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Lessons of work with Microsoft Visio. P'yate busy. Creation of the scheme of causal and hereditary links. Formation of information about the processes in the Microsoft Excel format.

For process modeling we will win Microsoft Visio 2010, but all written zastosovuєtsya and up to іnshih versions.

Before the cob of work on the process model, it is necessary to select, if necessary, adapt notation- A set of graphic elements, which will be featured in the future diagrams. In Microsoft Visio, such graphic elements are grouped in special templates(stencils): a template for a functional flowchart (cross-functional flowchart), a template for EPC (event-driven process chain - an analogue of the one-name type of diagrams in ARIS), a template for a value creation flow (one of the visualization methods to stop at the framework "thrifty manufacturing") and so on.

The stench also makes up the rules and procedures, as if they were guilty of dorimuvatisya. A lot of people are encouraged to work better in this type of business and feel better and safer in more conservative minds. If so, then the structure might be vertical. It is important that we go not about the choice of what else for ablutions, but about the choice of what highest rank in your sphere of activity.

Choose an organizational structure that suits your company. The most wide-ranging models are designer and functional. Call all the companies, as if they were repeating, highly specialized, come from far behind the appointed plans of the car.

We take the first of the listed templates (div. Fig. 1) and adapt yoga in a singing order.

Rice. 1. Choose a Visio Template

For sets of elements in the template (for three Visio 2010) you can display the base elements. When modeling the process, we vicoristovuvatimeme less of them. And in order to work further away to the handy robot, we need to place the elements more quickly in the recruitment space, after which we can adapt and supplement three of them (div. Fig. 2). Representations for the little one can be gained.

Let's talk about the design model, let's take a look at the company, which is made up of interdependent cores, to solve the client's problem from start to finish. It is easier to visualize if we think it is practical: for example, the offices of architecture, advocacy or consultants. The stinks are busy with periodic projects, looking for tasks, risks, and more richly kar'єri's gnuchki plan.

It is important to know the theory, but in practice, companies do not agree on a single model. Choose more or choose to change the organizational models from designers, and it's great. You can enjoy the best of them. The creation of an effective data base.

Rice. 2. A set of elements for modeling processes

Here is a short explanation of the elements of the set:

  1. process- a component that indicates the activity of the spivrobitnik in the organization, which is created within the framework of the described process and is aimed at achieving the result.
  2. Podia- a real fact, which can be revealed and identified by the spivrobitniks of the organization. Processes are vikonuyutsya like the last of podіy, scho vіdbulisya, і, in his line, give birth to new podії.
  3. Document- information is structured in a special way, placed on paper-based electronic media.
  4. Logical "I"- Connection between objects and diagrams, which shows the need for a logical association of several objects. For example, as in "I" there are two subdivisions, which means that it is impossible to go further through the process, until there are insults to subdivisions. As for "І" there are two podії, tse means, that you will be born and one, and the other podіya (if you do not, it will not be obov'yazkovo to appear at once).
  5. Logic "ABO"- a logical link between objects and diagrams, which shows the variability of the process. For example, if a sprat of water enters the "ABO", it means that it is possible to go further away to the stream when it appears, if any, from these rivers. As if "ABO" appears to be a sprat, it means that it might be possible to have two sprats: as one of them, so a sprat.
  6. Switch "ABO"- a logical link between objects in diagrams that shows an alternative. For example, if the switch "ABO" includes a sprat, it means that they stink in alternative, reciprocal ways to initiate a distant stream. Whenever "ABO" is turned off, it means that only one of them can be on the way out, all other things are turned off.
  7. Resource- material chi information object, tasks of chi molding in the process.
  8. Subprocess- Diyalnist, for which is the decomposition diagram.
  9. Outrageous process- activity of the organization, as perebuvaya pose outside the framework of this process, as well as formalized as a process (more precisely, as a component of the model of activity).
  10. Zovnishnya organization- third party organization, The activity is not described within the framework of this model.
  11. Dorozhka- a horizontal role track on the scheme, at the heading, which is shown to be a viconate (organization, pіdrozdil, posada chi role) and between which all processes are located, vikonannya of which they carry the viability of the vikonovets.
  12. Rozdilyuvach- A vertical line, for the help of which on the diagram you can identify one of the stages of the described process (if it is necessary, you can identify all the other stages on your own).

