on the mantle cookers and put our manti on them.

Krok 9

I boil water and put bay leaves and winter pepper. We put grati with manti on the bowl of the pressure cooker.

Krok 10

We cook the manti on a medium fire with a stretch of 40 strands.

Krok 11

The manti is ready, smeared with butter and served to the table.

(Reviewed 2 times, 1 visit today)

Manti, who came to us from the Asian peoples, were behind the legend pricked with sacred grass and victorious as a tribute to the gods. In the Fatherland manti, prepare people and vicorist for the filling lamb meat and rich cibuli, add potatoes or garbuz to the meat. The filling may be buti obov'yazkovo cut with a knife to save meat sik. Manti relatively pluck, giving them a special shape, so that they don’t flow with it, or they fill it with water. They cook less for a couple at special cloakrooms.

Having drank to Russian cuisine, the recipe for stray troch has changed. M'yaso vikoristovuyut not lamb, but pig or yalovich. Sometimes put minced meat, which will savor the taste of ready-made dishes. Deyakі hospodarki navit rob manti s syroy and fruits. Let's talk about the preparation of traditional manti with potatoes and tsibuley, replacing lamb with some other meat.

Linen mant-khanum recipe with potatoes, meat and garbuza

I don’t know how long to drink a manti, but I want to try it, make a khanum. This is one great manti, which is called lazy, for that which does not need to be drunk for a long time, burn all the minced meat at the sight of a great roll and cook it for a couple.

Products for tisto

  • borosno 320 g;
  • water 100ml;
  • oliya 50 ml.

Filling components

  • m'yaso 700 g;
  • cibula 3 heads;
  • vershkov oil;
  • strength;
  • pepper;
  • zira;
  • potatoes 3 pieces;
  • garbuz chi carrot 100 g


Find recipes for khanum with other fillings, to which you add cabbage or mushrooms for bazhanny. You can try vegetarian manti, with potatoes and watermelon. At the meat, sometimes they add only a pickle and a cibula, it’s even more delicious to go out. It is necessary not to forget that the correct recipe for manti is not minced meat, but fat meat or add water fat. Spivvіdnoshnja komponentіv stuffing traditіynіh mantіv: 1 kg of meat, 1300 qibulі, 300 g of fat. When preparing manti with chicken fillet or turkey meat, you can add finely chopped lard to the recipe. For mutton, fat tail fat is added, for yalovichi, yalovich fat. Serve manti with mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup, adjika. And put it on without anything, just with topsoil, the manti will be wonderful.

Success to you and good appetite!

The Manti have already ceased to be a daily similar or Asian weed.

To love at rich families, cook for different recipes and with their own additions.

What not to put at the Manties!

But be it a recipe in its own way, savory and original.

Adding potatoes to the filling is not an innovation. Yogo put the minced meat for a long time and do not start for a cheaper price. It’s especially delicious to go out with him.

If the minced meat is too fat, then a couple of potatoes can be great viruchi, like for the lack of meat.

Let's indulge in manti with potatoes?

Manti with potatoes and minced meat - spicy cooking principles

Quietly mixed with fresh water or milk, obov'yazkovo add eggs, strength, and sometimes put trochs of olives. Tse rob the mass more elastic and handy in robots. After the test is completed, it is necessary to have at least 20 quills and less than the last one can proceed to the filming.

Minced meat for the filling can be buti ruban. Previously, the meat grinder was not vikoristy. It was important that she was extracting juices from the product. M'yaso was simply narrated with small pieces. Ale, if there is a sieve with great dirochki, then you can speed up with a meat grinder. Otherwise, chop the shmatochki at the combine.

Potatoes with qibulei are simply peeled and cut into cubes. Like vegetable juices, it is necessary to salt and let them stand, so that the vologer's marriage will come. Let's anger the homeland and give ruban meat. Three spices mainly put black and red pepper. Rіdshe add zira, forging coriander.

