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Misha Medzhik. Alternative mouse for Mac. For the sake of choice. DPI and more

The Apple company is famous for being able to turn the attention to its insignificant (or, let's say, additional) products. The axis and hero of today's article - the Magic Mouse - is well known to those who practically do not like Apple products. What can I say about the fans, the Wiguks, and the hoarding of those who have filled the forums and blogs like America, and Europe. It’s easy to show that such a hype was like a bear like a different warbler, why not?

In the meantime, Apple needs more attention: the team of Steve Jobs can take a look at the voices (such as a mobile phone or a bear axis) under an unstoppable hood and release such a model for repositioning the market, as if to respect the same kind, as well as an idea put into basics of design. For some reason, Apple thought of launching a phone without buttons (which has become a standard for PDAs), now a bear without buttons has hit the shelves of apple stores. And now everyone really wanted to :-) And recently it was important that there are more buttons and all the important things in the mouse, it’s cooler! But Apple changed fashion again, and radically. However, fashion is fashion, and we need to be educated about how well our product is objectively kind and (smut) friendly. Ale, let’s learn from the global information.

History of appearance

Apple may have a number of products in 2009, including the iMac line of desktop computers. The new iMacs took away the aluminum case, screen diagonals of 21.5 and 27 inches, Intel processors on the Nehalem architecture, and, moreover, the new Magic Mouse without darts in the kit. You can, in fact, buy a replacement for it and the old Mighty Mouse mouse, which is now simply called the Apple Mouse and is used like a dart, and in a wireless version.

Mighty Mouse came to the market more than a couple of years ago, and in an hour she caught up with the brothers of super smart vіdguki Vlasnikіv. Some people praise for the bag, which allows you to scroll not only vertically, but also horizontally, others - bark for those that the wheel is already bogged down, and it’s impossible to clean it. Apple's chandeliers mark the future of design in the shortest "apple" traditions, and people, who are more skeptical, point out that prosperity was sacrificed to design - the bear does not always know the right and the left onslaught. Zagal Mighty Mouse bula model ambiguous, controversial. Dehto navіt calling me not far off. And now Apple has released the Magic Mouse. You can buy a novelty like a kit with a new iMac, or even more - for 3490 rubles (such is the price of Apple's Moscow resellers).

Too bad for a bear, isn't it? Find a way to raise a discount for those that Apple products are sold with a great nationality, all the same price seems to be protected. Chi merit for those Magic Mouse?

Starry look and packaging

At the first glance at the attachment, you want to yell at once: so, meritorious! Apple designers did a good job of making the mouse even more stylish, lower Mighty Mouse. Mighty Mouse ideally looked like an ear of zero with Apple devices, Magic Mouse - just like a new decade. The shape is symmetrical, the edges are thinly rounded, the low smooth bottom at the center - you are cute with a bear, like a frill of art! It is ideal for taking pictures of some fantastic film or a photo session of a glossy magazine.

It was clear, and the Apple logo is present here, a little farther away, hatefully - a gray apple on a white aphid looks like the last necessary touch in the composition of the whole. If you turn the bear upside down, then the laser light will turn, the button to increase/unmute the cover that closes the battery lid. The teddy bear runs on two standard AA batteries, and once you happen to have them. It’s even easier to do it: you can change the black value from the bottom - and the battery cover closes itself.

Tse, vtim, one detail that is known. Yak and Mighty Mouse, Apple's new bear doesn't deliver the desired selection.

Complete set and software

Magic Mouse is delivered in a compact box, the lower part of which is white (it has a bear), and the upper part is made of transparent plastic a la slope. From one side, the design of the Magic Mouse itself is beaten here (to that, the kit as a whole looks organically), and from the other side, the box cannot but guess about the packaging of the iPod nano, for example. What is surprising in the configuration, so is the number of discs. Everything that we know in the box of the cream bear is a miniature booklet with instructions for operating and a few tabs (guarantee, certificate of conformity to European standards and table of Bluetooth standards). Prote zavantazhuvat odnyh drayverіv not happen. Just click on the bear and Bluetooht on Mac.

Magic Mouse requires Mac OS X 10.6.2 or Mac OS X 10.5.8. True, another person still has a chance to update the firmware of the mouse without a mouse (leopard's shards of the driver are still imprisoned by the Mighty Mouse). "And what about robiti, what if I have Windows?" - You can sleep. І I am embarrassed to disappoint you: from a PC under Windows management, the new Apple bear is still “not friends”. Perhaps in a few hours Apple will release drivers for the PC, but for the time being, Magic Mouse can be used only on the Mac.