As a matter of fact, notation is proponated as a symbiosis of two "classical" notations. Cross-functional flowchartі Event-driven process chain. As far as possible, within the framework of the described approach, the traditional element of functional block diagrams - the "solution" - is not fixed, the replacement of the new one is clearly recognized as the logical ones between them. Tse secure more knowledge, flexibility and greater ability description the logic of breaking the process.

This composes the internal link necessary for the proper functioning of the skin company. Chim dove bude lantsyuzhok zv'yazku, tim important bude the president's message to reach the people. And more importantly, the wine may be changed again, for example, a wireless phone. How will you make the right decision, how will the most important information of the company not go to the bottom of it? Oskіlki organіzаtsіyna scheme is more vertical than horizontal, respect for the following input from internal communications.

You are to blame for the memory that the goal is great, and the company is one. The skin of a person is guilty of feeling part of the whole and whoever helps in this - tse vnutrіshnє splkuvannya, as if it was broken up effectively. Plan to drink at work and know the right time to hire someone.

Organizational diagram - the whole scheme of the hierarchy, how to sound victorious for the display of brethren between spivrobitniks, settlements and groups.

Organizational diagrams can be simple, as shown in the example below, and great folding schemes, based on the bridges from the old dzherel danikh. Figures organizational charts can introductory the main information, for example, im'ya that planting of a spivrobitnik, or I will report information, for example, I added that oblique viddil. Before the figures of organizational diagrams, you can add little ones.

One of the main advantages of the optimal organizational structure is the increase in productivity, the right plan for drinking. For example, if the company is to fight for it, won’t, it’s immovable, it will know the cost either when buying the material, which will get stuck, or if the product is available, if it will be placed on the police. Those same cost of human resources.

This balance can be balanced with only one thing, which will allow the development of an objective process for collecting and analyzing data, managing performance indicators and controlling stocks. The information itself, sound organized in a good software for management, to help companies in the logistics and hire. Chi right now hire more people? Chi, the time has come to purify vitrati? It is possible to build less for the improvement of the data of the company, the destruction of which is correct.

This method is best suited for creating small organizational charts with fields of standard bills.

    On deposit File choose a team Create, then - category Organizational diagram that element Organizational diagram. Next press the button Create.

    And then press the button Dali.

    Planning for the work force is a great problem, but also a fundamental moment for a healthy company. You can achieve success only in that moment, as in the new one the organization is good. Don't check late: build an organizational chart from the very beginning of the business.

    The rest of the joy is here, perhaps the most important: think about the organizational structure of your company from the very beginning. May I help you to understand that objective statement about organizational culture, so that you can realize it. Tobto tse shortest way designate how the results will be determined, to designate the profile of spivrobitnikiv, which you want a mother.

    Choose an option excel or Text from retailers Dali.

    Note: When choosing excel Text from retailers

    Important: Stovptsi Im'yaі Kerivnik

    Note: Dovidka.


    • I'm a practitioner.

      Unique code

      Kerіvnik pracіvnik.

      Keep in mind that the organizational scheme is for the purpose of putting people in the middle of the booth, skin for any external manifestations of their functions, about those, how far the stench can reach the archeological level. Tse to ask the planuvannya planіv kar'єri and the motivation of practitioners.

      Did you know that they were brown? Mi povinnі pam'yatati scho Square od type priynyatoї organіzatsіynoї structuring pіdpriєmtsі not povinnі zabuvati all about the principles upravlіnnya, sformulovanі Anrі Fayolle, the great theorist admіnіstratsії: vіdpovіdalnіstyu, distsiplіnoyu, pіdpriєmnitstvom, justice vinagorodoyu that perevagoyu іnteresіv groupies NKVD іnteres!

    On deposit File choose a team Create, then - category Organizational diagram that element Organizational diagram. Next press the button Create.

    On the first side of the master, set up an ensign.

    Note: More sides of the maister are available for special advice. To cancel, press the F1 key or the button Dovidka.

    Presentation in more than 20 countries and 8 offices in several regions of Brazil. We care that I put my strength to work - it’s a way to increase the number of enterprises, to transform Brazil, and to that we bring practical education to the roses about the great names of the enterprises, to expand that additional help to transform those great worlds high level dії.

    Organizational climate is the human heartland, in which people of an organization spend their work. Vin can be set up to dovkilla in the middle of the country, factories of all companies. Yogo cannot be visualized, yoga can be perceived psychologically.

groupie frame

Update data

Creation of simple organizational charts

Automatically folding organizational charts from new data tables

This method is the most suitable, as the fields of standard statements do not meet the needs of the correspondent, and in the other program the necessary data is daily.

