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Soldier of the Russian Army 1914. Old military uniform of the Russian Imperial Army. Nayaskravishi and most beautiful military uniforms

All Russian powers. In front of the edge of the same time, there was an impersonal innocence of food: the international situation was tense, a large number of internal problems (the existence of the established working legislation, the lack of land, the development of the industrial sector of the economy). All the same, the hour raised the suspense for a rebellion against all powers. Prote, not caring about your political problems in the country, respected culture and etiquette. Decorative embellishments and paving slabs on the brooked streets of the pivnichnaya capital delighted the Meskants with their beauty. At the beginning of the 20th century, the serpents bumped into the old-looking soldiers Russian army and officers. Why did they stink?

Innovations of Mikoli II

Mykola II was a master of the military art and loved the military uniform. Everyone sees faceless photographs of the tsar in front uniform. It is possible that the sovereign did not forget the "reform" of the soldier's uniform.

  1. We can see a few nuances, embellishing the military uniform of the remaining tsar of the Romanov dynasty:
  1. Only in all ranks, navit the lowest, visors were added to the kashkets.
  2. The officers were given a galloon shoulder harness, as if it replaced a simple shkiryan, who ordered Oleksandr II.
  3. At pivdennyh vіyskakh, the front head was removed. Yogo was replaced by a magnificent casket with a small metal coat of arms.
  4. The officer's uniform has now become double-breasted with a fringing of colored fabric. Vіn buv fittings.
  5. At the cavalry troops, the skin regiment was given their own color (blue, white and red). The visors of the Kashketians have ceased to flirt with the colori. Natomist farbuval thuli.
  6. At additional viyskah and vіyskah special recognition wore the form of a pikhotny zrazka.

Starry look military uniforms were changed by the stretching of the history of the army. Ce Bulo was tied up with wild changes fashion trends, and also from the exercises, make the soldier's clothes handy for waging battle.

Right up to the first years of the XX century. vzuttya those clothes were the soldiers themselves from the materials that were allowed by the order. This “regimental economy” led to a great waste of time, as if it could be vikoristane for training, and insufficient control left the rich soldiers with a reconciliation from the one who was baiduzhiy to their share. After the Russian-Japanese war, this practice was reversed. Until 1909, close to 50% of the production was prepared under contracts, for which the Golovne Quartermaster's Office theoretically guarded. The officers wore uniforms from the post-chief officers at the great places, and the uniformity of the uniform was richly short, lower at the lower ranks.

The Cossacks were guilty of uniforming themselves, like other irregular parts. The form of the Caucasian Cossacks was based on the traditional odes and was more thrown off to the Caucasian, lower Russian.

The photograph, taken on the cob in 1917, shows a 122-mm howitzer Schneider-Putilov sp. 1909 from the 32nd mortar division. Zbroya, maybe, new. Vіdkritiy landscape that winter form harmonized servants give a garne of notification about the ability to fight on non-fertile plains Good front in the cold season of rock.

For the uniforms of the Sovereign militia, the military service of the distinguished district was given. The only obov'yazkovym vimogami were the single-mandate uniforms, the presence of red chases and the militia cross on the kashket. As a result of this, no doubt, the first month of the winter had a lot of militias dressed in outdated uniforms: white tunics and dark green harem pants.

The parade and other forms themselves represent a significant interest and more about the silver, so here we are surrounded by nothing more than objects, as if they were worn by combat parts - for example, for officers it was significant, and not only in 1914, wear your parade kashketi in the minds of the sexes.

service uniform

In 1907 p. as a zabarvlennya service (pokhіdnoї) form of all ranks and pologіv vіysk was adopted color khaki light olive-green vіdtinku. After early and active wear of khaki vysvitav to mayzhe white, especially in the scorching climate of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny and Caucasian fronts.

Officer's uniform included a tunic, bloomers, chobots up to a knee high and a kashket with a visor. A single-breasted tunic in khaki color was prepared for summer and made of linen fabric for winter, fastened on five metal or woolen gudzikiv. The tunic had a separate lining, two inner sides and two chest patches with flaps near the curly bow. Komir - standing, 45 mm high, fixed on two hacks. Cuffs - straight for small wines and "bowl" for cinemas. The breast flaps on the tunics of the officers of the guards infantry had a small fluff, which indicated a regiment in a division on the breast, and a fluff on the cuffs meant a division.

Officers' chases were a significant symbol of the 1918 p. the revolutionary regime has blocked their wear. The chases were hard, bright, with bright metal galloons; chini on them were marked with metal stars and the illumination of the main color, and parts of that kind of viysk - with additional special signs.

Harem pants were sewn with rozakhunka to wear tucked into high boots, stench of dark green “royal” color for lust and other light wines. The cavalrymen wore gray-blue leggings, and regimental coats: raspberry for hussars and dark blue for others. The cavalry harem pants were made with the fur coats of the regimental badges. In the minds of the sexes, the most practical boules were harem pants in khaki color without fringes, yakі y otrimali pіd hvіyni zagalne vyznannya. The Russian artillerymen wore smooth harem pants of black shkir.

On the dark blue harem pants of the steppe Cossack warriors, there were wide stripes of military flowers.

Ryadovim and non-commissioned officers right up to 1912. I have seen a soldier's version of an officer's uniform, but not maw breastplates. Irrespective of the yogo official skasuvannya, Vіn, however, victorious under the hour of war. Maizhe was a universal bula tunic (її prototype - Russian peasant shirt-kosovorotka), it did not refuel in bloomers. The shape of the lower ranks was supplemented by high chobots and a kashket. There were a few options for tunics, which were sewn like a prayer, and so well in the parts. Sound at the gymnastics there were one or two breasts, the fastening system was varied: either vertically to the center of the comir, or to one side. Most of the time, the tunic stuck to five small metal or brush horns. For summer and winter, tunics were made of natural or woolen matter. The cuffs were either straight, or with a cut, which was fastened on two buzzards. In the army infantry, machine gunners and rozvіdniki

they wore raspberry or dark green lace on cuffs. At the Guards infantry, the tasma on the cuffs signified a division, and the wisp on the strap of the military tunic indicated the regiment; zabarvlennya repeated fluffs on the cuffs and valves of the intestines of the officers.

On the epaulettes there was a rank, a number of the type of military, the number of the unit and other vodomosti. The chases were two-sided: one side - khaki color, the other - color. The stinks were worn like on tunics, so on overcoats.

In bad weather, all officials wore greatcoats, hats made of natural sheepskin or pieced astrakhan fur and a hood. Cossacks and Caucasian kinnota wore black Russian cloaks with goat rind or camel hair.

Officers wore coats made of gray-blue cloth, and other coats - overcoats made of coarse gray-brown lining. The stench was double-breasted, with double-breasted comirs, the right-hander stood up for the help of hacks and loops. An early version of the mav one row of six metal gudzikiv in front; regardless of those who had succumbed even before the war, the stench was widely worn at the front, just like scarves. The overcoats were of great size and for attaching a small strap in the back and two gudziks. For the lightest military overcoats, they reached the middle of the gomіlka, with a long rozzada, which gave the opportunity to move the undercoat of the overcoat in bad weather. The cuffs were worn with a double overcoat with a bowl on the cuffs, and traditionally they were not sewn on from one side, so that it was possible to put paper papers on the cuff of the overcoat. On the overcoats and coats there were colorful flaps (buttons), on the other parts - with a colorful pimple, which showed the regiment and the type of military. The valves of the officers and non-commissioned officers were small gudzik behind the color of the metal attachment of the part.

Written on this leaflet, dated 1916, reminds us that the 1st Caucasian Streltsy Regiment of the 1st Royal Scottish Regiment of the British Army was vindicated. The servants of the 90-mm mortar were ground-covered in the trenches fortified with decks and occupied by the re-verification of ammunition.

Caps with a visor were like a variety of colors, so in khaki colors, with a black visor, like a green farboa (pokhidni) in front-line minds. The head color for the color baskets of the pihoti buv greens. At the guards, there was a bula behind the color of the regiment, tobto. chervonim, blue, white or dark green for regiments from 1 to 4; the grenadier and in the army infantry have the principle of zabarvlennya buv the same. On the outskirts of that thulia there were red vypushki. The artillery and technical troops near the Kashketians had a black bula, and the vypushkas on the outskirts of that thulia had red ones. Vidminnosti in the color caskets of the cavalry were majestic and grounded on the regimental suits: for example, in the army uhlan police the main color of the thulia was blue, and the okolish and vypushka on the thulia, yak and edging on the harem pants, boules behind the regiments.

Stamped cocardi were widened in front in the center of the neighborhood. The stench of the buli three vidiv - for officers, non-commissioned officers and privates; zabarvlennya bulo "romanіvske": orange, black and white. The militias wore on the tulle over the cockade "militia's cross". Cocardi were also extinguished on hats, which were the most important winter headdress for the entire army. Siberian deyak and other parts victorious other options for papakhas - a larger rozmіr, with a thicker pile, a darker furrow, the Kuban Cossacks were allowed to wear a hat of a smaller rozmir, so the title of "kubanka", which they got from living through marriage was a hutra.


In 1912 an officer’s order was introduced on a brown belt of the “Sam Brown” type with two shoulder straps, which run parallel in front and intersect behind. The sword belt was worn over the right shoulder in a similar manner. On the left belt there was a nest for a whistle, a holster on the belt was right-handed. A half-bag and binoculars, most of which were delivered on a vlasnі koshti, completed the set. As an officer on top, then the overcoat was creased in front of the seat. Speech bears sounded flogged in the convoy.

The order of privates and non-commissioned officers was formed from a loose waist belt (white - for the guard, brown - for all others). From the skin side of the badge hung behind a pidbag for 30 cartridges, and on the right side, with the handle down, hung Linnemann's trench spatula. Over the right shoulder hangs a canvas speech teddy bear (in the guards-satchel), at which lying clothes and objects of a special pobutu. If the overcoat was rolled up into a roll, it was worn on the left shoulder; she had a spare pair of chobits and a hood turned up. An aluminum flask and an oval cauldron hung over the right shoulder, although the rest can often be taken with rolls thrown into it. The leather soldier also wore 1/6 part of the mantle and kіlochki, which were creased to the roll. The entire carriage, including ammunition, stored 25.6 kg.

