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How to bring a fat flame out of paper, which is laminating. How to clean up a fat flame from a paper? Different ways of solving the problem. For smart paper: gasoline, alcohol and starch

Fat traces appeared on an important document? In the face of such a problem, a human being is not insured. If you don’t panic and know how to clean up a fat flame from a paper, you can completely lie about the situation.

Vision of fresh plyami

Algorithm dіy z vydalennya plam to lie in the fact, naskіlki for a long time it appeared. With fresh traces of fat, you can get into one of the following diseases:

View of the old beaches of fat

If you didn’t see the next fat in the wake of their appearance, then you’ll have to tinker with a problematic paper. You can help with distant old flames:

  • There was clay. Apply white clay to the vologer on the flame and check it out, so that it is completely dry. Dry surpluses of clay should be swept out of the leaf. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.
  • Petrol. Take a small amount of gasoline for refueling an igniter and, for an additional sponge, apply yoga on the flame. Try not to wet the leaf too much. From both sides put servets and fill with yoga under pressure for 20 quills. Remove your document and check for a second hang - watch for fat to appear.

Try to be more careful, so as not to damage the document. The most common way to remove fat from a paper sheet is to take a lot of time, the cleaning procedure must be repeated more than once.

I photographs show a person with jealousy. The skin of a person in his life repeatedly stuck with similar problems.

Too many people just start to panic, to those who care, to get in with them, we can’t hope to see them forever. Really clean up the fat flame from the paper surface with a whole lot of strength.

І for this reason it is not necessary to buy special koshti. You can get by with handy speeches, like a booth of a skin master. Golovna, stock up on patience and go to the next meal with full support.

It is necessary to remember that paper is a trendy material, which cannot be used to mechanical infusions, rubbed, cleaned from stasis of water, the shards after such manipulations of papier can be used up their cob ovnіshnіy look, torn with thinness.

How to bring a fat flame out of paper? It would have been better if we could make a fence. Really, there are other methods of fighting with fat zabrudnenny, which have settled on paper.

What do you need to see fat patches from paper?

In order to start preparing for the end of the fat fires from paper, we need to stock up on singing speeches, as if to become simply indispensable in this difficult right. Among them:

  • servette;
  • flannel ganchirochka;
  • pure arkush paperu;
  • tooth powder;
  • brush;
  • white bread;
  • magnesium oxide;
  • There was clay;
  • starch and in.

For the help of these objects, you can get away quickly and effectively turn from the flames on the paper. Father, what will be the aftermath? About tse you know a little lower.

Yak child?

In front of you, cover the weeded lot with a blotting paper, a servette, or fill it with a great toilet paper, increase the dust and start smoothing the wet lot. In such a manner, a clean servlet will seep with fat, facilitating the fermentation of papyrus, a photograph, an album, and so on.

In addition, you can drink in the other, most simple way. For whom you also need a servlet or a blotter, and also a cuff that you can vicorate like a press.

Kreida at the fight with fat flames on paper

Іsnuyut and other ways, how you can clean up a fat flame from a paper, a document or a favorite photograph. For whom it is necessary to take a crade, grind it into a fine powder and sip a fat flame on it.

It is necessary to lay a piece of paper on top of the bag, and just like that, as if in the first fall, hurry up with hot dust, for the help of which it is good to get lost in the creed.

At this point of the creid, grease will seep out, and we will clean and dry the fermented papers.

The next recipe is also to revenge the kreid. What way to go then, if you don’t dare to clean up the fat patches dry. We will need water and creid. From these components, it is necessary to prepare a porridge, apply it to a zabrudnenka litter, and pass the heated praskoy through the arkush of a clean paper.

Powder from crady can be mixed with gasoline and clay. Sumish, that you have managed to put on a fat flame and a budding hour, until the warehouse is dry. Then clean it up with a simple shield.

Kreida is a miraculous helper in the fight against fat flames on paper.

