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The runic ones update the memory. Login to koristuvachs Runes for intelligence

1. Teyvaz (tiwaz)

The meaning of the Tiwaz rune in the first position is polygon. The rune indicates activity and supernatural activity, which is present in the forecast hour. The presence of living strength and will in you is also a good sign for starting something in the future. Being the Great Rune of Victory, it emphasizes the strength of character and your power, which is why you have greater power. Since the third rune Urus or Perthro indicates passions, then new romantic possibilities. In the forecast, Inodi means a person or a person with whom you have died forever.

Teyvaz at the gate

The meaning of the inverted Tiwaz rune in the first position - the rune indicates passivity, the presence of inoculation in its nutrition. In advance about the possible defeat, the start is on the right. This is a sign of the presence of great activity and aggression, an hour of recovery and truce. Now is the time to quit and feel overwhelmed in the middle. Possible problems arise from everything, based on the understanding that everything good in your life does not grow without your participation.

2. Evaz (ehwaz)

The other position has synchronism (the principle of synchronism as formulated by C. G. Jung looks like this - “everything that is being processed and experienced at the given moment, corresponds to the core of this action”). Let your world go, and he himself will lead you to where you need to go. Vickory your charm and healthy egoism. As the rune of enchantment, it recommends working immediately for those who can go out on their own at the moment or get out even easier. Enjoy the process of resonance with the forces of rukhu, harmony and luck. If food is in need of spiritual replenishment, the rune recommends increasing your mind, which is often practiced by shamans of all cultures. You will find out the responses to your power supply by setting the synchronization method. Sometimes he anticipates that there is no need to take too much on yourself.

EVAZ at the gate position

Another position is praising the authority for its initiatives. You need initiative, a new approach, and prudence. Sometimes he indicates that the time has come to leave the rut in which you have been traveling for so long, to leave from under whose intercession you will flow. “If Mohammed did not go to the mountain, then glory be to Allah.” Remember, only those who know the truthful path can take the detour.

3. Laguz

The third position has a way out of the crisis. Conveys a sense of calm and calm in life, sympathy and mutual understanding. It is stated that the lost speech will be identified, and all faults will be brought to light. Sometimes a young, energetic person will visit. The forecast shows a rise in the price of water, brightening things’ dreams. In certain situations, emphasize a woman who is strong and significant to the man.

Laguz at the gate

The third position has bad luck, “where did your stitch lead me.” It shows the arrangement of furnishings and drainage. When paired with any kind of runes, the layout is not a good sign.

Ancient pantheon of Gods. The ancient Romans associated Odin with Mercury-Hermes. One, just to know wisdomі knowledge rune having paid a high price - nine days and nine nights of hanging wines on the Igdrassil tree, pierced with list. ... Evil and Death (Annun) and gives victory over them: Zannanya the essence of speeches; Zannanyaїх reasons; Zannanya way of doing things. І tse knowledge will be reached at Gwynfida." In such a manner, touching wisdom And the person goes through the stake thoroughly and reaches Gwynvid.

... "raising the veneration of the wise Egyptian sacrifices to the religion of Atlantis, then. hire up to 10 thousand B.C. Okhorontsy wisdom They are called Atlanteans in the same developments of the European Middle East. Doors and booths were awakened, and stinks were destroyed, sacrifices that would bring relief. He is close to God and the gods, so that through the course of his life he is protected Wisdomі Zannanya, And not just thoughts. Overcome ignorance and teach people to know the truth, God, the hidden sense of awakening through...

The power of immortality. Helps to establish connections with the gods and get out of a difficult situation. Ansuz - Rune Sciences, knowledge, poetry, singing, exams, negotiations, magic spells. The fortune-teller is talking about unexpected luck, ... the mother of the family will show up. Rune For the protection of the Greater Powers and justice, it is necessary to sue for the establishment of fair agreements and in court law. Rune Ansuz is obsessed with magic, prophecy and fortune telling. In magic, vikorist for: - get well wisdom; - success in exams...