With the transition to active combat activities, the routine of trench warfare is necessary for melee combat. The Russians did their best to finish two types of trench mortars, which were shown in the photo by the “Special Bombing Group” of the 295th Strile Regiment under Stanislavov. Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front(Imovirno, the team of the 295th Infantry Regiment of Svirsky, which entered the warehouse of the 2nd brigade of the 74th infantry division, is on the way to the regiment's bombing squad. - Approx. per.). Two mortars in the center - 47-mm system Likhonin zrazka 1915. on its own trench foundation - wide wooden bars for the length of the road and the fear of falling into the ford. Offending types of mortars could be carried by soldiers, the range of the shooter became close to 500m. Other mortars are Russian copies of Austrian zrazkiv.

Change the hour of war

In 1914 a functional variant of a similar form of a letter, which recognizes the smallest changes that are inevitable during the conduct of combat operations. In general, none, change, like the Russian army, were even more similar to those that became those other European armies. In 1916 a system of stripes appeared for wounding and other innovations - such as the emblems of grenadier platoons.

The officer's uniform was changed at the beck of the smallest sight from the soldier's mass. Navit chases became not zhorstky znimny, but soft, sewn into the shoulder seams, a gleaming galloon with replacements of green cloth. Moreover, the signs on the cloth shoulder straps began to look like a chemical olive. Officers in their minds began to wear soldiers' tunics, they had a chance to look at their checkers, unhandled in the trench warfare, "zhorst" kashkets began to be replaced by "m'yaki", similar to British ones. Before the hour of war, a lot of officers bathed their tunics with a standing coat, but more similar to British casual uniforms: a wide cut, with two large breasts with a fold and two majestic guts on the quilts. A similar uniform became like a “French” - an attack on General Sir John French, commander of the British Expeditionary Force from France in 1914. Officers General Staff they began to wear black uniforms, as if they were small kіlka of unofficial options.

Naprikintsy 1916 caps began to arrive before the army, serving as a butt for those who served as the head cap of the pilots, who were worn under steel helmets. From the spring of 1917 they were taken away by all the junkers. The French helmets of Adrian began to come to Russia in 1916, before that, their craftsmanship had been enriched. Despite the widespread zastosuvannya, helmets did not gain popularity and were mainly won by grenadier teams and death battalions in 1917.

Nestacha shkіri called for the need to replace chobits with laces with windings.

The only items of equipment, zaprovadzhennym pіd hіyni, steel protigaz, shoulders, factory molding, a bag for ammunition and a tarpaulin bandolier for 60 cartridges.

After the Lute Revolution of 1917 all the ranks, stalely like political likenesses, saw all the royal symbols in their forms. The monogram of the members of the Imperial Prize on the shoulder straps of the patron regiments flashed in front of us.

Timchasovy ryad zaprovali new system of badges of identity for officers, on kshtalt circular tasmi on the cuffs of the uniforms of naval officers, prote, maybe, the system did not nabula.

From the powers of Entente Russia is small in its distribution of the largest number of armored vehicles; among the other types of letters and images here is "Fiat" (on the photograph of images "Ostin" 1st series. Previously, tsі armored vehicles appeared at the front on the cob 1915 - Approx. Prov.). Invisibly, the ale tires were provided with special spikes for driving in the snow. Reconstruction and armor were added from Russia to different types of foreign chassis. Particularly popular were two armored vehicles. Having offended the representatives of the armored car team, they were dressed in uniform with a special headdress, recognized for a special warehouse of armored parts.

The leather infantry regiment of the mave ensign, which sounded like a sound, was carried in front of the first battalion. The police also made a small tabernacle ensign with a size of 125x87.5 cm, stamped to the rank of the regiment in the division and with a black number near the center. The batallions and roti also bore the badges that were worn on bagnets by soldiers recognized as stalkers. The badges of the battalion were three horizontal smuga - black, orange and white colors - with the number of the battalion on the central smug. The badges of company badges were lying around in the regiment in the division, and also on the badges there were smogs that were overshadowed. Horizontal smuga could be red, blue, white or green for 1-4 battalions. Vertical smugs in the same order of colors indicated the number of companies (from 1 to 4) in the skin battalion. For example, a white badge with a cross with red vertical and blue horizontal smugs laying on the 1st company of the 2nd battalion of the 3rd regiment in the division.

The mustache of the army cossack regiments was small by two ensigns - one appointing the regimental commander, the other - three hundred more. Regimental Mav rozmir 87.5 sq. cm and repeating the chase. In the Siberian, Orenburz, Semirechensky and Zabaykalsky Cossacks, the badges are small white Andriivsky cross, in Amur - yellow. On all badges near the center - the number of the regiment.

Hundreds of badges are small two braids, 55 cm in height and 87.5 cm in height (in braids) and 37.5 cm (in viriz). The upper half is behind the color of the regiment, the lower one is hundreds, with a white or yellow smoky patch in the middle, as if at the regimental ensign buv Andriyevsky cross. For hundreds, from 1st to 6th, the colors of swarthy were offensive: red, light blue, white, dark green, yellow and brown.

The collection of military uniforms presented to the Sovereign Historical Museum is one of the richest in Russia. Molding began in 1883 - with the gift of this admiral V.A.Kornilov. We gave the fund to the museum gradually replenished. After the Zhovtnevoy revolution of 1917, the fate of Russia was created by the impersonal museums of the Russian Empire, but the truth was, the stench of the unfortunate woke up, their materials were then redistributed. In 1929 - 1930, the RIM collections significantly increased in support of the Viysk-historical museum, formed with the improvement of the regimental collections of the Moscow garrison. In 1935, the Viyskovo-historical post-butovy museum was liquidated, fondant yoga was transferred to other museums, theaters and film studios. Part of the day passed from the authority of the Sovereign Historical Museum.

Particularly great was the need for fabrics and costumes of the GIM in 1947 - 1954, here they received "non-core" materials from the Museum of the Revolution, the Museum of the Peoples of the SRSR. The leaders of the activity of Lieutenant Colonel of the Speech Service G.N. Nesterov-Komarov The State Historical Museum in 1954 took away a wonderful collection of memorial speeches of the royal rank.

Over 10,000 items of military uniforms are taken away from the fabrics of the DIM suit, 213 of them are memorial, including children's uniforms that belonged to the grand dukes and the fall to the throne. The most famous speeches to the fund: "Poltava" camisole of Peter I; the uniform of A.F. Talizin, which was dressed up by Catherine II on the day of the palace coup of 1762; the uniform of the cloth of Katerini II and the uniform of the Life Guards of the Finnish Regiment, in the yakіy spadkoєmets Tsesarevich Oleksiy Mikolayovich buv representations of the regiment as a chef. It is no less interesting to make the speeches of A.I. Osterman-Tolstoy, Count F.E. Keller and other special features. The collection allows you to report on the history of the military costume of the Russian army.

Regular soldiers of Russia appeared in the era of Ivan the Terrible - whole rifle regiments. Later, the soldiers' regiments of the foreign mode appeared. They themselves can be considered a prototype of the Russian regular army, created by Peter I in 1683. At this hour, the military robe of unifications and of the yogo evolution was lying in the form of a hromada fashion. Not less influx of few and backward elements in the form of the European armies. On the molding of the old-fashioned look of the Russian army, for example, the XVII - on the ear of the XVIII century, the traditions of folk costume were indicated. "Sweet Regiments" - Izmailovsky, Preobrazhensky, Semenovsky, created by Peter I in 1683, became the core of the regular Russian army of the European type. On the spot, in the autumn of 1698, the uniform uniform of the Peter's regiments was introduced to the Ugrian cloth, the shards were similar to the traditional Russian.

Mayzhe at once with the army of Petro vyrishiv dressed up and the bulk of the population. On the cob of 1700, there was a decree, zgіdno z kakim all cholovіki, for the blame of the clergy and villagers, they were guilty of wearing Ugrian kaptans, and even offensive, 1701 there was a decree, yak goiter, yazuє wear kaptans in German, Saxon, French. Tse meant the birth of Ugric costumes in the army that middle civil population. In the autumn of 1702, 500 sets of French uniforms were prepared for the tract to enter the capital of the Russian Guard after the capture of Noteburg.

The redressing of the guardsmen in new uniforms ended in 1703, and already in 1705 the entire regular army of Russia, with its splendid appearance, did not look like other European armies.

The order from the installation of the new form was previously assigned and the order of wearing. Knowing the skin of the warrior that you should wear it at the parade, it’s like a peaceful hour. Kozhen buv recognitions and about vіdpovidalnіst її її sekpeku. “If you have your own uniform, a towel, you can sell it, or else as a pawn, you’ll be the one ... the shooter is guilty.”

Tsya uniform passed the test during the first hour of the Pivnіchnoy їyny and good served the needs of the soldiers and officers during the hour of the fighting day. The deyakі items of uniform were clumsy and filthy protected the soldier from the cold that scoundrels. For example, an epancha, recognizing that it was a soldier’s charge, was only a cloth cape from a fastener on two hacks of a gate. At strong wind The pidlog spread out and the frost in the cold rose to zero. Wanting to pretend that the wars were carried out in the main branch, such a form gave to the vimog: it was clumsy for the design, it was easy-going. For the regular army created by Peter I, it numerically reversed the old Russian one, it was necessary to expand the production of cloth. The back of the uniform was sewn from fabrics of different colors (only the Life Guards adopted single-manit uniforms), from 1720 the color of uniforms became the same, the oskolki of Russian manufactory were already built to satisfy the needs of the army.

The introduction of a single form adopted an improved discipline and organization of the Russian army.

After the death of Peter I, the Russian army began to gain influx of foreigners, which led to the introduction of a whole series of foreign European lands. For the soldiers, powdered zachіski, patches of hair, and ringing uniforms were introduced.