Kreid can be replaced with tooth powder, for bajan. You can win the sum of creed powder and soft white bread. You can put this zasib on a greasy flame that has settled on paper, deprive yoga for three days, after which you can clean it up. The result will surprise you.

The most original and found ways to get rid of oily spots on paper

potato starch- Vіdmіnniy zasіb to fight with fat plyamami. It is necessary to put it on the brudna and gently rub the troch with a wet flannel cloth.

Repeat this operation until the fat is gone. This technique is far from being suitable for all types of fluctuations, but only when fires are fired from a thin paper.

Golovne, do not overdo it, the one who can wind the most paper material can be harmed.

- An outstanding product, which miraculously copes with greasy patches on paper surfaces. How do you work?

To the zabrudnenka raspberry sill, lay the leaves to the beast with a clean paper and pass it with warm dust, so that the text, the image on the zabrudnenny іstrumentі was not transferred to a clean slate.

It will be impossible for this vipadka to correct it. So be more respectful.

When fighting with fat patches on paper, you will also be helped magnesium oxide(a couple of streaks) that cleansing gasoline.

In this way, the surface is muddied with a warehouse, and it gets better if gasoline is evaporated. This method is recommended to be used in the fight against the most complicated, old flames.

To that, boldly greet him, as if the important papers were wandering.

Fresh white bread copes miraculously with fat plyamami. For whom, just pour yogo on a broth on paper, wipe the troch with your fingers. Check out the three. Until the bread is taken in all the fat, change the old m'yakush for new, make a sprat so that you can achieve the bagan effect.

If you have failed to save the fat flames of your beloved trellis, then do not hurry with the choice of that other way. Vikoristovuyuchi blotting paper, servette and praska, you can see that the trellis can just stick out of the wall. In this way, it is necessary to work with extreme respect, and carefully, with special care.

It is also important to know that even if a fat flame appeared on an overbearing document, then it’s better not to get used to the daily radical approaches and to deprive everything, like є, іnakshe vy rizikuєte zіpsuvati papira і, it’s possible, put pіd sumnіv yoga right.

Let's hope that you got your own basic information about how to cope with greasy traces on paper, and if necessary, the shoes will quickly speed up. Golovnya, don’t overdo it and don’t spoil the paper vibr. Thank you for your good luck and borderline accuracy.

With the problem of the appearance of fat patches on documents, zoshita, notebooks and on the tapestries, a lot of people flocked. Somebody forgetting to wash their hands after an offense, and sometime having a bite to eat and knowing the contract, but the result is the same. Moms know another situation: look at the fat in zoshita through sandwiches and see what happens. Just like you were trapping like this, do not hurry to get used to radical approaches, even if you can clean up the fat flame from the paper, you can do it with handy tools.

The shards of papiers can be brought to soft materials, it is not possible to wet, rub and wrinkle yoga, but the shards can be irrevocably sacked. Kindly help to remove oily adsorbents (starch, boroshno, sil, kreyda, etc.). Also, retailers can win (turpentine, gasoline, etc.), but only for leaves of great latitude. And the axis of special zasobi, like vikoristovuyutsya for fabrics, zastosovuvaty categorically fenced.

Seeing fire on paper for additional peroxide - video:

Method 1 - blotter

Shards of blotting paper are prepared from the material, which is kindly chosen by the vologer and the stench, the stench goes to remove the fresh trace of fat. Zastosuvannya is even simpler. Put a blotting paper on a problematic lot and pass it with warm praska. Change the stained material from the world seeping through with fat.

If your booth doesn't have any blotters, hurry up with paper servettes. Whisk less and more servets. You can use this method for documents, leaflets with important notes or photographs, and even one serving or blotting paper for blotting, which is good to seep, which may appear insufficient.