I order my developments to achieve great results. Everything that is required for the effective design of a runescript-talisman is this knowledge magical powers of the skin Rooney and a little bit of healthy gluten. Runescripts are made up of three, five, seven and nine rune. Eleven and thirteen are also very important magic numbers, otherwise you should honor your mother’s promise so richly.


Expanded interior space. Astrological type - Sagittarius, Jupiter. Nautiz – need, need. Behind your images rune similar to a device for burning fire. At the Futhark wheel it is also necessary to the element of Fire. All this is vogon... - this is all human power. And Uranus in astrology is the greatest treasure of blessings. Evas – kіn. In the Scandinavian epic rune Evas is associated with Sleipner, Odin's steed. Sleipner transporting Odin to other worlds. To put it simply, it’s a big deal.

Sometimes it happens that we have to activate all the intelligent powers of our brain, or we need to improve our memory. Of course, drinking “vitamins” is also an option. However, there are other ways to earn money. Mudras for improving memory and increasing intelligence have proven to be an excellent remedy, not worse than the use of medicinal drugs. It is recommended for all wise men to begin to wind down after an hour or five hours. It is necessary to increase the hour before midnight. Let us share with you some of them.

  • Persha їkh - this is the wisdom of knowledge. It will improve your memory and your nervous system. And miraculous prevention of headaches, insomnia, depression and apathy. Before speaking, it also increases cerebral blood flow. Helps people grow spiritually. Reduces emotional stress and relieves anxiety. Restlessness is growing, confusion is growing. Activates mental processes and concentrates respect. Gives people the opportunity to realize their intellectual potential. Yak vikonuvati? Everything is very simple.

We take and connect the great and impressive fingers. Others are located vertically. The brush is relaxed. Press the pads of the joined fingers together one by one. Fix it for the day. For the best effect and eliminating the symptoms of nutrition, repeat the mantra “OM MANI PADME HUM” (you can think, you can say out loud). Of course, you are to blame for relaxation. Place your hands on your feet.

Another wise wisdom of this kind is the Hakini mudra. This is the name of the goddess, who has six arms and is special. They are distinguished from the five lower chakras.

  • When this mudra is practiced regularly, a pleasant influx of memory begins to appear, the concentration of respect increases, and the memory and brain become stronger. What do you need to earn? Just connect the pads of all the fingers of both hands. Don’t bend your fingers, the stench is still there. How to pay attention to the wards. It’s similar to how you have an invisible bullet between your fingers.

    Yogis to please this mudra, work again if you have forgotten. It is only necessary to add the correct breathing and kneading to it. To guess, work it out like this. When the pads of your fingers are closed, inhale deeply and raise your eyes to the sky, and touch your tongue to the sky. If you see it, turn around in the cob position. This will help you find the information you need, and also benefit both brains.

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Ansuz with gilding

Emphasizes the Creator's Mouth. The rune of magicians, the fragments gives people the ability to transmit information, then. conjure.

This is an energetic rune, as you remember from previous releases, energetic runes when working with them give us energy, strength, and ability.

By working with it, you can remove information from the subtle world, although you may not be able to understand it right away. But it doesn’t matter, in our world we move forward, everything will work out for you, and you will learn to easily read all the signs and put them together in practice.

Ansuz will help you with the acquired knowledge, with the acquisition of new knowledge, including hidden ones, to secure connections with the Divine Power.

Ale vikoristovat this rune needs to be careful, because. It is dedicated to the god Lokka, who deals with both good and evil. Therefore, he must rush to her with pure intentions and an open heart. (We talked about this with you earlier). Turning towards her, you need to ask for mercy and understanding. It will help you accept and love yourself, and it also conveys sensitivity and respect to other people. Ease the learning process and activate familiarity.

SPELL: for recovery from deposits, vice, someone else's influx. And also in terms of your internal desires: the need to rule, the need to obey and the need to manipulate other people.