The uniform cavalry of the Petrine era was reformed in the aftermath. In the 1730s, cuirassiers appeared at her, from 1740 - hussars. From the initiative of the head of the Viysk Collegium of Count Burchard Christoph Minich, cuirassier regiments are created, the head of the smut of which was supposed to break through the lines of the witch's fury. The cuirassiers were dressed in white coats, leggings and boots. The chest was covered with an important metal cuirass (zvіdsi name). The white color of the cuirassier uniform was taken from the Russian army at the beginning of the 20th century.

The hussar regiments, yakі іnоdі came before the marches, from 1740 the fate became a part of the regular Russian army. The uniform of the hussars was close to the national Ugric dress and was formed from a short jacket - a dolman, embroidered with a colorful cord and a mentik - such a short jacket, embroidered with a cord, with a cunning sheathing. Break and mentik were supplemented with chakchiri - cloth leggings, which are worn, embroidered with cords and lace.

In 1742, the childless Empress Elizaveta Petrivna took away her nephew, the German prince Karl Peter Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorpsky, as her descendant. The son of Duke Karl Friedrich and the eldest daughter of Peter I - Annie. When I arrived in Russia, the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp accepted Orthodoxy under the name of Peter Fedorovich and in 1745 became friends with Princess Sophia Frederica Augusta of Anhalt-Zerbst, who became Empress Katherine P. of Russia. In 1761, Peter III made a separate peace with Prussia, then the Russian army took Berlin and Prussia was preparing to capitulate. For an unpatriotic date to Russia, Peter III took away the honor of Frederick II to the capital city of Prussia - the Order of the Black Eagle.

When I take the throne, Petro, having changed the clothes of the Russian army in the Prussian manner. In addition, having declared about us destroying the whole guard against Denmark, I will renew the king of Prussia for the good. Having set thousands of guardsmen against himself, this "Holstein" emperor was able to clear the trival of rule. It took more than seven months, so that dissatisfaction spilled into a coup. On the 28th of the worm, 1762, the fate of Peter was tumbled down and killed within a month.

In the early period of the reign of the Empress Katherine II, the uniform was basically lost in the same way, like for Peter III, although often I recognized the change in the bik turning to the uniforms of the Elizabethan era. For example, in 1762, by the decree of Catherine II, a “Timchas special commission” was created, as a beginning of the implementation of the military reforms. Nіkoly - not earlier, not later - the Russian army did not recognize the styles of change, like in the period from 1762 to 1796.

The reforms went through several stages. The first buv of completions to 17b4 fate. Were expanding new tables, states, lay that statutes on the basis of which were laid the notes of General Feldzeugmeister A.N. the police."

In 1766, Katherine II approved the “General Regulations on the selection of recruits in the state and on the procedures that should be taken when recruiting.” This document, ordering the system of replenishment of the army. The pennies were paid to all the “pillars of the head salary”, the vineyards became less than the master factories and factories, not assigned to the villages and villages.

The order of passage of service by the nobles under Katherine II was left in such a way, as a kind of wine, slaving for її successors. The undersized noblemen who entered the regiments became sergeants through the river, and after two or three years - officers. The tsym of the guards were especially vicious. In the cold days of the palace coup on 28-30 chervny 1762, the fate of the guards deserved the privileges of a life without turbos, the right not to take the fate of the wars. At the guards, the impersonal young nobles were thrown, with recommendations, like a sergeant, they immediately took the rank of sergeant. For example, the reign of Katherine II came to the point that the regiments were insured to navіt nemovlyat, yakі until the full rank of officer was removed and went to the post office with the "Decree on the freedom of the nobility." So, for example, in the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment, there were six thousand non-commissioned officers for three and a half thousand privates. Undergrowth, according to eyewitnesses, "there were no numbers." Among them there were a few recent lackeys, cooks, perukars, who were promoted to the officer rank of generals and regimental commanders. Kumіvstvo, order from the destruction of bureaucracy, led to the fact that most of the officers considered themselves not the defenders of Russia, but servants of the greater nobility. The mustache took away the diversity of the officer's warehouse. According to Count A.F. Lanzheron, “all generals, colonels ... behave with chief officers with insufficient honor, but with contempt.”

Among the guards officers, as if they were the caps of the most ancient noble canopies, the remaining ten years of the reign of Catherine II were outwardly ignorant to the shape of a robe. The officers of the guard companies of the Winter Palace, for the information of a co-worker, could allow themselves to go to the separation of the guard in a dressing gown and a sleeping cover.

These same soldiers of the army regiments saved their combativeness and goodwill, which they repeatedly brought to the Russian-Turkish wars, at the battles of Rimnik, Cahul, Ochakov, Izmail.

On the other half of the 18th century, the reforms of the order and organization of the military, carried out by the greatest prince G.A. Vin struggled with the Prussian surge from the Russian army. “Curl, powder, weave braids - what is the soldier on the right? - saying Potomkin, - the stench does not bother the valets. What are the letters for? Everyone is guilty of waiting, sho korisnіshe miti head and chukhati, nіzh obtyazhivat with powder, bacon, borosny, hairpins, braids. A soldier’s toilet can be like this: when you get up, get ready.”

This is in the words of A.V. Suvorov: “Powder is not gunpowder, beads are not harmata, a scythe is not a cleaver, not a German, but a natural hare.” In 1774, after becoming president of the Viysk Collegium, Field Marshal G. Potomkin immediately took care of the supply of uniforms and the order of the army. At the sight of the Viysk Collegium of Wines, having presented a “Note on clothes and ozbroєnnya vіysk”, for some reason it was necessary to change the basic uniform. Zrazki uniforms, proponated by him, stood richly behind the rіven of the military equipment of the European armies of that hour.

A new set of uniforms was leftover in 1786, although other elements appeared in the police already in 1782 - 1783, mainly in the army of Potemkin. Potiomkin's reforms introduced practical cloth shortened jackets, pants with gaiters, soft cloth and light cloth helmets with a transverse roller. The summer uniform was made up of white linen jackets and harem pants that protect against the speck. However, not all officers adopted uniformed uniforms, founded by a field marshal general, because it didn’t show a panuvala of fashion. Only the soldiers and impossible officers appreciated the inexpensive and simple clothes.

They took the throne at the fall of the leaves in 1796, the fate of Paul I sharply changed the old look and organization of the Russian army. Still a spadkoєmtsem, vin having sued the policy of his mother. Repeatedly presenting the notes of Catherine II with peace about the military and state, in which it was ordered “to write to everyone, beginning in the form of a field marshal and ending in a row, all those who can work, even you can draw from them, if anything you will be lost.”

In 1783, Pavlo, in 1783, created the Gatchina military roci. With respect to the Katherine army, undisciplined and disbanded, and the officers - unscrupulous, Pavlo trusted the Gatchina officers only. It was for this reason that they recruited foreigners from the Soviet army, most of them served in the Prussian army. However, there was a Russian - Oleksiy Andriyovich Arakcheev, who was at the same time the governor of the military department of Gatchina. Izdoganno vіddaniya Pavel, vіn bov yogo lover and the closest helper.

Changes of military uniforms during the reign of Paul I were mainly worn by the guards, in 1800 double-breasted kaftans were solidified for soldiers, and single-breasted for officers. Bulo introduced a new little golden shield that new form cuffs on the kaptans of officers. Soldiers' and officer's uniforms were small on the bodice of the lace ties, which allowed winter hour put on a sheepskin jacket or a smart vest.

Deyakі uniforms, founded by Paul I, took root forever, they were worn in the era of blues - Alexander I, Mikoli I (for example, the uniform of the cavalry guard and film regiment).

The dissatisfaction of the guards officers with the Pavlovian reforms was due not to the supply of unpopular uniforms, but to the forced service regime.

At the accession to the throne, Emperor Oleksandr I announced that he cherished his people with that power “behind the curtains of his grandmother Catherine the Great”. Following the Prussian order in the army, as Paul I seized control, that encirclement of noble privileges, the words of Oleksandr were slandered by the nobility from the hoards. “After a storm, a terrible storm today, our beautiful day has come ...”, the guards officers sang. At the reconciliation of Alexander I, the army, which had reached you at the recesses, demanded reforms.

Zahalna antipathy to the innovations of Paul I vimagala vіdmіni vsіh regulation and po'yakshennya suvorosti. On June 24, 1801, following the emperor’s personal decree, the “Separate Viysk Commission” was created under the head of the brother of Alexander, Grand Duke Kostyantyn Pavlovich. General of Infantry I L. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, A.A. Prozorovsky, A.A. Arakcheev, V.V. Dolgorukov and others.

The commission is small and great, “look at everything that you know of what is necessary and brown before introducing it or saying it.” The instruction from the other commissions is small to discuss the nutritional uniforms of the army uniform. The order of uniforms in the decree of the emperor was appointed: “With smaller vitrates, give an outfit that looked the most military and militant and yak for all turnovers of the service and the preservation of health and the goodness of the soldiers in the fire of good, and the skin kind of a decent one.”

The hearing of this food caused serious strife among the members of the commission. For them to honor the Emperor's name, "special thoughts" were presented by the members of the commission about the deeds "moving, necessary for the soldier's robe". As a result, the robots installed new tailcoat-cut uniforms, two-cut capelets, high boots and overcoats. They cut the powder and scythe, and cut the hair along the lower edge of the comir. “Powder is not to be implanted anyway, like a great parade that is holy.” Replying to my old hair and folded zachіski was skasovano in the archmії less than 1806.

Significantly important, come in, “get used to the development of state-owned virobnits”. There were significant expansions of the Irkutsk and Pavlovsk factory, which was connected with the purchase of textiles abroad. In 1803, a factory for the preparation of officer uniforms and orders was created near St. Petersburg. It was punished to allow speeches for the same price, the stench of the power to manage.

The past ten years of uninterrupted wars from France and Turkey brought to the point where the army was sent to an unsatisfactory camp. I do not care about those that the state subsidized state enterprises for the promotion of their productivity.

In 1812, Emperor Oleksandr I gave a special sanction to purchase cloth abroad. In the course of the war with Napoleon 1812-1814, the fates of the military administration were far away to provide for the needs of the army at the speech lane, while the priority of the military guard was the Katerynoslav cloth factory.