Yak lipiti manti

1. Rozkochuєmo tіsto in a cowhide, zavtovshki 3-4 centimeters and cut across on washers, zavtovshki 1 centimeter. The skin is rolled off at the boroshni.

2. Rozkochuemo z washers thin cakes.

3. Place the filling at the center of the skin. In the middle, close to two spoons.

4. Pinch off the edges of the shortbread in the center.

5. Now we are moving up to them the edges that have been lost, and it’s too late. Viyde owns the letter “H”, it’s not enough to serve as a partition for the stuffing.

6. Vilni kіnchiki creaking between themselves two pieces. You will see a rounded ear.

If you don’t dare to wear classic manti, you can always make trikutniks or envelopes. Also, the virobs can be given the shape of a khinkali and simply sew the edges into a compartment for the animal.

Yak brew manti

Steam manti. You can beat a special pressure cooker with pans, so that you can open it round. Abo vikoristovuvati a double boiler, fasten with a stand in a multicooker. Prepare manti 40-45 quills after boiling. Krishka does not rise, does not rise for the whole hour. You can't give a couple to go out.

Recipe 1: Manti with potatoes and minced meat

A simple recipe for preparing manti with gray potatoes and minced meat from fresh dough. M'yaso vikoristovuemo be-yak, ale better with fat. As if the little things are fine, then it is necessary to grind a little bit of fat, or take a little more butter.


0.4 kg minced meat;

0.3 kg of potatoes;

0.5 kg cibuli;

Strong pepper;

250 ml water;

0.45 kg boroshn.

1. I'm working hard. We beat an egg from sill, add water, mix it. Hanging on the table with hot flour, timidly buried, weaving into a new homeland and miserably cool. We pick up in a package for pіvgodini.

2. We clean the potatoes with the cibula, cut the vegetables into small cubes, add minced meat and mix the stuffing. Salimo, add black pepper.

3. Sticky manti. If you don’t know, then you can marvel, as if you were trying.

4. Put in a pressure cooker. Sob the beads do not stick, piddoni smear the olive.

5. Prepare 40 quills after boiling water at the pan.

Recipe 2: Manti with potatoes, minced meat and tail fat

Fat tail fat (fat) of Asians is the best additive for manti with potatoes and minced meat. Whole product is rich in added fat content and juice. This is especially important, like minced meat from yalovichi.


400-500 g boroshen;

200 ml water;

Sil, egg.


4 potatoes;

200 g curd;

200 g minced meat;

400 g tsibuli.

1. We replace the dough with refurbished products. It can be twisted and elastic. Curve and give it a second thought, so that it helped.

2. Potatoes and cibula are cut into small cubes, with sides no more than 4 millimeters.

3. Fat tail fat is the same, but if it was easier to grow it, you need a little bit of frostbite.

4. Zadnuemo lard with potatoes and minced meat. Salimo, pepper. Good for the filling of the filling, a star is coming. Yakscho є, then її so dodaєmo.

5. Take the dough, which was supposed to be, sticky manti with the prepared stuffing.

6. We store 35 strands of fluff per pair on a stack of pallets and cook.

Recipe 3: Manti with potatoes, minced meat and cabbage

Another option for breeding manti with potatoes and minced meat. Heads of cabbage, stench always come out succulent and even lower. Ale here is its own subtlety in the preparation. For diversity, prepare a thick brew. Yogo can be cut even more subtly, but when you do it, do not tear and finish the mitzna.


250 ml water;

40 grams of olive oil;

500 g boroshn.


0.2 kg of cabbage;

0.2 kg of potatoes;

2 cibulini;

0.25 kg minced meat.

1. Strength is needed. Zmіshuєmo її z|іz| flour | boroshnoy |, add | add | oil|oil| and pour in 250 ml of okrop. We are energetically moving. It is better to beat the mixer with nozzles at the sight of spirals. It's cold, it's cold, it can be smooth and soft.

2. Dice cabbage, potatoes and cibula in cubes. Now you need to grind the vegetables, salt and let them stand. After 15 quills on the day of the bowl, you will finish a lot of redini. You need to be angry.

