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Limassol, Cyprus - photos of Limassol, notes, map, beaches, repairs, tourist guides. Misto Limassol - a chic way to Cyprus All Cyprus for tourists Limassol

As if it were a place, as if it was really chilny to the post-invention transformation and change, then Limassol, which with skin rock becomes more and more modern and can proudly boast of its seething, dynamic, cultural life.

The guests of the place note the post-yne and harmonious state of the old architecture with super-modern projects: from the old mansions in the colonial era to the small galleries, the order with the great centers of art, and from the other side - the modern and cunning port, which will be a garrison in the distance. Yaskravo and barvisto complement the rich collage of "the place of roses" - luxurious hotels from the shores of Limassol.

Especially in the evening - all the cafes and quickly lined up with ventilators, and straight to the Moscow pier, you can see one of the bars that you were lucky to try, and try savory light cocktails on the aphids of the sea wind and the sounds of soft Greek music. The smell of water, ribeye and spices will add flavor to your romantic evening. It’s a sinking to the specially pyshokhny dorizhka signs of the coast, Vytet to the middle castle, in the outskirts of the Yaki there is a Masa Restaurant, the Proponia Stravi on all the smacks of the todobannya, rztto with the seafood - mines,

As if you are a true history buff, then curl your tongue at the monuments of ancient Amathus and the castle of Kolos, at the skin vіdvіduvacha,... read more

Korisna vіdpovіd?

Korisna vіdpovіd?

Korisna vіdpovіd?

Korisna vіdpovіd?

Korisna vіdpovіd?

Monthly weather in Limassol:

Month Temperature Khmarnist Doschovі days /
Number of falls
water temperature
by the sea
Number of dormouse
year per day
In a day At night
Sichen 15.3°C 11.0°C 25.9% 5 days (59.8 mm.) 17.9°C 10 years old 8m.
Lyuty 16.5°C 11.2°C 22.0% 2 days (33.6 mm.) 17.2°C 10 years old 57m.
berezen 18.6°C 12.4°C 16.8% 2 days (25.4 mm.) 17.2°C 11h. 59m.
Kviten 21.9°C 15.1°C 12.3% 2 days (20.0 mm.) 18.2°C 13h. 4m.
Traven 26.0°C 18.8°C 9.8% 2 days (22.4 mm.) 20.5°C 13h. 59m.
Worm 29.9°C 22.1°C 4.8% 1 day (12.8 mm.) 23.6°C 14h. 26m.
Lipnya 32.9°C 24.7°C 1.4% - 26.5°C 14h. 13m.
Serpen 33.2°C 25.1°C 1.4% - 27.6°C 13h. 26m.
Veresen 31.0°C 24.0°C 2.8% 1 day (11.5 mm.) 27.1°C 12h. 23m.
Zhovten 26.7°C 20.4°C 8.4% 3 days (32.5 mm.) 25.3°C 11h. 18m.
leaf fall 21.9°C 16.6°C 15.8% 2 days (26.1 mm.) 22.5°C 10 years old 22m.
chest 17.4°C 12.9°C 23.2% 3 days (44.1 mm.) 19.8°C 9 a.m. 53m.

* In this table, average indicators about the weather are displayed, selected for the most lower three years

Korisny vodguk?

Korisny vodguk?

Korisny vodguk?

How many koshtuє vіdpochinok near Limassol? Zhovten 2015 rock.

Variety of tour

A voucher to a 3* hotel near Limassol (Karavel) for 9 nights with a villa from Minsk cost 600 euros. I flew alone, I tell you the versatility of the single, the number for two would be cheaper by about 40-50 euros. At the party, there were included snacks that evening. The hotel is modest, ale roztashovaniya not far from the sea, yearning decently, you definitely won’t get enough of the hungry. Regardless of the modest budget, it turned out to be correct. The tour includes a transfer from the airport to the hotel and back.

Excursions bathed at the hotel guide, it was possible to take a trip from the local travel agencies, as a rule, they were happy with them, but the season was over and there weren’t many good offers. Prices "on the street" and in the hotel are not strongly disturbed. A sightseeing tour of Cyprus (Grand Tour) cost 65 euros, to Pivnichny Cyprus - 55 euros, to Paphos and to Cleopatri Beach - 45 euros. Bula cіkava proposition for Israel - for 2 days a little (fly 30 hvilin). The program included visiting Jerusalem (Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Wall of Weeping), Bethlehem (Church of the Nativity of Christ), the Dead Sea. Variety tour to Israel - 300 euros.

We arrived in the other half of the day, and the last hour, like me. Temperature povitrya trimalas between +26 to +28 degrees. The water temperature is +23 degrees.

First of all, lie on the road, make your own cost more expensive. Well, take a swim by the sea. But if you want to marvel at all the excursions, then it’s better to break the so-called “oxamite season”. Vіn trivatime approximately from spring to the ear of leaf fall. At this hour, the temperature is going to go down, but it’s not cold, the sea is warmer and more sleepy, what can we do better?

Vidpochinok with children

The presence of childish maidanchiks (for the time being, they got 3 pcs.), A great staff of merry animators, like a robot. If you booked a room, they clarified with us ahead of time what kind of child and what kind of bed is needed in the room. Nache drіbnitsa, but if you knew in Tunisia, then you had a chance to beg like an additional service, even if you asked for armor when you were armored. The hotel has one more plus:

Restaurants have a large child's menu, navit for these children, just to introduce complementary foods. Well, and of course, style for the anniversary.