At the beginning of 1813, the fate of the Russian army was already doing good. For the replenishment of the cost of the lane for the hour of the war, about 60 thousand uniforms and overcoats were delivered to the army. At the same time, the preparation of uniforms for the French airs in French territories was improved. Russia bathed syrovina in Poland, Silszia, Saxony.

Zagalom, before the campaign of 1813-1814, the Russian army had already been prepared for the master’s appointment better, lower earlier. On the eve of the trials of wars from Napoleon, the command of Russia realized the importance of creating stocks of uniforms for its army.

Being kindly illuminated by the military authorities, Mykola I took special care of the problems of the army. Prote the main respect of the emperor by turning the soldier’s look like a soldier, but not the technical equipment of the military. І before his reign, and after Mykola I, taking an uninterrupted fate at the rozrobtsі zrazkіv vіysk robe. Yogo was enchanted by the glare and thinness of his uniform. With whom, the smut of recognition of the uniform was not protected - defending against the scoundrels, securing the freedom of the ruins and security in the case of corystuvannya zbroєyu in the combat situation.

Basically, there were no cardinal changes in the military form for the period 1825 - 1854. A rich variety of decorative elements were introduced, which were not used to embellish the uniform. The most significant innovations were the appearance in the army parts of single-breasted uniforms and the replacement of earlier victorious pantaloons with leggings leggings, yak worn over chobits. In 1846, uniforms of a new style were introduced for the soldiers of the Okremy Caucasian Corps, the infantry deputy of tailcoat uniforms took off the drink of kaftans, and the cavalry - short jackets tucked in at the trousers.

During the hour of the reign of Mykoli I, the transformation was mainly recognized by headdresses. So, in 1844 - 1845, helmets were everywhere replaced by helmets. The hussar and ulansky regiments became less and less vinyatok.

The traces of the burial of "uniform and embellishment" for the reign of Mikoli I were marked on the hour of the Crimean war of 1853 - 1856. A lot of participants in the battles wrote about the lack of deliverance with speeches and zbroєyu, most of them on their own noticed all the traces of lack of turbo and untranslatable order.

“... The soldier at that time was not wearing clothes without hands ... They wore a helmet on their heads, as in parades and separations, the bula was to cope with the effect on the peephole, but in military terms it was absolutely impractical ... At Mykolaiv, we had a wing-adjutant Count Levashev with orders - to get rid of helmets in special warehouses ... Soldiers are crying out of their souls ... for ordering about missing helmets ... I can only say that sholomi not only didn’t bring us coristi, but shkodili. In the woods and sweating strong specks, the helmets became embarrassed, squeezed so that they almost hung on the heads of the soldiers, crushing them and squeezing them to the point of pain. A small wind - marvel, and helmets fly from heads. And the cleanliness of the middle embellishments, and the enrichment of the luska, so that it didn’t tear, that lanki didn’t break, that cone didn’t crack - the hіba didn’t fade a little to the hour that pracі? - So writing on July 12, 1854, one of the officers of the 11th Infantry Division P.V. Alabin.

Ale step by step, the camp began to change to better. Until the spring of 1855, a new form of officer's coat was adopted. Khrulyov hastened to his own efforts, and everyone could have inherited his butt, but as if the gray summer matter did not appear in the city, then they sewed yak in good time, and a coat of green, black and lilac appeared. There nobody was surprised; to inspire the soldiers in the odyazy had full freedom; cloth kashkets were replaced with white ones and it was punished if they were not taken into account when they were arrested by officers," P.I.Stepanov, participant in the defense of Sevastopol, guessed.

More than anything, such liberalism in the uniforms was called by the influx of Caucasian troops, like they came to the rescue. In the Caucasus, for a long time, they wore not a dress uniform, but the one that was closest to the war before the mountains. Soldiers and officers everywhere wore hats, Circassians, kashkets, frock coats.

The imperial prizvische did not stand aside from everything that came up. In 1854, by the decree of Mykoli I, a regiment was created for the purpose of saving a regiment in a warehouse of 4500 osib. Vidpovidalnist for the creation of the regiment relied on the minister of nadіl Count L.Aperovsky, who was also the first commander of the regiment. І in appearance, and according to the principle of recruitment, the regiment was completely airborne in other parts. Gaining wine from the villagers of the provinces of pivnichny, most importantly myslivtsiv, on a voluntary basis. The uniform lay "as close as possible to the national dress." It was made up of a napіvkaftan, which made up the vіrmen, wide harem pants, tucked into the high and soft chobots, and hats with a square cloth top and a mutton band. All ranks of the regiment were allowed to wear a beard.

Officers up to the regiment were joined by a lot of people in the house people Russia: clergymen, writers, public figures (for example, colonel Count A. Klost, captains - brothers Zhemchuzhnikov). The emperor himself became the chief of the regiment, the chiefs of the battalions of that company were the grand dukes.

The regiment did not take part in the combat actions, but already in 1857, having taken away the rights of the “young guard” and becoming called the Life Guards.

On the eve of the reign of Emperor Alexander II, Russia witnessed significant military and political changes and social transformations. As a result of the reforms carried out with the participation of the Viysk minister, Count D.A. Milyutin, the Viysk settlement was liquidated. Tіlesnі pokarannya has been harrowed. Іstotno bulo revamped the recruitment system of the army. In 1874, the “Statute of the military service” was adopted, which was established by Peter the Great in recruitment sets. The term of service in the army shortened from twenty five years to six years in the ranks and nine years in the reserve.

The hard lessons of the Crimean War of 1853-1856 urged the detachment to seriously engage in technical re-equipment of the army. For the tradition of the military reforms, innovations in uniform were born. E.A.Shtakenshpeider wrote about the great number of changes in uniforms in the period 1856 - 1859: Petersburg, it seems, there are not two officers of the same regiment, however dressed up: one is already in a new uniform, the second one is not able to sew oneself, and the third one is already in the new one.

The transformation of uniforms in the other half of the 1850s began with the replacement of tailcoat uniforms with kaftani. In all military uniforms, double-breasted uniforms and simple uniforms were introduced, and in 1872 the uniforms were replaced by single-breasted ones. Hissing became the top garment of all chips. The lower ranks and the officers of the cavalry took off the white linen tunics on the back as a working uniform, and in the summer as a casual one.

In 1862, the type of headgear was radically changed - caps were introduced with a height of 11-12 centimeters in the back, in front - 6-8 centimeters. At the parade, it was embellished with the sultan's coat of arms. At the same time, in order to take up gymnastics, white shirts-gymnasts are ordered. Nadal stinks became the main form of clothing for the lower ranks.

At the VIISKI PIVDENNEN VIISKOVIKH I DONSKO Kozatskoy VIISKU BULO is allowed Noseinnya Bilikh Chokhliv on the Kashkuts I Kepi, and in the Kavkazkom the TIISKOVIKS was sent to the SHKIRIANSH-CHEDSHICHISHICH, YAKISHIAS, I, for the POSSIAS, for the navigation, for now In 1869, a special type of form was restored to rock - a similar form. At the link with the cim, a clear regulation of the entire uniform and the procedure for wearing it, from the broader confirmations and notifications about the new one, should be carried out. The uniform was now extended to the bowl, front door, Svyatkov, weekly, everyday, and later.

As a result of the military reforms of the 1860s - 1870s, a fairly convenient form was introduced. The ceremonial variant having spent its own self-sufficient meaning.

The transition to the military duty and the increase in the special warehouse of the army for the reign of Alexander II were promoted to uniforms, which stumped the military administration to shlyakhi shlyakhi to their lowering. The advent of sewing machines and the installation of standard rozmіrіv i rostіv zapochatkuval іndustrial, more cheap sposіb izbіbniztva uniforms.

Prior to the “Regulations on Speech Entry Security”, all items were divided into two types: terms, which are admitted regularly every other hour, and those items of one-time type, which were used by the authority of the part, and were exploited to full depreciation. The objects of the first type were speech rіchnі, tobto tі, on the yakі it was installed the term wear. Gudziks, coats of arms, cocardi lay before another type. They saw chi objects, chi pennies.

Under the hour of the war, the postacation was carried out over the established norms. Additional speeches could be made, only with a special high permission, tobto from the will of the emperor himself.

At Birch 1881, Oleksandr III ascended the Russian throne, having continued the Viysk reforms. Bulo took a course on the improvement of combat readiness and the most efficient economy of vitrate. Viyskova reform, carried out by Count P.S. Vannovsky, was of a defensive character, more importantly, the emperor himself, for his character, was calm to a peaceful resolution of conflicts, after which he was called the king-peacemaker.

At his manifesto on April 29, 1881, Alexander III hung on the foreground “supporting order and power, guarding the most perfect justice and economy. Turning to calm Russian ears is the security of Russian interests everywhere.

As a result of the reforms of 1881 - 1883, the number of construction parts was reduced, and their construction was completed. For the short term of the military military service, the number of the population, trained in the military right, increased to several years.

The whole cavalry, for a wink of the guards, recognized the reformation to the American style - it became a uniform, building news fights like a pishoma, and a movie system.

Significantly changed the old look of the army. The Viysk minister, General P.S. Vіn becoming modest, practical and zruchnіshy at the wearer. Kriy yogo buv approaches to the Russian national costume. The new uniform is spacious, the jacket looks like a fragrant side without ґudzikіv. A deep smell in the front and folds in the back are elements that are characteristic of the folk upper garment, the type of a jacket or zipuna. Kriy, having secured the soldier not less freedom in Russia, but the warmth of that stability. A lanyard on the bodice of the jacket, allowing for the winter time to pick up a jersey. The main advantage of the new uniform was those that are easy to match with the figure. When mobіlіzatsії chi recruiting to the army could be seen at the ready look.

The new form, with deakim signs, was expanded in the entire army. The sharpness of the wearer, the lightness of the fit were the positive features of the uniform. Prote skasuvannya decorative elements, simplicity of form called out a new problem - a negative attitude to it. This was a negative result of the reform.