As soon as your software is able to work with Apple, then after installing the Bluetooth connection between Mac and Mouse, go to Systemic adjustment and click on Misha. You can customize all the functions of the Magic Mouse.

Everything is broken up by hand: left-handed all the time, so you can tick off the required functions, moreover, if you hover the bear on the next item, then right-handed, we will be shown how this function works (so we could signify - why do we need it) . At the upper part of the vein, it is possible to fix the swedishness of the underpressure, the movement of the bear and the scrolling. At the bottom, you can see the battery charge of the mouse.

Ergonomics and capacity of Magic Mouse

Now let's move on to the most important - the possibilities of the Magic Mouse. How much innovative functionality does the bear have? І How can I manually work with these functions? With the main function - the movement of the cursor - the Magic Mouse copes without problems. Accuracy of clicks does not click, cursor cursor - soft, smooth, without rivkiv. Misha practices practically on any surface and doesn’t care about any special kilimki (if you want to carry it by the knee!).

Vtіm, navіt on a flat surface hand to finish the swidko vtomlyuєtsya trimati Magic Mouse. The teddy bear is low and small, put on top of it (especially a human) I don’t see it, the brush will be pushed all the time on the vase. Piano players will find it useful as a practice :-), ale tim, who sounds like a massive big bear, Magic Mouse does not come. So just like that, who loves, so that the bear kicks handily into his hand. In this moment, Apple sacrificed beauty for beauty.

І shiryuєtsya tse yak on ergonomics, and y those, as here the right click is being made. Yak and Mighty Mouse, the new bear cannot be pushed to the right and left of the button. The entire surface of the bear is just one big button, the right part is for the right click, and the left part is for the left one (as in the customizations, they indicated that it needed to imitate the right button). However, the shards of the position of your finger (right-handed or left-handed) show the sensor that is under the transparent plate-button, for an hour the click behind the bear is guilty of sticking only one finger. That is why you have to lie your finger on the left part of the surface, and the middle one - on the right one, and you work with the middle finger to press, nothing is seen. Magic Mouse Receive a Live Click.

Mighty Mouse had the same problem, but in Magic Mouse I especially appreciated the vir_shennya zієї problems. All the same chotiri rocky passed ... Alas, it's a pity. I tsey nedolіk (again іz average ergonomics) rob practically impossibly vikoristannya Magic Mouse in computer games. There, de vіd vіd vchasno zroblennogo klіk may lie the result of all mischief, Magic Mouse constantly magatiyetsya you lead.

And axis de Magic Mouse shows its advantages, so do web surfing and robots with photos. Touch scrolling (you just drag your finger along the mouse in that page, in which you want to make a scroll) and pronunciation of photos in iPhoto (with two fingers you rob this way, neither swipe the sides in the book) display links with the great Internet-sides and illustrations on a new revival zruchnosti. It is also possible to enlarge the screen - for which it is necessary to scroll, trim the Ctrl key (or Cmd, which means it needs to be adjusted). Tsya funktsіya bude korisna for people z vami zor koristuvachіv computer.


After acquaintance with Magic Mouse, the first thought, as if the blame comes: the very idea is a miracle, but the potential for implementation is less often. For example, why can't you make photos bigger than your fingers (like an iPhone)? Why can't you click without pressure - just a short dot (like on the MacBook touchpad)? Nareshti, why can't you win a bear from a PC? Otsezovsіm unreasonably. Aje pіdtrimka PC zbіlshila bіlkіst bіlkіst pіlkіstіnіh bathers Magic Mouse in іlії razіv! Ale Apple, maybe, may be your own reflection of something. Zrozumіlo, after the launch of the mouse, all the self-made assembly of drivers appeared in the merezhі, they clicked to “make friends” with the Magic Mouse and Windows PC, but especially for me, for example, I didn’t get to the maximum Windows 7. the fact that all functions appeared to be practical (and that the overall stability of the robot would be normal). So if you have a good PC and need a Magic Mouse, I recommend getting the official Apple drivers. There are other programs on the right that expand the functionality of the Magic Mouse in a Mac environment. Here, first of all, varto name the paid MouseWizard, but also use and bezkoshtovnі analogues.