Є і on the territory of the pool especially for the smallest.

What to take from you for repairs?

1. Pennies. Raju take a credit card with you. Її take it with a grain of salt, and at the same time it’s richer, better, lower the stomach.

2. Zahisny cream. The peak of high temperature in Cyprus falls on the hot summer months. Do not forget to stock up on creams of a kind of zasmagi (especially since your skin is sensitive) with a great spF level. Well, I managed to burn my shoulders like grass, for that I especially emphasize your respect on the sour cream.

3. First of all, take the garni mood out of you.

De better zupinitsya?

Such hotels are famous for their good wishes: St Raphael 5*, Constantinos the Great 5* and Olympic Lagoon 4*. We still sounded our choice for "St Raphael 5*". We booked a room for a ticket to a higher price, the price was reduced for us, and 42,600 thousand rubles for the last 7 days (Fuel included, transfer to the airport and back). The excursion became the reception "bun"

What to do at the resort?

If the beach breaks start to come, it's time to break on the excursion. You are impersonal, and you can find out about them from the administration of your hotel. Before the speech, Russian guides. It’s even more convenient, especially if the English ribbing is trimmed on the butt riven.

For children on the island, there are also excursions:

A young farmer (the opportunity to marvel and take a part in the growing of the veggies, to prepare and cook evenings on the farm yourself, to have a petting zoo with goats and donkeys). Trivatime excursion 5 years. Variety 25 EUR/person.

To the top of Olympus (for the most funny ones there is a tension cable car, you can bend down from the waterfall (small, great)), the cost is 30 euros per person, the cost is 5.5 years. After the end of the excursion, you can see the diploma of the island’s right bastard! The kids will definitely fit in.

Let's grow up, the excursion is definitely worthy, as we can replace everything. Intrigue? Tsya is more expensive than the territory of the island, with a deep folding, 10 years old. Ale ce that varte. Variety for one person is 45 euros. You can lie down for about 400 km, and you can get some skids!

I put a zhorstka four, because the beach is clean and pleasing. For a smittya at the hromada mіstsі - a fine of 100 euros. And not just empty words, in my eyes, one person was really fined. Might be zhorstkuvato, pro-discipline.

Minus the repair in Limassol

1. Even obtrusively pronounce excursions. Not the first time you will understand the wisdom.

2. If the population is different, if you are in the pursuit of an additional income, you can literally “pair” you with your handmade.

Mabut, chiomu has everything :)

Chi varto v_dpochivati ​​near Limassol?

My opinion - it sounds like it! Here, the nature is over the hills, wonderful beaches, and even sun-kissed garni. If only for them I would like to turn around again :)

Advice about the city, its tourist infrastructure, beaches, hotels and the most popular excursions is not only to broaden your horizons, but to give, as you can, basic information for self-reliant mandrivers. We also try to find out how to spend an hour on the island with the maximum cost. At the sight of other resorts in Cyprus, Limassol, as a rule, satisfies all categories of tourists. Here you know those who are necessary, and nevgamovna juveniles, and calm and romantic natures, and families with small children. This resort is considered democratic, but there are also a lot of hotels here for even more powerful clients. In addition, on this territory it’s handy to pick up those who come to Cyprus not only for the sake of the sea and the beach. The beautiful roads and well laid out meshes of the public transport give the opportunity to fully embrace the rich culture of the Mediterranean region.


Where to find the place, a map of which is presented below, showing us that it is located on the private coast of the island, between Larnaca and Paphos. From both places to Limassol, about seventy kilometers. So roztashuvannya robbing the resort is more convenient for quiet tourists, like not sitting on the mіstsі, and yakі want to get more important memories. All tours can be booked in one day. Limassol on the map of Cyprus is of significance as a friend for the size of the place after the І tse truth. The population here, beyond our worlds, is not rich - less than 200 thousand people. That and the expansion of the settlement do not oppose: there are only three parallel avenues, one to one, and one promenade, stretching along the coast. But tourists, who have visited here, should not call Limassol a wilderness. Navpaki, vin maє glory of the business capital of the country, adje tse - offshore zone. Here, the main trading port, offices of various international companies have been restocked. Until then, as tourists respect, this is the best place in Russia. Kіlka tysyach vykhіdtsіv іz republics kolishnogo SRSR took away the enormity of Cyprus and now live near Limassol.

How to reach

The city port accepts passenger ships. From the Israeli towns of Ashdod and Haifa, from Beirut, from the Greek islands of Crete and Rhodes, they break partly to Limassol (Cyprus). The map shows that the sea is not to blame for being too old and tired. And the axis of the Limassol airport has not yet arrived. All flights arrive at the main city of Larnaca and Paphos. Tourists are building an army of taxi drivers. Ale vіdguki don't give a damn about obіtsyanki and go by bus or minibus. It will cost ten times cheaper, and the hour of the trip is the same - about 45 minutes. Sitting on the bus, we need to respect: express companies "New Amorosa", "Intercity Bases" and "Alepa" - do not stink the teeth in the villages. And the axis of the route 612 and 613, which goes out of Paphos, straight through Timi, Ktima and Geroskіpa.