The emperor himself, with great satisfaction, wore a uniform, as if he fully showed his character to that ovn_shny look. The axis is how the artist A.N. Benois describes his Zustrich from Oleksandr III: “I was struck by this “bulkyness”, this greatness and greatness. Introduced on the cob of kingship is a new military form with a homeland on a national character, її frown simplicity and, more, tsі rude chobots with trousers built into them, overwhelmed my artist's feelings. But the axis of nature forgot about everything, before that the very person of the sovereign opposed her significance.

With the change of the tsar in Russia, ring out, the military form changed. After the death of Oleksandr III, the protege was gone. Until 1897, fate didn’t know whether there were any changes, for a little bit of renewal of some decorative details.

In 1897, the unification of accessory colors - lapels, commanders, cuffs - for the cavalry, for the badge of the infantry regiments was carried out. The hem of the uniform was changed, the vins became double-breasted, with six gudziks, intestinal valves and fluffs.

The development of military equipment and weapons until the end of the 19th century fundamentally changed the tactics of conducting combat operations. The closed way has changed to a different one. The position of the war has expanded widely. The numbers of new fighting minds called out changes in the form. From field camping uniforms, yaskravі kolori began to be known. A new form of clothing has appeared - green, with a sour color, a method that would grow less viysk commemorate on aphids.

Formerly, the colors of uniforms were introduced into the English army in 1895 as a tropical colonial uniform, and in 1904, after the Anglo-Boer war, they were adopted as the main color for the casual uniform.

The Russian army did not hasten to take over this dosvid, it entered the Russian Japanese war more in the form of bright colors. And then, in April 1904, the technical committee at the Head Quartermaster's Office presented for approval a military uniform for the military rank army to the Far Skhod. Vaughn bula brown-gray - behind the thick vegetation and the soil in Manchuria. New uniforms were supplied to the newly arrived battalions. At the reshti parts in the combat situation, the white military tunic had a chance to be refarbovuvat. It came to comedy - the commander-in-chief A.N.

The next step in the transformation of the military costume was the introduction of a new parade uniform in 1908-1909.

At the decrees of 1907, the fate of Mykola II ordered: “Recognize the guards units of the infantry, artillery and sappers uniforms of the hours of the reign of Alexander II” and “for the army infantry, for all parts of the artillery and engineering troops, install a double-breasted uniform and uniform uniform” The reforms turned to life in a shabby, effectively embellished military uniform of the 1870s.

The first dragoon regiments took off uniforms of a new cut. The stench of the boules of dark green color is similar to the tunic of the Guards cuirassiers. The hats of the Guards Infantry and the Army Cavalry changed especially strongly. The new head abir of the infantry, the orders of 1909 roci, the mav looked like a shawl, covered with cloth for the officers, for the lower ranks - from black felt. Vіn buv embellishments pіdvіsami, fittings, sultan chi penzlem. Army dragoons took off their helmets with a transverse hair comb: black - from the dragoon regiments and white - from the regiments that were previously cuirassiers. Musicians of all regiments were mali red sultans.

The hats of the guards were made from a lamb farm with a slick of a regimental color, as a rule, for the color of the chase. In 1912, for the lower ranks of the second generation of the military, a cloth tunic of a zakhis color was introduced. Also, the pursuit of a new zrazka was installed - bilateral. They sewed them in such a way that it was possible to refarb the bulb (as if the stench burned out) with a splendid seam.

Until 1913, there was a problem of saving money that was allowed for uniforms. Terms of wearing full dress uniforms in Russia were short, an overcoat or a tunic was worn more importantly, and military warehouses were equipped with undemanded uniforms. The exit from the camp was the supply of a single type of uniform, attached to the military and peacetime.

The technical committee of the military ministry won the head of the emperor to develop new designs with a way to add embellishments to the current uniform. Moreover, the choice of embellishment was given to the regiments themselves. A new form was installed on the front of all the vіdgukіv: a cloth tunic with a fastened lapel, a comir and cuffs. The headdress was a sheepskin hat from a piece farm. At the officers, decorative elements were fastened on the jackets.

New uniforms overtook at least nine regiments. The farthest reform was carried out at the forefront of the First World War.

November 19th, 2016 05:19 am

North, Jonathan.
H82 Soldiers of the First Light War 1914-1918. Uniform, badges,command and control / Jonathan North; [Trans. from English M. Vitebsky]. -Moscow: Eksmo, 2015. - 256 p.ISBN 978-5-699-79545-1
"Soldiers of the First World" - a new encyclopedia of the history of the military uniformand the order of the armies that fought on the fronts Great War". On її sidesthe uniform is shown no less than the main countries of the Entente and the Potry Union(England, France, Russia, Germany and the Austro-Ugric region), ale and vzagali of all lands,drawn in by her zhahlivy conflict.

Previous and later publications of North Jonathan's book

The Crimean Guards Infantry, the Russian army is small in other parts of the elite. The first among them in 1914 p. buli 16 grenadier regiments. More chotiri shelves were formed in 1917. (from the 17th to the 20th). Before them, other regiments were added, as well as a few battalions, formed from veterans or deserved and awarded by cities of infantry.
Rice. one
Grenadier regiments
A bunch of recruits were selected for growth and physical tribute. Vіdbir at the 1st and 13th regiments, in the house like a life-grenadier, more folding. In 1914 the soldiers of the grenadier regiments wore uniforms that guessed the uniform of their colleagues from the line of the wild. Їхні похідні kashketi mali visors and imperial cocardi. However, some at the front wore variants of a peaceful hour - without a visor and with bright bands, as well as caps (closer to the end of the war. Note. ed.). The grenadiers
the police wore uniforms of a green zahis color and tunic - on deyaky roses on the breasts of a mother a mother of red piping (zokrema, among officers), as well as bloomers or breeches of a zahis color. Grenadiers wore belts with characteristic buckles.bronze or white metal, fallow in the color of the regimental gudzikiv), on some bula the emblem of the grenadier was applied, which fell. Most of the traditional regiments have a beautiful double-headed eagle on the yarn. Most of the rank and file had a rolled-up overcoat and two pouches, leather for 30 cartridges. The officers carried revolversin a brown holster with a drawstring (shrink), attach to the handle.
The main characteristic sign of the regiment is the pursuit of a colorful edging and encryption. The color side of the chase at the grenadier police was a boulder of a bright yellow color. Vaughn was a lining for the golden galloon on officer epaulettes at the first twelve polices and for the silver in the Republic of eight. The encryption on the shoulder straps of the lower ranks was red, on the officer shoulder straps - gold or silver fallow in the color of the regimental badges. The first twelve policemen had gold gudziks, and eight had silver ones.
Signs of authority of the ranks were not raised in the case of the most important ones (they are the names of the husbands). The color of the edging of the indications in the table.

Change what little place is in military hour, included the introduction of Adrian's helmets with a cockade like an eagle, helmets of Russian manufacturing, and wind caps.
Torishny sickle 1914 in the 8th regiment, the monogram of the Duke of Mecklenburg was replaced by the letter "M" (in honor of Moscow). Spring 1917 some policemen had to replace the monograms of the tsar's coats of arms with the letters that they used to name the regiment. For example, at the 12th
The Astrakhan regiment received the letter "A" (in honor of the city of Astrakhan).
Soldiers of the grenadier artillery and engineering units (which included up to the depot of the grenadier divisions). Note. ed.) wore red chases, and not zhovt, like their colleagues-pikhotintsy.

Other parts
The increase in the number of elite parts closer to the end of the war is meagerly reflected in the documents. Vlitka born in 1917 it was shvidka molding "shock battalions" or "death battalions".
Some of them were richly promoted and after they were captured by the Bilshoviks. The battalions were small with different emblems, and most of all, like such a vicarious skull.

Russia is small, majestic army and numerical infantry. To that її it was necessary to equip it practically and economically.
Rocky change
The arrangement and form of the Russian pihot changed little in the period from 1914 to 1917 (for dekilkom to finish with significant vinyaks), which cannot be said about the first years of the 20th century. Partly to the spirit of the reforms that are panuvav in Europe, and partly to the special interest of the emperor to the military form, back to the cob of war in sickle
1914 Russia has carried out a lot of large-scale uniform reformspikhotintsiv. Porazka vіd japonії vymagala operative introduction of changes to form. The Russian soldiers fought with a similar susidom in white and dark green (and in black) uniforms. Irrespective of those that the uniform of ordinary soldiers and non-commissioned officers was to be simple and economical, it would not be practical. In 1906 In 1907, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs promptly tested a number of options for uniforming the military color and in 1907. it was decided to switch to uniforms, bloomers and kashketi in khaki green color. Through problems and deliveriesAnd to the influx of climate minds, it’s even more important to save the necessary vents.

Most of the uniforms of the Russian infantry were due to a bula buti of a greenish-brown color, but after the fall, and as a result of the change of trousers and uniforms, a color could be added, even close to beige. Uniforms were let out at different places of the empire in five regions. The back of the uniform was sewn from a bavovnyanoy material and cloth (for winter uniforms) with a comir-string. The uniform was worn often until 1912, if in the new one they began to act step by step, but it was possible to fight on the soldiers at the hour of the war.
A new shirt or a tunic came to change the uniform, as it appeared in 1907, after which it began to massively enter the army. On early modifications, the plank was ruffled with a levoruch, later it was moved to the center, in sashes of 1914 and 1916. small places of insignificant change (there appeared such gudziki and intestines). Most in 1914 the military tunics of the 1912 r. z zastіbaєtsya on two gudziks (horns or wood) with a comir and plank, which also zastіbaєtsya on two gudziki. The need for these military tunics was so strong that the stench was let out in decal variations: for some there were guts, for some they were cut in the back, for some there were cuffs that were turned in.
The officers of the ring wore sewn on the dressing of the uniform (tunic) of a green dress with breast pockets. These uniforms were sewn from larger yakish material, so just like a tunic, like a raptom, the officers vowed to dress themselves for the necessary, like they were dressed. Pіznіshe sered іtserі v popular uniforms like "French".

The chases were fastened on the shoulders to the uniform of the military tunic. As a rule, the stench was harsh and two-sided. One side of the bula is colorful, the other is a sour color. On the offended sides, the number of the regiment of the monogram rang out, as if the regiment of the maw of the chief - a member of the imperial family of a foreign monarch. Sometimes the side of the sour color was empty.The color side could have two colors fallow in the regiment of the division and brigade. The police of the first brigade of the division wore red chases, the other brigade had blue ones.Regimental badges on shoulder straps (numbers and monograms) of boulevard color on red shoulder straps and white on blue shoulder straps. On the side of the zahisny color, signs were applied with yellow color.

