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Double-circuit gas boiler: the principle of operation, instructions and diagram

Cauldron scheme

Of all the models, which today are represented by the most opulent, the most popular are installations that work on gas. Explain tse dosit simply. Blakitne palevo - the found and most accessible energy product, for the help of which systems function, which work offline. Perevagy and the principle of operation of a double-circuit gas boiler are well known to fahіvtsy. Ale and zvichaynіy lyudinі tsya іnformatsija іdе аrе korisnoy.

Why does a double-circuit wall-mounted boiler with a closed chamber ignite like a model, where is the chamber closed? Where is it possible to vicorate double-circuit scorching systems? Yakim є attaching the described installation? About everything tse report.

All models as presented gas boilers, divided into two great groups - single-circuit and double-circuit. In the first place, one serpentine is spread out, which makes it less singed in the booth. Other outbuildings have coils, or circuits, two - one for scorching, and the other - for supplying hot water, which is used for plumbing needs. How are the contours cut in the middle of the installation? Power supply details allow a detailed description of the boiler's internal outbuilding.

The principle of robotic installation

The skin virobnik has its own design of the internal filling, which is described. And yet, they have one deep constructive solution - in the middle of the body there are two contours. The one who is accused of being singed, works behind a closed circuit. Water in the new circulating on the stake, passing through all the points of heating, installed at the place of the booth.

Heat-carrying, which collapses behind a closed circuit, does not consume another circuit. For tse vіdpovіdaє okremy valve. If a faucet with water is opened in the kitchen and bathrooms, the valve cuts off the access of heat to the scorching system, which ensures the supply of hot water to the HWP circuit. If the taps in the kitchen or in the bathrooms are creaking, there is a backwater.

In the meantime, all gas boilers may use the same technical equipment, and models in different types of boilers are only affected by more practical details. If you look at the folding schemes, then in the middle of the attachments there are three blocks. Tse heat exchanger, palnik and automation - the control system of the installation.

According to the principle of division, boilers can be divided into convection and condensation.

Perche, pale, burning, seeing a couple, as if through a dimochid, the names are shown. Other outbuildings have a different combustion chamber. Steam is taken from it, so that it additionally heats up and passes through the heat exchanger, which takes away all the heat that is seen.

Offending options may be like pluses, so minuses. For example, convection boilers have a simple design, which means that it is easier to use them. In addition, the stench is cheap for condensation models. The steam appears to be called surface, which means that condensate does not settle in the middle - excess moisture is unsafe for metal parts. But here corrosion does not threaten them. The products of combustion are named after additional natural draft, so it is not necessary to use ventilation installations.

The advantage of condensing boilers is that the stench allows the most efficient vicory to be blakitne pale. Through the presence of another chamber, the burning of the KKD is more pronounced in them in the second case, lower in convection boilers. Nestacha alone, but її it is necessary to obov'yazkovo vrakhovuvat. The steam in the middle of the installation is subject to continuous condensing. It is more possible when supplying good heat-bearing heat to the scorching circuit. Therefore, it is necessary to burn out the radiators for singing the booth due to the high heat output. It is best for which aluminum and bimetal batteries are suitable. Ale їх installation - on the right is stained glass.

Get respect! At the system, de victorious old chavunnі radiators, a condensing boiler is not efficient.

Cameri burning

Double-circuit wall-mounted gas boiler

The combustion chambers can also be of two types - open and closed. Why do they stink one by one?

With the robotic vіdkrytoї chamber, the burning of the fire, the necessary spitting of the fire, is taken from the place, de insertion of the boiler. Oxidation products are excreted over the top through dimohid. Therefore, such installations can only be installed in an okremu room, which is well ventilated. Otherwise, through marriage, a fresh wind will be attached to a nasty pracyuvatime. As soon as I sour, it’s not enough to show up, the fumes are more likely to be consumed in the middle of the place, which is even more unsafe for the health of that life of a person.

Get respect! The installation of gas boilers from an open chamber is only allowed in a clean room. For normal functioning, the unit needs a vertical dimar, building natural draft.