If you come

Dosvіdchenі tourists were divided into dumtsі, in which month the weather is the best in Cyprus. Limassol roztashovaniya on pivdni islands and from pivnochi yogo protect the Troodos mountain ridge. Zavdyaks of this situation all save on the way in and out of the place they call the Cypriot Riv'eroy. The tourist season here is interrupted only for the winter. And the rocks in the city are rich in roses (including water parks), in Limassol there are a lot of tourists and on the wind, and in the spring. A lot of mandrіvniki stverdzhuyut, scho best hour for the introduction of Cyprus є grass. This month there are few days of rainfall, and the temperature is comfortable for the inhabitants of the pivnoch - you can take a sunbathing trip. Ale, the sea is colder - only +20 ° С. Natom_st u travni vіdbuvaєtsya festival kvіtіv. The worm is also dry and not so slick, as it is customary to think: +24 ... +27 ° С. The sea warms up to 24, but it will be so, that cold currents will come. The Russian-Cypriot Festival, St. Neptune and Shakespeare's Days, take place near Limassol. Linden and sickle are hot, ale vologi. Temperature: +29 - repeat, that +27 - drive. Greater vіdgukіv stverdzhuє, scho veresnі the most comfortable vіdpochinok. Limassol at this holy hour The festival of young wine, like, before speech, in this part of Cyprus, vіdmіnne. Ale and Zhovten - the continuation of the oxamite season. The water is equal to the temperature - 25 degrees Celsius, but the fall is great. What month is the sports event Lemesia and the International Film Festival held.


The hotel base of the place is very different. Vaughn allows you to manually spread out at the resort for both students and more respectable public. Dosvіdchenі tourists are ahead of those who choose to come to Cyprus (Limassol) in the first place: prices here are mostly, lower in Turkey and Egypt, and definitely lower for Greek, Spanish and Italian. Party juveniles ring out at hostels or hotels-kopeck pieces near the center of the city. The surroundings of the resort are more likely to add comfort and comfort. There are many spa complexes in satellite villages. Ring at the number number to enter the sn_danok. Ale for bazhanny when booking a hotel, you can get either half parts). Eat in Limassol on the eve: fish taverns, eateries and restaurants are literally on the skin. Tourists were divided into dumtsі, chi vvazhat those conditions, scho Limassol - the most Russian place on the island, a plus or a minus. The ability to communicate with the staff is dear to me - tse, obviously, without a doubt, the priority of the resort. And the axis of spіvіsnuvannya іz spіvvіtchiznikami?


This is the name of the smut and visiting card of the Cypriot River and the city of Limassol. Photo, the truth, which can be conveyed again. Vuzka coastline and the kind of gray-gray dog ​​indlyakuyut deyakyh potential vіpochivayuchih. A darma. Dosvіdchenі tourists stverdzhuyut, scho tsey pіsok special, likuvalny. Vіn tucked into powder coral crihti. Tsey pіsok navіt add at scrubbing and cosmetic masks. Sometimes the pebbles are rustling. The coast is swirling, but don’t be turbulent - the place has stretched out the sea for 15 kilometers, and we’ll have to catch the moon under the sun. Entrance to the beach is absolutely free, and you have to pay for the cost of ammunition. Dasoudi is the best in the area for infrastructure. Vіn rastashovaniya trohi on skhіd vіd to the center of the place. For amateurs of self-assurance, we recommend Ladies Mile guides.

History of the place

Antiquity and Middle Ages, European and Turkish inflows - all the island of Cyprus. The place Limassol in otochenny old times - evidence of old times deep - like young. Vіn buv foundations of "everything" in the XI century. Lemesos (that's how Limassol was called) was once in the middle between the ancient Greek poles of Amathus and Kourion. It is reliable to see that here was the friendship of the king-christ-bearer Richard Levine Heart and Princess Berengaria of Navarre. The church, which was held in 1191 in 1191, was not saved. On the її mіstsі the Templars built a castle and reconstructed it in a rich way, the docks did not take the island of Malta as the capital for their black order. Prote stinks have abandoned the tradition of making Commandaria wine for themselves, as it is richly recommended to anyone to try it. The castle was reconstructed for the advancing rulers: the Lusignans, the Venetians, the Turks. At the same time, the Museum of Serednyovichchya is located there.

Excursions around the place

Kolossi Castle is the “mast-si No. 1”, which should be seen by everyone who sees it in the resort of Limassol. Photos of the middle ground are flaunted on leaflets, magnets, T-shirts and other souvenir products. Mensh vіdoma Ayia Napa - a church, in which it is saved like a miraculous relic of Veronica's boards - they cursed the same, as the holy Christ proclaimed, who went to Golgotha. It seems that vono dosi zberigaє Yogo image. Winery KEO, maybe not so "leafy", like the castle of Colossi, but not less than vіdomy. Adzhe same there they save and develop the tradition of making the glorious Templar wine "Commandaria". Tourists, who have visited Limassol, are happy to take excursions around the city on a bicycle. Everywhere there are stations for renting a handy two-wheeled car.