Non-commissioned officers were wearing shoulder straps of a transverse dark yellow-hot coat (sub-ensigns - yellow or white metal galloons). The officers wore zhorstki pursuits of the same color as those worn by the soldiers and non-commissioned officers. A gold or silver galloon was superimposed on the officer's epaulette and details were attached (combination of stars and enlightenment). On the shoulder straps of a zahisny color, there is a ciphered boule of a bronze color. Spend the middle of the officers zmusili before switching to less obvious signs of timesindividuals, including the soft chases of the zhorst ones. Volunteersthat chases were worn with a edging of braided black-orange-whitecord. The police, who were camped for 1914 p. chiefs - members of the German or Austro-Ugric imperial families (for example, the 6th Infantry Lieutenant of Prince Frederick Leopold of Prussia), their monograms were removed from the chase and replaced by regimental numbers.

Other powers
In winter, Russian soldiers wore overcoats from the outside of different colors from gray to grayish-brown. Basically, the stinks were single-breasted (model 1911) or with hooks and loops (model 1881), with gates. The overcoat was often vicorated like a carpet. Її, as a rule, they rolled into a roll at once with a cloak and wore it over the shoulder (sound offended by the kіntsі zv'yazuvali and thrust into cauldrons). If the overcoat was dressed, the cloak was also worn in a roll over the shoulder. If the temperature dropped to -5 ° C, the soldiers were allowed to put on a hood (hood). Yogo was tied in front on long lines, which were tucked in at the waist belt. The hood itself hangs freely on the soldier's back. Some people wore chases on their overcoats, trochs were bigger for the rozmіrom, lower on the tunic. The fences and regimental signs were worn on the chests of the uniform and overcoat.

Pikhotintsi wore kashketi style, introduced in 1907. and recognized the change in 1910. The stench of the boules of a sour color with a black visor (sound pofarbovanim near the greens or brown color) and after an hour they used the form. The officers wore zhorstkish kashkets with a shoulder strap, non-commissioned officers and other tezh. Transitional soldiers got by without the help of remembrances. In front of the chest there was an oval-shaped imperial cockade (the center - black color, then - concentric to the orange (or gold), black and orange color). The non-commissioned officer's cocardi were of a large size and small on the edge of a wide streaked husband. The officer's cockade was similar to the non-commissioned officer's, but the edges were small and swollen in front. Vzimka wore hats from hutra chi poyarku. Such hats were called hats, they could have a different shape and color (sound gray and brown). The papakha is small on the top of the zahish color and the imperial cockade in front. In addition, there are small gates, like they crooked their necks and ears, giving them a zahist, a kind of necessary under the hour of the Russian winter. The design of the hat appeared so far away that most of the 20th century was victorious.

The cards "Pikhotnі kokardi" are incomprehensible!

Z 1916 the Russian army began to win the French helmets of Adrian with a cockade like a double-headed eagle, scarlet stench, sounded, were given to the elite regiments and officers. The steel helmet (Zolberg zrazka 1917) was broken up and issued in 1917. the Solberg and Holmberg company near Gelsinka (at that time, Finland was included in the warehouse
Russia) by small parties. Russian soldiers victorious also captured German and Austrian helmets (this statement is true for the period of the Gromadyan war. Note. ed.).
In 1907 p. the introduction of bloomers of the same color as the uniform. The stench was large in quilts and tight-fitting gomіlki. On the old bots of officer's harem pants іnоdі buv kant color khaki. Harem pants were sewn from bavovnyanoi fabric, and cloth was worn with dressings at black shkiryan chobots. Instead of scarves, smug fabrics were used to wrap the feet and ankles (legs). Footcloths were richly cheap for a sock and better (to wind them up correctly). It was easier to prati and the stench hung out more, which is important in fighting minds.
Order and ammunition

We will forgive the order of the Russian infantry. The backpacks did not ring out - the stench went to the guards. The soldiers wore brown and black belts with buckles with a small eagle that looked like a double-headed eagle. From both sides of the buckle, one brown pouch (1893) was ruffled, 30 stitches each for the skin. Sometimes the bandoliers were victorious with an additional stock of cartridges. More soldiers in a small bowler hat or an aluminum flask on a strap, a sapper shovel (Linneman's design with a shkiryanim case) and a bread bag or a speech bear.(for example, from 1910) from a light brown or white canvas. The new one had spare clips and special speeches. Protigazi vanished from vzhitok for example 1915 r. Tse buli yak antigas, imported from the krajn-allies, and antigasZelinsky (the first effective protigas with a carbon filter) in an aluminum container.
The officers wore brown belts (with a frame buckle) with a shoulder harness, adopted in 1912 or without it. The set of their equipment included binoculars (produced by the German firm Zeiss), a revolver with a holster, a polova bag, a saber (1909) or from 1916, a dagger in black fur.

Strilec police
At the warehouse of the Russian army, there were a few rifle regiments, and they were few in number in the leading line infantry regiments. In the middle of them there were zvichaynistry regiments, Finlyandsk striletsk regiments, Caucasian strelecki regimentspolice, Turkestan striker police and Siberian striker police. At the beginning of the war, the Latiska Rifle Regiments were formed. Soldier of Striletsky regimentsBulo v_drіzniti on raspberry shoulder straps. The same color was used for the lining of officer chauffeurs.In addition, ciphering was carried out on the persecution (the number of the regiment or the monogram). On the shoulder straps of the soldiers of the Turkestan regiments, the Crimean numbers, the letter “T” was worn, at the Latvian regiments - the Russian letter “L”, at the Siberian regiments - “C”. On the shoulder straps of the 13th Striletsky Regiment, the cipher "НН" (Cyrillic) and number 13 was used, at the 15th regiment - the cipher "HI" and the number 15, and in the 16th - the cipher "AIII" and the number 16 under it. 1st Caucasian Regiment Mav cipher "M". The encryption (monograms) of the Siberian regiments is indicated in the tables below.

Buttonholes were ruffled on the commander's greatcoat, yak, sound, boule black color with raspberry edging. On the buttonholes of the overcoat of the non-commissioned officer, there is a sewn gudzik. Across the epaulettes were stashed wisps (golden or dark-zhovtogaryachi).
Riflemen wore the same kashkets, like the soldiers of the infantry regiments, the caps also wore hats. The stench could be of different forms and roses, Siberians could be shaped for a more “volohatym” version of black or dark gray color. The belts of the Striletsky police were small but black.
Russian officers sometimes wore regimental badges on their belts. Like in other armies, the Russian army introduced stripes for wounding. The stench was compared with the officers and red with the lower ranks. One stripe showed one wounded by a gas attack.
Above the cuff on the uniform of the regimental rozvіdnik was sewn a line of green color, at the machine gunner - a raspberry line, and a mortar - a line of red color.
The sappers wore an emblem on their sleeves at the sight of a shovel and sokiri of a red color.
The Russian army also wore armbands. representatives military police wore red bandages in black Cyrillic "VP".The soldiers, who occupied the lane and replenished the stock of ammunition, wore bandages from the blue or black inscription "SO".
The war caused a number of changes. The pre-war warehouse of a regiment of four battalions was replaced by a tribattalion, even as the number of regiments grew (from 209 to 336). For the formation of regiments from the 393rd to the 548th, there was a vikoristano militia. As it was supposed to be, the quiet policemen, where the monograms of the representatives of the royal houses of the fortune-telling lands were ruffled on shoulder straps, they were replaced by numbers.
Buli and іnshі zmіni - at the breast 1916. The 89th Belomorsky Infantry Regiment, having removed the monogram of Tsarevich Oleksiy, who fell to the throne, who suffered from hemophilia, became the regiment's chief. Zagalom through the second time, the Grand Duke of the Bilshoviks together with the other members of the family.

The picture is more incomprehensible now about the position of the twines and readiness before the attack!

Grenadier regiments, about which it was told more, were not the only ones among the Russian army. Autumn 1915 having appeared in the wake of the soldiers at the assault group, fired over importantly with grenades. Groups of 10 individuals were formed from a group of grenadiers near the skin company, as if they were given to the headquarters of the regiment. Until the end of 1915 the majority of infantry and rifle regiments had grenadier platoons of 50 soldiers armed with carbines, grenades, daggers and axes. In the fierce 1916s, it became possible to wear red (and blue) patches on the left grenadi sleeve on the left sleeve of the uniform (tunic) or overcoat.
Later, after the creation of special grenadier courses, the simple emblem was replaced by a more forgiving one. The soldiers, who had completed their studies at the courses, could wear the emblem of the Grenadiers with red or blue crescents (coloured chaps) on a black lining with a white cross. The archer's policemen had a half-day of raspberry color. The officers and guards on the base of the grenadi were stashed with gold and metal crosses.

Police of special recognition
The zahіdnym allies were given that Russia, vіdchuvayuchi lacking ozbroєn, nibito may have too much of a special warehouse. Therefore, the stench seemed to direct the military theaters of the military events. In the spring of 1916. one brigade was thrown over from France. Vaughn was formed from volunteers and organized from the 1st and 2nd regiments of special recognition. Later, the 3rd and 5th brigades were formed, and the 2nd and 4thbrigades for example 1916 buli were sent to Thessaloniki to take part in the battles on the Macedonian front.
The police wore uniforms and military blouses in khaki color in the Russian style with epaulettes in zakhish color, but also with white piping (Fig. 2). Some of them were indicated by the numbers of the regiments, ring out, in Roman numerals. However, in some parts, the numbers of the regiments are indicatedchi Arabic numerals, scho was a violation of the basic rules.
Chase Volunteers Mali black-orange-white edging. It was customary to wear loose trousers. Most of the soldiers were saved by black coats.
The soldiers, who arrived to France, had little belts and backpacks, and took off their French helmets of sour color (with a double-headed eagle or without it). Russians have also seen French tarpaulin satchels and pіdbags for cartridges up to Lebel's twinesthat Berthier. To finish the stench often rushed to the French belt in order. Bagneti were worn in battle postures in pikhvakh, yakі were attached to the waist belt.
In 1917 after the advent of Nivelle, which was accompanied by majestic expenses, and through a few words about the revolution that began in Russia, Russians near France began to show signs of disobedience. Quiet, who was confused at the zavorushennya, was sent to Algiers. Quiet, who saved loyalty, often rozzed or stopped joining the Russian Legion. legion sraall in France, like 1917 and in 1918, after which it was dissolved. Part of the soldiers turned to Russia, others settled at France.
The police of special recognition in Macedonia were split up and split up. A lot of their soldiers were allowed to come to the Serbs or turn back home.