Close the cells to practice in a different way. Coaxial dimohyde is used, where the products of combustion are to be supplied with the help of primus draft, which is provided by an electric fan. Coaxial dimochid is a design, if one pipe is located in the middle of a larger diameter. Through the outside, it will be seen again in the middle of that process of burning, and through the internal products of the burning, the names will be shown. You can install such dimar in a straight line - both horizontally and vertically.

Similar attachment may have a number of advantages:

  • In the first place, it is not necessary to see the surrounding area, so the gas boiler can be installed in the middle of the house.
  • In another way, the efficiency of such installations is rich.

There is only one misfortune - without electricity, an electric fan is not practicable. And it means that the gas cauldron will not be heated for an hour when the light is turned on. Tse obov'yazkovo is necessary to vrakhovuvat.

Construction of palniks

Weisthaupt palnik design

The design of the palnik is indicative of the tightness of the unit. At gas cauldrons, they are installed in the chambers. Itself here one sees the burning of the fire, that vision of a great amount of heat. Oxidation products for additional thrust are named through dimochid.

Directly above the palnik, a heat exchanger is roztashovuetsya - єmnіst, where to know the heat-carrying. If the products of the mountain go uphill, straight into dimar, the stench heats the walls of the tank, the temperature of the water rises, and the water is drained through special pipes into the required circuit. The heat exchanger can be of two types. The most common vicorist are plate parts and bithermal constructions.

The plate heat exchanger is made up of two copper pipes and plates, reinforced with a special anti-corrosion storage. One pipe provides scorching, and the other - GWP. The plates between them give warmth to dovkіll.

The biothermal heat exchanger has a different design. One pipe of a smaller diameter fits into a pipe of a larger diameter. Less water flows, which is supplied to the GWP, and in the middle of pipes of a larger diameter, water passes for scorching. Such an attachment, in the mind of fakhivtsiv, is less than superfluous there, de yakist waters deprive the best of the best. And all that, step by step, a siege is established on the walls of the pipes, which clogs the interspace. Vіd tsgogo pristry ceases to be effective pracyuvati.

Podlogі and real models

The principle of the dії cauldron is rich in why to lie in order, in what variant of the vision of attachments. Modern boilers produce gas-fired boilers and natural gas boilers.

The choice of the wall-mounted variant of the truth is less for the singing furnishings:

  1. If there is a house or an apartment, for example, or a commercial premises, the area of ​​which does not exceed 200 sq. m.
  2. This is the total productivity of the GWP, which costs 14 liters per fluff.

Natural gas boiler ROSS AOGV

If you need food, you can buy a double-circuit gas boiler. Offensive options are represented by two different species. For sale, you can find a wall-mounted double-circuit boiler with a combustion chamber and a wall-mounted unit with a closed chamber. So it goes with sub-logic options. Chi є v_dminnosti at diї vsіh tsikh installations?

It is noted that the real boiler with a closed chamber is not bathed so often. The main thing is that the price is available and the energy supply is available. There, where the light often shines, this factor is the most important.

Most of the time, people buy the real option from a closed combustion chamber. The price of a new generation of opalous possession, as it appeared on the market recently. І to carry out such installations with the help of the rest of the technical developments.

The main advantage of this option is the presence of a folding electronic filling, as it improves the safety of boilers and simplifies their operation. But electronics are foldable, as practice has shown, they function poorly in Russian realities. She is afraid of the streak of the vice, which is blamed for the supply of gas, and also the low water quality is badly indicated on it.

Compact razmiri installations tezh shvidshe for minus, nizh plus. Only thin-walled tubes of small diameter can be placed in the middle of them. brudna water zab'є їх, and the installation of the viide is in harmony. To that fahіvtsі recommend choosing not the real boiler, but the sub-logic option.

Boilers with an open chamber burn vicorous heat exchangers. Tse zbіlshuє termіn ekspluatatsії I will add that step of superficiality of yoga roboti. Boilers from a closed chamber are most suitable for zamіsk houses.

Other parameters that should be added to the principle of dual-circuit cauldrons

The principle of dividing double-circuit boilers in different boilers can be challenged for the fluff of additional elements.