Fourth I know

If I'm bored and tied

By your enemies:

I'll tell you,

And fall from the bottom of the tangle,

Take the motorcycle from your hands.

Ansuz is like a blessed land with the wisdom of ancestors, which allows you to renew lost knowledge. It makes sense that the pose is obvious. Adding a new dimension to any situation and introducing an element of Luck, it helps to add a completely new ability to the activity that has developed.

Ansuz (ASS) is a great Rune of knowledge, development and positive spin.

The rune is simply necessary for people who want to do tests and tests, go through all sorts of interviews and testing, and gain a reputation as a business person. The God of Wisdom Odin is the direct curator of this rune, so behind it stand the great Dwarf Quasir, and the wisest of the Velents, Mimir. The one who wears this rune as an amulet takes them away for respect and care. The inspiration and creativity, especially the literary sphere, flows into this talisman. Until now, we have been so quick to give in to those people who may have problems with sputtering, including spitting with a long-term status. The promos, who asked Runa Ansuz for intercession, easily win the respect of the audience, and the sings remove the necessary tension. Actors draw from her the ideal understanding of their roles.

Mouth and the Almighty-axis is a short quintessence of this rune.

It is wise to think strategically, to identify satisfaction and excellent results from the minds of those who go to the intercession of Ansuz. Intuition develops aggressively and clairvoyance emerges. It is impossible to fool a person who wears the Ansuz rune. It is clear that you will learn to trust your inner voice. It’s really cool for the mother of this talisman for those who, having suffered from an unacceptable situation, are connected with justice, and protect themselves from the victim. This promotion and argument will win the trust of listeners. Obviously, the ASS rune will become a wonderful gift to lawyers and judges. In addition, you must turn to her wisdom and those who are always looking for their way, their greatest mark in life. Many runologists have noted that when you carry the Ansuz rune with you, life begins to reveal rich and wonderful stories about which you can only say this: “Luck has come to you, man.”

So, the Ansuz rune is the rune of active LUCK!

ANSUZ abo Znannya

The night at the stove passed calmly. To set off on the road at the gathering of the sun, Orsana and Wulf jumped in, since the Earth was still in darkness. Before leaving the oven, Orsana asked:

How can we sleep for the sake of the white runes?

How can I calm you down,” Wulf chuckled.

The boy took out the rune, placed it on the valley and showed it to the girl.

Do you know this rune? - having drunk wine.

I only know those called Anzus, - Orsana said. If you can, tell me about this sign.

This is a marvelous rune,” Wulf began his confession.

It was born from the element of Water, which gives inspiration to artists and artists. She is patronized by Loki - the god of Good and Evil at once, two-faced and secretive. Ale dbaet about this rune also ves rd Asiv. Old people tell that Odin created her song. As if it weren’t there, this rune resembles strong and powerful deities, and at the same time it anticipates that today we have wisdom and humility.


In just two years we will be consumed on the ground as a result of the captureor people from Zakhod. We need to be even more secretive in order to leave these parts of the way unmarked.

Is there no other road? - Orsana asked with fear.

Є, well, it’s a pity, we’ll add our price toa decade of days. Then, if we find a place for a new village, and our entire tribe follows us to the village, then we will choose a bypass road. But now we don’t have enough time, and we have to go at ease, even if it’s not safe.

“I’m afraid,” the girl whispered.

Calm down, rune will help us Anzus and the knowledge of how to roam in the forest, how to defy the intercession of Mother Nature and the ancient Song of our tribe.

I don't understand.

You'll smell it and you'll smell it.

Two years later, the stink disappeared. Nareshti Wulf made a sign with his hand that the time had come to stop. The mandrivniki hid behind the great oak tree on the hill and began to guard the village located near a small valley. From this shelter, this bag could be seen as if in the valley.

“This is the most unsafe place, if you can get around it, it will be easier,” said Wulf.

Ale yak tse zrobiti? Maybe it would be better to check for nothing?