Russian Legion
Legionnaires wore uniforms similar to the uniforms of other regiments of special recognition (Fig. 2), but over time the stench became more and more similar to the French. Most of the soldiers wore uniforms and overcoats of a rich color similar to Moroccan infantrymen (a legion of warriors at the warehouse of the Moroccan division). At the kutakhs of the Komir, the legionnaires had the letters "LR" ruffled, edged by two husbands with a blue color. At the legion, French signs were won, and instruct the French order. Legionnaires could wear helmets with the abbreviation LR, or else they continued to wear their old helmets, but without the imperial eagle. On the sleeves of the rich soldiers, a stripe was worn by a Russian white-blue-red ensign. The soldiers of the Estonian company, which fought at the warehouse of the legion, could have a stripe on the sleeves of the ensign of Estonia. Officers, perhaps, wore dark blue trousers and breeches.

Timchas order
The speech of the king on the throne caused far-reaching changes in the army. Having poured in yoga, the outfit is not so significant. The imperial eagles were cut off from the buckles of the waist belts, the same proportion of the eagles were spitted on the helmets of Adrian (on the other hand, crowns were cut off, which only rose above the eagles). Cocardi on chests were sometimes replaced with stripes of colors of the national ensign (white-blue-red).
The army itself began to lay out. The team of hours, spodіvayuchis utrimati front and zoredit nadіynyh bіytsіv v chastina, zdatnyh to carry out an attack, trying to form "shock battalion" or "battalion of death".
In the same armies, battalions were also formed from soldiers, decoratedGeorge cross. The stinks were called "George battalions" and they were also uniformed, like those of a linear fury, but with characteristic epaulettes. Stopboules in orange or black color or basic color, ale edged
weave with a black-yellow hot cord. Officer's breeches mali orange-blackno stripes, edgings of the same color were sheathed with cuffs and, inodes, a strip of a uniform. The hoops were worn on the chests. Soldiers and officers of the "shock battalions" wore on the sleeves of their uniforms and overcoats characteristic emblems and often embellished their hats
with metal cockades like skulls. In other parts, emblems like skulls were attached to the chase. The warriors of the “death battalion”, who defended the Winter Palace from the Belarusians, wore uniforms, a description of which was avenged in the divisions about the army, who took the fate of the Gromadyansky war.
Romanian soldiers
Russia made doors for rich foreign volunteers. Among them were Serbs, Romanians and Poles, and the most popular, no doubt, were the Czechs. Rumuni were equipped in Russian uniforms, and replaced the cockade with a blue-yellow-red stripe. The Poles also have a small Russian uniform, but in 1917. began to wear hats with the Polish eagle and, possibly, buttonholes, as well as stripes with an eagle on the sleeves of the uniform.

Polish soldiers
The “Legion of Pulawski” was formed from the Poles. Polish infantry were equipped in Russian uniform with epaulettes, on which they wrote “1LP” in yellow. In addition, three Ulanian squadrons were formed, dressed in uniforms of zahis color and dark blue breeches. The form of the uhlan bula is sheathed with a chervonim, with a blue or yellow edging (a fallow in the numbers of the squadron). Dress uniforms Malilapels. Blue breeches were small stripes (red ones - at the first regiment, white ones - at the other regiment, and yellow - at the third). The same color of the boules went around the uniforms and around the kashkets. Later, the infantry went to the warehouse of the Polish Strile Brigade, and it took off the cockade with the great Polish eagle. The Polish Legion was of smaller number of formations in Finland in 1917.
In addition, the formations of the other national military units were formed, and the majority of them were fired before the war for independence against the red and white armies.

Czechoslovak soldiers
Czechs and Slovaks, like before, are being taken in by the most foreigners who fought at the warehouse of the Russian army. Most of them were military-polluted, which they ate into the Russian full, fighting near the lava of the army of the Austro-Ugric region in Galicia and Ukraine. Others already lived in Russia or came to the Serb after the defeat of the Serbian army in 1915. Begley to Russia. The Russians were reluctant to mold the pieces from the woolly ones, the shards were superb signs of the Geneva Convention. In 1914 of formations of the reserve battalion (druzhina) from ethnic Czechs and Slovaks, like Russian soldiers. Another battalion of buv formations in 1915. On the cob 1916 offensive battalions went to the warehouse of the Czechoslovak rifle regiment, on the basis of a bulathe brigade was fired, and then the division. If the Timchasovy order came to the vlady, then the Czechoslovak corps was the Czechoslovak corps. On the back of the Czechoslovak regiment, imovirno, equipped with Russian uniforms, all with a diagonal red-and-white stripe, which appeared in 1917. deputy cocardi on the outskirts of the kashket. Badges of the deputy cocardi also appeared on Adrian's hats and helmets. On the cob of 1918, the chases changed the stripes at the guard on the left sleeve of the uniform and overcoat. The chevrons on the shield showed the rank of the yogi vlasnik, and the number under the chevrons of the part, serving in the yakіy vin.
The swindler, who was panowed in Russia for example in 1917, had extra uniforms thrown on the right, and the Czechoslovaks were adored by those who they could know. Tilki in 1918, if the stench crossed over to the allies and fought against the Bolsheviks, trying to get out of Russia, they were able to take off the uniform and formalize the badges of authority and the emblems of the parts. For more information about the Czechs and Slovaks, you can find in the section about the army that fought during the hour of the Gromadyansk war.

In Russia, in the name of Tsar Peter I, there were numerical reforms and transformations, which radically changed the patriarchal arrangements of the hromada suspіlstvo. Feathers came to replace beards, bast shoes and chobits were replaced by laces and jackboots, captans gave way to European cloth. The Russian army, for Peter the Great, was not left behind and gradually switched to the European system of equipment. One of the main elements of the uniform is the military uniform. The leather of the country wears off its uniform, which is tinted with color, cloth and the shape of the hotel elements of the costume. Having crossed from the formation of the army to the police of the European way, Russia carried out similar fleets. A quiet feast for all serving people, irrespective of the fact that an army naval officer, a soldier or a sailor, has become obligatory to wear an established uniform - a Russian military uniform.

Uniform and yogo role in the life of the Viysk people

The first riddle about uniforms in Russia lies until the reign of Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich. At the same time, at the same time, zіysk regiments in the service of the Russian tsar are officers-іnozemtsі, like they are willing to wear the military costume of the European szrazka. The police of the European way can be charged for more uniform military uniforms. Viysk's uniform begins to penetrate at once with foreigners in the society and society life. The human costume of the European style is no longer a far-fetched military robe. There were no other signs in use yet, no specific elements for the military elements of the military costume. Just after the completion of the recent war with Turechchina for Azov, the Russian army began to have a massive influx of foreigners, as they brought at once the Russians to understand the military uniform.

From the beginning of the military reforms in Russia, the military form is becoming popular. For Peter I, the order of wearing the military uniform was assigned. For officer ranks, a parade uniform is required. At the same time, the whole industry is established, which specializes in the preparation of military uniforms.

The hromada sspіlstvі vvazhєє honorable to wear military uniforms. Navit after leaving the military military service, military uniforms continue to be left with one of the important elements of the wardrobe. Most of all, it is explained the most important positions of the hromadaian society in Russia to the military people, to their merits before the Batkivshchyna. Wearing military uniforms, changing to the day military service, continue to wear them after the insertion. Lyudina, dressed in a military uniform, secretly declared her belonging to the military administration. At that hour there was a kind business card- Dedication of the individual. The sing-song unspoken order of wearing a military garb at the hromadyanskoe sspіlstvo has been formed for a while. Be-yakі zmіni at zvnіshnym vіyskі uniform uniform suvoro controlled the most equal. Often, changes were made by members of the royal house, or with the sanctions of their greatness.

Often, for the unauthorized introduction of changes to the adopted form of the military costume, the rioters were severely punished.

In the XVII-XIX centuries of the Viysk people, I became a member of the high school. It is becoming fashionable to wear the military uniform and the military regalia to wear in the primal community. Apparently, fashion trends also appeared on the military uniform, as if during the singing period they dominated the greatest light. The color and shape of the woolen cloth is of the highest value. Before the dermal genus, the viysk form has a singing color. On the elements of the military costume, there are detailed details that reinforce the status of a military person in the service. The officer's uniform is encrypted and encoded about the officer's identity. The military rank, position in the table of ranks and affiliation to the military part can be read for the color and shape of the tunic, for the kіlkіst gudzikіv, the shape of epletіv and rozmіrom akselbantіv.

Viyskova form becomes an object of sawing respect for the king's families. At tі hour mid European monarchs it was fashionable to wear military uniforms. Such a trend was preserved in most of the krai up to the beginning of the 20th century. It often happened that members of the royal family were appointed as chiefs of the okremi regiments and military formations. Among the ruling royal houses in Europe, as a sign of peace-loving namirs, it becomes fashionable to bestow the military form of national defense forces.

A similar picture with the military form was seen in Europe. In Prussia and France, the Russian style becomes one of the most popular styles in clothing. In England, military-marine uniforms are becoming very popular. The marine uniform becomes a binding element of the front dress of all people, representatives of the monarch's family. In Russia, the form of cavalry guards was especially shabby among the royal families. The person, dressed in a military-sea tunic or in the uniform of an army zrazka, was respected by the wearer of power. Over the years, such a trend is not less saved, but grows. Outwardly cluttered with uniforms is becoming an obov'yazkovy attribute of secular power. For example, in the Ottoman Empire, military uniforms become an obligatory attribute in the wardrobe of the nobility, blazing on the belongings of a person to the military-feudal caste.