Excursions in the outskirts

What historical reminders are necessary for those who want to know more about Cyprus? Limassol (tours to which one directly is needed by our tourists) allows you to get acquainted with the monuments of antiquity. The ancient Amathus and Kurion, or rather, their ruins, have long gone to the place. It is also recommended to recommend seeing the temple of Apollo Khilatsky from the remains of Pafoska and Kuriumsky gates. And in the Troodos Mountains, near the pine forests, they are hovering in the eyes of the birds. Tourists are getting more friendly comments about the “right Cypriot village” of Pissuri. Let's look at the self-styled color, you can boast of the miraculous beach.

Rozvagi and shopping

Well, it’s acceptable that you were tired of the old times, like the rebuilding of Cyprus. Limassol, tips about which one will tell you how to have fun for an hour, not to let you get bored. Fashionistas sing-songly appreciate all the beauty of a wedding in an offshore zone. Branded clothes, such accessories can be found at the boutiques on Makarius Street. Another trade artery runs perpendicular to the Kolossi castle along the entire old town. “Commandaria” and other wines can be obtained at the KEO plant (after excursions and tastings), as well as at various distilleries in the vicinity. Children, singly, will see the amusement park, the only animal on the island and the reserve with donkeys, rotting near the village of Vuni (pіvgodini їzdi vіd mista). Well, for a complete recovery, one of the three water parks should be gladdened by the whole motherland.

Restaurants and discos

Three of the best places on the island of Cyprus, Limassol, are called the most democratic for prices. Is it possible that all the youth of Western and Central Europe flock here? Through it, Limassol is called “myst, like you can’t sleep at all.” The faceless discos, bars and nightclubs are surrounded by Galatex streets and the outskirts. The main center of nightlife is the Potamos Yermasoyias area. Restaurants are scattered all over the place, and food about those, de snack, do not stand in front of tourists. Experts often think about large portions, as it is customary to serve here, and recommend taking one for two. A side dish is always served before the skin meaty fish chia.

What can people recommend, who have traveled all over Cyprus? Limassol - tourists' opinions repeatedly tell about it - the found place on the island. Ale, you can work on the foundations of a new budgetary, so that you know little secrets. For the introduction of water parks - the central Water Mania, which stands among the citrus hai Fasouri Wanermania and Wet`n Wild with a great selection of waters - use advertising flyers. The stench will give you a nice discount. The same rule is for entry to night clubs. Bagato someone to rent a car. Roads are on the islands of miracles, and gasoline is cheaper, lower in Russia. So you can explore the whole island and visit the Governor's beach (there are no buses going there). The whole place is crystal clear with clean water, black squeak and white stones. Їhati to the new quarter of the year.

Limassol is the most popular resort in Cyprus, stretching for tens of kilometers along the coastline. Here, fashionable five-star hotels, comfortable apart-complexes are replaced by eucalyptus trees. Vzdovzh ushogo uzberezhzhya stretching small pіshohіdna dorіzhka - a popular place for jogging and walking. Limassol is considered as another capital of Cyprus, as the main port of the island, and as a resort center. Limassol is located on the territory between the two ancient powers of Amathus, at the exit of Kourion at the entrance - the most unique historical places on the island.

The main feature of Limassol lies in the fact that life here leads to the winter: a place to grow up in night clubs and have fun at different sunsets of the rivers. In Limassol, you can see more than just young people, like to love to hang out, but with small children, even here there is an amusement park, 3 water parks and a zoo near the Moscow amusement park, there are also a lot of vibrant businessmen, and they don’t separate from laptops on the beaches .
Limassol is an ideal place for permanent residence of Russian citizens in Cyprus. Significantly, the most Russian place on the island. The place is well divided between the resort and the business part, and also the infrastructure allows you to manually spend three hours, here there are impersonal Russian gardens, schools, centers for the development of children. In general, a lot of Russians buy indestructibility in Limassol for repair or for renting out, but they are so fast attached to this little piece of paradise that they are left to live here in good time.

Beaches near Limassol

The beaches of Limassol are comfortable, clean, with a gentle slope to the water and a garniy infrastructure. Beaches in Limassol, pebble-pebble and food. Significantly, the sand on the beaches is special, may be volcanic and avenge flint, which is beneficial for the exchange processes in the epidermis. The best beaches of Limassol are the central municipality and Ladies Mile, the stink of everything necessary for a reception.
The beaches are crowded, but the resort is still quite popular. On the beaches of performances there is a great selection of water sports, aqua aerobics, jet skis.

Rozvagi, memos and excursions of Limassol

Limassol roztashovaniya for a year їzdi mayzhe vіd suіh head vznachnyh reminders of Cyprus, to that on the excursion you can virushat in any way straight. Damo little joy: as in the summer holiday season, the heat becomes unbearable, we recommend individual excursions from Limassol to the Troodos Mountains, where the temperature is higher, as a rule, lower by 3-6 degrees, lower near the coastal areas. In the Troodos mountains, you can always walk comfortably in the forest, see the Kikksky monastery and enjoy the calm breath in small villages.

Once again, let’s say, Limassol is a miraculous place, like for work with family, so for belligerent companies in any place you can always know the cicave is busy with your mood!