The nights will be even worse, people from Sunset will have a strong night feelingWell, you need to earn it now. We are vikorist's hint from Runa Anzus. Remember, no matter what happens, you can save your steps and follow me.

Wulf sits under the great oak tree, taking out the teeming nozzle and starting to grate. At first the sound was quiet, then it began to build up and eventually became louder.

Orsan buv vezheniy. Out of fear, she flattened her eyes, because she was singing that the soldiers were hoarding them for their crap. She immediately pulled the pillbox up to her, flattened her eyes and shook Wulf, putting her finger to her lips and pointing to the village with her other hand.

What kind of health would it be if Orsana said that everyone was still alive?All the villages fell into a deep sleep. The dogs and other creatures fell asleep. Wulf rushed forward, hastening the girl with gestures.

The stench calmly passed through the village. No one ever raised their head. The silence was destroyed by the sleeping birds. The mandrovniks quickly moved away from the unsafe place. After just a few years, the girl decided to whisper:

How long will we be in unsafe territory?

We are long gone now. It will be fixed immediately.

Tell me, how did you earn this?

Tse znannya, Orsana, Znannya runi Anzus.


ansus, ansuz, os, os, as


as - most deity, rd gods - asiv, mouth (mouth)


Sore throat, sore throat, unsatisfied empty mouth. It colors the organs sensitively, the color for a sleepy migraine.

Rune potential:

Creative and mental manifestation of the Spirit.

Main authorities:

Creative thoughts, artistic inclination, educational value, practical knowledge, supportive and social benefits.

Rooney's message:

Get involved with nature to broaden your horizons.

Before bachuvane meaning:

Science, knowledge, generation of information. Successfully folds, mind. The gift of speech, public speaking, speaking. Negotiations, settlement of agreements and contracts. Sustainable activity, creativity, artistic talent, gift.

Magically frozen:

It helps to understand those that are beyond the boundaries of obviousness; It helps to make contact and remove support from the inner “I”. The process of negotiations, agreements and contracts will become easier. Activates magical energy, absorbs the extracted and rational knowledge.

Rune Anzus can help you:

- know the development and new ideas;

- reveal creativity and new talents;

- Enhance intellectual potential;

- Eliminate fearfulness and irritability;

- Recognize special and friendly relations;

- put in the effort to arrange correctly the energy of the body and thoughts.

Rune Anzus follow meditate, If you need to avoid the following types of food:

- What is knowledge for me?

- How can I wait until I start?

- Why am I a creative person?

What do my contacts with people look like?

- To what extent do I still vikorist my scum?

- What does the word “truth” mean to me?

- How do I expand my horizons?

Axle of butts of warehouse runes. They can be applied to the talisman or here they can be painted and sometimes marveled at the runes that go to them in their own prayers. Be careful in advance that you activate forces that can extort payment from you for your service. Don’t put the prostrate runes in your talisman.

(My thought is that these signs are closer to us than the Chinese hieroglyphs, like the ones that are painted on a lot of cars. I think that 99 percent of people don’t understand what is laid out in hieroglyphs, it’s absolutely beautiful. Acting Mavpas also deserve garni speech, but we are people, so let’s not forget about our roots. Otherwise, we will soon be living on a reservation on Novaya Zemlya, and Moscow will be called Moskaltown (madey inchinu). While the roots live, the tree grows. There is no root, there is no tree. And the Chinese tree has Chinese roots and Chinese roots, because the people support them, they need to be taken advantage of, and not go like zombies to their culture. Kozhen has its own tradition.)

"Usunennya pereshkod ta peremoga." Rooney activity, zakhistuі will.

"Winning a woman's heart." Rooney women, will the fireі paths, change.