One of them is a boiler. Vin can also be installed in the middle of the body in the lower part. Pass the contour through it, which is the way for the GWP. Behind the principle of dії takі installations are deshcho vіdіznyayutsya vіd protochnyh models.

Main technical characteristics

Hot water for technical needs is supplied from the boiler itself. And if it ends, the flow system is turned on and works as described above. When the switches are switched on, the water is again accumulated in the boilers and there it is heated up to the required temperature.

Great value may and type of rozpalyuvannya installation. There are two options here:

  1. P'ezorozpal.
  2. Electrospraying.

To start the boiler, having a p'ezorozpalom, it is necessary to manually press the start button. The principle of the button is simple. In the installation, the pilot light is on, and the button turns on the gas shutter and ensures the supply of fire. There is only one plus to the choice of a similar model - її independence in the presence of presence and presence of light.

Minus more:

  • Firstly, in order to increase the temperature of the ignition gnat, it is necessary to burn it, which is the result of overheating.
  • In another way, if the pressure at the gas supply system changes, the note goes out, and the boiler will not work. The installation must be fired manually, but do not start it manually.

The electric fire has been completely switched on, including similar shortfalls, and to make the boiler energy-saving.

Uzagalnennya on the topic

A detailed description of the principle of dual-circuit gas boilers allows you to understand what the advantages of their operation are. The purchase of such units helps to save money on the additional water-heating installation - to turn on the other circuit when leaving the fret.

It is easier to replace a faulty circuit, to repair a similar autonomous circuit heating installation. You can turn on the two-circuit models and turn on the system, which works on the singed booth. Therefore, double-circuit gas boilers are more efficient and economical, lower analogue units.

  • Rules for installing a boiler house in a booth
  • Electric supply of a double-circuit gas cauldron
  • Vibir vіdpovіdnogo unit
  • Registration of documents for a gas boiler
  • Scheme for the installation of a double-circuit unit

To organize an autonomous gas fire at a private booth, at a summer cottage, or at a Russian apartment, you need the presence of special knowledge and self-sufficiency. But if there is no other way out, you can try to install it yourself. Let’s think back, that in order to maintain a normal temperature regime in a booth, due to the versatility of gas boilers, in our case, only one option is suitable - a double circuit. Vіn vykonuєtsya vyrobniki in 2 options - pіdloguyu and wall. If you do not have enough space to install the 1st option, then install the 2nd type unit. For a small private house, a larger gas boiler is an option for a sub-log - for a new need, you will see a small room.

Before installing a gas boiler, it is necessary to remove the allowance.

To install a gas combi boiler, you need a special permit. If you have enough cats, take them away. Try to install the boiler in the big sum fine. What is this setup?

Tse home boiler house that can have the following components in its warehouse:

  • double-circuit gas cauldron;
  • boiler;
  • automatic system of regulation of parameters;
  • subway thermostat;
  • power microprocessor.

Such a “reasonable” boiler has 25-60% less gas consumption, lower with a single-circuit system with manual or automatic heating (gas water heaters). Automatic control of tasks temperature regime and change heating to a minimum, as there is no one near the apartment.

Obviously, the two-circuit system has a shortfall: when the electrical supply is damaged, the robotic automation is broken, and the cauldron switches to the minimum heating mode. For usunennya tsgogo nedolіku treba zrobiti dodatkovі vitrati for the installation of an autonomous power supply system, which will be pointed out below.

Rules for installing a boiler house in a booth

Baby 1. .

Іsnuyut rules, zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno scorch cauldron is independent of that, chi zabezpeču vіn chi nі spozhivacha hot water, is guilty of buti installations in the okremy primeschennі (furnace). The area is not responsible for less than 4.5 m², and the height to the stele can be no less than 250 cm.

The latest duty of the boiler house is to blame but not less than 8-9 m².

For whomever you apply for shoes, you can have a ticket with a flat, or else I will have a different option. The width of the door opening of the firebox stone is to be changed by 0.9 m.

For normal air circulation in the boiler room, a deep, permanently open ear with a working web of 9 cm² and more than 1 kW of installation pressure is to blame.

Since a gas boiler may have a closed combustion chamber, the boiler rooms are subject to no standards. But all the same, it is necessary to do the apprehension of the significance of the greater number of roses. You minds are expanding and on the present water-heated Kazan.