Method 2 - creid

You can clean up the fat flame from the sheet for the help of the superb credit, as it is done in schools. Dії sled vkonuvatіv іn the offensive sequence:

  1. Kreyda podrіbnіt on the powder in some sort of handy way.
  2. Sip the problem area.
  3. On top, cover paper with a clean arkush, or with a white servette.
  4. Iron the strayed place with warm dust.
  5. The procedure can be repeated a few times, just changing the oil-soaked crade to a clean one.

Although the creed in a dry look did not help to make a trace of fat, you can speed it up by another method:

  1. A teaspoon of powder from the crady zm_shayte z | iz | 0.5 teaspoon water.
  2. Mix the components. Guilty viyti thick porridge.
  3. Apply її on the place where the olії hit.
  4. Like in the front vapade, cover with a clean sheet and ask.
  5. Take the leftover crady.

Kreid can be smashed with white clay. After that, put it on the flame and bud, until the sumish is dry, and then carefully clean it with a toothbrush.

Method 3 - force

If you feel the need to bring a bold flame from other documents, to the choice of methods it is necessary to fit with the strength of the distance, the shards are based on the risk of your ear. Coping well with this problem. Otzhe, vykonayte dії:

  1. Take the strength of a dribbling pomelo. If such a thing did not appear in the booth, hurry up with a kavomolka or a mortar for detailing.
  2. Get strong on the flame.
  3. Cover with a clean sheet, and then pass it with the laundry heated to a low temperature.
  4. If necessary, the strength can be replaced with a clean one or two times, as the flame is too big.

Do not heat up the prayer too much, the shards are so growing, the risk is that the other text will be transferred to the sil.

Method 4 - borosno

It is possible to tidy up the unpretentious traces for additional flour. Children are needed once, just as the problem was revealed. Try a simple diy algorithm:

  1. Vіvsyanku podribnіt on borosno in kavomoltsі.
  2. Sip the powder onto the fat slide.
  3. Fill for 15-20 quills.
  4. Carefully mark the fabric with a soft brush or a clapboard.
  5. For the need to repeat dії, as if the next one was not known.

Method 5 - white clay

You can effectively remove fresh oil flames with white clay. For whom do you need to write incoherent diї:

  1. In equal proportions, mix white clay powder with water. Guilty viyti dense masa.
  2. Apply її to the problem paper with a thin ball.
  3. Leave the pidsyhati sumish.
  4. If the clay is dry, carefully clean it with a paper with a brush.

Get respect! Not varto vykoristovuvat tsey method for the arches of thin arches of paper, shards of stink can remove the water from the confusion and get wet.

I used clay vikoristovuyut and for outdoor swimming in the kawi.

Method 6 - potato starch

From the other documents and other papery noses, tidy up the oily flame to help the potato starch, which is in the skin booth. It is necessary to sip an olive litter with a potato boar and lightly rub it with a soft flannel cloth. Even if the flame didn’t hit the spot, you can repeat the procedure more than once, with pure starch. Wine is a good adsorbent, picking up not only fat, but brud.

Method 7 - turpentine

Turpentine can effectively get out of the problem. Go to the wines and to see the dried-up flames, but only on the thin paper. Victory yoga like this:

  1. Heat the turpentine, but make sure that the wine does not boil when heated.
  2. Inflict an insignificant amount of ruby ​​on a muddy yard. For whom it is best to shrivele with a pipette.
  3. On top put a clean white servlet or a blotting paper.
  4. Propaskayte praskoy, setting the temperature to the minimum.

Turpentine can be vikoristovuvat and for the removal of oily flames from the trellis, but in the right place, in the event of a stagnation of the laundry, the varto should be removed, the shards may become the cause of the destruction of the canvas in the wall. Just drop turpentine and blot with servette. Always change the servos clean. If you can wipe the trellises with light hair and soft ganchirka.

Method 8 - gasoline

You can clean up the old oily flame from the paper for additional gasoline. This homeland is miraculously spreading fat and zdatna vporatisya from zabrudnennyy be-like folding, but for thin leaves, the method is better not to zastosovuvat.