Limassol attracts tourists and local residents with its cultural and festive visits. For example, a school theater festival is taking place, the corpses come here from the usual places of the world, to create a sacredly dramatic mystekstva. A great new fair will take place at the breast, which is embellished with concerts, attractions and fireworks. For example, sickle and spring, a lot of tourists can spend here at the wine festival. Winegrowers with the closest forces dbaily save their unique recipes, and once on the river at the festival give us the willing to taste natural wines.

Near the center of Limassol, near the water park Wet'n Wild. Here is a great choice of mountain: descent on humovy rafts along the “Grand Canyon”, a swedish descent with springboards on the “Daredevil” mountain, calmly forging along the “Linear River” and other. At the spacious Wave Pool, you can slosh in the whiffs that are specially generated.

If you want to go on an excursion from Limassol, you won’t get far, the place is famous for its historical and architectural monuments. For lovers of archeology and obov'yazkovo varto, you can see the ruins of ancient cities - Amathus and Curion. As far as mythology is concerned, the male Theseus himself in Amathus, who drove the Minotaur, having covered his beautiful Arianda. This place has long been the center of international trade and the great port. Here you can see the remains of the Acropolis, the sanctuary of Aphrodite and ancient Christian basilicas. It's a pity that the stones from which the defensive wall of Amathus was built were victorious for the life of the Suez Canal.

Kurion of foundations after the end of the Trojan War. The place was known on the high ground and was not evil for the enemies, but a strong earth coward, transforming yoga literally into ruins. The bags of the place were gradually flooded with the city, tk. Arabs invaded here more and more often, and in the 19th century, foreign zagarbniks took with them all the valuables of antiquity. Tim is no less, here the remnants of Roman boys with miraculous canvases from mosaics were saved, so the mosaic was saved in the booth of Gladiators, Nimfei and the booth of Achilles.

The Sanctuary of Apollo was opened to Kurion, and part of the Kurium and Paphos gates were left.

At Limassol, you should complete the cіkavі reminders of the pіznіshої arkhіtektury, naivіdomіshimi z yakіh є lykarsky castle-fortress Colossi, zbudovanies in the XII century. In the Middle Ages, the spitaliers of the Jerusalem Order of St. John were engaged in the cultivation of cane, grapes and wine - the famous Cypriot wine "Commandaria" (Commandaria) was produced. In the days of Limassol and at the same time there are villages, popular with their winemaking, deyvіdomіshe cypriot wine, as before, Commandaria is abandoned.

The old town of Limassol with its small streets takes the cob from the port of riba. Near the area of ​​the Old Town there is the middle Limassol Castle (or Richard's Castle), which was the age of the king's weddings, one of them was the wedding of the English king Richard Levine Heart and the princess of Navar Berengaria. At this time, the castle dіє yak Cypriot Museum Serednyovіchchya.
Also, near Limassol, you can see the church of Ayia Napa, with its main shrine and the robes of St. Veronica, as if she blew it to Christ, to wipe the face, on the path to the rose.

How to get to Limassol

There is no airport in Limassol, and the nearest airports in Larnaca and Paphos are about the same distance, 70 kilometers from the city. The best way to get there is to book the transfer to Limassol in advance on the website of any transport company. Hour at the door - 40 min. The second option is to take a minibus to Paphos and Larnaca.

The unique beauty of the Mediterranean coast of Cyprus, the miraculous climate and comfortable living make the resort of Limassol the most ideal place for living and living on the island.

Limassol is one of the most popular resorts in Cyprus, which directs the flow of tourists from the beginning of the beach season. This place, basically, is chosen by mandrіvniki, yakі vіddayat vіdpochinku vіdpochinku z great number of available roses. At tsom sensi Limassol it is necessary to walk on all hundred vіdsotkіv. There are a lot of rozvazhalnyh mortgages, a majestic water park, a sprinkling of zoos and theatrical maidanchiks, on which concerts and vistas are held every day.

On the outskirts of Limassol, the weddings of the ancient Aegean civilization have been preserved. The ruins of ancient places will enchant lovers of history, and the rich museum expositions of buildings will inspire interest in the quiet, who have never been on the island of Cyprus.

Best hotels and hotels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/dobu

What to marvel at and where to go in Limassol?

Naytsіkavіshі and the most beautiful places for walks. Photos and short description.

Ancient place, founded in the 12th century before the stars. e. representatives of the Aegean civilization. In the IV century BC. vіn buv zruynovaniy earthworks and h h bov pohovaniy pіd nіshnymi cultural versions. On the territory of Kourion, as a result of excavations, a lot of Greeks, Romans, remnants of Budivels were found, which lie before the Byzantine period and the era of the Early Middle Ages. Today, there is an archaeological park on the site of Kourion.

It is known with a wide legend that Amathus was founded by Kinir - the mythical Cypriot ruler, who started the cult of Aphrodite on the island. In the VIII century BC. near the city, a port was already established, through which trade was established with the mainland, that royal palace. Amathus woke up until the 12th century, then people gradually began to leave yoga, and rich pagan temples began to be plundered.

Apollo Gilat was the patron of Kurion. In the VIII century BC. not far from the place, a grandiose sanctuary was built in honor of which god. The temple was built at once from a significant part of Kourion in the 4th century BC, later on in the same city another temple was built, which will last until the late Roman period. Ale tsya spore tezh spіtkala a sum share of buti, an impoverished in the aftermath of a black earthworm.