3. Now we put minced meat in the vegetables, more spices and salt, so more part came from the juice.

4. We take our cold water, we stick manti and we cook it, like a fire, for 30-45 minutes. It's time to lie down with a view to the world of evil virobiv.

Recipe 4: Manti with potatoes and minced mushrooms

Russified version of manti with potatoes and minced mushrooms. Strava is savory, miraculously suitable for vegetarian and canine eating, as if replacing top oil with rose fats. Quite for diversity, instead of using mineral water.

Bottle of mineral water with gas;

0.5 tsp. salt and zucru;

4-5 flasks of borosna.

350 g cibuli;

300 grams of ovens;

200 g potatoes;

120 g pour. Olii.

1. It's easy to mix it up. Just mix all the ingredients, creamy. After the separation of the grains, we add and її. Just not the whole time. Looks like a cool and elastic breast. Let's belong.

2. For minced pecheritsa, it is necessary to wash, dry and cut into 2-4 parts.

3. Roast in a frying pan a small piece of olive oil and brush mushrooms 2 hvilin. Robimo is a great fire, so that the stench did not catch the sik.

4. Cool the oven and twist it through a meat grinder.

5. Cibulyu and potatoes are cut into cubes, add minced mushrooms, spices.

6. Sticky manti. We put the filling on the skin of the shortbread, and a piece of butter on the beast on the skin. Kіlkіst on vlasny rozsud. The more olives, the more fat and savory the manti will look.

7. Vario in the best way close to pivgodini.

Recipe 5: Manti with potatoes, minced meat and watermelon

Sound like a garbuza, replace potatoes with manti. Ale yakscho їх put at once and add fat meat, then the viide is mega tasty. The best vicorist is fat lamb and pork. If you take yalovichina, then add lard chi hocha b chicken fat.

800 g dough;

150 g of garmelon;

150 grams of potatoes;

300 g tsibuli;

400 g minced meat.

1. Vikoristovuєmo be as fresh as ever. You can do yoga for one of the recipes above.

2. Narizaemo all vegetable cubes. Salim and zalishaemo for the release of juice.

3. Motherland is pouring out, adding twisted meat, pepper, as it is necessary, more salty.

4. We stick with the manti dough and cook it in a great way.

Recipe 6: Manti with potatoes and minced meat in a frying pan

Apparently, manti can be cooked more than a couple. There are a few options for cooking in ovens, multi-cookers, and the most common and best - on the stove. You need a large frying pan with a slotted lid. Manti is ready for any recipe.


12 manti;

120-150 g of oil;


1. Pour oil into the pan, the ball should be about 5 mm. We put it on the stove and heat it up.

2. Wicked in a baked olive manti. It's not the stench's fault to stick around one by one.

3. Pіdsmazhuєmo to rum'yanoї skorinki from the bottom is close to 10 strands. The fire is moderate, and on the stove at this hour you can boil a kettle.

4. As soon as a day to become more ruddy, pouring okrip. Riven can be twisted to half.

5. Curve the lid and boil it until the full evaporation of the radish. There are about 12-15 quills on the chain, no more.

Recipe 7: Linen manti with potatoes and minced meat abo khanum

A wonderful variant of preparing manti from potatoes, which is unique to the unloved bagatma of the process of making. Tіsto gotuєmo for any recipe more. And if it’s your ideal variant of fresh dough, then boldly beat yoga.

500 g dough;

300 g of meat;

200 g potatoes;

300 g tsibuli;

Specials, oliya.

1. Robimo excellent minced meat with sliced ​​potatoes, cibules and twisted meat. Seasoned with spices and sill for your taste.

2. Divide into two parts. We take one and rozkochuemo great and thin shortbread. Bazhano give the shape of a square or a rectangle, sob a roll of viyshov of the same tovshchina.