For fat removal, use pure gasoline. Watch out for simple diї:

  1. Mix gasoline with tooth powder and white clay to make a thick porridge.
  2. Put a sheet of paper on a flat surface.
  3. Inflict on a new sum with a not tom ball.
  4. Leave for goodness pidsyhati.
  5. With a soft flannel ganchirochka, you can carefully remove the excesses of sumishi.

We take a different kind of whips from paper - video:

As if a fat flame appeared on the paper, the need for children was fast, the shards to clean up the dried-up trace are much more important. If you have spent fat on an important document in a single copy, then you can sense it in the windings of the flame, the shards can be zipsuvati.

A fat flame on paper is a nightmare for office workers, and no less. Important documents, consignment notes, rahunki, household chores, foreign exchange students, and many others can damage the clerk through hateful confusion. Good, I don’t suffer a career. To that varto is far behind the nobility, like a child in a similar situation.

How to clean up a fat flame from paper - traditional recipes

Papir takes good care of everything that you spend on a new one. Vlasne, to that they are koristuyutsya. Ale tsya akіst іnоdі grє against people and zmushuє unnervingly. Aje different folds, including fat ones, are taken in so very well, and removal without deformation of the surface is problematic on the right. Vtіm, the secret of vіdomy: you need to know the best absorbent, which is the “vityagne” fat.

Wet paper

Special papier, built to remove greasy zabrudnennya, is called among the people blotting paper. Tse can be paper towels, fine servets, toilet roll.

Step by step and carefully remove oily or greasy dirt to ensure cleaning. For the cob, the fat is soaked with a servlet (it is not possible to grate at any time), then we will pick up an improvised sandwich:

  • the first ball is wet;
  • the other is a confused document;
  • the third one is a new server.

This construction is smoothed with lightly heated praskoy. Vіn not zavdast shkodi document, zmusit plamu drain on the bottom servlet. True, there is a nuance: it is necessary to reconsider the insults of the servets after the skin passage of the praski. As soon as the fatty trace is gone, the servlet changes.

Thoughts like "I'll go through once again, nothing will happen, we'll see here with whips, and not a jeweler's work robimo" will lead to the collapse of all the windings. The work is true jeweler, it is impossible to relax. From the heart of the servlet, the flame will turn on the document and the penetration of the heat will be even greater, so the blotters will change at the smallest traces.

Servets, cold way

Buvay, it’s problematic to get away, for example, in the office, dear, but you need to take the flame away. The deputy of the new one can win the pres. A stack of books, a bag, that one shove the beast of the same “sandwich” with paper, and after 2-3 hvilins, the servings change. You can add water to the air, often help, only spread the leaves as needed on the hard surface, so that they don’t wrinkle.

The method is threefold and, unfortunately, for paper written off in ink is not possible. He wrote in black at once from fat to lean on paper blotters.

Shkilna kreyda

Kreida is a miracle absorbent. Vіn zdatny zіbrati vіn practi- cally all kinds of fatty obstruction from any surface. Useful dry powder (you can use it in a homemade hub, but not wooden).

  • Spread the document on a hard horizontal surface.
  • Sip with a thin ball of crede powder.
  • Cover with another sheet (necessary not for the process, but for saving laundry).
  • It is enough to prorasuvat praskoy at an average temperature.
  • Take the top sheet, pick up the grain powder from the smite, repeat the procedure until the document is completely cleaned.

The only minus - the little olives can’t be cleaned like that, the cradle will save the olives at once with fat.

The second option is to spread the creedy kіlkom powder with drops of water, apply it on the brood, iron it through the leaf until it hangs, rub the brudny powder. Rіdka masa zіpsuє leaf, it's important not to overdo it with water before the hour of divorce.