Prestigious area of ​​Limassol, which includes residential apartments, as well as parking for yachts, where ships up to 115 meters long can be moored. On the territory of Limassol Marini, restaurants and boutiques of the best price segment, a spa and fitness center, and a yacht club have been expanded. The area is equipped with a comfortable infrastructure, which ensures the high quality of life for the bags.

The progulyankov embankment of Limassol is about 3 km long, embellished with tropical vegetation and flower beds. The alley stretches out from the old city port of the living quarters. The embankment was reconstructed, which is why it is consistent with the traditions of contemporary landscape design. Here appeared decorative pools, sculptures, fountains and other elements that embellish the space.

An ancient settlement, as if it already existed in the Byzantine era. Today, the name of the village was taken away during the period of the Middle Ages. We are aware of the fact that Cypriot wine is vibrating here. Mayzhe all the inhabitants of the city are engaged in this process. Sholita at the sickle in Omodos to host a wine festival. Near the village there is also a museum of Byzantine icons and an exhibition of folk art.

The castle was built at the XIV century when representatives of the Lusignan family ruled in Cyprus. Earlier, walls of the Byzantine fortress of the X-XI centuries were erected in this place. The dispute repeatedly passed from some conquerors of Cyprus to others, with whom they knew significant ruins. At the beginning of the 19th century on the territory of the fort, a vault was placed, as it woke up until 1950. After the reconstruction, the Cypriot Museum of Serednyovichya was opened at the castle.

The fort was built for King Hugo I of the Lusignan family in the 13th century. Since 1291, persons of the Order of St. John (spitaliers) settled near the castle. At the XIV century Colossi for a short hour passing to the hands of the Templars. Sporuda was created from vapnyaku in the best traditions of the middle novice military architecture. The head of the castle vezha reaches a height of 22 meters, the tovshchina of the tight walls is over 2.5 meters.

Founded in 1929, the KEO distillery is now one of the largest wineries on the island of Cyprus. On the back of the head, there was a small amount of production, until 1951 the volume of production increased to hundreds of liters of wine and beer per day. The assortment of KEO is wide, cognac, liquor, non-alcoholic drinks, fruit and vegetable preserves are produced at the factory. The plant's products are bought by many European countries.

The village of Erimi roztashovane is 17 km away. view of Limassol. Settlements from ancient times were known on the edge of important trade routes, which well adopted the development of viticulture. The Wine Museum was organized in 2000 places on the territory of one of the city's mansions. The exposition is dedicated to the history of Cypriot wine, to the details of the process of winemaking and harvesting. Also, there is a large collection of wine vessels.

The Museum of Recycling on the Territory of the Old Quarters of Limassol. There is also a small exposition dedicated to the riad tree, which grows everywhere in Cyprus. At the end of the last century, gifts of this tree were harvested widely. From the fruits, they harvested sik, robbed the substance for zrazok tsukra, prepared honey and made food for the creatures, and also added parts of the fruits to the vipіchka.

The museum exposition was spread over an area of ​​1000 sq. Here are presented historical models of cars and motorcycles, made in different countries in different countries. The exposition was based on the private collections of the Cypriot collector D. Mavropoulos. The oldest exhibit in the museum is the "Ford" model "T", issued in 1912. Under the hour of the exhibition, the rental of retro cars is practicable.

The Museum of foundations was founded in 1948, the collection was distributed on the territory of the Limassol Castle, and at 70 pp. XX Art. XX century, the bula was postponed until the next day, de rebuvay until this day. Most of the exposition is made up of knowledge, revealed at the excavations on the outskirts of Limassol. Here you can see ancient statues, marmur tombstones, jewelry sets, coin collections and other artifacts.

The head Orthodox church of Limassol, built in 1903 by the architect Papadakis on the church site of the 18th century. The architecture of the cathedral imitates the Greek style and the Byzantine manner of everyday life. The miraculous image of the Mother of God is saved in the middle of the temple. Inter'єr vіdrіznyаєє pishnіstyu ozdoblennya that great number of rich decorative elements, at the same time the facade looks modestly.

Zhіnocha cloister, roztashovana for 19 km from Limassol near the settlement of Pendakomo. The monastery was founded near the 13th century as a monk, who rushed to Cyprus to persecute Christians. For seven hundred years the cloister of the cloister rose up and fell, until the middle of the 20th century, Chechens lived on this territory. After the chergovy revival in 1949, the monks came to the monastery of St. George Alaman to live.

The monastery was planted 10 km from Limassol, on the territory there live a small blueberry and dozens of intestines. The history of the creation of the monastery is tied to the names of the Holy Deer, as in the 4th century it ordered to deliver about 1000 guts to the island, so that the creatures blamed the snakes for spawning. The guts immediately settled in the monastery, founded nearby the city, where they moored the ship of the Holy Deer. From the silent feast of the guts, there is a be-yak povaga in Cyprus.

The lintel is from 1994 to the fate, it was created by the benevolent organization "Friends of the Cypriot Donkeys". On the right, in the fact that in Cyprus it was always going to kill a lot of these creatures, the stench was victorious in the home state for the transportation of vantazhivs, and it’s like a good transfer. In the world of that, as people stopped demanding help from donkeys, the stench simply flooded them, de happen. Prytulok took on a turbota about the homeless and German creatures.