Exhaust gas installations according to the names mentioned above are not allowed. Dozhina yogo horizontal part cannot be larger than 3 m and is not guilty of a mother more than three turns. The outside pipe of this outlet is to be installed strictly vertically and is raised by 1 m and more in relation to the conic of the roof.

In addition, to the material of the gas-engine system: wine is not guilty of reducing heat-resistant, chemically non-aggressive materials.

Figure 2. Scheme of connecting the GVP and cold water supply to an individual boiler house.

When installing a wall-mounted gas system in the kitchen, it is the fault of the installation of such minds:

  • the height of the bottom of the boiler (along the lower part) from the bottom is not less than 50 cm;
  • in the case of sublogs, the installation may be on the wall not less than 0.8 m (in the lower section);
  • under the cauldron stele there is a metal sheet of 1 m².

It is not possible to use asbestos-cement pipes for the introduction of smoke gases - CES fences the accumulation of materials of this type near the apartment. Depending on the tightness of the gas system that is being installed, lie across the vent pipe. In any case, it is not to blame for the smaller (beyond the diameter) of the outlet pipe of the boiler and the buti is not less than 120 mm.

When installing scorched pipes, it is necessary to trim their positive air, but it is not guilty, but more than 4-5 mm per 1 p.m. At the main point of the system, a replacement valve and expansion tank are installed. According to the rules, the opal system is guilty of allowing compression under a vice (up to 1.8 atm).

Turn to hell

Electric supply of a double-circuit gas cauldron

DBJ to allow the system to work for a definitive hour offline.

In this design, the microprocessor and the automatic control system save a little electricity, but for these purposes, they transfer the wiring from the automatic switch to the stream of at least 25 A.

For the organization of a backup system, you can win so the titles of the UPS unit from any computer. For an intensity of 1 kW, it is normal for a gas appliance automation robot to run for 12-18 years.

Turn to hell

Vibir vіdpovіdnogo unit

Basically, when choosing a gas boiler, it is oriented towards the tightness of the installation. It is impossible to overdo it, because when working, dripping condensate is established, which can fall into the heat exchanger or dimly at the sight of an acidic layer and damage the entire system.

If it is chosen correctly, then the temperature in the combustion chamber does not exceed 85-90°C. To orientate yourself in what nutrition, turn to fahivtsiv, or you can include such data (approximately).

The value of the installation pressure for the minimum/maximum temperature of the outside air (-25/-42°C), equal:

Scheme of connection of the expansion tank and the pump for the boiler.

  • one-room apartment near the middle part of the booth - 9/15 kW;
  • Kutove 54-60 m² block booth- 20/30 kW;
  • private sadiba with a total area of ​​up to 110 m² - 25/40 kW.

Intensity is indicated in the instructions of the gas boiler when looking at the shot, for example 12/18, the first number means the infamous intensity for average, normal minds, and the other - the maximum for quick heating of water in the boiler. Vіn vybiraєtsya in the fallow land according to the required amount of hot water, which goes into the house, and when installing a new system, the capacity of the boiler is to blame but not less than 150 liters. If you don’t use hot water in large spaces, you can fill up a boiler with a tank capacity of 50-100 liters.

Turn to hell

Registration of documents for a gas boiler

For full confidence, you can select the following documents:

  • papers on the possession of the boiler house for all the help;
  • technical passport of a gas double-circuit boiler;
  • a contract with a gas company for the supply of fuel;
  • documents for the license and certificate for the inlet valve of your installation;
  • papers about those changes in the plan of your booth (apartment), which will be broken down at the hour of installation of the unit;
  • application to the gas office for the project and specifications of your gas boiler;
  • a document about the call of a specialist for the installation and binding to the unit;
  • application for commissioning the system;
  • the installation of a gas service engineer about the attachment and allowed him to use a gas boiler;
  • a document with your signature, which speaks about those who know you about the rules of operation of your device.

Turn to hell

Scheme for the installation of a double-circuit unit

The bunker of a gas boiler with walls is unacceptable; therefore, the reinforcement of wall boilers does not require reworking and cannot be installed in a niche. After the installation of the unit to the wall, it is necessary to complete the piping: connect the gas line, drive the hot electric system. The work with the gas connection is the responsibility of a specialist, and the installation can be carried out independently.