3. We place half of the filling with an even ball, close to three centimeters on the far edge without sticking.

4. Twist the roll and transfer it to the pressure pan of the pressure cooker. It’s even more important that the seam is stitched from the bottom.

5. Similarly, we twist another roll and put it on the offensive pallet.

6. Varimo khanum tezh close to pіvgodini. When applying, it is cut into shmatochki 3-4 centimeters wide leather.

Sob boiling water gave a rich bet, її obov'yazkovo required salt. Ale, don't overdo it. For three liters, one tablespoon is sufficient.

Manti will be especially fragrant, if you add a couple of peas of peppercorns and a bay leaf to the water for steaming. And it’s better not to put the axis of fresh greens, because when overpicked, it starts to see the unacceptable smell of grass.

Manties are often glued to the bottom and it's impossible to take them off. If you didn’t see anything, start slathering with oil and in the new one bury your teeth before laying down.

Don't you have sauce for manti? Yogo is easy to make! Mix it with water, so that sour water comes out, add a little bit of black pepper and you're done! You can add tomato paste or mashed tomato.

Manti nikoli do not fit on the pallet upright. Tse threaten the filthy circulation again in the design, and also the virobi can stick together. When cooked, the stench swells up in rosemaries and puffs up.

Manti - tse savory, sieve, sparing. Options for minced meat are neimovirna kіlkіst. I wanted to cook manti with potatoes and meat, one of my favorites every day. Ale here trohi miss. I had a lot of meat, so I only ate 3 potatoes for that. For the bazhannym, the proportions are minus, but we don’t forget about the cibula, її may be rich, in it, the juice of the filling should be deposited. Below in the photo are three great heads. Also, remember that potatoes love fat, don’t worry about adding fat. I also give a pokrokovy recipe for an elastic, simple fresh dough for manti, dumplings and vareniki. It does not tighten, it grows thin, the photo shows the after-cooking. It will come out even lower, soft, not gum, it will leak out with the juices of the filling. Really delicious!

Ingredients for dough:

  • 300 ml water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olії;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • borosno.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • 700-800 g of meat;
  • 150 g of fat;
  • 3-4 large cibulins;
  • 2-3 cards;
  • spices.

Cooking method

How to drink manti correctly

I wanted to make a better photo, but to go out more richly, I made it easier. This is one of the easiest ways to make manti. It is necessary to cut the navpil in the front, to cut the cowbass, to cut it across with small pieces. Behind the shape of the stink, there are small pucks. Men are more like a manti of medium rosemary, but on the right, a special relish. It would be better to love the great virobi chi dribni.

Yak lipiti manti:

  1. Pieces of chopped dough from two sides are rolled in boroshn, so that it does not stick to the swing.
  2. Rozkochuєmo rocking shortbread. In this country, it is valued very thinly, soaked, but not overdone.
  3. We put the stuffing. I have two tablespoons.
  4. Let's start drinking manti. Z'ednuєmo two edges at the center, glued together.
  5. One more edge is folded and glued perpendicularly.
  6. So, we are moving the other edge and pinching it again.
  7. Z'ednuemo "Vushka" to wash, from one side.
  8. I also pinch another beak.

Manti can be cooked in a steamer, multicooker, on a drushlyak, in a sieve and in other impersonal ways. Ale, it’s better to use a special pressure cooker. Only a few of them contain a great number of couples, they are divided evenly, the hour of cooking may not change. It won't lie in the open world of virobiv.

Yak brew manti:

  1. We place the molded slabs on the pallet, smeared with oil in front, so that nothing sticks. Obov'yazkovo suffices one line for the circulation of the wager, it is impossible to twist everything.
  2. We put it on a saucepan with dill, close it with a slit lid, we cook 35-40 hvilin after boiling water.
  3. Let’s put grass on the flat! As an addition, you can vicorate whether it is sauces, the priority is tomato. At the time of writing, the recipe is summer. To that you can just grate a tomato, add a teaspoon, greens, pepper of different species, and be it some kind of ketchup!