Bila clay

We know how to bring a fat flame out of the paper, whether there be some kind of power. Dilute the clay from the cosmetic mask with boiled water at a ratio of 1: 1, mix it well, cover the flame with a thin ball, remove the wisikhati. For confidence, you can kill. After that, it’s like a dry squint, which has settled down, you know, it’s like a clean slate.

Starch plus water peroxide

The numbers of ingredients allow you to see a fat flame from a white arkush, no matter how thick.

  1. Prepare sumish (50 ml peroxide, 1 tsp starch).
  2. Penzlik apply a thin ball.
  3. Dry far away from the scorching accessories and stretches.
  4. With a soft shield, or with a ganchirochka, take a squint.

As soon as the drying of the flame is gone, the process is repeated.

Vіn good vbiraє be-yaku homeland. Yakshcho can take fat from frying pans or plates, which means that you can go through the focus with paper. M'yakіsh snuggle up to the patches, gently snuggle up. After a five-point scoring, the ball is lifted and dropped. Do not win again. The process is repeated for residual purification.


Zasіb bezpechny for the paper, whether it be schіlnostі. Vykoristovuetsya for cleaning tapestries and paper without writing.

  • Turpentine is heated to approximately 800°C in a water bath (micro-furnace is not used).
  • Apply to the brood with a penzlik or a pipette.
  • Put a sprat of servettes to the animal.
  • Iron with praskoy.

Important! If the dust is very hot, the flame, soaked with turpentine, may darken and nothing can be seen.

Kharchov's strength

Sil is good for pure leaves, so that, even if the confusion did not fill up, they wrote or little ones. Її sip on the flame and pass the praska through the arkush to paper, then strashuyut. Type of heat

fat to get into strength. Stuffed and struminny druk, writing with a bag pen - it can also be erased, so far from cleaning everything.

How to bring fat patches out of paper, like old stench

How to get rid of greasy whips, what did you catch garnenko in a leaf? To help come gasoline, creid, white clay.

The cob of brooding is thickly sifted with creid powder, the beast is put a clean leaf and littered on a sprat of dib. Vityagyuchi flame, take the powder with a grain of salt, її tidy up with bread crumbs. Even if it did not help, prepare an aggressive sumish.

  • We take porіvnu white clay and tovchen kreid.
  • We add a drop of purified gasoline (you can take it from a igniter), kindly spread it. Guilty viyti thick porridge.
  • We cover the flame with mass.
  • Clean up at the dark place without stretching and heating appliances.
  • Through the doba, the quickness, which has been settled, is carefully known, as if necessary, the process is repeated.

A way to pidide for any kind of paper, crim little olives.

How to tidy up the fat flame on the paper - korisn_ please

  • Start fighting from the zabrudnennyam immediately after you appear.
  • Chi do not rub. Navit with weak rubbing, the leaf is ushkozhuetsya and looks unpresentable.
  • Don't beat up the flour. Vaughn miraculously picks up the motherland - that's right. And then, after choosing to go out quietly, I forget about everything. And you can’t get enough of paper without a sheet of paper.
  • Do not beat the great number of natives. A wet leaf is deformed and torn.

A fat flame on a document is not virok. Zvichayno, bring children carefully. As if there was nothing under the hand, crim servets, then won, applied to the clerk at once, take half of the work from the far-flung zabrudnennya.

How about serving papirs? To record important thoughts, future references and podіy, which are put on. It is necessary to save її tsіlіstyu and spend those that have been written to someone else. Oily patches are poured not only on the aesthetic appearance of the paper surface, but on the direct functional recognition - under the injection of fat, or the oils of the ink on the paper are spilled, they become not so clear, as if they were earlier, and sometimes it’s important to read what is written, so you can try to use the ugly . .

How do fat traces look like?

Paper is the same material, which easily absorbs moisture, fat and literally attracts all the possible nonsense to itself. This is a flawless minus, but for writing and painting there is nothing better than papier, and we need to know all the secrets and cunning, as if they will help us to help the essential flames.