Main type scheme The connection of a gas boiler to a dzherel vody (connection) is shown in little 1.

It is to blame for such minds:

  • at the heat exchanger, hot gases are to blame for collapsing at leaks, otherwise the boiler may vibrate;
  • do not confuse cold and hot pipes;
  • the unit may be superficially fastened;
  • all rosemaries of Dimar’s sweatshirts are due to confirm rozrahunkov’s danim or revisit them;
  • obov'yazkovo mayut buti vitrimanі all technological vіdstanі navko unit;
  • how heat-carrying zastosovuyt specially prepared water;
  • for emergency shutdown of gas under the cauldron, a valve is installed.

Before starting the system, take a close look at all the nodes and details.

For the presence of antifreeze in the scorching part of the unit, anger it and rinse the entire system with running water. Do not worry about coarse water filters - they are installed at the lowest points of the system. Do not forget, for example, during the opalescent season, to wash them with mud masks.

I’ll take the electric part of the boiler if a person is recognized in such robots. For robotics tri-core cable with a plug, and with the help of the boiler, install a socket for 220 V 32 A with grounding. Do not confuse zero and phase droti - the boiler will not work. To install the chimney flue, connect the pipe to the boiler and enter the name.

Connection diagram for a 2-circuit boiler.

Before the trial run of the unit, fill with water the scorching line of the boiler, injecting it into the electric supply. Open the valve at the lower part of the apparatus and close it when the pressure in the system reaches 0.9 bar. The filling of pipes with water is due to be carried out properly for the filling of pipes from the ventilation system.

Carry out a recheck for the tightness of all the units and the airflow of the coils at the water supply lines and the scorching, start the unit before it is turned on. Insert the plug into the socket. The thermostat relay must be set to maximum. The boiler is more efficient, if you set the jumper to the robotic mode at the right position. Qiu robot needs to be victorious under the control of a gas company practitioner.

For example, we will introduce the technology of installation of a double-circuit gas boiler in a small private booth of the same scorching scheme. Figure 2.

A complete list of the main details of the boilers looks like this:

  • cullet cranes - they are installed on the mains of cold and hot water on the scorching part of the system;
  • valves - stop at the outlet of the GWP. Basically, all refurbishment of the cranes is to be stopped for the refurbishment of various parts of the system during preventive robots or repairs;
  • water purification filters - stop the metal pipes for an hour, and just like when installing the plastic water pipe, then the filter will come to the water duct. For zahistu cauldron in the form of mechanical particles, put the part on the singed piping;
  • zgoni - vikoristovuyut for z'ednannya okremih parts of the system;
  • magnetic and gas filters - the first one protects the heat exchanger from the settling of scale, and the other cleans the gas flow from the saw and mechanical houses;
  • pressure gauge and zapobіzhnі valve on the vice at 3 bar g;
  • expansion tank for scorching;
  • special valve with bimetal sensor.

For zastosuvannya gnuchka corrugated hoses. A diagram of such a connection is shown in figure 3.

If in the combustion chamber, or if they are attached to the wall, all the plugs are removed by the fastening elements, as they are installed on the branch pipes, and a core filter is installed at the unit inlet.

Let's sweat at the yoga exits and install all the branch pipes of the culverts. The next operation is the installation of GVP circuits and Opal system. In front of the boiler, there can be installed a sump valve and a gas light, a gas alarm and a shut-off valve with a two-metal sensor. After the completion of the work, the doctor of the gas company calls, and you connect your cauldron to the system.

Double-circuit boilers are the most popular on the market today. Zumovleno tse impersonal factors. The most important of them are those that are attached, that there are two circuits, victorious functions. Reportedly, we will discuss what a double-circuit gas boiler is like. I will add the principle of work, as well as the connection diagram and the instruction for the operation of the torknemos. Tsya stattya pіdіyde tim, hto want to go into more detail about these nutrition.