The secrets of cooking straw

  • The most beautiful and most formal manti from tovsto of rolled dough. For the most delicious flavors, even thin shortbreads roam, the stink of cigar papyrus smells.
  • Before brewing manti, it is necessary to add strength to the water, the vaporization will be active.
  • If the pads are prim and everything sticks to them, then it is recommended that the bottom of the skin mantle be wrapped in an olive before putting on the pad.
  • Tasty manti, some have rich cibules. We don’t litter, we give more and more, we have more when there is a lack of meat.
  • If there is no fat, and meat without fat, then you can rub it into the filling or cut the top of the butter. Abo put yogo to the animal on the minced meat at the skin mantu.
  • Іz chim є manti? Okrim tomato sauce, often served before them diluted with spices. And it's really tasty!
  • Manti can be prepared not only for a couple, often shattered on a vegetable pillow, quenched in a frying pan and wound in an oven. In fact, these are great dumplings, only naming juice and fragrant. It's time to try it out!

Manti is a traditional country among rich peoples. In our hour, such dumplings can be prepared not only with minced meat, but with other products. One of them is potatoes, or rather, mashed potatoes. Behind him, manti come out savory, juice and appetizing. The recipe for potatoes with potatoes looks like classic Russian dumplings, not only with a filling, but also with the preparation of pasta and the shape of the recipes.

In our hour, be it a master, it is possible to prepare such a recipe, more so, that we do not need expensive products that mass at a free hour.

Manti with meat and potatoes is the original herb, which can easily be the main one on the Christmas table. Ts great dumplings come out more savory, moreover, not only in a hot, but cold looking. You can serve them with any kind of sauces and additives, including stewed vegetables or stew. But all the same, the grass will come out savory and rich in an independent look, to the one who eats meat and potatoes, I give him a rodzinka.

The rich gentlemen of the lower lord in front of the “creations” of the fears give respect for the sake of the house-giving gifts, as they help to prepare the grass without any problems.

  • Potatoes need to be cooked 1-2 years before cooking the strain. First, the puree will thicken, the shards will stand and become strong. In another way, it’s more like a holone.
  • For bajannyam before the recipe, you can add lubricated vegetables: carrots, cibula, garbuz, Bulgarian pepper. The stench will add to the mantas not only a dodatkovy relish, but also juice.
  • Cooking manti is taken in a steam boiler - in the lower part of the country, it is lower and equally steamed. However, it is also possible to cook dumplings in a pot with water - the smut cannot digest the manti: at any time, the spices can fall apart or take shape.
  • Quite for the sake of going out to do it with a sharp and a hard one. Zavdyaki such a consistency of sik from dumplings does not flow, and the stench cannot fall apart under an hour of mixing in a saucepan.
  • Dodatkovy relish and flavor of the filling can be given grated or finely chopped salted cinders, sir, oliya chi fresh fat.
  • The best dressing for manti with potatoes and chicken - sour cream. For the bajans, the masters can give her a watchmaker, a green cibula, or fresh greens.
  • If you want, the recipe for wiysh is "sharply fragrant", add bacon to the new smoked meat or replace it with fresh smoked meat. The relish of mantas will significantly change to better.
  • Potatoes for the filling are the best to beat the old ones, as if they are young, they fall apart and you can’t fill the filling with special relish, because the mashed potatoes don’t see that light consistency from it.

The recipe for manti with potatoes in our time is different: wine can be prepared not only for the preparation of the filling, but also for dough. Prote, zagalom, leather from them can be the “root” of the classic recipe, for which you can cook traditional manti with meat and potatoes, be sure to taste it.


Cooking method:

Note before the recipe:

Important: this recipe is considered classic, so the preparation of the filling can be changed. For example, you can make mashed potatoes instead of sliced ​​bars, twist the meat in a food processor, do not add it to the egg and so on. A smut, as a result, the evening turned out to be savory, rich and juicy (the juiciness of the grass is added with meat and potatoes, which is seen in the process of cooking).

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