Other programs give the Magic Mouse additional capabilities, such as the middle button, launching quieter programs just as well. And, in my opinion, in the form of utilities such as MouseWizard, there may be Magic Mouse. Oskіlki mozhlivіst nalashtuvati teddy bear pіd itself і, in fact, most vygadati ways of talking with her - it's even more pleasant. Figuratively, similar utilities for the Magic Mouse are like App Store add-ons for the iPhone. And without them attachments, zvichayno, functional, however, the stink of translating yoga to a lower level.


Otzhe, let's try to hit the bags. Ale for the cob pererahuemo main advantages and shortcomings of Magic Mouse.


  • miraculous zovnіshnіy look;
  • no need to install drivers (on Mac OS X 10.6.2);
  • efficiency of work with photographs and Internet-sides;
  • potential for expansion of functionality;


  • high price;
  • average ergonomics;
  • availability of branded drivers for PC;
  • on Mac only works with the remaining versions of Leopard and Snow Leopard;
  • pіdtremuyutsya in full obsіzі tin;
  • right click is not handy.

    Well, the minus is still much more, the plus is lower. Moreover, tse critical minuses, scho to shy away the purchase of a mouse is possible and less true for Apple fans and the highest category of koristuvachiv, who have already been honored with the ability of Magic Mouse. On the other hand, to appreciate the Magic Mouse not as a great “manipulator”, but as a fashionable gadget, pleasing the eye, embellishing the interior of the room and calling out the guests, then the new Apple product is unlikely to have a good competitor.

Up to your respect, there will be such a product as Apple's misha. Tsei prist_y z'avivsya recently appeared on the market of goods and services. Ale, it’s more than a little zatsіkavilo spozhivachіv. If you want to sell this technology, you can't call it massive yet. What is the Apple Magic Mouse? What do you need to pay attention to her? Why is it better to speed up with the propositions of others? Is it possible that this product is true and requires respect?

Without darts

Zrozumilo, Misha Apple - the price of a new word in a computer accessory. On the right, everything is in the fact that the product itself is recognized by its special characteristics and customs. Behind the functions of the same name "Apple" is not considered. With this add-on, you can easily use your computer or laptop.

Well, it’s true, Misha is a novelty. For example, for those that the Apple Magic Mouse is easy and simple to connect without any wires, which allows the attachment to be turned around without problems. The very ones that are so necessary at once for rich purchases. Only the same is not the only feature of the gadget. What else can you say?

"Hi" buttons

For example, the presence of any buttons and kolіshchatkіv on the annex. The ethereal look of Yogo demonstrates that Misha Apple really doesn’t have the usual natural eyes. Ale yak todi keruvati computer? Isn't there a deception before us?

Call me. Aje Misha Apple Magic Mouse (droneless) can't use the "Multi-Touch" function. Tse means that all children are guilty of independent work. "Sensor" on the panel catches the waves, recognizes them and works. And that means that scrolling and pressing on that chi іnsha "button" can be attached without kolіshchatok-buttons. As practice shows, if you call to someone, then Apple's bear will be more convenient for you. And call later to the "old" versions of the outbuildings, it will be very important.


Although it sounded wonderful, but the bear of this model was recognized as universal. Її you can come to whether I will attach it, to which є "Bluetooth". So you can control the cursor on a computer, on TVs, on a player, and on smartphones. Tablets and other gadgets are also miraculously combined with the "detail".

Well, it’s true, it’s not good for the hour. Misha Apple often otrimu not the best tips about how smart with operating systems. For example, for Windows it's bad to go. Even in it there are no impersonal functions, yakі can become in good fortune. І tsey fact rich vіdshtovhuє. In addition, gamers zapevnyayut, scho not varto koristuvatisya tsієyu without a teddy bear, so you plan to play a lot. The model is absolutely not attached to anyone. For robots - full, and the axis for rozvag - no.

Complete set

One more moment, which is a kind of varto vrahuvat before buying, tse those that can be added to the complete set. Vona is not guilty of divuvati. Aje Misha Apple is a non-dartless attachment, which can be practiced for Bluetooth.

In the kit with it, you have to find the battery and charger attachment. Everything is needed to support the charge and Bluetooth on the mouse. In addition, on the very annex you are to blame for a small jumper. Vіn serve for uvіmknennya that Yakshcho peremikach "zapadaє", better to replace attachments vіdrazu. Otherwise, problems may arise.