The term "organizational climate" refers to the internal aspects of the organization, which leads to provocation. different types motivation of її participants. It is a part of the quality of the organizational medium that is accepted by the participants of the company and invests in behavior. It adds to the motivation, the productivity of the people and the satisfaction with the robot. Zavdyaki tsomu people ochіkuyut vineyards, that rozcharuvannya is pleased. Qi ochіkuvannya often lead to motivation.

Organizational climate to fall in the form of economic minds of the organization, organizational structure, organizational culture, opportunities for special participation, sense of work, team selection, style of ceramics, evaluation and viticulture of the staff. Vіn zdatny vplyat on organizational behavior, i tse vplyvaє on productivity. Efficiency is the result of combining available resources with your own management. But in order for the organization to achieve good results, not enough mothers need more than the necessary resources, it is also necessary that people who worked in it knew how to treat them, want to work and can work.

    On deposit File choose a team Create, then - category Business

    On the first side of the master, set the ensign for tribute, introduction for the assistance of the master, and then press the button Dali.

    Choose an option excel or Text from retailers, enter the name of the new file, and then press the button Dali.

    Management is responsible for making sure that people have sufficient competence to improve their work. I would like to come out of the fact that people are satisfied or motivated to work, so there may be reasons for this. The first strength is in the fact that the stench may be necessary for the victorious work. The base of work shows the organizational climate, if the worker can work, if he can work and want to work.

    Tse to bring to the task of work. Now, if the practitioner does not want to; chi do not beat the robot; chi do not win rights; But it’s good to be broken, but without the will you can help the filthy climate. From these applications, the importance of each is evident. In such a rank, "bazhannya robiti" can show the steps of satisfaction with human resources and the great success and failure of the company and fate. If members may be highly motivated, a motivational climate rises and blames the blue of satisfaction, animation, interest, and spivpratsi just. with low motivation, the organizational climate tends to decrease, is characterized by depression, non-clogging, apathy, dissatisfaction.

    Note: When choosing excel arkush Microsoft Office Excel from the butt of the text. When choosing Text from retailers the program "Notepad" is displayed with the butt of the text.

    In case of any of these programs, mark the text as an example of the type of information, as necessary to add, that introduce the replacement of the new necessary data.

    If the weather is good, the positive moods prevail: joy, enthusiasm, fate, self-confidence, satisfaction and motivation. In the minds of the filthy climatic tension blamed the differences, the division, the super-negativeness, the fortune-telling, the lack of congestion of the function, based on the orders and the noise in the accompaniment. The climate is accepted by the children and the workings of spivrobitniks, as well as by the reach or viability of the work. Climatic indicators є: Encouragement of people with their work.

    The middle hour, which people spend at organizations. Yakіst and efficiency vikonuvanoї roboti. The fate of the visits that shove in the company. Apathy, integration, overturning, conflicts, enthusiasm, spivpratsya among other people, groups and others.

    Important: Stovptsi Im'yaі Kerivnik it is necessary to save, however, other items can be changed, seen, or added additional items.

    Finish the work Excel or Notepad, and then finish the work in the master.

    Note: More sides of the maister are available for special advice. To cancel, press the F1 key or the button Dovidka.

    In the organizational climate follow these points. Integration between countries. Mіzhosobistіsnі stosunki. Mind physically. If climate change is carried out with uninterrupted work, the working environment is improved, which allows the workers to feel better and more active. Tse shows the weak sides of the nasty management and the strengths of the competent management. The next thing to look at is less like a tool to help in management. Tse fundamentally, especially in great organizations, the shards in them are unofficially assessed by decal factors: rozmіrom, foldable structure, zv'yazkom thin. for whom there are small differences, the fact that they have contact between spivrobitnikami and managers is more and more correct, which allows them to better know their working middle.

Automatically matching organizational charts with wikis of the explicit dzherel danih

This method is the most suitable, as it is visible, as it is necessary to include it in organizational charts, already known in documents, for example, in Microsoft Office Excel or in Microsoft Exchange Server.

    Perekonaytes, scho table or arcosh stovptsі for the names of practitioners, unique identifiers and characters.

    It is worth it as an administrative lesson for companies, because if they don’t stink in a good organizational structure, it will be more convenient for them to control their equal drink, hire recruits at the required hour, make a caring plan, such a happy recruit of good recruits. In short: Productivity is compromised without a functional organizational chart. Various organizational structures appear to infuse organizational culture with a blast. The axis of the kіlka is pleased with the creation of the first class organizational structure.