"Successful development of skills." Rune gift, partnership.
Prosperity." Rooney zakhistuі nativeness.
"Rejoicing, increased vitality." Rooney change, kindnessі progress.
"Success." Rooney for freeі message, good luck.
"Dovgolittya." A magical warehouse rune that will ensure prosperity, health and longevity. It develops from Dagaz and Inguz. Rooney dayі nativeness.
"Love rune (for a man)." Rooney kinshipі fire of will.
"Love rune (for a woman)." Rooney messengerі fire of will.
"Imminent success (for those on the right)." Rooney pathsі molding, energy.
"Power to rozumu (strength to the spirit)." Rooney peopleі messenger.
The magical formula AUJA in this runic amulet adds happiness and good luck to your ruler. Runic connection, which consists of four runes of the formula - Ansuz, Uruz, Yaro and Ansuz.
This is not a love spell in its pure appearance, but rather it conveys the origin of a more subtle, emotional level, without coarse energetic connections. Working combination of runes - Teyvaz and Soulu on one stem.
LAUKAZ - the formula is translated as “wild cibul” (which was respected by the sacred tree and was respected by the great magical power, mainly of a dry, protective nature). Therefore, the talisman has a similar straightness of the bottom. Runic connection, which is formed from the runes of the formula - Laguz, Ansuz, Uruz, Kano, Ansuz and Algiz.
This dry spell generates raw powerful energies that are ideal for creating a passive dry barrier. As long as the energy is cast to spells, it will not be neutralized by the energy of the attacker. This energy bar is the most primitive, but also the most reliable. The working combination of runes is Thurisaz, Teyvaz, Thurisaz.
The spell allows you to quickly change the level of energy shots and “go” in the face of an attack that has begun. Effective when trying to steal energy or information through a break in permanent protection. Working combination of runes – Perth, Hagalaz, Perth in a mirror image.
The spell that operates behind the turning principle is that it combines the energy of the subject with the energy of the induced astral strike, thereby ensuring that the energy of the strike is absorbed without harm to the victim. The working combination of runes is the Teyvaz rune, straight and inverted.
This is the same dry spell that operates behind the principle of the mirror - whatever action is received directly and sent back without change. The working combination of runes is Isa, Kano, Hagalaz, Kano, Isa.
This is a spell that acts as a result of real insecurity in the physical world - an explosive conflict. The Teyvaz rune is applied to the front and back sides of the amulet.
The spells on the amulet will reduce the energetic vibrations of a large number of people present, giving the opportunity to escape or extinguish the conflict. Indispensable in negotiations and other critical situations. Fix it very quickly. The working combination of runes is Nautiz, Teyvaz, Nautiz (the Teyvaz rune is inverted).
A love rune is knitted to take revenge on the enchantress. I will ensure victory by achieving the Omrian mark on the love (and, in general, sexual) front. Folds with Teyvaz, Uruz and Gebo.
This formula was used to help Eril in his investigations. Working combination of runes - Evaz and Ansuz.
An amulet that takes revenge on this spell helps you reach the mark and ensure victory. The working combination of runes is Teyvaz, Soulu, Uruz.
All those that come first are less effective, as they are an element of competition. Working combination of runes – Teyvaz, Soulu, Odal.
GUD is a long-standing spell to preserve the human power of the ruler and bring him success and prosperity on the love front. The working combination of runes is Gebo, Uruz, Dagaz.
LAPU - “requested”, “inquired”. Indeed, one of the sacred words that entered the warehouse of the screaming proclions. It is often used in conjunction with other sacred words or runic spells. The working combination of runes is Laguz, Ansuz, Perth, Uruz.
ALU - “dedicated, magical power and strength, wisdom” The formula can play the role of a dry spell or enhance other formulas. The working combination of runes is Ansuz, Laguz, Uruz.
SAR - "mandrivka in search of strength." The working combination of runes is Soulu, Ansuz, Raido.
Name monogram. This option has Olga (OLGA). The monogram is made up of the runes Odal, Laguz, Gebo and Ansuz.
SLALU is an option that adds power and victory to the rune. The working combination of runes is Soulu, Laguz, Ansuz, Laguz, Uruz.
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