At the box with a mouse, there is also a helper of a coristuvach with a warranty card. In principle, these documents themselves can become a good thing for you in the nearest future. Especially if you don't know how to connect Apple to gadgets. Abo at the time of the exit from the fret.


Now, a few specifics are well connected. It's not a secret for anyone that the great bear is connected with a dart and victorious after that. Nothing fancy, right?

And the axis of the rootless gadgets of the koristuvachs can call out the songs of the difficult. І Misha Apple is not to blame here. It seems richly koristuvachіv, what kind of attachment is better to come to laptops or smartphones. Aje stink already tossing Bluetooth. Otherwise, it might be possible to somehow secure the same stationary computer with "Bluetooth". There is no special attachment for the kit with the Apple mouse. Don't screw up by hand.

Also, "Bluetooth" is on gadgets. Vmikaєmo yogo, and then insert the charged battery into the bear. We install a jumper on the extension at the "Uvіmk.", after which we are talking on the computer (or gadgets, to which the mouse is connected) our new component. We install a check and check the sprat of whilin. A person with a computer/laptop will have to check for a driver for the add-on. From i all. Now you know how to connect the Apple Magic Mouse.

Yakist roboti

True, not everything is so miraculous as it might seem at first glance. Bezdrotov - far from rare. І often stench koristuyutsya majestic drink. Ale Misha Apple maє kіlka vagomih nedolіkіv. Perevagi, zrozumilo, also є. Is it easy to think about everything?

For example, behind the numbers, you can grow a whisker, but the Apple Magic Mouse is far from being an ideal attachment. Yakіst yogo roboti overwhelms the best. Get out of the way with no other operating systems mindlessly. For MacOS, this is a miracle solution. Ale, the Vlasniks of "Windows" sometimes have a hard time.

In addition, the bear's charge will end very quickly. Tse zmushu koristuvachiv constantly charge attachments. Far from all government decisions are similar. Especially yakscho vie richly practice at the computer. That Apple bear is not for you. It's better to speed up with the "provided" option. For long-term robots, the "Epl" bear is not suitable.

Then it’s miraculous to “zdit” with different surfaces. Also, especially problems, if you want to lie on a blanket with a laptop, for example, not winkne. For the same reason, Apple reviews from the comforts of the world are the most beautiful. Most of the models from competitors are good only with special kilimki or wood. Not a good moment for a dartless bear. Tse varto vrakhovuvati.


Well, if you talk about those skіlki koshtuє bezdrotova bear Apple, then all the coristuvachi vent their dissatisfaction. Zimnik zmushuy put the lowest estimates of the annex.

On the right, everything is in the fact that such a marvel of technology costs the buyers approximately 5-6 thousand rubles. In some regions, obviously, you can find Apple Magic Mouse and for 3000. But it's all one too rich. Tim is bigger, yakscho to protect all the shortcomings of the gadget. And all the less to the fact that this bear is respected by the company. "Epl" constantly displays its goods too expensive. І tsey fact vіdshtovhuє public vіd purchases.

Wait a minute, say 6,000 rubles for a computer teddy bear without wires, the same one that goes with Windows, it’s not good, it’s stupid. As it was already said, as MacOS is rooted, then you won’t get along with the negative sides of the day. Vlasniki "Maku" are overjoyed with the robotic bear, and the variety.


Well, the Apple Magic Mouse is far from being the ideal attachment for Apple. Better for everything, by itself, through its shortfalls, the products do not deserve the majestic drink of the middle class. Otzhe, bathe chi nі, skin virishuє independently.

In every case, a lot of buyers recommend to the hoarders of "Windows" to take the goods away. You just throw away pennies to the wind. It’s too early for everything to happen to miss Misha more easily. And the axis, if you have the will to respect the exclusive products of "Eppl", then the bear is a warta of respect.

Apple has released worm bears for its computers, which are also suitable for all other computers and laptops. The stench works via Bluetooth. Vikonan at the stylistics of minimalism. The body is made of aluminum, and the working surface has an added white gloss with the Apple logo. The tovshchina of the bear is only 2 cm and the back of the head is not easy, but then, marveling at the bears, the stench is great. So the very price gives stability to the transference, even if it doesn’t vipir in the bag, like a shadowy ball. I respect the richly coristuvachіv price for a bear even higher, but when coristuvanni become sensible, decent vartіst.