    Note: You can assign names to these people. Having launched the master of organizational diagrams, you can specify the stovpts (or field names), what to do with them, the code of that kernel.

    • I'm a practitioner. The names of spivrobitnikiv appear on the figures of organizational diagrams at the sight, like stinks are introduced at the field.

      Unique code Since all names are not unique, for a skin alarm it is necessary to add a unique identifier, for example, the alarm code.

      Choose an organizational template that suits your business. Choose an effective basis for communication. For example, in order for a company to make a forecast of an incorrect sales price, it won’t, obviously, know the blockage either when buying a material that is stale, or because of the availability of products for distribution at the police. This balance can only be balanced with a separate organizational structure, as to allow the development of an objective process for collecting and analyzing data, managing indicators of efficiency and control of stocks.

      Do not check later: draw up an organization chart on the cob of the company. Mi povinnі pam'yatati scho Square od type priynyatoї organіzatsіynoї structuring pіdpriєmtsі not povinnі zabuvati all about the principles upravlіnnya, sformulovanі Anrі Fayolle, the great theorist admіnіstratsії: vіdpovіdalnіstyu, distsiplіnoyu, pіdpriєmnitstvom, justice vinagorodoyu that perevazhannyam іnteresіv groupies "Osobistі Interests". Organizational structure company structure may important meaning for investors and financial institutions.

      Kerіvnik pracіvnik. This field may have a unique identifier of the certifier (your name or code number). For the helper of the root level of organizational diagrams, fill the field empty.

    On deposit File choose a team Create, then - category Business, and then - the master of organizational diagrams.

    On the first side of the master, set the ensign for data for file chi bazi data.

    Note: More sides of the maister are available for special advice. To cancel, press the F1 key or the button Dovidka.

Seeing the groups behind the help of the frame of the group or the dotted lines

Having created an organizational diagram, you can expand the listings of them in such a way that the stench looks like the blues of the virtual group. Choose to match the figures between yourself at once and add closures from the dotted lines, which will show the structures of the difference in a different order. In addition, for seeing virtual groups, you can select a figure groupie frame. Vіdnosini pіdzvіtnosti, given by a dotted line, work like i, like and zvichaynі zadnuvachі. The frame of the group is essentially a rectilinear figure, for the help of which it is possible to visually group other figures and give names to these groups.

Update of the created organizational charts

In order to display changes in the structure of the organization, it is necessary to manually make the necessary changes in the organization diagram and create a new diagram. When creating a new diagram, the changes made before the old diagram are not included before it. Sob the diagrams looked similar, to the new diagrams it is necessary to add all the same photographs, adding to the figures of the old one.

As soon as the figures are tied with danim, the danim will ring out at the hour of the command Update data but only in the middle of the clear figures. Under the hour of renewal, these figures do not add up and do not appear.

Creation of simple organizational charts

This method is best suited for creating small organizational charts with fields of standard bills. The standard fields shown below are selected.

Automatically folding organizational charts from new data tables

This method is the most suitable, as the fields of standard statements do not meet the needs of the correspondent, and in the other program the necessary data is daily.

    Menu File choose a team Create, then - command Business, and then choose the master of Organizational Diagram.

    On the first side of the master, set the ensign for tribute, introduction for the assistance of the master, and then press the button Dali.

    Choose an option excel or Text from retailers, enter the name of the new file, and then press the button Dali.

    Note: When choosing excel arkush Microsoft Office Excel from the butt of the text. When choosing Text from retailers the program "Notepad" is displayed with the butt of the text.

    In case of any of these programs, mark the text as an example of the type of information, as necessary to add, that introduce the replacement of the new necessary data.

    If the weather is good, the positive moods prevail: joy, enthusiasm, fate, self-confidence, satisfaction and motivation. In the minds of the filthy climatic tension blamed the differences, the division, the super-negativeness, the fortune-telling, the lack of congestion of the function, based on the orders and the noise in the accompaniment. The climate is accepted by the children and the workings of spivrobitniks, as well as by the reach or viability of the work. Climatic indicators є: Encouragement of people with their work.

    The middle hour, which people spend at organizations. Yakіst and efficiency vikonuvanoї roboti. The fate of the visits that shove in the company. Apathy, integration, overturning, conflicts, enthusiasm, spivpratsya among other people, groups and others.