On the territory of the city park of Limassol there is a mini-zoo, an amphitheater, a botanical garden, children's maidans and a cafe. Masses come here often, like a marathon race or a children's festival. Near the park there is a monument to the Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. Vletka in the amphitheater often go to see the participation of artists from different countries. People come from Russia, Europe and the USA.

A small zoo, where creatures linger in the natural environment. The administration is more reverently placed up to the skin bag of its animal. The staff of the zoo will organize a large number of educational programs, for example, to conduct public lectures for schoolchildren on biology and occupations from the science of science. On the territory of the zoo there is a mini-farm, where ponies, goats, donkeys, turkeys, pitching and cows live.

Those same place, where behind the legend the goddess of beauty Aphrodite emerged from the sea waters. This is a small kam'yany beach in a sharpened skel, where a tourist who has come to Cyprus should eat leather. It is important that as soon as a couple swims in Petra-to-Romiu, then they check for a happy life and impersonal beautiful children. Zhіnka, yak zdіysnila here washing the opivnochі at the hour of the new Month, to secure your own eternal youth and beauty.

Beach roztashovaniy 20 km from Limassol, Vіn є group of small quiet bays, which are hidden on the skeletal shore. The place took such a name from the wind to one of the British governors of the island, who loved to come here to bathe. The governor's beach is quite a pictorial place. The coastline is criss-crossed with creeded slabs, which contrast with the blue color of the water, creating miraculous landscapes.

The Mіs'kyi beach of Limassol, which you can try to do with a handful of roses. You can practically get to a new hotel in a short hour. The coastal zone is planted with eucalyptus trees, which give rise to a pleasant aroma, which is even more brown for the respiratory organs. Infrastructure for tourists includes: parking, sports plazas, cafes, a children's plaza and handy paths that lead straight to the sea.

The beach is considered the most beautiful in Cyprus and one of the largest. Yogo coastline stretches for 5 km. Zhіnocha Mіlya - tse part of the shore, on which a sprat of beaches is stashed, to pass one to the other. During the high season, there are a lot of tourists here, so this place is the most popular in Limassol for taking sony baths. Yak and all Cypriot beaches, Damska Mile of miraculous oblashtovaniya.

Rostashovaniya beach 19 km away. in Limassol, this territory is included to the protected area of ​​Cyprus. The place is even more popular with the local residents. The coastline of Kurion stretches for 1 km. There is practically no infrastructure here, except for one great restaurant and organized with a lot of success for tourists, but from the shore, wonderful places are seen, especially evenings.

The best water park in Cyprus, 7 km away from Limassol. You will feel the wonders of olive trees and citrus orchards. The park was opened in 1999, and until 2007, the area increased significantly. Fasouri Watermania covers an area of ​​100,000 m² at a time. In the water park, there are 30 attractions and 7 restaurants for tourists. The design of vikonanies in the style of natural landscapes in French Polynesia.

The city of Limassol is a friend of the largest city in Cyprus. Tse current and business resort center. Near Limassol and its outskirts, there are industrial corporations of foreign companies, as well as the distribution of the Komandaria region - the center of Cypriot winemaking. Geographically, it's more attractive for tourists, if you want to visit different little corners of the island. You can get to Larnaca, Paphos and Ayia Napi in less than 1.5 years. Obidva international airports and tezh rivnoviddalenі in Limassol. Before that, the main reminders of the ancient place-state - Kourion and Amathus, are also found nearby. On the pіvnіch vіd Limassol roztashovanі malovnichі, de masa, and you can pay there.

Vіdpochinok on povnu kotushku? - City center Limassol

Misto Limassol - the most Russian town of Cyprus

The largest Russian community of Cyprus lives near Limassol, and Russian language on the streets is felt so often, like a Greek. Here there are Russian newspapers, Russian schools and children's gardens. 240,000 people live near Limassol and 35,000 of them are Russians. More than half of the 700,000 tourists are Russian tourists. The resort, having earned such popularity is not for nothing, even the beaches of Limassol are simply wonderful, caressing the sea, carnivals and festivals, living life, and also unique monuments of architecture.

The beach line of Limassol - over 20 kilometers. So you know that the beach here is at its best, and there won’t be too many people to visit the season. in the main food with a gentle bottom and a sirim piskom.

Mainly 3-star roztashovan on the first coastline. However, lovers of luxury can choose 4-5-star hotels that are close to Dasoudi beach. Among such hotels can be called Fours Seasons. This is the best p'yatizirkovy hotel, which is more likely to be loved by foreign tourists from Russia. There are wonderful snacks, weekly buffets, wonderful restaurants and a unique atmosphere of luxury and luxury. Limassol is an ideal place for repairing all your family. Little mandrivers will be at the entrance to three water parks, an amusement park and a zoo near the amusement park.

Hot tours to Cyprus

Waterpark Fasouri

One of the water parks of distribution in the area of ​​​​the orange plantation of Fasouri. The city of Limassol is located 10 kilometers from the city. In 2007, the Woterpark Fasouri won the most prestigious premium in the most expensive industry - the best water park in Europe. Special attention is paid to the safety of guests in the water park. On all attractions, professional instructors work, as they can give first medical help. The park is open from May to Zhovtnya from 10 am to 6 pm.