Functions of the Apple Magic Mouse

The bear, on the sensory working surface, is ruffled along the entire surface of the bear, which allows clicking and larynx at the far її part, but at the middle. When pushing, the bear so physically pushes itself and sees the characteristic sound “click” that is common for all bears, like in all bears.

The touch surface supports a lot of functions. Scroll, which vikonuetsya to all of us with a familiar ring in all bears, we will forgive the forged fingers on the surface in any place on the surface of the bear, both vertically and horizontally. Tse touch sensor control allows you to scroll and click with your finger on one space, which is meaningful.

The bear is connected to the computer using Bluetooth technology. Therefore, it is not necessary to connect a USB receiver and take a USB input, more so if a small USB receiver is used and the bear becomes a marna. All these problems are present in the Apple Magic Mouse.

So in customizations you can control the charge of the bear in hundreds of devices, it’s a good thing to know if you need to remember the batteries in the Magic Mouse, or just charge the Magic Mouse 2 mouse. small, so that the koristuvachi MacBook can not be rumpled.

Vidminnosti Magic Mouse and Magic Mouse 2

Apple Magic Mouse packaging

Let's start with the packaging. The first Magic Mouse is sold in a clear, oval, flat plastic box, it contains the mouse itself, instructions and a guarantee.

Apple Magic Mouse 2 packaging

The Magic Mouse 2 is sold in a large square cardboard box, similar to the iPhone charger boxes, with the mouse itself, a Lighting cable for charging, instructions and a warranty.

There are no more known powers. The Magic Mouse has a lower part for 2x AA batteries, a green diode, which signals that the connection is alive, and the Apple logo in a white color.

And in Magic Mouse 2, you can use a battery adapter, even if you use a new battery and a green diode, maybe the retailers didn’t need a visnovka, that might be the black-colored Apple logo for diversity. Charging raztashovana from the bottom does not pierce the retailers, the stench simply could not destroy the old design of the Apple Magic Mouse, and the five-fold charge could not be stuck for a few more days. The functions of the buttons and the touch surface are not affected.

Apple has spent on the cob of zhovtnya, nareshti, be it right to name. Mighty Mouse. People in those days simply marveled at what was driven, having changed a lot at the right place, rozmirkovuyuchi already little not over the fall of the apple company like that. Everyone was wondering "why didn't Apple get a penny to buy a name?!?" So, even the giants fall down, you can’t see anything with them. We can also bring an hour at a time to dility and schos vіddavati. On the other hand, what was the history of, yakbi kupertinivtsі did not really pretend like a zaminu and yakbi zamina tsya was not already ready before the release?

Vlasne, less than a few days later, a new beauty was presented, as if alive, sound on the table, and sometimes on the kilimka. Magic Mouse the arc of a cicava, a new one in principle, a sexual little thing. We read a lot, as if we were able to comment, signed here and there with the single word “I want”, which is expressed as if it were a dream, so I feel like I’m forwarding this chi іnshіy purchase. To be honest, I’ll say that I’ve already had a lot of checks, don’t worry about your own bazhannya. Until the end, however, I didn’t believe in everything, and my zdivuvannya was not between me at the moment of the first, so let’s say, slander. Ale about tse trohi zgodom. Let's turn back on the cob.

The packaging of the Magic Mouse, like and decided, on which the Apple logo stands, is simple, minimalistic, there is nothing special about it, but there is nothing that could have happened in the future.

Two plastic gaps, one is not less than the plastic core of the color of milk (up to the point where a cold-hearted bear is glued), and a sprat of undesirable papiers. They gulped down the instructions, sighed at the hardened assertions. We turned the package upside down, so be it moving, down, familiarize yourself with the principles of interaction with the manipulator. Vіdderly zhadany object vіd shmatka plastic color of milk.

On its own, the bear can accept the weight, it is small, but not small. At the very time. Zdivuvannya calls for those that the attachments are supplied already with two orders of AA batteries (“finger-type” among the people). Apple, maybe, do not pay for those who Magic Mouse to lie in warehouses, and the elements of life in them will give an unacceptable flow. Well, that harazd, є "bunnies" in the middle, let them be. From the other side, price it manually, if for the cob of work it is one thing that is necessary - the connection of the bear to the computer.

lower part Magic Mouse vikonana with poor aluminum and plastic sledges, between which the lid is ruffled, which brings the elements of life.