Not a lot of general information

A double-circuit gas boiler, the principle of operation of which we can see at once, can cope with two tasks: first, the price of heating and maintaining the set temperature of the water for the scorching system, in another way, heating the nose for the use of domestic purposes. In this rank, your home is not only warm, but hot water. Tse i є suttєvoy vіdmіnіstyu vіdminnіstyu dvіdnіnіstyu vіd vіd аkogo іnshoy. It is possible to create a clumsy visnovo about those that in the design have two highly productive heat exchangers, leather for which they perform their function. In addition, a gas-fired double-circuit boiler may have different pressures. Current on the market є models from 12 to 35 kW. How much is sufficient for heating the great premises of 350-400 sq. Productivity of the majority of models is collected in the range of 8-12 liters per piece.

About the advantages of double-circuit boilers

It can be said with confidence that the transfer of these units can be much more, less short. At once we will look at all pluses. First of all, it's a matter of saving gas. Whom was far away to reach the wind of the current heat exchangers. To the point, she allowed the robot to operate the units completely silent, so the gas double-circuit boiler can be installed in any handy space. Dimensions zdebіshogo allow zdіysniti installation without any problems. If you don’t want to use the sub-logic option, then you can always install attachments on the wall, which is especially important for small apartments, de leather square meter respectful. The operation of the double-circuit boiler is almost autonomous, which is why it has a separate set (pump, ECU and safety system).

Trohi about cons

Nothing is eternal, so the very same is not ideal. A double-circuit cauldron may have a small sprat. First of all, it is impossible not to remember the waste of water at the cob stage. Let's take a look at a specific example. The axis of the vee increased the hot water, automatically generating additional heat. To drink, it is necessary to pump for about 30-40 seconds, fallow according to the brand of the boiler. Everything that goes off the tap before this hour is called a waste. I can say with great conviction that it’s not such a great nedolіk. If it is necessary to heat the nose for government purposes, then the gas double-circuit boiler works in flow mode without the possibility of accumulation. Let's give a demo and talk about those, like a power unit.

Double-circuit gas boiler: the principle of robotic

As it was appointed more, attachments can be practiced in some modes. Although a single-circuit cauldron is only used for scorching, a 2-circuit one can heat water, but it was already said about it. If it is necessary to heat the premises, then the principle of robotic work is in the offensive: nose, our water is in the water, go to the heat exchanger, which heats it up to the right temperature. The current range is around 35-85 degrees Celsius. The thermostat automatically starts the burning mode. It’s worth fighting if the temperature in the system drops below the norm. As a result, the circulation pump starts working, and it supplies water from the heat exchanger (heated forward) into the system. The pressure on the system is also protected, which is not guilty of falling below 0.5-0.7 bar. If necessary, the microprocessor sends a signal to the finger, which warms up to the required temperature.

Boiler operation principle: part 2

Ale, on whom everything will not end. When the boiler is switched on, it starts working according to the accrual. On the back to the minimum tightness, and the year goes to its maximum. If the gas-fired double-circuit gas boiler is heated at some stage up to the set temperature, then the unit will switch to modulation mode. As if the first time the pressure is turned on, it exceeds the permissible one, the microprocessor sends a signal to turn on the burner. Re-activation is charged for three times. The combustion chamber is metal and may have a special heat-resistant winding. Above it is a heat exchanger, under it is a palnik. The rest will be ignited exactly at the moment when the temperature of the nose at the system drops and it is necessary to heat the water. At the same time, the circulation pump is turned on in the robot, shouting to pump water through a closed system. When the set temperature is reached, the gas-fired double-circuit wall boiler switches to the recovery mode. In some models, the palnik burns, but at a minimum, in others it is rotten and sleeps when gas is supplied.

More trohi about the features of robots

In order to prevent the nose from getting into another circuit, the vicorist valve is used. In this way, it was possible to achieve the supply of heated water from the boiler to the system through one line (which is supplied) and turning through another (turn). Varto pay respect to those who have a gas boiler, a double-circuit gas boiler, with such a rank that they are worn on a stake, not filling up. The first heat exchanger needs to be installed. The other one needs to take water from the pipeline. As practice shows, the weariness of the nose most often overwhelms the best. For the sake of simple reasons, install filters in front of your nose, as if you are removing the inconsistency of the day. If the circuit is broken, then the boiler can be put into heating mode. In this manner, you will not sit in winter hour at the cold apartment chi budinka.