Practically all militarized moldings put on their uniforms. At the sea uniforms, there were immediately signs of authority in the created uniforms. The gendarmes, who were victorious at this time of the functions of the internal military and police functions, wore black uniforms. In Russia, like in France, this color has become a symbol of resistance to revolutionary ideas and free-thinking, although French and Polish hussars often wanted to wear the uniform of such colors themselves.

Viysk's uniforms were an object of sawing respect and to be likened to the side of kings and monarchs. The Russian emperors and the English kings themselves willed to put on the military uniform. It has become a tradition for a number of royal houses in Europe to dress up the military uniform with small members of the family, which panuє, including them to the list warehouse of the military subdivision. Nareshti - the general's uniform of the moment, but the promises of a permanent wear on the riddle about military merits.

Nayaskravishi and most beautiful military uniforms

Regardless of the growing popularity of military uniforms among members of the hromada society, with all their privatility, their clothes created impersonal butt problems. Yaskrava and the chimeric form of the kitelets were branded. The ceremonial uniform created a mass of unhandiness during the hour of chaos, not seeming already about the horseback ride, as if it were the same with the binding of the lingerie during the hour of the ceremonial ceremonies.

We build a posture and in a natural environment, uniform etiquette viklikav chimalo gluzuvan. Military and service people spent an hour changing clothes in parade uniforms, giving the gleaming uniform a glamorous bulky cloth or a polished military uniform. A different situation developed in that middle, when wearing a uniform was obov'yazkovy in any situation. Let's use the butt of such a setting to the military uniform - the uniform of a hussar. The hussars themselves mali nayyaskravіsh and nayprivablivіshu military form. Life style of the hussars, the unspoken code of conduct of the hussars is inconspicuously tied to military uniforms. The hussars, who appeared in the Ugorshchina, in the krai, where before the military uniforms were especially staged, brought national flavor to the style of the military costume. The old look of the hussar uniform, the style of life, manners and behavior on the battlefield made the hussar's uniform slick. Vivaga, bravado and heroism, that glittering Vijska form was respected by the main native rice hussars. Zavdyaks of the uniform of the hussar regiments are becoming popular with all of Europe.

Do not stverdzhuvati varto, scho the wіysk form of the other wіysk moldings and the slopes of the wіysk vіysk vіysk vіdіznyalis blakіstyu. Here, there is a more pronounced emphasis on combative dotsіlnostі. Marine uniforms become as comfortable and practical as possible. The jacket may have more straight contours and cuffs. A similar rank is seen in the military uniform of infantry and artillerymen. For the cavalry parts of the singing world, pulls are taken to the splendor of the military uniform. Cuirassier parts of the cavalry guards' caps continued to wear uniforms that exude glamor and chic. In the distance, adding a military suit of a cuirassier with steel sholom. As a whole, the picture is indicative of the midst of the hussar's brethren. In the armies of the leading European powers, the hussars always wore military uniforms, which were distinguished by color. Even though the military uniforms were saved from the other canopies, the situation looked different with the hussars.

The regiment's skin was made in a hardened military uniform, in a dolman and a mentik small its own, clearly defined colors. The red uniforms become the widest among the hussar regiments. This color is embroidered with military molding for a sign of honor for special military achievements. In the Russian army, the red dolman and mentik were worn by the cavalrymen of the Life Guards Hussar Regiment. The rest of the 12 hussar regiments were dressed in uniforms of other colors, starting in black and gray colors, ending in blue, green and combined uniforms. The Russian hussars always rushed to the most secure villages at the front. Valor and bravery, shown in battle by the Russian hussar regiments, became the basis for the fact that the hussar uniform becomes a shoe detail of the palace etiquette. Hussars are in vogue among the hussars, as they become central positions in all hussars.

For example, to get acquainted with the uniform of the Russian hussar regiments:

  • Oleksandriysky regiment maw dolman and mentik black color;
  • The Okhtir regiment, wearing a brown color uniform;
  • Belarusian regiment maw combined form - blue dolman, red mentic;
  • The Grodno regiment dressed up with a blue dolman and a black cape;
  • Єlizavetgradsky regiment wearing a sіrі dolman and mentik;
  • Izyumsky regiment wearing a red dolman and a blue mentic;
  • Lubensky hussar regiment, wearing a blue-coloured uniform;
  • The Mariupol regiment is also maw dolman and mentik of blue color;
  • Ovіopolsky hussar regiment dressed in green uniforms;
  • The Pavlograd regiment wearing a green dolman and a blue mentic;
  • The Sumy hussar regiment dressed in gray color uniforms;
  • The Irkutsk Hussar Regiment also wore a black color uniform.

At a glance, you can wear visnovoks, but the uniform of the hussar regiments was not particularly striking. However, the plan of the hussar costume was based on impersonal other elements, for the help of which it was possible to make a difference in the uniform. Tse i kolіr khutra on komіrі and cuffs of the mentik, kolіr priladovy metal. A tasha and a belt-sash could also be worn by mothers and brought in the traditional hussar uniform.

The uniforms of the hussar regiments in Prussia and Poland were similarly dressed with small military uniforms, de-greating greens and gray colors. The Austrian light cavalry wore a uniform of black color, sheathed in gold, yellow and white colors of the imperial ensign.

Grodno, Lubensk and Mariupol hussars were small blue uniforms. The hussar regiments of the French army were filled with a similar din. Under the hour of the military days of the Napoleonic military era, when the light cavalry was closed, through the similarity of the military uniform, serious tactful pardons were often allowed. Years, in order to let such incidents disappear, the hussar regiments in Russia began to take shape, close to the color scheme to field uniforms. The French hussars continued to wear blue and black uniforms, along with the combination of a dolman and a mentic in the color of the French ensign.

Fashion is constantly dictating its own mind and strength to a military suit. For officers, who were often representatives of the nobility, it became fashionable to add to their military costume the attributes and details. Soldiers make their uniforms more streamlined, de-emphasize more striving for goodness.

The English hussars, whose military merits have become legendary and gone down in history, as participants in a most soulful, fearless, and at once stupid attack, deserve a lot of credit.

Red uniforms attack

In the English army, up to the red color, there was a special setting. The English military became famous for the hour of war for the freedom of the Pivnichnoamerican colonies. In that hour, if all the armies of the world began to trend towards calmer and lesser colors in military uniforms, the British army continued to be deprived of the most conservative military institute. The English red uniforms gained popularity richly, in which case the signs of these acts of zhorstokost, like the English soldiers and officers showed by appointment to the opponent of that civilian population.

Setting up to the red color of the British army was special. You can judge about it, marveling at the appearance of the English military to its own military form. Shilnіst to yaskravogo zabarvlennya is explained only by the fact that the English army often had to fight against the tubular population. Chervoniy kolіr mav become a vagomin clerk of psychological on the enemy. Until then, the distance of fire fighting, which was practiced in the 17th-19th centuries, was in no way indicated by the masking capabilities of army troops on the battlefield. The red color of the military uniforms of the British military is well remembered by the infantry and militia of the army of George Washington. The Indians of Canada, the peoples of Persia and India on their own realized all the fears of fighting, as the British colonial army led. The French grenadiers and cavalrymen forgot the English squares with rows of red colors at the Battle of Waterloo.

For the English army, the red color of the uniform remained unchanged until the end of the 19th century. Just a change in the tactics of warfare, the appearance of strained and far-reaching sights of manual firearms led to the fact that the bright and commemorative uniform of English soldiers and cavalrymen began to be victorious only at parade ceremonies. Gvintivka and far-reaching artillery forced the soldiers to burrow into the ground. To change the red color on the battlefield, the khaki color came.

Prote in front of them, as if to change their traditions, the British army was able to demonstrate the lightness and valor of their warriors, dressing themselves in the form of a red color. The English hussar uniform of red color, having become a symbol of greater human stupidity and a symbol of fearlessness.

Under the hour of the Crimean war, the English, together with the French and the Turks, took their fate from the fighting actions near the Crimea. Near the village of Balaklava, the English light cavalry under the command of Colonel Cardigan was thrown into an attack against the Russian artillery. The idea of ​​the attack propagated by Lord Raglan, the commander of the English expeditionary troops in Russia, was a series of intellects. It was necessary to destroy the Russian parts from the Panivny heights, with which it was necessary to carry out shelling of the military allies, which would go straight to Sevastopol. English easy the brigade was formed from 5 hussar squadrons. The plan of attack was transferred to the rapt attack by two cavalry brigades, light and important, and the light cavalrymen themselves were thrown at the slaughter.

The pouch of a terrible attack is terrible. The light cavalry of the English was shot with Russian garmats close to the back. More than one hundred red uniforms were left on the battlefield. From that hour on the banks of the foggy Albion, the setting up to red uniforms began to change. Completed the fall of the bright military uniform on the battlefield of the military forces on the Pivdnia of Africa. Under the hour of the Anglo-Zulu war, which for example XIX the capital of the Zulus, yakі podtremuvali Dutch myslivtsі-colonists, literally killed the British soldiers during the hour of sniper shelling with bows and twinkles. The red uniform of the English soldiers became a miracle target.

At the end

Military uniforms for five centuries became the main type of military uniform. The uniforms of the armies that fought were represented by various models, which were distinguished by the richness of styles, colors and design details. Year by year, succumbing to the influx of fashion trends, styles changed. Leather rіd vіysk vvazhav for the need to attach a military uniform for your needs.

A number of tunics, which became either long or short, were short tunic jackets and hussar dolmans. That dressing up of uniforms with fittings is changing. There is a cream of cloth fittings, metal details. Becoming popular with gold and silver clothing. Badges and braids, epaulettes and aiguillettes called to see the uniform from the fashionable lineup. In such a look, the military uniforms were worn down to the ear of the First Light War. After the end of the military days in some lands, the royal individuals continued to wear the military dress uniform. Officers' uniforms become similar to the model of a man's suit. Go near the past with bright colors of fabrics, metal fittings come to change the fittings.

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