There is also a charge indicator at the bottom, which starts to glow with different colors (I’ll be laying batteries), if the bear is using support. And, of course, at the bottom there is a kind of eye that transforms the movement of the manipulator into the cursor on the screen. The top of the vicons is made of important plasticity (the comradeship of the second millimeter), which is a kind of yakraz and nada priemnoy vaga. A radically white color looks like a transparent polymer, even more pleasantly, a bitten apple rejoices. Dimensions and weight can be matched with the iPhone, but it's a little more.

Ale to look at and sound marvelous technology, let's turn it on better to your own Mac and let's get down to work. Calling Misha with Mac OS X is not easy. Rather, you can say, it's simple, and you can try to improve the system with an elementary search for new Bluetooth devices. I don't want to. And one more stone here, which is for a certain hour in the door of the operating system, the version number of which is lower than 10.6.2, which also includes the driver required for the correct operation. Reshta requested here (for 10.6.1). The first time I tried Abyak, I realized that not all coristuvachs switched to Snow Leopard. But now friend, why not just update the version of kіlkom with clicks? Even though the language has come about the driver, the next thing is to guess what it is that Misha is working on Windows while it is still being worked out, and to tell about the immovable date of the release of the software for the PC movie is not being conducted today.

However, we are all happy. We tied Misha with Mac and poked our way into the distance to fix the manipulator. Here it is possible, with the head rank, to improve the speed of moving the cursor, the speed of scrolling and the hourly interval between two clicks, which makes it move. In addition, trohi lower є dodatkovі nalashtuvannya, like an hour and tsіkavіshe for the main and zvichnі already, standard. First, "imitation of the right button". So, Magic Mouse It’s really a one-button extension, but if it’s laid down in it, you can set the coordinates, directly and quickly the manipulation of the transfer can be done to imitate something for the whole year. The diversity of commands is less than a driver. This implementation continues to develop the iPhone based on company policy. The phone, for example, will be left behind in the form of software security. Such a pidhid can guarantee more ways to interact with a target without changing the “zipper”, but it’s also a good prospect.

It is possible to program the pressing of the right button of the additional settings to introduce the principle of scrolling the sides - with inertia or without. shoes for Snow Leopard). The first option is to add the reception of such a new idea (the smaller number of bears with a mechanical wheel is similarly inaccessible), the inertia turns the coristuvacha, so to speak, to the ground. Examples of the first day of koristuvannya Magic Mouse I, honestly seem, having vvazhav tsey "bells and whistles" zayvim. With him, you must constantly control yourself. What am I doing? Turn off the function in the settings. And immediately vymknuv back, seeing as a waste. Tobto after her, it seemed to be silent, but without her it’s not the same anymore. As a result, we grew up with her.

With the scale of the screen, everything is clear, and few people are really correct for this function. Navіt yakscho i buvaє, then seldom know! The only one is available today (with a driver update update) multi-touch manipulation in parallel with scaling looks like significant and significant. For "two-fingered skids" you can at the same time tell your browser "forward" and "backward". Believe me, it’s safe to say that it’s better to reach out with the bear to the right arrow. In practice, a similar solution turned out to be even more kind and well implemented.

Vіd nalashtuvan - to bezposerednoї work. Manipulation for help Magic Mouse, which is already worth grabbing, the back of the door did not stick. In mustache fault, maybe, the bear's low profile. The hand, which sounded like lying in my fall on the top of my body, which was not right for my healthy (really) twisted body, adapted to the novelty of the day for two or three. Pratsyuvati Bulo more smoothly. However, after reaching a full understanding, do your due diligence. It should be noted that the brush feels richer and richer, if it does not happen to be like a ladle.

Now about the scrolling wheel, there is no such thing. Just a moment after the presentation Magic Mouse, Remember, having summed up the correctness of such a decision, but turn it over, there was no more pluses. First, the presence of a horizontal wheel conveys the possibility of not only vertical scrolling, but also horizontal. In a different way, as if asking to pass one more knowledge of the fahivets in the sphere of technical web-solutions, he was even more pleased with the "non-attachment" of the kolishatka. It’s even better, after yoga words, “twist” (and in fact, it’s “stroke”), misha there, de tempted. Do not understand? Just show your own wheel, so as not to wash the whole hour in the middle, but change your own misfortune to the point of triumph and hvilinny poriviv of the coristuvach.