You can get bored and clean arches of an office paper, and children of school papers, and overruled documents, wind your passport and trellises - you are not insured from paper surfaces like these “unfortunate vipadkivs”.

To cope with misfortune, either retailers (gasoline or otherwise), how to destroy yoga, or absorbenti (crayda, borosno), how to clay yoga.

How to bring an oil flame out of a clean, under-torn arkush paper

Blotter, kreyda, kreydiana paste, starch, tooth powder

Fat on paper is afraid of dryness and dust, there are many ways to do this on the “ironed” paper sheet:

Method 1, with blotting paper:

  1. Take blotting paprika (it’s better to pick up the redini and pick up excess fat) or a table servlet;
  2. Hit a fat flame;
  3. Iron with praskoy;
  4. Even though the wet paper or the servlet has already leaked fat, but on our paper there is still є, then just replace the servette and propasuvat the sprat again.

A way with blotting paper to die only on a fresh flame of oil, as if it were turbulent for a long time, you can more effectively beat the method with gasoline or bread m'yakush.

Method 2, with the help of a white school credit:

  1. Bila creida details on the powder;
  2. Rіvno zasipati zabrudnennya with a good ball of wrought crady;
  3. Lay a paper on the flame of the arkush (you can renew the blotting paper);
  4. Iron the entire "construction" with praskoy;
  5. In this way, if necessary, we can change the crade for a new portion.

Method 3, creamy pasta with water, beaten after dry whiting, as method 2 did not add:

  1. Instead, 1 teaspoon of sour cream with 1/2 teaspoon of water;
  2. We apply the paste, which we have seen, to our flame;
  3. On top we put the arkush paper;
  4. Let's smooth it out.

Kreydiana pasta is not guilty of being overly rare, otherwise it is a risk of soaking and papier, and even the same leaf will be unsuitable for victoria.

Yak pozbutisya, vikoristovuyuchi retailers

Rozchinniki seldom wink at a clean look, often shatter their sums, for example, with a forged crade or tooth powder. The stench is not suitable for cleaning thin paper and for important documents.

For smart paper: gasoline, alcohol and starch

Strong paper can endure aggressive cleansing procedures, it is suitable as absorbent, so retailers, for example:

  • Sumіsh z dodavannyam gasoline - at spіvvіdshennynі 1:1:1 mix tovchen kreid or tooth powder, white clay and gasoline; smear the flame with paste, let it dry, wipe. It is possible to deprive such a sum of the area of ​​confusion for 3 deb, that buv is taken її, vicarious bread m'yakush;
  • Potato starch - sip yogo on paper and wipe the fat with a thin piece of flannel fabric, rub it with average strength, don't mess around.

And a more laborious way, for example, to whisk turpentine: pіdіrіti yogo, without bringing it to a boil, apply yogo with a penzlik on the flame with a thin ball, smear with a blotting paper, folded 3-4 times and prorasuvati.

You can clean the leaves for additional alcohol, you need to take barless alcohol or a burner:

  1. We put blotting papyrus on the flame, suffice it for 10-15 quills, so that the new one has the maximum amount of fat;
  2. We wipe the excess with a dry soft cloth;
  3. On a clean sponge, pour a little alcohol, carefully work on the oily area;
  4. Let's put down a leaf, on which there was a flame, between two arches of clean paper, and it's possible to use it with prasko.

Video: how to clean papier for the help of a retailer

At the student's zoshitі: vіvsyanka, starch, clay and borosno

Children do not be careful, and to that with whips on zoshita - often rejection. Our meta is to clean them up without harming the broken home robot. For whom it is possible to vikoristovuvat vіvsyanka, finely ground in kavomoltsі (pіdіy go so borosno, potato starch, white clay):

  1. Grind the vine;
  2. Apply hot water to fat;
  3. Leave for 15-20 whilins, so that the vivsyanka will get confused;
  4. Fold the cotton wool from the sheet with a soft brush or dry cloth;
  5. For consumption, repeat all the steps with a new portion of the wheat.