About those how the GWP system works (hot water supply)

Yakshcho switch gas boilers singed on the wall double-circuit in the summer mode, only the heating system is functional for auxiliary needs. In fact, the batteries will be cold, and hot water will come out of the tap. The principle of robotics here is even simpler. change your station and close the line of scorching, or turn the path to the secondary heat exchanger, where and direct nose. If water passes through the nose, it heats up and is consumed directly into the hot water supply circuit. The process starts from the start of the relay, the contacts of which are switched off when the water is running over 2.5 liters. From the microprocessor, a command is given to open the burner, and then the gas valve is opened step by step. The tension grows stronger. Let the device switch to the mode of smooth temperature regulation. Warto respect that the gas boilers are scorched on the wall, double-circuit in the presence of the ventilators in such a way that the burner flickers when the set temperature is exceeded by 5 degrees, and turns on when the temperature is lowered by 1 degree.

Gas-fired double-circuit turbine boiler: advantages and disadvantages

The essence of the work of turbo models lies in the fact that the supply is repeated for the process of burning gas, and also the introduction of combustion products is carried out for the assistance of a blown fan. In this direction, there are a pair of windings of small diameter. Process vіdbuvaєtsya one hour. Burning products come out in the middle, And the necessary support for the mountain of kisen, now, goes to the boiler. The fans are mounted in the middle of the boiler. Ale varto turn your respect that primus stoves are suitable for power units no more than 30 kW. If you win, then the stench is obvious, there is no need to dimar. There are two trumpets at the top, one of great diameter, the other of a small one. The first vikoristovuetsya for serving sour, the other - for the introduction of products of burning. Ale and nedolіki here є, rich in the fact that gas boilers of double-circuit scorching may have a more foldable design, and far from being able to grow a dirka in the wall. Let's look at one more important point.

Instructions for use

Here it is foldable to give specific recommendations, it is understood that recommendations are made in the skin foreman. Ale є kіlka zagalnyh rules, yakі it is necessary to follow for the normal operation of the boiler. First, between the pipeline and the heat exchanger, there is a special filter. So from, periodically, it is necessary to clean the chi minyati. How often do you dare, find out from your passport. One more help is to follow the vice of the system. Most often it can fall below 0.5-0.75 bar. If it’s a lower indicator, it’s necessary to add water to the system, if it’s more, now, lower the number of noses. Most often, there are two valves, as well as a pressure gauge that shows a vice. If the arrow is near the green zone, then everything is fine. There is one trick, which helps to change the amount of scale in the system. Polyagaє in order not to increase the temperature of the wearer more than 45 degrees Celsius. When moving, there is a breakdown of salts and other elements that make up the alkaline coating.

Scheme of a double-circuit cauldron

Let's talk about those, how to connect attachments correctly. Most of the time, this is done by professionals, but if you did it yourself, then you won’t see anything without singing knowledge. First, a double-circuit gas boiler, the principle of operation of which we have already looked at, can transfer a mechanical filter at the entrance. Bazhano in front of the installation of a faucet on the gate of the boiler. It is not necessary to fight so that it would not be necessary to import the system when the unit breaks down. After that, a boiler is installed without intermediary, communication is provided, so that water supply, gas, and also install for the introduction of combustion products and the supply of sour. At any time, the launch of the system is under the control of the gas service. Do not forget about those that the gas boiler is a double-circuit gas boiler, or the real one is guilty of installations strictly for equal.


If you choose to install the attachment with your own hands, then you will definitely need a scheme for a double-circuit gas boiler. Most likely, you can pay and trust the right professionals. We appreciate it, if you are on the right side with vibro-unsafe gas, this may be a turn that can lead to serious consequences. Axis, in principle, and everything on this topic. Now you know how a double-circuit gas boiler works. Instructions for use are required to be read, even if you can to the right with serious possession. Moreover, if you do not read the relevant documentation, you may not know the important moments and "fail" the guarantee for attachments, after which, in the event of a breakdown, you will get stained money.

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