I, I know, stroked the central part of the bear for scrolling, but the day, I know again, two sounds before the new flooring, so, having taken the good old Logitech to hand, having tried it in the same sense with a pointed finger and the left button. Nothing, of course, didn’t happen, I sighed, but suddenly realized my mistake, laughed not without satisfaction and twisted my finger without satisfaction, placing yoga on the nemesis now a little. To shvidkogo, as it seems, you sound good. Is it possible to move anyway?

Ale, the efficiency of the robot does not start the transmission of the efficiency of the gr. Honestly seeming Magic Mouse zovsіm is not a game bear. And quietly, who, having allowed to take away the universal or daily playful attachment, should guard against the arrival of such a miraculous robotic brandy. Why does it seem like Igor is dumb? In the first place, її povna on today's inconsistency s (the bear appears, but does not connect). In a different way, the price of imitating the right button, like the onslaught of a single physically sound one, is simply not angry, but on the right. For shulg, obviously, navpak (the “rights” button is left-handed, and it is not set in custom mouse), but the essence is the same, imitation becomes imitation. And tse means - no headshots in the sniper mode, aiming at which is carried out by sounding with the right button, and shooting without the middle - levi. And there is only one thing, which falls on the thought in the first black, the butt is not enough in the game sense of the physical presence of one single button.

Summing up everything that has been said, varto means that Magic Mouse- this is a wild working horse, as if it needs to be tamed, but after calming down its character, the building is no more help, thereby making it easier for the robot of its ruler. Zavdyakov to finish the great surface and the possibility of software adding ways of manipulating Magic Mouseє an unfinished project, which, as I want to believe, develops more than one river, until I see the obtіchnogo and completed for all vіrity. But in any case, now the new Apple bear is running around with the best solutions for the web, great text, and more for graphics. Zagalom, for those who are constantly brought to work.

Positive features: It is also suitable for dotik, wonderful design, easy scrolling on all sides. Weaknesses: There are only 3 shortcomings for the mouse, but the stench of the mouse is impossible to shy away when working with graphics, for rich graphic layouts and in games: 1. Magic Mouse may have an overbearing sensor, after which, when the mouse is lightly rotated, scrolling is turned on, so you can beat it. vkrai unhandled for robots in photoshop and rich in other additions. Misha "scrolls" defiantly often and not rightly, it’s even fighting and it’s impossible to call out to him - 3 months of trying to call out, sticking, changing the program, but all the same I couldn’t bear it. 2. Inadequate imitation of the right mouse button. The skin of the tenth click on the "right" button of the mouse is to bring it to the pressure on the left, which calls for even more expansion, lower scroll. Why imitation? This mouse has no right button for the appointment, but because The mouse is touch sensitive, then the right button of the mouse is simulated when the right part of the sensory surface of the mouse is pressed. The imitation seemed to be inconspicuous - I'm not understanding, now it's been broken up so that I can help the victorious mouse. The very fact that I want to press a button on the right is especially less impressive, but I don’t have to go through this imitation. 3. There is one more shortcoming - the speed of movement of the indicator at the poppy. All of a sudden, setting it to the maximum and all one thing didn’t terribly fasten the speed, especially on the great 27 "display. Comment: Misha is very calm. Be careful! films, etc.) For active robots and іgor nedolіki, overexploited more, highly respected. For 3 months of winning, I still didn’t learn how to victorize the mouse normally - at the deyka moment and vipadkovy scroll, the pressure is pressed, or the simple dot is more drawn, but the left button is pressed the replacement of the right, which is constantly seen through the wrong, at Apple’s thought, the finger’s spread is a special feature of getting out of the way of the farther victorious. you can win in games, the reaction to the onslaught of mice is important. buy without testing. Try vicoristovuvat її in quiet programs, in some practices, well, I want to use in similar ones. Those who pardoned the spratsovuvan scroll camp in the future less (like, learn) - nіsenіtnitsa, їх be deprived of style. You can’t learn to press the right button to win without mercy. I summarize: yakby mishu, I added it on purpose, then I shkoduvav bi about the purchase, ale. if I got away with a new poppy, then I’ll lie down calmly.

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