    Important: Stovptsi Im'yaі Kerivnik it is necessary to save, however, other items can be changed, seen, or added additional items.

    Finish the work Excel or Notepad, and then finish the work in the master.

    Note: More sides of the maister are available for special advice. To cancel, press the F1 key or the button Dovidka.

    In the organizational climate follow these points. Integration between countries. Mіzhosobistіsnі stosunki. Mind physically. If climate change is carried out with uninterrupted work, the working environment is improved, which allows the workers to feel better and more active. Tse shows the weak sides of the nasty management and the strengths of the competent management. The next thing to look at is less like a tool to help in management. Tse fundamentally, especially in great organizations, the shards in them are unofficially assessed by decal factors: rozmіrom, foldable structure, zv'yazkom thin. for whom there are small differences, the fact that they have contact between spivrobitnikami and managers is more and more correct, which allows them to better know their working middle.

Automatically matching organizational charts with wikis of the explicit dzherel danih

This method is the most suitable, as it is visible, as it is necessary to include it in organizational charts, already known in documents, for example, in Microsoft Office Excel or in Microsoft Exchange Server.

    Perekonaytes, scho table or arcosh stovptsі for the names of practitioners, unique identifiers and characters.

    It is worth it as an administrative lesson for companies, because if they don’t stink in a good organizational structure, it will be more convenient for them to control their equal drink, hire recruits at the required hour, make a caring plan, such a happy recruit of good recruits. In short: Productivity is compromised without a functional organizational chart. Various organizational structures appear to infuse organizational culture with a blast. The axis of the kіlka is pleased with the creation of the first class organizational structure.

    Note: You can assign names to these people. Having launched the master of organizational diagrams, you can specify the stovpts (or field names), what to do with them, the code of that kernel.

    • I'm a practitioner. The names of spivrobitnikiv appear on the figures of organizational diagrams at the sight, like stinks are introduced at the field.

      Unique code Since all names are not unique, for a skin alarm it is necessary to add a unique identifier, for example, the alarm code.

      Choose an organizational template that suits your business. Choose an effective basis for communication. For example, in order for a company to make a forecast of an incorrect sales price, it won’t, obviously, know the blockage either when buying a material that is stale, or because of the availability of products for distribution at the police. This balance can only be balanced with a separate organizational structure, as to allow the development of an objective process for collecting and analyzing data, managing indicators of efficiency and control of stocks.

      Do not check later: draw up an organization chart on the cob of the company. Mi povinnі pam'yatati scho Square od type priynyatoї organіzatsіynoї structuring pіdpriєmtsі not povinnі zabuvati all about the principles upravlіnnya, sformulovanі Anrі Fayolle, the great theorist admіnіstratsії: vіdpovіdalnіstyu, distsiplіnoyu, pіdpriєmnitstvom, justice vinagorodoyu that perevazhannyam іnteresіv groupies "Osobistі Interests". The organizational structure of the company's structure may be important for investors and financial institutions.

      To whom the spivrobitnik is ordered This field may contain a unique identifier - name or code number - code. For a practitioner of the root level of organizational diagrams, the field needs to be filled with empty ones.

    Menu File choose a team Create, then - command Business, and then choose the master of organizational charts.

    On the first side of the master, set the ensign for data for file chi bazi data.

    Note: More sides of the maister are available for special advice. To cancel, press the F1 key or the button Dovidka.

Seeing the groups behind the help of the frame of the group or the dotted lines

Having created an organizational diagram, you can expand the listings of them in such a way that the stench looks like the blues of the virtual group. Choose to match the figures between yourself at once and add closures from the dotted lines, which will show the structures of the difference in a different order. In addition, for seeing virtual groups, you can select a figure groupie frame. Vіdnosini pіdzvіtnosti, given by a dotted line, work like i, like and zvichaynі zadnuvachі. The frame of the group is essentially a rectilinear figure, for the help of which it is possible to visually group other figures and give names to these groups.

Update of the created organizational charts

In order to display changes in the structure of the organization, it is necessary to manually make the necessary changes in the organization diagram and create a new diagram. When creating a new diagram, the changes made before the old diagram are not included before it. Sob the diagrams looked similar, to the new diagrams it is necessary to add all the same photographs, adding to the figures of the old one.

As soon as the figures are tied with danim, the danim will ring out at the hour of the command Update data but only in the middle of the clear figures. Under the hour of renewal, these figures do not add up and do not appear.

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