For sale, get rid of greasy patches of fabrics. Ale fabric and paper - not one and the same. Don't sled zastosovuvat takі zasobi for confessions.

How to clean up the flame from a stolen document

Bread that strength

  • It is necessary to take a crumb of life bread and rub it into the oil flame, work hard to do it, the docks won’t get out;
  • It is also possible to beat the strength - sip the zabrudnennya zone, cover it with a clean sheet and clean it with prasko (it’s better to take the strength of a fine pomelo, or grind great strength at the grinder or sweat at the hub). It’s important to remember in this way that the prask should not be taken too hot, otherwise it’s a rizik, that the text from the inscribed document “leaked” onto a clean arkush paper, as if you were cursing the strength of that flame.

If a document is otherwise valuable and only available in a single copy, clean it as carefully as possible, otherwise you can save the remainder of it. For example, a dozen of small roses and when reading do not attach a lot of respect to yourself and do not respect, you can simply not show yoga.

How to enter from a passport in home minds

The clay is rough

Our passport is a whole paper plus another, the most important document for a citizen, and the flame can simply destroy its value. Why robiti, why did we confuse such a document?

As if the flame is not one, but a sprat, and all the stinks are primed, it’s better to get a passport for a replacement. Ale, before tsim, you can try to sip on some wheat borage or white clay and leave it for a deaky hour - a year for 5-6, so that the fat is dried up, and the clay or yogo was bountifully taken. It is not necessary to present a passport. This way works only with fresh delusions.

How to clean the trellis

Bread and turpentine

It is necessary to treat the flames on the trellises carefully - it is not possible to victoriously use vology or aggressive methods, otherwise the trellises can get wet, sag, sag, find new flakes on themselves. the docks won't get into the bread and won't break. As it is necessary, replace the bread in the world with fat.

To clean the trellis with plyami, you can also vicorist with turpentine - apply with penzlik on the flame, cover with blotting paper, and take away the fat from the world.

Use special tools for trellises, which will help to remove the oil flame, apply soft cloth to the flame with a clean piece of soft tissue, and then wipe the trellis with a wet ganchirochka again.

Video: how to clean up a greasy flame from a trellis

First try the miyuchy zasib on the already pasted trellises, then turn it over on the next creamy piece, which is overdue for repairs. And if not, then you can zip them, which we do not want to know.

How to clean up from a cardboard box

Miyuchi zasobi, gasoline

Here you can squirm with miyuchimy fences, with water and with a pylosos. The cardboard is richly thick, the lower papier, the windows are shown similar methods.

  1. At the dance with a spray bottle, pour water, mixed with a miyuchy zabob;
  2. Trochy zbrizkati zone zabrudnennya;
  3. Use a pilosus to "pull" the water, do not close the nozzle of the pilosos to the very surface, trim it on the singing vіdstanі, but close it;
  4. For consumption, repeat again.

The second way is with alternative gasoline:

  1. Apply clean gasoline to a clean sponge (not too much);
  2. Zіtrіt plyamu - collapse from її edges to the center;
  3. Take away the water that is left out with a blotting paper or a dry paper servlet.

Table: which methods are suitable for which materials.

Method/materialPure arkushTsupkiy papirZoshitny sheettrellisCardboard boxDocumentThe passport
Wet paper
Dry creida
Kreydiana pasta
Sumish gasoline with clay and clay
Bila clay
M'yakush bread
Miyuchi Zasobi
Dribna strength
Wheat borosno

At the article, impersonal methods have been proposed, which will help you to put inacceptable fat patches from paper and paper surfaces, without giving them additional shkoda. Yakіs ways efektivnіshі, nizh іnshі. Try as much as you need, and the result will be achieved obov'yazkovo!

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