You can get to the water park by bus, which is available for Le Meridien hotel. The bus beats the teeth of all the great hotels. Vіn without a number, but on the new one there is a plate Woterpark Fasouri. The park has a great infrastructure and impersonal services.
Here the saints and the animators are constantly working. You can practice right in the pools of Latin American flamboyant dances. You can have a massage right on your lounger. For women practicing Nail Express bar, de fakhivtsi will take care of your hands. Є th pedicure pool with Ruffa toothless fish. Seemingly indescribable!

For the quiet, who are hungry on the territory of the mass. For example, the bistro "Piratska Cuisine" has a wide selection of complex meals for low prices, various desserts, fruits and various drinks. The cost of an adult ticket is about 30€, for children from 3 to 12 years old is about 16€, for children up to 3 years old the entrance is free of charge.

Misto Limassol: Wine Festival

Especially memorable are tours to Cyprus, to the city of Limassol, at the hour of festivals. , dedications to the god Dionysus pass at the sickle and trivaє for about 10 days. Sacredly accompanied by vistas, songs, dances and tasting of the beautiful Cypriot wine from the local winegrowers. From 8 to 11 wound wine can be kushtuvati free of charge. In addition, everyone can take a part in the process of preparing “I will make the gods drink” - roll up your pants, stand in a vat of grapes and enjoy the fun of the public and the national music, smother the fresh grapes with your feet, drinking from the new sik, which then will transform into a miracle wine.

Right on the open air, you can taste savory. Uzdovzh alley to stand with malts, fruits and peas, and in the depths of the park there are majestic braziers with meat and fish.
The festival will take place with a wine-colored national flavor. Bouzouki sound, popular folk songs sing, everyone dances and has fun: and the inhabitants of the city and the guests of the place. For little tourists there is also a program of its own: lyalkovi vistavi, competitions and attractions.

At the place there are also all-world famous musicians and DJs. Scenes are being installed on the streets. If you want the festival to be held in such a loud and bold manner, there is no sign of aggression and partying. Only a few anonymous, friendly people from different cloaks of the earth's backyard, like to please this unbelievable saint and dance at the sirtaki round dance. If you are planning a wedding near Limassol for the last decade of sickle, you will have a unique opportunity to take part in this fantastic action. Yaskra vrazhennya and unforgettable emotions will be with you forever.

Misto Limassol: Beer Festival

Now some words about the Beer Festival near Limassol. A random wine is carried out at the other half of the lime tree, if the speck reaches the maximum mark. For three days and three nights, Limassol becomes the center of the "beer" fairy tale. During the day, there are beer pits on the streets, where you can try that high-quality beer. Brewing companies hold tastings and exhibitions of new varieties and brands of beer.

Musicians and classics and rock music come to the place in the whole world to perform at open maidans. For them, it is honored to be requested for the whole trip. Specially for this festival, there is a Christmas costume carnival, which takes place on the coast of the sea. Cypriots are already writing to their beer saint, as if it were true to be carried out with a royal stroke.

According to the organizers of similar festivals that are held in America, Australia, Asia and Europe, the Limassol Festival is a unique sight among the leaders of the best beer festivals in the world. In 2014, rotis in Limassol and pub festivals were held from 1 to 3 days from the 5th of the night to 12th of the night. The entrance fee to the festival was 5 € and included the price for the first pint of beer. Mustache - 2.5 € per pint.

Limassol tsikaviy, no less baristy unique festivals. History and, I think, it’s the only way to make the crowds of tourists and not to flood them with canoes. you can see the ancient places-powers of Amathus and Kourion. Now these museums are just heaven. You can see the ancient Sanctuary of Apollo on the territory of Cyprus, and also take an excursion to the castle of Colossi, which stands on the mountain ledge at the exit from Limassol. You can take a look at the ancient monuments of antiquity on your own, or at the warehouse of excursions.

Quarter "Limassol Marina"

I cannot fail to mention one more important reminder of Limassol. For 3 km on pіvdenniy zahіd vіd Limassol pobudovaniya new rokіshny quarter. Within the framework of the project, an elegant residential complex, a modern yacht harbor, boutiques, shops, and restaurants were built. "Limasol Marina" is not just an elite residential complex, but a luxurious yacht port. Especially for the project, the unique islands of the islands were built, as they became the hallmark of this supra-national city.

For the implementation of this project, engineers, architects, designers with worldly names were hired. Having united at once a luxurious living complex and the best harbor for yachts, the stench created a resort that is right for the technical possibilities of the 21st century.
Until then, the resort has been relatively expanded architectural concept organically blended into the historical part of the city - the old port from the middle castle. The harbor has become an official entry point to the country and can accommodate up to 650 yachts from 8 to 115 meters. This project, worth 350 million euros, was recognized as the most important seaside resort in the Mediterranean harbor and one of the best resorts in the world.

Place Limassol rich and leathery here you know for yourself. I think that the one who visits this cheerful cosmopolitan place will not be deprived of a new one. So, just like the place of the Mediterranean will be friendly and open to the skin. And I can add to myself that Limassol has become my one of the most beloved places on earth, where ever you want to turn around and enjoy the unique atmosphere, the sea, the sun, the holy and friendly smiles of people. I promise you that too!

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